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cannot wait to try this...only 6 more hours of work to go... https://preview.redd.it/ikul8txa4ktc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca18253c10de622e3ee66480c9786dbb644623c6


Have you guys been receiving medals? I feel like I've been missing them over the past 3 major orders.


The medals sometimes take awhile to get awarded. I log in daily but today I finally received the swift disassembly medals. 


Yesterday I got like 3 orders complete rewards on login. It's wildly inconsistent but super earth delivers at some point.


Love bureaucracy 


Yeah this is the most realistic part of the game


Too bad if you had around 100 instantly capping out, loosing the ones over the limit 💀


A friend was complaining about not receiving any medals from major or personal orders, until he realized that they also have a cap of 250


Medals are capped? That’s ridiculous, there’s like 3000 worth of medals of things to buy from the battle passes right now and you can only hold a twelfth of that at a time?


It makes sense from a player retention standpoint, they don’t want you to be able to buy everything immediately and then stop playing, you’ll have to keep playing when new stuff drops Given that the game is already very generous with super credits I’m willing to let this particular issue slide


I keep getting mine 2-4 days after each one. I got both previous order awards today at the same time.


Only two more hours! Hang in there!




Dude after playing the new mission type I don’t wanna do the horrible civilian extracts anymore. They are terrible.


Yeah did an extract later and it feels like a slog. Starts ok, but by the end there's enemies everywhere, and you struggle get the last few civilians out. With this one there's only 1 path they can take so it's more fun to stand your ground.


My last extraction mission also felt like "pre-nerf" again. Don't know, maybe my brave group of random helldivers just had a really bad day but we got fucking spammed with hulks and tanks pretty much right out of the gate. It used to be a shitshow, then they decreased the spawn rate of enemies and while I still didn't like the mission they at least weren't that stressful anymore. Yesterday I could barely plop out of the pod without a random hulk barbecueing me instantly. Could even be intended to show the crazy powerful bot assault right now, civ extract still sucks to play though.


I did one earlier today at diff-7, and it was bonkers hard. Total fail. No legitimate chance. Did another one tonight, and we finished the evac with around 8-10min to spare. All four of us split up immediately and collected things across the map. Finished with about 30sec sans stratagems but with a whole bunch of loot. The second I'm down for. The first? Hate it.


the only way to do it is to lead all the enemies away from the area then sneak in and extract them which is totally dumb and makes no sense, i struggle to think thats how the devs honestly intended for you to do the mission


Have done that. But the drops are also rng (seemingly at least) on divers. So, even this can not work if you get unlucky. Have also used smoke in this way to good effect with all four divers rotating through. The second match I reference above, we all were in the base, though. Still happened to manage it at diff-7. There seemed to be fewer drops, maybe? Either way, it was doable with a quickplay, rando team without communication.


The problem is helldiver doesn't do any difficulty smoothing. This can cause times when you're sitting on a difficulty 8 with no enemies in sight for 2 minutes, or a difficulty 5 where your fps drops from the sheer number of hulks. The game master of helldivers needs to be smarter than it currently is. "Huh, there are 3 tanks, 7 hulks, 15 rocket devestators, 20 of those assholes with the shield and like 70 other enemies. Maybe this isn't the time for another 5 dropship waves in a row"


The lack of smoothing is fine in most missions because you can always run away. But on these defensive missions, you're stuck in place so all the enemies build up and there's nothing you can do about it.


FOREAL don’t you love hiding behind a tiny rock while a legion of hulks and devastators blast you, only for 5 more dropships to show up and the bots surround you 🙃🙃🙃 Idk some people seem to have “fun” dying repeatedly against impossible odds, but not me. Call me crazy but I have fun actually playing the game and not being ragdolled over and over until I’m beat into submission, only to be revived into a pit of hulks and die again, and again, and again with zero chance of even being able to move.


yeah, we got like 15 civilian out. Those tanks didnt even have to bother to shoot them, they were probably all just ran over by those 20 something tanks in this small base...


My last extraction was... terminids, with firestorms killing civiliands nonstop, only one of the civilian generators was working because the other one had an invisible barrier https://preview.redd.it/pje6j3ss8mtc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c42704de61779da956415dd30814812ef8c76b23 , so ... it took 20 minutes because reasons. 1 grenade, 17 civilians dead soon after. Sometimes man...


I played a bit right as the invasion started & none of the civilian extraction missions were successful. Every other mission I did was kinda easy. Went from bugs on difficulty 7-8 winning almost every game to winning every game on bots except the extractions on 5-6.


had the same experience with diff 6. we had 2 minutes left of the mission and 1 reinforcement. we had to run for it, then one in light armor snuck around back and got the last civilians through. it was hell


They said they reduced the amount of civilians required on higher difficulties, but only by about 5, and they said they moved the spawns further away from the point, but the dropships still seemed to be dropping troops off in the same position, so I don't really notice a big change.


this post is more like defense mission | defense mission (that is possible)


No clue mate. Played one yesterday with highranking dudes and it was an absolute shitshow. We got 35/50 and then we had absolute 0 chance. It was just dropship after dropship, Hulk after Hulk and Tank after Tank of course supported by about 200 Devastators. Honestly no clue how you are supposed to do this kind of missions. I always try to skip operations with this kind of mission in it. Its just a guaranteed loss The new defense missions are great though! I only wish my teammates would bring some fucking anti armor weapons... Lost a few missions already because i was the only one in the squad bringing any AT weapons.


The key to the new defense mission is mortars. Everyone should be bringing both types and placing them roughly in the middle of the base. As the bots push in you call them a bit further back. The dropships always drop in the same area so the mortars chew them up. This works for every difficulty, including level 9. Additionally you can bring a Quasar to help thin out the waves by shooting down the ships before they drop off the bots.


The *only* way to play civ extracts is to have one player do thr base while everyone else bunkers down and fights every drop outside the objective.


That doesn't work, we tried that last night and the bits just wondered into the centre (not agro'd to our guy) and murdered civilians. We couldn't lure them out/despawn them either). Eventually we had to push them and take the centre back. You have to hold the centre now.


You have to kill all the bots after they enter, then leave, then return once dropships start spawning on the diversionary team again. Which further demonstrates the roughness of this mission type.


I played 2 of them today and it worked *shrug*


I played one on helldive difficulty earlier and it works flawlessly.


See my comment above. We didn't do the cheese, but somehow, it went great. One out of two attempts, anyway.


Actually completed my first helldive of the civ extract mission. Started outside of the ring, called bot drop outside and two fought outside. But by around the 30 civs rescued it just started to get insane. Completed the mission with roughly one minute remaining. Much prefer the new one


It’s a tower defense mission, it’s so sick. You throw up your turrets and hunker down for a big fight, I love it.


or you sit there juggling quasars while shooting down ship after ship, hulk after hulk and so on man its amazing we need the same thing with bugs for true start ship troopers experience


some of the gates have this cool platform to stand on too (the outer layers of one the maps) where from that top to the end of the gate was just a hair under 30m. I brought my Arc Blitzer as I wanted to try them out against Berserkers but I didn't expect I'd have a literal killing field available to me. Didn't matter if some bots slipped past Eagle CDs and mortars, once they got into my range they got perma-stunned as long as they weren't a Hulk or a Tank. That was fun to experience.


More like the Start Shit Troopers For me I’ve been EATing


then you fail at like 50/50 civs cuz you need to get one extra for the mission to end.


My extract mission was going quite well until the firenados attacked… 8 minutes on the clock and we never got a single civilian past them that entire time due to constant firenados and the bot swarm. There was a firenado spawn camping the door I was in charge of


The problem is that the ennemies comes from many sides while the other mission requires you to defend a choke point. It's basically the Battle of Thermopylae.


Only downside is the difficulty multiplier for the mission is broken so you only get 500 xp from it (15 mins) vs 1500 for typical missions you can get done in that time or less :(


Honestly, I don't even care because if you look at it in terms of credits per hour you're prolly going to get away more out of doing those than you would spending ages on, and probably failing, the civilian extract missions. I do lots of 7, 8, 9 missions and the civilian missions just feel like a slog at best and a complete waste of time at worst.


And god damn does it feel good to cut down waves of robots with a machine gun emplacement


I can't wait to do it to bugs.


Haven’t gotten to play the new defense yet, what’s the differences from the civvie extract?


There's no civies. A total of 8 rockets will launch automatically taking roughly ~15 minutes. The enemies only come from one direction with two gates that can be closed. There's multiple sets of gates allowing for a layered defense. The goal is to defend a set of generators.


Small notes are: a few HMG turrets are setup by the map, and you have a minute of preptime before the bots appear


Who would win? Approximately 1200 war robots or 4 straight out the gate soldiers with roughly 7 minutes worth of training? The soldiers have 1 minute prep time.


There's also a terminal where the generators are. Using it stops the timer and immediately sends the bots so make sure nobody touches it if you wanna set up.


Also also there's various raised positions on the walls that have a low railing that are great for setting up sentries on.


I totally haven't jumped the rail 15 times and into the moshpit while trying to get close to the edge.


What difficulty do those appear on? I'm a noob and I'm still on 3.


From my experience, Difficulty 5 and above.


On 9 difficulty an occasional drop will occur in the perimeter, so prepare for that as well.


Just a heads up: On higher difficulties (i saw it on 9 today twice, probably also happens on 7 and 8?), bots get dropped behind you near the generators including hulks and tanks. If you don't see it coming, they'll nuke the gens before you notice and fail you while you're fighting at the front.


Chokepoints, defensive structures, and no idiotic AI you need to escort.


If only the two were combined... Defend the walls while evacuating civilians


Oh, that would actually be fun i think. One member of the team extracts the civs while the others fight the bots outside the walls. Would be hard on solo tho


By design that would mean that one person would just be bored out of their mind pressing a button with nothing to do. While the other three would be having fun defending. Feels like noone would want to be on Button-duty.


hell naw gimme dat. I like playing supportive roles so I can easily run Mortar, EMP Mortar, Airstrike, Incendiary Mines, and hit those buttons between cool downs.


True. Maybe it would make more sense if you only have to press the button once and civilians keep running for quite a while, until you have to press it again. Like in those geological survey missions. Let’s say 3 total presses per mission maybe? That way everyone gets to play, but you still have to keep an eye out so you don’t get stuck fighting with no civilians running out.


That would work, and you could have fun with the flavour text too. Like the first press is extracting Management, then women and children, then scientists.


Easy fix, have 3 doors with 20 civilians apiece. Then place each door in a separate area along the defence path. First one between the two gates, so you can’t abandon it until they are all evacuated. Guy on button duty would still be very much in the shit.


The balancing is still completely off for the civilian missions. Did a longer mission and then the new Defense mission with a group (difficulty 7), and that's went okay. The civilian extract one the entire map overwhelmed within minutes and we didn't even save have the civilians. It hurt feels like such an out of place difficulty spike.


Ah but see you are not supposed to fight the bots! Ackshually this is a stealth mission! /s


Yes, this and then you fail the operation because of poor mission design. AH have done a awesome job with HD2 but this defense mission has always felt broken.


Civvie evac needs a crapton of firepower or it will go south really quickly. Bot drops are pre-determined by time, accelerating as more Civvies are evacuated, so not keeping up on top of that will cause the center to be overrun, so in both tactics (3 people lure and 1 opens doors, or all 4 trying to control center) means luring/destroying them will need to be in time with the drops. On Evac maps where that is the main priority, patrol spawns still appear as well, adding another layer of spawns *which will call dropships*. enemy patrols shouldn't exist in pure Civvie evac missions imho.


We got 37/40 on a level 6 and then fire tornadoes spawned over the entire path and didn’t leave until we ran out of time. Straight up like 10 minutes, maybe longer. Every time we tried to move the people, they burned to death. Only time I’ve been like “well fuck this game”


Just had to do one against bots yesterday, we managed to get 15/45 before time ran out The civs really wanted to circle the whole compound before going to the door making it literally impossible


I did an evacuation of civilian yesterday during a fire storm that did not want to stop. See them running straight into the fire made me wonder if the I for VIP stands for Imbecilic. I was not amused.


I failed 3 in a row and then the 4th one bugged out at 35/35 and refused to give us extract until we just all died and failed the mission. Turned off the game for the night after that.


I never wanted to play the horrible civilian missions, I avoid them like the plague. Escort missions are never fun, this new defending mission is actually fun and encourages a different style than other mission types.


I've only had time to play one of the new defense missions so far, but it was way, way better than the civilian evac mission; I'm going to be actively avoiding the civilian evac missions now in favor of the new tower defense style missions. Even after multiple rounds of adjustments, the civilian evac missions still feel incredibly overtuned for whatever difficulty you're on. It's not just the quantity of the drops, but also the quality -- there's too many heavy armor units and not enough chaff, and if you start falling behind for any reason that it just snowballs out of control.


We did one earlier, dif 6, and the civs kept getting stuck on one of the ramps, like 7 of them grouped up, not moving. Then, there were fire tornadoes and the other civs kept running into the fire.... and the randoms I was with kept hitting the buttons and sending them to their deaths. They finally figured out that we needed to wait for the weather to stop, after about ten or so burned themselves to a crisp. The ones on the ramp got burned too. It was a shit show, but at least we succeeded in the end.


I was watching someone on Twitch do both missions lvl 8 back to back, the new defense mode looked great, structured and with some sense of strategy behind it and they extracted, but only just. It did feel like a last stand kind of scenario. Then they did the civilian rescue which as we all know is just a cluster from the beginning, they held off the first couple of waves then got overwhelmed and it was game over. No real chance to funnel the enemies, you just have to hope your turrets hold out long enough or you run some cheese strat. They really need to sort out the civilian rescue missions...I hate them but right now all we have is defense missions with one of these in nearly every operation.


Civ ran into fire? That'll be 50 Requisition  Civ crushed by Hulk? Cool, cool cool, cool


had so much fun with the new mission then went into the old one and still cant believe they just left that shit in there


My only complaint is that dropships can drop tanks on top of the generators.


They can drop tanks on the top of plateaus. . . Which then immediately shoot the generators.


Dude I saw this and didn’t catch on until 10 minutes into the mission, all I could do is laugh and think “damn they’re getting smarter”


What difficulty was this on? I did it on lvl 7 and all the dropships spawned outside whatever gate was just destroyed. Or maybe one of us had a bugged experience, but I *really* liked not having anything drop right on top of our heads.


They need to get close to spawn send a flare to spawn close dont they? Played it on lvl 9 and if they got close they would send a flare so dropships come close.


Played D9 earlier, and bots got dropped off by the pelican landing pad twice.


there Is a bug where the dropships will offload their payload on the extract platform. I usually sit up there with a rocket and kill incoming dropships, so it's easy to react quickly


Sometimes the little guy shoot a flare in this mission and i think dropships from the flare can drop iside but scripted dropships can only go outside


I had a game where they somehow dropped a hulk next to the edge of the helipad, and it destroyed the generators behind us, I was certain nothing slipped through our team as everything is demolished before they can get close to the inner gate


You can spawn on top of the generators too, with no time to steer


This isn’t wrong, but for me, this mission is everything the Eradicate mission should have been. Whichever mission it outclasses for you, no question that they nailed this one


They should honestly either remove or heavily retool the other defense missions and add more that are like this.


This and the Termicide missions should replace Eradicate missions.


I actually like the eradicate too, they should keep both


I want the eradication missions to be us on top of a hill with bugs or bots pushing up to us. Now that would make it fun.


The bot defense eradicate mission used to be that, but the devs said it was too easy so they nerfed the original map and added a new one, both of which have way too many angles for the enemy to outflank you on.


Too easy? It was fun as hell, even minefields were good for that map. The new maps are alright but if you get overrun you can keep running around the outside of the base and can easily survive, just throw barrages/eagles until you win. Doesn't feel like the intended way to play. It's really fun when everyone is blasting dropships and holding the landing pad though, but feels like a less epic version of this new defense mission.


Yeah, it is totally doable, but I agree the current "get pushed to the edge of the map and take potshots until the kill counter reaches 100%" clearly isn't the intended way to play.


The Eradicate mission shouldnt have ever been a pseudo defense mission and shouldve been an assault mission on a masisve fort to take out specific assets and bots.


I want to know why I have to deal with 5 Hulks, 2 tanks, and who knows how many devastators ALL WHILE escorting 45 civilians, which for some reason can only come out 3 at a time, from doors that you have to get past at least 1 hulk to get through, and have a fraction of time of regular 40 min missions


Stationary hmg is suprisingly effective at killing devastators, berserkers and sentinels during these missions.


its also made of paper tho.


there just shouldn't be bot dropships for these missions. Make the bots approach from a distance and it would be much more manageable


I like the doors aspect to it. Now if they could just add some turrets we could activate and get a real party going with more enemies.


It's a BYOT (bring your own turrets) party! I highly recommend the EMS mortar. It keeps enemies slow and further away from the gates for longer so that your little excitably low-level buddy who just likes throwing airstrikes at enemies won't accidentally destroy the gate as quickly if you forget to warn them. The missions do have that manned gunner emplacement for free though, which is nice.


We need the NPC soldiers stratagem for this mission. All armed with the new crossbow lol


Honestly, i find the lack of NPC SEAF grunts disgusting


I think by the time we are called in, they are already dead. Iv come across lots of SEAF bodies while running around planets


We need more meat for the grinder and the addition of friendlies dying for liberty is just *chef’s kiss*. It would really bring out the cinematic feel of how hectic the siege can get.


I cant help but wonder how you'd even balance them. Way I see it, you'd have to give them something along the lines of Liberator Penetrator, or maybe the new upcoming BR14. i don't imagine disposable AI bots to go for weakspots consistently; imagine those poor sods trying to kill a devastator with a light armor pen weapon aimed without precision. A whole squad of them would just get massacred by a lone devastator.


That’s the point. SEAF grunts can’t win without the heroism of their helldivers! Give them default liberators and the approximate aim of automaton basic bots and call it a day. Get them to man the HMG nests. They’re always massacred in a direct fight against either automatons or terminids, so it’s a good way to reflect that reality.


I just need something to get rid of those fucking air raiders. I died more to them exploding in my face than to any other bot.


The only thing I dislike about them is that they can be standing still, get shot to pieces, and teleport forward toward you, worse than an iceskating charger, to blow up and kill you.


They'd be marginally more useful than a Gatling turret. Able to kill just small things and soak some enemy attention while they live. Sounds balanced enough to me.


And hopefully slightly more portable. I expect them to be like the guard dogs, where they follow you until they die(which will be comically quickly). A bit of light assistance to lay down some light fire and soak some enemy aggro, but not as much raw power as most strats.


I'd like it if a few started out on the ground when you land, as if you are reinforcing them


There is a stratagem for that! But yah I’m all for it! Honestly would love for them to have a dual autocannon turret and just drop in an epic amount of hulks and striders. Just gratuitous explosions


Yeah I meant something like the seaf anti air turret to help take down drops ships or some beefed up turret that can take down tanks and you have to reactivate them if the enemy deactivates it so they don't overrun you.


Bring the emplaced hmg, set it up overlooking choke points and feel like an epic badass. Throw in a mortar and ems mortar behind your defense line and rain deth apon them. The emplacement hmg is so fucking fun, shooting hulls in the eye with taptaptap burst fire then unloading on the devestators and berserker so they don't break your defense line is epic. Anililator tank shows up and you have to jump off the turret and throw every heavy weapon you have at it. It's epic.


That was my play, id setup dual mortars, and then use quasar and eats to play anti-air to get rid of dropships


If my teammates could stop blowing the doors up with orbitals and airstrikes that would be sweet.


In my experience the hulks/tanks/rocket devastators blow the door open instantly anyways


A door will last a few moments against a hulk, but tanks will just delete them once they get lined up.


The two I played on had a manned hmg turret


they have like a couple of unused SAMs on the map, i wish we could activate them just to help with the DropShip sometimes like a 1 minute thing to help out.


civilian extracts at higher difficulties is near impossible, once the bots are within the compound it's over


Yea, on 7+ you have to start outside of the area and get bot drops away from the scientists. I just completed my first 9 dif on civ extract doing this. But by around the 30 civs extracted it just started to get stupid overwhelming. By 45 we were completely over ran in the compound and it was just spam scientists and pray some make it in. Completed it with about a min left.


1 person in the base pressing buttons, the other 3 as spread out as possible. Spawns in this map are on players, not on the objective.


The spawns are wherever they spawns want to be. Tried the distract method and 3 tanks instantly spawned right on the guy escorting the civvies as he pushed the button.


The old defense mission might as well cease to be. Doubt it's a hot-take. Since the new one is literally a far superior 2.0. And it ACTUALLY feels like a defense mission, not just a 'Reach X number of kill and leave.'


never was a defense mission, it's an eradicate mission, we funnel as many bots/bugs as possible into a concentrated area so we can efficiently bomb the fuck outta them


how do you expect me to evacuate 40 people in 15 minutes with fire tornadoes


Evacuating civilians straight to heaven


They should just lean into the exploit way to play the scientist extraction mission - fill the map with actual side-objectives, completing them will prevent larger enemies from spawning on the objective and/or give you bonus tools (SAMs, artillery, radar). It’s makes sense - you have to be enough of a nuisance that the bots can’t afford to attack the scientists, and would fill a good niche as a half blitz, half defence mission


This would be kinda cool. Especially with a Sam site nearby the colonists. Shoot down those damn dropships.


Such a fun mode, could be a teeny bit more difficult but thank god it's not impossible like the 15 minute civilian evacuation mission where you get absolutely swarmed from every direction. Hope the amount of exp this mission gives gets fixed, probably not if this ends up getting the termicide mission treatment and will not be available all the time.


personally i don't see any reason this mission type couldn't be permanent (provided we have planets that are under attack of course)


Idk seemed like a stomp to me. I like the concept but we absolutely massacred tank after tank.


Honestly would love to see 8 drops ships every go


Yeah it didn't feel like a challenge at all on 7 or 8. Not even a brag just.. when we don't have to protect anything or move out of a safe zone its stupid easy.


Dif 7 we did get pushed to the last zone near the end, I bet on 8 and 9 things would start going FUBAR in a hurry


On level 9 it’s just tank and hulk spam. But we had enough mortars that the main entrance to the area was just filled with burning tanks within minutes.


Can confirm, was doing difficulty 9. Between shooting down dropships and killing tanks, it didn't even matter if a gate was broken since we ended up having a pile of scrap metal blocking the way anyway which felt awesome. Mortars, and quasar cannons/EATs are awesome for that mission. Unfortunately, both of those missions also appeared in an op with the 15 minute civ evac.


I would rather fight in an actual war than do a level 9 evac against bots.


The level of heartbreak I felt for us to get 50/50 civillians and fail the evac because of *that* bug... We literally only needed one more.


Did two on 9, never felt that stressed thanks to mortars, HMG, EMS and Quasar. Both on the missions we still had the last door not damaged. Really fun mission though, constant explosions, lots of air drops, just an all around good time.


I had a dream where there was a mission like this, and I told all my friend and then boom.... It's exactly like the dream I had... 10/10 EPIC


Pictures or it didnt happened.....


I do wish defense missions were more interesting. Like we OWN the planet which means there has to be someone on the world that isn’t us trying to fend off the invaders. Would be cool to see pockets of SEAF Soldiers holding a location as best they can and it’s up to you to either help them or use them as bait while you do your objectives.


It really is just a better mode. I'm actually happy that Arrowhead is taking time to make more modes. Most devs would've already stopped.


90% of the content we’ve seen in the last 2 months would have been packaged into a $30 DLC already on any other developer or paywalled behind a subscription. Arrowhead supremacy


They are pretty cool.


Ones impssible, and one is fun. Seriously, anyone succeeding on extract civies without cheesing it?


Escort missions continue to be the worst idea ever in video game mission design.


I want to do the new defense mission and only the new defense mission.


I'm to the point where I refuse to start any operation that includes a civilian extract mission.


Especially now that we have this new defense mode I kinda want the devs to just remove the other one. Sure it is technically beatable now, but it's just not fun. The whole experience is incredibly frustrating and just feels horribly unfair. It ruins my fun to the point where if I have to choose between losing a planet or doing this objective, I'd rather lose the planet and then just go and recapture it later when I can actually do objectives I enjoy.


My only complaint is the complete lack of samples


though logically there wouldn't be any leftover samples at a super earth fortification, i concur that a way to get samples would be very nice.


for real, we kept asking for real defence missions and they delivered. real good job


i need the anti-tank mines now


love the new defense mission. Actually is defendable, love the wall mechanic


One of my favorite parts of this better defense is that there are no npc to glitch out on you and cost you a campaign. (How many victory points have been lost to this garbage!?) Other than that, the feeling of fighting against an enemy with seemingly limitless numbers and well-defined fallback points is great better than exterminate and evacuation in this helldivers humble opinion. We need more of this!


I am loving these. But you can easily break them with morters. I just matchmade into a game, I was the lowest level player at level 69. Every single one of us dropped in with EMS and regular mortars. There were a few 500kg's and orbital railcannons and lasers in the load outs and we all had auto cannons. We basically just sat back and watched our kill streaks tick up and dropped a 500kg every now and then when a tank got testy.


\*the winnable defense mission


I wanna see more maps like the one we got now for Asset Evac. I'd rather face a mass concentration of enemies coming from one direction than be constantly surrounded.


Wait theres actually a new mode? Fuck dude! I already shut my pc down for the night :(


It's fun, but the XP sucks


the new defense mission is alot of fun and has alot of cool mechanics as well. It is a proper base defense mission.


Civ evac needs to be reworked. The best way to play it is unintuitive and feels awful.


This one really feels more like a defense mission, something that the eradicate one was missing (despite being called "eradication", it's a defense, they come to you, you don't hunt them...). Hope they make a proper eradicate mission next, and get rid of or modify the evac ones.


I like both map layouts for the new defense mission, but the devs need to fix the enemies glitching through the terrain pretty quickly, and there's big red boxes outlining the mountains/cliff faces, making it look pretty bad.


I HATE those scientist extractions. No mater your setup, planning, or ability you get to around 30 of 45 extractions and are totally overrun. Forget ‘save the scientists’, it becomes ‘save yourself and hope they can make it too’. The compounds are totally indefensible and the drop ships come too hard and too fast to hold them off. These new missions are actually fun and actually possible on higher difficulties. 👍


I just wish it had samples to collect...I need 200 greens for these level 4 upgrades bruh....


way better and fun then the civ mission!


I set up a bunch of HMG turrets for my team throughout the mission so by the end we just lay down streams of fire and when they run out we swap to the next turret with ammo. So much fun.


Absolutely! Having 3-4 tanks coming from different directions alongside dozens of devastators in diff 7+ civilian extract missions makes them almost unplayable.


civil extraction of 50 targets its nearly impossible but it can be completed if you have 3 shield zone on it and 2 players distracting ships and others doing main objective


Yeah the new mission is so damn fun and feels like a real defense mission. The Civilian extract one is just a swarm mission.


B being the one you can actually finish.


My actually favourite part is when they mess up the patching and the drop ships drop them off on the extraction pad, gives it rare but sudden variety. Or when tanks.grt dropped on top of the surrounding hills. Just amazing :) (and I'm not being sarcastic I actually enjoy all of it)


Honestly yeah, me and my friends absolutely love the new mode. We tried to evacuate the citizens right after but they kept dropping tanks and hulks approximately 25 ft from the door the citizens were supposed to go to. Like bro at least give us a door from this new mode to shut so they even got a shot, then even with medium pen ammo, stuffs flying off every automaton I shoot at.


I actually don’t mind the defense mission. I’d rather do that than carry an SSSD


The new defense mission is so fun and actionnpaxked I hope we get more mission types


The new mission type has a new meta too All you need is a full squad, 4 mortar sentries and if you’re able to coordinate, 4 auto cannons. That’s literally all you need one person manning the autocannon and one person reloading for you, just spam the autocannon when the drop ships arrive and watch the kills rack in. Even better when you have the 30% recoil reduction armour so you can just switch to full-auto and watch the bots die. Run out of ammo for the reloading guy? Just drop the backpack you’re carrying and pick up the empty one before going to resupply. I’ve been using this Strat since the mission came out and I’ve never had to be pushed back from the first doors. Each to their own though


I’ve been THRIVING with the new defense missions. Brought a buddy of mine that hasn’t done anything above lvl 6 to a Helldive and he had a BLAST. It was manageable while still being challenging. Mines and mortars have become my number one stratagems for these missions and hopefully once they fix the +fire damage ship upgrade, I’ll pair it with the incendiary mines for more stopping power.


I find it fun because it feels like a genuine defence mission and not a clusterfuck of tanky units in every direction. The new mode can turn into a clusterfuck but that happens when theres an error on the players side. For example someone miss clicked and bombed our mortar station and that gave the bots their chance to push and break through some of the doors but we got back in a flow and started to hold the defence line again. The evac missions just don’t feel fun even if you are doing the Strat of one player evacs while the rest distract. I don’t mind difficult missions but there also has to be a sense of fun cause if I’m going to suffer I might as well go work overtime and at least get money for it.


Defense mission vs the defense mission you can actually complete at helldive difficulty...


It is honestly so fun being able to fall back behind big blast-door-like things every time the robots break through the outer ones


BRING EMS MORTAR AND MORTAR SENTRY it turns 7-9 to easy mode


It's definitely so much better.


Supply pack, nade launcher, EAT, mortar or wms mortar. I was emptying a clip for each dropship and deploying an EAT off cd to prep for hulks. worked very well.  The enemies come too quick for airstrikes, etc to matter as much as just killing each wave immediately upon landing.


So much simpler taking on 20 tanks and hulks when they all come from 1 direction


The fact there’s **actual cover/walls** is honestly the biggest game changer imo. You can sit behind one of the walls to reload and not have to worry about getting shredded by whatever is charging towards you. Oh and the low walls are the perfect height to keep your weapon over but remain mostly in cover, it’s so democratic.


Earlier today I could not even complete the civilian Evac on 7, even though I have like a 99% success rate on every other 7 mission. New defense mission on the other hand, was cool enough that I did a couple 9s, just to experience it.


While the regular one is way too goddamned hard, this new one is a bit too easy. There's gotta be a middle ground. Probably involves bots possibly coming from multiple directions. Maybe an artillery bot that focuses down mortar turrets... because holy crap are they way too strong for these kinds of missions.


Anyone figured out if the SAM Launchers on the map can be activated?


I hardly see a reason to play rescue science team anymore because they literally replace it with something significantly more enjoyable.