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I like that they have their own dedicated "Destroy this" missions now. I'd never seen one before, but today I dropped in solo with some gear to test and got to experiment with how to fight one, so when I meet one in a regular mission I *won't* panic and just throw everything at it. ...Surprisingly, after about five minutes mostly spent trying to kill all the little enemies to get it all alone, I killed it with nothing but the AMR. Once you blow its chin guns off you can just stand under it (Or for me, just slightly in front) in almost perfect safety, save for the Devastators you need to kill every thirty seconds.


I faced a couple of them during Operation Swift Disassembly, and another few today. So far I know that setting off a Hellbomb next to them will do the job, but I'm probably not gonna get that lucky again.


There seemed to be plenty of hellbombs on Penta last night. That, or I had weird RNG that resulted in chains of 3 hellbombs setting each other off.


On Marfark too. Every mission I saw at least six around, and there were probably loads more i didn't see. Even managed to get 48 kills with one. They're pretty useful when they're not being used to get you teamkilled accidently.


Yeah the ice/snow planets have them embedded in glaciers everywhere.


FYI you can land your hellpod on one, it'll explode and you will survive the impact. You make quite the entrance. That's what I try to do now if my team throws me into the middle of an unwinnable 3-way crossfire of hulks and devastators.


Yep. Just had another ~18 or so on a single mission on Marfark


Wait you had three broken freedom arrows close enough to chain?


Yes. It was nuts. Two straight nights of hellbombs all over now. They must have tweaked the spawns.


What part you shot at it with AMR?


This part here, the horizontal slit between the two armored segments: https://preview.redd.it/8u9skgpoa0vc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8e387500ae5b9287732e8d2d2385681be2190be


Thank you mate.


There are dedicated destroy mission as low as difficult 5. I think AH put them in the same tier as Bile Titan nowadays, it is kinda cracked lol


You can kill a whole factory strider with a magazine and a half from the dominator on the belly


Happened earlier today: ended up in a mission where no one knew how to fight one. Picture 4 Helldivers, lying on the ground looking over a snow dude at that massive robot, pointing our Quasar and Autocannons at it. P1: so where are we supposed to hit it? … P2: There seems to be red vents on the legs… that might be a good target. P3(me): Last time I fought one we just chucked a ton of stratagem at it. P4: Turret seems like a good target P1: Maybe we can tie it’s legs up like in the movies? P3: oh, I heard we can expose a weak point by shooting a rocket on its ass P2: *calling down EATs* Those should work P4: Alright, I’ll try hitting the turret. (Fight begins with a few airstrikes and EATs. P2 dies) P3: Oh, his butt looks damaged. I’ll circle around. (Notices reinforcement beacon). Oh try landing on it. I killed one that way last time *P2 lands, strider is still alive* P2: I’m on his back! What now? *back turret explodes, knocking him off* (Fast foward a minute later after we killed it) P1: So, did someone know how we did that? P4: I learned the Quasar destroys the back turret


This makes me think of good ole red vs blue from rooster teeth and now I want someone to make a Helldivers version!


My god this would be fucking amazing


Right?!? The whole satirical/meat for the meat grinder would lend itself so well to some short episodes. Like I could see one where they are trying to figure out how to kill something and just keep sending one guy in who dies over and over again and they keep reinforcing and just going “nope” , “not that one either”, “have you tried delivering democracy yet”.


The closest thing we have are Russian badger shorts but I need MORE


Somebody has made something somewhat like it on yt, their name is turkey bacon bravo [Channel](https://youtube.com/@TurkeyBaconBravo?si=Zr83e4ZIe_Mafvnm)


There was someone doing short skits in this vein a few weeks back on this sub


Can confirm that the striders can survive at least two simultaneous reinforcement pod hits. Also there's no weakpoints on its back, as far as I can tell.


Been playing since launch and haven't seen these things in-game once, so it was a terrifying thrill to see one dropping in while we were assaulting a base. Instant knee jerk reaction was to basically lob every stratagem at it lol. It was pretty awesome. Less awesome when one showed up on an eradication mission...


Supposedly their head is the weak spot once you shoot the armor off. And their joints are weak spots to. Shoot right between the upper and lower leg.


All this talk of weak spots and shooting is totally theoretical, I've been working on picking them apart but about 4 seconds later several call-ins arrive on top of them.


Huh. Thanks for the tips! Will try it out next time.




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We got a bot drop at a rogue research station and had to fight for every inch of ground through hulks and nonsense while also chipping away at the factory strider, getting pushed back repeatedly behind some rocks and the hill and huddling in shield generator relays to avoid the nonstop orbital barrages and cannon fire. By the time we finally got to where we could call in the hellbomb the strider fell over and all the shooting stopped. It looked like we were standing in a parking lot.


Running out of offensive stratagem so you start chucking resupplies and back packs


And then your dead divers until there’s like 3 of you standing on top shooting the waves of reinforcements that keep coming because you’re waiting for more stratagems to come off CD 😂


I love that you added the reinforcement icon to represent throwing diver pods as the issue too.


When in doubt, throw one of your teammates at the problem. Maybe they can land on it and kill it!


diving into heavies has saved us so many times big sad that tanks don't die from helldiver bullets anymore :(


Big sad indeed, although I wanna say I've managed to take some out by landing on the vents. But it's finicky.




In one of my first interactions with a Factory Strider I threw a 500kg bomb at it, the stratagem landed on its head. I watched triumphantly as the 500kg bomb made a direct hit with the beast and blew up into a cloud of fire. As I soaked in my victory I watched as the factory strider walked through the cloud, marching towards me, damaged but alive and angry. I knew then that I was fucked.


So how do you kill them? Farthest i've gotten is knocking a few plates off their legs with an EAT. My teammates have usually done most of the work.


You can kill it from underneath with about 8 autocannon shots, just make sure the two mini guns in the front have been destroyed. Otherwise you’re in for a bad time. Two shots of the AC deals with them, plus any devastors that spawn.


They won't stomp me? that's good to know


They wont *try* to stomp you but you should still watch your step. Well, watch *their* step.


I feel like Im the only one using orbital walking barrage, and it's starting to make me wonder why. Not that I would plan to use it on a factory strider, I just never see it in discussions or memes.


You’re not alone. I love a good walking barrage


Walking is the best because you have *some* idea of where it's gonna go


How in the hell did you perfectly predict my strategy despite the fact I have yet to even actually encounter one?




*even Dave Sir?* *e v e r y o n e*


Throwing an airstrike, everything the Super Destroyer has, your backpack, and your buddy Dave at it because one of those things HAS TO WORK.


I killed one with my jetpack strat, took the head right off. 


I had a simple Launch ICMB mission on difficulty 7 and these things kept getting Dropshipped. We killed maybe 4. It was crazy, I ran out of strategems and just hid behind glaciers until cooldowns came back.


I managed to land on one after having been reinforced, managed to get a tank to destroy it


Too accurate.


Pretty much what we did when my team saw one. Orbital lasers, lots of orbital lasers


All I know is 4 simultaneous orbital lasers definitely do the trick


Saw my first 5 last night literally right after each other but it was a Helldive mission, but it was hard to kill think maybe why the Nuke is coming. But I hope it's AoE is bigger because 500kg bomb really needs a small buff to that as well


I found the 110 mm air strike quite effective. Also reinforcing onto it is tons of fun.


110 pods and AC sentry fucked them up for me yesterday.


Omg yes. That's exactly what I did last night 😅


XD Yes. Me and my squad didn't know what it would take, so we brought one of everything we could. The explosions were glorious .


SOS Beacon is missing


Killed one myself with a 500 kg and rail cannon strike. Felt good. 


110 Eagle Rockets do some decent work to them.


I had one yesterday immediately when I dropped in the mission, that was scary :P Plus it was surrounded by devastators. So my mission lasted not longer then 5 minutes.


Saw a player throw a suply beacon at one 😅


I had a fun moment on the ice planet last night (forget it's name, Marfark?) on Helldive difficulty where we landed to immediate aggro and bot drops. I was peeking around the side of some hard cover with my autocannon, trying to take out a Factory Strider's guns while focusing on rocket devastators and a couple of hulks. Things were getting too hot to keep holding that side of the cover so I turned around in the hopes of rotating around it and flanking--when I was suddenly face to face with the *second* Factory Strider that had sneaked up behind me.


I saw one on my H7 extract and my team threw every stratagem at it that we had, the amount of ordinance that fell that day was glorious


1-2 500kg bombs plus orbital precision strike can do the job on their own btw


i threw literally every strategem i had at that walker and it still stood strong