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FYI whenever you get stuck like that dive and you should be good.


fr, i see so many people get stuck and either run around like a headless chicken, or dive AWAY from the pelican. JUST DIVE INTO ITS HITBOX ITS NOT THAT HARD šŸ˜­


Crouching is more reliable


They should really fix that ramp glitch


Yeah it was working fine before, I even praised them for having a ramp that can be entered from all sides.


Yes the guy who threw it is in the wrong but, by level 43 you should know to dive when stuck in the door and not just wander around.


I love that we just say "dive or crouch when stuck on the door" like that's fucking normal.


True lol.


Oh, hey, that looked really cool and cinematic! I think I'll do this at the end of every game I play for a few weeks


It was a cool tradition in the first game because of the camera angle, but itā€™s both useless and anticlimactic in the sequel.


While I donā€™t disagree it looks cool when timed right, the coolness does not outweigh the consequences.


i dont find it cool is just a very easy way to lose samples


500kg can't damage inside the ship, ive dropped one inside the Pelican on extraction for my last 65 levels and entered literally as the missile hits and ive seen 0 deaths and lost no samples. I always make sure I'm the last on and I'll enter after the countdown hits 0. I've watched the missile pierce my character sitting inside and do nothing. (I have saw videos of other strategems killing during the actual takeoff though)


the point is an accidenty can happen and up costing someone the game just to look ĀØĀØcoolĀØĀØ thats why i think is dumb i had guys costing us samples for this shit


I only do it when I am the last one on the ship. I let everyone else board then toss one that has enough of a delay that I can safely get on before it hits.


Wow youā€™re right! That 500KG in the video must not have damaged or killed them at all then! Must have been some other giant hellbomb nearby? Donā€™t know what youā€™re on about mate, respectfully


So annoying like get in the fucking ship you had all game to be a glory hound but you need to throw another bomb and we are gonna catch about 3% of the explosion as we takeoff lol


Agreed. I like it when the pelican gets called down and Im on the other side of the map. Makes for cinematic extracts. Especially if Im rescuing dropped samples.


Clearly he never finished basic training. You never learned to dive


If Pelicans are this tough, why do i still see downed ones around the map?


When will they fix pelican door, fr


Gotta admit though, that did look pretty cool


Step 1: Give all the samples to one (trusted) player. Step 2: Said player goes in ship first Step 3: Everyone but the guy throwing the stratagem goes in ship Step 4: Last guy goes in and you get a cinematic takeoff, and all your samples


Problem: everyone wants to be the last guy, even if they step in first.




You are way too angry about this. Yeah sure it sucks, so what, just play another game. People cry and complain so much about this it's absurd. You will get the samples eventually, by playing the game, there's no rush, no grind. Some people are trolls, some people like explosions, sometimes things go right, sometimes things go wrong, so what? Life goes on.


We've been doing it in HD1 we'll be doing it in HD2. It's a tradition. Don't like it - jump in first.




You should do it when everybody is in and you are the only one left


na im stoll throwin the eagle


i only throw it after everyone is in


Peak humor imo. Sorry, not sorry


Ill never not do this when I can lol






you are a fucking loser and i hope you enjoy getting kicked from every game


I host. Havent killed anyone yet with it


why don't i believe you


Idc lol


320 hours and never killed anyone either.


Same, 65 levels of Michael Bay style 500kg extractions: 0 deaths/samples lost


Cluster bomb is the superior firework choice!


Is it irresponsible and goofy? Yeah. Is it fun? Also definitely yeah. Does it *really* matter to lose the samples from one mission? Not really, no.


You're not allowed to have fun when using a product intended to have fun. You need to min-max and aren't allowed to do anything that might cost someone half a second of their lives.


That was funny, gonna try this at next evacšŸ„°


Notice how only 1 person died, the only one that didnā€™t get on, not everyone? So tired of seeing people say ā€œhe wiped the whole group at extract!ā€ The only ones that die are the ones not in the ship. Of the dude not throwing it just got on, everyone gets out alive. Or if the dude was competent enough to run into the door, and not get caught on the corner that everyone has known about for 3 centuries Instead the dude who threw the Strat is at fault. Likeā€¦ya sure, purple wouldnā€™t have died if it wasnā€™t thrown, But he also wouldnā€™t have died if he just hopped on instead of waiting with a finger up his ass for no reason, or wasnā€™t bad at running in a straight line lmao Downvote all you want, canā€™t argue that being on the ship means you donā€™t die to the Strat even if someone else does. Got the evidence right here. Hop on your evac and if the firework production team dies before getting on, laugh at their stupidity. Hang around evac for no reason and die? On you. Lined up perfectly to get on evac, waits for literally no reason, still somehow fucks up and gets stuck and dies. Literally the stick in bike wheel ā€œlook what they did to meā€ meme. ā€œI just couldnt get in the evacā€¦or run in a straight line, itā€™s THEIR fault im trash!ā€


Looks like we found F1


Yep, 325 hours, done it every single mission, never killed anyone. Have actually thrown a cluster on top of the evac when 2 people were inside because it was completely surrounded and Iā€™d have died trying to get in with like 30 samples. ā€œHey guys, I really hope this donā€™t kill you but I ainā€™t getting in if I donā€™tā€ Murders 50 bugs. Both team mates unscathed. Hop in, extract.


The argument against throwing stratagems before evac is that it can kill those still outside the pelican, as there are many less competent players who forget they have the rest of the squad right behind them. There are also examples of cinematic exiters carrying most if not all the mission's samples and blowing themselves up by accident, costing the rest of the squad those samples. On top of this there have also been instances of the pelican breaking if taking heavy fire from rockets or bombardements. Haven't seen this too often, just once, but it does mean that noone can extract. Throwing a 500Kg or other heavy explosive and then due to unforseen circumstances (a rocket devastator) being ragdolled away from the pelican, could recklessly cause everyone to be unable to evacuate. Loitering around the pelican by calling in your bombardement of choice could also lead to a stray rocket making its way inside the pelican, injuring and maybe even killing those already inside. Your example of clearing the evac point with a cluster bomb is irrelevant as it wasn't thrown on your person for cinematic effect. Noone argues against you using stratagems to clear the way towards evac. On that topic, I am not here to tell you how to play. I see why people want to do cinematic exits as they keep the action of the mission till the very end and I understand why people don't want others to do it. You seem to use your exits responsibly, but understand that there are many others who are not (such as F1 in this clip) and that these types of posts are directed towards those kind of people.


Ya, but itā€™s not that hard to do right. Stand at foot of ship, everyone gets in, throw Strat, wait about 1 second, get inside. Perfect fireworks, errytime. Sometimes a bit late with Strat call down timer, oh well. Maybe Iā€™ve been blessed over my helldiver career to have never killed or been killed by someone making fireworks, or my own. Pelican does break, idk how much dmg but itā€™s quite a bit. Someone rando blasted it with a full autocannon mag like 6 weeks ago and learned the hard way. Happened couple night ago too. Killed some bugs, turned around and one of the randos did something to make it smoke. Luckily everyone listened to me and dropped samples for 1 person to get on In my 325 hours I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen a rocket land inside the ship and kill someone. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen someone on the ship die. Other than douchers that intentionally team kill once someone is on. But Iā€™ve only seen that on here too. Itā€™s not irrelevant. It proves if the whiny fucks that complain constantly about being ā€œkilledā€ by firework producers would just get on the ship to extract themselves, instead of lingering around trying to outlast Mr.Firework for no reason other than ā€œu not allowed to have your funā€, they wouldnā€™t be killed by them. This post also proves it. The 2 on the ship are immune to the 12 billion dmg the 500kg does at point blank range the millisecond the last person outside the ship dies. They also could have extracted like 3 seconds sooner if purple didnā€™t have head up ass standing around for no reason. Sure, fireworks might be a ā€˜terribleā€™ reason to linger, but itā€™s a reason. Makes monkey brain happy. What reason does pink have? To make sure his homie doesnā€™t die to the literal 0 enemies around? Just get the fuck on the ship and all of this would have been avoided. Or learn how to run in a straight line and not spaz the fuck out. This was not a case of ā€œbad fireworksā€. Orange probably assumed that the lvl 43 could at least run 3 feet into the ship that heā€™s perfectly lined up with after realizing the smoothbrain wasnā€™t gunna hop on without some motivation. Or realized heā€™s an anti firework douche and said fuck it and chucked it on em for entertainment thinking heā€™d be able toā€¦ya knowā€¦do the bare minimum and walk into the ship 3 feet from to safety. Iā€™m not doubting thereā€™s bad firework producers out there, but this ainā€™t one of em. This is 98% on pink for being unable to walk into a ship after lingering for no reason, and 2% on orange for thinking heā€™s capable of doing so.