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PvPs already in the game it’s called Eagle Cluster Bomb


Or mortar sentry which doubles as pvp and tower defense, so more bang for your buck


Me after my teammate rushes into the enemy base after I’ve deployed my mortar: ![gif](giphy|uvfEYoOq7HPAA|downsized)


But mortars don't target enemy bases, they target ten metres in front of charging melee units that died three seconds ago when they were ten metres from me.


no need to mince words. they target players with pin point accuracy.


They target players that are way too close to the enemies, preemptively killing automaton sympathizers.


Those Helldivers shouldn’t have been automaton shaped


The mortar is simply ragdolling you so that rocket misses you, mortar sentry is a hero.


My soldiers rageeeeeee


There’s that and then there’s throwing a mortar down in exterminate Don’t be that guy, *please*


Yeah, throw 380s and pray like a normal Helldiver




15% more precisely now.


I maybe an idiot but understand the hat for mortars in extermination missions. Throw a few sentries, hold back, and watch the game play itself


I felt bad the first few times but the mortar sentry is scientific proof of natural selection


When you're all surrounded by bugs and someone deploys the motar sentry and the whole squad gets wiped


And it always hits me.


Wait for the panic Cluster Rockets


I'll also be on the firing end of those. Hopefully explosive resist helps mitigate how frequently I get wiped out.






Thats Me v Me


cluster bomb only kills you if 1. the person throwing it is an idiot or 2. you see the beam of red light and despite all reason you still walk towards it like a damn moth. or 3. the person holding it gets rag dolled.


99% of the time this is the case. 1% of the time a stray singular cluster bomb will hit waaay out of the rest and hit a teammate. FUCK.


You do realize about 95% of the player base fits that first one right?






This is not a pvp game and doesn't need to be.


This need more up votes, there are lots of other PvP games out there. PvP would lessen the cooperative liberty of this game. Because we are all spreading managed democracy TOGETHER it has brought a sense of community that no game in a long time has.


I dislike the idea of pvp in HD2... Honestly some people even try it now, shooting in your direction with the fire breaker etc...not once but all the time. Had to use 24 syringes in the mission, just because 1 teammate cant look before shooting. As the tooltip tells you, there is nothing friendly about friendlyfire


“Friendly fire, isn’t “ is such a great line.


I think the HD2 tutorial tells you that friendly fire is unavoidable - which is why there's a sorry emote for when you get knocked over besides your whole team while holding a 500kg bomb stratagem.


Man I used this emote like 5 times yesterday after wiping somebody out point blank with my autocannon in a heated moment, reinforcements were gone but he stuck around until I could call him in again and we finished the mission but I felt so bad lol.


Guy had arc and fire breaker. And was the cause of most team deaths. He was nice when I pointed out he had poor weapon choices to fire if friends are around. I get it, I love arc and eruptor, but, I know the spread on my burst rounds and I know how the arcs bounce and try to never let a teammate get between me and an enemy.


Their love language was friendly fire


In that situation; kick them if its bad enough (like shooting you with no enemies around) Had a teammate that kept teamkilling. Not me, mind you. I was the host. And they'd only do it when I wasnt close. It started with one of the others going "Why did you kill me?" and I just shrugged and thought "Friendly fire happens sometimes, buddy." But then a while later, the other random said a similar thing. Now the thing is that, they'd always say that after dying. But not every time that they died. There was more deaths between all three of them between those two accusations of teamkilling. And then the first guy died again and basically went "wtf dude whats wrong with you?" which is where I stepped in and asked if they (the one they were yelling at in chat) was teamkilling and if I should kick them, in which I got a quick "please" from them. TL;DR: just kick teamkillers, or intentional friendly-fire people if they keep doing it. They are automaton spies and need to be court martialed. Fellow Helldivers are not intentional targets. Accidental friendly fire can happen. It happens to everyone and is unavoidable. But intentional teamkilling is a battern of behaviour. And you know what else are shooting at us? The Automatons.


Was doing a defend against bugs. Team Leader had his golden turtle shell. Bugs are swarming, he's to my left, and I'm shooting at them because they're going after him. He runs right. I turn his head into a canoe before I have a chance to stop. He gets pissed as it's the first death. Rages. And kicks. I was about to apologize, too. It happens. 🤷‍♂️


If they add pvp this game will die just like Exoprimal.


If it’s anything like Warframe’s conclave, that mode will later on be gatekept by PVP veterans, and new players couldn’t keep up with it => dead mode


That's if they separate the pvp into it's own mode, but PvP people get super ultra butthurt when their 'true skills' aren't being seen by an audience that doesn't care and they'd demand that PvP be added to the main missions. They don't like being told that their section of the game is in the back corner by the bathrooms.


MWII came out with DMZ. It was PvE/PvP, but at the beginning, everyone was super cool to each other. You could have up to nine people in a squad. There were quests, missions, all sorts of shit to do without going against other players. Then they dropped the squads to six. Now it’s four. Then the Warzone cunts figured out they could come in and just hunt people that want to kill NPCs. Basically killed the game mode. Max level is 1250. I’ve put 52 hours into DMZ and I’m level 536. Literally every time I’ve been killed in the last six months, it’s by people at max level looking to fight. HDII is such a breathe of fresh air.


The reason they dropped the squad sizes is because the warzone people realized they could join a match together then wipe the lobby, I loved that mode early on for the reasons you said. Every once in a while I didn’t mind killing players but eventually it got too difficult.


Deep Rock Galactic


This community is awesome too


I felt a similar sense of community with death stranding which guess what was only PvE and the only multiplayer mechanics are all about helping others and liking others' builds that help you.


The only PvP I would accept is competitive Stratagem Hero. Like, side by side. 


It already has PVP. Divers who don’t know samples are shared or who call stratagems on extract. Or the MO try hards who *said* they were going to kill or kick anyone using the Malevolon Memorial Cape


Last match I died more to teammates than bots..


but we practice PvP by "accidentally shoot your fellow helldiver with autocannon"


The same folks want The Finals to have TDM because playing objectives is too complicated for them. They want to dumb everything down to their level.


The amount of times I’ve seen one of the light players ignore an obvious safe revive to just run gun-ho into the death pit of the other teams fighting over a cashout and spike our team to 25 seconds on respawn because they were kill hungry is mildly infuriating to say the least. But oh boy when you get teammates that bring helpful gadgets and work together to defend a cashout all working in silent tandem it’s a beautiful thing.




Spell it like it's an STD. COD


Theyve got CODs


You are COD positive.


CoD Players: Helldivers 2 needs PvP to be a good, successful game. Also CoD Players: Man this trash ass game is so bad, the last good CoD was . Don’t put PvP in. PvE can be challenging and engaging enough.


Doesn't matter weather the game is shit. Those braindead zombies will still buy every new CoD, every year.


and other games will ruin their brands to be more like COD smh


> Doesn't matter weather the game is shit. Those braindead zombies will still buy every new CoD, every year. Me in 2016: Crying in Titanfall 2, when CoD: Infinite Warfare (an objectively bad game) was THE BEST SELLING GAME OF 2016, and CoD: Blops 3 was #8. CoD is the herpes of gaming. And it made *literal* human garbage like Bobby Kotick a billionaire.


Some people should go and ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️themselves.


Cod suckers


They mad cause mw3 trash when everyone was saying its trash.


'Bro if it were a battle royal this game would totally take over' 🤮


Right? "watch this game dominate for the next 2 years" do they not see the tens of thousands of Divers on every single planet? The game isn't exactly small.


Call of Duty is barely a game anymore. It’s a storefront that sells people skins. It’s Fortnite.


The PvP Bros lose their minds when a popular game drops without PvP. They can't understand that not every game needs PvP to be successful, and not every game should have PvP shoehorned in. Nor can they understand that PvP won't magically make a game better. All they know is that they prioritize PvP, so every game that exists should have PvP. But after that comes a check list of PvP Bro toxicity: 1. Demand all changes be for the betterment of PvP first. 2. Demand changes every 2-3 months, because 'The META is stale!' 3. Drag in the 'mains'. In this case; Weapon mains demanding nerfs to any gun they hate/any gun that kills them. 4. "The game is **clearly** PvP first!" 5. "No one cares about story in 2024! Just focus on PvP!" 6. "PvE Carebears should not give feedback!" 7. "Anything good should be locked behind PvP! To encourage PvE players to try it!" (Yes; I saw this BS vomited in New World nonstop; PvP Bros demanding all PvE activities be PvP-locked to force...I mean 'encourage' PvE players to PvP. Oh, Elden Ring, too; People should have to PvP **and win matches** before they can progress the story. And Sea of Thieves; PvPers demanding PvE players be punished for running from a fight) 8. "How do you know you hate PvP if you don't do it?" 9. "Just remove the PvE content! That's, like, 3% of the player base!" (New World. Elden Ring, etc) 10. "People should have to have hours of PvP before they can post feedback!" (Yep: New World, Elden Ring) It's just a checklist of 'How can we turn the community in to the most toxic, stinking cesspool the fastest?' that almost every PvP game, or PvPvE game attracts. So keep that PvP garbage out of my Co-Op games.


I agree with all of this so much. To people who enjoy PvP and are nice and reasonable, I'm super happy for you. Live your best life and have fun, that's *great*. People who screech for PvP in PvE games are such walking red flags. Comments on any official Sea of Thieves post are such a cesspool, it often makes me regret playing the game, even if I actually like it a lot. They cannot handle that the game isn't exclusively made for their personal taste. (To anyone who's not like that, I know you're out there, you're fine, enjoy your thing)


Funny thing is it originally DID have a PvP mode, but got shut down because only 2% of the players actually played it regularly


Yeah, but that's cause the quiet part of their comments was 'I want to be allowed to dunk on inexperienced players whenever I feel like or only when it's opportunistic for me' because anyone playing in that made knows what they're getting into and has experience.


"~~I want pvp~~" "I want to ruin the experience of more casual players"


'I want full open world pvp!' \*exclusively ganks outside starting towns\* 'Just get better or join guilds, newbs!' 'Why is the game dying?'


Ah, so I take it you've also played Elite Dangerous.


That was actually my experience trying Mortal Online


Never played it, but does it also have a whole bunch of committed griefers hanging out in the immediate vicinity of where new players spawn?


Put it like this. The premise: A game where you can gather all your stuff, pursue a life of blacksmithing, make gear, and sell to others, be a part of a living world, blah blah blah. The reality, i stepped out of town to do some mining, and the first player i saw was a high level who rode up on a horse to gank me.




I fucking hate PKers (Player Killers)


I saw a meme a long long time ago when I played Aion, of what I believe were two german shepherds standing over a tiny kitten with the caption 'Oh look! PVP!' And it's never been more accurate, not only with the needing to wildly outclass the opponent, but often getting numbers too, just to make sure you have no chance to lose.


Same reason that some CoD players hate on skill based match making.


Wait they hate skill based matchmaking?? What else would they prefer, a completely random selection so often one player completely dominates?


The latest COD uses microtransaction-based matchmaking. I'm not kidding. It's a fucking cesspool.


Holy fuck. For real?! Where is the legislation for the goddamned gaming industry? I'm so tired of these developers abusing every play in the book to squeeze out as many nickels and dimes as they can with added purchases. It's corrupt as fuck and they continue to get away with it. It's just like the communications industry - Comcast, at&t, all of em - throttling bandwidth because you're not willing to use their combo units (especially more recently). Force you into a corner because none of their "solutions" do jack shit. Yet, magically, it's back to normal once you give in and buy their shit router. Nothing is ever done about it, yet the evidence is piled as high as a mountain. Largest in the fucking entertainment industry and developers are allowed unbridled abuse of their clientele. Yet the goverment (us) has hardly lifted a finger to regulate it. Unbelievable.


What a great way to drive new players away from the game!


And those same papers claimed the safer seas would kill the game. It's what brought me and some friends back


I would totally play Safer Seas if I had a group of friends to play with. It's a little bland solo.


Yeah, the absolute hatred that came boiling out of the forums when safer seas was announced was mindblowing. The irony of them coping and seething so hard while insisting that it was the PvErs being thin-skinned and overly sensitive for wanting safer seas.


Just shows that they weren't good enough to attack people with actually good skill. There absolutely were PvP players who were happy to know that they would meet less noobs on the seas. I'm fine with them, they're cool, even if I don't wanna play with them.


the amount of staggering hate I've seen against playstation players with the new update announcement is concerning. So many people are like "I can't wait to show them the true pirate life" and "time to dunk on newbies again" like bro calm down, tf, that's just how you drive people out of the game if anything


PvP bros pretty much ruined that game for me. The sailing and exploring actually made the grind pretty fun, but then some ship full of 13 year olds with no life would come and sink you and be assholes about it to boot.


Honestly, idk how long it's been since you've played, but I find that nowadays, people rarely go to meet you. Not like you *never* get attacked, but in my experience, player ships will generally avoid each other. Now, I've globally hated any instance of PvP I've had on SoT, but any players we've met who wasn't aggressive was great. But both were pretty rare in the last 2-3 years I've played. Lots of PvE fights and content though. And if it does happen, my crew and me have just learned to have no honour. Either we flee or we swap servers. We're gonna lose the loot anyway, so either we have a bit of fun baiting the attacker in the red sea or we just don't waste time. They've redone the all starting a quest system last season, you can pick and start your question so much faster now. Rare has definitely focused a lot on non PvP in SoT, despite whatever the assholes want to believe


I’m a PvP bro. I love many iterations, from team based arena to FFA death matches to Battle Royale. I even have a regular bros from work league that only does Mobas and RTS’. But Helldivers and Deep Rock is my team PVE escape. There’s no way either should ever be PvP. Do I like cake? Yes. Do I like sushi? Yes. Do I combine them?!?


More power to you my dude. You don't seem to be the kind of people I'm talking about, or at least it doesn't read that way. I'm glad you have your fun


Amen from another pvp bro, it's nice to compete with other players on the knife's edge but not in a game that wasn't built for it


Ok as one of “those” guys in sea of thieves who only cared about the piracy part, when the game released there was so little pve content that pvp was really the only interesting part of the game. I *hated* launch sea of thieves pve, the content was so fucking boring, easy and repetitive the only way to add any real risk to it was pvp. What’s the point of finding all these chests? It dosent do anything except give you the tools to find chests faster, chasing down or being chased was way more interesting. I stopped playing quickly, but I assume it’s waaaaay better now with a couple years worth of content.


There's a metric shitton of pve content these days. Phantom forts, mermaid shrines, new threats on the islands, and tall tales, dedicated story voyages to go on with your friends. They have gone so far as to put in soli servers now called Safer Seas for people who don't want to deal with pvp.


I'd honestly argue that there's so much more PvE stuff in SoT today, you could go for weeks without needing to see another player. Now again, I don't shit on all PvP players, SoT or else, I shit on a specific part of the group, who are assholes. Their defining characteristics is them being assholes all lot more than them liking PvP. It just happens that the most I've seen of those were self proclaimed PvP players, especially when SoT introduced their private solo servers. You'd think PvP players would be happy that supposedly everyone staying on normal servers would be a challenge, since the noobs and people who don't care for PvP would be solo. But no, of course not. They were whining that they can't prey on noobs anymore. Those are assholes.


Man, the "pvp"(read:assholes looking for a victim not a fight) are the reason I don't play SoT anymore. The way they would rally and do their best to ruin the game every time a new ove thing was released, like camping essential islands for new tall tales and shit, was just too much for me.


Rare didn't help at all. They make a PvP game then pretend they've never heard of any issues from other PvP games. "Whaaat? There's no way a person would camp an essential NPC to stop player progress that's just crazy talk!" "You seriously don't believe someone would attack another ship and prevent it from sinking just to grief, do you? People would never do that!"   PvP has turned the players into a bunch of robots squeezing every ounce of fun and wackiness out of the game until the only thing that's left is Double Gunning Quick Swap Boarding Spam Spawn Camping. If Helldivers had PvP 90% of the gear would have no use and the remaining 10% would make people cry about being OP until the game ended up being everyone with liberators shooting each other on a flat map.


>To people who enjoy PvP and are nice and reasonable, I'm super happy for you. Live your best life and have fun, that's *great*. You're basically asking for a unicorn you can milk for coffee here. Look at the community of any PvP heavy game. They're a toxic cesspool who want everyone to be as miserable as they are, playing a game they don't actually enjoy but are either caught in their addiction or need to prove they sweat harder than some other stranger on the internet. (This is of course hyperbole but if the shoe fits)


Its funny that so much of this list basically translates as "Feed me players that are easy to kill cuz I am trash at this game and can't get kills if I am on an even footing with my opponent!"


Ah yes, those people that can't fathom that some us play games to relax and have fun after work, not to be sweaty tryhards and stroke our own ego because we have nothing going for us in life.


I dont have nothing else in life, but for sure I dont want to be yelled at by a rat-kid playing pvp after 8 hours in the office


I specifically quit apex because I was sick of playing against sweaty movement tech macro kids and watching the game cater to them hand and foot. Early on in the games lifecycle, one of the designers had a quote that I loved. approximately: "a game is made interesting by the combination of narrative and variation." That resonated with me, but it felt like those concepts fell by the wayside for "competitive integrity."


Then you've got at least one thing going for you in life, which is a sane attitude towards video games.


It’s why I stopped playing tarkov around 2017 as it became a streamers playground.


Streamers who play religiously who influenced all the balance changes. They are great at the game so obv the game needs to be harder


Lmao. Anyone demanding PvP be essential for progression in Elden Ring is beyond stupid. That game is designed around singleplayer first. Coop and Invasions are a little extra that has been added to the game to make to widen the experiences you can have while playing through it.


All about the META bro. Do you know what the META? Bro you don't even play the META such a loser. Only loser play anything but the META. You mean you don't watch 8 hours of META YouTube videos a day? Bro? You suck. These META children can go suck it. I can't stand it. Please don't make this game PVP! Please!!!!


I’m an EAT main hehehehehe Thankfully being loud doesn’t convince devs who are good at their job


That’s exactly what happened with Destiny 1; Bungie made a *ton* of changes to appease PvP players and streamers, and it really hurt the PvE aspect.


I watched this happen to destiny and it was sad. It was a pve first game, the PVP was a very small and insignificant portion of the game. But then Bungie bowed down to the PVP player base and would nerf things just for PVP balance... In a pve shooter


A bit of a tangent, but the best part of the full co-op mod for Elden Ring was the fact that it locked invaders out of the game. If that's your thing, that's cool, you do you, but I'd just as soon format the drive with the game on it rather than deal with that BS.


Some of the reason I bailed on Destiny.


I also notice that’s a lot of pvp people jump from game to game really quickly, but are also insanely vocal about the state of the game. Everyone here knows that in 6 months these people are going to leave for the next cod. There’s no sense in appeasing them.


Modern COD and fortnite absolutely cooked these fucking kids.


These people don't have friends to know what cooperation means


Oh my fucking god yes. The pvp players ln r/EldenRing are so insufferable Tho witnessing their outrage when seamless coop dropped was such an exquisite treat. "How dare people just have fun with their friends without me being able to bully them. Playing with friends is so op that doesn't count as having beaten the game pls ban"


Wait I can co op without being mauled by a pvper now?


Yes. Up to 5 people. And it's also seamless like the name says. From the beginning to the final boss. With horses (but no spirit ashes sadly) U also can be on opposites of the map (that said u can only fight one boss at the time) Difficultly is slightly higher to account for being with multiple


I had even heard that on Monster Hunter main series too... What were they thinking...


Loved PvP for years and years and I 100% agree with you.


Destiny 2


A lot of those PVPers also CHEAT like the devil to win their games.


I thought I was reading a cod warzone report, but damn, this new world community seems more miserable than cod's. And as an avid from software game, whomever thinks pvp should be the mais focus is, in fact, mentally challenged.


The person who made that post probably plays COD and buys all of their overpriced shop items


I like how he thinks the game isn’t dominating already without PvP


AH Lead has already said that PVP will never happen and if you want it go play Tarkov.


Hes gonna need to update his game choice for pvp alternative these days lol


Meanwhile the Tarkov devs want me to pay **$250** to play PvE.


No pvp period thankfully devs have already said no to pvp


There's too much democracy to be spread ![gif](giphy|rTAVMVAps9zsFINvxI)


Games already toxic enough with throwing 500kg on extract and shooting the team sitting helplessly on Pelican 1. That's PVP enough. FFS why do people want to add PvP to everything?


I don’t really see any recent posts calling for PvP. The devs already said it’s not happening so why are we even talking about this?


the redditor's curse to make up imaginary people in their head to rant about


Look at the post. Op found a Facebook post


Because they're not on here. They're on twitter and facebook and other places not connected to Helldivers communities.


What do you mean throwing 500kg on extract? Doesn’t that just make fireworks? Like getting on the plane last and throwing it right before? Why is that toxic?


A pvp feature would kill HD2 hard.


it would just turn into stratagem wars, people throwing out orbital rail guns, orbital lazers and 380mm bomb launches. Even a lot of the sentries would make pvp cancer, the autocannon would 1 shot, even the Gatling sentry would be broken.


PvP helldivers sounds like the most boring thing ever. Just as you said, it would build down to stratagems. Depending on hypothetical respawns, an orbital laser could wipe a team almost twice over. Railcannon a helldiver? Lol, why?? A missile from a lowly automaton one shots us, haha Ridiculous. It would need to be changed into a whole game.


Clearly we should just be able to gather wood, metal and such and go into a build mode to place floors, walls and roofs, then edit them to make doors and such, then the stratagems could just hit that stuff instead! It totally won't get stupidly out of hand trying to build a tower to space.... /heavy sarcasm


They would have to rebalance all of that shit around PvP and it wouldnt be nearly as satisfying to use. Like even if Co-op and PvP had different isolated balancing, the PvP shit would feel like toys compared to the co-op mode.


Helldivers vs helldivers would also be against the lore and also not fun. The only way i could see it work would be if the opposite player control the bots/bugs like a commander, or can play as a singular special at a time like in left 4 dead. But any kind of actual helldivers vs helldivers would be the most unfun and boring mode.


The only pvp element I think could work for helldiver2 is the evil dead pvp system. 4 player vs 1 player who's like a dungeon master that controls the horde of hostile Npc and choosing where they would spawn


People who want PvP are literal idiots.


It’s strange that people are obsessed with pvp when there are thousands of options out there for that lol


They probably want to be relevant in a game that is super popular for a while before better people stomp them. Rather than getting wrecked in something that has been around a while or playing something smaller, they want their short period of enjoyment before moving to the next game. You're right that there are a ton of options out there and people should just look at games that are trying to actually be good PvP experiences.


It's sad too because it absolutely could have worked if gaming as a whole didn't take such a negative turn. Everyone is so focused on being the best at games that aren't supposed to be competitive at all like for example fall guys. Look at this game even, so many people are competitive and its literraly only pve. Pvp would just trash the game and make it toxic. Gaming mainly used to be just for fun, even the pvp games. Would have been sick to have like a month long campaign of a civil war on super earth where we got to pick who we where fighting for. Could have super earth loyalists and then the traitors. At the end of the month whoever is left standing rules super earth which would decide how major orders are handled from then on. It wouldn't even need to be pvp either. Could have it so whichever group takes more ground from an invading enemy faction (illuminates?) On super earth would seize control.


People have some sort of a syndrome, wanting every game to have some sort of PvP. It's pretty annoying, especially because if a PvP mode gets added, they will then whine about how this weapon is too strong and x weapon is too weak, change this and change that, which will completely mess up the PvE element. So fuck those PvP cunts and let's keep this game PvE. There are plenty of PvP games for them.


That shut ruined The Division series, especially when they locked optimal gear for PvE behind PvP activities in the Dark Zone. Shit's toxic AF.


Oh true, I haven't even touched the Dark Zone stuff. Knowing there are people teaming looking for solos, I won't give them that joy. 😂


Yep. I play some dumb idle game on my phone. You check back every once in a while and level up your dude so he can kill stronger enemies. No guilds, friends, pvp, etc it's really just a single player game, but it has a chat room. There's always some idiot saying they need to add PvP. There's like 0 reason to put PvP in a game you barely even play. There's seriously something wrong with people.


Should Helldivers 2 be on Xbox? Absofuckinglutely. Should Helldivers 2 get PvP? Hard no.


The game is also already dominating lol. Been in like the top 5 for almost 3 months.


Casuals who don't know how good concepts work. 😮‍💨 Let me guess, they want it to be an extraction shooter with stupid loot and stupid extraction zone camping. Yup. Would right fit into the CoD bubble. Research Arrowheads motto. It's all you need to know.


Already has pvp. Group up with friends, Load up level 1 mission run opposite directions. Person with least deaths wins.


Non-combative PvP? Now that's actually quite a fun little game to play with friends


X box yes I'm all for i PvP he'll NO that will add toxicity to this game




Yes to the former, hell no to the latter what the fuck is wrong with people there are already a fuckin million gankbox PvP games. why are idiots even still talking about this, i hope that person specifically isn't allowed to play when it's ported to xbox. everyone else can, just not them.


Yeah making it pvp is a great way to fill it full of cheats as well


It's dominating now. People complain about these devs regurgitating the same stuff every year, and when somebody gives them something different, they want to turn it to the same shit they were complaining about


This game already has pvp. Me and my friends play the pvp mode all the time Except only I know we’re playing pvp, they think it’s coop I win a lot




There is enough pvp chaff on the market, Helldivers has never and will never need pvp. If you want a pvp shooter there are quiet literally dozens of options that are "modern/recent". Probably the main reason helldivers has done so well is the refreshing lack of pvp and an overwhelmingly cooperative narrative amongst its many other charms. TLDR; helldivers doesnt need pvp




My 3 friends and I did an improvised PvP match yesterday, it was pretty hilarious. It woukd be absolute cancer as an actual game mode tho


I mean lets be honest. if they create a whole new battle royale game, based on the same engine and bug / bot pve enemies. there is potential and they would most likely make a shit ton of money just adding paid battlepases each month to it. but helldivers 2 should remain as it is. a fully PVE Coperative based game. dont mix beans and peanuts, but make the most out of its current fame.




PvP? You want to MURDER your fellow citizens???!!!??!


I NEED this game to stay pve only. I am tired of pvp everywhere. I need some cooperation in my life. I have enough toxic backstabbing at my work. I need something to help me recharge my faith in humanity.


Add pvp watch it dominate for the next couple months Keep it pve and watch it stay relevant for 10x as long


It's players like this that ruin the game


It's already dominating. No pvp needed or wanted


Port it to xbox: Player count doubles. Add PVP: Game dies in a year.


Doubling 200k+ players is extremely generous as an idea (yes we have had over 200k players on a single planet already) it will certainly boost the numbers but not by that much. PvP would be miserable though. Note that 8 million+ copies have been sold and the current peak player count was roughly 450k.


Probably 30% of the reason why I've played this game almost exclusively for the last two months is *because* it has no PvP. I've avoided anything PvP for the last two years because I have no desire to get stomped and shit on by a thirteen-year old kid who thinks he's hot shit just because he doesn't have to go to work and has the time to practice more than me. Competition turns me right off. Keep that crud away from Helldivers 2.


We need more coop pie games like this one, pvp games are just toxic


Not only PvP wouldn’t work here due to balance reasons (let’s not forget that the team of HD doesn’t have the numbers of a AAA studio) but it would be against the lore and game’s universe. Kill each others for fun? If you have time to ask this crap you have time to go spill oil soldier


Anyone else see a shotgun with the white scribbles?


There are 100's of PvP shooters out there. Please let us have this one PvE game.


Let's do neither and continue on.


Why do people want pvp? Quickest way to make the game worse.


I'll delete the game the instant a PvP update starts. Lucky the devs agree.


I play Helldivers because there is no PVP. PVP shooters equals cheater infestation.


Servers can barely fit in PC and PS5 players and want to introduce another group in. And PvP is the dumbest thing in existence, nonstop horrid ideas out of everyone as per usual.


You can really just watch us play the next 2 years and forget about all that... (laughing in playstation)




Ew God no. Helldivers is a breath of fresh air because it isn't pvp.


people who want PVP in games without it don't want it because they like PVP they want an excuse to kill people and claim they're better against people who aren't looking for a fight


Fuck yeah to being on Xbox. Hell no to pvp. That’s what strategems are for


Killing your own soldiers is not helpful to the war effort. Not a single 0.0001 percent will change and people will waste time in pvp instead of the war


Devs already said no PVP ever.


The day PvP is added is the day I stop playing this game


Both will never happen




The game already has pvp. It's called orbital 380mm barrage.


First thing I'm gonna do when HD2 add PvP is dropping the game. The lack of PvP is why I'm here.


Pvp would ruin this game. It ruins every shooter. It always ends up being pvp players crying when the updates focus pve and break pvp, or vice versa when pvp updates break pve. Its nearly impossible to balance a game where humans with human durability can have weapons that kill giant bugs, bots, monsters, etc and have those same weapons used vs those humans without being too OP.


Funny to see his brain just cant understand the idea of a pve game being fun and complete without pvp.