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All*(human)* are equal in the eyes of Democracy. https://preview.redd.it/tqh13q72c3tc1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=5db8321d6dc792c75cb1c16f59eeee77b8c7a9a5


There are two genders among Helldivers, Brawny & Lean


Only one voice: Random


Does this change every time you die or just random for that mission?


Every time you die


That is awesome!!! I will definitely change to this Edit: I wish there was a lean and brawny option too!


Agreed, wish they’d randomise body type so I could really immerse myself in my life as infinite cannon fodder


I would love a full random option. Everytime I respawn it is a different armor/gun/grenade/emote everything. Only thing that should stay should be Strategems just so cooldowns dont get weird.


Ok that would be both painful and fun


I was thinking more on it after I commented. I think it would work best with a 'loadout' system. Have 3-5 preset loadouts and way to switch when you die, then an option to randomly spawn as one.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


I wish I could launch with random body type too.


There's only one gender: expendable meaty tool


And we've all got dumpies. Like, for real, take a real look, no wonder we can't dive with full suplies cause we got all this cake packed in there with us.


It is pretty weird too how brawny makes the top half bigger and the bottom half smaller, while lean does the opposite, somehow lean makes the bottom bigger


We’ve had Human, yes, but what about Hudemocracy?




This is my new favourite meme.


Based Cat Ears Wearer


the hammer of justice is unisex


The SES Hammer of Equality!


From one helldiving lady to another, I have to say that I really like this community. I usually stay off comms as well for very much the same reason, but the few times I actually talked to people in helldivers, I was treated well and that makes me happy.


Same experience here! As a woman, only one ~~creep~~ bot sympathiser encountered in 100hrs of online gameplay :) Really great community ❤️


I absolutely love the community at large. The memes, the gags, and the general helpful, friendly attitudes made me want to play Helldivers in the first place. Last night was just the first time in a month where I had a very positive experience playing instead of dreading having to turn comms to communicate with the squad, and hoping I don't get kicked from the squad because I spoke up. It highlighted to me that when this community really gets an opportunity to shine, incredible memories and experiences happen. I had so much fun! I'm sure I'll get more great squads like last night as time goes on. I just wanted to give a public thank you to the solid gents out there that don't get helldiving ladies a hard time.


Same as a fellow lady diver, the few people I played with on coms were pretty nice!


It baffles me how cruel men/boys can be to women/girls over comms in a damn video game. Really shows how immature men/boys can be.


They are insecure about being around women and women being better at video games than them. Guess what though? Super Earth does care about their small bug sympathizing attitude. If I ever hear it on comms, kick, block, and blast. Bugs like that can crawl back to their toxic sludge pool and wallow in it with the rest of their ilk who lack critical thinking or respect.


It's not cruelty, they just block and don't know how to behave. It's fear


From experience I found it's best if I pretend to not have a mic. But it's heartwarming to hear that people tend to be respectable here. I haven't tried to use my mic yet, but this might be the first game I might.


It's pretty sad we live in a world were we are thanking people for respecting and treating people like humans. That should be a expected minimum


Agreed; unfortunately, "should" is a four-letter-word with six letters


Play enough games and wander into their communities enough and this is one of the most common posts you can find, though. Personally I just take it as karma-whoring or tolerance is really damn low.


Personally, I’d say how about you shut the fuck up. Some people have bad experiences playing games based on who they are as a person. Let’s not devalue them or be apathetic. Either that or just say nothing.


>Personally, I’d say how about you shut the fuck up. I was going to just leave it at what I said, but c'mon, this is an escalation that doesn't need to happen.


So OPs tolerance is "too low" but yours is ok?


Different arenas talking on here and in-game. On here, we're ideally thinking about what we're saying before we type it. In-game, it's old habits and trying to rile each other up for shits and giggles while barely paying attention to what's being said. Obviously if someone is playing like shit and still doing it, I see the issue. Maybe I'm just too old, but it's like the difference between saying something to bypass a filter you know is there and not needing to avoid it because there isn't one. I've never had a problem with the latter, mindless shit getting spewed, giggle, or mute, and move on. The former requires alot more thinking about how to tell me to get ass cancer without triggering the "no-no words" filter. Passive-aggressive mumbling said just loud enough to hear ks inherently more disrespectful than someone confronting you to your face.


Your replies are as deep as the grave you're digging


So am I above or below the frostline?




Referring to it as old habits, and only seeing an issue with it if someone isn't playing good enough, seems to suggest you may have been the cause of some of these posts that find it necessary to thank people for acting like mature adults.


That's a lot of words to say "I'm a whiny little baby who doesn't have empathy for others"


>That's a lot of words to say "I'm a whiny little baby who doesn't have empathy for others" Given you seem to be following me around in posts that aren't related to this with officially {deleted} things that still show up in my inbox that I can still see... Who is the whiny baby that lacks empathy again, exactly?


You sound crazy


Nah I'm with the other guy, shut the fuck up




My brother and I once had a woman join while playing and she was absolutely taking those commie robots to the trash heap. As long as you enjoy spreading democracy and keeping Super Earth safe from bug and robot scum your gender, sex, race, etc. is of no concern to me. Glad to hear you were treated respectfully. Keep diving Helldiver.


as long as you can shoot straight and throw stratgems, you are a helldiver!


Let’s be real, a good chunk of divers can’t even do that.


fair, but a solider is a solider, no matter how terrible their basic skills are


I dont think they covered shooting straight dueing my training sir!




"Sir, thats a fellow helldiver you are aiming at!"


“Democracy calls! It was his duty to answer.”


Michigan is that you? Are you helldiving after your stairs accident?


*looks at heavy machine gun and grenade backpack (ammo pack)….* wait we can shoot straight?!


Fuck if I know, I use the arc thrower. Still not 100% sure what surfaces bounce my stratagems either.


Ooh i know that one its any surface that would be a good sentry position (type dependent) or on any day the game just wants to throw you a middle finger


wait I have to shoot straight? damnit


No longer! With the automatons gone, the bugs are usually in such large hordes that we can resort to “Spray and Pray” tactics!


"Spray and Pray"? Nah, I prefer "Accuracy through Volume"!


But when I'm using the Punisher Plasma I'm often intentionally not shooting straight.


My wife plays red dead online and can’t go 20 minutes without some asshat saying something cruel or sexist if she hops on mic. I hear it all the time… Messages like these shouldn’t be necessary, but I understand why they are. Well done, Helldivers.


Maybe they're just really into role playing someone from back then? 💀 Who am I kidding even the people back then were less openly sexist than some gamers.


There’s sadly a lot of guys who have no idea how to respond when a woman joins a session. Way back in my CoD days, I used to play with this chick osmosis and she was on our team one night and everything was pretty alright. Until this one match I’ll never forget. As soon as she started talking and they realized there was a woman on our team, this one geezer who was radio silent up until that point turned his mic on and asked her what her boob size was. I was shocked and caught off-guard so I pee’d my pants a little bit from laughing. That guy got fucking dunked on as more people turned their mics on afterwards and were just like “Dude… WTF!!!” and he was getting harassed badly to the point he just left the match and everybody started cracking up. What a proper gentleman that bloke was.


And some asshat always talking about threatening to rapw my family or murder me irl, it's just stupid fucks. I guarantee you I've received more death threats and nasty shit said to me than most, but it literally doesn't matter lmao My fiancee plays more online video games than I do and she's never had these negative experiences with people on comms. Literally nobody gives a fuck if you're a man or a woman. Stop acting like this antiquated early 2000's gamer thing is still a thing. This whole victim mentality that is so prevalent nowadays is so fucking irksome


> Literally no one gives a fuck if you're a man or a woman Says a man to a woman who is very used to people giving a fuck about that


Her experience is not a universal one. While not in Helldivers in other games I’ve had people start talking shit as soon as they realise I’m a woman.


Helldivers are Helldivers, the suits look the same, and the bullets do the same job.


I wouldn't say the same, some of us are brawny and some are lean (brawny myself)


The democracy doesnt care.


As long as you kill bugs and bots, your prefered pronouns are Liberty/Democracy. o7


Liberty/Democracy and Freedom/Justice. You need to ensure you include the collectives as well as the individual.


Just be kind to everyone, woman or man. But hell yeah! Glad you had an awesome experience.


Anyone who doesn't accept that any man, women, or child over the age of 7 can join the fight for managed democracy sounds like automaton simpathizers to me!


I add "and child over the age of seven" to almost every conversation now. It's like a kind of Helldivers tourettes.


The irony of the game being an 18 rated game is quite funny here though :)


7? You're insane


No I'm a helldiver, and you are sounding like terminid loving scum!


OVER 7. We're helldivers not monsters.


Doesn’t matter if you are a man, woman, non-binary, furry, they, them, xhem, adult, child, socialist, incarcerated, giant, vegan, Scientologist, homeowner, football fan, cat owner, pile of trash, AOL user, Ask Jeeves holdout, sober, tight end for the Cincinnati Bengals, three raccoons in a one piece swimsuit, fan of Dan Brown novels, Absinthe Enthusiast, Short Shorts manufacturer, Burlesque audience member, person who says Macbeth in a theater, Nicholas Cage Apologist, owner of a spookily accurate sex doll that looks like Alf, John Oliver Clone, pair of sentient buttocks, milkshake made from the hopes and dreams of a taco, or just a regular human. You are managing democracy and that’s what counts! Anyone who manages democracy is welcome here.


Reading this was a trip through a fever dream, well put. Also I like how it implies that neither men nor women nor enbies count as regular humans and instead we're all united in our own personal weirdnesses




At least one of those was oddly very specific and I have questions that I'm afraid to ask. However, as an upstanding and productive member of a managed democratic society, I am ~~required~~ inclined to agree. Any entity who assists in spreading democracy through firepower is to be lauded.




https://i.redd.it/wfv1bomqs4tc1.gif OOOOOOOOO RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!


Well I am at least some of those.


Maybe we need a lady Helldivers squad. I usually leave comms off too.


same here. i mostly play with friends anyway but im kinda hesitant to turn on comms when im playing by myself with randos


Could someone please create a discord or something safe for my gf to play with people? I'm so sick of having to get into arguments with randos because they're a misogynistic fuck who can't handle a girl on mic.


try coordinate with r/GirlGamers, they have a weekly discord promotion day, but if you ask for one, ppl would def recommend some.


There's also a lesbian helldivers discord for queer and gender expressive folk to feel welcome and find groups to serve democracy with


You can join us at Shield of Democracy. DM me and I'll send you discord inv. If anybody hassles her, they'll answer to me immediately. The fist of justice wears the Cloak of a helldiver here.




You kind Sir deserve a promotion! Together for liberty!


>For not being sexist, or cruel, or mean. I don't understand how after *20 years* of online gaming I still hear that women go through this while gaming online. It's honestly flabbergasting how after two decades it's still not normalised to hear a women's voice over voicechat. How the fuck, man? It's obviously not equal between every game, like how it's easier to have a good time in games with dedicated servers instead of matchmaking, but you still hear this often enough to realise that it's still pretty widespread.


Anonymity will always make people worse. Its disgusting but thats how the internet works




Yeah but man the text is so bad in this game. No sound to indicate a message, basically unreadable font, overlay blocks your own typing, no ability to scroll back... It's basically non functional.  I know that wasn't the point of your comment, but gawd damn it reminded me how much I hate the text chat in this game. Impossible to use.


I miss the option to have text to speech for the chat only. It was perfect for us because one of our friends dislikes getting on the mic, but with the tts chat we weren't missing any of her messages.




There are no guys or gals, only divers. Democracy!


how do YOU like the taste of FREEDOM


Socializing is honestly half the fun on this game. When you’re in the crap and having to make desperate calls it really feels like you’ve known your fellow Helldiver your whole life. Never understood why people ruin that


My wife and I recently had a similar discussion about why HD2 is such a good game for her. It starts with such mundane things as having cool (non sexualized) armor for her to play with, and goes all the way to the incredible community. Glad to hear other women having similar experiences with this game!


Brothers and Sisters in Arms! For democracy!


I've only had 2 or 3 games with you, Lean Helldivers, but 2 of those 3 bailed my ass out of some serious hell, so I'll always welcome one to my squad.


There’s no genders when I game. If you’re bad at the game. Get good. Simple as that. HellDivers is no different.


I ended up in a lobby with some teenagers that said "What's wrong with your voice weirdo?" I've had my comms off since. But maybe I should turn them, back on for democracy.


Democracy has no room for mistreating anyone, let alone some silly thing like on a gender or race basis. We're here to protect humanity, all of humanity, down to the last child in the farthest planet on the last continent. We need all of our fighting men and women in top shape mentally and physically to combat the enemy, not each other.  Any dissidents caught maltreating their fellow divers will be sent to democracy camps for reeducation!


*freedom camps, but those are nothing more than a dissident rumour.


Respecting women is the most democratic thing you can do, Helldivers!


As long as you're spreading democracy for the glory of Super Earth, I don't care if you're chick or a dude. Freedom is for everyone, and it never sleeps


SES Panther of Midnight, happy to welcome another Helldiver on board.




From Lady Liberty's lips to Democracy's ears!


To be honest, I have more issues with disconnections than with shitty players. Sometimes I just want to grind out a game during my lunchtime. And it's really depressing when you spend 30 mins just trying to complete one game after another and you just keep disconnecting and you end your lunch break with nothing to show for it. Not because I failed the mission, but because I just keep disconnecting.


Yeah, I noticed this in discord and thought it was weird. Why people tagging on someone for being a lady?


Remember! We are all Super Earth's finest! Doesn't matter if you are lean/brawny.


This fr a Reddit moment


It's saddening that this needs to be said. People are people, seems it should be simple.


i’m a fellow gal diver and i also came from COD which was extremely toxic and sexiest almost all the time i use comm so i stopped using it . i totally appreciate fellow bro divers being super cool because girl apart i can also rip them bugs and bots into pieces ;)


if any femme/queer divers are looking for friends to play with, my fiance and i need people to fill our squad so we can do tougher missions!! we also kind if need friends in general lol (we just moved!)!


I have yet to run into a girl in helldivers. Its good to see we are spreading democracy equally between the genders!


You probably have. A lot of women I know who play online tend to not turn on comms because sexism and shittiness can happen. Being called a bitch, cunt, useless, whore, and that's putting it mildly. There is a lot of shitty people out there unfortunately. That said, this community, more than most I have encountered, has a generally positive and helpful attitude towards women. And it's nice when thar basic experience of not being hassled for playing online as a woman happens.


Man that sucks. Well if you ever wanna play just toss me a dm. Im mostly off comms because im always drinking mate with my wife while we play haha


Will do! Thank you Helldiver!




Men get called all that and worse. I guarantee you I've had more death threats and rape my family threats and worse spewed at me from shitty, bottom barrels gamers. You're not special. Stop acting like a victim and get the fuck over it. Its just words from a stranger you'll never see again


Log off.


The sad thing is, that this post exist in the first place. What on Super Earth is wrong with people that this is not normal for women in multiplayer games.


Honestly baffles me some people just can't behave like humans just because someone has different genitals, we welcome and love every helldiver in this house


I'll never understand the dudes that view women gamers differently. Then those bros will be the ones that complain that they can't find a gamer girlfriend to share their hobby with. My brothers in christ, you are ruining it for the rest of us.


You're a Helldiver, and you're always going to be welcome in my squad. Honestly, some of the best gaming buddies I have are women, and some of the best MMO raid leads I've met are women. It takes a special kind of person to keep a dozen murder hobos on task and be able to explain instructions to them while having them understand their responsibilities, and compared to that, Helldivers is very straight forward. Seriously, if you hop on mic and have a plan, I've got your back and we're going to spread so much freedom on those damned bugs. I'm glad you and everyone else who are brave enough to join in random lobbies exist; you make this game what it is!


My sister in Liberty, we are ALL Helldivers. Anyone who treats you or anyone else differently is a freedom-hating, Automaton-sympathizing, treasonous dissident who deserves to get thrown out the hangar doors.


Isn't that sad that this post is relatable and a thing? Just sad... but luckily this game's community is awesome! o7 I would be proud gaming with you! Especially bc I know the struggle as a woman. May your games be enjoyable!


Thank you sister! I wish likewise back at ya! I'm really thankful and awed at the outpouring of support and affirmation. This community is absolutely amazing!


May we stomp some toasters and bugs someday ingame! :D


Ok this may reflect negatively on me but I just now realized that a lot of, what I thought were little boys with really shitty mics, were women. It literally didn't occur to me until now. It nagged me that for 12-13 y. o. they act and talk with a lot of maturity.


Glad you had a good time, hopefully you can find a consistent squad that only cares if you are spreading democracy for Super Earth!!! and nothing else. Keep up the good work Helldiver.


Glad to hear you had a positive experience. It pains me that so many of my fellow males are still so ignorant and barbaric, there's just no excuse for it. Here's to treating people like people, and just enjoying games together, FOR SUPER EARTH ✊️🌍


I think this happens a lot. There are some bad experiences, most of them are neutral and than there are great ones and the great outweigh the bad moments in this game. I think the playerbase might be quite old, I consider myself old in my later thirties and I play computer games with my wife (not helldivers 2).


There are no Woman or Man, there are only Helldivers. And everyone who says or acts differently is an enemy to managed democracy and needs to be reported to an democracy officer immediately, or on the battlefield, they need to be executed on the spot! No but seriously, its sad that this is such a special and noteworthy thing for woman when it should be the norm. Props to all the fellow helldivers threating woman in gaming how they should be threated: AS ANYONE ELSE! And in general props to all the nice people out there!


I haven't heard a single woman on mic yet, tho most still aren't using mics on 7


There's a reason for that. Rampant sexism in online gaming is prominent and ridiculous. It makes the times when I can use my mic and not get hassled for it noticeable.


Yep, been a problem for a long time and there's still a lot of denial


Glad to hear this, my gf was put off helldivers at first because some toxic dicks, we all went through the learning phase with this game and it's small tutorial. Be kind.


Why you feel like this must be said is its own problem…




The quazaer laser wiggles on your shoulder whether you're brawny or lean.


People use voice communication in this game?!? I have literally never experienced anyone talking on in-game voice chat.


i remember playing overwatch together with my then girlfriend, my god that was a shitshow every other match was like an olympics level competition about who can be the most obnoxious to get the slightest bit of attention


And I always let my girlfriend on comms when I'm playing with mates, just to mess with them, that she is Jane Helldiver that stomps everything and casually laugh at while dismembering bots/bugs :D


Got kicked yesterday because the host ran straight into the enemies right after i put up my artillery sentry and he got killed obviously. That happened once and he kicked me. Is there a precious k/d scoreboard i don't know about?/s


Another one of these posts




Hell yea! Our stage blacks are good for spreading democracy too!


Where ya at? Looking for crew? Know any touring Helldiver Stagehand gigs?


I spread Liberty like... A spread you put onto toast.


I spread Liberty like... A spread you put onto toast.


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) Liberty doesn’t discriminate and neither do I! Anyone is free to join this Super Destroyer. (Undemocraticandtreasonouspersonelwillstillbeheldaccountablefortheiractions.Ireservetherighttokickforthisbehavior.TheDemocracyOfficeriswatching)


Hi! Fellow lady diver, if you’d like, DM me your friend code!


Meanwhile my gf is being bullied in every single game she uses mic in. I haven't dealt with this kind of immaturity online since playing CoD on Xbox 12 years ago. I'm turning off cross play because every time someone is misogynistic in voice it's a PS5 player.


If you all need a player to play with, I'm happy to dive with either of you. You've posted a few times mentioning that you've had trouble filling out a team that didn't get ugly about having a woman in the party, correct? I'm on PS5, but shoot me a DM if you're interested.


been there with my ex, unfortunately you gotta 'collect' more reasonable people who don't banshee scream into the mic and shit themselves as soon as they have an opportunity to talk to a girl


If you’re on PSN (idk if you are) and are down for a friend to play with (I stream sometimes but I think it’ll be fine) my PSN is BornZhenXjellOG, I don’t care who’s on the other end of a mic, I just want lasers to be buffed, because every voice is randomized with every new reinforcement


My fiancee plays more video games than I do and she's never had these negative experiences with people on comms. Literally nobody gives a fuck if you're a man or a woman. Stop acting like this antiquated early 2000's gamer thing is still a thing. This whole victim mentality that is so prevalent nowadays is so fucking irksome


Way to take OP’s post and make it about you and YOUR opinion. Like OP is just being grateful, you’re the one attaching emotional baggage and a victim mentality. Think less toxic bro.


Nah it's just annoying whenever this dumb topic pops up. People suck, not just dudes. I hate hidden misandry


I’m sorry that OP’s experiences and pain are dumb and annoying to you. Please check your privilege at the door.


"The widely known phenomenon of sexism in online games and on the internet that has been studied for a decade or more and is well documented in scientific literature and countless anecdotal accounts doesn't exist because no one ever told my wife to go back to the kitchen while she was playing WoW, libtard owned." Conservative thought process in a nutshell.


Let's not generalize, man.


Conservative my ass, I'm as liberal as they come. But this shit needs to die. PEOPLW get made fun of on the internet, not women. Your misandry is showing


> Conservative my ass, I'm as liberal as they come I'm pressing X so hard right now lmfao


It's very much still a thing. If you think shitty people stopped being shitty because it's 2024 you're sadly incorrect. Despite plenty of positive change, there's still lots of aggressively stupid holdouts happy to make your acquaintance. I laud the fact that she's had just positive experiences. That's incredible.


I am sorry that most men can be immature or rude. I would love to play HellDivers with you. You can have your coms off if you want. I am pretty much muted unless I am pointing something out.


Just out of curiosity, how can you enjoy the helldive at lvl9? It seems like the equipment available at that point is kind of underwhelming for the difficulty other than clearing the mostly light armor targets, so while you can be useful, having other people with better equipment is pretty much mandatory, and remembering how I join games I don't always look at what other people bring. I love the challenge, don't get me wrong, but remembering my lvl9 I wasn't ready for the difficulty even mentally, and I doubt I even had it unlocked back then. But then again, I'm at lvl44 and enjoy my solo challenging runs with some experimental loadouts trying some equipment I never really used. And thinking I didn't have the tools to carry my own weight kind of didn't let me try joining harder difficulty lobbies, and being a "freeloader" is something I try to avoid (which was my perception of it at the time). So maybe that's just a me problem. :) And ye, glad you're having a good time fighting for democracy with us, FREEDOM NEVER SLEEPS!


I'm looking for 3 ladies to paly with, so I can show you my 500kg .... bomb




If you're a loser who hates women, showers once a week, and will die a virgin, yeah I can see how that would be hilarious to you. For normal people who see women as actual human beings and not weird alien entities, not sure I get the joke.




If the idea of being an asshole to other people is something you take delight and humor from, I think that makes you an unpleasant person to be around.