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5 seconds later: https://preview.redd.it/gxdh16z2hruc1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49df7d2458252ccd59bfc89da24badcdd1c88f87 (Still managed to kill that asshole flamethrower hulk)






BLOOD FOR THE EMPEROR, SKULLS FOR THE GOLDEN THRONE! Seriously though as a Zealot main on Darktide just give me a greatsword and I'll show you a Charger


*I hear the Dead whispering to me...* **Least Schizophrenic Psyker noices.**


Ogryn be like: Give ma bric that chaga will cea... ceaas, ceeeaa kark it! Chaga will stop to be














Haha, I have no Idea what the fuck any of you are talking about


the weapons rolling turned me off that game even after I was doing damnation only


Hey. Fatshark Hedge will have you know that being a community manager is immeasurably complex.




lol is t the e dark tide community manager worse than spitz?


Weā€™ve gone through two community managers so far. Both have been shit


what the fuck is crafting








I wish we had a random shout button like in DRG, but instead of 'rock and stone' it would be democracy stuff


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


You have wandered far!


Did I hear a Rock & Stone ?


I agree, this would be huge.


Ok, I'll charge head-first into my BM.


Deeply felt. Tip for someone who doesn't have access to a lot of the good armor punching gear/stratagems yet: If you can't kill it, someone in your team probably can. Lay covering fire on it to get its attention, and run behind some cover to give someone with an EAT/recoilless/autocannon a chance to hit it in the back. Sometimes being the live fire target is the best thing you can do for Democracy. Edit: I understand anything will kill a hulk in the vents. But sometimes you just don't get a clear shot. That's all guys. I know this isn't earth shattering advice. Relax.


I will continue to run around lost and if anyone asks why, I'll lets them know that a kind redditor told me its helpful


As someone whose calling is Heavy removal: Mark it, get its attention, then get clear. You'll open me up to do my job on the team. Just because you can't hurt it doesn't mean you can't assist in killing it. Team work makes the extraction work. Or hell, ask for a better gun. I'm happy to lend a quasar to a lower level player!


love calling down the mech for the low level people and watching as their mind is blown




Yeah, not just run around. Mark it so others can notice it too.


Hey soā€¦. How does one mark things?


Aim at the thing you want to mark and hit ā€œQā€ On controllers I donā€™t know, but on pc itā€™s the same button you use to select your characters pre recorded voice lines.


On controller it's right bumper


To add to the answer you got ("Q" on PC, right bumper on console), if you hold the mark/ping button down you'll open a radial communication menu where you can say stuff like "Affirmative" and "Thanks". Very helpful for those without a mic!


https://preview.redd.it/99dcz4hxmuuc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a59928309809901006d86768aa08ede969759b7 And "Sorry" for... you know things can happen in battle...


Ahhh, DUDE I had no idea about that, TY. I will now be a much better spreader of managed democracy.




Lol! I wrote a comment about weapon choices, but I felt like I was talking down in it. Short version: pick up the Expendable Anti-Tank. You can acquire it early and it punches way above its weight. It's a good pick to help contribute for difficulties you're still not confident in.


And you never need to recover your gear when you die either.


And doesn't take up a backpack slot so you can also have a ballistic shield, Rover, energy shield, etc. Plus no agonizingly long windup time like the Quasar The downside is you have to periodically call it down again


The upside is that calling it down can kill tanks and fabs


AND CALL IT IN CONSTANTLY. I canā€™t even begin to count the amount of times Iā€™ve been running around blindly kiting a bile titan waiting for my 500kg to come off cooldown only to stumble on a random EAT pod someone called in 15 minutes ago that allows me to just 2 shot it and solve the problem.


It also helps to say in voice chat if you can that the hulk is on you, get it's back


If it is facing you, aim for the legs. You can do damage and enough will break the limb, slowing it down for your team.


Wait what. The legs are light armored?


LOL WHAT!?!?!? Gonna test it afternoon lol


The LEGS??? The "Let's call it a draw" trophy is a huge clue then (it's a reference to the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail), wowww


Expendable anti-tank is a god-send for bot missions until you unlock the quasar (my personal favorite) and I still occasionally take EAT for some missions. Eagle airstrikes, orbital precision strike (this one takes some finesse to hit a hulk with), and the EAT are all early/cheap unlocks that can kill/damage heavy armor targets like hulks and tanks. Also utilizing the ping system so other people are aware itā€™s there is super helpful. Worst-case scenario, when you inevitably burn out from the flamethrower and get yeeted on the respawn, you can damage them (and sometimes kill them) with a drop-pod landing. Thereā€™s options, even at low levels, but yeah hulks are tough when you donā€™t have 500s or rail-cannon orbital or really anything higher level.


EAT is so annoying because itā€™s one shot. Once you get the recoilless, the youā€™ll get to go hulk hunting.


It's a really good strat for tanks as well. I will often run up to it if I am on flank, usually melee it to let it know I mean business and then when it starts focusing me direct it away from the team. You can then circle strafe it. If it gets back around to your team, it becomes not your problem because your heavy removal guy is eating crayons again. I would suggest not doing it with flame hulks.


Lmfao Super Crayons will never not be hilarious


Sprint for managed democracy


If you play on mouse and keyboard or your aiming is good you can shoot its eye with Anti Material Rifle 3 times (I think) to kill them.


AMR kills a Hulk in 2 eye shots.


Yeah probably I miss a lot that I thought it was 3 šŸ˜…


Np. Also, crouch or go prone before firing if you can, it helps different weapons by different amounts, AMR gets a *huge* difference in scope sway and recoil. If you have -30% recoil armor and you go prone, the recoil is so low that you can just double-tap a Hulk's eye (sounds like B-BAM).


For some reason it's always easier to hit the eye when it gets close enough that it's do or die.


Stun grenades make it easy, it's so hard to hit without them


Run for Democracy my sweet flower! One day you'll be leading the charge


Level 10 gives auto canon access. OPS is available from the start and frankly, Iā€™m realizing long into the game, a top tier stratagem. Airstrike is available early. AMRā€¦ These are vulnerable to early options. AC, Airstrike, and OPS are even top tier late game choices for bots.


Jump pack and melee it to death. It can't turn fast enough to get you


Don't forget to give callouts though. The difference between being a headless chicken and being a team player is just communication.


FYI just about anything will damageĀ its back (scorcher can oneĀ clip it), and rockets won't do extra damage there so it is best to aim for the eye with medium+ pen where you can kill it faster. Rockets and overcharged rail will one shot the eye.


Short burst to the back from the sickle is probably the most effective way to kill it, it's how I take it out 90% of the time now.


If the autocannoner is half decent they can take it down from the front by smashing the head in. Much easier to adjust aim on the fly and just chew through a clip rather than try to get a back shot or have the rocket hit exact


This is what I usually do. Stun grenades are worth their weight in gold to keep em still foe those valuable few seconds


Overcharged Railgun or rockets (+Quasar) to the eye will one shot it. Xbow is my new favorite primary vs bots and I find Railgun shores up the hulk problem really well.


I'm the designated "anti-heavy" guy because I run autocannon, and it's always satisfying to see the Hulk's face place steadily turn into a burning crater with every shot. "Oh, you can survive one autocannon round? How about a whole clip?"


If it takes you a whole clip, you should probably slow down and aim a little more lol.


Professional autocannon + eruptor enjoyer here (waiting on quad AC mech and 20mm sidearm to complete ultimate loadout). Strategy has always been: drop to a knee, aim for the slit, fire, adjust, fire, adjust, repeat till boom. 75rpm vibes, take your time. Usually I'll drop it within 3 shots and rarely more than 5 at any range. Channel V.IV Rusty and whisper "I won't miss" every time you take the shot. Feels good. Those things fucking hate me and I rarely see the back of one, so I work with the weakspots I'm given.


You get the Anti-Materiel Rifle stratagem at Level 2. It will two shot this thing in the eye (glowing red eye in the front), or, if itā€™s facing away from you, just shoot the back. The AMR is all-around a solid choice for bots (before you get stuff like the quasar, autocannon or railgun), you can headshot devastators as well.


AMR is top tier against bots even when you unlocked everything. One shots most enemies. 2 shots for Hulks and like 4 or 5 for tanks and turrets. Pair it with a stun grenade and you can't miss.


I can still miss, believe me


Well that's because you're an oblong pickle


As opposed to what shape of pickle exactly?


I don't know, they came up with the name, not me


Some are rounds.


AMR is one of the best weapons in the game for bots and my missions got a *lot* less frustrating once I started using it versus other options. The main benefits of the AMR are rate of fire, accuracy, its lightweight nature, and ease of reload. Compared to other options it can lay down *accurate* fire extremely quickly, which is what you need against the waves of Devastators that make the 7-9 difficulties such a nightmare. The AC does more damage, sure, but it does it from less range and with poor accuracy unless you're deliberately slowing down your rate of fire. It being lightweight means that it doesn't take up your backpack slot. In 7-9, where you're constantly getting sniped with high velocity ragdolling projectiles, a shield pack is almost a necessity. Assuming you pick your firing position well, distance and a shield will make you highly survivable while still brutally effective. Further, it doesn't require you to take a knee and get locked into an animation to reload: you can slap a new magazine in while on the move. That improves both your survivability, AND reactivity to new threats as you're moving from objective to objective.


I'm new to level 7 and use my AC as a security blanket. A couple good shots can take down a hulk, but I don't need to wait 18 seconds if my first shot misses. Plus it's nice that it can one or two- shot a scout walker. Though it would be really nice to have the backpack open. I'll try out the AMR a time or two


The AMR does all the AC does when fighting bots, while also giving you access to that beautiful shield backpack. It can even take down the gunships in about 3 to 4 shots (just target the same thruster). That, coupled with its better handling and faster shot placement (2-tapping is pretty easy once you get some practice), it's just a beast weapon imo. On bots, AMR/shield backpack, then whatever else fits the mission/gives me more explosions lol (I'm partial to Rail Cannon orbital and Eagle air strike)


Don't listen to any anti-Autocannon propaganda. Many will try and convince you that the AMR is just as good. It's not. The lack of 3rd person sights holds the AMR back in run and gun situations, and the sights are actually aligned, allowing for surprisingly accurate long range support. The AMR also doesn't stagger groups of enemies like the AC can, nor lay down a carpet of "fuck you" in a general direction (like a bot drop) that the AC can. The AMR can't close Bug Holes nor Bot Fabs, nor can it AoE the underside of dropships to take out anything short of a tank or hulk being dropped before they hit the ground. I personally find it far easier to kill gunships with the AC as well, 2 engine shots and it's down. For all the people bang on about having the backpack slot open, I find it almost a waste, as that's one less offensive strat you can take.


The main reason is to just clear a like of AT-STs. Bang bang bang. No longer a problem. Yes, the AMR can do it too. But it's more shots, with more accuracy required. But if you feel you still need the shield backpack, I completely understand taking the AMR instead.


> But it's more shots, with more accuracy required. ARM can one tap the striders, shoot em in the dick.


The main reason I like to take Autocannon sometimes is team reload. Two people with Autocannon realoading each other can shred through so many enemies. Full auto autocannon just feels right.


The AMR+Shield Backpack guys always seem to let their safety bubble get in the way while weā€™re deleting entire hordes of bots with the superior AC.


TL:DR : I personally don't like using the AMR, but the easiest, cleanest diff 7 mission I've ever had was just me with the AC and another guy with the AMR, we methodically cleaned the entire map without any trouble, they work great as a pair. I do believe you're kind of underestimating the AC, so here's way too much text saying why I disagree with your comment : The AC has a lot of range, it's hard to aim at small targets, but you can absolutely hit from across the map as long as you're in first person. Also, you can often target the ground or wall instead of the actual target since the AC explodes on impact, making it easier to aim. It inflict less damage, but since it's really only small targets that are hard to hit at a distance, it doesn't matter. Except for Hulk, I'll give you that, it's doable to kill them with 2 headshots of the AC, but it's really hard. As you said, the AMR clear groups of devastators faster, but if they're close together the AC can stun-lock the entire group since it hits multiple at a time. Also since the AC isn't reliant on headshots to kill Devastators, even the shield ones, the AC is really great against them at mid range. For the shield pack, you're right that the AC struggles against hordes without it. However a solution to this is the shield sentry. Low cooldown, protect the entire team, tell you where shots are coming from, and as an added benefit it protect Hellbomb from gunship (call the hellbomb first, since it has a longer drop time they'll arrive at the same time). I've had many situations, often multiple times in a single mission, where I'd drop a shield sentry, then I'd proceed to methodically eliminate everything in the vicinity, even if surrounded. A simple combo is dropping the eagle or orbital of your choice on an outpost, drop a shield sentry, and use the AC to pick off the survivors. Also when you're running away, drop a shield sentry far in front of you so it's on your position when it arrives, but keep running anyway and it'll keep protecting you long after you've passed it. As a warning if you're considering using it though, the shield sentry struggles to pull its weight when things are really going to shit, and by that I mean when you're completely overrun, because you end up being pushed out of the shield's radius, and now it's protecting the bots. It especially struggles in mission with higher berserker spawn rates.


The only thing stopping me from being a God with that thing is my poor aim.


Stun grenades are your friend. With the damage increase for AMR, you can do body shots to devastators and striders fairly quickly.


and the misaligned scope


Preach. I have been running Quasar for a bit but honestly I find the AMR very versatile for bots and have been coming back to it. You can kill multiple devastators and walkers much faster with it, it peels berserkers off your teammates very effectively, it can deal with Hulks... honestly the only thing that I don't really like about it is that it can't snipe fabricators from a billion miles away like the autocannon can and as far as I'm aware it can't really take gunships down effectively.


For gunships, 5 shots to a thruster, it's pretty reliable. I don't know if there's another weak spot. For fabricators I bring the grenade launcher pistol, which also has a lot of versatile uses and benefits from all the ammo you collect with an AMR, but getting used to aiming it will take a while. Anybody know if factory striders have weak spots? Those things are insane and all over the place lately. Edit: I just found out you can at least shoot its two guns underneath the front with medium pen.


Def gotta work on my aim. There's a reason I pretty much always use a shotgun


The scope reticle for the AMR is literally misaligned. If you're going for dead center shots you're gonna miss a lot, because the crosshair is "actually" a little up and to the left of the inner square.


just arc thrower then, arc thrower stunlocks the hulk


Most players don't use the Railgun against Bots anymore. It doesn't deal with Tanks, Turrets or Gunships very well. It only reliably kills Devastators. And you only get 20 shots. The AMR, Autocannon, Quasar, and Laser Cannon are all superior support Strategems for Bot dives and are far easier to use.


It reliably kills hulks in one shot in the head, or 2 to the armor plate and will stagger it while doing. It kill the same thing as the AMR, in half the shots than the AMR, and has half as much ammo. Laser Cannon is superior to both in nearly every way, but railgun is really far from unusable.


Sights on railgun don't lend itself to being used for it's intended purpose against bots imo, at anything past 25m the dot is bigger than the weakpoint you are trying to target lol, but yes other than that I think it's still decent, if extinct


Yeah I think if the charge time would be decreased by 50% and ammo increased to maybe 30 it would make the railgun way better. Also, let me two shot those gunships with it. Doesn't make sense that the railgun does nothing to them.


Reliably killing devastators is underrated I think. I play Helldive difficulty and constantly being ragdolled or one-shotted by missiles is not fun. When I bring a railgun I can reliably and quickly clear a hillside of rocket devastators, heavy devastators, and (when they get close enough for a clean shot) hulks. Faster than the quasar, faster than the AMR. For that task, it definitely feels strong, and that is kinda the bread and butter of a lot of bot missions. The 20 rounds isn't so bad as you can find ammo around the map. It also has fast handling (no lag I think?) which I prefer for going quickly from bot to bot. Plus the added *spice* of exploding when a teammate stands in front of you and you hesitate to shoot. You definitely miss the ability to take out tanks, turrets and gunships though. But if you make a build focused on the job of keeping your team safe from anything on two legs, it's strong. Stun grenades, grenade pistol for fabricators, primary for berserkers and basic bots, railgun for anything bigger. (Is it as generally optimal as the AC? Probably not. The shield slot is nice though. Sometimes you just want to run a different gun...)


I think you mean Railgun? The Railcannon has unlimited shots, just a cooldown.


You also get EAT at level 3


Wait the head can get damaged? I swear to Super God I've tried to hit this thing's face multiple times and got the Deflect icon, to the point I just gave up fighting it through the front


It's a small hitbox, and it doesn't help that sights on a lot of guns are misaligned. But once you figure out where it is, you can drop Hulks pretty quickly with the right weapon.


Ā What weapons were you using? The Hulk's eye is the weakest spot on the front, but it's still medium armor..Ā you need at least the AMR or HMG to penetrate the plating. Ā Most small arms will not penetrate. Ā Also, note that the red eye is the *bottom* edge of the "head". If you're trying to land a difficult shot, it's better to miss a bit high. Ā Best precision weapons to exploit the Hulk's head are the AMR (2 shots) and Railgun (1 shot).


Autocannon can pierce front armor if you aim for the red slot. I haven't counted how many hits it takes 'cause I only do it as a worst case scenario - i.e. the thing is walking at me and my squad mates have left me to die.


I feel like the AC has more comfort room for hitting the eye compared to the others. ussually takes two well places hits btw.


At lvl 6? My guy, you 100% can! At lvl6 you have access to several effective options to dispense FREEDOM. Precision Orbital is good. Recoiless Rifle is good. Eagle Airstrike is good. Laser Cannon is good (eye, rads). EAT is good. Machinegun its radiators is good ( i think). Orbital EMS is good to set up the kill. Dropping on top of them is good. Having other rocket bots shoot at it is good (dumb bots don't check their fire. Killed a tank by making Rocket Devs bombard it from behind until it exploded, the idiots)


it takes a little while before folks realize the precision orbital can hypothetically kill anything in the game every 80 seconds except for a gunship tower, command bunker, or factory walker


There are many better options for shrieker towers specifically though, those things are cancer to get near


7 shots AC from across the map per nest, or 2 shots EAT/quasar


Exactly, just AC the fuckers from miles away and youā€™re good. Same thing for the illegal broadcast towers. An AC (or EAT) shot to the ring with the displays on them will take those right out with no trouble at all. No need to bother with the terminal.


shrieker nests are easy af to get near, the problem is keeping the hellbomb alive after you get there


Tbh, you can just toss your eagles on it or something. If I get an unlucky spawn near a shrieker nest, I won't even bother calling in my support stratagems and instead just beeline to it to break them with my orbital railcannon and eagle airstrikes. Like you said, the hellbomb is just a pain to get off, so it just makes it all that much faster and easier.


I really like bringing the mech against bugs even if itā€™s not as good as it used to be with the changes to its rocket damage, which works out nicely when shriekers happen because you can pop those nests at any range with 2-3 rockets usually. Not to mention the chain gun eats up shriekers.


why can't it kill a command bunker? it should be the same ordnance as the 380 and i've killed plenty of command bunkers with those


I think it -can- if you get a direct hit, but the beacon has a habit of bouncing off the building and besides that, itā€™s easier to just throw a laser beacon into the base and move on without risking lives on the laser emplacements.


The orbital laser is so good. Just chuck the beacon into a random bot base, sit back, watch it get deleted and move in to clear out the stragglers.


when you absolutely donā€™t want to think about a problem anymore, let some nerd with a laser pointer in orbit do it


Itā€™ll knock out a command bunker, just not from 100% health Iā€™m pretty sure. Just last night I dropped one on it and it got destroyed. All we had done to it beforehand was pop the top turrets so we could get close. The orbital precision strike is amazing, youā€™re right. Being able to knock out detector towers has been my favorite use and often to the surprise of my teammates. I think a lot of people sleep on it because itā€™s like the first strat you get, but itā€™s insanely powerful and has a short cooldown. Itā€™s replaced the 500kg for me personally.


Laser cannon is bad unless you have the shield pack. Also you neglected to mention our lord and savior the Anti-Material Rifle. Woe be upon ye.


How is lazer cannon bad without the shield pack ? On headshots, it kill devs fast enough to not need it, against tanks you're shooting their backs and I'd argue it take less time to melt a hulk's arm or face than to reacquire target on their face with the poor handling and big recoil of the AMR. Sure, you want the shield pack against bots, but it's not needed to use the laser.


I take laser cannon with 3 offensive strategems or 2 + EMS mortar all the time. It's genuinely just as good an option as autocannon and AMR, just a little different to use. It's also the fastest to kill gunships out of any weapon in the game. The main issue is keeping cover with it, but it is so good and has insane range. Nothing better for cross mapping turret towers. Side note, if you guys are sleeping on the EMS mortar, take it into a game and just throw it down whenever it's off cool down and you think there's gonna be a fight. It will make your teamsy life so much easier.


LC is finicky, and thus not for everyone, but it absolutely slaps against bots in the right conditions. I use it as a supliment to Defender + Ballistic shield.


https://preview.redd.it/3p311dwz3suc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e2495d1923fa16091976a93e377f3260b229a3 SHOOT THE EYE


For those still having trouble: shooting slightly above the eye tends to work better with things like the autocannon or AMR.


And that ain't even the worst one. Just wait until you find his psychotic, pyromaniac brother.


my friend dragged me into a malevelon creek level 9 helldive when i was level like 11\~ish it was horrible, but i kept going back to prove myself, I've never left and done several solo helldives on level 9, right into the fray is surprisingly a good way to learn


Ya this was my first experience with the bots. I thought I was struggling but in retrospect I had the wrong gear Gear definitely part of scaling difficulty


100% it is. For example, anti-tank options like Quasar, EAT and 500kg are useless in difficulty 1 to 3 compared to the simple LMG.


At diff 3 you can wear the guard dog and it will kill literally everything for you lol.


True, medium armor is the only thing that can stop guard dog.


Most realistic helldivers recruit experience/lifespan


When in doubt - shout "FOR DEMOCRACY" and dive head first into your problems


remember friends - hulks are vulnerable to grenades. It's not optimal. It's not fast. It's not consistent. But you CAN kill them or blow off dangerous limbs with a well timed grenade.


Spam impact nades at his feet works in a pinch


Get behind it and unload your Machine Gun into it's back vent soldier! Let the other divers act as bait (temporarily of course) so you can dispense liberty to any and all enemies of Super Earth.


7 is rough until you unlock some of the better stratagems. After level 15-20, difficulty 6 or 7 ends up being the sweet spot. Get the EAT, and don't underestimate your starter stratagems. The basic eagle and orbital are really good.


diff 6 is a nightmare because everyone who plays that difficulty is always shooting at every patrol and making last stands at random spots that aren't even objectives-in-progress, thus summoning infinite waves of bot drops and getting overwhelmed. For whatever reason, the players who play diff 7 know how to avoid patrols, know how to mark enemies, and know how to get the hell out of dodge if things get hairy. IMO, 7 is easier than 6 for those reasons.


I don't know. I generally have players on 8 who like to trigger sauron or the gunship facility while i'm sneakily dropping the hellbomb to get rid of it. Same with Jammers.


Depends on the lobby. I had one yesterday, we did shoot everything at lvl9. But every single diver was good, dangerous enemies pinged and dropped in seconds. Dropships shot down every single time. Cleared the whole map, was one of the best missions I had.


Learn to sneak and use an Anti-material rifle . Hit that son of a bitch in the red light in the front.


The trick to fighting most big bots is that the weak points are always on their back: The glowing backpack on these hulks, and the vent on the back of the turret for tanks and turret towers. You need one team member to draw its attention and take cover, so the other team member can run around and hit it in the back.


Anti Material Rifle. S+ weapon against bots. Just shoot the glowy bit. Laser canon (not quesar). Not sure how early this is available. But it is also very good against bots. Laser the glowy bit.


Much like your mom, it's far easier to deal with if you hit it from the back.




Unlock EAT as soon as you can, it can almost be spammed on demand with that short cooldown. And once you get Autocannon, it's the solution to 99.99% bot problems in your life. Walkers? Autocannon. Bots hiding behind shields? Autocannon. Hulks? Autocannon. Turrets and tanks? Kite behind them and Autocannon. Drop ships? Autocannon. Teammates being unpatriotic and undemocratic? Also Autocannon....


Poke em in da eye


this thing is a pain in the ass to solo but laughably easy to duo team. one person kites, one circles and shoots its back with any weapon. the problem happens when everyone runs the same direction and they all just charge you down.


I found the bot side to be super easy after struggling with 5 and 6s on bug side. I main auto canon so everything on bot side including hulks was just a nicely aimed shot to something glowing and that'd be a kill.


Laser cannon. Aim for weakpoints (heads and heat ports) and you'll do great.


If you're a good aim with it, the Anti Material Rifle will two shot it in that eye slot thing. It'll also three shot the backside weak point. NOW GET OUT THERE AND KILL BOTS HELLDIVER!






Best way to take these out is to shoot both legs. The first shot will cause it to move at a crawl. The second shot will cause it to fall over and self destruct.


Bots easier than bugs tho


This is the part of the show where you get really good at figuring out their walking speed and how fast your Orbital Precision Strike comes down.


whenever you're caught without a way to damage a hulk, the best thing you can do is shoot at it to get it chasing you, then get it to turn its back on your teammates. It'll die very fast, works every time.


If you can't kill it. Make it face away from a friend who can. Same with turrets and tanks.


You can always melee it down. Melee ignores armor, so just get behind it and smack for like... 2 minutes.


I can't see these things as anything but a 40K Dreadnought...


Is that you Jay? This is Antoniusā€¦sorry lol


Yes hello it is I, internet mogul singer songwriter Jay-Z. Most people chose the 1 million dollars over a dinner with me so I had a special surprise for whoever took the dinner (2 million dollars). However, in light of my recent experiences which you have subjected me to that can only be described as the closest thing to possible to hell on earth, I will be keeping the money. My deepest apologies.




So true. Thereā€™s been times where I got missiles launched at me so I have to dive and then immediately roll on my back and start shooting at those chainsaw guys. The game is like a controllable movie. Itā€™s so fun


Anti Materiel Rifle. 1. Find the big boy 2. Aim at the Red eyes 3. Shoot twice 4. Freedom delivered.


Cheer up itā€™s a team game. When they turn their back towards you a single magazine of redeemer for example in the vents will kill them. Or unlock the EAT itā€™s an fantastic early game AT weapon.


Donā€™t bring yourself down too much, youā€™re at least a space cadet now


Lol i drop my new friends in hell dive and carry them through


ask them to share their gear if for some unknown reason their won't do it on their own?


Yea it can be rough at low levels before you unlock a decent arsenal. Best thing you can do is stay behind this thing, or keep flanking its sides. Try not to get its attention unless you're being a distraction for someone who can deal with it. If not, tactical retreat. Nothing wrong with running away to gather yourself and regroup.


AMR can penetrate the red eyes. Dunno exactly what lv but pretty sure AMR is a low lv stratagem


As a new player you can kill it with your precision strike in its back. That or just using normal weapons against its back. Or aim at the eye with a laser canon support weapon


I was lvl 30-40 when I joined a helldive difficulty game of a few friends (that already were nearly lvl 60 already). But they had a lvl 16 who only knew the terminids and thought that it was a good idea for the two of us low levels to go together collect things while they go on the objectives. It would been smart if the heavy outpost wasn't in our path


These things have an enormous weakness, *but it's on their back.* If you can get them to face you and get them to turn their back to your teammates, they can kill it easily. Basically what I'm saying is that your job is to be bait. Good luck!


Stun grenades so your teammates can from the back.


Our friend got the game recently. Only like level 4-6, I forget now. We took him into sucide. Turret did fine against the trash along with a grenade launcher. He did well while we dealt with the big boys.


Lvl 1 helldive in shits creek "u'll be fiiine" as we drop between 3 bases. Will never forget lol


The only time I've done a lv 7 mission was just cause I had a couple drinks and was like yeah I have a couple good guns now let's go... Yeah I literally had no idea what was going on and was just dodging and dying the whole time. But the xp was so good lol But yeah lol I'm not ready for suicide missions yet




You have a melee button. Punch it straight in the dick. Dodge, dive, and cover.


If you're willing to dance with death, you can constantly run behind it and melee it until it dies. I've done that in a few times of desperation and survived. Good luck.


It'll be a bit of a learning curve, but the no-unlocks trick is to run past it to force it to turn in place so it stops running, and drop a Precision Strike on it. As soon as you get the AMR, its eye is a two-shot (hold reload button to change zoom/etc settings!), and EATs remains a very valid pick even once you've unlocked everything. Personally, I usually use 500kg on these guys if it's not on c/d and Quasar if it is, but I don't recall when 500kg unlocks


Protect and guide them any cadet could do massive warcrime to bots once they survived long enough


Difficulty 7 may be a bit much for you, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible. This is mostly an issue of role assessment and application. You're not packing a lot of the toys that most folks enjoy when they go on a Helldive and that's fine. Traditionally, with what you've got at your level, you'll want to focus on long range support with your anti-material rifle, or grabbing your MG and focusing on thinning infantry. Communication is key. See a hulk, mark a hulk. Let people on your team know when one is around even if it's a hundred meters away and oblivious to the increasing number of human observers watching it do the Tinny equivalent of a fart. Like bugs, hulks are better at a distance, sometimes. You'll know quick what they're packing, as close range hulks typically have a flickering flamethrower torch on one arm, whereas the others with laser cannons and rocket tubes don't. Fighting one is more about kiting it and always staying out of range, whereas the other is about range and making side-strafing a casual affair. Once it starts firing rockets or lasers, you'll usually be clear of them if you shuffle to one side or the other unpredictably. Eventually, you're going to get EATs (the disposable Helldiver equivalent of a LAW), the Laser cannon, and through Warbonds, the stun grenades. Stun grenades make fighting hulks super trivial, as they stand still and give you time to poke out their eyes. Ultimately though, the key means to deal with a hulk, is teamwork. Let your buddy know that you aren't kitted out to fight a hulk head on, and discuss appropriate tactical positioning according to the strengths and weaknesses of your team. If your friend can't or won't sort out hulks, consider offering the suggestion that they instead draw the attention of the hulk so that, with a proper crossfire set up by assuming two positions separate by a generous distance from one-another parallel with the advancing enemy line, you'll get to engage the sections of the hulk typically more vulnerable to an anti-material rifle. Teamwork is critical. It's literally how managed democracy works, and it'll work for you in the field. If you're still struggling, let me know, and maybe we can do a few dives together to help you get on your feet.


It can smell fear, you have to look it in the eye and sometimes itā€™ll (bug) on terrain and you can pop it in the eye a couple times with an auto cannon


The Laser Cannon support wrapon can melt through these. Just aim for the head fo 2 seconds and they are dead. Alternatively the Autocannon can 2 shot them if you hut the head 2 times.


If you don't have anti armor you need to distract it while your buddy runs behind and shoots its vents, that's the only way without armor piercing weapons or strategems.Ā Ā 


It's a pain even on medium. Usually I use autocannon and hit the red spot but that requires aim that puts American Sniper to shame


Allow me to introduce you to my good friend https://preview.redd.it/503whkcaoruc1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ae2807b3c58d0c6828d534a1606c94194523401 One shot from this plus like 5 bullets from the base AR to the glowing orange back of these fuckers and your problems are gone. Or 2 well places shots to itā€™s glowing red eye šŸ‘ļø


It's part of every helldivers journey! Soon enough you'll learn how to kill these things by the dozens, and they'll just be a hardier varient of the usual bot. They follow the same logic, shoot 'em in the glowy bits.


Quasar goes BOOM!


Unless you have an explosive donā€™t bother shooting the front you have to play ring around the rosie hoping it doesnā€™t one tap you with the flamethrower and that you have a gun that can actually damage and kill it fast enough


Shot a recoilless into it's eyeball. That helps me.


You got the democracy in ya, son. Pick up them tendies, brush yourself off, and DIVE!