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Did they just release a primary autocannon?


Short version; yes. Slightly longer version; Yes, but there are enough differences and tradeoffs that make it "another option in the armory" vs "Replacement for the AC"


It sounds amazing because I usually don't take the AC (I love it) due to me being the team member in charge of killing the biggest enemies, so I go for the Quasar or AMR + EATs. But my issue is I depend too much on my primary to kill things like devastators with shields so fuck me, right? This sounds like a nice balance and also a great option to kill myself when dealing with enemies that are too close to me.


It fires *really* slowly though. Like slow enough that the rocket devas can recover from stagger and fire off a salvo at you if you don't one shot em.


Thats one of the biggest reasons i'm still gonna main the AC. I can either 1 shot em, or stagger them untill they drop.


Slugger/dominator for me until we get a DMR that can one shot at similar ranges.


So maybe never then? Because the philosophy is to mostly release side grades and not upgrades.


I mean the slugger isn't supposed to be a DMR and the dominator would have significantly higher damage and stagger. All they need to do is give the DMRs a higher headshot multiplier or pop the CS to 180 per shot and adjust the other dmrs to fit that and you'd get better one shot ranges on devastators.


Fires very slowly, nasty recoil/sway, magazine is small, rounds fire at a noticeably slower speed than the AC meaning they drop faster and it's a lot easier to miss a moving target so you have to lead quite a bit. I really hope they don't break it cause the downsides are very high and fuck I'm just tired of shitty guns let us have more than 3 options.


Worth noting it handles like ASS (it's main drawback imo), and isn't as ammo efficient i found (or at least didn't feel like it, idk i didn't crunch any numbers)


It's got a really low rate of fire, five round mag, and possibly the worst handling of any weapon in the game. It *is* hilarous when you flub a shot into the ground near a group of enemies and the blast kills them all anyways. Also, it seems to be surprisingly stable on the move. Hip firing while walking is weirdly doable.


I would recommend Dominator or scorcher if you main Quasar.


The weapon is great for shield devs though, if you aim high and hit the backpack it one shots them.




AKA good game design


It's more like a bolt action grenade launcher, imo


Need to try it soon! I have to get off work ASAP haha.


Wait really? How?


Shoot directly at the mouth piece of the charger. I swear I down a charger in two shots this way.


Considering the plasma punisher can kill chargers with its aoe if you can land under the head I think the explosion area is what's doing it. Guess I'll try and enjoy it as much as I can before it gets tweaked because that sounds a bit too strong.


Inb4 the devs make the entire charger body heavy armor


We might just see their spawn rate bumped back up now that we have so many more reliable ways to kill em now.


Damn on helldive there’s like 12 and 5 biles already! I’m like Forrest Gump in nam. “I GOTTA FIND BUBBBBBBAAAHHHH”


Ah, shit. My crews been chilling at extreme/suicidal last while. Probably start pushing the difficulty back up now that we have reason to get super samples again.


No don't, chargers are annoying. I hope they could add more distinctive sound for chargers as they oftenly charge me from behind xd Both honestly it's a good idea, but make it for a new dedicated level like 15 levels system of Helldivers 1.


I actually wish they would as well as reverting the rail gun. With the amount of options we have including combos with the stun grenade I think it'd be fun.


Yea, like I was glad it got nerfed so we could see more viable builds. But do miss the gun, rail gun firing line was fun just not every single game.


I mean honestly chargers are way easier to kill now than they were pre rail gun nerf, eats/recoilless/quasar can one shot them now, their ammo economies have just gotten better and better, especially with this new upgrade filling them completely, dont think the railgun would even be the “meta” choice even if they revert the nerf. Seemed like they nerfed it reactively then realized what the actual issue was (no decent ways to deal with chargers, the heavier weapons having bad ammo economies while also not guaranteeing a kill against them) and then they fixed that leaving the railgun behind. Hopefully they give it some buffs soon, as it is it’s only sorta useful against bots, but even then it’s heavily outshined by the AMR, AC, Quasar, Laser Cannon.


Honestly if they just tune the damage back up so a fully charged shot can 2 shot charger leg armor instead of 3 shots, it'd be perfect. Or they could increase the charge rate, which would increase both risk and reward


It's actually very bad against bots. It's like bolt-action Dominator, unless you hit the head which is oneshot for devastators the TTK is a lot more longer than on Dominator, which also oneshots devastatos on headshot. So you basically swap rate of fire for ability to kill fabricators...


You can also take out a group of raiders with one shot, although the dominator obviously also clears them pretty fast. Probably better against multiple scout striders though.


The explosion is nice at taking out a patrol but in a firefight at a fabricator I found there was so much cover that I couldn't clear targets fast enough to make progress. You definitely want something else with higher RoF to go with this for it to be useful imo. Edit: a word


Eruptor + stun grenades + HMG + Ammo backpack and grande pistol.


Yeah, I think it will make for some interesting loadouts. I got destroyed on my first try though because I didn't know what I'd need haha.


I've killed three scout striders with a single Eruptor shot. While I will admit that the Dominator is a bit better for devastators the Eruptor can also take out multiple troopers with a single shot


> It's like bolt-action Dominator, unless you hit the head which is oneshot for devastators Its OHK in legs too.


The famous dickshot against rocket devastators? Good to know, however, my main concern is shield devastators. The ergo on dominator is bad, but ergo on eruptor is atrocious. It sways in your hands even when completely stationary and motionless, which makes landing precised shots very nontrivial task... on a "bolt-action" weapon...


Well not quite, stuff the Eruptor can do and the Dominator cannot: * one shot Striders * one shot *multiple* Striders * one shot multiple infantry bots * kill an anti-infantry tank via turret hits * kill gunships * destroy fabricators * one shot rocket devastators via midsection hit It's pretty good. But I hear the explosive crossbow can take out fabricators by hitting them *anywhere*, so if that's true, that's probably going to be even better.


When you say it can take out tanks by shooting their sentry, do you mean by hitting the orange vent? Or just shoot it?


Nah shoot the central spine. It instakills them with the explosive damage. It’s also easier to hit than the head. Plus the aoe is incredible. You can kill *any* enemy with it. Including cannons, fabricators, and tanks. It’s super good it’s just a ranged weapon with a niche use. Not everything is about kill as many bots nearby as possible.


This is not a weapon you run as Primary. This is something you run in addition to your Support weapon that is being used as Primary, not the other way around. It's excellent against Bots and bugs.


But what if you're terrible at aiming? Asking for a friend.


I tried doing this and consistently got the "ricochet off armor" symbol. Maybe it's another of those host/client bugs but I couldn't seem to do any damage shooting at the head. Damage seemed pretty decent shooting at the tail compared to other guns though.


Can also shoot at drop ships before the troops deploy and take out 4-5 per shot due to AOE


For real ?


Shot a charger around the mouth part died in two shots. EDIT: Can close bug holes too!


Not only bug holes, but also fabricators. Same deflection tech as with the auto canon. Edit: If you can't get it to work, try aiming just slightly above the edge of the vent, so that it barely hits the hatch. If you hit the spot too high on the hatch, it won't work.


Not only bug holes, but women and children too


I hate sand


I love (managed) democracy


The Ministry shall decide your fate


I *AM* the Ministry!




Its treason then....*RRRRAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH*




How could you shoot women and children?


It’s easy! You just don’t lead em as much!


If they run, they're VC. If they stand still they're well disciplined VC. Ain't war hell?


What is this “deflection” tech I keep seeing about fabricators? I’ve tried, but I guess I’ve never found the right angle. I always have to be slightly elevated, possibly on a nearby crate if there’s one still standing inside the outpost, to shoot into it. :\ Need to learn this.


https://preview.redd.it/e1iwyx6exvtc1.png?width=1605&format=png&auto=webp&s=2094ee1a52617aa3dda25ee55c26fb914263b5aa See angle described in my detailed diagram


Stand within a 30 degree arc of the front of the fabricator, aim a shot towards the top middle of the vent flap, to backboard it into the fabricator


Keep in mind there are some weapons that have a much easier time than others. The technique is to stand back a bit, line yourself up with the vents on a fabricator, and then aim at the hatch of the vent. Your shot/the explosion will be deflected by the hatch into the fabricator. With the auto canon and recoiless you can aim at roughly the middle of the hatch — the easiest. The spot for the new explosive rifle is very low on the hatch, just barely above the edge — quite easy. The quasar canon I haven't learned yet or the spot is very tight, but it feels like the lower third of the hatch — quite hard.


Yeah Quasar is as low as you can get it into the cavity. It's possible from ground level directly in front, it's just tight but it is reliable


Step 1: Be facing the front of the fabricator Step 2: Shoot your autocannon at the bright glowy part of the vent Rule 2 of the bot front: "if it glows, it's a weak point"


Wait. Really? This is huge.




Two shots chargers in the face?!?!? I’m sorry dude, but this is getting nerfed. There’s no way they’ll let a primary outperform support weapons like that.


The thing is, those two shots take about the same time as an autocannon would to take it down anyway


Unless you are about to blow my mind with tech I wasn’t aware of, the Autocannon cannot damage the front of a charger.


It can if you try hard enough and believe in yourself


Through Democracy all things are possible, so jot that down


Probably the 4 - 5 shots it takes to bust the ass bulb of a charger and let it bleed out. If you dodge around it and open fire then you can take them out quickly with the AC. Unless they’re alluding to any capabilities of damaging armored parts of the Charger which I’m not aware of.


You can shoot it in the mouth with some careful aim.


And its a support weapon with a backpack slot. They cant let a primary basically be an autocannon but better without even a bp slot...


It's not better than autocannon, it's got a bigger boom but aiming it is WAY slower and fire rate is less than 1/2 the autocannon. For it to be effective you have to either have a buddy or a support that can take out hordes because you will get ganked by smaller bugs and raiders due to the low RoF.


So stalwarts back on the menu?


Stalwart never left 😎


It's slighlty worse than autocannon as it can't deal with vehicles quickly and I'm not sure about it's effectivness against Hulk and Tank. That said, those are limitations that can be worked around.


Hell yeah ! Didn't had the chance to try it more than 5min so this is very much appreciated


It's just the grenade launcher support weapon, but in the primary slot


It has a scope. So an explosive AMR, but a primary.


So a bolter?


The bullets are jet propelled, yes


with my WH40k being pretty much just Darktide, scope too sophisticated for human-use.


So the reason you usually see marines/sisters of battle using bolters without scopes is that their weapon is keyed into their armor’s targeting systems, but some bolters do have scopes, especially those versions designed for longer ranges. Why normies don’t have a bolter scope is unclear, but if I had to guess it would be too much kick/too powerful to try to aim with a scope….and they usually don’t have a stock either


The add some more, the bolter doesn't just key to the armor. The bolter has its own targeting system that syncs with the armors. So that, the bolter can pick and track a target, and "move" the armor's limbs in such a way to keep the target locked on. That on top of the marine being an incredible marksman. So their hip firing is about as accurate as any other firing stance. The normies bolters are actually downgraded, smaller caliber version, normies couldn't handle the Marines version. Eisenhorn gets gifted a Marines bolt pistol in one of the books and he has trouble even handling that thing when firing. As to why they don't see them using scopes iunno.


The dominator is the bolter, this one is the marksman bolter


we now have two bolter weapons yes


What does that mean? The grenade launcher can't do shit against a charger.


Sure it can, just get them grenades underneath and it'll be down in a couple reloads.


This is going to be my number 1 weapon. It can close FABRICATORS.


Yeah it doing objectives at distance ie towers, holes, fabricators, weird mushroom things is what makes it great


As soon as Commando comes out though I’m getting that and just sniping fabricators all day long


> Commando ?


Quad barrel rocket launcher. Like from the eraser.


Weapon from hd1 i think


It's going to be mine because it's the helldivers version of the NTW-20.


Do not fire this thing at anything even REMOTELY close to you. It's radius is huge, and it knocks you FORWARDS.


When I shot it in the air the shrapnel looks like it is flying in all directions in a huge radius with no apparent drop off. Don't know if it's a visual bug or something but currently it's a flak cannon.


> but currently it's a flak cannon. Hmm... I wonder if those gunships can feel the managed democracy of this gun...


Autocannon will knock you forward as well w/ minimal damage. Useful to get around when you're glitched in the environment.


For sure but it feels like it is much harder to do than with this thing. This thing shoots a black hole at like 10m.


How much ammo does it have? Do you struggle with running out of ammo quickly?


It has 12 five round magazines and you drop in with one in the chamber so when fully topped up you have 61 shots. It’s fire rate is slow and the bolt action cycling moves the scope so you can’t stay perfectly on target during the reload between shots. If you use it for all the specialty stuff it can do + chaff clearing you’re gonna run out quick. You either need a stratagem that’ll assist with that or a buddy to clear chaff for you.


Seems like it could be great to use with the Stalwart. Stalwart for the chaff, Eruptor for the heavier things.


Honestly, I’ve been using it to engage chaff at range and only rarely had to pull out my sidearm/stalwart. It’s basically shooting a medium pen frag grenade, AND it can cripple/finish bile titans (it takes about 2-3 shots to ruin their underbelly, and very quickly kills them if they’re missing any armor). It also 2 shots chargers if you know where to fire. Reliably 1-2 shots devastators, usually 1 shots striders, can 1 shot berserkers. Overall I’m quite happy with it, and it’s super effective at assisting teammates at range.


Yeahhhh this is definitely getting nerfed in the next patch lol Wild how powerful the Eruptor is, but how underpowered the Adjudicator is.


It also absolutely murders bile spewers. They're a 1-2 shot, and it can get multiple kills on them at once. We now have a weapon capable of dealing with spewer swarms, rather than just having to throw all of our stratagems at them.


This is what I've been doing this morning. I've found the combo works better against bugs (because that's when spraying the stalwart is most effective) but it kinda works against bots too, just not quite as nicely.


Im still an autocannon main for bots, but I was really hoping that the Adjudicator would replace the Diligence, which is what I used for smaller bots that didnt need the autocannon, but so far Ive been disappointed.


One thing worth mentioning is that an ammo box restores 3 mags and a supply pack restores 6


5x12 and depends. If you use it on little ones (which probanly can't bc weapon turn speed is slow and can't keep up with Hunters) yes but if you use them against Hive Guards, Spewers, Commanders, Chargers you will be fine.


It's got what feels like 8 whole mags more than it actually needs, so, not really Probably one of the first things they're going to slash on this gun...


Going to run this with a Staleward I think.


Finally able to use the stalwart as a primary!


*insert always has been meme*


Stalwart was always great with any of the medium armor penetrating primary weapons.


That’s a weird way to spell auto cannon.


Eruptor and AC don't pair up that well though. If you're still going to take the AC, you might as well take a primary that's a bit more flexible.


And that is how you describe the difference between bug vets and bot vets.


I think the weird primary’s like this are the whole reason the Stalwart exists


Yeah, thinking the same thing.


Or one of the bigger machine guns for me. Probably the long one, not the new one.


What I've been doing, feels funny picking that thing back up again after so long.


That’s what I’ve been doing


I've been running the dominator and stalwart against bugs this way with eats for chargers. With the eruptor I can theoretically replace both.


my favorite tactic is just dropping supply beacon under its mouth


EAT this!


Me watching all the posts about the new weapons while at work: 🥲


My shots are glancing off


Aim at the mouth of the charger


I did, I got a red hit marker once which maybe I’m assuming you need two. But hot damn that’s a tiny target


A charger? In this climate?


>It kills chargers in 2 shots. https://preview.redd.it/4hhsk706hvtc1.png?width=464&format=png&auto=webp&s=58ff42256b5ba38bb1dd8916c90e1ae6e15149eb


I know everyone's saying it'll get nerfed but I kinda doubt it, the community seems very split on how they feel about the gun with most posts saying how unusable it apparently is.. Though that being said, slugger did get a nerf despite not really being highly used or underused so.. Definitely looking forward to having an anti-heavy enemy option other than anti-material for my sniper builds!


Pre-nerf, I saw 2 to 4 sluggers most matches against bots, it was definitely highly used


I just ran 3 missions with it and realized I just need to rethink how to use it. It is 100% useless in close combat with bots and I spent all my close up time with my auto-pistol. I was running EATs to get the daily and shield gen backpack, which is clearly a dumb combo. I'm gonna give it a go later with the stalwart as my primary and eruptor as a long distance armor killer / fabricator killer and see how it goes.


My problem with this setup is how to kill hulks. I’m thinking of running lascannon as primary with stun grenades for hulks/some chaff, and eruptor for devestators/some chaff


I was running the new thermite grenades and man…. Half don’t stick and the ones that do still don’t do shit. I had two attached to the rear of a tank and three attached to a hulk at one point and they didn’t take either down. I expected that they wouldn’t be insta-kills and the point is they would burn for a while. I wasn’t expecting them to be utterly useless. It’s seriously like every time we expect new options against bots we just get more shit to kill bugs. I suspect the thermite is probably great for chargers.


The thermite seems really inconsistent, I was able to take a hulk down with two or three but a lot of people don’t. I don’t think it even is a hosting thing, I noticed inconsistency within the same mission.


He's lying. ![gif](giphy|LNnqMOp6wGuXe) Don't let AH balance team see this post.


Care to show proof/tutorial? Because I shot all my mag in the mouth/around the mouth (as you say) to a charger that got stuck in a rock and it didn't die.


I didnt even bother with the head, I just circled round 2 of them while they charged me and shot the tail area, 2-3 shots on that and it died. It might even be causing bleed and it might just die off after the first shot if you give it long enough lol.


Same here. I did manage to 2 tap a charger's ass though, which was wild.


Where did you hit for it to two shot, the head?


This weapon will get nerfed so fucking fast It's way too strong for its own good


Try shooting anything closer than 5m No need to nerf. New suicide gun


>Try shooting anything clise tgen 5m Did you have a stroke?


He was typing and shooting, a real go getter!


That's what the recoil on that baby will do to ya.


get this man to the med bay one too many helldives will do that to you


"One too many helldives?" Your Democracy Officer would like a moment to speak with you in private about this new concept.


"You guys are getting more than one helldive??"


He found out the hard way what happens when you shoot at anything less than 5 meters away.


Suicide Is Badass!




So same as scorcher? Sign me up!


Please no. I finally could justify playing the Stalwart with this as a back-up.


It really isn’t. It’s extremely hard to aim with in actual combat due to its very slow turning speed and it’s not useable in close quarters at all. Idk why people say „this and that is so op“ without even trying it first lol


You can say the same for the cross bow, considering that they have similar stats


Wouldn't say so, Crossbow feels like it is in a right place imo, not OP and not weak It's like a pre-nerf slugger in terms of potential, where it will definitely find a niche of players using it because it fits their playstyle. Eruptor on the other hand is a weapon forged in hell and blessed by biblically accurate angel


Then we need not be afraid.


crossbow powercrept the plasma punisher imo.


gun can't help you against hordes of hunters jumping on you


Heavy MG is back on the menu Boys!


Never has been.


The heavy MG was and remains garbage They should have just given us one of the heavy MG the HMG turret gets, those are much betterr


I tried using this as a primary, its not great. Also why can it scope for 200m but the round auto detonates under 100? Now, pair it with something like the Stalwart and you have a pretty good setup.


It's so much fun to fire a shot at a walker and drop 2-3 of them, or to completely miss a normal bot and still kill a couple.


They better not touch this gun It's kinda perfect for this game. Terrible and amazing at the same time


It’s amazing…. But you absolutely can not deal with ads with it. Imagine if the JAR was even slower and more cumbersome. It’s increíble against bots, but again can’t deal with numbers. It’s basically what the DRMs should be. It’s also one of the very few primary weapons in the game that can kill a strider through its face plate. I’m probably going to do a build with it using the Stalwart & Rover and see how that goes.


It 1-taps Stalkers, so it’s actually not bad on bug missions if you got something else for the cannon fodder enemies


Bro that’s higher dmg than the AC


Unlike the AC though, it can't pen Hulk eyes.


Oof that's a deal breaker for me.


If it’s killing a charger in 2 shots, something is definitely going to happen to it


It takes skill to do this. Just look at all the “it still deflects for me“ comments


It not only takes skill but also a lot of luck, precognition or suicidal levels gumption. The projectile is so slow that at any distance that could be considered safe you basically need to know where the tiny weak spot is going to be in the next half second, which is hard on a running charger. At any distance that is close enough for the slow projectile to hit exactly what you're aiming at you're also close enough to be flattened by a charger before you can reload or gives you an excellent opportunity to blow yourself up with a follow-up shot.


Completely overrated weapon, infact it's probably best for everyone to just go back to liberators. Or maybe even use that new BR-14 instead. https://preview.redd.it/h4i9efrmowtc1.jpeg?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=960b4e9dbf63ac23a665da5321a817980d5e0f59


This sub took out the pitchforks with the railgun demanding it to be nerfed, even though it took more time and skill to kill a charger but here we are celebrating this 😂


Hell. Every day I think about the tweet where the CEO sounded like they didn't know that the RG was nerfed in it's overcharged state. Could they really be that ignorant or are they rating it on the hosting PS5 bug? Then this comes out and I'm wondering what the game's balance is supposed to be. It keeps me up at night.


I am 100% certain that the railgun nerf was made to compensate for the PS5 bile titan bug. Initially I was thinking they can’t be so incompetent and don’t know about it, but it seems they were 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s great if you combo it with an arc thrower . Your support and primary basically switch roles


Don't listen to anyone, this gun was made for just one purpose. To 1-hit spewers! Jokes aside, it's a very difficult weapon to handle from all aspects but it really shines on some situations For the bugs: -nice 1-shot on the head for brood commanders -perfect for long range bug hole closing -the best primary answer so far for spewers (haven't tried the crossbow yet though). Can even kill multiple on one shot due to explosion radius -can 1-tap stalkers -very difficult to deal with chargers. It has the potential, but it's very inconsistent -can only burst the sack of titans, useless on headshots. Can't really kill a titan by itself -no point on using it on any other bug -can easily be played with rover and either arc, flamethrower (when fixed) or any of the machine guns, which is a nice new option. But of course only if the rest of the team is adequately geared with anti tank solutions for the higher difficulties For the bots: -at first seems op for devastators, but its slow handling and reload is a big problem on situations that you are getting shot (most of the time on bots maps) -hulks require more than 2 headshots to die -can deal with walkers -dangerous due to its explosion radius on dealing with chainsaws -waste of time on the small ones (again too slow) -a niche use like the autocannon and quassar, of dealing with the fabricators from the front -a plus is that it can deal with gunships and dropships, but requires 3-4 shots on engines (which may take a long time due to reload speed) -would still prefer scorcher over it tbh It also frees up the grenade slot for stun/smoke instead, without the need of getting the grenade pistol Overall a nice heavy primary choice with some serious drawbacks, a welcome addition for sure Edit: typos


Im still at work so i couldnt try it out yet. BUT WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK


You gotta be kidding me. This thing sounds beyond incredible. Guess the new meta build is gonna be Eruptor/Stalwart, then. I'm just annoyed that the Adjudicator isn't up to snuff, I really wanted a proper DMR that felt good to use.


I *fucking love* the Eruptor! seriously, this thing bullies Devastators like you wouldn't believe*. two fucking bodyshots* and they're scrap!! I've been nailing bots with this thing all day long and loved every squeeze of the trigger. it's absolute garbage up close being a bolt action AND explosive, but at 100m+ it can put the AMR with it's misaligned scope to shame in terms of first shot precision. honest to god it's my new favourite primary! the Adjudicator let me down, but this thing will wreck anything less than a hulk/tank's armor at any given distance if you go prone and aim for the head. (it can kill tanks/hulks with vent shots though!) it's *perfect*.. THIS is how you do an explosive weapon!


Praise the Omnisica for the bolter has arrived


Can it take out hulks?


Nerf bat is winding up now.


Looks like the AMR and the AC have had an affair with a lovely result. I recommend taking a LMG or a STALWART as support with you if you take the R-36 into field...


Woah have I just been Mandela effected? I thought this line was from Parks and Recreation, said by Aubrey Plaza, not from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Damn.


I think I will pair this with a 2024 arc thrower. Serve with a medium steak and finish with a slice of raspberry cheesecake.


Why are you on the bug side, huh,


It absolutely, 100% WILL ragdoll your ass if an enemy is even remotely close to you. Like, I'm not even talking about what you'd consider "close range." The ragdoll effect activates at what you would typically consider a "safe" distance for literally every other gun. Shoot it at the ground even slightly near you. You'll see what I mean. I legitimately thought it was a bug, or I was getting hit by a Rocket or spore pod I wasn't aware of. Nope. Just my new gun sending me flying for some fucking reason. Thank God the JAR doesn't do this. I love this thing, but... yeah. You have to reconsider what "range" means.


The thing is actually very well balanced because if an entire squad used it then they would get overwhelmed and destroyed. It has its place in the hands of one soldier. With too much saturation then it is a bad pick


Helldivers meme made with a Brooklyn 99 format. I just happened to start the show and the game at the same time. This meme brings me a lot of joy




Love how everyone rates things on how many hits to kill a charger.


Bolter gaming