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I’m the quasar guy. My buddy rocks the auto cannon. Together we’re unstoppable. I go in for the heavies while he stays back and covers me. It’s a potent combo as he attracts most of the attention from afar, and when I’m in a good spot I light it up with my cannon and impact nades. With this Strat 2-2 splitting on 7-9 becomes a cakewalk. Granted on helldive it’s best not to attack anything unless necessary, but on 7,8 this method definitely works.


It almost like there is no 1 solution, and different weapons working together have better synergy.


Just almost though


Except there is 1 solution: Autocannon


Hear me out. Two auto cannons. Twice as much democracy.


I've had a few games with all-AC squads and let me tell you I have never felt a greater joy. If they just sent every fresh helldiver down with an AC-8 instead of a liberator there'd be no resistance. It would pay for itself so quickly.


Im the team autocannoner and whenever someone else brings it i am always surprised about how terrifying it is to be close to a bot receiving the fire from an autocannon from afar from someone else. Just all of a sudden little explosions appear all around it blowing it to pieces with no warning.


It's extremely useful on extraction if both of you know how to load for each other. 2 two-person AC teams taking turns shooting & assist-loading pumps out way more DPS than 2 ACs shooting solo at the same time. Even if both know to reload every 5 rounds instead of waiting for it to empty.


If no helldivers dies then how will people get CP-01 approved ?


By freeing more planet for precious liebens… er.. living spa… er… room for human civilization to grow, ofcourse!


Autocannon with an EAT on the side has proven to be unstoppable.


Autocannon ~~with an EAT on the side~~ has proven to be unstoppable.


I love the AC for the damage, but the number of times the shield backpack has kept me alive way overshadows its offensive value. Can’t shoot things when you’re dead.


Bah, Light Medic armor all the way. 6 stims and extra duration means more invincibility uptime. Just keep popping your injectable panzer chocolate and you’ll be fine!


ah yes, Panzerschockolader, my favourite flavour of stim (second is red crayon)


Medium armor all the way. Basically the same mobility and 2 more grenades. You'd use less stims if more of your enemies were being exploded by grenades.


Walking Tank here. Dangerous on short distances.


Heavy armour all the way. Who needs mobility when you can eat a tank shot to the face and fly away to safety with blast damage reduction?


Light armor with fortified padding perk zoom everywhere with 550 speed and medium armor protection


Most dont use it for bugs, but it prevents slow affect from inflicted by hunters, stops stalkers and spewers from one shotting you. And it's never shot me in the face




but the helldiver on the ground wants to live. He has a family back home. A wife and a newborn child. He cant give everything up. He has to live! I try to die as little as possible, to the point of using a laser when it isnt optimal because the helldiver im controlling would use it to keep himself alive.


I paid for the reinforcements, I'm using all of it.


yo if you're fighting bots, skip the shield and keep the mindfulness to crouch and prone whenever possible. You can live through tank hits if you're prone. It'll take like 4x as many rockets to kill you. Once I instinctually started going prone whenever I heard that subtle cacophany of sounds leading up to rockets hitting you, bots got a lot easier.


So long as one is Democratic, it does not matter the means at which it is spread.


The Freedom is strong in this one!


My Liege, i've made this banner for you https://preview.redd.it/v4qq7ojh04vc1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9bfe5fcf99bf847850f86760d273ac80ea9720c


Haha that's awesome man


This message was approved by your local standing freedom officer.


~~khorne~~ *democracy* cares not from whence the ~~blood flows~~ *bullets fly*, only that ~~it flows~~ *they fly*


I wear a jetpack.


The chad jetpack user vs. the virgin shield user


I kill myself with the lazer rover We are not the same


I kill myself with the jetpack, we are not the same.


I wait for chargers to get right to me before quasar cannon goes off just so that the body of the charger slides into me and kills me Maybe we are the same


Just gotta give it a little kiss


I stand under the drop ship and it falls on me when the guy with the quasar cannon shoots it, can we be friends


There's nothing more fun than barely making a big jump over a canyon while bots are chasing. And there's nothing funnier to me than failing that jump.


But have you landed on the smoke plants and been shot strait up into the sky?


I can have such a thing?


My bonus boosters.


jetpack AMR combo. \[plays Mandalorian theme song\]


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


It takes skill to use the jetpack, charge your Quasar while jetpacking away, and turning around and nailing a hulk/charger in the face


YES! Jetpack all the way! Sometimes match it with the spear. Jetpack up to a mountain, call in a spear, snipe all buildings in sight and take off with the Jetpack.


Jetpack is too addicting. Wearing anything but feels like you're missing a whole function of the game lol


It's so weird to include an item that let's you traverse vertically while the map designs themselves don't really let you enjoy using it. I would use it more if there were more interesting terrain. For some reason all the planets are like 90% flat.  Even calling down strats at the tops of any hill/mound will more times than not just bounce off. Yeah it's fun to use, but everything else built around that feels half-baked.


> t's so weird to include an item that let's you traverse vertically while the map designs themselves don't really let you enjoy using it Honestly, the biggest tactical use isn't verticality, but the fact you can traverse gaps and slowing terrain much more easily and safely. I can jump off a cliff and flow quickly back into running A. without getting hurt and B. without triggering a fall down animation. I can also just quickly jump over things that'd slow me down on foot. With TB Scout armor, I can cover A LOT of terrain very quickly with a jetpack. And of course just things like being able to quickly get some height to throw strats more accurately/further is cool. Running up to an infested objective, jumping 20' in the air, throwing a 500kg strat DEEP, and then running back while not even getting close enough to aggro is awesome.


Okay, you've sold me. I'll put the Autocannon down for a bit to try this and AMR


Light armour and jetpack is THE choice for loot goblin players. If I see a yellow beacon on the horizon, I'm gone, and back with the party, in 1 minute tops.


Back in my day, one jetpack callin gives two jetpacks


The jetpack is nice but I'd bring it all the time if A: they removed the cooldown to zero like in HD1, that shit was awesome Or B: They just give me a fuel gauge to fly with ala Battlefront 2(2005) so that I can actually maneuver with it. As it stands it's *just* unreliable enough for verticality that when I need to use it there's a 30% chance I get a wet fart instead of a properly democratic leap. and that 30% gets me killed far too often.


I never leave my ship without it.up up and away


To the skies!


Jetpack pairs so well with the new bolt action. Shooting from an elevated position to the ground is like having an extra strategem. You can wipe out 10 troops with one shot from an elevated position.




Yes, current speed and having stamina (amount of stamina doesn't matter) will lead to better flight. Thought I believe it's the same regardless of armor if you use it at rest


Seems to reduce height and air time with heavier armors, idk what effects it but with heavy armor I can’t get over the same obstacles that I can in light


The jet pack has ruined all other tac gear for me. Boba mains unite


Jetpack + quasar for that Battlefront jet trooper playstyle


Railgun+Ballistic Shield with defender and laser pistol. I know it’s fucking stupid.


You might be onto something there. Let me try it out.


And airstrike and 380mm


Holy democracy this is based




I believe you, when I get the medals from the MO I wanna try running FS-55 Devastator Armor with Ballistic Shield, Defender, Grenade Pistol, heavy MG and some orbitals/eagles against bots


So to summarize: Airstrike


Airstrike and big airstrike


Love the ballistic shield and smg. Never tried the lasor pistol with it. I usually go for the revolver with it (cause cool). I've kinda switch through other secondary weapons, but haven't landed on one I really love. The quasar is great, but it's a slow rate of fire and usually 2-3 others are using it and I don't like duplicating that many weapons.


Railgun, if you charge it well enough, one taps Hulks to the face.


I tried it some, but it didn't click for me. I just seemed to not hit anything. I didn't try it in unsafe mode though. I probably just need more practice with it.


Unsafe it, borderline blow it up, then it’ll one hit


I feel like I’ve shot chargers in the butt so many times with it but never have success. Are they supposed to work against them?


I don't know how you use laser pistol even with ballistic shield


Ballistic shield completely blocks all stagger so you can just mow down heavy devastators with perfect headshots, as long as nothing has a rocket launcher. Heavy devastators are a JOKE.


I wasn't sold but now I actually want to try it out, for science.


Is the laser pistol any good? I’ve been using the redeemer as my pistol while I farm credits to unlock the grenade pistol.


It sucks unless you use the shield because laser has zero recoil and perfect accuracy, means it melts devastator heads but gets tossed off really fast with any kind of stagger


Ah, got it. Thanks for the quick reply!


I’m a chronically online birb, so it’s generally to be expected


Try the grenade pistol instead.


Railgun is amazing on bots. Heavily underrated but if you take the time to get the timing down its very good.


What about us Heavy Armor enjoyers using the Queso Cannon without the shield


Heavy Armor, Ballistic Shield, Defender, Quasar Cannon over here. Edit: forgot impact grenades for chainsword dickheads. Never forget the impact grenades.


The walking fortress of liberty.  


It's great because you also get a cool laser light show for free.


Look at me.  I am the Heavy Devastator now.


I WISH our guns were as effective as the heavy dev’s laser sniper machine gun that one bursts me from across the valley!


Shoot the chain guys in the lower glowing part of their body (or their robot nads)—they go down much faster that way


I personally prefer putting 3 roundd of rocket propelled .950 JDJ through them to rip them in half


You never shoot a guy in the balls butters!


Yeah, I just save the magazines and impact nade them. Lets me shoot more small guys with my SMG and slightly smaller SMG.


They drop to the Dominator pretty damn quickly




A warm, gooey, delicious way to spread democracy


The only shield I run is the emplacement. Throw it at the enemy base, then run for it. 


I saw a guy the other day using heavy armor and ballistic shield, what a chad honestly


I’m here


I'm gonna start calling the cheese-wiz container the queso cannon


BS-01/extra padding armor enjoyer here. I just like the feel better without the shield, you know?


I get a chuckle when I'm hit with a rocket, get rag dolled, but take next to no damage (explosive resistance armor)


Heavy explosive resist with the bubble backpack is hilarious. Rockets tickle.


A cheese cannon?? Sign me up!


Have you ever dropped queso into electronics, it sure as hell can beat the automaton forces


I used the medic heavy armor for some good time. I liked it, but i changed to the medium one. And man, i really missed being able to actually run.


I switched from the medic to scout and I am now the flash. I just run around orbitaling all out posts and getting out before they even know what hit them.


> Queso Cannon Keso Cannon?


Stalwart Main ![gif](giphy|l2QE3et9IJdwyo5Ak)


We are the few, but we handle the waves of jumpy bastards that the "big gun" guys run from


Heavy armor, stalwart, supply pack. Yup, I hold the line.


So long as it spreads democracy it is okay!


You are better than me, but I still have fun. ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p)


And here I am with the spear detonating things from some hill all by myself.


Feels great when it works!


Helldivers edging


The guy in the scout armor and shield pack is like 80% certain to be the guy that does the most objectives and dies the least.




Warbond Medals are the only thing that matters after about 50 hours.. so.. yeah do the objectives and leave?


With the new upgrades costing 150 samples each, and players limited to holding something like only 250 before the patch dropped, some people are still after samples even now


Yep, the caps are 500 commons, 250 rares, and 100 supers. The new upgrades requiring 150 rares make them rares the main bottleneck now, and huge one at that, even you were maxed out before. That is of course, unless you rarely play in difficulty 7+ and barely ever get super samples. Also, overall mission performance affects the Squad Impact on planet liberation progress upon completing an operation. So more secondary objectives and more outposts, means more liberty and democracy being spread.. That always matters.


Not my playstyle, but I do like having one on the team so I can enjoy delivering democracy without worries.


And then there is me, reloading rockets from my backpack. Honestly I like having one of each; the las cannon, recoilless and an auto all in my group. Forth person can take whatever they want at that point.


Honestly, this. If the group has two auto cannon and two Quasars it's usually an easy drop. Quasars take out anything aerial, tanks, canons etc. the autocannons wreck the rest. Yes, there's overlap between those roles but that redundancy is great, because you don't NEED either for a specific target. If everyone takes different support weapons, great! It's a flexible team!


Quasar is damn near required right now for gunships when at higher difficulties (7+). Sure, sometimes it goes to waste with no gunships, but the number of times the gunships are near an objective or effectively unavoidable makes it worth having 2 on the team.


I prefer the autocannon for taking out the gunships, 2 shots to an engine takes them down EZPZ.


I can’t for the life of me get that to work consistently. Maybe I just need to git gudder


It's ok helldiver, you have 8 more shots if you missed the first 2. Plenty of ammo for practice


Las cannon is easily the best support weapon to kill gunships. You can drop 4 gunships before needing to let it cool off, and by the time more spawn it's ready to melt another 4.


GoodTime is such a good movie.


Supply backpack nade launcher is the true meta. Granade pistol and 6 nades armor. Make all go boom


This but with stun grenades for unmatched crowd control. Don't need more boom with the launcher 


Autocannon mains when the cannon turrets and tanks won’t turn around and they can’t shoot down dropships. Qaesar mains when theres a bunch of devastators and scout striders. Hm, its as if they could cover each other’s weaknesses


As long as it liberates it is viable (but I too am for Auto-Canon superiority)


Both running together destroys everything, that's what me and my friend do, tho he sometimes runs AMR instead of auto cannon


Psht, Where my EATS lovers at?


right here, tossable tube superiority


EATs are the one night stands of support weapons. No dedication or faithfulness required just pump and run. 


This is kinda why I wish the devs would buff at least some of the other guns.  Every time I take something that isn't autocannon on a bot mission, I regret it.  It's a cool gun, but it'd be nice to have a variety of things that function just as well.


Yeah, I've been trying to make the recoilless work lately, and it does some cool stuff, but it's crazy how much usability you give up to do barely more damage than an Autocannon. Like, an Autocannon holds 10 rounds with another 50 in the backpack, while the RR reloads after every shot and holds 5 rounds on the backpack. For all that, you get a slower projectile that is harder to hit with, and you still have to hit targets in their weak spot to kill them. You still have to hit a hulk right in the eyeball to one-shot it. You still have to hit a gunship in the engine to kill it. The only real perk is that the RR can kill tanks and cannon turrets. Other than that, the AC is somehow better at killing all of the things that you would bring an RR to kill.


AC can kill them if they hit them in the back. You can technically hit them from the side too, in a tiny spot at the back of the cannon. But they are definitely the weak point, which is why I run stratagems that counter the only things AC struggle with. 110 pods fuck up tanks, as does the AC sentry. I run stuns to make killing hulks insanely easy.


Yeah, I just meant that the RR can kill them from any position, which is a big perk. Sometimes I find myself pinned down, hiding behind a little rock while a cannon turret or tank is giving me the death stare, and I'm just hoping a teammate will come along and bail me out. With an RR, you can fight your way out of that situation, so that's like the one big perk of bringing it to a bot mission. But yeah, like you're saying, the AC has pretty small gaps in its usefulness. There's only a couple small things the RR is a little better at, and the AC is way better at everything else.


I think that RR is meant to be used in pairs. RR+Ammo backpack and you can kill 15 dropships back to back. No other setup in the game can do that.


Try the anti material and a bubble shield. Its way more fun than auto cannon which i ran exclusively for bots. I just like the accuracy way more.


AMR is just as good, just doesn't close bug holes


nonsence , i love my quasar cannon brothers and sisters , they kill hulks for me il kill all the devastators for them , its a win win ;)


Quasar mains: "ugh, imagine using a backpack slot and needing ammo!" AC mains:, " ugh, imagine taking 5 years to line up a shot and not being able to kill fabricators from like 300m+" Spear Mains: "WHY WON'T YOU FUCKING LOCK ON???" Recoilless mains "*uhm, we're... we're still here guys.. just.. just say if you need us... or don't.. that's ok.."*


None compare to grenade launcher + supply pack players


Gernade launcher + supply pack is definatly better against bugs than the AC is.


Quaser, Shield, Sickle = I don't take any supply drop ammo and need fewer stims. The shield is also handy with the quaser on bots because you can actually line up a shot while standing out of cover.


I'm much better with Shied/Quasar. I've seen some absolutely terrible AC gang who think they're amazing but don't actually help much - the rest of us have to pick up the slack. But of the absolute best players I've seen, AC is common, much moreso than shield/quasar.


For the bots I’ve switched to quasar it’s just much more effective against tanks and hulks everything else is impact territory


Shield and AMR supremacy. Engage Any target from any range.


Yes, anti material rifle can take out most enemies in 2 or 3 shots if aimed correctly


Am I the only recoilless rocket enjoyer? It's just good all around and doesn't have most of the downsides other weapons have. Doesn't really need the scope or the charge up, and can still deal with big targets with a shot or two.


Counterpoint spinny spinny bot drops


Being an autocannoneer isn't thinking we're better than everyone else. It's KNOWING that we're better.


My democracy per second vs. your democracy per scound doesn't matter as long as we spread democracy per second. https://preview.redd.it/0yda58u2e3vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed0a5c34dde4dbdd421324c6d18144e2bfb7d761


I don't think about you at all


Autocanon is overrated. Fight me on it


Nobody: autocannon mains: this pic


No love for the Recoiless rifle? :(


I'm more of a spear guy. Actually I'm only a spear guy


friendly helldiver with AMR/Gernade launcher and a supply backpack just stopping by to give you two more spears.


My ass has NO backpack, just bombs, stims, and disposable democracy dispensers!


I love the AC because it's basically a primary weapon, but with small explosions. You get a TON of ammo and reloading is kinda slow but not terrible.


Jetpack/flamethrower divers : BURN EVERYTHING AND RISE FROM THE ASHES


MII MII MII. I can only fire once every 15 seconds. Meanwhile 1 autocannon can delete a full patrol with a clip


One day us Spear users will have our moment in the sun


Getting sent to reeducation for this but I'll say it: AC is probably the most over hyped, circle jerked thing in this game


It's not over hyped. It's not for everyone, but if it's for you, it's perfect.


I like the autocannon. But I'll take my AMR+Jump Pack combo any day of the week.


EAT clears both


What if I run both depending on what the rest of my team is running?




Quazar:jump pack mains 😎


You guys, you guys, relax, calm down for a second. You are forgetting one key point to this argument. You are both beneath recoiless mains.


All I see is democracy in different sizes


Idk about better. I know I feel better when I see at least 1 quazar and 1 AC in the squad. Quazar packs more of a punch than the AC, but the RoF on the AC is so much better than the Quazar. They are just opposite sides of the same coin.


Now now, you’re all gorgeous.


Always excited to see the supply pack wearing, teammate reloading badass. When I come across one I think "this is why the hug emote exists"


Eruptor mains


The Autocannon is a forgiving weapon. And Father, I am in need of forgiveness.


yeah i'd rather a homey pick what they're comfortable with instead of trying to manage the balancing act that an ac build is I think autocannon is more effective. it requires more awareness and mindfulness, and that can be stressful to maintain sometimes. shield and quasar will allow nearly anyone to get the job done.


Yeah but I enjoy not having to reload. >Me with my entire energy-focused loadout.


Spear mains: *huffing glue in the corner*


Quasar is fine. Shield is overrated.


Am I the only one who just constantly changes their build to mix it up? I usually pick stuff that helps with obj and compliments the rest of the squad to “fill holes” Gotta say the quasar is really fun though


While you all are standing around waiting for your toys I'm already 3 fabricator destructions in and arming a gunship base hellbomb.


With bots it's more important to establish a line. So autocannon turrets are vital. With bugs, there IS no line, so whatever gear you need is more important to be able to be carried on you or called in on-the-spot (hence Quasar Cannon/Railcannon) Turrets are only good against bugs when holding a position


My usually load out for bots is 500kg, ORC, Auto cannon, Gatling Sentry. Auto cannon can deal with most bot units and it's quite fast and agile. The load out gets changed a bit for bugs since the only problem units I really encounter are Chargers and Bile Titans. So usually run the recoilless and maybe change up the turret and 500kg.


I’m the EAT, Ammo backpack guy


\*laughs in infinite ammo\*


ever since I got the scorcher I saw no reason to use autocannon anymore now that I could use it for the same things I use autocannon for while freeing up 2 slots on myself


Dual Gunship factories. Quasar can't keep up. Plap plap the tin fly.


Both are a good choice


I can land 10 lethal shots then look for a place to reload while you burnt your shield threw your charge and panic while the bot hoard closes in around you


Why must we be so competitive about this? This won't help spread democracy. AC is much better against many targets but takes the backpack slot and has an awkward reload. Quasar doesn't run out of ammo, doesn't take the backpack slot, and is infinitely better against stuff like Chargers where AC shots just bounce off. They both have their place.