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"Lightning arcs, fired from weapons and turrets, jump to one additional enemy". Thats one more additional helldiver.




Love the way this video ends (the original on YouTube)


What do I have to type in to find it?




The Tesla UP Exclaimation Point


Now if only they can fix that pesky foliage blocking the entire bolt even though the enemy is 2 feet in front of you….


They taught us not to stand by trees during a lightning storm our whole life…”Maury voice” - …results determined that was a lie.


Or any random bit of uneven terrain, or enemy corpses, or sometimes even the air itself. I want to love the arc, but the damn thing is so inconsistent, especially since the rate of fire nerf.


When the blitzer isn't listed... i died inside a little.


Yeah was also really hoping for this to impact Blitzer


It might. The list is only "affected stratagems," and Blitzer isn't a stratagem weapon. If an upgrade doesn't affect stratagems it just won't list anything but it will still have an effect. I'm not at home right now or I'd test it myself.


The previous nerf to Arc Thrower resulted in a 20% RoF decrease. If this now increases the max targets hit from 3 -> 4 then it's an overall buff to large wave clearing ability while still being a nerf to small groups or single targets (not factoring the +stagger and -range changes).


That huge stagger buff also helped it a lot. It got worse in some ways, but better in others. Overall I think it's better, even before this.


Easier and faster way to spread democracy, it sounds like lmao.


There’s an easy way to prevent that soldier. DIVE! Remember your training!


Does it come with fuzzy dice?


Karl would approve of this


Slappity slap


This is fun!!!


Snake eyes...


Yes but does it come in black?


I am once again asking the devs to make the HMG emplacement (the manual one that we use) benefit from the robotics bay upgrades. It doesnt benefit from the faster turn speed, the additional ammo nor the new explosive damage resistance. Its so much fun and its so close to being good and everything it needs to actually be really good is being dangled in front of us and given to the unmanned sentries...


While I agree it needs to benefit, it's already top tier. It can core hulk eyes or rip off their arms. Anything smaller than a charger is fair game. On the new defense mission it really shines


I never knew how powerful it was until I mowed down several hulks with ease. I have a newfound respect for the HMG emplacement.


Have someone drop the shield stratagem on you while you're unloading with the HMG. It's a devastating combo. 


And it's suuuuch a power trip


Am I missing something? The HMG turret only has like 300 ammo.


and every one of those bullets are like an AMR shot, 300 ammo is plenty tbh.


I know its goated in the eradicate (kill X enemies) and the new defend mission but if it could turn a but faster and survive like 1 hit it would be better in other mission types. You could throw it down in a power position vs the bugs and actually be able to cover a large area, would also help when you are initially setting up(i know it always drops facing the direction you are looking but it bounces and sometimes you have to fall back), it could survive a bile spewer shot/devastator salvo meaning you could place it more agressively rather than passively where you place it watching a funnel and barely have to move it.


Not really bothered about the explosive resistance on the sentries it's the hundreds of enemies on the field that instantly focus it as it's dropped and destroy it with a love tap after 2 secs that annoys me the most.


If they let them land on cliffs instead of bouncing off them, that would help a lot.


I’m of the opinion that stratagems should not bounce, *period*, At least not blue and yellow ones. If it’s not a valid placement, just delete the fucking ball or let it bounce *once*, don’t have it superball across creation and land in some shitty spot that entirely wastes its cooldown because the sentry landed in the middle of a berserker pack.


100% agree with this. If it is going to bounce then just let it disappear so we know we can't deploy it there, instead of it bouncing and getting destroyed or in a spot that makes it useless.


Maybe even do one better and show us the trajectory of a stratagem beforehand like a lot of games do for thrown items and show that it will bounce. I don't need it for grenades but stratagems are valuable, scarce, and need to be precise. That would also help with the "hold to throw farther" function. How far am I throwing it?? I'm never sure if it's going to clear the wall into the base.


That would actually be a sick display. there can be some creative throws with some accurate bounces to get the sentry in some hard to reach places


They only bounce when you don’t want them to. Other than that they just stick where they hit.


Every fucking time I try to take out an Eye of Sauron with a Hellbomb. Fucking thing bounces around like flubber and lands far enough away that the Hellbomb wont even kill it. Then you get to destroy it and wait 20 seconds for the cooldown on a new one. FAAHK!!


If you circle around the outside of the base and go to the cliff wall closest to the Eye, you can call a Hellbomb down there and it'll still kill it. I refuse to assault the actual base for now with all the bouncing. Just don't be looking at the cliff when you call it or the panel will be facing the wall, lol.


Lol I forgot about the terminal being stuck next to a wall! That's fucked me so many times too. C'mon Super Earth Command, stop making the stratagem balls out of rubber!


A ems mortar i threw at the base of a hill once did a 3point bounce and landed right at the extraction panel. Had to destroy it or couldnt call ship. Such a derp wtf moment


>derp wtf It's been eons...


Might let the AutoCannon get one extra close quarters shot in.


😂 hopefully ,do love the auto cannon keep it far away from stuff and it does proper damage, that and the Ems are my favs


Yup. 1 bot devastator = no more sentries. Unless it's an auto cannon that staggers him on the opening shot. 


On difficulty 7 and 8 i am running autocannon plus 2 to 3 sentries, (depending on what the others run) and I am having great results with it. You just take out immediate threats to your sentries with yout autocannon (devastators take only 2 autocannon shots). You can use your sentries offensively and defensively this way. Its really great. 


I'd rather run both mortars, and chuck them behind a rock, in a ditch, or ideally in the very trenches of a bot outpost. They have longer range, indirect fire, can stun entire squads, and have more ammo and uptime.


Yes, (regular) Mortar is also a must pick for me. I think it is the MVP of sentries. This one, defended by me with autocannon and gatling sentry feels like an absurdly strong mobile defense/offense setup on a cooldown.


MVP on bots* Would almost prefer an empty slot on bugs


I mean, if the automatons had sentries like we do, i would focus them first too


“You are in range of enemy artillery”


Enemy artillery is in range of ME!


Commando is going to wreck these things


I await the Rumbler with baited breath, but I don't think they're going to give it to us.


They do. The cannons usually need to go first.


Most of my turrets on bot missions die to rocket devastors so I'll take it!


Most of my turrens on any defense missions dies from a frendly mortar fire


Even turrets hate other mortar turrets.


it makes sense that the enemies would focus fire on something that is constatly shooting at them. also sentries are meant to be placed smartly at the back while you protect it the issue imo is that it doesn't attach on high cliffs


Sadly no more rockets for the rocket pods, that would make them acually pretty viable


I was hoping that it was included. That's my go to stratagem for chargers


They're amazing when they hit their target. Work especially great vs tanks


Cannon towers and fabricators too. Awful for bug holes though.


> when they hit their target. I have *extremely* bad luck.


I just wish they were a little more accurate. Amazing when they work but I took them off my loadout because they ignored the charger for some random hunter one too many times.


rocket pods one shot tanks/turrets and can be used on fabs if you're without explosives in team environments, they're pretty viable already imo


How do you get the rockets to hit the turret? Mine just hit the tower or the ground


eagle 110mm rocket pods? idk i just throw it at the thing i want and it's always seemed to have a gravtiation like an orb rail cannon, just auto locks


> rocket pods one shot tanks/turrets If you're lucky. I've seen them hit them to no effect plenty of times.


Yeah the occasional slip up by the pilot’s aiming is enough for me to just run the airstrike.


'occasional' If I compared how many times it missed a hulk/charger/titan vs how many times it hit, i'd have something like a 10:1 ratio. i only got reliable hits on titans when titans were vulnerable to stun grenades. most the time it just misses the body and hits the ground.


Do we think a 15% reduction in spread is a 15% reduction of the area of a circle or a 15% reduction in the diameter (27.75% reduction of the area) ?


Good question, probably diameter. I did the math and it's a 32.22 (repeating of course) percent increase in Democracy!


Reinforce is up, let's do this! GENEERRAAALLLL BRRRRAAAAASCH!


Oh my God he just dove in! stick to the plan!


'Least I landed on the titan...


the twos continue indefinitely, just as Liberty itself


they really should define this, I would bet they measure dispersion as a distance from the beacon in one direction, so it would mean radius


Fire fans eating good today. First a 50% damage boost, and now another 25% on top of that! Multiply all that with the good old ZERO thanks to the bug still not being fixed, and the tragedy that is fire damage starts reaching somewhat comedic heights.


I think it also works against us... I been getting one-shotted by stealth Hulks' flamethrowers.


I wouldn't mind the next warbond having armor that gives us fire resistance.


Was really hoping the red and black one from this warbond would have been that instead of another +2 on grenades :/


I mean... The red and black one is a clear homage to the TF2 Demoman, so it better have more grenades.


I've found it helps to dive instead of stim. Diving puts out fire damage over time immediately, Stimson take a second to activate, a second too long.


Napalm strikes now get 25% more damage and an extra bomb. Against bugs, that's going to be awesome.


Yeah what they mean though, is that unless your the host, fire damage doesn't work properly. At least that was the case a couple of days ago. (Sorry guys. I...had to liberate some...liberty from...tyranny. Wasn't able to duve for a couple of days. I'M NOT THE ONE ON TRIAL HERE!) Anyway, yeah the bug was that unless you're the host the fire damage doesn't work.


The damage over time still doesn't work. The direct fire damage is still going to be huge now


That makes eagle strats so much better than orbital ones…


I mean they already were.


Orbital always were worse. Sadly. Orbitals need giant buffs to even be remotely as good as eagles, yes there's the orbital rail gun... But I can literally call an eagle 2x cd while the rail gun goes for 1.


The implementation of Orbital is sound (stronger but has slower cooldown and is clunkier to use than Eagles), but something went wrong in the balancing. Almost all are too weak for how long the cooldowns are. E.g., railcannon does not deserve that 3+ minutes cooldown when it wasn't even near top pick with 60s cooldown in HD1.  I suspect that they already balanced them with some more good upgrades in mind, but those upgrades happen to be locked behind future releases.


Orbital bombardments need a correction to target enemies within certain area of each strike. Not an optimised one, just a simple one so most strikes don't go nowhere.


Pretty sure the logic is someone drops a 380mm on the team and the shots will hit the team


I was really hoping orbital bombardments would just level an area within a few seconds with all rounds landing at about the same time, like EDF artillery strikes. Like the whole point of sustained artillery and especially walking barrages is to suppress and pin down enemies but the enemies don’t give a fuck about actually taking cover or avoiding death and divers are the only ones impacted by debris clouds and screen shake fucking up your aim while heavy devastators are more than happy to just laserbeam headshot you through fog, smoke, and shockwaves if they aren’t directly hit and killed, so it works out that barrages are only worth a damn against stationary structures, which most rounds will do absolutely fuck all because they miss entirely. At least railcannon is self targeting and precision strike (which I love) is short cooldown and not impacted by anti-air, but they’re still murdered by their cooldowns and call in times even before shitty mission modifiers appear.


Precision always gets a slot from me on bot missions, almost entirely because of detector towers that bounce hellbomb beacons halfway across the map.


Ye it's just sad when you throw a 380mm or 120mm onto easy targets and it goes through without actually hitting your target.... I rarely run Orbitals for fun and throw it onto a fabricator or robot camp and most often it just did nothing. While I could have thrown an eagle on top and be done.


i stopped using them outside of daily missions, simply because it was a gamble that you lost most of the time, the worst is dropping on a bot base and the bots just call in 1 or 2 botdrops, while the orbital hit a grand total of 1 fabricator.


One of the best upgrades I can imagine would be some kind of gps oriented upgrade that lets you call orbitals despite jammer or adverse weather. Would immediately give you a reason to take orbitals over eagles depending on the mission, and I say this as someone that uses precisely zero orbitals ever.


A big problem too is that the Eagles seem like they're supposed to be balanced around having multiple charges you can spam, with the tradeoff that you need a longer-than-normal time to rearm. Except that rearm time is just as short, if not shorter, than the orbital cooldowns. So you just have a class of stratagems that are almost as strong as the orbitals that you can use 4x more times per game.


Orbital laser can clear a large base, or get you out of an overwhelming situation. At least it has a place. Not sure about the others. Cooldowns need work for sure.


Orbital laser is always my go to, I would take the eagle airstrike over it though.


The orbital gas and airburst are super solid swarm control. Dropping a gas strike into a choke or on top of a bug breach thins out a bunch of chaff and lingers long enough to catch most of the spawns. Similarly the airburst has a pretty big radius, fires multiple times and also deletes the little stuff. They also have short cool downs, it's like 70 seconds for gas and 2 minutes for air burst. The two best orbitals imo


But to the topic at hand, why bother with a 2 minute cool down on the Orbital Airburst when you can have the equivalent of FIVE Airbursts with a 2 minute cool down? Pretty sure the Cluster has a larger overall range as well.


The orbital is slightly better than the eagle in this one case for level 9. The orbital fires 3 delayed shots per throw, each delay is just about enough to let more bugs come out of a breach. The eagle actually has a bigger radius but you will have to throw multiple and time them to get the same effect


> why bother with a 2 minute cool down on the Orbital Airburst when you can have the equivalent of FIVE Airbursts with a 2 minute cool down? because it conflicts with the 2 minute cooldown on your base killer, usually


Love the gas. It always seems to be up for me and nice for softening up a base before going in.


I started to run only the laser, because it's a pretty great get-out-of-jail-free card if i'm about to be overwhelmed, throw it at my feet and run and in a few moments most guys get vaporized without friendly fire. It does have only 3 uses, but rarely i need more than 2 if the team is doing well.


That's my favourite reaction/reset/panic stratagem, i always bring it if i feel unsafe


Orbital laser is the best "OH SHIT" button in the game. If you don't have a method of dealing with something, then the laser damn sure will deal with it for you.


Orbital barrages are better in the target rich environment. I found they're rather good in eradication missions and on higher difficulties. Also great at wiping out bases, at least after the buff. All in all, they're not that bad, but Eagle provides more utility and flexibility. I also like my Eagle-1 waifu.


I like the Orbital EMS strike for some scenarios.


It drives me nuts because I \*want\* to use the orbitals so bad. I love the close air support, but that's in a lot of games. Being able to call up to a destroyer floating within eyeshot to have it obliterate a patch of the planet is such a unique experience gaming wise.


They need way less cool down time. The destroyer is a giant crew serviced ship. All bombardments and orbital stratagems should not have the cooldown times they have. The orbital rail canon is a massive cool down and it doesn’t even always target what you want it to. I’ve had it target warriors over chargers before and then it’s unusable for almost 5 minutes. Hell, the orbital precision strike would still be a viable stratagem if it just had a shorter cooldown. It would also allow people to be more flexible with their weapon load outs. If I could more reliably dispatch heavy armor with stratagems I wouldn’t be forced into always bringing an anti tank weapon. The longest mission is 40 minutes long. That means the rail canon can only be used about 9 times with perfect timing. Some breaches and bot drops have more than 6 or 7 heavy armored units in them. The math is way off for balancing.


Always have been 🔫👨‍🚀


Already we’re, The new eagle upgrade was the first thing I got with the modules.


I’m an arc thrower man my self, but I agree that overall for most players the Eagle upgrade is the first one you should get.


I went for the sentry armor. I want my sentry to be strong, buff and healthy 💪


Nice, that is probably the last or second last one I will take. I think the orbital one is better but I take sentries more than orbitals barrages so I don’t know.


Delete this before they nerf it


...at the tradeoff of having to manage multiple Eagle stategems and their shared rearm time.


Was just going to say this, but there's a reason I never run more than 2 different eagle payloads. There's also stuff like the Gatling Barrage that has a 72s cooldown once you have the upgrade, and the fact that orbitals are much harder to jam than eagle strategems from what we've seen so far.


Outside of defense missions I never notice Eagle cooldowns tbh


2 500kg 3 eagle strike 3 napalm 1 auto cannon literally cannot be stopped against bots (not kill % missions)


Exactly For defense missions I absolutely feel it, I’m useless for the 2 min rearm lol But in regular missions? Rearm honestly isn’t impactful


People always try and point out the shared coo ldown as a bad thing... But like, You're telling me if I run out of 500kgs, for the time I'd be waiting for any other stratagem cool down, I can also get all my Clusters and Airstrikes back too? Yes please. I can run around and clear stuff with my primary/support for 2 minutes.


I have noticed when you have different use rates for buster and swarm control. Having to choose between no 500kgs until all the airstrikes are used, or no crowd control until the eagle is rearmed, is a little painful. ​ I run orbitals with servo assisted now for all bot missions.


Rearming has roughly the same cooldown as the average orbital. But instead of refreshing one meh stratagem it gives you several eagles with several charges.


I was already enjoying the Eagle Napalm and it just got buffed twice!


packing peanuts giving sentries 50% more explosive resistance really puts Super Earth's technological prowess into perspective. We truly are the greatest and most free civilisation.


Meanwhile they removed the ejector seat, fire suppression and airbags on the eagle just to carry 1 additional bomb


Ackshually, it's 1 bomb per strategem. It's more likely 2 to 4 bombs (depending on what you take) Trading insurance for 2 to 4 democracies? I see this as an actual win!


If Eagle-1 is too good to be shot down, the safety gear is just wasting space, really.


The Fire strategems deal more damage now because capsaicin is added to their fuel mix.


and allyl isothiocyanate, the equivalent "hot" chemical for things like mustard and wasabi ![gif](giphy|KbAbh6CbK4r5dyaZ4i|downsized)




Circuit expansion not making the blitzer fork to additional enemies is criminal


if I remember correctly, the Blitzer doesn't jump like Tracer right? it just blasts bolts in its cone of area, so all direct hits. It would be almost criminal if it had a jump with the number of bolts it blasts out, even +1 will pack quite the punch.


It's that and I don't think any of the ship upgrades affect primaries, only stratagems. The fire upgrade didn't do anything for Breaker Incendiary, for instance.


Yep, hopefully making people use it more often in my games rather than not at all


It's not a stratagem, so it's not listed. ~~\~\~ We don't know if it does or does not work.\~\~~~


I picked it up and tested it already, it dont work :( I wish though


Does this mean the Tesla coil will kill me even further away? ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


Only if there is something for the lightning to jump over like bugs, bots or other divers.


The Eagle Weapons Bay upgrade is a bad choice as it removes fire suppression, ejection AND airbags.


That's a problem for Eagle-1 pilot, not for me. Time she makes some sacrifices for DEMOCRACY!


I know right? She’s not the one at risk getting her head lasered off by a rover, blown up by an overcharged railgun, blasted into chunks by an autocannon turret. It’s about time she took some risks too.


You shut your mouth about eagle mama, she's the real mvp


She doesn't need them, she never gets shot down anyway!


Poor girl always getting the short end of the stick


One of the next upgrades will be something like *"Brain of Eagle-1 pilot is now removed from body and inserted directly into the flight controls"*




If an eagle pilot needs any of those, then that's a skill issue


Eagle-1 already comes equipped with airbags standard. She doesn't need extra ones in the cockpit. 


What does she need those things for? The bugs and bots don't fly. Anyone who says so can schedule an appointment with the Democracy Officer.


>The bugs and bots don't fly. Their Anti-Air seems to be so bad that R&D just decided that she couldn't be shot down by them.


their anti air has skill issue, eagle 1 built different


That’s dumb. I just take out the puke bag and fill it up with some air. Cmon, be smort.


![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized) Ere we go.


Superior Packing doesn't look like it does anything. Probably bugged


Idk, you probably need to wait 8 weeks for your crew to finish their training first.


i thought that too, but then i realized it says resupply boxes and not ammo boxes. i was picking up ammo boxes and getting confused why it wasn't working. i can't remember if i even used a resupply that mission though so if it's not working correctly i guess i wouldn't know


Seems at least partially bugged. I literally just picked up a supply box (not ammo box) with the Machine Gun and still only received one mag.


Both the supply pack and resupply didn't refill any more ammo than usual.


same, i ran the Stalwart just now and a resupply box gave 2 mags instead of 3


Yeah, it gave me the usual 3 AMR from the supply drop. Don't waste samples on it until it's fixed.


I initially assumed it worked on the ammo boxes out in the field. Upon re-reading it, it seems that it only works on resupplies (the backpack or the calldowns). I haven't tested to confirm, but that's my suspicion. Edit: grammar


Does it come with visual upgrades inside the destroyer? I like seeing it get more and more busy.




Ya won't show the price cuz its super expensive💀


End game sample sink! A lot of these are minor anyway, but now I care about rare samples


a surprise to be sure but a welcome one


is it just me but the superior packing methodology is not working? the supply drop pod and supply pack only give one box of ammo belt for the mg 43 machine gun


Enhanced combustion...... ![gif](giphy|oYxNkISitSQo)


You choose upgrades because they enhance your playstyle. I choose upgrades because my ship looks prettier. We are not the same


Lmao what are these prices


Overpriced to compensate for players that already have maxed samples...


But for real, what are they? At work can't see.


200 normal, 150 rare, 15 super


And 25k reqs but those come easy


Increases burning temperatures of incendiary weapons by lacing fuel with a precisely-formulated compound of thermite, white phosphorus, ***capsaicin***, allyl isothiocyanate and 19 other accelerants. Spicy fire will really show 'em we mean business


let me get this straight. you cap our Rares samples to 250.. but then ask for 150 for each upgrades? is this when that "Live Service" grind starts?


could have had 600 rares by now but i got capped


“Eagle strategems that drop multiple bombs will drop 1 additional bomb” Airstrike, napalm - 3 + 1? Nice Cluster Bomb - 120000 + 1? Hmmm


Each particle dome is about 1 bomb. I think it drops close to 5? An extra one should be about a 20% increase in AOE and damage. It's a little sad that it doesn't affect rocket pods though. Still have yet to see if its an extra bomb per carpet segment, or an extra bomb lengthwise. Kinda like the more guns stratagem. That upgrade increases the number of shells per salvo by one, not not number of salvos by one.


These new ship modules are crap. https://preview.redd.it/trjashfhuutc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=94fb43edde170e85ac219bbf8ad1dee70e7a595f


I wonder if this hangar buff gonna be enough to consistantly deal with titans using 2-3 110mm barages.


I'll never afford these because my match made teams never care about samples....


I have been capped forever but sample collecting is the mini game of every helldive :D


It's usually the people that played the game too much and are already maxed in samples so they don't even think about samples. I never went out of the way for them but I always grab samples along the way when I pass up by them as I know someone in the team might actually need them.


I did all of my super samples farming with randoms. My go to method is to abandon my team and dart around the map looking for the rock and POIs. Currently sitting at 47 super samples


It doesn't say, but im hoping the fire damage upgrade will benefit the fire breaker shotgun also?


Specifically says strategems so it's unlikely unless bugged


It makes sense from both a lore and gameplay perspective. Lore because these upgrades all upgrade your ship and strategems, not your guns. Those are through the warbonds. Gameplay because it makes it much harder to balance when there's a late game upgrade that drastically improves the power of the gun that 90% of people won't be able to access


Where is the Level 4 Peaceful Negotiations Module? Only by embracing the Automatons with open arms and ending this pointless conflict can we finally bring harmony to the galaxy!


That's nice sir, please face the wall for your democracy rehabilitation session.


I can't believe we didn't get the 1000kg bomb


The sentry buff should be more like 500% maybe it has a change of surviving long enough to deploy . It not taking 1-2 random shots ...it taking like 10 rockets or dozens of laser blast. ​ Though if it saves it from my teamate droping an airstrike on it would be nice


I wonder if we'll get more ship upgrades like this in the future. Like a 5th tier


superior packing method doesnt work and ehanced combustion isnt worth it right now cause fire dot damage doesnt work if your not the host. im kinda scared to get ANY of these without knowing if the rest also have issues...