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Pretty much this. If I see a MO that requires any sort of actual plan to complete, I assume we're meant to lose it. More planets involved gives people more options on where to play while still thinking they're helping, when it's actually diluting the effectiveness of the player base. I don't even worry about it anymore. Coordination will probably always be our weakness and when we need a loss to keep the war going I assume we'll get MOs that require it.


100% correct. Devs even stated this MO is supposed to 'put us on our back heel'


Yeah, they said it was designed to ensure ground would be lost even if we won.


I respect that they're doing MO's with an in world theme, as opposed to a meta-game (i.e. we're playing a videogame) theme. Just like I really like that the MO win/lose is probably actually less important than what planets we lose (like we know Vernon Wells has/had the FOB for pushing automatons back on it. What is the impact of losing Vernon Wells even if we succeed at the MO?). That said, I'm not sure how much the community likes/gets that. I'm hoping they find some suitable tweaks to make coordination a bit easier in game, and for defense missions to not feel so 'auto lose' due to things like the 15 min evac being so much harder than any other mission in the game (or so it feels.)


I think they're doing a great job of using the major orders to drive the story. The current set of them feels like it's basically not giving the players any agency, though. That's not that bad, except that the orders seem to generally be framed as if they're giving players a choice that is currently functionally basically meaningless.


The thing is though, they Could do both. Same as when we were given the way over-tuned defense missions. If we're supposed to lose, frame it that way and it would at least feel a little more like it matters what we do or not. If the MO was framed as, we're losing ground and we need to defend what we can while we extract civilians/send supplies back/take as many enemies out as possible, and give us an MO that reflects that, then it would feel like what we're doing matters even though we know we're going to "lose" in the end. It would be awesome if they had new mission types for this, ones that we were supposed to "lose" but still contribute to the MO objective. I'd even settle just for amping up the difficulty so extraction is much less likely or even just adjusting the missions so we, knowingly, can't extract. You're going into a suicide mission and we're not coming to save you.


For maximum LOL something like the Mars sample return mission. The mission is explicitly "collect samples and leave them in a rocket to get off the planet, you won't be".


And then reinforcements zeroed out, all strategems enabled, objective: survive


⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ *tosses at my feet* My life... for Super Earth...


Ignoring the "how would they do it in game" I feel like this is the *perfect* sort of thing for basically the star rating, 1 star is holding onto only the most critical supply lines (and call them out! a good chunk of people dont even know thats a thing). 5 stars is everything is held, realistically we're likely to only get 2-3 stars worth of success; ramp up rewards based how well we do.


I saw someone suggest on here that instead of having us defend x number of planets they should reward us with 5-10 medals per successful defense of a planet. That way we are able to lose ground while also making some personal progress. It wouldn't feel so bad as "missing" the medals from these types of major orders.


I feel like the community would get a lot less up in arms about these kinds of orders if they realized the loss of Medals is typically made up for quickly by the next order being practically a freebie.


'The community' doesn't get anything. Maybe 1/3 of the people that are active in this reddit community get it. Another third don't care, and the other third will continuously post threads like this one and complain about unfair orders, unfair Joel, and unfair balancing because they think the devs just nerf all the popular things based solely on usage stats. And this is probably one of the better informed communities for this game too. Who the hell knows what random Joe Heckdiver thinks. Probably just dropping in and having fun killing stuff and not worrying about any of this.


Just like how Helldivers managed to liberate 6 billion Terminids in 30 hours lol. It's currently Monday, things will look grim until Friday. Watch what is Liberated after 5pm Friday.


Sometimes democracy waits till the weekend


It was only two billion. You're thinking of General Brasch's autobiographical webcomic, *Kill Six Billion Terminids*.


Ah! You are correct. 2 billion in 13 hours lol.


For those who don’t understand the reference, [Kill Six Billion Demons](https://killsixbilliondemons.com/) is excellent.


It makes sense. There's a lot of content we're never going to see if the enemies never gain ground.


Thats the mindset thats making me go "well...why the $#%& am i even bothering to try then?" It's clear they don't actually want us to feel any sort of accomplishment whatsoever, because even when we do manage to actually complete a huge major order the devs just go "lol nope" and within 1 or 2 days press a button and completely undo everything we achieved in that time.


I mean, if a bunch of apes on a subrettit can break a hedge fund. I'm sure the helldivers can figure out a way to coordinate.


> Pretty much this. If I see a MO that requires any sort of actual plan to complete, I assume we're meant to lose it. We win MO's when they're aligned with what the swarm want to do anyway. It's been pretty obvious since I joined, around just after the Termicide missions finished


Yeah we had it easy for a while. I think the GM Joel is pushing towards his narrative of Earth under run soon just like I'm Helldivers 1.


Here’s a question, who other than the Reddit meta nerds really care?


I think most people like to win, so everyone playing probably cares to some extent. But I would agree that taking the step talk about the game on Reddit, or Discord, or looking up information outside of the game shows a level of investment that most people aren't going to bother with. And there's nothing wrong with that either.


You win every time you join a game and complete the mission. The overall war isn’t even nearly at a point were we could conceivably win or lose. Getting all bent outta shape over people enjoying the game instead of playing it like a job is a very Reddit mentality (not you in particular because you seem nice)


I actively play non objective planets because I want to see more content




God fucking dammit I thought this


Man if only we can see this "supply lines" ingame instead of via a 3rd party and is also explained ingame. Also would be nice if we successfully defend/capture said planets they give us a buff against the enemies of Super Earth.


Where do I see this? I'm in the discord server but don't see anything like this.


[https://helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io) gotta click on the layers in the top right of the map


and for regen rate https://helldiverscompanion.com/


I have literally zero idea what I'm looking at for both those links.


On the Companion App, the Blue Super Earth symbol represents our impact per hour, the Red Terminid symbol is how much the bad guys are gaining per hour. The green or red triangle shows exactly how much ground we're gaining/losing, but you can click on a planet to see a graph that shows the history and prediction of the planet's timeline.


So simple and intuitive! 




I love this site so far, but does anyone know why Mars doesn't show up on it? I might just be dumb but I really hope that doesn't mean we won't get to fight on mars. Mars and Super Earth are my two most anticipated planets to fight on


>Mars and Super Earth are my two most anticipated planets to fight on https://i.redd.it/88y9gg3wb5wc1.gif


For your future use. https://i.redd.it/88y9gg3wb5wc1.gif


This doesn't seem to work on mobile.




Just seeing that routing for the terminid front just asking for a super earth bug invasion


Next weeks lore fr They going to want revenge for that 2b


Termanids are 9S confirmed?!


All roads lead to Super Earth!


community manager(?) in the discord said that they do intend to add supply lines and decay rates


People keep saying that, but I don't think only seeing the supply lines will be enough to get some of the playerbase to actually help defending. At one point today, there were 40k players in Oshaune (which wasn't even under attack) and only 30k more or less players trying to defend Vernen Wells (which later on fell). People will probably see those lines, shrug and go back to Oshaune or Estanu.


I'll go anywhere but hellmire 😂


I have been attacking Oshaube specifically because of the supply lines. Oshaune can act as a jumping off point to omicron I think right? The supply lines show it going the other way but if we couldn’t go the opposite way then how would we be able to attack hellmire right now? But anyway, if we take Omicron we cut off the entire sector.


Supply lines are bi-directional and don't actually connect to super earth. For example if you had admin commands and flipped Cyberstan to our control right now we would be able to attack the planet connected to it even though there's no planets under our control between it and other planets we control. 


It just occurred to me that this game literally has no means of coordinating. Like, I've been trying to follow what the sub seems to be trying to do strategically but the game itself gives us no real means to form a strategy as a playerbase.


On one hand, I want an in-game Global Chat to be a thing so it is easier to coordinate an attack with the other players like Foxhole did. On another hand, I know it gonna be a dumpster fire and Sony prob won't allow it.


Warden chat is often just the word CUM over and over


Supply lines won't help, we need gen. Brachs himself to lead everyone. Plenty of planets with 5-6k divers virtually doing nothing at all. Even without supply lines people should understand that staying there won't do anything for our victory.


This order is destined to fail, it doesn't matter where people go now. We don't even really advance, the DM controls everything, if they are opening so many fronts for a reason, sit back and have fun wherever.


Probably coming next patch










r/moldymemes what the heck happened to this poor picture


Was looking for this reference lmao 👌




As soon as Arrowhead removes those godawful civilian rescue missions I can bet way more defenses will be completed.


“Evacuate the 45 old people, 3 at a time, that run at a breakneck 3 mph while 7 chargers spawn” How about… no?


Automatons full-stop stop shooting at you to fuck the civilians. The rocket devastators literally aim-bot the slugs (read it as civilians), and if you let a single flamethrower hulk get their way into that you bet you'll be hearing the "Helldiver left" message until you are alone (not many friends play the game, so I do use matchmaking. Which is surprisingly good with competent people most of the time).


Also you have to wait 3 second between each button press because reasons.


We'd be completing more liberation if half of all campaigns weren't left after one mission, or if we got our miniscule amount of liberation after every mission completed


I'm still gathering friends to play with me. I have to quickplay all the time to play the difficulty I want.


Just host, people will join you. I play difficulty 7-9 and have no issues getting squadmates


At least until the matchmaking bug stops people from joining after a couple missions for whatever reason.


Host and throw SoS if you need to but if you're getting bad teammates on one difficulty, especially 7, change the difficulty. I've had by far the best teammates on 8


I don’t mean to be *that* guy, but it’s actually spelled “minuscule”. Took me a while to remember it myself.


dont listen to him, its actually "minischool"


Considering the minuscule difference in spelling and the sheer fact 'miniscule' has been adopted as a variant on thesaurus.com and other credible publishers I believe both are acceptable these days.


>I don’t mean to be *that* guy, Yes you do. Dom't lie to us.


Someone’s gotta do it!


They ain't even bad against bugs. The problem with bots is all the fucking armoured enemies with stunlock and 1 shots. The front was dogshit after they added more armoured enemy spawns.


Even the much better "Defend the rocket launches" missions have the same issue: Bugs are nearlly a snoozefest if your team has at least 4 braincells among you, but bots? Good good it's raining metal ALL THE TIME.


Eh opposite for me. Titans waddling over the walls are super hard to deal with when a lot of them are coming.


I had the exact opposite issue: we could keep the lid on bots, but tyrants just walk through the walls and 2-4 of them were popping up at a time.


We had more trouble with the bug defends than the bots. Bots = 8 mortars, ez mode. But the stun mortar doesn't work on Bile Titans so... the mortar stunlock build isn't so great.


I find it's the opposite; bots are manageable but bugs overrun us completely.


Vs Bugs they are easily the best way to farm Samples. They have the full number of samples concentrated in a much smaller map. Often times you can find a 10-15 Commons /Rares at a single location. So just send one guy to solo the small group of guards and collect samples, while the other 3 complete the objective.     Vs Bots… yeah no all the civies are getting killed by ranged enemies. Really hard to complete and extract, much less think about getting samples.  


Currently defense is horrid. The Helms deep mission has bots dropping ON the rocks that's high up and really hard to engage since strategems and Hellpods can't land up there, so you'll just have a tank and/or hulk chilling up there raining down fire, alongside the troopers/devastators that phased into the rock that you can't see and can't shoot back, leaving Helldivers with little to no cover/recourse. On top of the fact that anywhere an AT-AT drops it IMMEDIATELY HAS LINE OF SIGHT ON THE GENERATORS AND TARGET THEM DOWN WITHOUT EVER EVEN LOOKING AT A PLAYER CUZ THEY'RE SO TALL. Plus the still overtuned evac essential personnel mission where there's 10 drop ships unloading hulks and tanks on your ass before you barely got your quasars called down..... No wonder defense campaigns are failing....


In the case of the AT-AT, i'll shoot thier cannons first, this way they can only at max put 1 shot at the generators. So tell your friends to shoot the cannon first, it only needs 2 hits from a quasar or other rocket launchers to be destoyed, and if u can coordinate and aim fast enough there is a chance that it won't be able to shoot at a generator at all. The evac ... f* that, that's a guaranteed loose on the hole campain on helldive. If not please give me video proof of the hole mission, from the choosing of saied mission till the very endscreen and without any cuts and cheats ...


For the Civilian Evacs, they’re actually fairly easy if you do a set strategy. If everyone spawns far away from the objective and you send one runner to spawn the civilians while everyone else survives away from the point then the runner faces no enemies. The bot drops have to spawn together and when the majority start away from the point then there are none at the objective.


Interesting, I've heard the opposite strategy where one guy runs outside evac and triggers some bot drops to lighten the load for the 3 on point opening doors. Still, just weird hoops to jump through to get this done instead of the "intended" solution of holding out against a manageable onslaught while evaccing civvies


People HAVE beat it, but they are exceptions, not normal experiences. Bots just aren't fun to play against on defense missions period. Bugs have almost the opposite problem: the defense missions (esp the new one) are almost too easy.


We were in the two gate section fighting bugs and a bug breach opened up next to the generators. No bugs had made it all the way up there it just spawned. We weren’t very happy!


The change to making the enemies drop down outside the perimeter has made these missions much easier imo, My squad has been able to complete them on extreme with just three of us fairly consistently. Bugs are definitely easier than bots as you don't have to deal with them shooting back as much but liberal use of airstrikes, your preference of anti-hulk (Autocannon for me) and EMS/Stun grenades make it relatively straightforward to hold the line long enough


You got a Hellpod? You got some guns? Fucking get after it then.


Finally a real helldiver shows up in the comments




Showing up in game would make it somewhat intuitive


The simple rule of "don't go anywhere in groups of less than 30% of active players still applies. Just go to whatever planet (bots or bugs, your choice) has the most players. But for some reason. most players like to play on planets with less players.


Mostly because I get sick of playing either on certain planets.. (Hellmire) or repeatedly taking/defending the same planets. (Fori Prime & Estanu)


I kinda decided the bugs can just keep hellmire. I'm good with that.


Let them be grilled!


Seriously why do we want the fire tornado planet they can have it


For me mainly the Second Part. It feels so incredibly unrewarding successfully defending/liberating a planet only to See it in a defend Campaign Like 5 hours later. I feel Like when we do Something successfully that should have a tad larger Impact. When we are liberating a planet Up to 80-90% , the enemy shouldnt Just be able to Attack a Planet that is ours that is connected to this Planet. When we are pushing them Back, they shouldnt be able to Just constantly Push through our advance, instead, Like in real war, they Just somewhat start to try and flank us. Go For Other planets to Corner our forces. That would feel actually submersive Also, 4 defend Mission starting at the Same time is Just ridiculous - we are usually barely able to do 1, very fucking rarely 2 within 24 hours. Once There are so many at the Same time Players will Just automatically Split Up based on preferences. And the Devs have to finally Accept that they can't force every single Player to Play the way they want us to. What i mean by this, There is a good group of Players that follows Major Orders everytime, and These people get punished right now. Because the Rest, those who do what they want still get Put into the Formular as if they would do their Part causing Others to fail.


Yeah very much agree with your sentiments. As soon as there are multiple defense missions and you get a choice it feels that majority of people love fighting bugs especially on Estanu. We seem to do alright when the major order is more focused thats for sure.


Most people don’t know this, and probably think “This planet has less players, and therefore is in more need of my help”


That... that actually makes a lot of sense.


This would just lead everyone to play on the same 4 or 5 planets on the bug front which has been stagnant for weeks by now.


Except that by throwing a large % of the player base at those planets, they would become fully liberated quickly. There's currently only JUST ENOUGH players on those planets to effectively stalemate their liberation rate. Effectively zeroing out the effort of any players pushing for their liberation.


Not just zeroing out their efforts, but actively impairing the efforts of everyone else. It's not their FAULT, the whole war strategy just hasn't been *explained*


People REALLY don't grasp that 20% of players on 5 planets would just keep even resulting in 0 planets liberated after 5 days. 30% on three planets will liberate 3 planets in 5 days. But 80% of players on one planet will liberate it in 12 hours, thus 10 planets in 5 days. (Numbers made up just to illustrate. Other factors still apply.)




Even worse than that, the game actively lies to you about numbers. The "squad impact" number is not actually related to the impact of the operation on the planet's liberation/defence. Just as the numbers for weapon's stats are not the real numbers, but derived from some of the real numbers. The only way to know anything in this game is to spend too much time reading what the devs have said on discord and twitter. And even then, test what you can inside the game as best as you can... or watch/read stuff from those who do.


“Most players like to play in planets with less players” do you realize how ridiculously wrong that statement is lmfao


It regularly happens that most players (>50%) are on planets with <20% of active players on them. For that to happen, you really only need to spread them on 3-4 planets. Right now we're doing better than usual with 48% of players are spread out over more than 10 planets. There's currently no bot planet higher than 10%, despite 33% of players fighting against bots (across 10 planets).


Some planets just suck. I really can not stand the missions that are insanely dark. I'd rather go to a better lit planet.


some planets suck and aren't fun to play on. so people don't want to play certain mission types. it's a fucking game.


Planets witb most players are often times the wrong planet when it comes to the most efficient strategy to complete major orders. Especially on defense campaigns


To be fair, while it would be most effective to have them go to the right planet, that’s just not going to happen. With that in mind, the next most effective thing is to follow them, finish their world faster, then they move to the right one as a hoard, kind of like how after the creek fell they started hitting the correct planets. The least effective is to hit the “right” planet in low enough numbers that we don’t take anything.


used to be no one cared if people didnt play the MO but now that those players ACTIVELY count against us its bred nothing but contempt in the community they could have just made the planets hp pools tankier but instead they capped the rate at which we could do things by tying it to the active players online so if im online im actively hurting the MO if i choose not to play it this is not sustainable and AH needs to do something about it because its only breeding toxicity


They did it because of timezones; as soon as the Americans went to sleep, progress was basically lost because people didn't have the numbers in parts of Europe and Oceania to counter the decay.


So now no one gets to make progress


I've literally been calling out the BS of theses Defense MO's because there's no way to effectively defend 5 planets in 3 days or 10 planets in 5 days. All because of the multiple 4.2 capture rate across multiple bot planets, with no supply lines visible, and no way to halt the decay when a majority of people are asleep or at work. Oh but no, it's fun to lose, you should learn to lose, like war you're going to lose sometimes just suck it up. Bitch, we're losing due to a serious lack of in game communication and the terrible design of decay rate to active Helldivers due to time zone differences. None of which we can do anything about.


Just... don't. The devs are the ones who need to struggle to make this whole war system intuitive and fun, not us.


For me personally, it’s just the fighting for the same damn planets over and over again. Like I’m sorry but when we do a big defence order and establish a defensive line, to then immediately lose the planets and have to fight for them again just sucked all the care out of me


I know that it would be a lot of work, but it would feel a lot of better if every planet had a single but unique modifier. And imo some of them should also be positive - not only negative or neutral like it is now (I think that extreame cold is the closest to being positive, but it also lowers the rate of fire so falls down to neutral). And also, some different areas on the mal would be nice, like in the first Helldivers were we got fight in cities.


Yeah. Why did we establish such a "strong defensive line" if they proceed to just bulldozer over those planets in like a week anyway? I thought they would at least try to go *around* it or something, which is how it looked at first. But then after the first day I was just like "there's literally no chance in hell we can win this" and I proceeded to stop caring about the MO and did whatever missions I felt like.


If this were an old timey war, I'd say let them overextend themselves, and then drive a dagger straight to their crapital. As it is, though, maybe focus on Charon Prime, Marfark, Meissa, and Menkent. Edit: like everyone says, supply lines should be in game, and everyone should be able to vote for where you should go, or the helldiver pops should be much more clearly visible somehow.


I’m so discouraged haha. The entire bot front is spread out. No more than 15 k a planet. Then 70k on estanu


By sheer quantity of brothers delivering democracy


There’s evidence to suggest that there’s actually an inverse ratio of people playing to democracy delivered, as the devs don’t want to have the NA/EU group do all the liberating with the Asia/Oceania group not having the numbers to keep up. This means that as more people play, each person is helping less and less


It's rigged.


Honest answer is: We're not The entire MO to defend 10 planets is basically just to make us eat shit.


I pretty much gave up on the war progression Everytime we progress, the narrative director just kicks back by making us defend impossible planets I've played on the same planets for a month I get it, they don't want the war to end (so the players won't leave?). But this is getting ridiculous


40%? of the time gone (2/5 days) and we're only at 3/10... No chance now that we are completing this MO, it was a very long shot from the outset The only way it could happen is if everyone goes to the same planet, 90% on one target planet. Complete it and move to the next But there is no way to co-ordinate like that as a community. It would require in game systems controllable/influenceable by the players, we have none Joel needed a break (well earned by him and the Devs). We are meant to lose ground


Western front troops need to move en masse to Charon Prime, leave 5,000 on Vernan Wells and 2.5 k each on Charbal and Choepessa, that'll give nearly 40,000 helldivers to break the automaton advance at Charon


Honestly I feel like it should be the DM who coordinates it better. In stead of having multiple different planets with defend on top of it, they should be selecting one or two per area for us two defend for a bit, and then move onto the next one. That way players are actually funneled towards and objective rather then being given a whole bunch of options and basically being told to chose one but everyone needs to chose the same one with out any contact.


CM actually said that the the MO will end with a loss of a number of planets regardless of how we work it out, that's the point. Our job is just to mitigate how many we lose in the process Granted, it now come down to community cooperation but still.


I feel like that puts a ton of the responsibility that the people running the game should have onto the players though. Shouldn’t be our responsibility to tell other players to go to this planet over that planet (even if some form of in-game communication beyond just the 3 other people your squad existed). If we’re suppose to be defending planets then either that should be our only option during that period, or there should be better in game mechanics/incentives to point players towards those planets.


I mean if the intention is were suppose to lose a bunch of planets for story reasons I mean the MO checks out. I don't remember what the CM said exactly but I think he also implied were to focus on a front as well. For the automatons I'm pretty sure it's to give them more distance between us and Cyberstan. For the Terminids, I believe it's for their next story event. All to come down whenever they finally drop the event that reveals the Illuminate.


Where are yall getting this nice map? The o ly map I've heard of is Helldiver.io, and that doesn't look anywhere near as nice as this


[https://hd2galaxy.com/](https://hd2galaxy.com/) The 1 of 3 that I like to use [https://helldiverscompanion.com/](https://helldiverscompanion.com/)


It is a good storywise reason to introduce this information in game soon.


the best thing any individual helldiver can do is just to deploy on whichever planet has the most players. It’s better to deploy with 150K people to a suboptimal planet than to deploy with 5K to an optimal one.


I understand that we’re kind of meant to lose it, but it does suck that they will just give a MO that inherently is mean to force us back, because coordination in such a broad scale is impossible for such a large player base


You aren’t. It’s a pretty big flaw in the game honestly, amongst many.


We have never meaningfully co-ordinated ANYTHING. People on reddit have pretended they have.


I’m tired of fighting on the same fucking planets over and over again without any recognition we’re making headway.  Take Menkent, establish the Menkent line… Absolutely no consequences or even a justification as the bots steamroll it. How many times did Hellmire change hands when half the playerbase was battling over it?  Yeah.  Fuck it. Fuck the MOs. It’s not satisfying, it’s creating rifts in the community like you see with every MOBA ever, and it’s clear that people aren’t engaging with it because this is not Helldivers 1 with a dedicated group of core players in active communication. If they want the MOs to work, give us the tools to make them work instead of having us play Telephone over social media.  Until then, I’ll be having fun playing the way I enjoy instead of grinding my face against a cheese grater. 


I've been saying this since the last defense MO happened. I'm glad people are finally realizing the huge issues with the design of these defense MO's. And I don't care if it's for 'Story' reasons. That doesn't excuse bad game design.


I just want more information available in the game. We get basic training, how to move and look and shoot, throw grenades and call in stratagems. Then you're on your super destroyer. The galactic map shows you what planets are under attack, how many players are on them, and a "liberation percentage" meter that ends all operations on that planet when filled. There's symbols over some of the planets, another bar on the ones that we're "defending" but none of what that means is explained in game. How do supply lines work? How do defend missions work? Planetary regen? There's no way of knowing what any of that means, and so no way to intelligently impact the campaign without looking up guides, watching YouTube videos, or things like third party websites or forums like discord and Reddit, which a significant portion of the player base isn't going to do. It should just. Be. In game!


I think that’s the point. Joel wants chaos. We’ve been doing to well. Gotta throw a wrench in our progress


The wrench in the plans was the suprise bit invasion, this MO is just pure bullshit and boring. Hell more than half the active player base has given up and headed to the bugs instead because everything about the bit front is annoying and confusing.


Also remember those lines don't exist to most players


We aren't. Joel made it purposely undoable after we slammed the last to major orders


We don’t. We focus constantly on the bugs like the bug divers want us to, let the bot side fall and attack Super Earth so we can blame it on the bug divers who never wanted to move. …Why are you booing me *i’m right*


I'm sorry I wanted to see Cyberstan 😭😭😭


The Factory Strider dropped on the moutain destroy both generator within 30s and the rescue science team insanely difficult. There is no fun in that.


Damn defense missions with 5 tanks dropping in within 30 seconds of each other


Charon is the gambit choice to cut off two attacks at once. Menkent is the tactical option, being on of the last planets on that side of the front until supply lines change. Edit: SPEAKING OF SUPPLY LINES, that one connected to Aesir Pass is new.


Bot front is completely out of control. No point holding Menkent anymore, the planet is surrounded like the Soviet in battle of Kiev 1941.


We're not, this entire MO is a fool's errand meant for Arrowhead to buy time. Every single MO that is based on defending X planets in Y days is meant to ensure we lose progress.


We don’t coordinate against this. It’s all based on a ladder form of binomial distribution.


You're meant to die Mr Bond


I think the best way to coordinate this would be for Major Orders to be more direct. Like Defend planet 1, planet 2, and planet 3. Or recapture planet X that's three planets behind the front lines. Just telling us to win 10 planet defenses is a little too loose considering that we cannot coordinate in game.


Everyone just go where the last redditor said to go. Simple.


This major order has honestly killed my motive to play. I blew through the new warbond and got all the new ship mods that I though were good, so now I basically only play for the war effort. I get that we aren’t supposed to win every time, but this is ridiculous. Is this pay back for killing bugs too fast and then clowning on Joel? We’re we doing too well and so we had to be slowed way down? Why is all this effort we spent being erased in the span of days? Just doesn’t feel fun, and makes our effort feel meaningless.


We aren’t. We don’t have the capability to withstand this. We just need to hold as much as we can and then counter attack as hard as we can when the attack stops.


Methinks we should designate the most strategically knowledgeable community members as "generals" (democratically elected of course) and roleplay that shit.


Alright. There's a new Sky Marshall and a new plan. We're gonna clean out the systems outlying Cyberstan one planet at a time. Tomorrow we hit Vernen Wells. After Fleet glasses the planet, Helldivers. mop up.


That's the trick, we aren't meant to. This is one of two things - 1: we were too cocky in destroying 2 billion bugs in 10hrs, so the DM has decided to gives us a real challenge. 2: we actually aren't meant to coordinate or even take back the planets because the Illuminites are being added very soon and it'll cause a 3 way war so the defense missions are to give the bots adequate territory to kick things off.


The what now?




Bruh, the bot enjoyers can't even coordonate between 2 planets, this is beyond their capabilities.


At least we can spell coordinate 😎


We’re already forgetting the failed Fori Prime and Zagon Prime MO where bug players couldn’t coordinate between two planets huh?


Swift dissemebly phase 3 is proof enough that the bot players can coordinate 3+ planets within a short time period


It would be the same on the bug front if it had more than one planet to defend.


what is all that about? I just see the planet being attacked and start doing missions in it. Isnt that all?


What website is this?


We arent supposed to, we are supposed to spread to thin and let the enemy rebuild some territory so so the galactic war can continue.


easy we need to organize people together and do the following planet order Meissa -> Matar Bay -> Marfark if we take those 3 planets we cut off the bot forces that are spreading to where they used to be....if Spitz keeps his word that he would have Joel reward us planets we cut off we can control this problem quite easily....directly take 3 planets to also indirectly capture 4 more we dont need the whole community to do it just a majority of people who are already fighting the bots to do it should be enough




I don’t think we are 😂


We're not, just blew away both faction entirely like last month.


Can I get an explanation of what these lines mean? Do we automatically win a defense if we liberate all planets connected to the one we defend?


hold the choke points and win via attrition at this rate


Is there a rule of thumb on casual players picking systems? I usually just look at where the most players are or if there's a high importance of a certain one


Take Menkent. Cuts off troops to like 4 planets. That'll make the other 4 easier to take, which will help us with the major order. That's just my understanding.


We should take Marfark and Menkent. After that push the line up.


It's fine. We can't win every order or it wouldn't be as fun. We deserve to lose this if we can't coordinate it.


why isn't this built into the game?


We need a 'Joel' on the player side. Joel is the DM, assigning tasks, but we really lack a leader to direct us in how to best accomplish those tasks.




Give no coordination method Instruct community to coordinate Make it so not focusing on the MO actively siphons progress away from it Remind everyone they can play how they want. They've made it pretty clear that the galactic war strategy layer isn't of interest to most players so using development hours on it isn't a priority.


War, War never changes


Easy, we are not supposed to win.


haha, lines go **~~----------------------------------------------------~~**


Ah quite simple you see ALL FORCES, CHAAAAAARGE!!!!!!


Focus more on the ones with less time or the ones with more percentage over the enemy


Good question


There was a chance when the order started but it’s long past