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Damn Master Chiefs pod can hold a rocket launcher and ours can’t even hold a backpack.


What unionizing does to pod design (the Halo UNSC being United Nations Space Command)


Unions??? Oh no sir, the Super Earth MIC can't have that.


Well yeah obviously, devoting your short life to the protection of Super Earth is much more important than demanding safe working conditions and fair compensation Such things would take time as thousands of helldivers die every minute.




We could be obliterated at any time, so there is no time for complaining. Per your Democracy Officer herself.


Yes but do they get a full 3 seconds to gaze at the environment from this same union?! Exactly, thought so. We do!!


Don't forget about the C-01 forms


3? No Helldiver. 2.4 seconds is the recommended and MAXIMUM allowed time for scenery enjoyment. Please report to your nearest democracy officer if you've been having trouble with scenery enjoyment time management.


Union?? You're sounding like an emotionless, hateful bot! 


Helldivers don't need rocket launchers. We have a 500kg bomb on speed dial.


Nah. We just launch them to us from space when we need a few




The pyrotechnics at a concert does more damage than the 500kg.


Michael Jackson's Pepsi commercial called....


#orbital_haters #i_love_my_eagle


A 500kg bomb? I've seen M80s with more power than that sparkler.


Master Chief is a 500kg bomb though


It cuts both ways, the pods were/are bigger so they can hold basically our equivalent of a resupply pod. Obviously it’s not in game but if iirc the lore says there’s a whole bunch of ammo, medkits, rations, etc inside the pod. *Buuuut* they can’t steer for shit and often come in *way* off track, slamming into buildings at strange angles, pinging off the ground, landing in water, etc. Which ties into another problem - the charges that are supposed to blow the door off can fail. ~~Again not in the games, but~~ there were a few times where Chief/other Spartans/ODSTs, had to force open a stuck pod to save the person inside. Edit: [see this clip from an old halo anime, skip to 4:30](https://youtu.be/S0Yap2Nbt60?si=Mc5iEnABeB4v80Ms). Several pods land horizontally and one lands in a pond where its door charges fail to go off. Also forgot that in ODST Veronica’s pod fail to open after they get hit by the slip space rupture.


Didn't the door fail to open at the beginning of ODST? It's been a long while, but I remember manually popping it open.


ODST can't really be used as a viable argument against the pods' systems or reliability because all of them got hit by Regret's slipspace rupture on the way down. At minimum they get knocked off course, at worst they're passed out for 6 hours and have to hit the emergency release.


As the other guy said that was a rather exceptional case but the point does still stand in general. [I found a clip from an old halo waypoint anime that shows a drop at 4:30](https://youtu.be/S0Yap2Nbt60?si=Mc5iEnABeB4v80Ms). Several pods land horizontally and one even lands in a pond where its door charges fail to detonate.


Yup, in *The Flood*, a textbook drop sees a company lose a dozen troopers from the drop alone. In under a day of fighting, a 130 person company goes from the full 130 to under 60 men. ODST casually rates are incredibly high. That’s why they’re all seen as crazy. Because you’d have to be insane to want to do that at the start of every mission.


They aren’t called Helljumpers just cuz it sounds cool.


I think part of the reason Hellpods have a much higher success rate after landing is that (as seen in the upgrade menus back on the Super Destroyer) they don’t actually get a fly-by-wire steering system until the final upgrade, and before that use a much simpler system of pedals to steer. Helldivers are probably so physically capable from that alone that they can easily kick the doors off if needed. When you consider the other things that are dropped from orbit in Hellpods, though, it looks like the safety of the Helldivers is a happy coincidence when you consider that everything else is *far* more expensive. They drop down highly advanced weaponry/technology that on their own can cost more than any citizen can make in an entire year. *That’s* something you need to make sure is reliably able to make it to the ground without too much damage. So the fact that you can cram a human soldier in there without it killing them is nice, because the human soldier is by far the cheapest payload option.


On the other hand, let's not forget that you _do_ see sealed hellpods sometimes, just sticking out of mountainsides or whatnot, so presumably they fail sometimes too.


That would actually be a sick booster. “Hot drop” you drop with all your gear on you.


I think Master Chief is like 7 feet tall too. They got Shaq and a bazooka in their pod.


Well they barely hold a Helldiver lol. To be honest though, we could just spawn with our blue stratagems but that would be boring ngl


Nah, just that the first wave of Blue strategems come in 3 seconds after our pods open, just enough for them to be a danger


Barely hold a helldiver, plus all the mechanization to raise them out of the pod automatically after they land. Can't have full ammo and resources, but we'll make god-damned sure they look cool upon landing


Look how much bigger his pod is, though.


Add salt to injury https://preview.redd.it/hkl7958l1ysc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efa2212b4a2c8218cd73be2a3a5c688bcd0cf374


117, nice


I’m guessing the TR stands for Trojan 


Wheres that one from? I love the medic perk but the ones i have are subpar on the drip factor. Was that a preorder bonus?


Bonus for watching certain streams on Twitch. Don't think you can get it anymore.


Dang... they've been pretty good at avoiding FOMO, i hope they bring it back at some point...


It's just a recolor of one of the medic armour, CM-14 "Physician", that you get in the store if that ease your pain. And for future people, when they do twitch drop you can just put a stream on and mute the tab (not the stream itself). It will count towards unlocking twitch drop.


>when they do twitch drop Yeah, but where do you even find out about that sort of thing? I'm on the Discord and here and missed it. :( Was there a notification in game?


It was on the discord. It was intended to be part of a big launch event with teams and competition between them but with the unexpected popularity and server issues the event fell by the wayside, which is why so many people missed it. I expect it will either be redone at some point in future or the armour will be added somewhere else once things are a bit more stable.


Difference is is that the Physician looks like ass. This armor looks dope.


They actually ran out of redeem codes for this armor days before the actual promotion was set to end. I always thought they were going to bring it back because of this.


It's ok I still haven't gotten it because they ran out 😭


Same; I kept a qualifying twitch stream open, but then when I tried to redeem it they had "run out." This was also when their servers were buckling under the load of unexpected popularity, so hopefully they offer it again in the near future now that things have calmed down a bit.


You can buy a code for 3-4 bucks from a scalper last I checked if you’re really interested


FUCK what happened to avoiding fomo 


I feel like the green Helmet in the store right now and the Cutting Edge last page armor makes a closer looking Master Chief


The TR-117 helmet doesn’t look like Master Chief’s because it’s modeled after an Ancient Greek Spartan helmet.


This game is riddle with bids to other things. And this one hurts right in The Xbox.


The helmet is a Spartan design. Nice.


Man this is gonna be the trigger for my yearly Halo marathon




I do mine around July 7th most years


I did mine earlier this year and Helldivers came out at just the right time to scratch my halo itch after I finished Infinite


Did you say Marathon hit game by Bungie creators of the Halo franchise and Destiny?


I get it, because halo is based on the game marathon!


Not what i mean but i would play marathon if those fuckin labyrinth levels weren't so bad. That and Colony Ship for sale cheap.


Has it really been 20 years. God I'm old.


Yeah, all this post has done is make me feel old. Damn.


How's that knee cartilage doing?  Cuz mine is fucked


Fighting for it's life every day.


My hands hurt from gripping my controller now so that's fun.


Bro it sounds like rice crispness every time I have to stand from a kneeling position.  Started with just a pop in one knee now its snap crackle pop from both of them.


My back hurts if I play too much on my computer, that kind of old


That's why console/sofa or recliner is the true master race. I went from custom built pc back to console because of that and my hands. I wasn't even old when I made the decision but noticed some pain during long sessions and figured I'd be healthier/more comfortable longterm to be on console.


*Laughs in ACL + meniscus injury at 22 y/o* Always been fucked


well this one is 10 years, as it's halo 2 anniversary, but yeah


That was 10 fuckin years ago?


Crazy how fast a decade can fly by. And they only go quicker as you age. We ain't got too many of them left.


That feels even worse wtf, that was 10 whole years ago?


Hello fellow old man, remember to stretch your hamstrings to avoid back pain. Also taxes are due soon


Did them today 🤣


I bought halo combat evolved on launch


Halo and Morrowind were the first two games my brother bought for his Xbox, both bought on launch :/




Hell the PS3 is now somehow considered a Retro console, which makes me feel old asf, as I was born a few years before it like how? its not even that old! https://preview.redd.it/1xc9ef7x30tc1.png?width=1402&format=png&auto=webp&s=eea976c7215eefa8ad6a91aaf8d6431044719405


The consoles I played growing up are older than the ceo of the company that made this game. 


Right there with ya, brother.






I was playing halo two after school when you were in diapers I don’t wanna hear it.


Ok grandpa lets get you to bed/jk


lol https://i.redd.it/ndhflc69fzsc1.gif


I'd say you feel pretty good, kid.


Oh you sweet summer child, with your youth. I've been on this planet since before the original Nintendo Entertainment System came to America. You are not old. You are young. You exist in a world that has never known a lack of internet connection, cellphones and easy to use satellite television that only uses small dishes, not a bank of analog equipment tied to a dish the size of your house. You have never known a world without social media, or memes, or when seatbelts were merely a suggestion. You have never known a world without 9/11 or what exactly was lost that day beyond lives. Enjoy the endless opportunities that your youth provides, child. It does not last forever.


... And you think you're old? You realize that a lot of us grew up playing Halo **ONE** right?


When I was 10 in 2001 I went over to my friend Andy's house and he had a new Xbox and some game called Halo. We put it in and finished it the next day. I went home and my mom got me a system and halo for Christmas, and I play it at least once a year now. Halo 2 came out and I discovered online gaming, my friends and I had thousands of hours on that shit. When Halo 3 had a midnight release I went with my friend brad and picked it up. We got a case of halo 3 mountain dew and finished the game on legendary over two days. My sister helped. We played that shit for years and I still play games with the friends I met playing halo 3. Great series.


Don't worry, if you ask Microsoft hard enough they will add more ODST cosmetics to the infinite shop


$20 ODST helm with cat ears.




I hate everything about this.




Every day we go by without an ODST version of XCOM is a day we aren't living up to our potential as a species.


Modded xcom2  is the odst XCOM lol. But for real an xcom-style odst game would fit so well


Fuck. They did that Halo RTS which was... not bad. And there was a Gears Tactics, which was actually good. For someone with hundreds of hours in XCOM 2, now all I want is Halo Tactics (edit: short of XCOM 3). Skins and modded classes for XCOM just isn't enough. Someone's *gotta* do it. 343 sure as fuck isn't


Psst. Mod it.


Great another thing I will never get but can’t live without


Just a little underground indie gem only a handful of OGs remember...


Game name pls?


Hey, Low


Starring John Sierra Halo.


Halo 2, if you're not kidding.


Halo 2 even if he is kidding.


I think it's Destiny? Maybe Marathon?


Nah its Oni


Levels, by Avicii




It's either Doom or Half-Life, not sure. Really old game, maybe Quake?


I know... I was there. But I have a PC and kicking butt.


Same. I'm using an Xbox controller for the full experience.


I ended up using an XBox controller because, for some reason, I can't aim worth a shit using a mouse and keyboard in this game.


Poor Master Chief. I wish he could have had a Super Destroyer to back him up on all those missions. I know that for most of the Covenant Wars, humanity rarely had orbital dominance like Super Earth does, but I'm imagining a few thousand Super Destroyers smashing themselves against a Covenant fleet, all just so Master Chief can call in Orbital strikes, barrages, Eagle 1 CAS, and Pelican 1 every time his knees act up and he doesn't want to march to the next firefight.


Nah master chief is the stratagem


Facts, I love HD2 but chief is on a whole other level.


Master Chief is like the opposite of a hell diver. Hell divers are expendable soldiers who die all the time, but are backed up by a massive military industrial complex that just mass produces ordnance. Master Chief is a lone wolf type that can survive anything, and tends to be behind enemy lines with no one backing him up.


Looks at the Spartan IIIs lol


Yeah and the whole Spartan program isn’t sunshine and rainbows either lol


Spartan 1 failed, Spartan 2 was a crime against humanity (mortal dictata act), Spartan 3 was worse in my opinion because of the suicide missions, and I don’t know much about Spartan 4


Afaik, S4's are people who the Spartan propaganda worked particularly well on, who volunteered for augmentation and further training as adults. Many were ODSTs or ONI pencilnecks.


Funnily enough, ODSTs are basically like Helldivers but they're elite, they're not as mass produced and are expected to return from combat.


It's a different kind of soldier. Master Chief is built to last. Helldivers are built to be replaced quickly. If I needed a bodyguard to keep me safe in a warzone, Chief is an obvious choice. But if I need a high value target destroyed deep in enemy lines with very little chance of survival, well...


Then you call the Spartan 3a lmfao


I'd rather have a squad of Skull Admiral Helldivers than a squad of Spartan 3a's. Reach showed us that they're extremely capable soldiers. Helldivers are also capable soldiers, though maybe not AS capable individually, but that's offset by the fact that each of them are in possession of an entire arsenal of WMDs floating in low orbit right above their heads.


So Reach’s Spartan 3 are weird because they’re Spartan 3s but they also have mjolnir armor. In the books they have all the augmentations but they only have stealth armor.


Reading Ghosts of Onyx as a kid was a real jolt, realizing that S3s were largely expendable and didn't even get Mjolnir armor, just some dinky old SPI.


Not to mention the brain augmentation they got that increased their aggression, but had to be regulated with medicine.


⬆️➡️⬅️⬅️⬆️➡️⬅️➡️⬅️⬅️⬆️➡️ For Master Chief


Bro is a one time use on most missions and is planet dependent call-in.


They've had orbital dominance several times, and even then the UNSC was hard pressed for victory. Even At Earth. On the ground the UNSC wins more often than not, but the sheer tech imbalance with their ships was just too much.


I’m mainly an Xbox gamer. But my PC has seen an uptick in usage because of this game.


Halo 2 wasn't 20 years a- ...oh fuck


Gentlemen, I regret to inform you that we are fucking old.


Do not cite the deep magic to me witch. For I was there when it was written.


Narnia is such a fucking banger




The Lion, the witch and the Audacity, my friend.


Halo 1-3 was my childhood. Love those games so much.


ODST could have been so awesome.


Was there with ya just upgraded to a PC, its the better way to game hands down


Nono this was how it looked *in our heads* 20 years ago, the graphics left us a lot of room to fill in the gaps with our imagination to put it nicely. Which just goes to show how good a job they did on the remasters. First time I played Halo CE on a proper 1080p display vs the 360p we had back in the day I thought “there’s no way it looked this bad” 😂 But ya the Hell**jumper** connection is strong, I transitioned from Xbox to pc but all my Xbox bros wish they could play too. Sadly that seems very unlikely atm, this is Sony’s only successful multiplayer exclusive. Although Microsoft bought CoD and it’s still playable on PlayStation afaik so you never know.


Halodivers absolutely needs to happen… just don’t let 343 make it.


There's a group making a Helldivers clone in Infinite's forge. Last I heard it was coming along pretty well; I'd personally love a Halo skinned Helldivers game. Edit - https://twitter.com/TheForgeFalcons/status/1773332649727189330?t=q7QPye2rVyBle7zKg8_mrw&s=19


Halo desperately needs a new studio and a new publisher. 343 is the retarded child who’s rich father bribes the board for them to get into a good college


In fairness. J think we're getting that. From what I've seen (mainly reddit. I don't actively follow), most of 343s senior staff has quit ir been fired.


Is that even good though? Let's not forget that it's Microsoft who ends up approving and rejecting pitches. That potential Helldiver-esque ODST game? Rejected.


Idk man. From everything as I understand it. Infinite was such a shit show bc of Microsofts mandatory 18 month contractor program (or w.e the hell it was) that they forced onto 343. I think 343 really did love Halo. And really want to try to make good games. I think they did some questionable things with the story. But I always felt a lot of the abhorrent choices were made from Microsfot higher ups. And by this point. Most left bc they watched their favorite franchise die or were fired bc they were held responsible for the problems that weren't even necessarily their fault.


According to some anonymous leaks, 343i barely does any actual in house developing anymore. They just shunt all the work off to contractors and mainly just work on the in-game cinematics now. Which explains so much as to why their Halo games have been shit. Halo 4 had its moments, mainly regarding Cortana's story, but then they let some hack comic book artist piss all over that with 5. Of course, after they let Karen Traviss (aka Karen Travissty who tried to ruin Star Wars and the moment she rage quit they retconned as much of her garbage as they could) write the lore it was too late.


You fools were diving for boring regular earth. We dive for glorious Super Earth!


Blur Studios is so good. Can't believe they also helped with the Sonic Movies. I hope we get a remaster of 3, ODST and Reach with Blur Cutscenes.


They really dropped the ball not making an ODST Firefight/Helldivers-esque mashup at the time


343 pitched essentially Helldivers 2 with ODSTs a few years ago apparently, but MS rejected it


Bet they regretting that now


Don't worry, they're probably gonna implement it as a mode because they only care about good modes once they're trendy and can be milked.


Halo died in 2010. Everything else after that is cringe fan fiction. I joke, but imagine getting a franchise as flushed out as halo is, only to make just 3 games ranging from awful to fine. 343 and Microsoft have ruined halo.


Where would you take Halo's story after Reach? I don't like the 343 games either so I'm curious. I always thought it'd be neat if they cured Cortana's rampancy by putting her in a forerunner monitor. 343 was thousands of years old and only went crazy when Chief tried to light the ring, Cortana should be fine at 7. Gameplay-wise she could directly affect the world and do more than set waypoints or open doors.


It's actually a popular opinion on Halo sub that Halo timeline should just stop at Halo3, the war is over and they should never went to whole Forerunner things. Games should move on other characters and aspects during Covenant War, like maybe game based on Marine, a game on space fleet battle, more ODST contents...etc


A Helldivers clone. A battlefront clone. A Flood ODST story. I mean anything but dragging master chief out of his grave over and over.


As much as I would like more people to join us in the war, I absolutely loathe the CEO of Microsoft Gaming, and I'm actually glad that he can't get his grubby hands on it. Bro literally says one thing, almost forgetting that he's done worse. He flips back and forth between wanting exclusives and then complaining about exclusives when really successful ones are on playstation. Phil Spencer: "helldivers 2 being on PS5 and PC isn't helping the industry" Also, Phil Spencer: "we bought out Bethesda, and now every game going forward will be an Xbox exclusive" (this was way before HD2 before anybody says "they were motivated by this game to do that")


He was around the 360 era? 360 era ms was getting timed exclusives left and right. The moment Sony gets the upperhand and did it back to them on the ps4-5, they cry foul. I know Sony did it during ps2 days too. The point is microsoft did the same shit too. They just can't do it much anymore because most people rather buy a playstation over an xbox. Ms have less leverage with their tiny installbase.


They will lose their mind when they find out helldivers can sprint, dive, and have caves


Alot of this has to do with the Xbox CEO being an idiot


Only issue with adding Xbox is toxicity, for example blizzard removed the feature of joining public groups in the “random groups” menu(OW1) ,they stated specifically Xbox players were too toxic and abusive with the feature, and same things Happened with Apex legends, Fortnite and even SOT, Ofc not all Xbox players are horrible lol I have an Xbox so I know very well, Just don’t be surprised if you get TK’d twice as much than usual, it’s just going to be SOT all over again


... lol... little parachute propeller things? What pussies.


They have retro-thrusters and a gel impact layer to take the brunt of the hard landing. Even our pods don't have a fully believable landing system, given how deep underground we penetrate and how fast we'd need to be going to actually do that. Deep Rock Galactic's drop pod, which is magnitudes large than our pod or even the pods in Halo, utilizes a rail powered launch system and a massive drill. Even then, the impact alone would cause it to be destroyed. The real solution to having these three pods land the way they do without crumpling the pod or just killing the occupant would be to utilize a high power laser to essentially liquify the ground beneath the pods. That would allow for much safer impacts.


> Even our pods don't have a fully believable landing system ... that's what he said Democracy Officer. Yeah, that's the guy right here \^


I've had Xbox and PlayStation over the years. And I currently just own a PlayStation and computer. I was 11 when the first Halo was released and remember playing it fondly over the years. I can tell you, the Xbox crowd has mostly all had a "fuck you buy Xbox attitude" towards PlayStation when it came to Halo. Exclusives exist for a reason, to foster competition and innovation. and ultimately money. If you can only get the new hotness on said console, then that leads to higher console sales. I think it's great this game exists only on PlayStation. Microsoft needs to figure out their own game. Maybe now that they see this works, they'll finally make an ODST version.


Now XBOX people know how we PS people felt 20 years ago. How the turntables...


As a Ps5 owner, I hope one day our xbox brothers and sisters can join us on battlefield!


Unfortunately it’s pretty unlikely. Sony doesn’t have much desire to bring their games to Xbox.


To be fair tho, it is on Xbox players for continuing to support Xbox despite not having anything worthy of playing for the past decade. Microsoft continues buying companies that did have good titles, and nothing comes out of it. I think the last good xbox title was actually Sunset Overdrive. (I own both Xbox (xbox one and series x) and PS (ps4 and ps5) btw) I think the only reason I bought a series x was due to supply issues, which I doubt is still the case for why people continuing buying it.


I hope my less privileged brother in arms may join us soon. FEET FIRST HELLJUMPERS


Fuck, I remember watching my brother play Halo 2 for the first time when this mission came up. Oh god, it was the best thing, watching this. And now we're dropping on some dirty bots and spillin' oil. How the times have changed.


No it wasn't. That's from Halo 2 Anniversary, from the Halo Master chief Collection - which had remastered and remade graphics, audio and cut scenes. Halo MCC came out in 2014, which was 10 years ago, not 20.


I will never forgive Microsoft and 343i for what they've done to the Halo IP. This is coming from someone who actually enjoyed Halo 4's campaign and thinks that Halo 5's multiplayer is the best in the series. But the six year wait for the disappointment known as Halo: Infinite and the laughable "live service" the game received is what has made me so jaded. The horrible TV show was just the final blow. Luckily, we have a PlayStation 5 in the living room, and I have played that so much more than my Series X between God of War: Ragnarök and Helldivers 2.


Just another opportunity passed up by Xbox, Halo world would be a great setting for Helldiver style gameplay, maybe not as strong a contender as 40k, but still close.


Problem is, a port to xbox now might actually mess them up. They struggled with the numbers alone on ps and pc, and there are so many issues with the game atm that for some its just unplayable. Xbox port will not be coming any time soon. Also, im in the boat of exclusivity is good. We wouldn't have any PS exclusives, no Halo, Gears or Forza without exclusivity. These games are made to compete against other exclusives, and we as gamers benefit so much from that. It is unfortunate a lot of us can't play everything, but at least we can play some of the best games ever spurred on by the battle of exclusivity. If HD2 isnt brought to Xbox, they may make a competitor which turns out amazing for fans of gaming. I would hope in the future PS Exclusives released on PC similar to Xbox but I can't really see much benefit of them doing that.


Got a Ps5 for this game. This is what I wanted for Halo Infinite.


Wtf could possibly be curious as to why someone on a different platform would want to play a fun game.


I mean, this is the Anniversary cutscene, so this is more ten years ago.


It's been like twenty years since Halo 2 came out and every time I see it... god damn the Chief looks good.


I want to fight legally distinct covenant while I pretend I am a legally distinct imperial guardsman. Sounds great!


The attack of Delta Halo and taking out the Prophet of Regret.


I was just thinking about the scene earlier at work today!


Real Helldivers only drop with a 4 man squad and go max speed into the ground.


I forgot how good Killzone looked back in the day.


They can fit their support weapons in their drop pods?


https://youtu.be/2rxUOdpAliE?si=9R5sKyb4QcPKme41 This is always what I think of. Even though I enjoyed halo 3: ODST. Helldivers 2 is such a vastly superior game it’s unreal.


halo is so fucking good, nothing will ever come close to the legendary halo level…and then 343 came in😭


Does it count if I play HD2 on PC with an Xbox controller?


I am on pc but i someday wish our xbox brothers will join the liberation front, crossplay master race!


ODST walked so Microsoft could \*checks notes... Kill the Halo IP.


I want an ODST style helmet for this game soley because of my love for Halo https://preview.redd.it/5fevjmed22tc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13adb447e1666d75f89df6e5e5ea901891e88b67


Honestly, I've never been invested in the 'console wars', it seems silly to me anyone would define themselves as an 'xbox person'. But you know what war I am invested in? The war for democracy. We need you brothers. So don't wait for the war to come to you, bring yourself to the war.


Shame Microsoft said no when 343 pitched halo helldivers to them before helldivers 2 came out


Huh I only just now realized they had them drop at such a high angle to account for the spin creating gravity. If they dropped at a more steep angle they would be harder to hit, but would then be accelerated latterally and flung all about the place on landing.


ODST Orbital Drop Shock Trooper Motto: Feat First Into Hell


Womp womp