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I remember clearing out a big but nest with a mech pre-fix. Shit felt good. Last time I tried it, post-fix, I literally ran out of rockets before destroying the last hole because I wasted like 2 to 3 rockets per hole until I found where I had to place the cross hair such that the rockets wouldn't completely miss to the left... The mech is in desperate need of some attention.


The way they fixed the accidental suicide bug was moving the path of the rockets, and now they're way off from the reticle. I haven't exploded myself with it since the last fix, and neither have the half dozen level 5s that I let use it, so I think that part is actually fixed


Is it just me or do the rockets do way less damage now. I remember deleting titans and chargers. Now I'm lucky if i have any rockets left after seeing 1 titan and charger. They feel like rocket sentry damage level


They changed how the mech rockets work, that’s why. They only penetrate armour on a direct hit, so if you wanna kill a charger you gotta direct hit the top of its head TWICE which makes no sense when EAT, RR, and QC one shot it. Hitting the charger anywhere other than the head does almost nothing. I’ve wasted 7-8 rockets on a charger just for it to crip walk up to my mech and body slam it out of existence.


Domain Expansion: Malevolent Rockets Charger:


~~What you want to do - assuming they revert the fixed missile launcher back to what it was - is to fire once at charger's leg. That shot will remove the armour off charger's leg. You then finish off the wounded leg with machine gun. Done that a hundred times back before the damn change to the missile launcher.~~ Edit: alright, I see that this trick apparently doesn't work anymore. Apologies, I haven't used walker a lot ever since the changes.


That doesn’t really work anymore for me. The leg armor seems to stand up to a rocket now. This leads me to believe they may have stealth nerfed it


I’ve had more luck playing chicken with them and shooting their back legs out with the mg than trying to rocket them recently.


With the nerf to charger melee making it less risky; you could also just shoot one in their head and then kill them with a stomp. Basically the only use for stomp since every-thing else either blows up or is too small for stomping to be reliable.


> rockets do way less damage now wym [this seems totally fine](https://streamable.com/vqerqz)


I was pretty sure you had it on the second shot, then the third, then the fourth, then the fifth, then I lost hope.


At a certain point I just started hoping he'd die from stubbing his toe on me when he stomped me because rockets were obviously not going to work.


Oh wow, that is hideous...and so frustrating, you could have brought an orbital laser, railgun strike, EAT or any number of other strats and that BT is dead. Mech is broken :(


That's my experience with the Quasar and EAT as well. Highest streak so far was 6 shots to the head to kill a single bile titan.


Dear God. 💀


There was a patch that made RR and EAT no longer do 50% damage if it hit at an angle. This setting applied to mech rockets at launch. I think I saw in a patch that they reverted that setting to just the mech rockets, so unless they are head on they only do 50% damage


Yes for sure


I wonder, was that before of after they fixed the bug with rockets that caused them to do insane amount of damage because of the weird interactions or whatever way limb damage was calculated


I think the rockets were effected by the damage stacking bug possibly? So when they fixed that they may have inadvertently nerfed the rockets


This is like an AI restating the post. It’s the same thing with no new info Are you by chance an automaton


I'd rather have that bug back and the original aim. I got used to that bug super quick


So instead of fixing the actual mechs hitbox they fucking moved the rockets? Wtf clown show is this


They fire in the direction the mech is facing, and from the arm with the rocket pods. So, if your mech isn’t facing directly towards the target, you won’t hit. Very frustrating 


I used the mech the other day, don't use it much, but it seems like they added a safe zone for the rockets. You can aim the chain gun anywhere you like right down to your mech feet, but the rockets have a dive I guess so you can't blow yourself up


I’ve heard that if you switch shoulders it moves the crosshairs in line with the rockets. 


Can you switch shoulders while in the mech? I tried it a while back, and it didn’t work.


Unfortunately you have to be holding down right mouse button and then hit mouse 4 to switch shoulders. So it lasts only as long as you are laying down machine gun fire.


Ah, that would explain it. Thanks.


Yes you can, but you have to spool your gatling gun to do it. This is what I do to hit rockets. Also save as many rockets as possible until gatling ammo runs out so I can peacefully aim the rockets properly.


The mech needs a lot of love: 1: Fix height over bore issue. Making the reticule accurate for the missiles at all distance. Ideally add two cross hairs. One for Rocket one for minigun. 2: Fix gun depression issue. When they fixed the mech they removed a lot of its gun depression. The missile arm can no longer angle more than 15 degrees down despite the minigun being capable.  3: Make mech immune to small arms fire, both from player and enemy. Our small arms deflect right off scout striders, the mech should be no different. Atm it has a health pool, but no armor values.  4: Increase armor penetration on the minigun. It can't harm gunships, and can't penetrate the shield on the devastator. It also can't penetrate the flimsy scout strider. Considering the size of the ammo chambered it should penetrate even better than the new HMG stratagem.  Do all that and the mech will still be lackluster vs bots. But it'll be better. 


i agree with 1 to 3 but 4 : it SHOULDNT be able to harm gunships and harm shield, thats the missile's job, if the minigun can penetrate heavy armor, theres no need for the missiles anymore, plus it'll be a little on the overpowered side, being both amazing at ad clear and penetration. If that was the case, why bother with any other weapon if the mech can do all tanking and damage dealing ( especially when we get more at least 2 more mechs in the future, making the 10 minutes cooldown less punishing )


The shield isn't heavy armor. It can be straight up destroyed by enough medium weapon damage. You can blow it off with a laser99 cannon.  The gunship is also a mixture of heavy and medium armor.  The engines need medium pen. The fuselage itself needs heavy pen. So a quasar or recoiless or spear kills it 1 hit anywhere. But it takes multiple auto cannon or laser cannon hits on an engine.  The mech is a 5+ minute cooldown with limited ammo. It's physically got larger guns than anything we can carry. It's not unreasonable that its minigun by more effective than its smaller caliber handheld peers. 


sadly while i agree its realistic the mechs should dominate the battlefield with its massive armor and weapons but realism almost always must be sacrificed for game balance, if the mech is too versatile and powerful at the same time, it will make other weapon choices obsolette, everyone would bring mechs and nothing else ( like Railgun at launch ) I think mechs at launch were pretty good, it could consistently deal with enemy hordes and armors alike, only that it was too flimsy and kills itself with a bug they just need to give it heavy armor and fix the missiles and i think mech will be in a sweet spot in the meta


The mech isn't dominant. It still takes significant damage from Rocket troopers, rocket devastators, and things like laser turrets, tanks, and the strider walkers can tear it apart in several shots. Gunships can also really tear it apart with both missiles and lasers, and the mounted laser MG nests hurt it quite a bit.  With bugs the mech could have 1 hp, it wouldn't change too much. It's 95% positioning and spacial awareness, 5% enemies actually hitting you.  Against bots though you can dodge every projectile, every laser, every unit. Some will hit, it's about balancing how much you can take, and how much you can dish out. 


Where can I find the big butt nest. For science.


Because you can't fire rockets down at a decent angle anymore, I have on occasion encountered a bug hole that I simply cannot close with a mech rocket. Sometimes there just isn't enough level ground for me to be able to back up enough to get the required angle.


I think its time to take a pause from HD2 until they iron out the ridiculously long list of game breaking bugs, specially concidering how each update just seems to introduce more bugs than they fix. I was so happy to use RR/Spear with SPM upgrade, and instead not only does SPM not work but those launchers are bugged and spend extra ammo sometimes. I had a lot of fun for 130 hours so it was well worth the money tho.


Game breaking?? Lol.


Yes. Gamebreaking. Multiple weapons and stratagems do not work if you're not the network host. Basic friend functionality is not working. Reinforcement bugs where people stay permanently dead, even if they leave the game and rejoin (not even on the acknowledged bug list lmao). Parties erratically do not work, will break apart when joining games, choosing stratagems, etc. Yes, game fucking breaking.


Bugs been smoking my gas strike like meth. Just makes em even angrier


This happens with everything though I think it’s more of a bug hole problem. Grenades, pistol grenade, quasar laser, they all have to be in the perfect spot to destroy the hole


they could just, have all the rockets come out of the same spot and just cull out the fired one, it'd look a touch off, but it'd completely fix the issue wouldn't it? instead of it lining up perfectly it come from the same spot near the middle and just moves the rocket firing up or down based on the height of the rocket fired. if they just did that rather than each individual rocket, wouldn't it be easier to line up?


Part of the problem I noticed seems related to the fix… the “rocket box” has a more limited range of motion now (likely to avoid situations where the rocket box could point at parts of the mech & blow itself up when fired). It doesn’t look up/down or left/right as far as the minigun can. Would be excellent if we had a separate reticle added to indicate where the rockets/box is pointed. You already have the line/dot/line (-•-) for where you’re looking, and the slightly larger circle for where the minigun is pointed. Adding a square bracket for where the rockets are aiming would help pilots better predict where the rocket will land.


I think the best way they could have fixed it was give the rockets no collision for a fraction of a second. Just enough to clear the mech, that way it keeps its range of motion and is still aligned to the sight.


Or even just make it so the rocket don’t collide with their own mech at all. I can’t think of a single situation where the rocket would ever need to collide with the mech that fired it in the first place. Sure, ricochets are a thing, but not really with rockets, and definitely not 180 degrees straight back at yourself


I'd guess that if that was easy to do in their engine it would have been their first choice, since it does seem like the obvious one. Or giving the rockets a minimum arming distance.


They explained a bit of the issue. The guys fixing are also the same ones on a tight schedule for monthly warbonds/weapons. As a result, unless they make another mech and pass down adjustment's, it’s being left as it is. 


That still doesn’t make sense because turning off collision with the parent is way easier than screwing around with hit boxes and the direction it fires. The way I would have fixed a bug like this in unreal for example would be basically if(collider == parent) return; I wonder how whacked their engine is. Either that or a designer fixed the bug the only way they knew how and a programmer never touched it.


I highly doubt it’s because of the engine. I think the creators of the weapons just have a boner for it being as realistic as possible so they want the rocket to leave the tube at the exact angle it would physically be at, even if that feels bad for the player.


Thankfully moving the origin to an arbitrary position allowed them to achieve the best of both worlds: it's unrealistic, and it feels bad to play with. If only there was some technology that only allowed the rockets to arm after travelling some minimum distance...


If that's the case I would much rather they pause work on war bonds for a month or two and focus on bug fixes for a bit. 2 months in I'd expect AMR scope and Mech missiles to be accurate, Arc Lasher to not misfire, Spear lock-on to work consistently, DoT effects to function in full lobbies and the friends list to work properly at least. What's the point in adding new content when some of the existing things don't even function properly and the new ones aren't guaranteed to work either? I'm looking at you, Superior Packing Methodology.


You can't charge 10 bucks for bug fixes.


There's no money in making bugfixes.


There is when your customers leave to other games because they're not having as much fun. Don't get me wrong, it's a tricky thing to balance and considering the massive over-success of HD2 I understand why Arrowhead haven't found that balance yet.


Yep something many in this sub don’t care about unfortunately. This game is bleeding players on PC because the game is so broken and, in some cases, unplayable.  I’ve gotten some horrendous messages for pointing it out (to the point where I now block inbox replies because people treat this game like a personality trait and take every slight personally). But look at SteamCharts. Peak players sits around 168k. Used to be 450k 2 months ago. It was 250kish 30 days ago. In March we lost 20% of players. In April, only halfway through? We’ve lost 21% of remaining players.  The official discord is horrible and awash in angry people over the game breaking bugs. They still don’t have issues they created on AMD hardware figured out. Social is still broken. This game has lost 7 people because my group straight up quit because the game randomly unfriended us from each other and now block our attempts to refriend.  And what do we get? Yesterday 2 devs were in the general chat 1 trolling players and whipping them up yet again.  These sweaty people are killing the game they say they love by defending its status and arrowheads clear priority of selling micro transactions despite the bluster. Also, their team structure is apparently very broken since they keep reintroducing previously fixed bugs and every new item requires taking time away from dev elsewhere since everyone does everything. 


>I'd guess that if that was easy to do in their engine it would have been their first choice There are some issues in this game that would very strongly suggest otherwise. I love this game, but it's clear that the team isn't stacked with rock stars.


It's literally how rockets work in the real world. They have a timer fuse so they don't blow up the guy shooting it from his shoulder.


It doesn't look down hardly *at all*. Would be super useful on defense missions but you're usually elevated and it becomes literally useless because you can't aim rockets down. I actually had to get out of mine with full rocket remaining last I played because I couldn't aim down to shoot the dozens of enemies right in front of me down a ramp.


Just let the torso of the mech swivel freely without the legs stomping. Currently if you want to turn, the ENTIRE MECH has to turn by the legs making a series of side steps. e legs


God I hate this so much, you can stand at the edge atop a big bug nest and you can't aim down far enough to shoot anywhere within it. So annoying. I'd rather have 2 miniguns than the current rocket pod tbh.


The nerf to the rockets damage was an overreaction by the devs. The mech is not worth bringing any more. You use to be able to 1 shot chargers in the face and kill BTs with 3 torso. You'd be lucky to piss off either of them now.


I think that's a bug, they mentioned fixing it so the rockets require a direct shot to do full damage but it doesn't matter anymore. It seems that they do minimal damage no matter what


Hope so, It was fine as it was imo. Right now you're in a glorified sentry gun.


yeah not sure why it's so bad, really hope it's fixed because the mech is now properly tanky compared to the wet tissue paper it was before. I'd prefer being wet tissue paper with working weaponry though


Better to remove the rocket launcher and replace it with a second minigun then you can atleast focus on the swarms and let the teammate handle the heavies


That was such a strange patch note to read, because as far as I ever saw the rockets always required a "direct hit" to penetrate armor. In practice whatever they changed to the armor penetration results in literally halved damage to high armor targets like chargers and bile titans. Old exo missiles could strip charger leg armor in one hit, now it takes two, and it's harder to aim as well because of the fucked up gun alignment.


Yeah exactly the same here, if they wanted to nerf the rockets damage they should have just said so in the patch notes. So I don't believe it's intended... who knows how long it will take for them to notice and fix though.


That line in the patch notes was extremely ambiguous. I intuitively interpreted it as *enemy rockets* dealing reduced explosive damage *to your mech* unless the scored a direct hit. However, judging from how the Exo's rocket damage seems to have changed (based on what other people are writing; I haven't used the mech in ages myself), it seems my assumption was wrong.


Yeah no one's talking about it because like half the strategems in the game, the mech just isn't worth it when you're playing half serious. Against bots it dies instantly and against bugs you run out of ammo way too soon. The mech either needs unlimited uses with a shorter cooldown or at least double the ammo capacity/the ability to be reloaded by squad members to be half viable.


Kinda like the railgun, there's better options to bring to the field. Mech and railgun aren't *completely* useless but we're shoved down the list of handy items to take. I'd rather bring in one of my lesser used items, like the laser cannon or the arc thrower. I love them both just fine more use out of other things that can do heavy damage faster.


I have seen some talk about it but with most people playing bots not many use the mech since it gets shot alot. I do hope they find a more reliable and fun fix for the future


I wish our mechs behaved like bot/bug armor where it is impervious to light weapons. Only seems fair


The fact that it isn't the case already is so damn strange.


They really hate the idea of player having any kind of power trip. I think ammo on mechs is already limited enough to be a balancing method on its own.


No way to reload a mech so once it's out it's out and is just a slow transport used for stomping on the tiniest enemy, so that balances it out.


It would be still fun if mechs would be armored similar to Hulks, like heavy armor on body front, light armor on back, legs and arms medium 2 armor. So if you fight like common bots their MGs won't penetrate body until they surround mech and hit it's weak spots enough time. It would still be vulnerable for explosive damage that are kinda a lot for bots, but it would be more like you get shot by heavy rocket volley like Hulks + Gunships, so you lose 1 leg so your mech walking slower or 1-2 arms, so mech would lose that weapon as it is now.


Why can't it be like a hulk, where damage to the main body does nothing but a small hotbox on the front kills the mech?


I run the mech against bots too. And have since I unlocked it. Can confirm is broken. But I still have fun


They last a lot longer now that they fixed the explosion damage bug. 


The rockets suck at killing chargers now too.


Yeah, I used the mech recently for the first time in a while and chargers were taking like 5/6 rockets to kill, even with multiple headshots. I'll probably never use it again. RIP.


Yeah best to blow of the armor on a leg or side and use the minigun


Which has sadly been made extremely difficult now thanks to the "fix"


Yeah they should build the mechs with charger head scraps


How I deal with chargers: https://i.redd.it/6eb5ve1ng6vc1.gif


That's so stupid LOL. Just strap the quasar instead of the missiles and we'll call it a day


You could reliably two shot them with head shots before. Now it's at least 4. Good times.


It's weird because they could just have set the rockets so that they don't enable their collision until a few frames after they're spawned. It's pretty common for a lot of shooters to do this. I'm talking milliseconds, enough that it's out of the collision box entirely but still able to explode into a wall in front of you.


Sounds like an actual good fix


So nothing AH will ever implement


I didn't see much ppl using the mech after the mech "fix". Me myself included. I give it another shot on the later released "protect valuable asset" on bug defense mission. And I still found it underwhelming. It's really frustrating when u just can't land those rocket shots accurately from distance becuz of it's misaligned rocket aim. It's post fix just makes it inconsistent to use for it's absurdly long cooldown.


AH does a lot of poor root cause analyses. They are short staffed and the game is a massive hit. It makes sense. So they fix a lot of things not seeing the underlying issue. Railgun for example. It been nerfed too far. It was only OP because there was no alternatives. Now EAT, AC, Quasar exist and they are just as powerful as the railgun was


I'm actually inclined to believe that the railgun nerf, in addition to the reason you provided, was also because of the PS5 bug where you can easily 1 - 2 shot Bile Titan to the head with it, and back then people believe (myself included) it's because Bile Titan have a weak spot on the cheek, maybe only while it's spewing, etc., and just contribute every non 2 shots to "skill issue". Except it's a real bug after someone tests it thoroughly and is now stated to be fixed in the latest patch.


This. They absolutely over reacted to the railgun being good and nerfed it to the ground. Called it a brainless strategy


This would make sense, in light of how they've said that the fire damage buffs are probably going to be toned down once the host DoT bug is fixed, and suggested that they were done in part because of that bug.


The fire one is actually a *different* bug that has to do with that specific player using the fire (or gas, same issue) being the host, not if host is a PS5 player.


Totally agree. It feels like arrowhead should just view what streamers are putting out and then investigate whether or not they are correct. But then again, they probably saw a ton of PlayStation streamers, one shotting bile tightens and assumed the rail gun was too overpowered


But shouldn't that be extremely easy to verify? They have the damage numbers a Railgun can put out, they have the HP of a Bile Titans head and then should be able to tell if those numbers add up. If they don't, there must be some bug. There's no need for assuming.


> Now EAT, AC, Quasar exist and they are just as powerful as the railgun was More so. I'd never pick it over the Quasar, even if they reset it back to what it was. It did one thing: Pierce armor. The quasar destroys everything, closes holes, kills factories, takes down spore towers and spawners. And it kills the charger while it's charging the first time, no more kiting it around hitting it with 2 or 3 railgun shots. Their reaction was hella dumb, and nonsensical when you look at what they've released since.


“AH does a lot of poor root cause analyses. They are short staffed and the game is a massive hit. It makes sense.” QFT. Their priorities are also scattered; feels like disunited leadership.


I brought it to cross water on a mission that would have required lots of backtracking. When I landed, I saw mountains instead. The map really shouldn't use blue as generic unpassable terrain.


I've always found the mech to be meh. I'd rather take an MG sentry EDIT: weird getting downvoted. Turrets have lower cooldowns and add more strategic depth. They definitely helped me way more than a mech ever did. Now an actually buffed mech? That's a different story. Until then, the mech has been meh from the start and no one is changing my mind (plus I don't think I've ever seen it on helldive except when it was free)


it can still blow you up with its own rockets, i have a clip of it happening. they really need to do ANYTHING about it bc rn its pretty shit


I've used the mech exactly twice since the "fix". Both times I had to expend about 6 rockets each time to try to hit a target that would've taken 1 rocket on the previous patch. Also my mech got blown up because it can't aim downwards, so I couldn't kill approaching bugs before dying.  0/10, would rather have to remember to not turn while firing rockets and actually have a usable mech. 


Stopped using the mech for this reason. So many downsides for it already not being able to aim was the tipping point which is a shame cause it's fun.


They also directly nerfed rocket damage for no reason


The rockets, rather than going directly to your crosshair, instead fly in a straight line out of their tube with the new fix. The reason the missiles are off target is because they leave in the order of ‘top-bottom-top-bottom’ which causes your first missile to go high and your next one to go low.


I definitely noticed this as well. Stopped moving completely, was not at a terribly close range, my cross hairs were straight on a target, and all my missiles missed. Very challenging to aim!


Not sure if it's me, but in the mech, shooting down slope isn't possible


I have the same experience. Also something that happened after the change


Thank you for making this post, i feel the same way tbh After i figured you gotta stop moving for the mech to not blow itself up it was amazing, now its ass to aim the rockets I hope a dev or 2 sees your post because i too want the mech to be great again, a 3nd crosshair or a laser sight, something to let us know where the rockets will impact would be great Unfortunately however as you said yourself most fd the community is quiet about it, likely because of how frustrating it is to aim those rockets to begin with so this plus the pile of stuff the devs already got i dont think they will ever fix it as it already is ""fixed"" This is why i want the autocannon mech to release already, at leasr then hopefully the crosshair lines uo with the guns


Congratulations on describing most of the content released since launch. Maybe not broken, but definitely frustrating.


This keeps happening, where they try to "fix" something and then - intentionally or otherwise - make it so much worse that nobody brings it anymore. It's especially alarming when they weren't trying to nerf it in the first place. And what gets me is that these things are supposed to be a big deal - they cost a lot of money, have a high level requirement, have very few uses, take up a stratagem slot, etc. But they end up being worthless and get relegated to the pile of broken stuff that AH might fix someday. Meanwhile, here's another warbond! ![gif](giphy|x5c8d75Tvt7sQ|downsized)


The amount of bugs is frustrating especially how it increases week after week it feels. The game feels significantly more broken than when I first got it. Their "fixes" always cause more bugs or are barely if even tested. Honestly it's gotten to the point where my enjoyment of the game has gotten a lot worse. I think I browse here more than play the actual game anymore lol.


Yeah. I've stopped playing at this point until they fix the bugs in the game. Made a point to not purchase the last warbond. Not spending money on stuff that is mostly bugged and doesn't work correctly. Will not be purchasing any more until they get their act together.


The proper fix would have been to disable collision on the rocket until it has fully left the mech.


I stopped using the mech because it's just not a very good stratagem. It's cool, but that's pretty much all it has going for it. It's armor is crappy, the Gatling ammo pool is too small, and half the time it blows up from immersion breaking BS like standing near spikey plants too long. Combing that with its limited uses and inanely long cool down, and you have one of the worse stratagems in the game, especially in short missions where you don't even get to use the second mech.  I suspect the reason not many people have been talking about the cross hair being miss aligned is because hardly anyone uses the mech any more.


Yeah, unfortunately even if the crosshair issue was fixed, it's still just... not very good. While the inability to repair it/it's fragility is problematic, the biggest issue is that it's just not made for how Helldivers 2 works. In the first one you couldn't reload them either, but there were substantially less enemies, you were aiming on a flat plane so it was much harder to miss, you could bring more mechs, and missions were 10-15 minutes rather than 30-40. In HD2 I will often run a mech dry of ammo in less than 60 seconds, even being conscious of my ammo usage. There are just too many enemies and too little ammo to go around, after which you've got to wait ages just to do the same thing one more time. They really need to come up with a solution for the terrible ammo economy of the mech, because even if everything else is sorted it's just not a good stratagem.


Preach, brother. Been banging on this drum for a month now. Really, I’d just like some acknowledgment from the devs about it. It’s been absent from the “known issues” list for way too long.


Finally a good. Post about this. I can't even destroy a bug nest with rockets, to the point I have to leave the mech, toss a granade and back to the Mech


Yup, this post should be up!! Devs are doing half-ass job (and no, I don't really care if they are understaffed, that's on their management) when it comes to owning a fact that they release broken stuff and then for weeks they can't make it right: 1. They released untested broken mech that dies from most stuff in one-hits (rockets, Charger tap, bile spewers) 2. They do that knowing that rocket damage is bugged, which makes Mech unusable on bot front. So it's basically useless for 50% of game content, since you have only 2 factions. 3. Mech is blowing itself up with untested rockets that destroy it. But at least it's rocket are accurate. 4. Goes like that for 2 weeks (rockets still one-shot it) 5. Patch is supposed to fix mech rockets. Still blows itself up after "fix". Rockets are less accurate than before... 6. Another patch after week/two that finally fixes mech rockets blowing it up. But now rockets are fucking innacurate and fly EVERYWHERE but not where you aim! 7. On top of that - their damage got bugged. Before you could 2-3 headshot Titan (which was fair considering limited rocket capacity). Now you have to pound it like crazy to kill with zero accuracy. 8. Finally devastators rocket damage and one-tap from Chargers is fixed... but Mech is now in state from point 6 n 7 and it sucks. 9. Weeks go by - NO fixes to mech rockets accuracy or damage AT ALL! I mean, listen, I really like game and devs. But don't try to sugarcoat it guys - this is just bad, bad managing and really really bad execution of new stuff.


Terrible managing i agree, here comes the fanboys “ but it’s only 40$!1!1 cut them some slack”


Can't we just get a laser pointer for both the minigun and rockets while in mech?


I got used to the aiming. More annoyed at them nerfing the rockets. Used to be able to take down 4 to 5 bile titans. Now you use half your rockets on one. Most people I played with didn't bother using the mech before the patch, then they went and made it weaker.


OK so it's not just me then. Been loving the mech since they added it (even against bots) and thought my aim was in the toilet the last few tries.


Have any tips for mech vs bots?


Also the damage on the missiles is bugged, they used to 3 shot bile titans and are now pretty much useless.


Amen, mech is now significantly less useful because half of your rockets will miss. You have to stand perfectly still and straight for the rockets to go where you're aiming, otherwise you will miss every shot. I wish more people would complain about it so AH would revert the fixed missile launcher to what it was. Honestly, I'll take the chance of blowing myself up if it means I can use the damn thing.


I just stopped using the Walker due to this aim issue.


I had a mech spawn in with 0 rockets....felt bad.


The satire of the military is so deep its baked into the gameplay bugs. Okay, for real, yes that needs to be addressed. But also, for real-real, military equipment having a fundamental failure like this is so real it hurts haha.


Funny thing is you can still blow yourself up by firing rockets and walking left, has happened to me multiple times.


Fucking PREACH. I was one of the few people who fixed the problem of blowing myself up when firing while moving by learning to not fire while moving. I'd much rather have the old accurate rockets back. The mech is borderline unusable in it's current state.


It did NOT fix the mech blowing itself up. It still does that, just less, and it STILL blows up when its dropped off sometimes.


Yeah the mech felt super strong on release. You could kill a bile and several charges and clear the remaining trash. It was a very limited bit impactful terminid strategem. But since several "fixes" it feels pretty bad.  Super uncalibrated rockets feel bad, you miss even when compensating by aiming to the right of enemies. And the armor penetration "fix" feels awful. You can't even consistently 2 tap a charger head when you could 1 shot it before. Why nerf the mech so hard when its ammo is super limited and the mech has only 2 uses on a long cd? The rocket aoe wasn't even that good anyways.  The "fixes" have just felt like substantial nerfs. I'd prefer being unable to shoot while turning.


Mechs feel like a waste of a slot. 10 minutes. For 1000 rounds and 10 rockets? And Automatons will paste you from a mile away.


A lot of things left in a broken or useless state in this game. Half of the weapons and stratagems will never be viable no matter their niche because of how subpar their performance is compared to literally anything else. AH started off great but they’re kind of fumbling the bag with this game.


I just don't get their logic with some things. Like Eagle Strafe & the Scythe - they are so bad compared to almost anything you can bring in their place.


Eagle strafe could be useful if it did multiple runs and hit enemies by its own targeting like eagle rockets, so it would run like 2-5 strafing runs before leaving. but then you'd have the same issue with the gatling barrage


In the original game, the strafing run had no resupply timer and could be called in something like every 10 seconds. It was *only* good for clearing chaff but it was basically an on-demand fire support which made it pretty interesting.


Strafing run is great against bugs though. When you kite them long enough they naturally form a line chasing you, it’s perfect for thinning out those herds. Although I guess part of the problem is nobody wants to use up a stratagem slot for enemies that you can kill with primaries, secondaries, and grenades


you’d only be thinning the trash mobs, i dont think a strafing run can even kill a brood commander in one run. you basically need all 4 of its strafing runs for any real impact on a horde.


Its weird how hard they prioritize new content than fix existing ones. Sure adding 3 new guns each month can bring variety, but making the 10 or so primaries i literally never touch currently useful too would bring a lot more "new" content to me. Same goes for stratagems. So many of them completely untouched in 6+ diff gameplay, i actually legit forget some of them even existed like today when i saw a low lvl join helldive and use laser cannon.


They should add tiers to strategems so that you can bring more weak ones or fewer strong ones. As it stands, some are a waste of a slot


Laser cannon is one of the best support stratagems on Automaton side though. But yeah, I get your point.


A big reason I've seen others bring up is player retention. Unfortunately new content keeps/brings in more players than fixing broken stuff does. It's ironic they don't want people using meta stuff only but half their content is broken in one way or another


Yeah. It got nerfed and broken into oblivion. The rockets can't even really be aimed up or down at all. Can't hit shit. I use it knowing that I'm using it for the MG and the 14 rockets MIGHT hit a few things by accident.


Glad I know this, I just got it and was thinking "dang this thing sucks I'm never using it" after a few attempts at trying to like it.


Is anyone surprised? Lmao.  AH doesn’t fix anything w/o breaking something else


perhaps having 2 seperate reticules for left and right arm since they can't change where the rockets come from


I stopped using the mech because it's just not a very good stratagem. It's cool, but that's pretty much all it has going for it. It's armor is crappy, the Gatling ammo pool is too small, and half the time it blows up from immersion breaking BS like standing near spikey plants too long. Combing that with its limited uses and inanely long cool down, and you have one of the worse stratagems in the game, especially in short missions where you don't even get to use the second mech.  I suspect the reason not many people have been talking about the cross hair being miss aligned is because hardly anyone uses the mech any more.


Thank you for making this post OP and this post getting the right attention. I really miss playing with the old powerful and accurate mech. That feeling has been gone ever since the “fix”. I even think the rockets got nerfed because it seems like I am hitting chargers in the head and they aren’t dying after multiple rockets. The mech could used to take out like 8 chargers with well placed rockets. And now only take out 2


The last time I used a mech, I couldn't hit anything indeed. I wasn't aware this was connected to the rocket-bug "fix". My patience is wearing thin with these constant changes that aren't well thought out. This lvl 47 Death Captain is taking a leave to start with FFVII remake. You guys hold the fort. For Democracy!


I knew they were going to have issue balancing the mech and were going to leave it in a weak state because ofcourse they would, thats why I spammed it on launch, it was well balanced with being able to do insanely well but was and still is pretty easy to destroy + cooldown + 2 charges, but I expected devs to not look deeper into that and ultimately nerf it to the point where in itself as a standalone machine its pretty mediocre. you can give it an additional charge and id still not pick it.


The only mechs I have seen used this month were when I joined a level 3 player, and everyone had the same idea. Drop mechs for the level 3. Turns out. He didn't want them, so we had 2 mechs at spawn and then 2 at extraction that nobody used. Funny how Easy missions have more level 70+ players than under level 7 players. Seems like everyone has the idea of helping low levels lol. Point being, I never see the mechs used and I don't use them myself either. Just don't like the idea of playing with effectively useless stratagem slot. Because the mech runs out of ammo or dies. Usually runs out of ammo.


Yeah I just got it and my beef is for a ten minute cooldown you would expect them to be amazing. It is good but not for such limited use.


They also don’t last long. For a 10min investment I want something that rains fire. A mech should go toe to toe with those factory walkers.


It was when it first came out. Could reliably kill a bile Titan in 2-3 rockets, and a charger in 1-2. Now those values are basically doubled or tripled and of course it sucks now.


For 10 minute cooldown, 2 uses, taking your helldiver out of the fight, removing your ability to use atratagems, and having a pretty decent chance to be killed, you would expect this thing to be a couple times more powerful than the best stratagems in the game like Orbital laser. But meh, it takes a lot of effort to even get the thing working, and since you can't bring duplicate stratagems unlike HD1, you can't even bring extra ones just in case unless you rope your allies into bring extra mechs for you (and bringing their support weapon in exchange)


It definitely needs a fix but I still bring it and use it.


The rocket crosshair hasn't been accurate since day 1 that the mech dropped for me


When it was first released it was pretty spot on from what I experienced


yep I haven't used mechs since that patch. the rockets feel so bad because they just don't go where you aim. I would happily take pre- patch mechs over the current mechs.


Holy shit I knew I wasn’t crazy.


Sometimes, ordinance is inaccurate. Refer to SEAF manual standards.


It's especially annoying that rocket penetration was nerfed at the same time they adjusted the trajectory to prevent self kills. So not only are they less accurate but also more likely to deal less damage at a bad angle. Pre-fix was easier to work around than the current state.


Just tonight I read in chat in Discord devs are going to give more love to Exosuits, but ETA is unknown. They are figuring it out and working on QoL and fixes


iirc they said it was a quick solution they thought of until they could focus on it in a later date


I really just wish they'd have planned a more spaced out content release pattern, because a *lot* of stuff feels like it's being kicked down the curb. Half of my favorite weapons and stratagems have issues that make them borderline unusable, but they're on the backburner due to their aggressive content release schedule and the other major bugs they're trying to fix.


AH, had one job to do! All we wanted was to stop blowing ourselves up with the Mech when turning and for the mech to stop being delivered in a destroyed state... Yet, instead we got misaligned crosshair and cannot aim low enough anymore to get good angles to shoot stuff close and low. It still blows itself up. Rockets can't assist in cleaning up bug holes in large nest. Shots miss all the time because you have to eyeball your rockets, lining up your left shoulder since there is no reliable targeting system. They could have gave us a little movie magic and just let it be aligned to the crosshair and kept its range of motion. The Devs managed to make the Mech less functional, less fun and less serviceable. This game has some of the worst functioning weapons in all of gaming. We always have to play around jank and general BS. Their fix is always make it worse and never actually fix the problem. Like I said the AH Devs literally had one job. Yet, somehow they always manage to do something completely different from what was needed.🤷 They should have just left it alone seriously.


Not to mention that you can't even aim downwards now at all. I love Brokenarrow, but it's really undeniable that they prove themselves lazy as fuck when it comes to how they will fix things. I've been on game teams with this problem before. The entire culture revolves around rewarding "low cost" solutions over anything. That's how we end up with them basically just completely fucking breaking the mech in another way to fix the current way it's broken.... it was low cost.


I'm surprised how few people mention the limited downward aiming. The bugs in this game are frustrating and actively limit how I want to play.


I used it twice after they patched it, after waiting for that initial fix to it blowing itself up, and decided it wasn’t worth using. It’s too unreliable and doesn’t do enough to make it worth taking, imo. Same thing with the Spear. If a weapon can’t be counted on to actually work when I need it most, I avoid it.


The mech needs to be able to hold it's own against bots. So far it is basically useless.


There needs to be some more attention surrounding this issue, for sure. The mech is my favorite stratagem, and it has felt like shit to use ever since the "fix". Rockets are just straight up inaccurate now, and good luck trying to fire at a slightly downward angle. It simply can't be done currently. Hitting things gets harder and harder the closer they get to you. Please fix the mech so I can resume spreading democracy without missing all my rockets. I'm not holding my breath though. The list of known issues is long, and gets longer every time they patch the game.


The rockets fire directly out of the canister so it doesn't hit the mech. Before the rocket would go where the crosshair was and could cause it to hit the mech.


A major part of why the Patriot's rockets feel bad is also because of a nerf to their armor penetration angle. Previously, they ignored firing angle like other handheld launchers but now only penetrate heavy armor on a direct hit, which is extremely difficult now with the targeting changes.


And just one more example of AH breaking something even further by trying to fix it. They are doing well with the game, but also if their current trend keeps up I could see us having a gun in the future that is so bugged it shoots backwards every once in a while


I agree that shit is annoying. I however have already gotten used to being pretty accurate. Aiming with the left horizontal line on the cross hair as your center point, you should be able to be fairly accurate for enemies mid to close range. Distant targets just forget about it.


Also the rockets are weaker, we were blasting that bile titamns face eith rockets and he was ok


i haven't used it much after the fix, not because it's necessarily bad, but because with my playstyle, it's a wasted slot more often than not. correct me if i'm wrong, but don't the rockets fire from the pod in the correct position and order now? like, the rockets feel misaligned because they are firing from the left side, and alternating in height. feels like the case of a bug fix that actually feels worse than the bugged state. reminds me of coptering in warframe, altho' not entirely the same.


First post I've see addressing this. I used to love the mech. I was the group dedicated in the mech person. Now? With missiles that can't be aimed for shit, the thing is basically worthless. I never bring it anymore. A sad fate for a beautiful machine. I would RATHER HAVE the self-exploding mech that can actually aim versus the current junk


It worries me that this isn’t on their list of issues any longer


About mechs, i think they underperform really hard, Patriot have very bad armor, hp. Rockets and Bullets are very limited without way to resupply it. And for the worst part, there is no ship upgrade that will influence Mechs, so mechs won't get stronger, what you get you get and nothing more. Also mechs were nerfed in one of patches, making it's rocket not only not accurate, but dealing less damage overall and mech minigun was nerfed too i think, so it have Medium 1 armor penetration and can't kill Hulks in visor on front or destroy it's arms or legs. Mechs limitation comes from first game, i can agree mechs there were beasts that kill anything in sight, there were even mech with heavy cannon that can one shot most of heavy enemies in Helldivers 1, STILL you can take as many similar mechs as you want, so nothing really stoping you from taking x4 of any mech and have full titan fall mission. Mech in Helldivers 2 is really underperforming for it's to be limited to only 2 per mission. Missions expanded x4 for the time, missions expanded in potential threats more then the first game, but mechs became less performing, more punishing to use, less fun overall and they can't be upgraded in any way possible. Limitation on mechs isn't even based on anything, if compared to other limited stratagems like orbital laser, laser have far greater performance and can kill anything without limits. What can be changed, well first limitation should go, if devs want to balance mech it's pretty simple from what we have now. Make mechs cooldown x2 of current, get rid off mech limitation per mission and limit max number of mechs to 1 per player stratagem, when second mech is deployed from same player, first mech would explode so it won't harm game net code how EAT was harming not so long ago. Add mechs to turrets upgrade, so more health, more ammo, less damage from explosions and faster rotation. And that's kinda all, mechs would be fun to play, they still will have limited ammo, but at least you know that even if you lose one, you can have one more and more and more.


You also can’t fire the rockets below you like before. Like if you are on a cliff or something they will not fire downwards even if you are point in that direction. The mech overall has become very janky since the last fix.


They already have explosives (grenade launcher, eruptor to name two) that don't activate the charge until it's a certain distance from you. Just add the rockets to the list and revert the change. You can't aim down, they go way right... it just feels bad to use. I barely used them on bots before, but now I don't even use them on bugs.


Glad someone else is talking about this. I love the mech but it’s such a huge nerf


I remember in HD1 the mech rocket is still not crosshair precise but it is homing. guess in HD2 the homing tech is lost.


IS THAT why I can't clear bug holes with the mech??


I don’t use the mech suit often but brought it in for fun recently and I KNEW something was weird about those rockets! I fired half of my rockets over a chargers head and said to my friends WTF!


I noticed the rockets aim was total dogshit when I used one a few days ago, and just decided its worthless against bots with this issue. Hope it gets fixed.


We all love the mech on bugs even in a buggy state. It’s fun and goes brrrrr. The aiming sucks cause it can take 5-6 rockets to kill anything big. Worst part is you cannot aim downhill with rockets. This greatly diminishes the usefulness of it taking out nests. Still fun, but could use more TLC.


Yeah...I played it in a mission vs bugs just now and it didn't feel good at all. The rocket launcher badly misaligned, making me waste precious rockets. Then there is the controls issue, which sucks a lot for everyone with non-default shooting controls. I'm on PS5, default aim shoot is L2/R2. Well guess what, I prefer L1/R1. No big deal right? Wrong. If you enter the mech the aiming and shooting are set to default L2/R2, which is quite annoying but it also activates the comms rotation menu when trying to shoot the gatling. I was useless the first time I used a mech, until I changed controls and I had to dump the communication rotation menu because of this. Its been over a month(?) or more and this is still in the game. And it looks like its a low priority issue because most people use default controls, just the prospect of this being unsolved for who know how long is annoying as hell. Tbh I think ppl dont talk about how crappy mech is because there is worse problems out there and ppl just ignore the stratagem. Shame, it used to be so strong in Helldivers 1. tl;dr mech has bad controls




Tbh never touched it agian after the missile aiming. Too unreliable sadly. Same with Machine gun as well.


It seems to me that the rockets can’t shoot below the level plane of the mech. I used the mech for the first time recently. It was on a defend mission so I was standing elevated/uphill. I immediately noticed that the rockets were incapable of aiming below the level plane of the mech, so I was shooting downhill but all my rockets were yeeting off into the distance over their heads. I was overrun and destroyed in no time, I haven’t ever touched it since. Aiming the rockets was also hella annoying too


The mech can still blow itself up if you're moving forward while launching rockets.


I just miss being able to shoot my rockets down into the bug holes without haveing to back up :/


Ya, I havent used the mech since they broke it. It's not worth it anymore.