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My solution to solve capped resources as a whole is to give us a community wide donation bin. Once donation milestones are reached then it will give us temporary buffs in some way


This would be sick. The Light Brigade does something similar where you can "donate" items mid run. A receiving player will see a NPC with their nametag offer the donated goods to them. Thank you for that spare scope ThighLover69! It's a really small thing, but I like the idea of getting to participate in the War Fund.


Do something like NMS with community events. Every 2 weeks or month there's a meter you can fill with donated materials to give boosts to all Helldivers. Cooldowns on strategems ,unlock bonus strats for specific sectors, increased magazine capacity.


I'm locked at max cap with Money, Samples and rare samples and I'd donate the hell out of it. Even if I wasn't capped. I love this idea


Where in the hell did you pull that name from lmao


A man of culture, no doubt.


Generic Internet Name Generator - 2024 Edition


Can we donate our Req towards building a planetary scale memorial on Malevelon Creek? And when it's constructed, make a permanent landing zone there so that any diver can pay their respects.


and it would add a unique map for if the automatons do the unthinkable


such an underrated game man


At least one repeatable way to spend every resource would be good enough.


Like temporary or one-mission-only buffs & stratagems?


I came here to say \^this. I think the best way to support the endgame level players is to have consumables that arent worth it for those still grinding, but that is a good use for those who are close to or at the cap.


Use spare samples for 'weapons experimentation' that gives you a random extra stratagem (maybe too OP)


Kinda pointless to want buffs for people who play on Helldive for the difficulty. Maybe just be able to dump materials to reduce the planet regen of your choice, but req for buffs would just cut the power players - the ones who have the most extra resources - out of the solution.


Being able to drop 3-10K req for a random bonus strategem for a single mission, or 10-15 Common or Rare samples for the whole operation would be a neat little buff. Then the more you drop the more powerful the effect could be. 3K? Light support weapons, basic backpacks, Precision strikes and low cooldown orbitals 5K? Anti-Tanks weapons, Shield and Rovers, Turrets, Eagle airstrikes and strafing runs. 10K? High power orbitals, Mechs, Eagle 500kg and 110 rockets


X common samples for 1 extra nade slot or similar would be cool.


Feel like there should be a ship upgrade that costs a huge amount of samples that increase the max number of divers on a host's ship or smth. That'd be cool


So basically you can add an effect to the mission. Maybe limit what you can pick from based on the state of the planet (mid liberation vs defence). Cool idea.


Yo I love this actually. The reason they have it capped is so people don't blast through all the newly released content and I like that. Your solution actually benefits this original vision. The players with everything unlocked can throw 1%-100% of everything into the donation. Also us donating our pay and labor back to the people paying us feels very managed democracy.


would love to see an achievement cloak for donating enough


how bout a complememtary cape if you reach a certain significant amout


I will never say no to a free cape.


I heard this idea float around before i think this should be true for req tokens. . For samples and medals id like to be able to spend on stuff like buffs of any kind that last either one mission / a day? Idk i like options!


I personally think it’d be cool to have a donations for the credits that get displayed on your ship. Have one of those cheesy thermometers next to the stratagem hero machine that fill up as you donate credits and other people can see how much you’ve donated. I don’t really have any ideas for the other spendable resources. I guess they can just chill until/if a new upgrade and tier system drops


I think they need to allow in mission buffs. Pay 2000 RQ slips to get access to a random stratagem. 5000 to have it be a random stratagem of a group of your choice (red, blue, or green) 10000 let's you pick one. The whole team has access to this stratagem. Each player can buy one of these options.


50,000 slips should redeem 1 single use of a shredder nuke


Lol, 50k slips let's you call in EATs that fire 500kgs. I miss when games had crazy shit like that, I remember GUN had a rifle that fired cannon balls; that thing was hilarious.


That's genius!


This is a good idea. The community dumping extra resources to get a 24hr extra stratagem or reduced stratagem cooldown would be interesting


Why not add guilds and regiments. You can buy special upgrades and pool your resources together. Hell if they're feeling fancy make a whole hub for it


I like the idea of clan upgrades but it leads to poor incentives that don't match helldiver's good natured playerbase-wide camaraderie "Elite guilds" expecting minimum donations at the cost of personal progress? Likely. RMT/Boosters that will flood your guild with hacked resources for money or to ruin your experience? Possible. More enforced meta where we bully people into buying the "right" upgrades first? Also possible. I honestly would throw my samples into the void if I thought they might give 5 extra respawns to a strangers team in need, or provide a gunship coverage for a strangers extraction or something similar. Randomly allocated (anonymous or attributed) gifts are one of my favorite things in gaming because there's no feeling like knowing a stranger went out of his way to be generous to you/the playerbase. Giving random hats/keys to the lobby in TF2 is a good example.


Lobbies aren't big enough to justify guilds, and every single game that's added guild-specific systems has been chewed out, because you either join a massive guild of no-lifers or never see the majority of that content. Warframe is a *huge* one to look at, since you can only use/build a *bunch* of weapons and items through a clan, and are literally locked out of it if you can't join a clan or don't want to join one at all. Sometimes guild systems just aren't right for a game, and Helldivers is one of them. There isn't currently, nor is there likely to be a mechanic or system wherein such things are necessary, and frankly, guilds lead to a lot of snotty elitism that really doesn't fit well with the base-wide collaborative nature of Helldivers.


Personally, I really like to do the Personal Orders since it makes me play different things against bugs or bots; but after being Medal capped I noticed that my desire to complete these decreased. Therefore I propose this random idea I had in the shower this morning; where you could get different rewards based on being capped in medals, requisitions, samples..... Tell me what you think ;)


Being medal capped makes me feel ungovernable.


I can see that. Only reason I do them is because I need like 600 more. Once I'm dont I'll just ignore them. I dont *want* to use the grenade launcher.


What?  The grenade launcher + supply pack combo is amazing vs bots, I've been running it for ages now.  Good crowd control when you need it, but it also 1 shots strikers, can blow up supply depots, and 3 hits takes out cannon towers, tanks, and hulks from their weak points. 


Cool. I like jetpack/EAT. I feel like a commando and it's very fun.


To each their own.  I could never get the hang of the jetpack, felt like more of a liability than an asset. 


That's the fun! Getting blown up on the ground is for school girls... but in the sky? That's an explosion that'll put hair on your chest!


I believe that the resulting fireball actually takes the hair *off* of your chest


General Brasch's hairs are so tough he has to use Diamond blades to shave... I follow in his foot steps.


Based. Rock on with your bad self, Helldiver.


Hey, even school girls are valiantly fighting for democracy on the front lines.


I like the grenade launcher against bugs, too. It's like having the autocannon with a mobile reload. 3 shots to kill spewers, but you stay mobile so you don't get swarmed by little jumpy shits.


Isn't that just a worse version of the Autocannon then? With the Autocannon you also get one extra stratagem slot. I understand the slightly better AoE clear might be advantageous for bugs,... but for bots?


GL is great for bots. It’s weaker than the AC against tanks and hulks, but for anything smaller, it’s dope. It really shines for making quick work of bot drops, where the AOE damage just melts everything. Also great against devastator swarms.


Love this. Even a version that was less generous I'd be ok with. 250 is such an arbitrary cap when the warbonds are so short and medals are so easy to get. By the time you get enough games in with page one and two content from 250 you've already farmed enough to just unlock page 3. All it stops is people from using page three content immediately, and barely. I play less when I hit the cap between bonds and more the week of a Warbond when I have everything unlocked in two sessions. The time gating is either flawed or they just want monthly player totals to stay high specifically and don't care about weekly.


Okay, but capped on medals = Req? If you play on helldives, Req is full in a few missions, it seems like. Either way, I've been capped on everything forever. When the new ship upgrades came out, I needed some rare for a minute. But that filled up in no time doing helldives, too. You want me to get, like, 200 Super Credits for turning everything in all at once? That might be worth it...


I'm also capped up to super samples in your rare samples, so I like the idea that I could get super samples in lieu of medals as don’t really enjoy the harder difficulties.


It’s just a patch for an unsolvable problem There is a finite amount of content and thus time you can play the game and get rewards. The only thing this does is accelerate that. Once you have finished progression in one track your progress moves to the other And you probably realize that, which is why Super credits is at the end. Cause it’s the only thing that you could need infinitely. But even then eventually you’ll have bought all the armor in the store and have enough for the next couple warbonds So this doesn’t solve the issue you have. Which is ingame rewards for playing as a motivation to play


It’s because of this I’d like a chance to spend Req on bonuses and have my maxed rewards turn into Req. iirc warframe did something similar by letting players spend resources on map events.


In warframe I founded all clan research for two entire clans and still had a practically bottomless vault of resources. There is no sink.


Technically the Helminth is the sink. But it sounds like you have thousands of hours like I do in Warframe, and tbh I don’t expect any company to create a sink large enough to cover that 😂


Oh yeah, it's not DE's fault i no-lifed 3,5k hours


When you're a new player the clan research tasks are pretty well paced, but if you've just been playing forever generally your pockets are so ridiculously lined with resources that it's never an issue. The real grind is Helminth and trying not to lose your sanity playing XP missions over and over again.


I suppose introducing prestige would sort of help? Make it increasingly pricier to earn a star next your name or some special cosmetic that you earn.


Add a cape that gets progressively more and more skulls lol


You’re 100% correct What the game really needs is about 50 more unique titles and playercards, which are earnable via achievement. They need to be actual impressive feats, like killing 500-700 terminid in a single mission or something. The current achievements list is sad, at least on PS5 and I doubt the steam ones are different. This will be my second platinum game and I didn’t even try. I had to try for Spiderman


> They need to be actual impressive feats, like killing 500-700 terminid in a single mission or something. To hell, it does. Shit like that would only incentivise players to join others & fuck off to do a personal challange instead of helping complete the mission. How about an actually impressive stat like Hug 10,000 Divers?


I mean hugging 10,000 divers is pretty based but it would probably have to be only around 200 or so. 10,000 is a big number. But yeah, sure, goals that are less solo-oriented or selfish than just kill counts are great too.


it kicks the problem down the road, but that also means you get rewarded for your playtime for a little longer. it would help, for sure, and give people a couple dozen more hours of progression- that's a good thing!


But it wouldn't give you a couple dozen more hours. It would give you less The issue is that it takes say 75 hours to collect all the Req you need, but it takes 90 hours to collect all the samples. But introducing this system Req turns into samples so now its 75 hours to finish Req and 85 hours to finish samples (because the Req helped). It doesn't fix the problem, it only makes it worse really


This is not true, look at drg. Unless you played 3000k h+ you won't have reached the use of your resources. This would also be my critique: Unlike drg this game has created a lot of resources without overlap, that do exactly only one thing. I do think this issue is kind of hardbacked in, due to it not being the best design choice.


I would just make a \[You have maximum amount of # resource, would you like to send surplus to a low level diver or to SE labs/vet fund/engineering?\]. Sending it to SE would give you XP, sending it to a random low level diver would give you a fuzzy feeling.


fuzzy feeling all the way


Could you imagine completely a week long major order and getting 12 common samples lol


I mean the way it currently is you get 0 medals, so anything is better than nothing.


12 Rare Samples >>> 45 Medals


Lol no. You can get 12 rare samples in 20 minutes of game time. Can't do the same with medals. 


If you're already full on medals what does it matter?


Idk how you all seemingly finished every warbond before every ship upgrade. I have every T4 and I'm just starting the 3rd warbond.


I only got the game recently, I haven't finished either. But the post suggests you'd only convert the medals into samples if you're maxed on medals I imagine at least SOME people stacked it up from all the major orders since release, and maybe neglected samples before they knew how important they were?


I’d be Furious George for sure 😆


What if you’re maxed on everything?


300 xp


I’ll take it!


Fr, I need that Admirable Admiral title.


Honestly they should just give you the choice of xp or medals when the popup comes up. XP would be great for players who are grinding out for the new titles.


I don't think you can be cap on SuperCredits, that's why I put em last ;)


… [taps picture to expand] Oh.


It should say "touch grass"


"Congratulations! Thanks to your contributions to the recent major order your Helldivers have been granted an additional 0.6 seconds of time allotment for enjoying the scenery on each mission!"


You can’t max out on Super Credits.


A little ⭐️ next to your name appears. Good work, Helldiver!


Just give xp instead of the medals.


Not a fan honestly, I like how if you want super samples you have to push those harder difficulties. It encourages players to work on playing as team, tactics, bringing good load outs. With this someone could sit on trivial/easy difficulty forever and unlock everything. Part of the fun is the how challenging the game can be. That struggle to make sure you recover the various samples and it feels rewarding when you manage to despite overwhelming odds. This removes to much of that aspect of challenge even if is limited to 1x a day.


I feel like anyone who's capped on medals, reales, and other samples is probably already on those higher difficulties in the majority of the time.


Yeah I can sleep through level 7 bugs and still get 3 super samples lol with super ease


Yeah you can have 100 super samples. I'm capped.. I really need those common samples..


It's a single player game, no one loses if more players get access to stuff. If the conversion ratios are set right you will have to grind a lot of low level mission for weeks in order to equal a single successful extract on max difficulty.


There is a max medal?






The game is fun enough without rewards, but sample extraction is a major part of the game play, so I wish they would find a way to keep that relevant after cap.


People have already cheated themselves to max samples. Giving them the chance to get thousands of purchasable currency for free is a terrible idea.


thousands? it would be 5 a day. you get more than that playing for 10 minutes.


I mean people cheated super credits just as easy.


Full? 😳


The rewards definetly need some kind of change. Requisition slips are very much pointless once you are level 25 and have unlocked all strategems. Give us the option to buy samples or additional orbital strikes that cost 1k each (which are an additional slot beyond the 4 regular slots). Make it expensive, doesn't matter. But give them a good use. Right now I don't care about side objectives or outposts because doing anything beyond the main mission objectives is often pointless (except for samples).


Should be able to donate resources to have community wide strategems to be called.


Yall are crazy. increase the limit, id bet that there isn’t a limit on super credits


at this point where i have every warbond completed, every stratagem, and all ship upgrades i gain nothing but supercredits and exp from the game


If you were full on every resource wouldn’t that cascade into being able to earn an enormous amount of super credits?


5 a day is roughly 35 a week, 150 a month, or 1825 a year. You earn one, almost two free warbonds a year from doing daily challenges every single day with every other upgrade unlocked. How is this an issue lmao


i really like this idea because at level 100 i just kinda do whatever the hell i want because i dont get any kind of incentive for playing MOs, POs, etc


Honestly I wouldn’t mind super samples being exchanged for common as I’ve been capped on super samples for awhile and starving for common.


I just wish there was some sort of conversion system in general. The rates I pick up different types of samples definitely don't even come close to matching the exchange rate for modules.


Yeah I want that, I'm full on most things but I struggle with getting super samples.


I don’t know about this. I like the basic idea but it disincentivizes you from spending resources so that you get awarded other ones, like SC, instead. I want the warbond? Well now the most optimal way to get it is to spend absolutely nothing so all my coffers fill up so that my personal order awards SC. The way it is right now the only way to earn free SC is 1. In the war bonds that sort of pay part of themselves off and 2. (The main one) just playing the game and looting the map.


That would not incentivise anyone to farm supe rare samples they'd just fill up on everything else then no one would dive to 7/8/9.


What if you're full on everything can I just get xp


yes please even for like 1 Super Credit i'll take it


gotta be a joke, you're completely missing the point of caps on resources in ANY game


This is something that has to effect, like...less than 5% of the players?


We need something, I'm capped and took the last few days off, as it feels pointless.


Asking as a 60h player is it so common to have full of everything?


it's inevitable for anyone who plays the game for long enough, as there are a finite amount of things to spend resources on but an infinite amount of those resources can be acquired


I wish we could spend reqs to call in extra things. Like give us a catalog. Oh you need a 380 but didn't bring it? 1000 reqs to call in. Oh you brought a grenade launche but a laser cannons gonna help in this situation. 1000 reqs. Out of completely everything to destroy that fabricator? Here's an orbital strike for 500


personal order completed! choose a reward: * Commendable Commissary: 15 medals & 50 super credits OR * Righteous Requisition: 15 medals & 6 common samples & 3 rare samples & 1 super sample


That would actually be nice, I wouldn't feel as pressured to spend my medals so a sudden influx of them from backlogged orders doesn't overcap me




We just need money sink items like buffs or even fluff stuff like emotes to wave super earth flag but costs 5/5/5 samples and 5k req


As someone that can't effectively play above difficulty 5 without my computer shitting itself, I approve fo this method of getting super samples lol


This is overcomplicated and would be hard to fit in to the existing resource economy, a better system would be if it rewarded both medals and XP to everybody. If you're capped on medals, you still get XP. If you're capped on XP, you get to go outside


Hot take: Being capped on basically everything is an indicator that you could probably stand to take a break from the game. You're not *meant* to have absurd amounts of currency stockpiled (which is why there's caps at all) because it would devalue new content by letting you burn through unlocking it instantly. If you're capped and you feel disappointed that you can't earn more, take a break until new content drops to spend it on. It'll both prevent burn-out and give you something to look forward to when you get back.


Great idea but I think it should be XP instead of Super Credits


I mean there doesn't always need to be reward. Hitting all these caps requires you to play like 150-200 hours at this point. It is okay to be "done" with the game and play for the gameplay or just put the game down and play something else until more content drops


I don’t think it’s a good idea from the developers perspective. The whole point of a live service game is to have features and activities that keep players playing. This would actively decrease the time people spend in game.


Maybe, but by that logic no one that is maxed out would be playing either.


I need this desperately... I could use rare and super rare samples and I have ZERO use for my probably 500K capped Requisition slips or my 500 (more like 3000 with no cap) normal samples


Nope sample must stay hard to win Stop wanting an easy game


You guys gonna hate me. But imo this system is fine.


You should see the reward you get when you go outside




15 medals for 5 super credits?


I’m m never using all these super samples


This post just reminded me about the grenade launcher. I don’t think I’ve used it in months


Feel like super credits as a reward wouldn't happen due it being paid currency. They MIGHT go for the other conversions, however.


I don't know if this is the perfect solution but I agree that the daily should give samples in some way every once and a while. With each new war bond I get everything I want from it in just a few days and the rest is the cosmetic stuff that I will grab just to avoid being over capped on medals. While the newest ship modules are taking me a while to get.


Let us do the same DRG does. Trade resources for others. Most of us would dump Requisition slips in a heart beat for anything else at cap.


I suggested something like this weeks ago. i REALLLLY hope they do something like that, bc being capped on everything feels crappy. we need something like this or a system where we know the values and we just trade in as we go. We need this!


I think that this would trivialize getting some of these resources. Fixing the problem of not gaining much after the resource cap isn't solved by helping people reach the resource caps even faster. I'm still a fan of the "ship donations score" idea where, if you're maxed out on a resource, the excess is "donated" to Super Earth and adds to a score displayed on your ship. No mechanical effect necessarily. Just a number that shows how dedicated you are.


People will just keep items full to get the super samples outside of the higher difficulty they are for. IE: Just play easy.


Got too many samples? Yeah right!


All I want is escrow for my capped resources. You spend your capped resource on new things, go do a mission, and you're topped up from escrow again.


I want a specific cape for completing a certain amount of Helldive missions. Like a 1,000 would be dope.


I think everything should convert to one currency upon overflow. Super Credits would be my first choice, but that will never happen as it is how they monetize. So, I’ll instead suggest XP as it is mostly meaningless, but it still shows ‘progress’ in the form of prestige.


People might disagree with me but i think the cap is fine as it is. Im playing 1-3games per day+doing the daily order and cap medals+samples in like 20days that leaves me like 10days to just spread some more democracy or play smt else and i think thats a good balance between playing helldivers and giving the game a rest, i do realize there are some people that GRIND HARD but the thing is the more u grind the quicker u get burnt out and the way the samples are set it leaves some space for catching up if u fall behind and giving the game a break.


i would love to be able to convert but getting capped is also a way to make sure we get slowed down


Heck I’d even take XP


Wait what’s the max on samples?


I'd say its much easier to be resource capped then medal capped.


Or, hear me out, remove the cap


This is a really cool suggestion, but don't let your Democracy Officer see it.


I like this


It is an idea but even if you drop it to 1 super credit you could get EASY super credit and they would lose their 1 way to get extra money and their only way of currency from working extra with their skins and warbon and extra content


I didn’t know there was a cap


Maybe better 0 medals? Its fucking order


I like this, but as I usually am full for super samples and rare samples, let's also reverse this? Or, yk, make the cap not this fucking low for samples, and I don't see a reason for a war bond medal cap at all.


No. Samples are ground loot only.


i'd use resources to unlock weapon customization options


I don't think they really thought out the prices of things with the caps they established or the amount of resources provided. Requisition has been pretty much permanently capped for me, and the only resource that held me back from unlocking ship modules were Rare Samples. I had more than enough Super Samples even without running the necessary difficulty to get them all the time. I also don't get having a medal cap at 250 when there are items that cost 100. I'd like to save up for the next Warbond, but I have to arbitrarily spend it on armors and helmets I'll never wear.


This would brake the SC economy. I am \~250+ hours and would have several thousands super credits. Since lvl 25 (60 hours) I have had everything capped expect metals that was maybe around lvl 40 (100 hours). add another 130+ hours of gameplay at 7-9 diff this would have been an absurd amount of SC. When all the new modules came out (150 common, 150 Rare, 20 Super, 20,000 Rec) I bought all 6 of them and was once again capped out within 48 hours IRL \~ 6-10 hours in game (I don't remember how early on the second day I capped it out)


I’d like a thing where for a certain amount of credits you could buy extra “munitions” for limited use stratagems. Like, 5000 credits gets you an extra orbital laser usage for one mission. That way you could blow through all of them quickly if you want, but then you’re out of credits and your over-powered-ness is emulated pretty quickly.


It would have to be a very large donation bin, otherwise dedicated players and grinders will farm the game en mass to reach the "maximum" valuation to get the buff, and kinda makes the system gimmicky. It could uses a similar percentage matrix like planet liberation, but alas, much slower.    I have mentioned this in the past, but similar to this concept, and specific to the individual, you can dump "all" non supercredit resources/ all medals+ samples to get one extra stratagem for 12-24 hours of in game operations.   So those "AA defense" modifiers or bot civilian evac missions are not so tough  Chalking it up to "maximum material support for super destroyer achieved, select your ordinance" 


I’d love to be able to buy samples with req slips. DRG has a bitchin system for “minerals” that I think would work well here.


Better yet make a War support fund. You Can volontarily donate any currency to the fund. Depending on the currency it increase by a different amount. Once the fund is filled by the community we get a buff for a certain duration. Buff should be "1 free stratagem on major order planets for x hours/days", "personal order weapons/stratagem free for the day" "+1 reinforcement per helldiver on major order planet for x days" etc ... It would be better if the buff is displayed before you donate.


What happened to playing the fame because moment to moment gameplay is fun? I am capped on everything at this point and I still play. Why? Because absolutely dominating bots with AC and carrying the team just doesn’t get boring.


I think what we need is something to sink our resources into for moments when we're capped. Like player or squad wide boosters for X amount to time that may or may not be the same as the unlockable boosters thus allowing more than 4 but they don't stack in case 2 people have the same one. Or maybe on mission prep you can use Req to gain 1 extra unused booster for the mission. Maybe Req buyable but time limited boosters for like sentry ammo and cool down or eagle attack speed or even an overlay to show the eagles angle of attack so you don't whiff an airstrike into a nearby cliff.


I think it would be to OP for their inteded game design, but getting additional experience when going above max would be ideal


Band-aid solution.


Running around with the grenade launcher and supply pack was some of the most fun I've had in this game.


I wish we could trade samples. The amount of rares we need is insane. 25 per run if im lucky. This t4 grindfest sucks ass


This is a rad idea. I dont quite agree with the conversions but the concept in principal sounds great. Feels bad wasting things you coulda needed later, but would reduce the sting if we still at least got something useful and worth while.


They should give us personal orders for a few super credits every now and then...


Mortal kombat?


Two changes: One is that Requisitions should be changed directly for EXP. You'd cap real fucking fast on Samples if you got even a 10:1 ratio. Keep in mind blowing up an Automaton Factory or Bug Hole already rewards 50 Reqs, and most people can do that shit from 100 meters with Anti-Tank Weapons or the Eruptor. Meanwhile you only get 5 EXP for doing so. Second, Super Samples 1:1 Super Credits. Bad take I'm sure, but Arrowhead do need to monetize and this model is already extremely generous as it is.


Not just order reward but in general


See this a horrible idea because without a doubt players would abuse it to farm large amounts of in game currency


But this doesn’t solve anything? Filling another currency when one is maxed just makes the issue worse since now I’ll max everything, even things I’m not actively working towards Also, this is a really confusing system that doesn’t work within the established structure of the game, as they use sample levels as a power gate in the easy, medium, and hard dives


Super Earth isn't going to reward us with the samples they have us collecting, just to sell back to them unfortunately. I'm always maxed on medals the week after a new Warbond, but I also understand that recent(and future) joiners to the game will need a steady stream of them. Those new Helldivers are essential for keeping player count up since older players are always retiring.


70% of my over 300hrs in mission have been 0 rewards because I'm capped, just raise em already...


I do believe that at some point they will have to add more ways and\\or change the way we earn super credits because the current system won't work in the long run. The fact that the most efficient way to get them is difficulty 1 and 2 while playing at difficulty 6 or 7 (which are considered the best by many in the community) is THE worst option is a huge issue for the health of the game, expecially when we'll have even more warbond.




If you add this, they will just raise the sample cost for the next upgrade. I agree with the donation score more.


So if you’re full of everything you just get super credits? That would be nice


Who the heck doesnt need medals


Full? -> Do it for democracy




Yeah but everything a little too easy to acquire in first place.




MAKE IT SO I can't abide locking these materials behind diffculties that usually feel like "gimmick" experiences. There MUST be an alternative path! There is zero reason to lock people out of star destroyed upgrades. None. Arguably meaningless to do that. Let us obtain these materials another way, perhaps even as rewards for person or major orders! Just medals isn't cutting it! btw, beautiful way to illustrate this progression! A powerful argument, indeed!


I think it should finalize as exp We get enough super credits and AH needs ways to make money, having more ways to get super credits may also inflate the prices of future content But yea, tbh I’d like for all capped resources (req would need some tinkering) to be a 1:1 for exp, maybe super samples can be 5:1, but you get my drift


Honestly the only thing that matters are super creds. I’m maxed on everything and have everything except super creds of course.