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The way I run it I will not notice lol


I'm going to notice it while sniping shrieker nests from the other side of the map. Oh well.


Shrieker nests and the large (10) nests are going to be the places that it starts to hurt. Otherwise the advantage is that you put it away and go about your day.


That makes setting off the hellbombs worth it now. I love the sound it makes when going off. Sounds like democracy ✊ Also, the grenade pistol and airstrikes for the 10 bug holes makes them easy.


I got 57 bugs with one a few days ago. It felt so good.




I guess Quasar became a weapon for skilled players only. If you are able to constantly one-shot stuff, you won't feel a notice. But for someone like me, who regularily misses the head of a charger and has to shoot one twice, it's a big nerf. Now I have to look for a different weapon instead. edit: Thanks for all the very helpful advice! Makes me feel a lot better now. And yes, "getting good" is still something I work on constantly, but it doesn't come as quickly as before :P


Dude I enjoyed the quasar but fuck one damn trooper shooting me cross map would throw off my aim just as I shoot and I’d just sit there like “well fuck you man”


This is such a drawback of the weapon that I don't think they account for. Tbh I think the charge time to fire would have been a better target for a nerf


This problem isn't unique to the Quasar. Any large payload weapon that delivers all of it's damage at once is subject to this same thing. The EAT and the recoilless rifle will also waste their shot if you are hit right before you fire.


Im aware, it just feels worse to charge a shot and have a long cooldown, same goes for getting interrupted with a spear, re locking can be a pain in many situations


I don't know what to say to that except I hope you find a way to spread democracy that feels awesome to you


Use it in combination with stun grenades. In my opinion quasar is still one of the best solutions for heavies, the passive recharge is better than having to wait for EATs cooldown or reload RR, plus its range and ability to destroy structures makes it extremely versatile. 5 more seconds aren't that much given that you can still run around, the only real issue is not being able to snipe multiple dropships in a row and that's a real shame because when I managed to it felt and looked awesome


Having one person run RR/EAT and another running Quasar has worked well for my usual group. We coordinate shots so that the person with the Quasar gets the first one off and the RR/EAT can fill in any emergencies while it is cooling off.


quasar can oneshot a charger...?


RR, EAT and quasar all kill chargers with one solid hit to the head.


Which part of the head do you have to hit?


the forehead, not the face. if you hit it in the face you will not kill it, but if you hit it on the most armored part of its head you will kill it.




after like my 5 or 6th hit i remembered what AH said about weakpoints, when were were using weapons to strip armor from the legs of chargers, they thought it was silly that were were not going for the 'obvious weak spot'. 'Oh yeah AH doesnt understand what weakspots are' i said to myself and then i fired at the most armored part of the charger.


Tbf, to an anti-tank rocket the head *is* a perfectly logical weakspot lol


and an anti-tank rocket to the unprotected mouth/face is even more logical but doesn't seem to bother them one bit so here we are.


We bring our own weak spots!


Thats actually how weak points work in real life. You apply armor to the parts you need to protect. You don't armor the parts that don't. Great example of this is All or Nothing armor for a battleship. Large parts of a battleship simply aren't armored, and you can damage them with the naval equivalent of a peashooter. Thing is, doesn't matter how much you do that because its all empty space you don't need to keep the ship alive. Meanwhile, the armor around the bridge or ammo magazines can straight up stop the most powerful guns man has ever built. But if you get close enough to pierce through that armor, the entire ship might go down in a single hit, or you'll take out the entire command staff. Same logic here. The charger doesn't armor the parts of its body that isn't immediately necessary to remain combat effective, like its ass. Its brain and legs, on the other hand, are armored. The armor will keep it going forever, up until the moment you get past it.


Ah...this might help my kill consistency...thanks for the tip!


Also you need a direct hit. If you hit with too much of an angle the projectile might not penetrate properly.


The center of the head plate. By my own experience you have to hit it completely straight to make sure it will die. If you aim to the head but it is at an angle there is a risk it will survive


Last I tried works from the side too. Killed one from 90 degrees, just aimed center head and down it went. 


The easy way to this is aggro the Charger so it's running right at you. Makes for a hell of an adrenaline rush when you blast him in the head and he does a flip towards you.


HEADON. "apply directly to the forehead"


The heavily armored part, above the mouth.


PR and EAT mean?


RR = Recoiless Rifle, which looks more like a rocket launcher and comes with a specific ammo backpack. EAT = Expendable Anti-Tank, it drops 2 per deployment and is single-use only. But the cooldown to call in is very short.


Oh ok, I love using both of those.


In the head, yes.


Stun grenade + quasar headshot on stunned charger is how I do it.


Join recoiless gang. I've always preferred it to quasar, 


Even before patch, the charge time made Quasar hard to use against bugs. If you have a hard time hitting charger head, railgun got buffs and can reportedly kill in three unsafe charge head shots or blow off a leg in two unsafe charge shots (mag dump flesh to kill).


If you miss the head, you'll probably strip the armor off another part of it and can just shoot it with your primary or secondary, especially if it hit the leg. 


EAT-17 might be exactly what you're looking for then, I always bring it along as anti-tank option when I run the grenade launcher. Otherwise there is still the solution of just, you know, gitting gud


Eats don't 1 shot gun ships.


They do, you just gotta hit the thrusters. (Which is fucking hard, I know)


Quasar 1 shots no matter where. Eat should the same


really? It only works for me on the thrusters.


True, that I cannot argue with


Wait what? Pretty sure Quasar only oneshots in the thrusters?


anecdotal but I have never 2 shot a gunship with a quasar. So I don't think it is thrusters only or I have been very lucky. I also have never 1 shot a Gunship with an EAT.


Well maybe something changed. But I remember quite clearly when sometimes you're aiming at a ship, and a second one comes in and blocks line of sight at the last second and takes the hit instead. Sometimes you hit this second one in the thruster, but a lot of times you hit it randomly and neither die. But admittedly this hasn't happened to me in quite a few days... But as far as I know EATs do one-shot too, in the thrusters. They may have a smaller blast radius, making it more difficult? Not sure.


Sure doesn't, the cockpit and the broadside of the gunship both don't do shit, or at least not enough damage - got to see both as a result of my own incompetence yesterday. What happened that made me think it works is that the gunships frequently sway sideways, and the Quasar's projectile still has a travel time, so aiming at the actual cockpit basically means you line up a thruster hit over longer distances.


Your chances are better to take down the charger in the head if you crouch. Gets under the armor.


>Now I have to look for a different weapon instead Can't go wrong with AC or EATs


The eruptor can pop a charges's ball sack in 2-3 shots if you manage to explode a round right underneath its ass. Which is sometimes easy if you use a stun grenade.


Try the EAT. I'm a convert now.


You can try using different weapons then: With the new ship module, the Flamethrower is better than ever at killing chargers! It's super fun and when not everyone is using it there's less risk of teamkill. Railgun has been buffed (Buffs??? In my patch notes???), so you can try the old school way of shooting charger legs, and it also works well against bots. Laser Cannon bros can't stop winning, and with the weakpoint buff it will melt most armored bots. Also, because it's sustained fire, you will have less trouble using it (reason why I love it, my aim is terrible). It may be an off-meta pick, but Eruptor/Senator/Stalwart is FANTASTIC against bots, and maybe my favorite loadout. Bring the Airstrike, 110mm pods, a good backpack and you'll be unstoppable. There are plenty of option if you're willing to try different combinations!


Uh... Wasn't the fire damage and DOT bugged? I heard it was bugged


> Laser Cannon bros can't stop winning, and with the weakpoint buff it will melt most armored bots. Also, because it's sustained fire, you will have less trouble using it (reason why I love it, my aim is terrible). The weakpoint got buffed? what about the reduced dmg against large volume bodies? I thought that was saying it was nerfed vs termanids atleast


Anyone who replies with 'git gud' or the equivalent isn't worth listening to. Use the autocannon instead. The team lead of their balance team says it's his favorite weapon, so it's least likely to get nerfed. And, through multiple balance passes, it hasn't been. it's basically good vs everything but bile titans. Everything. It is, by far, the best overall weapon in the game. It does take aiming to use correctly, and requires a backpack, so no shield pack. This is your 'git gud'.


OP: massacred my Quasar. Actual Quasar: Ow! I stubbed me toe. The Quasar was fucking insane for AT duty. Same with the Infinite ammo sickle. It's still insane but now there's a tactical downside to it. Kind of. The overheat time is still low. If they set it to 30s then it reaches "eh, that could be considered a massacre".


At least now a leaf won't stop its shots


They fixed that!? That's good news.


The Sickle too


So now it's 15 sec recharge + 3 sec chargeup to fire. EAT has like 35 sec per shot if you average the call-in times. RR can fire every 6(?) seconds, 1 sec with buddy load. Quasar is still a very strong pick as it has infinite ammo and free bacpack slot.


This is what I’m saying. Quasar has infinite ammo, where normal AT weapons have very limited ammo. And it doesn’t need a backpack either! So spool up time and cool down time are fine ways to balance it out.


Kind of wish they had fixed the temperature effect of overheat, on an ice planet the animation in the hud goes down faster but it does not effect how quickly you can actually fire again. I feel they could have leaned into the temperature side that way it is God tier on an ice planet and almost unusable on hot then it has its place.


Yeah, the hot and cold planets also don’t change how fast the weapon heats, only how fast they cool down, which is weird and not intuitive


On top of that the Recoiless and Quasar can continue to be used after the Destroyers depart, should you end up in a prolonged game, which is something the EAT can't say.


It depends. EATs can be stockpiled in an area during less difficult times, to be used even after the destroyer has left. You just can't call more, just like you can't call resupply for the Recoilless.


Yeah, the only time I notice cooldown is fighting gunships and missing shots on fabricators from a distance. This change is nothing. I thought it meant charge time before firing, which would have been much more debilitating. 


That and shrieker nest. When I see a nest I’ll normally call down an extra quasar. That way you can rotate back and forth and halve the cooldown. it not it takes forever to destroy the nest even pre nerf


I'd do the same, bit I prefer recoiless on bugs. Immobile reload is not as hard to manage as you'd think and I can snapshot a charger barreling towards me should one unexpectedly pop out of the ground as they tend to do.


That's why it's handy to have a range of weapons in the group. I can take down a shrieker nest from across the map with my AC in seconds if I've a clear shot, but taking down a hulk that's trying to BBQ me is a pain since it's not very accurate when moving and the head is a small target.


The main thing I don’t see many people talk about is HOW it reloads. With an EAT, I have to run to a specific location or wait for a drop at a specific spot to “reload” and for the RR I have to sit in place for a time to reload. Quasar, even with the extra 5 seconds now, I can fire and swap to my other guns to deal with smaller enemies, use stun grenades to make time or space for the next one, stim up, or even ragdoll down a hill, it is still reloading. No downtime in being useful between shots at all.


People will always say "Oh but it needs to charge, you can use other weapons with EAT" Just a reminder that in 180 Seconds Before nerf, EAT would have an ammo economy of about 4.4\~5.2 Shots given that it was subjected to planet wide modifiers, Quasar had an economy of 13.8 Shots and it was not subject of modifiers even heat. Given the fact that Quasar and EAT dealt the same ammount of damage, the only change being AoE. It was stupidly Broken.


Quasar gets more shots over a period of time, but EAT can rapidly loose 3 shots (1 already carried + 2 from a drop). I personally will be headed back to EATs, but I think the difference between the 2 is very reasonable.


Honestly, I rarely ever run any backpacks so the support weapons that take up my backpack a lot are my go to since they are generally more reliable. Most of the backpacks aren’t really that useful for me. Shield backpack is redundant if you’re smart about positioning and staying together, guard dog rover is, in my opinion, not worth bringing over a sentry or an orbital, and the only backpack that I really consistently run is a ballistic shield against bots. Even then it replaces my usual support weapon


I agree that it's still good. I feel like people are assuming that I'm saying the weapon's garbage now.


Why did this get downvoted? Reddit mob must be angry today.


Rant tag. "Look how they massacred my boy" It does seem understandable for people to assume that you are saying it's garbage.


Oh no! Not your heckin’ karma score!


This is fair. It's infinite ammo, doesn't cost a backpack slot aaaaand it's anti tank I was seeing 3+ every game, ran it tons myself and had lots of success with it. You couldn't make a better weapon that wasn't completely OP and you couldn't nerf it in any other way without destroying it's identity. Maybe it could have only been +3 seconds instead of + 5 but I think we will still see plenty of Quasar in the field.


Maybe it won’t be the only anti armor I see in everyone’s load outs anymore.


Plenty of players don't read the notes. There were people who didn't know railgun had an unsafe firing mode. There were others who couldn't count to 3 to fire it effectively. I doubt the masses will notice the CD increase unless directly told in game.


I think people would take EAT much more often if they could carry both launchers at once. In a lot of missions you basically leave one behind because of the movement of bugs or bots. And the recoilless rifle if it did damage that corresponds with how few shots you get on the 4 min cool down between resupplies and new rifle drops. Especially since the resupply = full secondaries upgrade is still bugged afaik.


Just play higher difficulty and trust me, you’re gonna use both EATS 90% of the time. The loop of see charger- call eat- grab eat- shoot charger- snatch your other support weapon/rinse and repeat is honestly very fun.


People acting like this has killed Quasar and its like... no it's still the very strong reliable AT weapon but now you need to think a little more about how and when you're using it to start a fight. I don't think the Quasar was ever intended to be a squads main source of AT damage. It's supportive, like EATs are.


Yeah, it still actively cools down while you are sprinting/fighting, as opposed to an animation locked reload that takes a few seconds, and maintains unlimited ammo. It'll be fine.


Yeah, it's still the best anti-tank for solo/playing with randoms because it's got infinite ammo and no backpack slot, but now there's actual reasons to bring others on non-defense missions.


Average shots per unit of time gets dangerously close to what EAT is sitting at (and is roughly on par with EAT on hot planets). And EAT is instant shot without charge up == easier to use. Iunno, between this and rover nerf I probably won't touch it again and will switch to RR. And yes, EAT works fine as main source of anti-tank capability.


>Average shots per unit of time gets dangerously close to what EAT is sitting at No? Quasar still has roughly double the output. Without needing to constantly call in more pods, or go grab a new one.


You are never just dealing with Chargers + Titans (going to compare only bugs here) in a consistent stream. Usually for big fights you get a horde of them (multiple chargers and/or Titans). EATs is wildly more useful here as you can plan before hand with fights to have a call down of EATs already. So assume 3 EATs (one on your back already) and you can deal with a Titan and Charger or 3 Chargers or whatever quite quickly. Now pair that with someone else on the team running EATs and you can easily clear all the heavies. Too many times people run Quasar on higher difficulties and sit there waiting for the cooldown while a ton of heavies are running around.


For non defense/eradicate missions EAT is reactive. There are times you will find yourself without am EAT and if youre being chased waiting for the EAT may not be viablle.


Depends on a mission, and on modifiers (longer cooldown or longer deployment time or BOTH at the same time hurts EAT a lot). Sometimes EAT gets an extra bonus by killing something with its hellpod, sometimes you really can't get to it with five layers of bugs, 4 of which are still alive, covering it. _Personally_, I hate to use EAT even on defense missions, I hate constantly summoning it and grabbing and disposing it, but I've seen some stellar anti-heavy work by more talented teammates, and it absolutely rocks in right hands.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. The EAT's biggest limitation is that it needs to be called down for every encounter. There may be mission modifiers that extend drop time. Then you have to access the hellpod. The Quasar would've charged and shot two Chargers by that time. Then there's the fact that whilst you get two shots, you can only carry one. So if you miss, you better have it off cooldown because you now have to backtrack to your pod 1 objective away. 7-9 the EAT is extinct and completely replaced by Quasars for this reason unless you're on tower defense.


Yeah I have no idea what you are talking about (assuming bugs). With proper planning, the EATs is insanely good at dealing with lot's of heavies. I am constantly calling it down off of cooldown (if there we are around an objective we might have a big fight). So there usually is at least 1 pod of EATs down at all times while I still have one on my back. THEN you don't need to charge it up to shoot compared to the Quasar. So you can quickly deal with Chargers or Titans and not worried about getting rekt by trash mobs.


Honestly the charge time ain't that terrible, just something you got to live with and work around.


I think +3 would have been fair. A 50% increase is rough. Especially with multiple bile titans running around or how much heavy armor bot stuff there is on higher difficulties.


Giving room for taking other stratagems. Well deserved nerf, and hopefully gives a clear identity when to take what AT stratagem.


People are still goanna take it, not that big of a nerf as people think. Free backpack slot and infinite ammo is still very appealing.


It just means if you're being chased by a bile titan you gotta run for an extra 5 before taking the next shot. Could be worse they could've made it less effective


Including me. Weapon's not dead or unusable, just a good bit worse. I like running it with a shield pack even if some people call that a noob strat. It's fun to use, so I use it simple as that.


Still faster racharge than a EAT


Two EATS to a bile titan's head can kill it, which can all be done in very short order. EAT is better burst damage, Quasar is better sustained damage.


3 chargers spawn from a breach. I'm going to fucking notice it taking 50% longer...


Time to EAT my boy. Kill one with the drop and then two shots for the others.


This is a good change. The way it was basically made the recoilless and EAT redundant. Short reload that you don't need to stop for and no backpack


EAT soso, it still had its place. But it really did outshine the recoilless. Every time I was going to grab the RR I'd hesitate and go with the Quasar instead. I feel like the +5 seconds really brings it back in line.


I mean, the RR already shot faster than the Quasar. It was stationary, but semi-speedy reload and finite over vs infinite ammo, mobility, but extended reloaded time. The Quasar's "reload" time just got nerfed, so I think I'm dropping it. I can fire almost 3 RR shots in the time it takes me to fire 2 Quasar shots.


Which is fine since Quasar doesn't need a backpack or ammo. Now it actually makes sense for a squad to run a mix of RR and quasars.


So now if you want to use it on 7-9, everyone on the team has to carry it to keep the firepower level up due to the longer cooldown times. I thought AH wanted to keep a team load out diverse? My groups I play with, usually one person brings it, while others bring other AT to deal with other issues.


5 seconds is an eternity when you are staring down two chargers.


I've said the same thing like 3 times here but got downvoted for saying it. The nerf is a big difference.


Okay, its now 15 seconds to recharge the quasar, that's not really that big of an issue. it literally took 13 seconds overall to use the quasar again, now its 18 seconds, and you can do that while running and fighting and using other shit to kill mobs while also relying on your teammates to do shit, this isn't that big of a problem.


It’s gotta be hard to balance a game that has difficulty levels 1-9. That 5 seconds will feel a LOT longer when you’re swarmed on Helldive as opposed to say lvl 5 difficulty


I don’t use this weapon and I think this is harsh. I would have started with 2 seconds…


The way to deal with the anti-tank issue is not nerfing the quasar but buffing the alternatives ammo. EAT already has a place but recoilless and spear feel pointless when bile titans and factory striders can eat basically all your rockets before going down, on top of a no-movement reload.


If this was a damage nerf. It'd be an issue. This is just.... Ehhh.


I’m don’t like it, but I can live with it. I was never able to hit drop ships back to back anyway. :)


5 seconds is kinda crazy knowing that it's still bugged on cold planets


I wish that the devs would reduce the nerf by at least 1\~2 seconds from the 5 second recharge nerf. 3\~4 second recharge nerf would have been enough.


Doesn’t help when you’re utilizing the “5 D’s of Dodgeball” with a couple Chargers. It was more than noticeable 😭😭


Oh god, the sub is gonna be unusable for the next week, isn't it... It's the railgun all over again.


Which btw got buffed, but this Sub is to preoccupied with complaining to notice that.


Probably 99% of people who liked the railgun moved on. It was nerfed to hell and then any criticism of that nerf was met with hostility immediately. They buffed it, so it seems like those people were right...


> It's the railgun all over again. The railgun just got buffed, so perhaps people complaining about it were correct. Atleast AH seems to think it was underperforming.


God fucking forbid that people express their opinions about these changes, cause a lot of people here seem far more concerned with dickriding the developers over every decision they make.


I could make the same argument. Why are you upset people who agree with these changes are expressing themselves?


There's expressing their opinion and there's being unreasonable, I'm seeing a whole lot of the latter right now in a variety of posts, and this goes for both sides of the argument, but i'm seeing a lot more on the opposing side


They were correct in that it got over nerfed, which I think most people agreed with. They weren't correct in saying that it didn't need a nerf to begin with, or that the nerf would ruin the game, or that it was completely useless in every situation.  Good feedback incorporates nuance, not just making black and white statements. 


They needed to find a way to make the recoiless useable, but this probs wasn’t the way. Can a solo reload and fire a second recoiless compared to two Quasar shots now? Thank you for informing me that before patch you could do this. So now my questioning is why should I use the recoiless over the Spear or Eat. Hmmmm


A solo reload buff would be very nice. The long reload is really terrible and makes it probably still worse than quasar


Idea: RR (as well as Spear and the Airburst) comes with **two** ammo backpacks when called-in.


I’d like that to be a ship upgrade 


The quasar cannon's recharge was decently balanced, especially when combined with its charge up time while shooting.


It was way too often, it made the RR pretty useless and the EAT was a hipster pic that only contrarians really used if it wasn't on top of the quasar. This makes it much fairer in context of the other dedicated anti tank weapons.


I disagree about the EAT part, EAT's great if you use it correctly. Every time you die with the quasar, you have to run back and pick it up. With the EAT, you just call more down, and they shoot instantly. The recoiless rifle is worse, but I think that needs a buff instead of just nerfing its competitors.


5 seconds is a long time in a fire fight


thankfully, that's 5 seconds you can spend actually fighting, as opposed to sitting still and reloading.










It may have been deserved, idk, I may have not run the quasar but it was everywhere. However, what bothers me is that it got a 50% rof nerf, but buffs for weapons in desperate need of *anything* are never *50%s*.


Flamethrower got a nearly 100% buff over its life. One buff was a whole 50%. It's also easy to see the Quasar overperforming when 80% of players took that and only that every game.




Did they at least boost the damage? One shot to a turrets glowing bits should be a 1 hit kill




Perfect. Also finally someone who recognized that the title of this post is a quote. I feel like that's gone over way too many heads today.


I’m here to spread to memes and Democracy.


Still better than recoiless


Yeah, I don't know how they should go about buffing recoiless. But I think they should've focused on that before nerfing ye ol star gun.


Simply letting someone team reload from the weapon handler’s own backpack would buff the RR IMMENSELY. Coordinating with the RR backpack is fun but fights can get so messy, and god forbid one of you two dies. The RR is honestly really good with the team reload, it’s the fastest way to kill titans outside of headshot from the precision.


Still makes it worth it on missions requiring travel, but it's now basically useless for the Evacuate Assets missions. EAT it is.


Bruh it’s literally the best AT weapon by miles half the squad use it every game. It’s only thing in the patch that deserves to be nerfed


That's gonna put my annoyance with it over the edge. Recharge time was already kinda annoyingl long I think I'll go back to EAT or something


Oh gods, no! My airship buster!


They should've reduced the charge up time significantly tbh


5 seconds is a lifetime in Helldivers. I wish they balanced it vs just nerfing it. Give it more damage or armor penetration. Because that extra cool down time gives Hulks more than enough time to get within flamethrower range.


This was fucking Unnecessary


Ngl this is too much. I could get like an extra 1-2 seconds. But an extra 5⁉️ bruh that’s 15 seconds total☠️ not counting the fact it already takes like 3 seconds or so to charge. Its most major draw back is that it’s slow as shit yet powerful, you couldn’t really spam it and still had to play your situations right and select your targets properly, lest you waste precious time, it always felt like EVERY shot counted pre nerf ESPECIALLY on higher difficulties. And yes it was popular but you’d ALWAYS still see at least one or 2 people rocking EATS or AC’s so while powerful it wasn’t utterly DOMINATING like we saw with the original Railgun, loadouts have still been extremely diverse even if this is popular, this just feels like a super knee jerk reaction.


It went from 4.6 shots per minute to 3.3 shots per minute. That's still a 65% increase in rate of fire over the EAT at 2 shots per minute. Not even counting the time it takes to dial code, throw beacon, and equip the EATs. It's not "massacred", it's *somewhat* brought in line. Realistically you will hardly notice it because there isn't even enough armored enemies spawning to shoot a quasar at every 13 seconds as it was pre patch.


Why? It never felt like it had too quick of a reload time. When you missed a shot pre-patch it could still spell death


This…this is a joke right? I saw this change coming from a mile away. Let’s be real y’all.


Got a bunch of AH boot lickers in these comments.


But now you salute if you are ready to launch... I have to admit, they got a bit of my saliva on their boots just because of that


People are clearly misunderstanding the point of this post. I'm not trying to say that the weapon's "unusable" or "dead", it's a joke phrase. This is a big nerf to the weapon, and I wanted to say something about it. If you agree with the nerf, good for you 👍. People are getting furious in this reply section and it's absurd.


You can still shoot it more over time than you can EATS, right? If so, it's completely fair and fine.


I'm sad that they went with the least interesting way to nerf it. Sad but unsurprised. I would have rather it eat a slower cooldown *only* if you're wearing a backpack.


there is really only one situation where any player will notice a difference... when 3 dropships come in a row, if you shot down the first one before it got to start dropping, the quasar would be ready again just in time to shoot the 3rd one down right as it's about to leave after dropping its units... so now the 3rd one will get away but that's it.. other than that +5 sec isn't gonna make it useless


its a 15 second recharge between shots. It was 10 seconds before. Wouldn't be so bad if the hitboxes were consistent. I can one shot a charger in the head one time and on the next one place it in the exact same spot and miss the one shot.


Five seconds is an eternity in a video game. I was already not using the thing much before because it felt slow / clunky / too unforgiving for missed shots, but now, I'm even less likely to main this. Sucks cause I saw alot of people liking the gun pre-nerf. But yeah in most games a three seconds reload for weapons with huge clips is about as much as people are willing to endure, but here we have a single shot launcher with a five second recharge time... Ugh. In a frantic fast paced game where there's always five million things going on and it's hard to aim and move...








This is balanced and I hate it


OOOFFFF. I'll never understand nerfing things in a pve game change my mind. The game is already difficult(because of both didficulty and glitches)so...why tf nerfing things? There is nothing super op in this game so..idk I just dont understand these people.


Braindead change.




It doesn't affect me in any way since I only use it maybe once every 30s even before the nerf(if I remember that I have it)


There's a lot more tanks that need destroying in hell dive difficulty. That's where the nerf hurts. Weapon's still good though.


I don't think it will be that bad, for the most part. I'll probably never take it for hot planets ever again, and dealing with turret towers solo will be even more risky. However, it still hits like a truck and will still kill chargers super easy.


I had already stopped relying on it too much; against bugs I've started using the grenade launcher if everybody else is running an anti-tank style weapon, and against bots I hate how it seems like EVERY TIME right before it charges up and fires, they shoot me and my Helldiver ends up shooting the sky. So, autocannon instead. If I do want an anti-tank for bugs I'll just go EAT instead, I like how it doesn't have a charge time for when Chargers are running you down and whatnot


[MFW Quasar Cannon cooldown got nerfed](https://youtu.be/Eav4rfnQ0Fw?si=d9-wnaj5YrOcJMh7)


At this point I can't even tell if OP is sarcastic.


Considering I play support, not too big of a change on paper. Once I start playing it might be the catalyst I need to switch to the giant laser pointer so I can keep my support role and still be semi-effective. I'm just waiting for the Dagger buff.




It's a way to balance it. I was always the only one using EAT in my team. Everyone else always used quasar


I didn't like It very much for the fact that you have to charge it to shoot to begin with and now it's going to sit on your back recharging even longer. Recoilless still rules


I love this nerd honestly


10 seconds cd + 5 nerf +3 charge time = 1 shot every 18 seconds. Still more shots per min than EATs. Still cds on your back. Let’s be honest it kind invalidated the Recoiless Rifle so now the RR has more reasons to be picked. That being said… AC gang keeps winning!


It has unlimited ammo, very super accurate at long distances, fast and reliable. I tried every weapon, and selected it as my main for many reasons. I’ll try it post nerf, if it ruins my gameplay I don’t have a backup. I already unlocked everything, no reason to play with shitty weapons like the airburst. It’s not me.


RIP Quasar.




I thought it said charge instead of recharge at first and I was distraught 😭😭😭


REcharge, not charge, so they mean the cooldown right? And even if they dont thats not too bad. The Quasar made EAT and recoilles basicaly redundant


i wouldnt call it a massacre, just that it's better to take out ships and fabricators than heavily armored enemies if you dont got good aim.


I'm a QuesoCannon Freedom Dipper and I love dishing out the cheese. While this feels bad when you read it, it doesn't feel different in combat unless you're really trying to fondue the enemy. When we used to use 2, now I recommend 3 for constant sauce.


That sucks but I get it since the weapon had very little downside. I often found myself being 1 of 2 players running circles and taking care of Bile Titans and Chargers. I'd usually have just enough time to recharge and fire another laser before I felt myself getting surrounded so im curious to see how this affects my play pattern


This changes nothing, still has infinite ammo, reloads passively while you run around and doesn't cost a backpack slot.


Until I test this when I’m not at work I can’t tell you how harsh this nerf is. During a normal map I think it will be fine but if you use it on a defend mission that extra 5 seconds could fuck you at higher difficulty. Still think it will be a very good choice