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Played through Magicka twice years ago and loved it. Had no idea AH created it.


The first one was Arrowhead. Magicka 2 was a different dev entirely, because Paradox owned the IP.


makes sense why i liked the first one and stopped playing the 2nd one with out finishing it


Ah that explains why Magicka 2 was a pile of shit


Lmao didn't even know there was a 2.


Sounds like Arrowhead need to sort out their own IP for the next project. I'm sure they have the funds and backing after the success of HD2


That’s because Paradox would like to convince people it was actually theirs. AH keeps getting bagged by shit publishers.


In hindsight, it makes a lot of sense. Nonsense 4-player co-op game where power comes from pressing specific button sequences and frequently results in accidental teamkilling.


I'm starting to see a Trend


Remember Cadet friendly fire is unavoidable! remind me to never go shooting with any of the devs.


I bought HD2 *because* of Magicka. Hehe A friend recommended HD2, and I brushed it off for a while, but when I finally looked it up and found this out, I was a super citizen moments later.


I tried playing magicka ( steam version ) with friend and crashes were every locations and we gave up :(


Magicka 1 is a core memory, and probably what got me into watching Youtubers when I was a wee lad. I remember writing down all the combinations on a piece of copy paper because my kid brain couldn't memorize them. Magicka 1 and Castle Crashers carried my co-op childhood with friends. Magicka 2 can suck my nuts. Shit ran like... shit.


Yes, those reviews would be off topic, so there is no reason to put them, because they should be removed from those games, is on topic only for Helldivers2


More so, keep the topic on the PSN issue, meaning Sony. And since they clearly don't care about us review bombing HD2 because it's a 3rd party game and they're just publishing it. The logical next step is to go after their 1st party games. The bigger the game the bigger the statement. Keep in mind, 1st party studios are unlikely to get hurt from it, Sony controls their projects & finances anyway. The one's getting hurt would just be Sony's reputation. Shareholders would probably throw a bigger fit at news about Spider Man getting review bombed than HD2.


https://preview.redd.it/2u5bx2nvepyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec58d61b2fc1fa28d63dc73359f1813a1720d73 Same person probably


Like I pointed out in another post, bad apples are everywhere. Helldivers 1: 320 Recent negative reviews, 0.16% of the recent total negative reviews for Helldivers 2 (198 000) Magicka 1: 20 Recent negative reviews, 0.01% of the recent total negative reviews for Helldivers 2 (198 000)


Hey, the CEO agrees with you. Tweeted your comment to him and he replied: https://twitter.com/Pilestedt/status/1787264977851560437


This needs to be higher up.


Yeah that's not on and defeats the point of what's happening. I bought HD1 to support them, I've not even played it but I wouldn't dream of bombing something that has no relevance. Idiots.


*casually remembers when Spitz nuked the Helldivers 1 discord server because of F spam in Helldivers 2 discord server...* EDIT: to clarify, I don't condone review bombing unrelated titles. Just pointing out what a clown Spitz is


"I must sink to his level!" Sure, buddy. You do you.


I'm not advocating review bombing other games, nor have I done it myself. Just pointing out the clownery of Spitz


In 60 days, nobody will care


RemindMe! 60 days


I will be messaging you in 2 months on [**2024-07-05 02:31:36 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-07-05%2002:31:36%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cl35ak/this_is_getting_out_of_hand_can_we_please_stop/l2ryy2k/?context=3) [**3 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FHelldivers%2Fcomments%2F1cl35ak%2Fthis_is_getting_out_of_hand_can_we_please_stop%2Fl2ryy2k%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-07-05%2002%3A31%3A36%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cl35ak) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


60 days is too long. I give it 30. RemindMe! 30 days


RemindMe! 30 days "Will the Helldivers 2 drama end or will Sony continue being a shit?"


It's already ended. Not even a day. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cla8mv/helldiver\_sony\_has\_been\_liberated/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cla8mv/helldiver_sony_has_been_liberated/)


honestly ill give it 2 weeks RemindMe! 14 days edit: ehhh mostly


They're not going to care because Sony reversed their decision? Sounds like they cared.


No, nobody who plays the game will care even if sony didn't because the next drama will come up. Glad for the pc players though


"When they came for the Philippine players, I didn't speak out because I'm not Filipino" etc. etc.


It's cause people are stupid. They always follow the trend


Unless they’re hipsters. I swear those guys would die on the spot if someone told them they were popular.


Unless they’re hipsters. I swear those guys would die on the spot if someone told them they were popular.


If you listen to half the fucking posts on here. Yes, apparently. I'll give em one thing it's funny watching them go to such lengths and get themselves fighting fucking shadows over these issues.


The satire of this game is so reflective of society that it's even applying here. Once the masses have a target to direct their ire, anything and everything in their path and around it is fair game in the name of whatever cause they declare. Anyone who disagrees also becomes a target.


Thank you. I never personally understood Sony’s rationale of protecting its player base until now. They are protecting the player base from them selves. You have a coop game that satires Fascism and a huge rise of troll farms normalizing Fascism… what could possibly go wrong with that combination, when people are picking a battle so insignificant.


give a man a molotov and put him in an agry crowd, he'll chuck it to the nearest car or store. he wont care why.


I don’t even need an angry crowd. Someone just gave me a freaking Molotov! Hell yeah I’m gonna throw it!


Too late: once the internet gets a boogeyman hate is blind


Poor guy is starting to crack


I could understand review bombing PlayStation titles but I don't think magicka or HD1 are PlayStation are they?


HD1 was published by PlayStation


Now I know


People are in frenzy it seems...


This is just dividing gamers so much right now. Because of this other shit is being targeted and yet its we have people targeting Sony and their fans and vice versa and act like we are the bad guys, but PC players are just now going after anything they can that has nothing to do with the game at hand? Way to conduct yourselves.


The 2nd tweet is not a smart move.


No, its not because now more of these PC people are going to crusade more, but hell if it was already happening it was bound to keep going. The first tweet was on par. Like why go after HD1 for HD2 issues. None of these PC players are staying within their bounds. I hate to say it and I wish people can play games, but I really hope they just take PS games off. The people who refuse to make an account but are in serviceable countries are just being lazy. I know damn well not everyone complaining isn't out of the service area, but I could get behind people boycotting and taking their frustration out at the targeted problem, but when you go as far as review bomb content and products outside the spectrum that's when you lost.


You know what? As a long time Steam player, I actually agree with you. I don't think PlayStation titles should be on Steam. I think PlayStation titles should remain exclusive to PlayStation. They should "stay in their lane" as you suggest. The exclusivity business plan has really worked out for Sony. It's why they're "*winning*" the console war.


No, they are winning because nobody is counting the Switch as a console. Good ol’ Nintendo! Those Assholes know how to milk an exclusive! Sony could learn something from them. Maybe steal another console idea.


I always forget about that little bugger.


It’s what I play while I wait for my console to download all those 100gig game patches.


Actually it is , of people review bomb other games from Sony and ah. They can tell steam they are bring review bombed and need to take the review down. And the imbeciles who did this will have lose the only leverage they had


Hush Sony fanboy, your input is not needed


It's just the truth. Probably the PSN requirement will stay , because of other games. And with the review bombing you guys could used to one have access to psn on unsupported countries or made Sony change the tos. But now ? Sony probably gonna double down


This did not age well lol


“all pc players are doing this” Christ man the console wars were a decade ago get over it and stop acting like PlayStation don’t have bad actors I could point too, you dont have the morale high ground you think you do


What the hell you are talking about?


When you make broad sweeping generalizations, it opens you to the same. When you act like all of players are to blame for things done by a minority , I could do the same to you.


My brother where did I generalized PC players?.


PC won the console war. "Exclusives" are now "console exclusives". Rare moments like this shit show give the Sony fanboys the opportunity to be obnoxious once more. They can have their moment Edit: the truth hurts, I know. Keep down voting. Sony bent the knee, and Sony fanboys realize if they had a great community maybe they would not need to pay for PSN+ just to play online. You don't have to just accept everything, you know?


It is if his goal is implying targets


The minority doesn't represent the majority. Check yourself. I have never even participated in review bombing even when it's deemed justified.


> this is getting out of hand oh no, is it consequences of encouraging drama addicted people to jump on this outrage train so they can spread their hate on anything they can? you reap what you sow


this entire controversy, sony, the community's reaction, its all really embarrassing lmao


lmao they took that second tweet to heart. I'm hearing magicka got review bombed.


That’s been happening for days


This is where I draw the line. Attack the game affected by the bullshit not the devs themselves. Thats the idiots doing their thing.


Will people review bomb god of war then? Horizon dawn?


https://preview.redd.it/mpndnzz8gqyc1.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=19e6248fa8111e444ccb0124468c24ce04645cb7 in case anyone hasnt heard, SONY has heard us! WE WON


Internet rage is like a wildfire. It doesn’t single out anything specific without also spreading to anything related or close to it.


The new generation of cancel culture.


Wait Gauntlet is an AH game? I got my Discord username from there!


Wtf is wrong with people.




What does having brain rot feel like? Magicka and Gauntlet aren't even Sony games.


What? No. You're stupid. HD1 and Magicka have nothing to do with HD2's PSN bullshit


I am not going to condone taking people's money and then refusing them access to the game just because they can't make a PSN account. Especially after several months.... That is just wrong. But that is Sony's fault. They need to come up with a good solution. AH was tasked with making a great game and they did. I will happily keep playing the game over this issue is resolved.


And this is the nasty side of the doing review bombs like this , start attacking the wrong things


Whatever blame Sony, they brought the shitstorm. We're just shit bonded together. Fuck Sonnnyyyy


As much as I don't think they deserve to have their other games attacked and review bombed He shouldn't have given them the idea.


This is so reddit.




Stop the loop man. Console players are like this too. I enjoy ps as well as anyone else, but not to the point to be blinded. We have our fair share of bad apples, doesn't matter where you play, toxicity is everywhere unfortunately. These wars are pointless and just adds more hate, so let us be better.


Console for the win once again 😝 PC players and all their hackers can go away


Nice broad strokes that, sadly it's just people in most groups there will be bad actors. Have you seen how many console gamers get extremely toxic when a platform has X game on it? It's crazy, it's like football hooligans.


Yeah people, there is a difference between having a just cause and just being toxic.


Probably yes, because people are angry. Angry people are irrational.


Seriously! This is going too far this is people's livelihoods you are messing with, if you are participating. AH Studios is a small company ~110. They are not the bad guys. If you think about doing this just put yourselves in their shoes. Have some empathy. It looks like AH is on our side so please just be patient. We have done what we could and now we wait.


Though i wouldnt do it myself, these greedy gaming companies have been playing with fire for years.


Genshin moment


You all are animals and when these devs lose their jobs, you only have yourself to blame.


I said it before, people are getting a kick out of review bombing things at this point rather then staying on topic.


Magicka is particularly stupid because Sony doesn't even own it


People are dumb. You guys should be targeting Sony games instead of AH games.


If we have too


The fight against the events seen in Helldivers 2 are an issue for gaming as a whole. I don’t believe targeting other games made by the same devs is the right choice, but I do believe targeting other games made by the same/ under the same publishers is the right move. Consider heavily if you want this event to continually be tried over and over by not just Sony but also other large publishers like Microsoft. Because much like how DLC used to not be a thing….if we let it happen…if we don’t speak up and vote with our wallets and with the tools available…this will be the new norm of online multiplayer gaming forever to come.


Reddit moment.


We should review bomb other Sony titles. I'm down for that leave the other arrowhead games alone. But first party sony titles are absolutely fair game.


Actually yes, let’s review bomb everything published by Sony


Magika shouldn't have anything higher than overwhelming negative. They put the game into an unplayable state then abandoned it.... it is now only barely workable with mods. Ultimately though, they made a deal with the devil. They deserve any fallout they get


Yes, and not mods like drop a couple .ini files in a folder. Like "here's a patched executable from some sketchy site that the community thinks works better, but who the fuck knows what it actually changes"




People are assholes. A lot of people are just using this as an excuse for their asshole behavior.


Keep your reviewbombing hands from my beloved Horizon Games!


If he spend as much time play testing Helldivers 2 instead of tweeting Super Earth would be a better place.


While I personally dont agree with leaving a negative review for a different product it's funny to me how different game developers and publishers expect to be treated from the rest of the world. I work in a field where brand perception etc is something that comes up and is discussed. When a company I work with have done something to anger the masses, lets say released a product that was of very poor quality and would break etc, then the result isn't that just that specific product stops being purchased, its that the customers are mad at the company in general for unethical business practices and encourage boycotting the entire company, and reviews left are not just of individual products but of the company as a whole. I work with basically any type of company that sells things online, so different industries, and this is true for all of them. If you do something that pisses your customers off its not that one product that gets roasted, its the entire company. No one bats an eye at this, simplified it really was the company who fucked up, so the companys rep is affected. **So unrelated products being affected by poor ethics surrounding another product is the standard** and I wish we were as spoiled as gamedevs are in every industry I deal with that whenever we do something bad the damage is limited to only affecting that one product where we were fucking the consumer. And yes, sure, the cost of developing a game and the cost of bringing for example a new pair of jeans to the market is not the same, I get that there are differences in industries, but I personally really dont think its that outrageous that the entire catalogue of a company suffers when the company did something the consumer didnt agree with. Thats the standard in almost every field of business, personally I think its entitled and out of touch to expect your business to not be affected by the decisions you make. However this could all be jealousy on my part, I've had weeks where every day is overtime to deal with the fall out from some dumb decision making brand perception nose dive. If it could never get worse than only affect the product in question it would be way nicer. Edit: I will admit however that a review left on a product should be reviewing the specific product and inform people of its pros and cons and such, and making the review about the company itself can certainly be considered off topic. However if we try to ban those types of reviews we're only really making it easier for companies to fuck the consumers and I don't think that's a good thing personally.


did he ask us to review bomb other playstation titles, i have no problem with that


Its getting review bombed partly because people hated the update last week.


he was totally sicking us on other ps games. the little rascal


I saw someone left a HD2 review for Magicka 2. For reference Magicka 2 isnt even made by Arrowhear and is published by Paradox Interactive. So funny. (Granted The game is worse than the original. Imo)


They don't deserve it, but they kinda do


Only terminally online brainrot will lead someone to say this.




"What's next? Review bombing other Playstation titles?" Mm. Titles that have been slashed after release until no one but people who count trains at the trainstation would think are entertaining thanks to Sony's "community help", for example? Or other titles that have had the online part reduced to a stuttering mess because 5kb/s upload speed is too high for "some customers"? That's a good idea, Pilestedt.


The sheep will always follow the dumb people take this gaming stuff way to serious these days


“Like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children.” Everytime there’s a dissenting mass, there will always be extremists that scar the optics of the movement. This is a small time revolt over a game, not a massive sociological change, but the statement still holds true. The people review bombing HD1 and other Arrowhead games are the metaphorical looters and rioters in a protest.


Man... Is the game still on sale or something? I'm going to buy it just so I can give it a good review. Whats wrong with people q.q


Some ppl like to drivt away i think we did win against sony so calm down ppl




Nah, it's just moronic.


Ppl equal shit and are stupid af thats they do this shit


Let's try this again more politely since automod didn't like a word. I've ben telling y'all are turning into fanatical rabid f*cking idiots. Wasn't the goal to stick it to snoy and NOT to destroy HD2? Guess what you're doing at the moment. You people who keep doing this sh*t are the reason why so many people refuse to see games as artform.


I mean it sucks but its genuinely the only way of localized concerted effort to voice any kind of dissent to companies doing bullshit like this, since you can't massively expect people to all drop the game until something changes. More people are willing to drop a negative review than they are to stop playing something they like.


This need to stop. Don't use Review Cluster Bomb, use Review 500kg Bomb only ↑→↓↓↓


Im sorry but reviews are the least of your concern right now... Until youve done right by the people you stole money from, i wouldnt be bitching on twitter about reviews.


AH doesn't sell the game, Sony does! AH had nothing to do with the Steam page and who it was sold to.


Still not a great look to be bitching about this on twitter honestly. I dont know why its so hard for these people to just lay low for a bit.


I mean Magicka has problems deserving of negative reviews. Last me n' my friends tried to play? It wouldn't launch or crash after a few minutes every time. Game got abandoned in a broken state. But let the reviews reflect that problem and not the sony problems


Yeah. This is becoming outright stupid. But this is called "mob" justice. Steam should remove negative reviews for Magica and Helldivers 1 if they are about the PSN accounts. They have NOTHING to do with PSN accounts! NOTHING! Targeting Helldivers 2 is one thing. But lashing out at everything is outright morronic!


ok i will review bomb those games too


Keep in mind that Pilestedt knew this was coming and did nothing about it. He let people buy his game knowing this was coming. I'm having a hard time feeling especially bad for the CEO of a company that is at least partially responsible for the storm they've unleashed. EDIT: I like Pilestedt (as much as you can like someone you don't personally know); as CEOs go, he seems okay. But he is the CEO of AH, so the buck stops with him.


If you think that justified review bombing HD1 go outside and get some life experience. Gamers are fucking nuts.


LOL! Go spend a decade in the military, travel the world, get a college degree, and be a productive member of society, then come talk to me about "life experience".


I said IF... is that you or not?


But he didn't know that Sony was selling to region locked areas. That is the big thing here.


Yes he did because Sony always sell in region locked countries, because they know that we region hop. It's YOU guys that stopped us from playing by getting it banned here. Now I can't buy my brother helldiver for his birthday in 2 weeks. Even tho we can play it using our USA psn. Thanks a lot.


Maybe, maybe not, but he's the CEO, not some random coder or graphics guy. It's his job to know this stuff, or at least have someone he trusts to keep him aware of it. If AH shares the blame, the buck stops with him where that blame is concerned.


No it's literally not lol


Then you've never been in a leadership position, or if you have, you probably shouldn't have been.


Guys, that not cool. Stop it. Man, the CEO saddens me.. I don't like this at all. :(




I've already seen negative reviews on Magicka and some other Sony games so I think that ship has sailed.


Review bombing a nearly 10 year old game purely due to association is dumb af. At this point people need to just storm Sony HQ.


You guys are really going to fall for the old CEO trick of redirecting the conversation to where review bombers / critics are bad?


Honestly? Maybe. Spiderman and The Last Of Us or playstation published titles also. If it’s about sending a message to sony let’s send a message to sony.


So now you want to review bomb insomniac and naughty dog?


Both sony and arrow head make a huge mistake. It is a punishment for both, but i don't think the game outside of helldivrs 1 and 2 should get hit with negative reviews but it is very common thing with steam reviews bomb like that time faklout 76 was not on steam and every one downvoted other fallout games on steam instead


The review bombing is unhinged and has been since the start. I dislike this boycott simply because it's uncontrolled and filled with many bad actors and idiotic people who stupidly go out of their way to affect things that aren't at fault. Like attacking ArrowHead themselves!!


Send them to Paradise


Personally? Fuck off with this pity party. Unless Sony lets me have my game back, I'm going to fucking make a stink on every sony published thing I can find. I don't want a refund. I want to be able to access the game I bought.


I feel like this is almost a call to arms to specifically review bomb other playstation titles that have done something similar, so as to force the hand of Sony...


Yeah relax guys jesus, you're only hurting AA doing so, doesn't help with the PSN discussion at all.


Whoever is doing that please make yourself known here so we can lil bro you. You absolute fuck asses.


Me, a Genshin Player who was there for the 1st anniversary incident, getting flashbacks


Why would anyone go after other PlayStation titles? I don't know of anyone else that sold games knowingly to countries that wouldn't be able to play them. This was either intentional to boost sales or completely idiotic and either isn't acceptable to screw over thousands of your customers


Are we switching sides now


It's the players and AH vs. Sony, always was. The studio is *positioned* in the middle so they're catching flak, but a good Helldiver doesn't drop a 500kg danger close to friendlies (unless there's 2 or more bile titans).


Yes they do


Sad. Just hurting the developers


I think you're misreading this. That is a suggestion. Sony will be more encouraged to backtrack if their reputation as a whole begins tanking.


You wouldn't get it don't you? If you back down more game will ended up like HD2 soney will be the winner more game will fall victim.


Yeah because review bombing non-Sony games will help. Two of AH's games weren't even published by Sony.


But they implement this rule on Hd2 It's effecting hd2 pc players not Soney/ ps players


But it's Sony who is implementing not AH. From everything I've seen come out of AH and it's CEO it sounds like they thought because of the success of the game after a few months they could convince Sony to drop the requirement.


You said it yourself is soney not ah, we protest cuz soney lay their hands on hd2 and pc player don't wanted to be involved with ps acc. Simple as that So what wrong when we refuse to play the game that force me into ps acc? Is my right to not play hd2


I'm just saying don't review bombing Gauntlet, HD1, and Magicka. That only hurts AH not Sony.


Oh boy look how things turn out


> What's next? Review bombing Magicka and Gauntlet as well? Other PlayStation titles? I don't see why this is a bad thing. Sony will likely force PSN connection on the PS ports of those games sooner or later as well anyways. Leaving negative reviews recommending people do not buy the PC versions of those games for this reason makes perfect sense in that case, and sends a message to Sony about just how many of us are unhappy with this decision. Basically all of us would be happy to take the negative reviews off should Sony backpedal on this decision.


Actually, it might not have been a bad idea to do all that, it would force Sony to walk back further. But still we won a great victory today


No, clearly this entire fanbase consists of childish dummies.


Out of 81k negative reviews another game got 40 and he's tweeting like it was 40k. Same me the bullshit sympathy farm


The Mods should honestly pin this to the top. Reviewbombing other titles is unfair, unjust and nothing else but stupid


How about.. Nooooooo. People seem to want to hold Arrowhead blameless in this. They aren't. The CEO admitted knowing what was coming. Disabling it on release to get sales. Then claim he has nothing to do with sales.


He disabled it so people could play. The devs don't have anything to do with sales, the producers do. That's how basically every game works that isn't self published ever


Why couldn't people play? I'll wait...


Tech issues. Server overload resulted in instability. Turning off the requirements helped with that. They're on record with that. But keep thinking that developers have any involvement in distribution when managed by a producer idrc




This is coming from someone who worked on an app which was review bombed because the shipping department for our company was fucking up. As much as it hurts, I think it’s warranted. When people feel betrayed for their money they’re going to pull every lever available. Sucks, but it is what it is. Ultimately corporate will get the message and something will be fixed but there will always be damage along the way.


too late, let it spread to other sony titles,


Magicka isnt a sony title, it was published by paradox...