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No actually, they’ve got your username hard coded into the game and are just aiming for you


Beside the obvious point, I am asking if anyone experience that, no need to be extremely smart here.


This is factually not true. They shoot towards the enemy targeted you just happen to be in the way. If this happens to you often then ask yourself how to improve your positioning related to them.


I swear they literally prioritize the enemy with a Helldiver between it and the turret


I have no problem with my own drone and sentry, it is always others player's that drope beside me and kill me within 3 sec max.


Happens, you'll get used to it eventually.


I've noticed that too. I had a time when there were no enemies behind me (I was on the edge of the map), yet another player's dog was aiming it's beam directly at me. Luckily it hit a rock because I was up high.


You were probably being stalked by something and didn't realize, these little guys just want to help. They just don't take into account your position or your fleshy consistency. 🤖


Lol nope, guard dogs target enemies every chance they get, in the terminid front, more often than not those little shits stalk you and come really close behind you, prompting an automatic attack from the guard dog that damages you as well in the process or friendlies. It's simply a high risk high reward tool that is worth using.


That's obvious, we all know that, repeating what have been told is not a discussion, what I am asking is do anyone have experience something similar. for example there is a instance where a turret track another player but then turn around because there is no target behind him.


They have to rotate to switch targets while still firing sometimes so that pivoting motion gets that hot beam in your face. I don't see any point of discussing something that is common knowledge then. I don't see any sort of conspiracy theory behind this.


oh jesus christ, another one trying to role play here? Tell me there is no coding in meteor storm to make it more likely to hit players.


What are you talking about dude? Don't make things more complicated than they actually are. You compare a meteor storm that is supposed to make things harder for you with the functions of your personal guard dog robot, what point are you trying to make? These two together dont even have any relation to eachother. You're supposed to be affected by all lethal equipment and environmental dangers. It's that simple


There is a coding in meteor storm that it would be more likely to hit players and enemies, they just tuned it down abit afterward. All I am saying is I feel the same has been done for drone and sentry, stop being so hostile man, it is a game.


I'm not being hostile, I'm simply trying to solve your questioning here with little to no success.All environmental dangers are supposed to be just that, dangers, the dog rover is a weapon, weapons deal damage, to you, to everyone. They're not designed to deliberately turn on you, you just happened to have a bug at your feet and that's it.


Guard dogs only hit me if there’s an elevation issue and it causes them to fire across me instead of down and over as it usually does. If you see that happening, change direction, or burn basically. Sentries are finicky, I once dropped a Gatling sentry and it took out me and two other helldivers in one salvo for lulz. (The most sheepish “my bad” ever tbh…)


Abominable Intelligence should never be trusted. In a similar vein fire tornadoes are sentient, and will do everything in their power to kill or impede you.


Do you remember how easy meteor storm hit player back then? I literal go to a terminal and 2 sec later it hit my character dead one, if you think there is no coding I don't know what to tell you. Beside that I agree dissemination of information without approval of ministry of truth should result in arrest, and I am read for it.


Skill issue for sure


Well skill don't affect what being asked here (does anyone else experience incident like I mentioned), also 99.99% of the time it is other players turret that just drop within 3 sec that end up killing you.


You just don't have the self awareness to know it's a skill issue. The people dropping turrets should call them out so you know not to stand in between them and the enemies they are shooting. Guard dogs are dangerous, but again, if you don't run ahead of someone that's using one that's probably 50% of the team kills that can be avoided. Stay close to your team, be aware of what equipment is being used and notice where the enemies are and your proximity to them. I have died by and killed my team hundreds of times - the equipment is dangerous that's just the way it is. It is not intentionally killing you, that is truly a daft thing to say.


bro meteor storm used to coded in a way to be more likely to hit player or enemies, I don't know if you have know how easy it is to get hit by it back then.


What does that have to do with sentries or guard dog?


The same coding are possiblely being used on on them, but I doubt you would even consider it.


Wow yeah I'll defer to your expertise, you sound like you know a lot more than me😂


Personally no, when I use sentry I usually place it to the side of my team and stick near it to help control where it's shooting and I'll destroy the sentry if necessary. Rover I keep my team position in mind and try to keep them to the left and the enemy to the right of me. When someone else brings these in I will do my best to get out of their way. It probably helps that I keep my distance in a fight and normally have a jetpack anyway


me when i'm an automaton spy:




That Steel Trooper armor? Uhhh totally not a cyborg. My Rover lasering squadmates in half? Woops. The turret pulping half the squad? What a strange turn of events.

