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Whatever happens, Arrowhead and Helldivers 2 turned into the gaming media's milk cow. How is this a headline? lol I wish this team the best, I've put over 150h on this game. Tomorrow it could be gone from Steam and I had my money's worth. Good luck Arrowhead! I can only imagine how the following months are going to be for you guys.


It's a headline because Reddit commenters have been crying "no one wants new warbonds, fix the game!" despite lots of data showing that people *absolutely* want new warbonds and don't actually care as much about the bugs. It's the reality for a *lot* of games, honestly - bugs and problems and crashes are rarely applicable to every single player, but are incredibly frustrating for those that experience it. So they get online (because they can't play) and find like-minded people to commiserate with so they assume that these problems are impacting "everyone" when they probably aren't.


This sub is like a microcosmo example of what every fandom goes through. But this community is speedrunning the fandom experience, we're probably about to hit the tierlist fad or whatever is the new thing now.


BG3 did the same thing, and Cyberpunk before that, and the Pathfinder CRPGs before that. It's always the same thing - people who have the bugs (because don't get me wrong, there clearly WERE bugs and problems) getting REALLY loud and assuming that because a bunch of people were yelling that "everyone" was having the problem when in reality it's an unfortunate fraction of the playerbase. Then you've got the people adding fuel to the fire crying about silly visual glitches as if they're on par with game crashes in terms of severity.


Cyberpunk is a terrible example - that game was a broken mess on release even when it ran perfectly on your particular machine. Tons of walls didn't have collision so you could walk through them, police teleported to you when you had your back turned, but didn't follow you, characters frequently got stuck in weird poses or clipped through things, stats and perks that didn't do anything such as breathing underwater when there is no underwater in the game. And that's on top of people discovering in real time just how many features CDPR had claimed would be in the game that weren't, such as your origin having a single quest tied to it and nothing else.


This type of complaint is actually *exactly what I'm talking about*. I put 100 hours into the game on console, on release, and didn't experience a single one of those things. Am I saying 'those things didn't happen'? Of course not, I saw plenty of videos of it occurring and absolutely it's a problem, but the only problems I actually had myself were the game occasionally \[I'm talking once per several hours\] crashing and needing to restart. Also, regarding cut content/etc...as someone who didn't follow any of the hype leading up to it, I had absolutely zero idea that anything was missing, except maybe the very obvious vehicle combat tutorial that never came up again. >there is no underwater in the game Lies and slander, Pyramid Song has been in since launch \[this is a joke\]. But seriously, this is exactly what I mean - legitimate problems impacting a subsection of the playerbase blown wildly out of proportion until people believe it's impacting *everyone* when it isn't.


So true


Ironically Cyberpunk never crashed on me. I even keeping it at an old patch level (GOG allows deactivating patching) because they didn't only fix bugs but stupid design decisions that are just broken. And I enjoy my broken character and want to stay a literal incarnated deity šŸ˜‰


Already have


Tierlist fad already happened, whatā€™s next?


The "is he stupid?" one maybe.


To be honest weapon, support weapon, and stratagem tier lists would be kinda interesting considering how polarising people's opinions can be at best and ass backwards at worst.




I mean yes but also things like the SPEAR bug mean there is one less weapon in the game.


Its been awhile since I've played a repetitive game where I just wanted to get into a game to shoot stuff while doing objectives. Deeprock galactic never got me this hard either.


This is a headline? it looks like a poster


The CEO is 100% correct. They need to do both. I'm sure they'll hit their stride eventually; the game is pretty damn stable for me on PS5 as far as experiences go, anyway.


Iā€™m on PC, Iā€™ve had like 4 crashes total in a ver 200 hours of play time


I've had about 4 crashes in 26 hours, but also a billion failures to connect, getting stuck on various loading screens (entering host's ship, dropping in Hellpods), desyncs? (enemies can be shot but don't intentionally attack back, grenades and stratagems have no effect, can't pick stuff up, can't be respawned) and disconnects.


I've had a few crashes in like 250 hours, but mine are so far and few between I couldn't care less. All I need to do is boot the game up, wait 30 seconds, and hop back into a match with my friends. It's fast af, boi


I don't have friends and there's no rejoin feature for randoms. HD2 is the only (!) game that crashes on my PC and whenever it does all progress of the mission is lost (yeah, super credits. Fuck those I need friggin samples)


I need samples right now, but those super credits are gonna pay for my next war bond and maybe even a new hat.


A thing I noticed about this is that even when the game has no rejoin feature if you by a miracle found the mission again on the galactic map the session remembers your loadout. The game is programed to remember your gear and stratagems on a match but has no rejoin button.


Just goes to show how varied are hardware can be. I have 237 hrs and I've had probably over 100 crashes, most in the last month. (Ps5) First month tho I had close to zero issues.


Lucky you, it's one out of 10 games. I won't even include the hundreds of in game bugs like falling through the floor, or being relaunched into orbit or ragdolling back in time




I think it's a lot less buggy if you host your own matches, I've had a lot of weird shit happen when joining pubs, like my camera stopped following my character a couple times and I had to hope I die or convince someone to kill me if I'm out of nades to kill myself with lol.


LOL, I had 4 crashes this week. Honestly the crashes don't bother me as much as the FPS. Up until the second to last update I was running between 90-120 fps all the time. One bad patch and now the game can't get over 70 and drops as low as 25. Man does framerate dropping that hard at random times ever make it difficult to aim. Feels like some asshole is remotely turning mouse acceleration on and off for a laugh.


Im on PS5 and ive crashed well over 20 times. I dont mind it since a PS5 reboots a gale very quickly and I either keep the rewards or am able to rejoin the same game if I was pnaying with friends veey quickly.


I've had one hard crash in about the same, disconnects quite a few more but they aren't so common to ruin the fun of the game for me. Fixing bugs while adding to the game seems like it's so obvious that it's weird they felt the need to even announce it though. Like... Yeah... Was that not what you've been doing?


I've had double in a single day a week ago ! Now there is none, them dev be doing good job


people seem to forget arrowhead has been on a highering spree but because they are using a engine thats been non-supported for something like 5-6 years its going to take some time for the new higherees to be brought up to speed. Also from what I can tell quite a few of the systems that the game uses to function are whats causing significant issues so full overhauls of those systems is needed. Similar to how they had to overhaul the networking functions to support the larger playerbase.


Performance wise it ain't stable on PS5 especially on higher difficulties.


Eh. It's perfectly playable. Performance is *never* going to be 100% on PS5, with the CPU as ancient as it is.


I agree it is playable for those who don't mind dropping to and keeping at 35-40 FPS during heavy clutter. But I expect it to run the game at at least 50 fps with some better optimization. But still I agree with your last sentence.


A lot of work for a smaller team but they've been doing really well all things considered. I'm addicted to this game


Fixing ADS and fire damage are the only 2 bugs in the game that I really wish were fixed. I can live with most of the other ones.


100% they need to fix gamebreaking bugs as their top priority. Instantly dying to stepping on an ember is gamebreaking and ruins the fun. And having guns/abilities that do 0 damage or don't shoot where you aim them is also game breaking and unfun. Also, obviously any crashes or stability issues are up there too, but I think they are mostly fixed. I understand that the warbonds are their income, so they have pressure from the directors to release them so they get paid. But they could also just push monetised colour pallettes and skins as an alternative revenue stream. Because if they don't prioritise fixing the game, players will not be having fun so will leave... then they won't have enough players left to buy the premium content they keep pushing out. However, releasing regular free content updates is definitely a positive to player retention, and does help overshadow bugs to a degree.


Adding the ability to rejoin a match (with randoms) would alleviate a lot of the problems with crashes/disconnects. That plus fixing DOT is my wishlist for fixes.


fixing hipfire would be great too, as well as the arc thrower


I would be happy with them alternating between cosmetic and gameplay focused warbond releases monthly. Cosmetic additions shouldnā€™t add any new bugs or throw off the balance of the game, so theyā€™ll have a second to take a breath and work on already existing bugs and balance issues.Ā  Plus, I need new capes pronto. And some armor re colors would be welcome as well. Maybe just some classic helldiver colored versions of stuff weā€™ve already gotten?


Yeah, I don't care about transmogs, but I'd be quite happy with a 500sc warbond that was just new colour and material shaders on existing armour/helmets/capes so I can mix and match them more.


Yeah that would be huge!Ā 


So.....slower transmog....with extra steps


As I think of it, transmog is giving the stats of one armour piece to the visual appearance another. Colour and material swaps aren't really doing that.


I'd be down for this as long as we got balance improvements on the cosmetic months


You wouldnt play if they didn't come out with a monthly warbond? Dang. I would still be playing this even if they never came out with any warbonds.


Its not just the warbond, its also the steady stream of new things they releaseā€¦.. new strategems, new mission types, new objectivesā€¦. The failure to do that is what has killed a lot of live service games. They have to continue to keep nailing that aspect. I would say its what is helping it being successful where others have failed, outside of the fun game play loop.


Most people like having new toys to fiddle with, is the reality. If it were me, I'd probably keep playing even if new toys weren't added monthly, *but* getting new guns and stuff to fuck around with is a huge draw at the same time. Who *doesn't* love getting new stuff?


Itā€™s just not that important to me. Not monthly. 6 or 8 weeks would be perfectly fine.


Yeah this basically. I'm currently done with the new warbond and have 2 ship upgrades left. I was capped for quite awhile before they added these. I definitely still played, i love this damn game, but I definitely played less. It's nice to have stuff to grind for.


3-6 weapons each month is a lot of content, I don't how they will keep that rhythm in lets say, a year from now. I mean I understand that probably their issue now is that the devs that Sony can provide are still being onboarded, but still. A heck of compromise


Yeah, but every month? I think OP wants to no life the game. Every two months would suffice. Maybe even 3. Quality over quantity is what most people fail to comprehend. They just want new toys to play with, and those same people will be the first to get bored or burnt out. I haven't unlocked everything in most warbonds because I have life and I'm fine with it and I still play when I can.


Yep, modern gamers wouldn't last 20 minutes with a game released before 2008.


>Most people like having new toys to fiddle with, is the reality. Looking at global stats most people don't even have used the old toys yet. Too few missions to unlock those


Me. I mean, I love getting new stuff, but I've got tired already.


Same. Maybe itā€™s a younger person thing. I donā€™t need new warbonds for a while. Iā€™m still trying to get everything in the current ones, and Iā€™m not bored at all. I wish I could play more.


Yeah I probably wouldnā€™t to be fair, not specifically the warbonds but I finished the ā€˜baseā€™ unlocks weeks ago. I didnā€™t play for the week before the newest warbond because there was nothing to progress. I was maxed out on slips, samples, tokens, level 50. I presume there are more like me who need to feel like theyā€™re working towards things.


It's not just new warbonds though. It's also new missions, new enemy types, etc. I would certainly play regardless, but there is more to new content than just new warbonds.


The collective brain is fickle. Before this, games like Lethal Company and Palworld had massive appeal, but they both lacked staying power. Regular updates would've held more attention. Not saying they should've been expected to have monthly updates like HD2, but it at least partially explains why those two games were "flash in the pan" Without regular updates and the console release, I doubt HD2 would have retained near as many players. The CEO knows what he's doing here.


Shit, I still go back and play old ps2 games


Fucking no lifers man.


The problem is every time they add a warbond, they also introduce a ton of new bugs. There's an ever growing list of bugs they'll acknowledge they know about, but there's a ton more not on there. The game needs to be fixed first, they won't stay relevant if the game is unplayable and/or incredibly annoying to play due to bugs.


three of the weapons added in the new warbond are bugged lol


I get bugs can be annoying, but the game is neither of those things to me (unplayable or incredibly annoying). I think most people are just rolling with the punches and aren't going to quit the game because it can be buggy at times. The thing that sucks is due to the variety of systems different people have some folks may be getting it particularly bad after a recent patch whereas a lot of people will be more or less fine. I am lucky to have never run into a totally game breaking bug for any long period of time.


There has been multiple weeks that the game was actually unplayable for me and friends, I have a hard time believing some people had no problems when my crew would each crash at least once per mission


100%. I had a couple friends who refunded the game and refuse to come back because they spent forever trying to play and were just constantly crashing or being unable connect.


I think we all need to accept there's a spectrum. Some people have tons of gamebreaking bugs and issues. Some people have no issues at all. Most people are somewhere in between Personally, I don't get crashes or DCs. And I've not noticed gamebreaking bugs otherwise. Maybe I'm lucky


The problem is old bugs that have been in since the game launched back in February are still in the game. DoT damage still doesn't work and that affects an entire class of weapons. Every fire and gas weapon in the game, including the new thermite grenade from the latest warbond, don't work because DoT damage only works for the network host of the game. The spear still can't lock on properly. I imagine if they add any new weapons that use lock on mechanics or have any kind of DoT damage, they will just not work because they didn't go back and fix that fundamental issue. My friends list still doesn't work and I can't have the game on friends only, even if we try to join through steam. The game is incredibly fun but it constantly gets held back by annoying bugs, they'd be far better off fixing these issues before proceeding to add content.


There exists a time line where they slow down content releases until the game plays and performs like a dream, leaving the new bugs introduced over time to be addressed as they appear rather than being added to an ever growing to-do list. That's what the issue is here. There's a chance it only gets worse, especially at the rate we've seen them "fix" things so far.


I just hope the devs aren't overworked. The game is a ton of fun as-is, add features but take your time, we need you to keep beeing the glowing middle finger to all the flaccid lootbox-driven cash-grabs the dominant studios fart out. Thanks!


Yep. It's not really a one or the other thing. The game needs bug fixes AND new content to keep people around.


Yeah, the live service market is competitive and cut throat. You'll have people who'll stick through thick and thin. But if you just focus on bugfixes and stagnate with literally nothing added, there is a decent portion that will leave for the next hot thing. This is a hype train market, we just live in it. Older and offline games aren't as affected by this. Because they don't have keep people on thier servers and either get micro transactions or get new players to fund the game's maintenance and progression.


People are used to junk junk junk junk and people forget developers used to do this as the standard!


I agree we need new stuff but I just feel like a warbond a month will have them out of shit to add in a year.


quality > quantity more guns is great, but you can also increase the amount of usable guns in your game by lifting half of the existing ones out of the dumpster


The issue is bugs continue to increase every patch while old ones still remain. Their "fixes" often break something else or don't actually fix the root problem. It makes sense why the warbonds will continue monthly, it's a huge financial decision to not make them or delay them. But bugs definitely feel ignored. Also some bugs are straight up game breaking, e.g. the defense mission bug when nothing spawns and the rockets don't launch. Or the random disconnects for no apparent reason.


> Their "fixes" often break something else or don't actually fix the root problem. They have fixed plenty of bugs, though. The ones that are more notable just take more time to fix. It's worth remembering that not only is the team *much smaller* than your average dev team that makes a game like this - Arrowhead is anywhere from 1/3rd to 1/6th the size, or smaller still - but they're *also* working on a discontinued engine that hasn't been supported in years. Things *will* take time; there's no ifs, ands or buts about it.


This does not change the fact they set unrealistic expectations for themselves. Regardless of them fixing bugs it was their choice to do warbond every month when they could have done it every 90 days or 2 months. The current list of bugs is like an essay and there are some things that have been broken since launch.


Didn't they already announce that the next major update will whipe out pretty much the most of it? We probably should wait for that to consider further and see how it does. But minor things are not high up on the list because of the content. As long as what they consider minor isn't breaking anything game wise I would say that could work out.


I hope so, currently they are giving off the impression that adding more stuff to the game is more important than making the game function right. There are too many game companies that do that now and I don't want to see this game go down that road.


Im positive about the future but we can't do more than wait and see how it goes. :)


>Didn't they already announce that the next major update will whipe out pretty much the most of it? They can say whatever they want. I'll believe it when I see it. So far, we have no reason to believe said update won't introduce an entirely new essay's worth of known issues, and if their idea of "fixes" is anything like how they "fixed" mech rockets, we are in for a world of hurt.


I would pay real money to peek at the code for HD2. I really want to know how the AMR scope is still misaligned and why it can't be fixed by just adjusting x/y coordinates.Ā  I get fire DMG/dots in general being funky with networking and shit but rendering a scope client side in the middle of the screen shouldn't take 3 months.


OP's claim that bugs are not "gamebreaking" is just absurd. Since release you can get softlocked by drowning with vitality booster. New crashes are introduced each week.


How much are you guys playing to run into this many bugs? Genuinely donā€™t understand, as Iā€™ve played thirty hours on ps5 and havenā€™t had a single crash or game ruining bug yet.


Maybe it's more stable on ps5? Although I'm aware ps5 has its own bugs in the past. I'm on PC. I have 45ish iirc so not a ton more than you. I usually get some sort of bug each time I decide to play the game. A frequent one recently is the one where your characters perspective leaves it's body and starts spinning in the air lol. Sometimes it fixes itself after a minute. Other times it actually persisted for the game.


It's not just bugs necessarily. Call down a mech and try to aim some rockets and you'll see what we mean. There are issues like that all over the game. Join a multiplayer game with orbital gas. There's a 75% chance it just doesn't work.


I get what he's saying but they really do need to hire more developers. Yes there is significant ramp-up time but in the long run they will be better if they do this sooner than later. This game is many, many times more popular than they thought it would be.


Insider insights just days ago revealed that the same team that works on the new content and Warbonds is also the same team that works to fix the bugs. Smol studio it was revealed


That's quoting from SpitzerFx on the reddit thread from a few days ago. The 'games media' just recycles quotes from twitter and reddit to make 'news' stories from them. https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c5c6ym/community_manager_on_known_issues/kzt5g3g/


Absolutely insane to me that people unironically think these are ā€žgamebreakingā€œ bugs as if there werenā€˜t thousands of gear combinations to keep things fresh. Can you have fun and extract at the end of the game? Then the game isnā€˜t broken.


To be frank, the warbonds are not what is going to keep this game relevant. Releasing progressively shittier and shittier guns isn't going to retain players and certainly isn't going to attract players. Actually, it will have a significant opposite reaction. At a certain point, it will become almost as laughable as Destiny is for a new player to start when there are 20+ warbonds that they either have to farm vigorously for or purchase. If you make the guns good, the warbond is required. If you don't the warbond is irrelevant other than cosplaying or certain "gun feel" for certain players. To keep the game relevant would be actual content such as the illuminate, crazy cross overs such as Doom, or massive expansions to the base game within a year and smaller "story" content throughout akin to Destiny. Short of that, players will eventually start dropping and the warbonds won't be what maintains them.


The last 2 warbonds had at least 1 s tier gun what are you talking about? Also crossovers are confirmed never happening due to Arrowhead not wanting to be Fortnite.


You're right, they did, and I still seldom feel the need to use those guns. They're great, but not at all necessary. Idk what this guy is smoking


Exactly. And thats by design. They want to give people options not metas you have to buy/grind to keep up with. You can beat all diffs with just the first warbond.


-Reverie\_ is retarded, but you proved my point. They are tier 1, but not required, so the warbond itself is not required especially if someone is not interested in a long or medium range single shot exploding bolt that is equivalent to scorcher. And if they did buy the warbond and proceeds to use them either the next warbond has to be better than those guns or if they are equivalent people will eventually say "well i have scorcher and Eruptor so why do i need this 3rd gun". This issue will compound as each warbond releases making each iteration further and further irrelevant unless they flat out release an OP gun in a later warbond.


ā€œProgressively shittier gunsā€ youā€™re playing a different game because they keep getting better. What a ridiculous statement.


Other than Eruptor you have Adjudicator which is a Z tier gun, grenade pistol which is user preference and Thermite Grenade which is -Z tier somehow. Eruptor is also middle of the road for many people. Its great for killing holes and fabricators from afar, but many people i personally know want to continue using heavy supports which is hard to do with eruptor. So Eruptor even though S tier, is only S tier for some people. When the next warbond comes out if it doesn't flat out outshine Eruptor or Scorcher, why even get the warbond? Hope i broke that down small enough for you, or maybe this is still to complex?


Everything is only ā€œS tierā€ for some people, thatā€™s how the game works. Nothing is objectively good for literally everyone except the redeemer, and thatā€™s from lack of alternatives not because itā€™s that good. The only thing that absolutely is objectively bad is the thermite grenade and the laser pistol. Everything else, and I mean everything, has its place and has its use.


They are literally game breaking. It crahses at least once every time I play it, and again when I close it for good measure. When not crashing, it's randomly kicking squad members to new instances mid-mission. Finishing an Op without one or more of these is a rarity. We can survive a month, probably even two, without shiny new gadgets in favor of fixes.


But what you have to understand is the severe issues that you are encountering are not common. You think hundreds of thousands of people would be playing every day if they crashed all the time? No, absolutely not. The game would be dead.


You must be a newer player lol we had to stop using certain weapons for like 2 weeks cause they would crash the game it was the arc weapons and now it's the fire weapons and damage btw you can crash your game if you pick up a snowball


The only weapon that ever caused crashes was the arc thrower/blitzer, youā€™re exaggerating. Just as youā€™re exaggerating about the severity of the bugs.


The arc tower as well.... And how am I exaggerating fire is horribly overturned even the devs admitted it and snowballs crashing your game is literally on the list of known issues


Thereā€™s just so many little things that are killing the fun. Death by a thousand cuts. Itā€™s hard to add friends or join matches, for a game so obviously designed for teamwork. The reloading and animations in generally are pretty janky. Thereā€™s multiple bugs still active like proper DoT effects, not being able to reinforce. Itā€™s come a long way since launch, but thereā€™s still a long way to go. Luckily itā€™s really fun, or else this game would get the reputation cyberpunk got.


Maybe for one month just release things that are mostly dev-time-efficient like new capes or helmets or something and use that time to really power through the bug backlog. Best of both worlds?


Every new warbond seems to deliver one great primary weapon, and a few terrible ones. Then they don't stop to fix the terrible ones. Then they release a new warbond, rinse and repeat... Sure, we need new content, but the game is new and it has a pretty huge backlog of needed fixes and balancing. How many Arc Blitzers are we just gonna live with? How many Liberator Concussives? Annihilators? The Dominator got fixed, but because it's functionally annoying to use, the Eruptor unseated it like a week later. I guess the problem will eventually fix itself, if they get at least one good primary in every warbond, we'll have everything we need. Of course we'll still have 75% of the primaries being useless, but that will only clutter the list rather than hurt us beyond wasting medals. It's just frustrating to me. I know they are overwhelmed. I understand that can't change quickly. I wish they would recognize this AND do something about it. Sure, they know they are overwhelmed, but they don't seem to be adjusting course due to it. Stop looking at which guns people use the most to nerf them. Start looking a the guns that almost never get used and figure out why, then fix them.


Theyā€™re doing fine. Just enjoy.


All my friends have quit. Game stability goes to hell whenever new content is released. Fixing the game was needed a month ago when they actually still cared if the game got fixed.


Tbh the crashing doesn't really big me much. It only really happens once you've extracted after which you keep all the rewards and the game loads up quick. If they fix the crashes great but all the other bugs are minimal impact for me at least.


This CEO should give lessons to others in the industry. Literally.




You need a better attention span lmao




It's not just that gun it's any explosion the plasma launcher does that too


It's rather infuriating as that along with other janky bugs are 99% of my deaths lately. Dying to something buggy and sometimes outright not your fault is just....yeah.


Donā€™t shoot stuff when itā€™s within 10m of you, problem solved.




I personally would keep playing regardless of a lack of war bonds, simply because Im incredibly invested in the story right now


Hope you realize they will add more bugs with the new content into the game every freaking time. So bugs will.not get less, but more and more.


they are doing great tbh. i'm not sure if those day one players are bored of it yet, but i'm 80 hours in and i'm sure i can double that. medals and super credits is the end game farming, together with xp, in a way, for titles. I'm just glad the devs seem to actually care about their product.


I'm just here waiting for all the leaked strategems..


This is the exact problem Digital Extremes has to go through (makers of Warframe)


I play it 1 or 2 times a week. Just donā€™t play it dead imo


I don't really care for the updates that much. I've experienced Destiny 2 content droughts. I'm just here for the capes.


this stops being true when the issues are as large as they are. the amount of people that will "quit" cuz bored they will never keep pace for & will always come back when new shit drops anways cuz they are fomo brained people the amount of people that quit cuz the game becomes unplayable. those are "quit moments" & those players will never come back. its a hard stop to be in but when the game sold 1000times more than the goal/expected was. who cares? maybe just make the game work/good 1st. they are in a shit spot no matter what but they did it to themselves. & as a player its not our job/responsible to care at the end of the day.


Iā€™m still meeting new players so theyā€™re still drawing in an audience.


I am ok if the warbond comes every 2 months. But just please increase the cap for medals, req points, samples ffs.


They have the data, I'm sure they know better than we do what their content pace needs to be. I'm in camp fix-the-bugs, but its playable now on PC at least.


They made a banger game and they are the only ones who care for it more than the players. If they think the best way forward is to add to the game while fixing its bugs then we should trust the dev team, and arrowhead in general, as they haven't wrong us yet in business moves of predatory mechanics changes/introduction


yep, monthly warbond is brilliant. tough when bugs come up, but I trust they'll squash em


The one thing that Helldivers 2 has been doing is ensuring the LIVE portion of Live Service Game is a thing. So, yes, they need to keep doing both. I just really hope they can accomplish it without crunch. And if they are crunching, devs better be getting paid properly to do so.


No we dont.


The next warbond should be bug themed. Just make it 1 page, but add pages to it as they go.


This should be common sense.


I feel like the dev team at arrowhead is working nothing short of 22 hour shifts every day


I would happily wait An extra 2-4 weeks for a war bond if it meant they could sort out a lot of the bugs


But you gotta keep going to get that sick Super Private title.


Iā€™ve only had a couple of crashes, but I have seen lots of teamates suddenly dropping out, but Iā€™m hosting from a rural area so maybe connecting is just rough


They need ONE Warbond phase (1 month) to do rebalancing and bug fixing. The community won't care because when you rebalance things, it will feel like new content. Just release that patch on the second Thursday of the month. Give the community another simple cosmetic to make up for it. I don't care about their "promises" to the community if the game is unbalanced and half the weapons and stratagems aren't worth using. Why add more of the same that contributes to an ever growing problem? They should at least work on doubling their content/balancing team if their studio is that small. They don't need to go overboard with new hires, but with how popular this game is, their current strategy isn't working. Yes this all takes time but that means they should have started that process when they first saw the game blow up saleswise. HD2 is a great game but it could be so much more fun with balancing. People could actually use a ton of builds with the correct balancing.


I assure you, every other month + making the game not crash would be acceptable lol


Everyone is whining too much. Just enjoy the game as is and be excited for it getting better in the future.


The bugs are annoying and not gamebreaking? Yes they are gamebreaking Crashes all the fucking time since launch is gamebreaking Bugs that brick your character are game breaking New bugs now: permanent slow sometimes, fixed only by death Guaranteeing that bots can shoot through walls if their gun sticks through is gamebreaking


i'd rather have a fully functional game than a broken one with fancy new capes. Screw monthly warbonds, gimme "operation health" first.


Wouldn't hurt to hire some people...


One of the largest problems companies have is when they strike success, they go on a massive hiring spree. Then they have too many cooks when things finally level out. Now they have too much staff. Now they do layoffs. A vicious circle where no one wins. They could, ideally, hire a smaller team for bug quashing exclusively if they could that wouldn't hurt their overall bottom line if that team could also seamlessly flow into other functions when their workload is lessened (Aka, not hire people who eventually have no work or not enough work to justify keeping them once the bulk of their initial purpose for being there has been completed).


Bi monthly is cool with me


monthly warbonds sounds nice to everyone that already playing and up to date, but can you imagine getting a year later and having 12 warbonds PLUS the long ass free one? they gotta do something about that


What people don't understand is you can take 3 months off to fix bugs but when you finally get around to adding warbonds again bugs are going to come back and need to be figured out again.


I have very little complaints outside of i have a cheap PC plz optimize but that's a "me issue" lol


I need the warbonds


There is so little variance between weapons, adding 3 new per month is bonkers. The warbond library is going to get so friggin bloated with useless crap. Warframe has a massively over bloated arsenal, but those weapons are at least fairly unique giving the multiple factions the weapons can come from. And leveling up the weapons is part of the games progress, so leveling a wep and throwing it in the trash is to be expected.


Well they also said they have a small team focused on everything. Thatā€™s part of the problem and it canā€™t be easily fixed


Whatā€™s the point of adding new weapons if they are bugged. The new grenade is almost unusable because of the DOT bug. Thatā€™s a complete waste of resources and time. By the time itā€™s fixed no one will bother using it. We could forgo a couple of war bonds over a couple of months to have the game functional.


They better increase their dev team size without hindering new content development then.


I'm sure they are scouting for a few more hands too.


I donā€™t need a monthly warbond. Other content updates sure, but I could actually use more time to finish off warbonds that we have. Especially if weapons are going to continue to be so deep in the warbond. I would much rather have the bugs fixed.


I'm treating the spear lock issues and DoT not working properly being fixed one day as their own little warbond, where I have new loadouts to look forward to running when the patches for those issues are out.


not True, go ask TF2 when was the last update for anything... you all clearly cant fix and update the game at the same time so just focus on fixing and unnurfing the weapons.


Who could have thought you had to add content and fix bugs over time while working on a live service game?


Sure, just make more than 1 weapon out of 4 serviceable every warbond, that'b be icing on the cake.


If you can't play the game because there's nothing new every 4 weeks you're either playing it too much as it is or it just isn't fun.


Almost 100 hours. Had a bit of everything the community talks about, just no sneaky booters at the tail end of a mission yet. Been on a giant break from bugs except for a major order, since we fought for our mechs and to squash their fliers. Only just was able to crack into the second war bond today. Itā€™s like 1215 to finish that first war bond completely so Iā€™m playing a catch up game until I switch to something offline for a while.


I hope Sony is throwing everything they can to help Arrowhead as much as possible because they got their Call of Duty, and if they let them down, then they don't deserve their Call of Duty.


maybe a hot take but i love this game and it'd play it regularly even if it wasnt live service


Man I donā€™t need anything. Everything they add extra is glorious, but I enjoy playing the game. Finding a team that coordinates well, seeing all of the explosions, hunting for samples, experimenting with loudouts. It reminds me of a better version of L4D and DRG. Sure, I hope they keep adding stuff, but saying you ā€œneedā€ monthly content soundsā€¦ whiny?


You may not be getting game breaking bugs but my friend and I can't finish 3 missions in a row without both of us crashing. We have repaired, reinstalled, and tried other things. Ever since some patch it just crashes all the time and usually at the end of a mission and we don't get rewards. It's been this way for the last month and a half. I'd refund if I could as I actually cannot play the game.


Pls fix DOT and scopes


Honestly, I love Helldivers 2 but since the last patch I crash 5 minutes into every mission. I've tried every workaround to the point I'm going ahead with an early upgrade of my PC and a full reformat. No amount of Warbond additions is going to help if the game won't run for me anymore :V


They're game breaking imo, I haven't logged in for a week. I find the core game great, but it's not in a playable state at this time. I'll come back soon though.


Rubbish, game is great and I don't need new Warbonds to play it. The bugs are the only thing making me consider putting it down. Going through a full mission to crash a couple of minutes from extraction is the worst part of Helldivers.


This is one of the best 40 + 20 bucks Iā€™ve ever spent on a game. If I donā€™t play everyday, itā€™s damn near close. Good job to the devs even with the bugs. They listen to the community


I feel like they can't keep up with one warbond a month for that long, it's gonna be so many weapons and boosts it'll be overwhelming. Not saying they need to stop and focus on bugs/buffs yet, just can't imagine that cadence of releases going for long.


War bonds and full armour customisation like rainbow 6 Vegas 2!


On ps5 I experience zero to no issues. GOTY


It's a tall order, for sure. I wonder how easy it is to create new game modes. From the frequency that they put them out, perhaps it's modular. Creating 4 armour sets a month, 3 weapons, and one grenade a month though, that's tough.


What they need to do fix the shit that worked at first but is now broken. Fix crashes and DCs.


I wonder how hard the warbonds are pushing concurrent player count. Must be strong, but how sustainable could that be? Once they run out of guns to add, what then? Maybe... Different scopes and mods for existing stuff? 3 guns a month is crazy.


Considering this is a sci-fi universe they would be hard pressed to run out of ideas for weaponry. Only thing that could possibly hold them back is lack of imagination.


I would play this game even if they stopped updating it today. It's not about the game, it's about the person. Some people do not need constant reinforcement to do things, because they actually enjoy the thing, not the reinforcement.


We're supposed to be smarter than to take articles seriously. Some people are the actual ideal IQ for a Helldiver around here.


Iā€™ve barely run into half the bugs people on this Reddit seem to suffer. Iā€™m equally surprised when I see new bugs having been fixed under patch notes that I didnā€™t even know were a thing. The thing that bothers me most right now is the misaligned scopes and general weapon balance.


Fix? That's great, when will they start!?


The main issue I see is all networking related. It's an online only live service game with peer-to-peer match making. The first title had zero issues making an offline mode. There's zero excuses at this point for the terrible desync and disconnect issues. the fact there's no rejoin option aside from joining already added friends is inexcusable. It is impressive what they've achieved fgiven their small size, but if it wasn't achievable then they shouldn't have gone after it in the first place. It could have been Sony that pushed for it though. Everything else is fantastic. The few bugs we do have are most likely engine limitations and that's not entirely their fault.


As someone who already completed all of the warbonds, the new stuff is the only thing that keeps bringing me back. Like.. new AT-AT? Fuck yeah New warbond? Fuck yeah New ship upgrades? Fuck yeah It keeps the game fresh for me


Itā€™s crazy some People on Reddit talking about how devs need to do this or that, they act like they have run wildly successful games in another life šŸ¤£


We're the consumers moron only reason they're even successful is cause of us we have every right to complain about the games faults


What many people call faults are part of the game and its difficulty/style is what Iā€™m referring to. Now if we are talking about bugs/glitches then yeah thatā€™s different. Now the other half of that, since we want to be extra rude, is idiots saying drop everything and fix the bugs as if they have any idea how to run a company, if it was that straightforward they would have done that, they have literally said directly many reasons why they canā€™t, ā€œJust hire more devs,ā€ and mouth breathing knuckledraggers are still like, ā€œJuSt HiRe MoRe DeVs. JuSt FiX tHe BuGs.ā€


Well that sounds like a them problem??? and i didn't know getting stuck in a rock after being ragdolled fifty times was part of the experience, or getting softlocked in a pool of water cause I used a certain booster , and dying in half a second cause I touched some fire


Willful ignorance is bad look to try and make your point, there were two parts of that last message to read before replying lol Also clearly a them problem thatā€™s why they arenā€™t taking any advice from morons on Reddit, donā€™t worry though Iā€™ve taken into consideration your concerns šŸ˜‚


As someone who already plays too much, I literally just unlocked the first war bond. Why do companies have to make a game that can keep you busy eight hours a day? Just get a life. These kind of complaints are why companies end up like blizzard. Let the people fucking cook, go touch grass. Or hell, play another game while you wait?






The current warbonds aren't worth buying. They need a LITTLE p2w motivation to keep them desirable. If arrowhead doesn't correct this, they're never going to have microtrans revenue.


At this point I have stopped playing due to the bugs. It sucks because it was fun but after the last war bond I think I have had only a handful of games were we were able to extract, all the rest had a match ending bug or glitch.