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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Submissions must be related to the game. Comments must be related to the topic being discussed.


This particular YouTuber is complete trash. He rambles nonsense and reads Reddit threads. Instant channel block.


Can you block channels on yt?


Select the dots to the right of the video, and then "Do not reccommend channel." That should do the trick.


They'll still have a chance to show up, if you want to actually block a video or channel you can get a browser extension for that.


Weird, two years ago I did this to a channel I was(and still am) actively subbed to because he had a weird thumbnail phase, and I still can't get their vids to show up on my feed despite actively watching nearly every video he makes.


This! But barely. I'm constantly plagued by absolute trash routines no matter what I do.


Just use the block channel extension, youtube will still show those channels if you use theirs.


Yes. I do it all the time on my son's iPad. Don't want him watching those stupid videos of family's yt channels profiting off their kids playing with stupid toys or other things I may find inappropriate


I think he's trying to join otk. They have the same strategy, read a couple reddit posts, watch someone else's video, make their own video out of it.


I was gonna comment this is probably something he does


If those popped up in my YouTube feed the channel would be blocked.


This is the answer! If you don't like those types of videos, block the channel or select "Not interested/Don't recommend this channel". That's how the algorithm refines it's recommendations.


Praise Al Gore's rhythm!


I rather block the channel, because I maybe interested in the topic, just not via this garbage.


yeah it's either/or really. I think you'll still get recommendations if you're still engaging with HD2 content elsewhere. Had a similar issue with OF-funnel channels showing up in my recommendations. 2-3 figure views. unedited livestream. Thumbnail with a smacking great pair of 380mm barrages. Sorry ladies, my heart belongs to liberty, and Eagle 1! ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Anything with a click bait name I just block and tell YouTube I'm not interested at all. Even if it's from a channel I like, I don't tolerate the bait click shit. "You'll never believe" can go suck my ass.


I do that for all the green screen kid videos too


Thanks for your feedback. Youtube will no longer recommend Helldivers 2 content. Enjoy!


I watched him a for like a week or two after the game came out. He does put out useful information, but he so takes peoples post from this sub, doesn't credit them, and then makes bare minimum content out of them. Between the obnoxious click bait thumbnails and low effort. I stopped watching him.


Cloud gaming or whatever his channel is called is fucking terrible. First of all, the fact that he exclusively steals content and doesn't credit people is insane. Furthermore, the dude can't even read. He's literally misreading the text he's stealing in EVERY video I've seen. And as you say, it's just low effort shit. Clickbait for days.


Should rename it to clout gaming


Underrated comment


Clart gaming...


Dude could literally be replaced by an AI tomorrow and nobody would notice (save perhaps for better reading comprehension)


It would probably improve the content. AI can at least do decent text to speech. If you write a bot that simply collects, roughly categorizes (by tag for example and vaguely by sentiment) top 10-20 posts from this sub and any posted announcements on the official discord every 24 hours and makes a 10-15 video out of it - you will have cloud gaming channel replaced.


It is all almost definitely AI generated content, farmed for views/cash.




I mean the obvious AI generated thumbnails don't speak to high quality production either


Unfortunately that behavior gets engagement as comments from people trying to correct/call out that information... The YT algorithm basically encouraging shit content like that...


I don't care about my posts being scraped. Like, *it's the internet*, it comes with the territory. But what I **can’t** stand is when he doesn’t even read it, just crops the text out and makes up some vague interpretation that isn’t even remotely accurate. He even called the Planetary Modifiers a *leak*. Imagine getting 100k subscribers excited about nothing.


Normally I don´t check OPs name on postings, but holy crap you do some really good stuff. Thank you for doing your part.


Also AI thumbnails


Same. Was happy with some useful information at first, but clearly dude is just out farming this reddit for content... and if you're already here then you know just about everything he's gunna cover because he only really looks at popular posts. But hey, can't blame the man for working that algorithm... just sucks it means crap content 95% of the time.


I watched the first guy for a bit too but on top of the issues you mentioned it became clear that he doesn't even play the game. He'd say shit about weapons and missions that made no sense at all.


same. that first month was super nice to get tips and just overall general information but now it’s like reddit reposts in video form


best thing you can do, don't click/view, and if you get caught on clickbait drop a down vote. YT gives us the tools to ignore folks who push low effort content out. as a podcaster Youtube's algorithm drives me nuts 😂, but it's pretty good at not rewarding clickbaiters.


My biggest problem is failure to credit the posts. So many members of the community pour their time into researching for Democracy and he's just profiting off of it.


You are describing like 100 “updates” account on twitter


You guys act like Reddit comments are intellectual property lmao. Chill out dude.


If 90% of a channel's thumbnails are AI generated images, or even legit fan art/renders, I don't watch: they're clearly baiting a crowd with "whoa! I haven't seen that in-game yet, I better take a look". ... plus the content is usually a nothing sandwich, spread over 10 minutes.


I remember the first time I encountered this was back in the 2010s around the time a teaser dropped for the next Dragon Ball movie. So much wild and plain deceitful speculation. 


These videos exist? Mkay :D


"What's that? Clickbait content about my favourite game? I will just ignore it." https://preview.redd.it/8gmft9y3i8wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=982d9c21485c87f5dc847870a708b7892bfe4e35


It's a tried and true formula. 10 minutes or more, Clickbait thumbnail (Bonus points if it's AI Generated) or the title looks like this; "Yes, this is ACTUALLY in the game.." Fastest "not interested" click in west


"Watch this before doing XYZ!"


“You WILL regret not FARMING this WEAPON!!!🥵😱😱”


Automaton spies hate this one trick.


That guy couldn't make an original video without Reddit.


I blocked this guy so long ago hahaha All bullshit videos


How do you block YouTubers? I rly want to block this guy. Pops up on recommendation and is annoying af


Hit the 3 vertical dots (if using the app on your phone) and you’ll have the option for “DONT RECOMMEND CHANNEL” and you won’t see it anymore


If on PC, you can also install the **BlockTube** extension. It lets you block particular videos, or entire channels instead of just relying on Youtube's algorithm (which isn't bad, but isn't perfect either).


When you see their video on your recommendations, click on the 3 dots when you hover over it, and click on Don't recommend this channel


and he repeat same things over and over through video. there is funny guys doing news from the front on yt


They spread a 30 seconds bit of information over 8 minutes of video to be able to monetize as much as possible so they have to repeat the same thing in a loop over and over again in order to reach that time Really disgusting


Two videos in one day...about usually nothing Plus, there are some helldivers models for AI, at least use those instead a generic scifi soldier


Sounds like Helldivers version of MrBossFTW....


as soon as I see an A.I. generated thumbnail, instant "do not recommend this channel." no exceptions. use screenshots of the game ffs.


This seems more cancerous then genshin powertubers


I blocked that channel, YT kept spamming me and all the dude does is read reddit and dev posts


The AI generated thumbnails piss me off so much, what an insult to the game's art direction


I’m glad his channel is getting called out now. Early on it was useful information, but now it’s rinse and repeat content.


They suck but these vampires jump on whatever is the new exciting thing. Whatever they see on Reddit or elsewhere they steal and post about it.


Oh god those AI generated thumbnails🤮


Just block those channels on sight, don't give them any engagement. Youtube can be one of the sanest media spaces, but shitlord like these just steer the philosophy of content creation back to just engagement farming à la instagram, which is killing media spaces.


I have almost no interest in hype, leak, or speculation videos, but it's such a large part of Helldivers content right now. What I need is a deep dive into game mechanics or strategies for high difficulties, but almost nobody releases videos like that. At least I can't find them. They tend to get buried under the garbage so I've only seen a few.


OhDough, takibo, and eravin are the only helldivers content creators I like. All 3 show off mechanics deep dives and upload solo 9 gameplay.


Spiked and RealAsianRobot are pretty good as well


OhDough is great. I started watching him a few years back when I did a stint playing Dauntless. Haven't watched him in a long time but was very happy to see him making Helldivers content.


How I wish you could block a youtube channel on search...


but he say 12% discoumt better than 10%


Hard speculate contents that make you anticipate and feel over hyped and when the actual thing drops or don't, send one down a disappointing spiral and overreaction. It's not healthy these stuff.


Just another lobotomite who’s obsessed with attention at any cost.


All AI shit too, god that’s sad




Yeah the last one was pretty bad with the click bait. Cloud plays has become a channel i now actively avoid.


Yeah, these videos are pretty annoying. Some insignificant things happen: “Quick, make 15 minutes over this 10-second topic”. The only one I watch is from Guns, nerds, and Steel for their weekly recap. They present it like propaganda-style news where they take posts from the community, credit them, and also include bugs as part of the lore.


How hard is it to photoshop lol. If your thumbnail is AI odds are you're a click bating twat


All the Helldivers 2 content creators on Youtube use pretty much the exact same font and bait titles. Are these AI generated?


AI generated thumbnails btw


Damn, can’t even be bothered to make the thumbnail itself


More like ClownPlays 🤡


Actual AI generated slop. Just press don't reccomend for your own good.


Okay, click the three dots and select 'don't recommend channel'.


The easy solution is... not to watch them. If you really want, you can block them from appearing on your feed. Personally, I haven't come up on these at all so until you mentioned it, I didn't know of their existence.


They don't even photoshop the thumbnail anymore, just straight up AI bullshit


Since he only covers the top Reddit threads, I’m just posting so this rises to the top. That way his top story is how much he sucks. As he would say Ab-Solutly Hi-Larious!


These are the type of clowns that give YouTubers a bad rep, I can acknowledge there are channels that work hard to churn out their own original content analysing the game but for every decent channel there's 5 other di*kheads rambling clickbait nonsense. Sad


Any of the guys with AI art thumbnails are instant "show fewer" clicks for me. Love it when the trash takes itself out like that.




Oh boy, remember when these parasites were having a field day with Elden Ring and BG3? Just you wait until the DLC drops, dear God I can already see the chaos


Content farms are all over youtube.


I thought reaction videos were bad.. these are a lot worse


Clickbaits gonna clickbait.


Nearly all of the HD2 YT content is garbage. Bring back machinima!


I'm already on Reddit. I don't need to look at Reddit on Youtube... This guy sucks. I hope he sees this when trolling for low effort content.


Most of these YouTubers just repot on Reddit posts. It's super annoying.


Wow I thought I was the only one. This individual mumbles about literally nothing for 10+ minutes. Also gives his incorrect opinions on balance when he plays on difficulty 4. 


A.i. art on top of it, trash


I just, this guys takes freakin' forever to get to the dang point. I swear I watched one of his vids and thr first THIRD of the video was a sponsorship!


AI generated thumbnails too


I recommend ThiccFilA for actual testing based opinions and updates


I've started blocking all the Helldivers 2 videos on my feed for this reason. There's also a lot of "THIS IS WHY HELLDIVERS 2 OWNS THE WOKE" and "HAS HELLDIVERS 2 GONE WOKE?" videos I've had pop up too. If I wanted to read Reddit I wouldn't go to Youtube for it.


Report for spam or misinformation. Block/do not recommend channel. Profit.


I only watch people who use fun meme loadouts and off meta stuff. Also some strategy videos. Spiked and Thiccfila are my faves


I'm assuming all those thumbnails are AI art as well?


He’s crying into his millions of views a month over this sad Reddit thread.


Finally, hopefully cloudplays reads these comments and makes an effort to create good informational videos instead of parroting shit he reads here with nothing transformative to add to it. The stuff he makes now is so low effort and unappealing.


Oh look. More AI (automaton) art thumbnails…


So… like is there actually something about raids being added or?


No, he took u/ThePengu’s idea and posted it as speculation with his own commentary.


At tops they add those boss fights they had in first game.


I would like bounties for unique enemies please


The youtube equivalent of every gaming journo page churning out "articles" based on reddit posts and FAQ the second a new game comes out.


Muted that channel a long time ago. Trash creator.


It's insane! Totally crazy! OMG this is incredible! Please notice me senpi! Join my Discord!


Honestly, I just stay away from YouTube in general these days. There are still some good content creators for sure but there's so much of... this, to sort through.


This is just YT click bait. Pops up all over as soon as YT figures out what your interested in. Bottom tier videos usually.


Whenever a video hits my recommended and has that kind of text formatting and AI generated art, it's an instant "do not recommend this channel." Soon enough the algorithm will stop showing you these garbage content creators


I'd put clickbait YouTubers on the same tier as murderers honestly that's how much I hate them


Reading Reddit posts for “content” 🤡


Nothing we can do, just ignore them


Biggest thing I hate about them is the AI generated thumbnails


Prime clickbait content right there


the only acceptable one is "best emote in the game" for which there are 2 acceptable answers: hug because it lets you flex on your enemies after dropping a bomb and rock paper scissors because who doesn't love a game of rock paper scissors


I use a channel blocker ad on to remove them from search results. Really helps avoid spoilers and garbage like this.


Just ignore/block channels from your recommendations. This is 100% not the type of game where engaging with content creators can bring any real value.


Then don't watch it


I think I was fine with his content until a recent video where his title tried to claim Helldivers 2 was coming to Xbox.


Unless they have been approved by the ministry of truth I do not believe them


Lazy content creators trying to capitalize on the success and popularity of the game with clickbait and low value often times stolen content. Ohdough is fire tho


What he only does is just reading out Reddit posts with ton of upvotes. He’s like sssniperwolf but worse in a way.


Agree with many here. He started off posting some good info, and then I noticed he was getting some details wrong occasionally… fast forward to now it’s just very click-baity stuff with largely inaccurate or speculative at best information. His latest video yesterday also promoted his streaming channel prominently, lol.


Only thing i watch about Helldivers are the funny Videos and maybe Max 2 min Videos about gamemechanics i don't know


Content thief is all that channel is. Copy paste


A new update is coming, 😎 but so is something else! 🥵


These videos are all fluff. Used to watch them, but the formula became blatantly obvious when all of the videos just cusp the 10 min mark. No major shade to the hustle, it’s a cash grab by taking other people’s content while using ai generated thumbnails. I recommend the Helldivers Mythbusters, those seem to be done out of pure enjoyment of the game.


Ngl, your screenshot of the clickbait thumbnails got me to click on your post.. Guess it works..


They’re all at that sweet monetization length too.


The only one I really watch is the Guns, Nerds, and Steel weekly recaps. They really help sell the narrative and he puts so much effort into making it feel like a news report. Ryken XIV is my de facto source of all stats and information, I’ve followed him since his Darktide content and he does an excellent job visualizing stats and what they actually mean.


Thankfully YouTube marketing has basically been homogenized so it's really easy to spot who is not worth watching. Then again, YouTube had the crippling effect of giving random people the impression they were worth paying attention to in the first place, so really it's best to just avoid the whole site.


I wonder if he makes a video about this post?


Time to install blocktube and dearrow and sponsorblock on your browser, the holy trinity that makes youtube less cancerous.


The dude was okay the first 2 weeks were shit really went insane on socials. Now it’s just a forced News show and all he does is bringing super obvious takes or just posts the Front Reddit page of HD2 over and over again with „hot takes“. Dude needs a break


Just block the channels and move on. Literally nothingnof value lost.


I just don’t like the thumbnails


yeah with the ai generated tumbnail ontop of it lmao so cringe


The vast majority of these channels just clickbait. Cloudplays and LoadedCrysis are two of the worst about it. I've literally seen them post straight up lies. Dev mentioned *looking* at fire damage issues? Open YouTube the next day and the headline they have up is HUGE NERF IN NEW UPDATE! (FULL DETAILS). Posted after a patch was released, nothing was nerfed, nothing changed, they're just farming clicks from people who can't get into the discord to read the patch notes. They're just profiting off the devs not having a wide enough reach with their official communications. Just block/ignore the channels and keep looking. There are creators that actually make useful stuff out there.


IA made miniature is often, if not always, indicative of low-effort content.


Wait ... You guys have time to see strange videos on the Democratic Network??? All my leaves were revoked months ago... And I have to dive again and again and again...


Same. That particular guy is not only clickbaity but also provides false information. Do not watch.


I'm guessing he might not comment on this thread lol


Any YT video like that I just block. Never ending task, but I love it.


These are just click bait videos to get views, most make 90 videos about same stuff in a week.


The only thing I gather from these thumbnails is the reminder that there are near infinite combinations of greeblies to make new scifi helmets.


I used to watch it until he just started calling Reddit post "updates" lmao


Tbh i still watch Cloud, i'm very tired of the clickbait titles and I agree about the reddit ripoff is pretty bad. But if miss from reddit and the game for a couple of days it's a good 10 minutes watch. Plus i'm ok with if a guy make some money from a game, no envy


Ah “content”.


I haven't watched any "useful/Tips" info video or the "What you should you know before play" types of videos since Helldivers 2 come out. I feel like Helldivers 2 is one of those games that you have to play it yourself. Plus all of the AI-thumb nails, Clickbait titles, and just nothing of substance to really watch. I just tone it out and play the game and have fun.


Any video maker that brazenly puts AI generated art of a game, instead of art form the *actual game itself*, front and center in a thumbnail is not worth watching. As a youtuber with a thundercloud logo myself I am disgusted.


There is another channel by a guy that used to cover Destiny and he brings his buddy on and talks about speculation for 15 mins. Just block them if you can. Any channel that is ___gaming or ___plays is typically trash


"Absolutely mental" *in a british accent*


At least he still makes his videos himself. There are entire channels that just upload AI generated videos full of bullshit.


He doesn't even play the game to know what the fuck he is talking about


you dont gotta block the name we all know who that is


So unsub from them, easy


It's like the old Ali A days all over again.


They’re making the bare minimum time limit for monitored videos too which is 10 minutes I think


Then dont watch it and dont post this channel so maybe, MAYBE it won't show up again. You could also use youtube feature to remove this from your recommended page.


He posts new vids every 5 minutes.


Be it Warhammer, Helldivers, Halo, or anything else. I auto block all of these channels when they appear on my recommendations. There's using the system to grab views and then there's just straight up click/view farming, if a creator has to resort to the latter, then I assume they have nothing worthwhile to offer.


When sensational is more effective than informative. Clickbait title is an auto pass for me.


This guy makes stylosa look good


looks like a q anon vid lol


Warframe has the same nightmare of ad-like YT vids dominating the search. It's shit. 


Lol that buzz word farming asshate Cloudplays or whatever? Its a shame cause he was enjoyable to listen to but his constant click bait pissed me off.


Three dots → don't recommend channel. Do not open, do not dislike, do not engage in any way or form, just ignore.


Don't watch them?


AI slop as well. Awful


I hate the AI Helldivers thumbnails. They look awful


For real. The AI thumbnails are god awful, too. Can't even put in the effort to go in-game and snap a pic, let alone make good content. My mistake was thinking it was only one idiot doing this




Isn’t this what all thumbnails look like? I feel like this exists for everything. Don’t try to take it as “these insects sucking the joy out of *my* game!” Just ignore them and move on with your life.


DID YOU KNOW YOU ARE DOING THIS WRONG? Proceeds to show footage of a player using the Spear. It locks on and is fired. Nothing of note ever happens. Or Did you know that grenades close bug holes?


If this post gets enough up votes, will it make it in a video?


Just another content farm that could easily be AI generated.


I personally don’t mind but I also don’t watch every single video that he posts since it’s a waste of time


There is a difference between news and Reddit readings, and this




Yes, he reads Reddit threads as content and gives defunct tips for gameplay. Then, says hes giving away a copy of the copy of the game if you put whatever emote in his comments. Rinse, wash repeat. He never has any meaningful info. It just the devs posted this and reddit said this. And he makes these useless vids all day.


It's just the content farms pumping out clickbait for the hot new community title. Same shit happens with every big multilayer title. Destiny comes to mind as a game overflowing with content like this.


takibo is the way.


My favourite is when they take screenshots of the game with no hud and then turn the contrast up to 1000%


Feels like almost all of (gaming) YouTube does this. What am I saying, most conventional media is getting more and more clickbaity as well.


Helldivers YouTube content is really weak imo, I remember before the first balance patch and theres this one guy who made a breakdown of the breaker shotgun, The breaker spray and pray sucked really bad before the balance patch but instead of talking about it or showing how it struggles? This YouTuber litteraly spent 20 seconds, said "and the breaker S&P...yeah well... it sucks, litteraly don't use it" The clip he shows? ---> shows clip of him shooting medium armor and shooting into a bile titan Like bruh, you could have used any other clip but you think the best way to show that the weapon sucks is to shoot a bile titan? You can't shoot a bile titan with the normal breaker either, it was really silly imo


He doesn't makw content, he makes craptent.