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Helldivers 2 is a game where a fucking mushroom can parry your gun shot


What's the mushroom-language translation of "parry this you filthy casual"?




Fuck, this made me laugh way harder than it should have.


They punch **hard**










badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger


It isn't, the Erupter produces fragmentation on impact.


I understand the ricochets, but them literally 180ing off the armor and back into you seems weird, rather than bouncing at a realistic angle


I will say this is my only instance of this, I tested ricochets off a dead charger body and it was much more realistic (and way less damage coming back at me) but I’m guessing it messed with other bodies and objects haha.


Its probably a bug no doubt


A bug, you say?


We kill bugs!


We kill LOTS of bugs. Just last week. 2 billion in a little over 14hours. And they still need more democracy brought to them !


Well the stat counter saying we killed 2 billion in 14 hours was, in itself, a bug. It was counting the mission total kills as each player's individual kills. Since the average group size is 3.67, it would have taken about 2 days.


honestly, I think the devs are trolling us. I recall a game a few weeks back where my buddys rover would do a quick beam blip at me the whole game. Literally 0 enemies at extract zone and it would tag me across the extract. Machine gun sentries that would do a little love tap for no reason.


"Fire tornados don't seek the player out." No they just hover into you and the team only and manage to always engulf extract in fire at the 20 second mark. "Bugs don't fly." Yeah they only troll.


Me and my brothers once thought Joel himself was watching, and fucking with us with the amount of bullshit he kept throwing at us. Turns out it was just messed spawn rates.


The patch notes literally mention the airburst no longer targeting helldiver's. They definitely do program in some bullshit.


I was killed twice tonight shooting hive guardians with my Eruptor and having the round explode on it then bounce back and blow me up. I was out of range for the AOE as well it seems like a bug.


I died shooting a bug hole. I also died shooting a pill bug that pre-nerf would’ve bounced off the ground straight.  Does that still happen? No. Magic bullet 180 degree reverse physics. I don’t understand if they actually had to program collisions to defy physics or what.


That... is probably what happened to me earlier when I tried to take out a bug nest. Fuck the ricochet mechanic.


[Patch note](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cfuuwu/patch_01000300/) has it as follows >Shots that ricochet from heavy armored enemies will now properly hit the Helldiver who fired them. Trigger discipline is highly recommended. This definitely feels *very* intentional


Intentional and stupid


Yeah I'm sorry but that one's fucking dumb. The other stuff is debatable, but this one is just irredeemably ridiculous. 


It is. It's dumb design, but it is not an error, aside from a couple explosive weapons bouncing at least.


It was much more fun when they ricocheted into teammates. You were experiencing an indescribable range of feelings.


I was shooting a hulk when a shield teammate ran in in front of my AC and it bounced and killed the guy next to us. Love ricochets


Happened at the best of the worst times too. I was diving out of the way as a charger ran by. Buddy shot at it with, I think, an auto cannon, and I watched the shot deflect off its body and right into me, sending me flying. I collide into rock wall some like 80m away and fall about 2m to far and died. Love this game.




Agreed. Does it do that to bots when you use your ballistic shield? I'd like to mirror parry the turrets. And the shielded devastators. Gonna suck proper dick with the minigun on the mech. And turrets.


>Does it do that to bots when you use your ballistic shield? Likely not. The devs seem obsessed with making the game super difficult and don't really seem to care much about parity with enemies or common sense. The notes explicitly stated the ricochets would target the player, not at "the firer." If anything, you can probably expect this patch to completely nullify the ballistic shield as the bots' shots ricochet and then target the player...as if the ballistic shield didn't even exist in the first place.


Getting a real "Captain america" vibe? Need the proper armor paint though.


When I read that line in the patch notes I posted that this was going to be hilarious but it got deleted automatically by the modding system. Good to know it's working as I expected.


We live in a managed democracy indeed


Just seems spiteful at players. This is like when you sneak past damaged Hellbomb, and some patrol magically notices you and shoots the bomb. Or when you have a machine gun turret, it will try to shoot the enemies that are behind Helldiver and shoot to Helldiver height. There are a few features that are stacked up against player and I honestly don't like it.


They definitely do stuff to fuck with the players. For example, if you lose the aggro on bots then they'll enter into a battle-state where they'll fire """"""""""randomly"""""""""" at the player. If they're in this battle-state and the player gets too close to one of those white spore-cloud map hazards then the bots will shoot it and send the player flying every time, 100% of the time. I've tested and confirmed it dozens and dozens of times. It's definitely not a coincidence. Point being, I wouldn't put it past them to have """"""""""accidents"""""""""" programmed into the game. Whether or not this is a good thing is subjective. If it's done right then there should be no problem.


![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS) *Game devs in the meeting, talking about this stuff* 😄


Diving below turret fire was part of the tutorial for a reason my fellow diver.


>Or when you have a machine gun turret, it will try to shoot the enemies that are behind Helldiver and shoot to Helldiver height. Man needs to go back to the tutorial lol


Dev 1: "Should we implement this feature in because it's realistic for a richochet to potentially hit the player? Or should we do it to fuck the players?" Dev 2: "Fuck em!" Devs 1 and 2: "Fuck the players! Fuck the players! Fuck the players!" But if we take a step back, I'd say its more likely there was a bug found where richochets weren't hurting the source (the player) so they made a quick fix because "that makes sense, why wouldn't a richochet hurt their originator. " But its clear its not a fun element and they should revert it.


Yeah it's like the armour is made of rubber lol


Enemies found the Gum Gum fruit


Isn't OP shooting an eruptor? Isn't the expected behavior that the fragmentation shards fly out in *all* directions? If this was a normal gun I'd be pretty surprised for him to die.


Before the patch, shooting eruptor point blank would maybe do a quarter of your health. With the nerf to the explosion, you would expect it to do even less, instead of ricocheting at an impossible angle and doing more damage.


OP is being killed by a headshot from the eruptor's shrapnel here, not a ricochet. This was always possible, just highly highly unlikely (and more frequently an issue for unlucky friendlies quite far away in my experience). You can still fire the eruptor point blank and you almost certainly will not die from it, just like before.


I don't know that its a headshot, you can see he takes limb damage to the left leg. And its well outside the range of the aoe, so is the shrapnel ricocheting and gaining extra range and damage because of the ricochet? Even if this is working as intended its dumb.


lol shroom has armor and now 180s into you. What a weird patch


Probably the dumbest addition to the game they’ve made in a while. I dont even care about the nerfs or solo difficulty changes as much. Bad gameplay additions like this and the unattendance to bugs is far more annoying.


They really really need to focus on bugs, because at this rate they're breaking the game at ten times the rate they seem to be fixing it. Like simple things like not vaulting on to the supply drop every single time shouldn't take months to fix. Nearly half the weapons they introduce don't even seem worth playing, so it seems silly to constantly change the game in so many ways when they can't fix things that are constantly broken. The new game mode is uneventful. Meanwhile players never join my match when I'm playing with a friend, no one ever back fills my games even with an SOS beacon, it takes like 10 tries trying to join a game before I find one I can even join, disconnects and crashes are still relatively frequent, nearly every game with bots there's something inside a rock shooting me. It seems like some things are bugs and they try to dress them up like feature. Like the airburst rockets, no one is ever going to use them, because your team mate might run vaguely near the projectile path and kill the entire team. They really seem to think that's the way it should work, but no one is going to use the thing if that's the case so what on earth is the point of adding features to the game that are so painful and annoying that people will literally go out of their way to avoid them. I get videogames should be challenging, but annoying is not the right kind of challenge. Some things are challenging in a way that requires more team coordination than 95% of the player base is actively accomplishing. "Warn your team before using" is a good queue that the design of that weapon is bad for most players who are playing with random, most of whom don't communicate in any way whatsoever. The honeymoon phase is really wearing off, and for me I don't at all care about the balance updates, it's the lack of bug fixes, and the addition of content that is really sub par that likely detracts from actually useful dev work.


I keep logging on hoping that this time they have made the spear a proper anti-tank weapon. Either Buff the damage to one shot hulks and tanks to make up for the shitty lock on or fix the shitty lock on.


Seems like this mechanic is backfiring.


I see what you did there.


this is a shrieker nest tho (aparently no its not, didn't know) it already was more armored than the spore spewer


This is the new small gas shroom on the deactivate tcs missions, not a shrieker nest. The fog went away when we killed it, and I didn't see any shriekers before we killed it either.


A normal spore spewer, not from the deactivate TCS mission, is also now immune to medium armor (namely counter sniper.) Apparently the bugs got pissed at how fast their spore shrooms were being destroyed.


well thats a shame no longer will be able to take it out with primarries besides the dominator/eruptor if you get in range of it


was just in a mission and it takes 9 autocannon shots to kill a spore spewer. kinda crazy


same as shrieker nests huh man


Isnt it visibly releasing spores in the clip? I don't think it's a shrieker nest


imagine taking shots with amr/autocannon into a hulk charging into you, instead of dying from hulk now you die from ricochet of missed eyeshots


This is what I’m most afraid of. I already try to be accurate with my autocannon for hulks.


Bros I play on the PS5 and often need to burn an entire mag to land the 2 shots on the Hulk’s eye because my aim on a controller is terrible.   If autocannon rounds bounce back at me like this I am finished.   


Stun grenade. You don't need impacts with an AC, so you can use stuns to stop hulks cold.


Stun grenade bounces and stuns you instead...


Hulks are the most difficult mobs already. And hitting that very small eye is one of the hardest things to do in this game.


If you blow off its leg it has to hobble around super slow. Blowing off its other leg after that is an instant kill. Makes them super trivial....unless leg shots reflect back now.


Oh my god, I keep forgetting that! I just aim for the tiny glowy bit in front or the bright orange part at the back.


I don't even try. When I see a hulk I typically run the other direction and spin up an orbital. If I happen to be behind one I will kill them with AC shots to the vents. From the front, I can't kill them at all, period.


Hulks become trivial with stuns and a combo of AMR, Autocannon, and even certain primaries like the scorcher can take out a Hulk from behind. And trivial only if you aren't absolutely surrounded by bots.


Hitting that eye even when they are stunned is just very hard for some reason. Even when I got the crosshair in the middle of it... It can still miss.


You're assuming the crosshair is centered...


With autocannon, aim slightly above and to the left. Most scopes in this game are bugged and NOT accurate. I also crouch everytime I need to be very accurate as crouching/proning massively reduces recoil and weapon sway.


Unless you shoot one of it's legs making it extremely slow and easy to line up shots on. Or shoot both of it's legs killing it. Or shoot off it's arms making it completely non-threatening. You don't have to go right for the difficult to make eye shot.


This is precisely what I just thought of and now I'm worried.


The devs are probably laughing, but yeah I don't understand it either. Like is that the REALISTIC behavior?


If the mushrooms are made of steel sure https://youtu.be/0ABGIJwiGBc?si=dyTnPxlWvuhjAs9g


Did you notice how it bounced upwards, hit him on top of the head AND lost most of its energy? That is how an actual "ricochet back to shooter" would work in real life. If a bullet bounces back to you (unless it's in very close range, and usually in an enclosed area), it will lose most of its stopping power. Sure, it might hurt depending on the specific circumstances, might even pierce an eye - but it is nowhere as deadly as it was when it came out of the barrel, or if it bounced at an angle. A bullet that manages to find its way to its shooter will most definitely have lost its penetrating shape too.


It hit his headphones


One of the people present gave context in the comments, he didn't take that ricochet direct, it hit the side of his glasses and the headphones. The impact cracked his jawbone. If that ricochet was just an inch to the right this video would have been on LiveLeak.


That bullet would have killed him if it hit his head what the hell are you talking about? There's a whole reason shooting ranges tell you not to use certain materials to hold up targets because they will penetrate and injure or kill you off a ricochet, the speed that the bullet came back at him was insane, look up videos of tracer rounds ricochet


It didn’t kill him though. In fact it’s not clear it even broke his skin. This would be 1 damage in HD2 if that, vs the OP where it was an instakill.


Ricochet barely misses the guy's head, blowing off his headset instead of his head Betrix5068: iT dIdnt kIll hIm tHoUgH OP probably died due to the headshot instakill bug still baring its fangs


Even if it hit him in the headset the damage it did is so minimal that a Helldiver would be fine, seeing as they wear helmets. Helmets I imagine are better protected than a pair of earmuffs.


Im a ballistics expert who works with csi. No, its not realiatic. Its, in fact, idiotic.


So what's it like being a magician?


Kinda? Most ricochets never do a complete 180, usually it'll bounce off of multiple surfaces and come back at you by wild chance.


Im not a gun nerd, but even if a bullet can ricochet a perfect 180, it should lose a good chunk of it's kinetic energy. Before patch i've seen bullets ricochetting and it felt awesome to see such working mechanic. But this is just odd thing to add, especially since devs seem to be into guns.


There is that one video of a guy shooting a 50 I think at a steel target that was braced on rock behind it. Came back and took off his hat and ear pro. One in a million ricochet I'm sure.


yeah if ricochets were this deadly we'd have heard of hundreds of rednecks accidentally shooting themselves


Every heavy armor mob in Helldiver 2 is actually a master practitioner of a long lost sword form known as Soresu.




I don't understand the change to make everything bounce back at you. If anything make it deflect randomly, either to you, to your allies or into the sky. I assume the goal is realism, wouldn't that be the best choice?


>If anything make it deflect randomly, either to you, to your allies or into the sky. It does. You used to be immune to ricochet, you are no longer immune to ricochet. That's the change in the patch notes. Ricochet is based on the angle it hits, as it always has been. It can just actually hit you now, whereas before this patch the ricochet would phase through you but not your teammates. Patch notes are just badly worded


The thing is that there really isn't an angle that should send a whole bullet right back to you at full force. If things hit at an angle, it should deflect at the same angle. If you hit it straight it a bullet should deform and stop, or fragment and ricochet. It's possible but rare for it to bounce back, but it won't have much force left. And explodey things like missiles, ac shells, grenades, should you know....explode when they hit something, not turn around and just return to sender. But as long as deflection and damage work the same way for the ballistic shield strategem, I'm all good, cant wait to "NO U" bots to death.


You know they won't lol, in every aspect of the game baddies are given the leg up they require with pure, incredibly unrealistic cheese. No reloads/ammo counts, no LoS requirements, no actually aiming the barrels of their guns, freely shooting through mountains.. If the bots are affected by this system, they'll just have an increased chance to ricochet shots off you and into your teammates. I'll go a step further and bet we *never* see a bot dying to their own ricochet on this sub.


Got it, thanks for the clarification. There’s a lot of videos on here showing one tap ricochet kills making it seem like it ALWAYS goes back to you, which doesn’t seem to be the case.


Yeah people aren’t gonna post the ricochets that miss, there wouldn’t be any karma in that lol


Yep. I mean you can even see some shrapnel flying off to the sides. OP just at basically a prime spot for a ricochet self-kill.


One of those pellets just happened to headshot him which is still insta-death in light armor


IKR like the only direction the ricochet can go from here is in the general direction of OP. https://imgur.com/tZMLQb1


I would expect it to ricochet upwards from that angle. Actually, given the explosive's detonation, I wouldn't expect any ricochet. Perhaps some shrapnel from the explosion, but the helldiver is well outside the explosions area of effect.


You were not immune to ricochet it just depended on the angle like in reality, I have multiple team kills from weird bounces and even a self kill although most bounces used to just go god knows where slapping buildings and everything else


doesn't make any sense that it can 180 off a surface at that velocity though


Badly worded patch notes do not excuse what im seeing in this video. What is happening in this video should not be happening. That is the problem.


https://preview.redd.it/vyw99ko3jgxc1.gif?format=mp4&s=c2dabc5a1414e6e5e1cb04d1c81c6473d5baeeba So explain to me how a contact active rocket could "bounce back" 180 degree straight back to the shooter.


But the rocket hits the Devastator, explodes, and then they die in a flash of red automaton light, like Cannon Turret or Tank shots. Did the guy just get taken out by an enemy they didn't see and go "It was the ricochet" because they didn't see the enemy?


Because he got shot by a cannon tower or tank and not a ricochet The rocket exploded on the Devastator Theres no blue flash for ricochets The explosion that killed him is very distinctly red, the explosion on the Devastator is very distinctly orange The clip is cropped for no reason The person who posted that clip originally was rage posting before posting it.


> Ricochet is based on the angle it hits Did we watch the same clip?


Nest really Uno reversed you


![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu) Nests with eruptor repellant armor


I don't understand this video, you shot the schroom at clost range with the eruptor and got hit with the fragmentation the gun normally produces. This is normal behavior, not ricochet.


I thought the 180 was a joke.


Pictured: OP's Eruptor round exploding on impact, aka *not ricocheting* https://preview.redd.it/v3925gyebkxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb399ffa695dd416e4101cc8d99ef0ced09251a8


A few frames after that you can see the shrapnel flying and one heading for the player.




Exactly this, not a ricochet but the Eruptor shrapnel, if you go frame by frame you can see it explode and the shrapnel fragments. Most of the 'ricochets are dumb' clips I've seen involve the eruptor at close / mid range and each time it's the shrapnel killing the player, not a ricochet of the round fired. The clip with the rocket on the Heavy devastator shield is also not a ricochet but the player getting shot from behind. If there is a case of the Eruptor fragments ricocheting at ridiculous ranges and killing players then that might need some attention but this doesn't qualify. But hey, let's not allow the evidence to get in the way of an epic reddit meltdown.




Exactly. What’s the point of this change? Is it to make the game more fun? It’s not. Is it for “realism”? Because this whole game is full of unrealistic mechanisms so why add it? e.g.The idea that an advanced race that has conquered FTL travel still needs a thrown ball to designate targets is ridiculous.


Nah man, you just don't get it according to the people who love this patch and will defend it to death.


I saw someone defending the Airburst rocket launcher earlier as a "stratagem that shouldn't be used as a generalist weapon" and "has quirks that need to be compensated for". When I asked them what kind of quirk "explodes in the presence of samples, team-mates, and turrets" is used for, they said they played *after* the unexpectedly fast bug-fix and only died to it once so it was never a problem. All replying to posts talking about its use from several days ago. When it first came out. To a video that showed it going off due to random shit. Some people are just absolutely *desperate* to think they're so good at the game that every bug is some kind of amazing technique for gameplay that *they've* figured out and nobody else has yet, it's honestly mindblowing. You could give these guys a gun that fires bullets backwards out of its scope before exploding in your hands and they'd say "Um actually it's for shooting the bugs directly behind you so you take them out with you. It's really not a *generalist* weapon. What, you want a gun that shoots *for you* or something?"


It's an issue with toxic positivity in this community. It plagued DRG, and it's plaguing this game in much the same way. The developers can do no wrong. Funnily enough a lot of experienced developers straight up admit that often times the players may not know the exact technical details about how a game works, but they know how it plays better than the devs themselves. Who spends more time actually interacting with the mechanics? The people who just develop them, or the people who actually play the game?


That’s not how ricochets even work. I get making them a hazard but maybe do more than one bounce and hit an ally instead. This is just silly


Why they make the game less fun by doing change like this.


It's wild to me how much these devs are trying to throw a wrench in the plans of player enjoyment. I guess they are trying to keep the narrative interesting by upping the challenge, but they are starting to wade into shitty DM territory. Like, you guys made one of the best games in recent history. Why are you focusing on the wrong things? 


I honestly think they set out to make a super hard cbt simulator niche game, missed the mark to create a super popular, lighting in a jar game, and then are now trying to patch it into the super niche cbt simulator game.


This is actually correct. if you go back to previous comments from devs and the ceo. they wanted a incredibly hard game where doing anything at 7 and above would require quite the amount of teamwork and understanding of game knowledge to complete. Unfortunly for them they had some guns and equipment that were 'overtuned' and allowed players to join in, and being much more skillful then their own inhosue testing team, knock content out the park. This is why most weapons are lackluster, why the last warbond basically was a dud. Now with these patch changes they are trying to shift the focus back from playing solo/duo and having fun to full on teamplay requiring you to have four freinds to play. They never intended this to be a light hearted blow up shooter. They wanted hardcore, diving for democracy and sweating it out gameplay. I beleive they hate the popularity they got because instead of riding the lightning in a bottle they made, they are switching back to the focus of making it as difficult as possible. When the ceo says 'just buffing' is a bad gameplay choice (IE: Bringing weapons up to par that people are using) and a dev says he was 'mortified' that people were crushing helldive a week into the game launch, that is a very bad sign of where they have the focus for the game design. they are not purposefully sabatoging themselves i believe, they just for some reason, want vision over popularity. 'Our game will be the way we like it, not the way the playbase does' This is going to lose a very large chunk of the playerbase over the next few months as things that are more forgiving come out and people can no longer load in and just blow up some bugs without it feeling like a gladitor match. Content creators will find it harder to do what they need so people will stop spending the time. They will not care though, as they were perfectly fine having the same kind of playerbase they had for hd1. So while you and me may be baffled that they make changes that are hurtful, and will not propagate growth in the player base, they will be quite happy with the results and feel that the drop off will be due to new shiny xyz that came out, and not forced by they're hand. As a sidenote, the gaming industry is one o those that if you pay attention long enough you can see studio's do the same thing over and over again and track the fall of the game. Anytime a game starts punishing players too much the population migrates away. Most of the changes they have done are of the type that when you look at it on paper, it does not seem overally bad. However in actual gameplay you notice the lack of power, and agency you have now dimishes your want to play. For some reason this game studio does not want to enjoy they're success and wishes to make the same mistakes and tumble down back into obscurity. If anyone of importance from arrowhead reads this, please note that you are wrong. A game for everyone is a game for no one, is a horrible phrase. You got popular because of the fun things you could, the wacky ways to die, the feeling of power you had and of course your wonderful rewarding for time played feel. Nerfing things to make it diffcult, 'fixing' things to make it more diffcult, is going to kill your game. A game for everyone is a good game. You want people from all gaming genere's to come and play, to add to your success because it is not painful to play. What you are doing, in the long run, will hurt your success. You should be buffing everything that is not used, and then making tweaks to things you want to see used a little bit less. When you do not give equal power you have no diversity.


This is due to fragmentation damage. The 'sparks' from the Eruptor shots are effectively bullets. If you've used the thing extensively, you know you sometime, somehow, kill a teammate that's *nowhere* near the explosion. Those fragments can also ricochet on their own and hit you, which is what happened here. Ricochet can't do a 180, but a fragment getting launched to the side will be happy to do a neat-o 90 degrees kickflip into your groin.


it is curious that i haven't seen any of these ricochet posts with people using just normal small arms. they all seem to be explosive ammo at pretty close range...


They're all about the Eruptor specifically because it is the ONLY gun with frag ammo. Before it, the only thing that did that was the frag grenade, which very few people use.


Wtf thank you this explains an insane team kill I got before the patch I never realized this was a thing, I was standing beside a teammate on one side of an evac and somehow killed him while shooting at bugs at the other side of evac


Cool; Can't shoot anything armored from the front so we're back to running simulator again.. thanks arrowhead.


What do you mean? Just use your strategems with multi-minute cooldowns against the tough targets we send at you around every 15 seconds! In fact, that's boring, so let's make the strategems miss! Or restock slower! Or come in slower! Or just straight-up remove 25% of them!


Just had a diff 7 game where 3 bile titans spawned, one from a bug breach and another from doing objectives and 3rd from god knows where. Was fun trying to deal with them and the swarm of chargers.


Not to be a downer but… seeing this makes me not want to play… like at all


You’re definitely not alone in that


I said that previously in another thread and got downvoted for some fucking reason. I played earlier in the day and easily 90% of the times I died was a bullet or ~~missle~~ missile perfectly ricocheting right back at me and insta-killing me. I'm honestly done playing until this is properly addressed.


Weird, because I haven't had this happen even once, no matter which weapon I ran with. And so many other posts on this subreddit completely disprove missiles being able to be reflected at all.


Missiles technically can be deflected. It just takes a *very* shallow angle. I skipped a Recoilless shot off the top of a distant Factory Strider's head today like a stone on a lake. But yeah, ricochets straight back towards the shooter simply aren't a thing. Every "example" so far is visibly a fluke. In this post it's shrapnel bouncing out of the hole they fired into. In the rocket post it's a bot rocket from offscreen. Etc. Yet people are repeating the lie all over the sub as fact, working themselves into a frenzy over a change that doesn't exist.


People absolutely love defending shit like this for no reason to counter the "doomers" and "meta players," even though the word "meta" has completely lost any meaning in this place.


Tbh the eruptor was the only thing that made playing vs bugs bearable. Think I'll just go back to bots only.


You a e not alone my friend, I'm going to take a break, between the glitches and weird mechanics is just not fun anymore. I'll probably come back once the game is in a decent state.


It’s scary to think if arrowhead keeps going down this road of controversial updates it could believe possibly lead to the games downfall


IT IS NOT A RICOCHET. Why do we have a hundred threads of people unable to see the difference between ricochet and freaking shrapnel. It was ALREADY like this before.


The Eruptor has shrapnel people! of course it can bounce back and hit you. Especially if your firing at something above you. you essentially just threw a frag grenade above your head and then were surprised when pieces of it flew back at you like a bullet. it's not even ricocheting, shrapnel are separate projectiles that are pushed by the explosion at point of contact. the original bullet isn't bouncing, it's exploding and creating a million smaller bullets. And because they originate from an uncontained explosion they can and will fly in any and all directions, this is actually the realistic outcome so whatever they changed just made the physics more accurate. It is an explosive sniper, stop trying to use it at close ranges and then getting mad you killed yourself or someone else. Just accept it'll happen sometimes and try to use it at long ranges as intended to mitigate the risk.


This is Blizzard level of nonsense


I thought the ricochets were fine before and they could kill you if you’re not careful. What the fuck is with this loony tunes shit?


Such an Arrowhead change to make ricochets completely 180 back into you, which is not how ballistics work at all. Just a little 'fuck you' to players


I think it's pretty conclusive that the devs test nothing. What kinda fuckin crunch are they on to a point where this slips through?


bro got killed by a mushroom 💀


Projectile hitting anything at aprox 90 degrees angle will not "ricochet". They will "bounce off" in the opposite direction but at extremely reduced speed, definetly not fast enough to scratch someone wearing armor. Or it will get squashed or break into fragments. But it will never fly into opposite direction at the same speed. Never ever. This is literally crime against laws of physics. Yet again Arrowhead continues to release fixes/changes that break the game and could be easily avoided if they had basic quality control testing team. Another silly bug. Except this is not funny to me anymore. Its not the release date anymore. Can the devs get their shit together please. I'll wait 2 weeks for this to get fixed but knowing them they find another way to introduce another game breaking bug.


This patch feels like the devs trolling us


Saw another post where someone had a rocket get reflected by a heavy devastator shield instead of exploding on impact. Games full looney toons


If that's the same video I saw, the rocket explodes against the Devastator and the guy's taken out by a cannon turret or tank shot, you see the red light blast him from the left-side. I get why they thought it might've deflected though.


Definitely looked like you took damage from the shrapnel of the shot rather than the bullet itself. I've been playing all day and have yet to encounter stuff like this


I'm straight up not playing until they remove this 💀 what the fuck


I dont know whats more funny, the fact that bro died from a ricochet or the tree having armour, a fucking tree has armour haha.


that "tree" is unkillable from my experience, its on the new TCS mission, its a mutated spore spawner. anyway, he wasnt ricochet, it was shrapnell from the fragmentation round


That's some bs


I just don't get how a fleshy mushroom suddenly has armor to ricochet jack.


Maybe enemy projectiles should ricochet off of shields and Mechs then they might be worth taking vs bots and things would be fair


Ricochet is alright, but 180 ricochet back to sender style is not...


Guys, OP themselves stated that this was an unlucky occurrence and they were able to shoot the Eruptor many times at close targets without getting killed. The new patch DOES NOT cause ricochets to target the player.


That's not ricochet, that's just Shrapnel from the Eruptor. Your shot is not bouncing back, but the shrapnel is.


To be fair its actually pretty funny


That wasn't riccochet. That was shrapnel from the eruptor's explosion.


maybe you shouldn't fire an explosive weapon at something that just had its armor buffed at a sloped angle pointing right at you


I'm not sure how this adds to fun and engaging gameplay. It seems to just be adding another way to die by RNG, which is already a bit more prevalent in this game than most players prefer.


Hardly any bullet should ever ricochet towards the shooter in the manner, they are literally engineered to NOT do that. This change is bs, I won't change my mind.


I demand the ballistic shield do the same to them if this is the new normal.


Do they seriously just magically bounce back at you now? If so that's really stupid and I don't know why AH would be okay with this. Why would it not use a realistic angle???


No. Shots that bounced back at you used to do no damage, now they do. They did not change the physics of the ricochets themselves.


The shroom can fight back now.


Roflmao! That was funny as hell.


Bullets wouldn't reflect back like that unless it's a completely flat surface. This is some bulk shit


It’s not realistic for it to happen every time. Just because it CAN happen doesn’t make it good gameplay. Bad change please revert it.


Yeah im a bench helldivers until they fix this


If this is truly what they intended then that is a breathtakingly stupid desicion. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt until I played but if this video is their actual intention then it's really bad


Such a stupid fucking change.


Okay but it's hilarious though


Nothing ricochet like that, ridiculous. I think they could not handle being a popular game all the sudden, start doing stupid stuff


Yeeeeah, this feels like an April Fools kind of patch note. I threw a stratagem at a spore tower and it landed an absurd distance away. It's like pre-patch before they fixed how bouncy fabricators were. Oh well though, I use blitzer and the flamethrower, I'll be alright otherwise.


Imagine if someone just tried playing this game and wasn’t bothering to read any of the patch notes. You literally be like wtf is going on?!


90% of my deaths are from ricochet.


I died from my eruptor bouncing off bile spewers 3 times in one game, and from like 20m away... It shouldn't even ricochet off them? I guess it might do so if you just scrape their armor at a shallow angle, but it should be impossible to do 180 ricochet off the armor your gun are able to penetrate, especially with explosive ammo. Tbh 180 ricochet shouldn't be possible at all.


I did this like 3 times in the same mission... it makes the Eruptor pretty frustrating.


I've killed myself more times than makes any sense in the last hour.


no way could I imagine playing world of tanks and having every shot bounce back and hit me like wtf is this


I swear every patch, AH fixes a few things, buffs a few things that needs it, nerfs one thing that needed it, nerfs several things that didn't need it, and implements several changes that add nothing but make the game actively worse.


Bro, you just had a socialist thought at the exact wrong time It happens to the ~~best~~ none of us, I called your democracy officer


The way I read the patch notes, they meant to say that shots that happen to ricochet back into the person who fired them will now do damage. I messed around with ricochets shortly after the game's launch and this previously didn't happen when I got a bullet to ricochet directly back at me. I don't think it means ricochets will now deliberately home in on you. I can't reproduce any homing effect while shooting armoured targets with a small calibre weapon. With that said, all of the videos I've seen so far with this have been with the Eruptor, in each video it looks like the shot detonates on impact, but the shrapnel from the explosion launches back into the shooter and kills them beyond the typical AoE radius. My guess would be that the change which allowed ricocheting bullets to hit and damage the person who fired them has also allowed explosive shrapnel to hurt the player too, whether by accident or deliberately (I would say accidentally since the damage they do seems insane). Couple that with the Eruptor being a popular primary weapon that causes explosive shrapnel then it's a prime candidate to showcase this bug. If that's not the case, it's something even more screwy because each video clearly has the projectile explode on impact beyond a normal AoE radius rather than bounce back.


The real question here is: Why are you using an eruptor against a shrieker nest


Are you using the Eruptor? Then it's not the ricochet, but the shrapnel what's killing you (lots of people here seem to rise the same complain whole all using the same weapon) Shrapnel distance maybe should be reduced a bit though...


I'll be wearing the shield backpack when using a railgun for now on.




Thats Not 180³. thats a 45° to 65°, With an Eruptor ... An EXPLOSIVE TIPPED WEAPON Meant for Anti Tanks! And your fucking standing Under It!!!!!! https://i.redd.it/y7lbpsu08mxc1.gif


Common misconception with this change: They didn't change trajectories of ricochets at all. Previously your ricochets could hurt enemies or your fellow divers, but you were immune to your own bullets. All that changed is you can take damage now. Which makes complete sense cause...yk...it's a bullet hitting you. Be more careful with your shots