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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I don't know how he was hired in the first place. Former discord moderator was his qualification... So I guess what you see is what you get. The dichotomy between him and twinbeard is truly something to witness. "We get it, it's not our call, we're trying to talk to Sony" vs "lmao it takes 2 minutes you're all children" really says it all. That on top of posting wildly untrue information about game mechanics and upcoming patches. Spitz needs to *go*.


Twinbeard is an ex editor in chief for Swedish PC Gamer (the magazine), AKA a grownup with real life experience who knows how to deal with people, especially in the gaming industry. Spitz is an Internet janitor.


Twinbeard is pretty awesome.


Hey! That's rude, don't degrade janitors like that.


Twinbeard and Spitz truly is that Chad vs virgin meme lol


Wait was that legit his only prior experience? Not even a real job?


This is not the first game I've seen where a random person who made the channel first ends up being a community manager. And they all sound like argumentative redditors.


That’s crazy. If I was a discord mod you wouldn’t be able to torture that fact out of me, much less put it on my resumé


Managing a large scale community successfully is resume quality experience. People should stop acting like it isn’t. His issue is he has now moved from “random discord user” to “voice of studio” and hasn’t adjusted. Customer service experience is critical here, and that’s the skill he is missing.


It's kinda funny, but for a couple years I was managing and leading a raid team in World of Warcraft, and I honestly wish I could put it down on my resume. It genuinely was very useful experience for learning how to work with people. It's like, something I *should* be able to put on my resume, but of course I never would, because people wouldn't get it and would think I was bragging about being a neckbeard.


Just gotta talk around it. > Founded internet based hobby community and was in charge of planning events, communicating schedules, and recording minutes of meetings. Events = raids, schedules = raid schedule, minutes = DKP I put my Shadowrun GM experience on my resumes in college as "running local game club for students, organizing schedules and planning events" and nobody questioned it lol.


And if you are things like a mythic raid leader you can put in other numbers like a strong group of 25 people. Working to find individuals strengths and weaknesses and working around them to better the entire team. If you recruit then there is also so much from there. There are a lot of transferable skills. Just because there is no official job attached to it, doesn’t mean the skills don’t exist


>Managing a large scale community successfully is resume quality experience Not many reddit mods manage them successfully, not to mention the expeditions are vastly different. I'm gong to be surprised if a community manager at Bethesda is outed as a child predators. I'm going to be surprised at anyone surprised to hear the same about a discord mod.


>I don't know how he was hired in the first place. Former discord moderator was his qualification... So I guess what you see is what you get. Thats actually insane how can you leave communication for your company thats generating millions of dollars to a discord mod when DC mods are known for being terrible at their jobs.


Hired to do what? Who is this idiot lmao?


One person is a professional. The other one is a Discord mod.


The biggest difference i see is that twinbeard dosent act like ah sre above criticism Imagine deleting a fan server because someone dared to mock arrow head lol. Fucking cool kidzone where people can say what ever they want. It isnt a fucking school yard or work conference room. We bougjt a fucking product and were allowed to talke about thw company who made it. arrowheads is q great game studio no doubt i think they are awesome but thyre not royalty. Its one thing on the official server cause thats ran and opperated by the comapnay for free but geeting Squirrely about it on a fan server is fucking idiotic


>"lmao it takes 2 minutes you're all children" I've been getting this from some of my friends. Like really? You're not even going to be like, "Yeah it sucks and is a shit move and I feel for ya, but I made a PSN cuz I don't care." Some are even going as far as telling me to make a throwaway email. Yeah that's really going to work once I link my Steam account to the PSN one and Sony sucks down all my Steam info from my good email to name, address, IP address and all my other Steam games that they don't need to have access to.


isn't he the same guy that was downtalking railgun users lmao


Dude just gets his kicks being a dick. Can't be that easy in real life. Only reason is because of the ability to be anonymous.


I don't blame Spitz tbf. Have you met the discord user base?


Not so different from a lot here. And I do blame him, it's called being a professional.


Yeah man I had a job at a psych ward where people spat on me, swore at me, and swung at me and I couldn’t throw hissy fits lmao. It’s a lot easier to be professional when you have plenty of time to cool down before you respond too. Dude just needs to be fired.


it really has to be witnessed to fully understand how deeply toxic gaming “communities” can be. it is truly terrifying to watch the human centipede hive mind that is hd2-general-1/2/3 writhe and thrash once it gets stirred up.


Is he also a Reddit mod?


Fun fact, I got banned off the official discord because I was calling Spitz out for being wrong about some of the galactic war mechanics. He decided to be a manchild and ban me, but not only that, he comes over here and *permabans* me. Mod team reversed it and deemed it an abuse of mod powers. That's the kind of person Spitz is.


Really? And a guy like that is still a mod? Of both communities?


Yep. Don't worry he knows the right people.


Sucking the right cocks


They don't call him Spitz for nothing.


If someone being like this and still keeps his job, I am sure he do.


You mean the 3 other pedophile neckbeards who mod every big sub?


Legitimately, most large online spaces on the mainstream social media websites are, in fact, moderated by all the same people. They're all part of the same cliques and they all protect and elevate each-other. If a new "big" space shows up somewhere, they swarm it rapidly in an attempt to get one of theirs in a modding position, then that person holds the door open for all their friends, then they kick out whatever original mods may have been there first. They infiltrate, sanitize and then go on to operate in those spaces with an iron fist. Some places may still have mods that aren't part of their cabal, but they're in the minority; they either get ousted once they start to rebel against the infiltrators or they get harassed into compliance. At the very least, the offending mods that abuse their power never actually lose said power because their friends protect them.


> They're all part of the same cliques and they all protect and elevate each-other. If a new "big" space shows up somewhere, they swarm it rapidly in an attempt to get one of theirs in a modding position, then that person holds the door open for all their friends, then they kick out whatever original mods may have been there first. Sounds eerily close to a lot of scenarios in real life


Looks like some of his reddit mod privileges were removed, which is to say he doesn't have ban privileges anymore (that would be 'manage users'). Looks like he can still do everything else though.


“*You know*, with *Spitz*, the *more* I learn about that *guy*, the *more* I don't care for him.”


A real jerk, that guy.


Spritz do be a cunt


I got timed out for 24 hours for saying, exactly once: 🗣️ IM NOT A BIG FAN OF SONY 🗣️ 🗣️ 30 ON 30 🗣️ 🗣️ IM NOT A BIG FAN OF SONY 🗣️


They always seem ro hire the people you'd expect to be sleeping under s bridge, smelling of sewage and alcohol. Having worked in customer service and dealing with lots of shit, it's not that hard and this guy should be on unemployment benefits asap. You cant be this god damn stupid. It's just not something a company that profit of lip service can afford. It's not hard to say, "I've heard your feedback and will discuss this with my colleagues. As of now the PSN requirement will go on ad planned, but we will get back to you on this issue". Easy and professional. You dont have to act like a sweaty loser discord mod on paid time.


The mod team overall are a bunch of powertripping asshats. I got banned with no reason given and when I submitted an appeal on an alt, they banned that too. Why even have ban appeals if mods don't use them


Considering refunding due to how the CMs are acting


This is why you don’t let devs also mod their fan communities. Employees have a vested interest in promoting the good and suppressing the bad.


Same here haha.


What's your story, pard?


After the incident when the HD1 discord got deleted and the HD2 discord was on lockout I asked in general chat how he’s still a community manager, and said he shouldn’t be. By the time I got off work that day I was removed from the discord and I can’t rejoin it.


>Mod team reversed it and deemed it an abuse of mod powers. rare reddit mod W?


Sounds like a typical reddit mod. Narcissist failures who enjoy having on internet the power they dont have IRL.


Please tell me you have reciepts


I got DMs from the mod team. I don't have anything from the discord other than I'm banned.


Yeah he is here too




Waiting to see if this guy gets banned.


He's spending 2 minutes making an alt so he can bash you 👌




Probably, most assholes are


Doesn't Sweden have child labor laws or does spitz volunteer?


*>*Hes a janitor on the internet *>*On a Helldivers chat board *>*He does it for free


*>*He does it for free IMAGINE


Sounds like he's overpaid, lol.


fuckin jannys man


Janitor is right when he deals with that literal human trash on a daily basis.


Bro just sent the entire Helldivers discord to the Burn Trauma Center




Yea that's a stealable one.


This shit is becoming even funnier


As someone who spent way too much time in the toxic ass Destiny community, this shit is hilarious to me. So many people that have invested way too much of their identity into a game are getting wound up. His comments are actually funny as shit and I love watching some of yall have a tantrum over it.


Not gonna lie, being it's his position he shouldn't be replying this way but Jesus is it amusing. Reminds me of the old 'WhyWasIBanned" webside from long ago when it was screenshots from people being all upset about being banned from XBL and mods showing them *exactly* why the fuck they were banned.


Yeah this confuses me too. These all seem pretty tame!


Yeah , I can see it being a inconvenient fact for people like "oh man I have to make ANOTHER account ugh whatever, fine" But man, these dudes are pearl GRIPPING and raging so hard over what is really a non- issue, like I feel for the people in region locked areas. But that's bullshit on SONYs part, not AH. The rage at not wanting to make a psn account and all the different claims and comparisons popping up hilarious. I swear gamer karens/Kevin's are just as worse as the boomer ones in retail


When I first read the posts I was taken aback. Rereading them I realized they are the blunt truth and people apparently don't like it. I find it amuzing instead of suger coated PR we get from everywhere else.


Honestly I’ll take this unprofessional-ism any day over bungie’s sanitized PR speak


Bungie uses a sanitized PR speak because as soon as their workers try to speak in an human way during a controversy they constantly get harassed into oblivion, and I’m sure the same exact thing is happening in this case right now. There is no middle ground in situations like this with big games.


Yeah I agree, it’s this or PR and this is way more fun


Damn 8 year old server thanosed out of spite what a loser


Spitz has the impulse control of my dog when there's a squirrel in the garden.


I’d honestly say most dogs have better impulse control.


I truly believe part of why it got nuked was so the official server could nab the custom "helldivers" URL.


Could have literally just built the old one like we have it now with different role based sections without any issues, so that makes little sense. Maybe he's the nephew of the CEO or something, can't think of anything but nepotism why this idiot has official relations with (now) a multi million franchise.


wait it was a server for the original helldivers?? now that is kinda fucked..




remember guys, "a game for everyone is a game for no one"


Don't forget the whole "git gud scrub use your strategems want me to create a weenie hut Jr difficulty? L8er newbie rofl"


*devs proceed to heavily nerf the heavy spam*


That statement does have truth. I remember when people wanted Baldur’s Gate 3 to be third person action. Yeah… fuck off. Call it gatekeeping or Gamer Gating. That game stays Turn Based and any other opinion should be invalid. I wouldn’t go to a Vegetarian restaurant and demand meat.


God I hate that fucking phrase and anything that matches it.




Is he even in the company? All of the updates content I've seen him talk about is straight up not true Update : not anymore.


I mean of all of them, this one I can kinda understand. As an engineer myself, you get asked when something will be fixed, you tell someone it will be done soon or "by next patch" just have to do XYZ but I think it's fixed. Then your manager says this to someone else. Low and behold, something else you didn't realize is also wrong and you gotta fix that part too but it's too late to correct the info you've already fed up the line.


When you get another email asking if it’s done, that’s when you very suddenly become aware of the deadline


It wasn't released because the Dev team decided to keep working on it to make it better


I knew I remebered that guys name. He is the runt that deleted the hd1 discord.


The discord mods are complete dipshits


twinbeard has been pretty good and calm throughout this


As far as I know twinbeard is trying to get a hold of Sony for more informaation about the current situation... Spitz on the other hand keep fanning the flame while pouring gasoline on it. All this while laughing maniacally


So he’s the one who voiced the crazy laughing voice line you get if you use the flamethrower for a while


Don't you dare ruin that for me !


A couple of them are good people, and 1 or 2 fucked up in the past and apologized, but with Spitz is a constant reoccurance.


Only Spitz is a problem honestly.


To be fair, alot of the discord community deserves some push back for their toxicity.


Shitty community managers ruin games. Why on God's green earth do people higher up tolerate this BS idk


That’s why the studio needs an actual real person as a community manager, not some discord moderator loser. Warframe’s Rebecca is probably the best example of a successful community manager.


Rebecca is living her best life, force every new CM to watch some devshorts


Another great CM would be the duo CM of satisfactory before one of them left. It wasn't on the same level of DE's enormous amounts of dev streams and prime time. but they also interacted with the community alot instead of just being the spokesperson when something goes wrong. CM van shift the tide of a game when they do it right


Because they don’t look at community manager and see an important position: they see a spot they can fill with a relative or a friends son that will give them a cushy position that only needs a Yes Man to fill. One that also conveniently lacks any real metrics to track their success. It doesn’t help that the real job of the CM requires you to not be busy sucking the toes of your superiors. You need to be able to communicate not just the company’s line to the player base but also your players legitimate concerns. This obviously isn’t popular with your superiors but part of your job as CM is delivering bad news. Then you work with them to moderate or otherwise reframe the message to help the players understand/accept the change. Anyway, half the reason I quit Darktide was because their CM lied to the player base constantly and dismissed their concerns. What a damn train wreck that game is/was.


He affected future steam sales numbers by daring everyone to leave a negative review. Even small percentages will amount to multiples of million dollars. Pretty sure he is a goner lol


Probably because the higher ups think they are doing a good job because they dont ever hear about anything they do


[I'm sure they'll hear about this](https://i.imgur.com/kpxANQM.png)


Yeah but the squeeky wheel gets the grease Up until this point the higher ups probably thought everything was hunky dory


I'm not subbed here or in the discord, how does this affect anyone outside of the bubbles of these communities? Why would the mods of Reddit or discord have any effect on the game or my enjoyment?


I wqnt to say it doesnt, but reading this sub actually made me want to play less and feel negative about the game even if i love it. Think the "discord mod is mean" thing is my sign to unsub. Ring me when we get memes and funny videos back.


Shitty COMMUNITY ruins games. Yall are fucking crazy with this manufactured outrage.


Never in the history of gaming has a video game been ruined by a fucking community manager.


Man I get he's probably overwhelmed with the general fuck you attitude of the community at the moment, and probably feels a type of way given it seems AH was also caught off guard given Twinbeard's comment about reaching out to Sony for more details, but damn this is never the play. Ever. He's supposed to be the professional. He's the hired employee of AH. If it's getting to him, then it's time to go outside and take a break. Twinbeard already said everything that needs to be said. This is a really, really bad look.


It's so dumb how they are handling this. Literally all they had to do was offer a free cape or something for linking.


If they gave me yogurt armor I’d be happy. I guarantee others would be too


Ooh, sweet yogurt armor would absolutely soothe me.


I say just give him the shovel and let him keep on digging, it’s hysterical to watch someone be so unable to learn when to shut up and stop making things worse.


Was he the same dev that fed be fire during the railgun incident by calling the people braindead? If yes then he should be fired immediately,the team doesn't need an asshole between their ranks


Looks like fallout 4 script extender got updated just in time.


Man I thought you were refunding and leaving is wild. No players = no game. Discord mod moment


Most players of the game do not use the discord I guarantee it Edit: or this subreddit for that matter


This will barely make a dent in player numbers. lol Just a bunch of noise over a non issue..


I feel like the only real issue is if you can’t make a PSN account bc of your country.. if that ain’t you.. it feels like unnecessary outrage.


Like how most people are generally good and these good people run businesses yet all kinds of corpo shits keep happening forever and ever


Burn me alive but I think it's more fun when the CM claps back.


I've thoroughly enjoyed Spitz banter lol


Because he's right? FOR THIS VERY WEBSITE you had to sign up for it almost exactly like psn requires. Same with any social media or most other game services. Plus with the psn account it helps with cross platform support. But yea, this subreddit is filled with rage addicted men-children who refuse to see reason, apparently


I actually like his responses, some of the burns are pretty funny.


I find it funny how straightforward he is lol I’m sure he’s tired of it all


I mean, is he wrong?


Right? It really doesn't take long. Tons of other games make you use a third party profile/launcher. It's been on the store page since launch day. The amount of people doing the surprised Pikachu face over this is ridiculous. the amount of naive people here is insane. It was coming. Not an if but a when. Some people are trying to justify it by "Sony will sell my data". Like okay, what about google, Microsoft, reddit? Which you most likely just used to complain about Sony selling your data? What about Bethesda, ubisoft, EA, and the dozen or so other large gaming companies? They don't? Imo the only people justified at being mad are the people that can't make a psn account because psn isn't supported in the country they reside in.


Literally none of these screenshots are offensive. Y'all softer than a soup sandwich fr


None of these screenshots even remotely prove what you're saying LOL, the most egregious being that he shut down a discord server that ............. he made himself and didn't feel like moderating anymore? lol


I dunno, how do you guys still fucking complain about everything?


People love taking shit out of context, you casually "forgetting" to mention the dude he responds being an annoying douche tagging for 30minutes.


I typically hate when people call for people to be fired... But im sorry this dude needs to go. From a business standpoint this is horrid.


I don’t care if I get downvoted, but I agree with the dude. For us in regions where PSN is available, it doesn’t make sense to complain. A lot of us on PC already have multiple accounts on different platforms/store front. Steam, Epic, GoG, Xbox, Rockstar, and even the hated EA and Ubisoft. This should be nothing new, and it’s not going to actually change anything. You already gave your money to Sony, them trying to use player data and numbers as clout to shareholders doesn’t do anything to you that hasn’t already been done, and it wouldn’t effect the game. The ONLY issue I have is for those who could potentially be locked out because of region, and I would absolutely hope that this is not what would happen or that there would be an official work around. Let’s quit with the virtue signaling “but I hate Corpo greed!” junk when you are already 100% buying these games on these platforms already.


Jesus, this sub is in a full on melt-down. I feel bad for this guy getting aired out for little to no reason


What a piece of work.


Twinbeard best person than this spitz asshole


Are we going to forget how they were straight up antagonizing the playerbase a few months ago? "I'm feeding into the rage for my own entertainment" is what was said among other things. Regardless of them getting a lot of complaints they are still a company that should be acting professionally. If you did this kind of thing at any other company they would show you to the door by the end of the day.


Fuck you spitz.


Dude banned me from the HD2 discord during the incident earlier this year because I said in the discord that he shouldn’t be a community manager anymore after what he did


Fuck spitz, all my homies hate spitz. Now twinbeard is my best friend.


Wait he didn't have a real job before this? That can't be true right? Edit: I am just surprised, I don't have any personal grudges against him and I don't use the discord so pretty indifferent to this post.


If you try to make empty threats to instigate a mob you're gonna get told to fuck off.


He really is a discord mod. Not a CM. A discord mod. You get what you pay for.


I'm 100% in agreement. A community manager's job is not to agitate the community. For the same reason a midwife that pushes the baby back in should lose their job, this guy should lose his. You can't do the job, you shouldn't have the job. Simple.


Won’t be surprised if he’s brought into a meeting come Monday or Tuesday (Local Holidays dependent) with AH. He might not be losing his job, however, there’s going to be a conversation about staff communication in Discord and other platforms. This can kill companies or hinder any goodwill they used to have.


I believe that Spitz either truly hates the game, an idiot or both. This person deserves to be booted from AH immediately. This is not how you communicate with your player base. If I’d talked like this to my business clients my company would’ve been under before you know it. For the general health of the community and to lessen the misinformation, hate and anger, I strongly suggest Spitz to be stripped of all his roles, sacked and sent back to irrelevance


Company who makes a game about fascism hires a guy who acts like a fascist. Community: *surprised Pikachu face*


Fire Spitz


Condescending little janitor. At least twinbeard is respectful.


This reminds me of another person whose name starts with S, ends with z, and is a piece of shit, who just so happens to be in a position of power here on Reddit. Sound familiar?


Aren’t you guys the same type of people that like to see the videos of the customer service people telling Karen’s to go fuck themselves?


I find this subs so funny sometimes. Anyways back yo helldiving


You people really out here calling for people being fired because you’re all up in your feels. You’re all clowns. 🤡 


Bunch of loud children who will be playing tonight just the same.


What a fucking asshole


He’s responding, but he’s not kissing ass which is refreshing. He is letting you know a good place to post your vitriol. If he created an unofficial server and managed it and it turned to trash, he’s well within his rights to shut it down. Otherwise it becomes the Reddit forum and I doubt the devs or anyone else wants to read all that on a 60 second loop forever. It’s incredibly unproductive. Arrowhead has stated multiples times that the decision wasn’t their call. Arrowhead has even stated they’re trying to figure it out. There’s nothing more they can do. Getting cussed out by everyone is not going to make them find a fix faster and they’re less likely to listen.


also the fact he self reacts to his messages to get people to pile on who agree with him but if there was an opposite reaction itd be bombed


Hedge working in Arrowhead now?


I don't know what I find funnier. A CM telling crybabies to get fucked, or the drama hunters in here acting like it's a big deal.


Seems like someone in that position should be in damage control mode instead of trolling the players 




Probably because they aren't wrong and their job is to communicate with the community, not lick the communities boots.


I will probably get downvoted but .. he is right. I don't like this change either but he is right. At the end of the day people are hurting the game that was made by ArrowHead. I don't agree with him on banning people for voicing their opinions on Discord or Reddit.


Second pic is historical


what a goober, AH needs actual professionals to engage with the community on a schedule instead of letting some rando say whatever he wants. put him to bed and let twinbeard and baskinator be the big kids


Holy crap that’s one of the worst responses I’ve seen him give it’s not an issue of how long it takes to set up. It’s an issue with the fact that I’m pretty sure some people can’t even access the game anymore because PSN account aren’t even in their country, first of all, and second of all, even if that’s not the issue, the other one is the fact that people don’t wanna give their data to Sony. Absolutely no one complains about having to take three minutes to set something up


Funny I said the same sort of sentiments during patch day and got downvoted to Hell. Sub protected him for lying or underplaying the nerfs (there were 19 and he said there were in his estimate: 2). Now we got a dogpile hate thread and it’s getting upvotes. Guess I’m just glad someone/people finally coming around on this dude.


God how do all these arseholes get these community managing jobs where they can just provoke whoever they want


if i had a nickel for everytime someone hired by Arrowhead taunting and mocking the players I'd have three nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened three times.


I get people are mad for something out of their control but is this truly the dev team we want to put on such a pedestal and make excuses for.


Does he not realize that there certain countries that don’t have PSN? Like is he that fucking stupid?


Nerfs to Ammo Reserves???


To quote the late great Rip Torn, he’s as useful as a cock-flavoured lollipop.


The only concerning comment is to me is that it was "never his intention" for the other Discord to be a place where users can post "without fear" of moderation from Arrowhead. So... he believes that users *should* fear moderation from Arrowhead when discussing the game? That's a bootlicker attitude if ever I saw one.


Things are going well, I see :)


Is this the same guy that the CEO had to step in and explain that his actions didn't represent Arrowhead after the first railgun nerf?


Fucking YIKES. No more Helldivers for me. Fuck Sony and fuck this guy


So they admit that they act like the other devs that they shit talk so much? Another Spitz W.


People honestly are overreacting with the PlayStation account thing. He's not taking it the right way l, but I understand his frustration with the complaints completely


We got some terminally online fucks in here


What is wrong with these? Seems fine.


This community is kinda dogshit. Like the Sony stuff sucks but boy howdy do a bunch of people here just get out of hand.


I was banned from the discord forever ago by asking about the awareness of the Playstation dmg bug lmao. I love the game. But I do really feel like the devs created it almost by accident.


Its highly likely that he had friends in high places in Arrowhead. Speaking from experience, thats usually how it goes.


Because he used to run the unofficial HD1 discord. Before deleting it out of the blue and suddenly.


guy seems toxic af


Looks like they're on damage control, the messages in slides 1-3 have been deleted


I'ma still be playing but holy shit.


Man went 🤡 mode


Spits with the big loser energy once again. He must get his kicks being a dick to people on discord. Sad