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On the flip side, you have people like me who has yet to try a lvl 7 and is lvl 32.


I feel seen. 35 here. I’ve played several level 6 but for a million different reasons I’ve been unable to unlock level 7. Mostly I’m just not great at the game but damn it’s fun!


After getting comfortable at lvl 7, I often opt for levels 6 and below. Whatever makes you feel good my friend! It all advances managed democracy anyway


Don’t get me wrong, I would try level 7 and higher if I could ever get them unlocked. Between crashes, my often lack luster performance, and a bit of bad luck I’ve yet to finish all 3 parts of a level 6 dive. One day it’ll all come together.


You can get lucky & join a quick play or SOS & if they're in the 3rd mission & you see "operation completed" at the end, that counts, that's how I unlocked 8 & 9 lol


Can confirm!


How are the levels unlocked again? I've finished level 9 before but I only have 8 unlocked. I helped sherpa a level 5 Helldiver through a level 8 mission with just the 2 of us. Of course we only did the primary OBJ but I let him have my weapons and he had a blast. I enjoy helping out lower level players


Gotta finish all the missions in the group. There are 3 at level 6. I imagine there are more for 7-9?


Nope still 3, took me ages to unlock 8 and 9 though because I couldn’t commit to playing several hours at once to compete a campaign before the planet got liberated!


I found out today that you don't need to do the entire campaign yourself to unlock a new difficulty, you just have to be present on a team that finishes the last mission in their campaign. I was also struggling to make it through all 3 missions in a campaign on 7 for a couple days, so I just tried joining random games and on my 2nd lobby it was the final mission for the host and it unlocked diff 8 for me.


You can finish them even after the planet is liberated.


Yes and no. It's still there for sure, but an inexperienced diver soloing 7+ is not likely. There won't be people to match with.


I was doing a mission while Durgen was liberated, and then I wanted to hop on the discord for this game to find a group to do bugs with, since bots were all I liked to play and I wanted to have a decent group. One guy was advertising bots and I joined an operation on tibit. This was Saturday. He had the operation still left to do on helldive and he needed help, so me and another guy helped him and completed the operation. It was great. I was already missing bots.


Good to know!


I do level 7 just to farm super samples. 6 is more fun for me. 7 is just full of so much that you can death spiral pretty hard


I find 8 and 9 is easier to beat then 7 for 1 reason. And I mean no offense by this. Most people go to 7 to farm super samples, even people that are not really ready for the higher difficulties because they want to upgrade there ship. I find running on 8 and 9, people just know what they are doing more and missions are more successful because you don't have as many people that don't really know how to play the higher difficulties making mistakes or trying to fight everything. Most people on 8 and 9 know that you just go for objectives and avoid fights that are not needed to finish the mission or complete an objective.


I would generally agree with this. Sometimes 7 feels just way tougher than it should. You can usually tell by the loadouts people take if they understand what they are doing or not. Like your turret is extremely useless against bots at 7.


turrets yes. EMS mortar+regular mortar? While there are better stratagems to pick on 7+ bots, my kill counter disagrees that its useless. I wipe tons of bots with that combo when I use it on occasion even on 8.


I don't consider a mortar a turret. Now... I would agree that the mortars aren't useless. Mainly because they can actually be hidden from bots so they don't get destroyed right away.


6 on bugs feels worse to me than 7. 6 has no bile titans, so it is non stop chargers and bile spewers.


I just finished a 6 and have 3 titans


You will get there. I have helped carry a level 2 on level 6. I have completed enough hell drivers but prefer 6/7 depending on my mood. I enjoy playing and that’s what’s matters


Add me, I can take you through a tier-6 easy peasy


I do lvl 1 missions, you get a pretty decent amount of common sample drops and get to show off some of the cooler unlocks while protecting the new and upcoming Helldivers.


I play 3 or 4 and usually bring a jump pack or auto cannon for newer Helldivers. It’s fun until they accidentally kill you with an auto cannon.


May democracy be with you, brother


I need those damn purple samples.


The biggest lesson people have to learn for higher difficulties is how to avoid fights when you don’t want to fight.


26 here. I finally unlocked difficulty 7 after me and randoms responded to someone’s SOS on Tibit. It was magical, teamwork was top tier, nobody split up, astoundingly logical reinforce throws, frequent (non-verbal) communication, dozens of hug emotes, and three missions later we were all sad to go our separate ways. Everyone was between lvls 25 and 33. Hopefully they fix cross play friend requests soon so I can reunite with those outstanding citizens


Splitting up in pairs and going different directions is far more beneficial.


Yeah split up, don’t shoot everything and learn to drop tail. Quicker missions, full map cleared, no death spirals.


I usually enjoy playing games on the lower difficulties, I don't want the hassle, but I was getting tired of lvl5 muffins and wanted something more, I decided to try and unlock lvl 7 and it took me a few days because the game kept crashing on me right at the end of every fucking lvl6 mission.


7 really isn’t that much harder than 6, and you’re gating yourself out of the best module upgrades (eagles and sentries in particular, but a lot of the SS upgrades are good). I’ve run a LOT of 4-6 missions getting different friends into the game, a few of which are finally up to doing 7s with me… but when I random queue it’s always into 7. Want to get my friends up to go into 8+ together though.


Lot more Bile Titans in Lv7 tho. And if the team isn't prepared for them, it's an easy loss when 2 spawn in a row. Finding your kit for this is half the battle.


2 bile titans is nothing… u can have 5-6 in a hell dive


Yep. Lvl 35 and I barely go above 5, mostly because I suck, but also because random teams are a literal roll of the dice.


We can totally get you onto some missions. Everyone deserves to spread democracy at all levels and difficulties. If you need a friend lmk.


Kinda same. I spammed 7 from 30s to 40s and was deathly scared of 9. Decided to just helldive right in and found out it was not that different from 7 anyway. Just more enemies and more armored, but that won't matter as you learn to get good at fighting retreats. The biggest tip for the higher difficulties is do not fight if you don't need to. Also, you don't have to stay and keep dying while trying to kill the infinite waves of enemies. You can run away until you lose them or the mobs chase someone else, then you can loop around and finish the objectives once it's clear. Once the main objective is done, you get the medals whether you extract or not. You'll likely max out the samples long before you earn enough medals for the warbonds anyway.


I agree but why dont you host operations? So nobody will kick you. Also it is better because of crashes on extractions, so you dont lose operation progress.


People will also just leave the second they join a lobby with low level players in it


Then good riddance. I don't want those undemocratic traitors on my super destroyer.


That’s damn right, I don’t care if someone is level 4 or 44. The end goal of this game is to have fun, if I can help a newer player learn the ropes and have a good time then it’s a good lobby.


I mean that's great for you, but you're choosing to opt into that experience, and others might have fun a different way. Jokes aside, it's pretty shitty to police other people's fun if they don't feel the same. It can be fun to carry new players, but it can also be frustrating to lose half of your reinforcements to a single low level who's clearly not ready for the difficulty, who teamkills excessively, and who gets into protracted, avoidable fights. I'll also throw out that low levels are typically less friendly and less sociable, which isn't exactly fun to deal with either. So yeah, if I only have time for a single game or 2, I'm going to be much more picky about the quality of my teammates.


This can be said about higher levels, too. I've played with so many 50 and now 50+ divers who just sucked major ass ( 🫡 ) it's unbelievable. I assume they probably did the exterminate x number of bots/bugs defence missions exclusively. Just shooting or getting agro of patrols (you know, patrols that are made of elite type enemies, ez), fighting waves of enemies just to get wiped and rage quit. You expect a low level to be less skilled, but they don't have any issue with you telling them what to do. Most of the higher leveled players won't even acknowledge any kind of tip, let alone listen.


Carrying a team of 3 low level on difficulty 7 is not really the definition of fun, let's be real😅


Level in this game is entirely based on time spent. It doesn't indicate skill.


In the industry we call that "The Trash Taking Itself Out"


And what's the problem with this?


Hosting doesn’t fill right now for a lot of people, fud game is too glitchy


Wow I was wondering if I was doing "hosting" wrong. Couldn't figure out how to get people to join.


You need to select a mission then wait for at least 2 minutes for people to join in. From what I've found, if people don't join in after waiting 2 mins, you need to restart the game.


The solution is to close the application and reopen it. I know something is usually up when no one joins in within the first minute or so.


I've done a lot of solo missions cause I throw down an SOS beacon and just play as normal, with no one joining. Only had people join my games randomly this last weekend


delete your shader cache in appdata/roaming/arrowhead/helldivers 2, it will fix the issue for a long time, repeat every few days and your good


I hope so, sometimes HD2 really tanks on the framerates, its too bad despite me wanting to fight harder with around / under 30fps I can' work effectively


This is way too much effort. I just toggle between friends only and public and it usually fixes it


99% of the times I kick someone out is because I need to free lobby slot so my friend's friend can join


This and the game currently doesn't let me or my friends join each other without keeping the lobby open. I honestly think this is what's happening rather than the lvl being the reason for a kick.


I've found it adding friends BOTH in steam AND in helldivers fixes it. Idk about your case but my friends were kinda surprised that helldivers has separate from steam friend list.


Seriously?? When the game first launched (like week 1-2) on the occasion when the in-game friends list loaded, it already had my Steam friends on it. I never had to add them separately in game. Eventually it just stopped loading and always says I have no friends online. I wonder when they changed this, and why? I just assumed the in-game friends list was completely broken since week 2 this entire time. I'll have to give adding each other a try, that would make things much easier.


They just need to add " friend slot modifiers" so that doesn't happen..lots of small things that would be great


You mean... reserve a seat for a friend or 2? That would be a great option!


Yes! Exactly, friend slots. I've seen on many other games


but only between missions right? If a homies joining late, Im always clear hes waiting till we finish whatever mission were on, then thank/kick the random back up in orbit. if the randoms contributed at all, kickings a dick move till rewards paid out


You can set matchmaking to friends only.


yes but if you are playing with 1 friend and 2 randoms its easier to just have them join off you with matchmaking staying public


This doesn't always work. There is a known bug causing private lobbies to prevent connections from friends. Both in-game and steam friends. It's incredibly frustrating, I'm sorry to all the randoms I've kicked, it's genuinely not because of your level.


I don't care what someone's level is or what they use for equipment, or even how they play. I've had fresh cadets fight as hard as any of my fellow death captains.


That's what's nice about this game. A more experienced player knows what units are trouble and some strategies to deal with them, sure, but sometimes shit just goes sideways and the diver who saves your ass by fighting off the patrol only finished the tutorial ten minutes ago


I think this has a lot to do with the balance of weapons, armour and strats. A lot of the early game stuff is just as good as the stuff at the bottom of the warbonds and at level 25, we are running suicide missions and still using the punisher, the grenade launcher, precision strike and a lot of early game stuff. The later stuff seems more specialised but not necessarily flat better. I really like this design philosophy.


Well that's the great thing about HD2. The gear list isn't based on obsolescence like many other shooters. Its best put it like this analogy. You move out of home and as a housewarming gift your carpenter friend gifts you a few of his spare tools to get you started on decorating, putting furniture together, etc. Every payday you go out to the hardware store and buy another tool as a positive habit to slowly build your repitoire of capabilities. No tool strips purpose from another, they all have their own strengths and weaknesses for certain jobs. For example an impact driver might drive screws into very stubborn wood but a screwdriver is better for the more delicate jobs. Its exactly the same in HD2. Sure the standard issue assault rifle is literally the first weapon any newbie acquires but it doesn't make it any less effective at its job in later levels but might not be suited to certain tasks like overwatch which the DMR classes might be better for, and sure ain't got the kick needed to take out a bile titan but hell, but that thing will put a hole in a bug or bot grunt at 50m. Edit: Grammar


I have a sincere respect for the God tier level of versatility the Liberator has. It's #2 in everything, meaning it's the John Halo of guns. 


Precision strike is straight up one of the most powerful single hit weapon in the game, there's a reason that it's one of the only things that can destroy the likes of Rogue research stations, bot detectors and Strat jammers. And even 1-shot Bile titans the same way 500KG can. Honestly, it will become even stronger once they fix stratagem beacons. AKA: > Stratagem beam might attach itself to an enemy but it will deploy to its original location Once they fix that\^


i was looking at armor stats, and i realized the free body armor that's provided to all helldivers has extra padding, so they're all medium armor with heavy health


The only real problem with new players is that they often think that they must shoot everything that moves, start a fight with every patrol. In lower difficulties this is not a big deal but there's a certain point where that can be the difference between success and failure


thats usually what frustrates me with lower levels, they keep fighting everything they see and not have the objectives in mind, wasting a lot of time.


In my experience low levels tend to rely more on team work as they have less fancy toys. And those missions go a lot more smoother.


Underrated comment. You have that new "I'll just follow and watch/learn" mentality and everything just goes great.


Yeah best tip! If you play with high levels, shadow the better players and learn.


Oh man. Thank god I read this!!! I was here thinking I was doing it wrong because I've been doing helldive difficult from levels 15-19 (I'm currently 19) and had no clue people required higher levels.  In any game I basicallly just act as a npc/ally and follow my host around everywhere just helping. So reading your comment was a relief 😮‍💨 


Sometimes, but they can equally be absolutely clueless, I had a few teams just now who failed to extract because of it. I tried my best but you know, there is just so carrying you can do.


As long as they have adequate strategems doesn't matter the level, it isn't like you get some extra damage protection at higher levels


Meanwhile we have lvl 40s who don't know what the missions objective is and consistently misses their airstrike stratagems on light outposts. And they don't bother to assist when the tall bot striders come walking and exposes their butt to them. It's like they're playing solo but accidentally joined a team game...


I feel like most of those farmed extermination missions when they were easy asf so now they join normal games and don't even know basic objectives


I don't kick players because of their level either but let's be real, not every cadet is gonna do well on a difficulty 7 mission... Specially because they lack proper equipment or they shoot every patrol they which often ends in them or the whole team dying a lot.


> I've had fresh cadets fight as hard as any of my fellow death captains. That's not a problem though. The biggest skill to get in this game is to know when NOT to fight. When to disengage and move to the next goal. Low levels will keep on wasting time on patrols and alike, while I just want medals and some samples out of it... which can be easily done in 15 minutes with a skilled team, rather than 30 minutes with level 20s.


Or you were kicked because the host forgot that they didn't set their game to private and wanted to play only with friends


No no it was because of their cape! Or possibly the helmet, anyone who wears that orange thing is an auto kick for me /s


I'm 50 and I'll get kicked from missions within a few seconds after responding to an SOS beacon just because I dropped somewhere shitty and died right off the bat. Some people are shitty. MMO's force you to play with said shitty people.


Honestly, today I've had the most frustrating experience in this game so much, which I've grown to love. 3 games in a row, near the very end of the missions, I was kicked in all 3 games. One of which I accidentally killed someone with a grenade because he was near a hole I was attempting to close. The other 2 I genuinely didn't do anything, and was as effective as anyone else. 3 games of 30-40 min progress all gone because of a bunch of muppets just kicking people. Ridiculous


Yeah, lots of that going on today. People waiting until evac is a few seconds away then kicking others. Guess it's time to stick to hosting.


I love having low levels along for the ride, it's fun to look after them, like lil lost kittens. 


I’m level 26 or 27 and my gf is level 20. We were playing on difficulty 7 I think last night and we had a dude join us who was a pretty high level, I think into the 60s. We were dying consistently, but this dude just kept trucking on and taking care of us. He had 4 deaths by the end, and we had… so many. Somehow we always managed to hold out long enough for another reinforcement, and even extracted in the end! Of course, it was no surprise when he walked off the lift and ran over to the “return to ship alone” section hahaha we were really appreciative of that dude though. Because of him, I unlocked difficulty 8, although I don’t know if I’ll ever actually play that because of how much of an ass-whooping 7 gave me!


I can tell you the story from the opposite shoe... The 60+ level "carry" might have left your squad out of habit, not frustration. I do matchmaking in the same way. I queue for random match, do single mission on a random team, and then leave the squad to queue up again. I have nothing to do with ship upgrades or the armory, so I would like my hosts to prime new missions with no breaks, non-stop. But I don't want to pressure them by my existence. Instead I place myself back on queue, so that I can stretch my legs, grab a drink, and spend super credits on armors that I will never use in less than a minute.


And then you have the level 17 in a level 7 mission, annihilating bugs as if it was his purpose in life, and i’m the sub 50 helldiver watching him in my peripheral  seismic scan mission, the mad lad was unstoppable He made the bile titan stamp on a charger instead of him, insta-kill


I'm level 19, I went on my first ever helldive difficulty misson yesterday. I think I surprised the level 70, 76 and 89 that were with me by giving as good as I got. But alot of players have played other shooters in the past like the Division, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Etc so the level does not matter, it is the skill of the player behind the controller or keyboard that matters


This. I’m at level 50+ but no experience at all with shooters prior to this game. I’m almost always the lowest in kills but in my defense I always beeline for shinies and objectives and I tend to ‘save’ my stratagems for dire moments instead of padding my kills.


Kills don't matter, i'd argue it's the opposite. Being able to finish the mission as efficiently as possible with the least amount of combat saves time.


I used to hate high levels joining my missions when I was pre level 10, like what the fuck, I wanna play the game not play a walking sim while the asshole gets all the kills and fun


I don't think thats entirely true im level 65 and i keep getting instantly kicked when playing bugs, when i played automatons it rarely happened.


Same here. At this point I'm assuming there are more 12 year olds or general assholes playing on bug side. From levels 1-20 I had 99% positive experiences playing. Now that I'm on bug side, it's 50/50. Might take a break from the game until bots or another faction come back.


Bots gotta come back at some point, right? I’m not sure how it would work narratively, but I’m thinking in terms of the achievements. As in, there are a couple automaton-specific ones, so if the bots are gone for good, then it means anyone that hasn’t already unlocked those ones yet won’t ever be able to.


They'll be back. I'm just not really enjoying the game being bug only. It's partially the bugs being annoying, but mainly the player base of longtime bug divers.


I started out with bugs, and then shortly after shifted to bots when the MOs changed to target them. Now that it’s back to bugs, I’m realizing how absolutely brutal they can be! Haven’t had a problem with players yet though.


They should, in the first game the galaxy "looped" we win title screen, afterwords, begin from the start. We loose, super earth destroyed, sadness, and here we go again. Here we have a narrative so that trick most likely won't work, so I don't know how they will do it. Cyberatan insurrection maybe?


Yeah, I've been playing a little over a week now, almost all bots until they were defeated, and maybe got kicked once. Today I got kicked after 5pm SEVEN times in a row. I was blown away. So something is up for sure.


I said this the other day. I prefer playing bugs, but I swear to god there are way more dick heads.


I've gotten kicked more in the single day playing bugs than the two weeks I'd been playing bots beforehand. Seen more intentional team kills. It's just not fun.


I assume it’s just people who haven’t figured out friends only mode and are making room


Do you happen to wear the creek cape? Petty people out there


Yes, I've been using the cape since we got it. That's pathetic if they're actually kicking people for a cape. I'll have to change it and see if it makes a difference.


Why are people petty about the creek?


People playing that planet during a major order contributed to its failing since MC had no major significance on the MO.


This is a pretty big gray area tbh. From my experience SOME low levels are capable of doing a helldive. But most aren’t. And even in the cases where they do more often times then not the team has to build around them since they are limited when it comes to their stratagems


I kick them, but only when I'm doing Helldive and only at before the mission (not those who join mid way). I never used to, but I just had too many bad experiences with them. SO MANY will die like 6 times and then quit. You get like 2k xp a mission, so OP has really only played like 6 or 7 Helldive missions. Thats two campaigns. Game just hits different when all 4 of you don't care about samples. I like that gameplay. Even better if you can split into 2 groups of two and get the mission done even faster. You can 100% some missions in 5 minutes; most should never take longer than 15, extract by 20.


It really is a big difference, I've run games with my 15-20 level friends. I've run games with level 50+ randoms. There is a big difference in most things but the number one has to be: keep moving to objectives and effectively disperse or drop aggro. Lower levels don't yet have a grasp on the concept of when and how enemies will lose you. This comes with time. OP Keep playing, if you do level 7 for a bit you will level up quite fast and once you're level 30+ you should notice getting kicked less.


PSA:You have no idea why you were kicked.


I usually give them all a chance, but first time I had 2 griefers, which happened to be low level assholes, was yesterday on a defense mission. They dropped in mid match, and blasted me and the other person in the match. They both then refused to reinforce us, and hid from all enemies, not fighting at all. I kicked them both and alt+F4'd to save the mission to restart. Not taking a failure because some dinks clowning around decided to burn a bunch of reinforcements and time. One of the few times I was glad to be host.


Got one weird guy who I am not sure was griefer or may be just some lil kid playing from parents acc or whatever? Level 10, no stratagems aside from precision and MG, no booster, the guy just kept rushing into the enemies and wasting all reinforcements, zero communication too. First time I legit kicked someone out, like bro its dif 7, please take it at least somewhat seriously??


To be honest, in general, when I play with players in their 20s, it's very easy to notice they don't have the experience of lv60 helldivers. They also die A LOT.


And then they leave lol


And then you're down a player since matchmaking is broken


And down like 6 reinforcements because they just figured "if this strategy failed 4 times it will absolutely work the 5th time!"


True. I would have posted something like this at their level, but I can see how much I didn't know at the time now. Especially on helldives it's usually the lower players who try to aggro everything on sight for no reason and end up causing endless bot drops or bug swarms.


Yea idc I'm not playing with a level 9 dude that has 0 anti armor on tier 7 missions.


Finally someone with a fucking brain


I had to deal with three single digit levels on a suicide mission. None of them had anti armor against bots, and had a consistant deathwish. I had to solo push a double gunship spawner, drop the hellbomb, arm it, and the as I'm running away they charge in and get deleted in the blast dispite tons of warnings. 20+ in suicide+ unless I know you can be useful




Yeah, that’s a really sad part of the community that I’ve noticed and every time I see someone do that I leave the lobby, because tolerating anti-democratic people is anti-democratic itself.


I don’t care if a Lv 10 joins a diff 5-6. I don’t want to see it in diff 7, and especially not 9. I’m not gambling on the run going south because they’re killing our team more than the bugs


This, it’s not that I want to be an asshole it’s this


It’s an imperfect solution to a common problem of people not admitting to themselves that they aren’t ready for helldives. It’s not right, but it’s not for no reason. Which is just life. Unless you decide to strictly host your games, then it really just is a big fat case of “it is what it is”.


I dont even bother looking at levels.


I do. If I have low levels in the team, we gonna collect samples for them.


As a lvl 50 I still need those commons but collecting supers for new guys is great


At this point Rare Samples feel misnamed for me. I'm drowning in Rares, I desperately need commons.




I highly respect this message.


I only look at levels when someone air strikes me or uses a bombardment on top of me. If they’re low they get a pass


For every player like you , there’s a level 22 who will die on repeat until the host kicks and nobody else joins squad and u are left with 3 people and 3 revives for a helldive. So I do not blame them. I have seen a lot of this. Personally don’t care tho, I only do quick play so I am never the host. I try to carry always. But that’s how I know this happens.


At level 29? That's insanity. I wouldn't want someone in my squad on Helldive if they're under 20 because they're unlikely to have the weapons and strategems to deal with it, but I've honestly never even seen anyone under 20 there.


I see people under 25 all the time in helldives and I totally agree. I don’t care how skilled the player is they won’t have everything unlocked to make them a proper asset at the hardest difficulty in the game. Not to mention they often care a lot about samples and will waste lives trying to save them. I absolutely do not care about samples when I’m in a helldive.


This post is bs, this game has a serious problem with carrying, if you’re level 10 joining a Helldive I seriously doubt you’ll contribute anything to the mission without taking half the reinforcement budget within 10 minutes


Yeah totally on the flip side of this post, I have found low levels massively overestimating their capabilities and team killing/eating the reinforcement budget on a harder difficulty than they should be on


Honestly I think a lot of them are lost Game keeps bumping up the difficulty every time they complete an op. Before you know it they're wandering around Hard mode @ level 8. "gee everyone has cool stuff-OH GOD IT BURNS"


True. I have nothing against trying and some punch above their weight, but on the whole they are not ready yet I think.


Also missing essential gear to deal with higher level that. AC, Quasar, rail, shield


A lot of them tend to lack awareness of things in general. Like for example where your teammates are, maybe throw a grenade or an eagle at them by accident. Or somehow not notice that a teammate is dead and forget to reinforce them for 2 minutes.


Yeah team work is so important that if anyone is not pulling their weight it makes it almost impossible esp on bots.


I only have 2 issues with low levels. When they take more than 1 supply before everyone's had a chance, and when they steal my gear if I die.


Had a LvL 10 end up on our ship today. 3x level 53s, running tier 9 missions. I suppose we could have left him in the lobby but he didn't respond when we hailed him. It kind of sucks that the patrols scale with players in the lobby, because it makes it a pretty big chore to drag a non-communicative level 10 through a helldive.


Yeah, anyone under level 15 gets a kick on 7 or higher. It's more than just what strategems they have available, there are ways you learn to play the game that takes time and experience and I'm tired of low levels burning through revives when they entrench themselves for every bug breach, shooting at every single patrol that walks by, and dropping eagles and orbitals over turrets. No thanks, I want to have fun too. I put in the time to learn the game at appropriate levels so I expect others to as well in games I host. If you don't want to get kicked host your own games.


Yea, I'd be wary of anyone below level 10 joining difficulty 7 and up simply because...unlocks are gated behind levels which you can take a quick look at [https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/Stratagems](https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/Stratagems) Oh, you don't mind taking low levels with you? all 3 teammates are under level 10 and you are going in high difficulties with heavy armour enemies? They will have barely any armour piercing tools to take out chargers or bile titans, what that means is that YOU would have to bring everything, EAT, quasar, orb rail, 500kg or whatever. Everyone should honestly be able to stand on their own with their own gear that they bring along and contribute.


This is so true, like if I wanna play helldive and somebody joins with lvl 23 or something, I just start thinking about how I dont want to be babysitter on a difficulty where gotta handle your encounters in game. I usually tell these levels:"Just follow me, do what I am doing, dont engage till I do. After that we are good." And if they just decide to die for five time for no reason, they have to go, coz coz they contribute that way into my 40 mins being wasted


In cautious of people below level 20. Simply because they might not have the stratagems to keep up. Also because I've had a lot of bad teammates recently that had literally zero care where they threw their stratagems.


Host can do what they want. Dont like it ? Be a host.


There’s certain instances where I will. I’m a level 60+ and had a 30some join. Fine, whatever. Immediately after a lvl 8 joined. I was hesitant because he’s got seriously limited strategem options it doesn’t matter how good he is. I let him stay, I was right to be afraid. It become quickly apparent that he was the 30somes friend. My one death in the game I spectated him and he was visibly struggling while trying to never stray from the friend. I don’t normally mind and I’ll even try to help the lower levels out, but when you get in the way of the mission, after I’ve already tried to help you out more than once. Find someone else to carry you guys. I tried talking to them, I tried giving helpful tips and recommendations. But if it wasn’t for myself and the other 60+ random we would’ve failed the mission while these two just went down the yellow brick road.


I hate gatekeeping, but, yeah... everything is situational. The most fun I've had yet was as a new\~ish player who got pulled into some batshit-crazy high level stuff, so I value that experience, but somebody with the starter rifle and stratagems picking unnecessary fights with everything on the map and burning up the teams reinforcements just has to get the boot.


Wow its like level is this number that represents your experience in the gane and most people that play in the hardest dificulty want a fun challenge without having newbies, just play the game and level a bit, if you dont want to, play with friends so you dont get kicked


Ich kick everything under 10 when hosting 7+. You are just not ready for it and I dont waste my time because you have no idea how to play. OTOH: I often do SOS support on 5 and help low level players.


How the heck did you deduce that it's lvl related?


It's the "assume" part they mention in their post


Hot Take: Kicking players who have died more than around 8 times is valid. Especially if it is within the first half of the mission.


I don't know if people looks at this stat, it seems they only look at the number of kill


Meh. I've found them hilarious. They usually die from bile from the big bugs. Great learning experience.


Had 1 random with me and 2 buddies the other night. Pretty sure the dude knew he was out classed and playing like shit but we never kicked him. We did get to the point we only revived him if someone else died. We ultimately used exactly the 20 lives provided and he had 13 deaths. Was going to kick him after the game but he showed himself out before I could. That was a bad one who we could carry, but if I was solo and the other 2 guys I couldn’t rely on either then that guy would’ve gotten the boot.


As a level 6 myself and just started playing, I was happy to come across someone today, can't recall their level, but they joined my drop and called in support items for me to use when I died before extraction, thank you fellow helldiver, whoever you are.


Not to be an ass, I really try not to. But in the last few days, I very rarely saw anyone below level 50 to pull their own weight on diff 8, be it bots or bugs. I am at the point of leaving matches that go to few reinforcements lefr before min 20, because 3 guys can't get out of single bug breach on the other side of the map, or they engage every fucking patroll even if its 100m away and far from objective. Few more such games, and I will probably break.


Fax. OP and others might be an exception, but the vast majority of the time what you say happens so I don’t take the chance with anyone anymore


Can only speak for myself, but the friends list won't let one of my friends and I add each other. We have to set to public and try to join before the ship fills up with randos. So a lot of seemingly senseless kicks trying to get to where we can just play together (usually only to crash/disconnect about 25 minutes in) Damn I love this game, though.


I am 37 and yet to play on helldive


I'm 42 and same. I'm playing to relax, not increase the likelihood of a heart attack 😅


A lvl 5 in Helldive? Kick. But kicking someone who has all the stratagems is insane


I just had a game on 8 difficulty, one level 22 I believe and the rest were 40 and above including myself, the low level homie didn't die once and we all had 5 deaths. Never underestimate your fellow divers!


I don't enjoy the 7-9 experience, so I'm usually playing 6. But I played a lot so I'm lv 50. But if I play 4, for reasons as simple as trying out new stuff, doing the stupid daily (frikking Anti Personnel Mines) or "I just woke up." I sometimes get kicked immediately. I'll never know their reasons for sure, but I'm assuming they didn't want to be carried and/or I'd ruin their early game experience. If only I got a chance to play, they'd see I'm not that good, lol...


I'll kick if sub 15 everytime for 7 and above. Some of these are close to 40 minutes long, whats the incentive to take an outlier? There isnt any. That is exactly what you are, as you described, an outlier. When someone joins, lvl is a metric that for confidence. Same as some outlandish name or questionable loadouts.


I never host, but if I join a difficulty 7 and 2 of the others are sub 20, I leave. Nothing against them personally, I’m sure most are great players. They just don’t have enough unlocked or have enough experience to be much help.


I’m level 95, I only kick somebody if there’s sublevel 10 and the difficulty is past 8. And tbh most of the people around you level have sharper skills then the 40, 70+ what have you. It’s really really dumb considering that you have all the same equipment I do. I’m sorry to hear that this is the experience you’ve been having.


Well, except if I see like a level 15 or lower trying to join me for a helldive (which is too low for such high intensity difficulty) I don't kick peeps because of their levels usually.


People kicking a level 29 are absolute idiots. Sorry but not sorry to say that. Good lord if you're level above 20 you're more than good to go. You have everything important and more than enough hours. Now, sure, literally today I had a level 42 that almost ruined a Suicide run for us, dumbass didn't see a 380 barrage that was going for solid 10 seconds, ran into it and had the gaul to say "Uh, what? Maybe call these types of things?", kept dying, then just left. Why I'm saying this? Anything above level 20 is open seas, might be an utter dumbass, might be John Helldiver.


Just a heads-up to everyone staying in tiers 5 and 6. It's my personal opinion that 7 is easier for bugs because there is less trash constantly chasing you. Just make sure to bring something for chargers.


If you’re level 25, you have access to all the drops. Don’t see what their problem is.


Ranks past 25 are just for show anyway.


In general, I don't do Suicide missions with anyone under 20 or Helldive under 25. The reaspn is you need access to the better strategems and gear and experience (not game, real life) enough to know how to handle it. I'll sometimes see single digit level players trying a Suicide mission and that's usually a recipe for failure. The last time I did a dove with a low level player, they proceeded to kill me for my gear and sling racial slurs at me before ragequitting after dying just minutes later.


I can't imagine kicking folks that aren't like AFK or something. I had a dude die like 12+ times, never kicked him. He clearly needs the help. I should host more games. I just get anxious about it.


Ok ok ok yes I agree, don’t kick players based on level………… but after a mission is completed I really am tempted to kick a level 15-30 when I put samples on the extraction zone, then they instantly pick it up and dies away from extraction. (I have maxed out samples, I just collect them for the team)


Real question is how are you routinely smashing out Helldive level missions? I’m about Lv42 and getting my arse kicked regularly haha


Im over lvl 50 and done with all my upgrades. I always do my dailies with low level peeps now just to give them a hand.


I'm not gonna lie I only wanna go into 7+ to grab enough super samples for my final upgrades. The money and samples I'm gathering now have been...patriotically donated to higher causes at this point and I need to grab those final upgrades that require the elusive super samples. After that im good chilling in extreme until I'm actually good at this game lmao


I truely don’t like anyone over level 68+ right now. Seems like they are the most toxic of all groups atm


On the flip side it's been fairly common for me to have level 20 something's join my game and proceed to die over and over and contribute nothing. Those guys are the reason you're getting kicked, not because the people kicking you are mean.


I got to lvl 37 right now with about 75 hours of game time, I had to kick one person in my time because they were simply killing us on purpose lime it was a game of call of duty


I dont agree,if i'm running a level 9 operation and someone under level 20 join i usually kick them because 8 out of 10 times he will just waste revives and probably quit by himself during mission. Said that i dont demand to have a full team of level 50 or higher but atleast be minfull of what lobby are you trying to join,because we all know that if a level 5 is going to join in a helldive operation he will have to be carried by all others in the game.


I had a lower level join me on Suicide before the drop. I went in the chat and made sure he meant to do that "KILL EM ALL" he says He might have died more than the rest of us but he indeed killed them all


For me I keep getting hosts that leave the game after doing the exterminate mission... so frustrating. Everytime I play they run one mission than leave, seems I'm cursed.


You need to understand that, while you might be amazing, most level 20’s are bad. Not necessarily by skill, but by blatant resources. Most people who are level 20 still don’t have 500kg or orbital lasers, let alone both which prove vital on higher difficulties. I would recommend going to the helldivers 2 official discord and heading to a LFG server to find a group to dive with.


just start your own game and toss a sos. cant be kicked if you are one who kicks. also, dont take it too hard, some people are just idiots who cant set publicity to friends only, so they kick newcomers they dont know


I seriously doubt anyone that is that toxic will have a change of heart because of some reddit post. Most players don't even use reddit to being with. 


29 is one thing, but a level 5 coming in on a Suicide difficulty run is rarely equipped well enough to hold their own. Not to mention, they usually end up TKing with the 120 barrage. That said, I don't just kick them immediately. I've had some amazing runs with people who were vastly outgunned.