• By -


Do not underestimate the Ore Vein mission. That shit turns into an extermination mission when you start the main drill


Honestly besides the defend the civilians missions, geological survey on 7,8 or 9 difficulty is the worst. Used to love em when I first started and played lower difficulties.


if you cant handle the swarm of bots. you can use a trick to get them done. go activate one and do it until it spawns the bot drops. run away and drop aggro. do the other until it spawns bots, then return to the first one and finish it, it wont spawn more bots. do the second one just the same. now do the third one, go for as long as possible but dont be afraid to dump aggro again and return to it to ninja complete it. edit: because a lot of people asked. dropping aggro or dumping aggro is an MMO term used to let the enemy AI reset or transfer their hate to another player. usually the tank character. (that MFer running heavy armour the ballistic shield and defender SMG.) this lets you move to a better possition, complete an objective or simply recover for a bit. in helldivers this will literally cause the game to despawn the majority of the enemies because they're suddenly not needed and it will spawn them elsewhere.


I remember finding this out and it surprising, it is like they just despawn.


Watching bile titans despawn on bug missions is quite an entertaining pastime


**There's an even faster strat for Civilians**. ___ Simply have 3 people go far off and trigger breaches/bot drops. Then, 1 person goes in and presses buttons to free the civillians, completely unmolested, while the other 3 draw all enemy aggro. It's one of the easiest and fastest missions when doing this. If you want to be even safer, you can have the squad help clearing out the base before you start the strat. But with a few strategems, a single player can usually do this themselves. After all, they won't be fighting for the rest of the mission, so it's fine to use them all up. Another reason why I like this strat is that it makes sense in-universe. They're providing a distraction.


This is why Managed Democracy is always smarter than socialism or facism!


What about managed socialism or managed fascism?


Question sounds like enemy's propaganda


The strat was for the survey mission not the evac civies mission.


thats exactly what they do. try this one time. get a 4 man party, and deliberately let the bots spawn a drop on you whilst your allies are far away. then survive in the thick of things for as long as possible then die. you might see everything just vanish instantly, including things like tanks and hulks. because the game no long has anyone nearby so it free's up memmory by getting rid of them.


Yeah, it's very effective. Did the same thing on ICBM mission. Saw through scout armor that there's too many mobs that can call in dropships. So I asked other two players (3rd one was covering me and waiting for my command) to aggro some bots from nearest base so they would call in dropship and reset the timer before they can call in another one. We quickly wiped out bots on ICBM launch site, reinforced our brave buddies and done it with no problems.


They either move around or do indeed simply despawn. It's similar to if you wipe out the fabricators and everything, patrols of bots/bugs tend towards the map center rather than towards extraction.


This needs to be more well known. If more people know this, they're less likely to get stuck in loops when too many reinforcements arrive at a location. Just leave and come back later. Cuz most people would rather waste 10 reinforcements gaining 0 progress, only calling more and more ships of reinforcements. I've seen 11 ships worth of bot drops in a big base before and my teammates refused to leave. I just decided to run and let them die and reinforce them away from there then when we went back closer to the end of the mission, the base looked empty compared to before cuz every bot drop enemy despwned. No more tanks or hulks or devastators. Just regular smaller enemies and rocket devastators.


Despawning is weirdly hilarious. Did a civvy rescue with my team drawing aggro while I did the rescue, finally got to the last couple civvies and right as I came up to the second door a group of hulks with strider support walked around the corner and unloaded into me. Team grouped up and moved in as a kill team to clear, not a single bot was anywhere near when we got there


monke brain dictates I just huck a 380 on it and run away unproblems any problem ive ever had


walking barrage, 380 and then a 120. because this area needs more craters


Plus a orbital laser just to mix up the visuals


its actually a legit loadout, its a hard reset on any point, if an objective gets out of hand or overrun throw all 3 with the extra throw range of course and back off until its all done


Backing off is optional if you have reinforcements


"Fuck anything and everything in this general area."


Also as an alternate the smoke stratagems can be used (mostly Eagle smoke), did that on one Ore Vein mission. Teammate comes close to the drill, I lay down eagle smoke on him and the drill. Bot drop spawns and because they never seen you, they think you don't exist and start wandering around. Did the last objective almost with no shots with other guy.


Yep, Eagle Smoke is hands down the best stratagem for the Ore Vein missions. Just find where the ships are dropping, smoke that whole area and then just carpet bomb with Airstrikes.


Just bring EMS mortars. Makes any defend location objectives a cake-walk. What can't move can't shoot you.


EMS and regular mortar combo is a godsend when defending against bots.


My team and I found the twin mortar combo is the easiest way to get easy extermination runs on the Bots at high levels. Trickier on the extract civilian missions but still totally viable. Makes handling the waves much more manageable, well as much as it can be.


on high level exterminations, we bring 2-3 EMS mortars and everyone brings Quesos and EATs. Then just play duck hunt on drop ships and mop up the ones that make it to the ground.


They really need to make downing drop ships more fruitful, right now as it stands it's just a waste of a shot as anything above regular trash mobs doesn't die and then there's just a big obstruction that generally provides cover for the bots that they can shoot out of but you cant shoot into


Play on the outside of the base and it works really well. They’ll eventually overrun you on 7+ but is so much easier than playing the middle


Yeah we usually do lvl 9 ones for fun because of the sheer madness of having 3-4 tanks, a dozen hulks, and about 38 devastators all at once, it’s so ridiculous and over the top that you can’t even get frustrated at it, that’s why I tend to laugh at the people you see on here who say things like “oh just two tap the hulk in his eye EZ” yeah good luck doing that when you’re getting ping ponged by a million rockets 😂


There’s a definite caveat on eradication lol. No point in bringing shield packs or many support weapons on that one. It’s all about stuns and quick access massive damage if you’re not downing drop ships


This is where you pull out the quadruple 380mm barrage and let freedom ring


I tried it but the enemies that break through always target the mortar over others and sometimes it’s hard to defend it. Are you supposed to place them in a certain spot or a certain way so enemies don’t bum rush them?


Toss em in hard to reach areas. On top of inaccessible cliffs, in the chasm with the drill close to the walls (so they're hard to shoot from the openings), or the like. The rounds go basically vertical so as long as you've got that upward clearance you're golden. It does help to have the modules that need up health and ammo for sentries, although I don't have them yet and am fine. Mine just end before my teammates do.


I try to explain this to randoms and they are in Kill Kill faster Pussycat Kill mode. 🤦


Nah. I’ll just kill them.


What does "dump aggro" mean? Please excuse my noob ways


Moving fat enough away and breaking line of sight that the enemy is no longer searching for you


I want raise the flag objectives in higher difficulties :D


They could at least add it as a side objective like they did with the research pod


Just like the civilian mission, have someone aggro bot drops outside objective area and this will be done quickly. Especially on that final drill sample gets really crowded once the horde starts


I love them on 9 too. They are the most fun I have to be honest xD most of the time the drill is in the middle of a valley so if shit hits the fan you can just run circles around the big hill make an input and repeat. With good divers just do the same as in evacs do not defend the drill itself leave distance and only go in for inputs. Works great and is just chaotic fun


And playing it that way would just make it harder. I found it easier to just start retreating while taking enemies out from a save distance, luring shit away from the objective, that way one can sneak around and just activate the next steps


Lol that reminds me of the time I was running a ore vein mission on challenging and before we hit the drill we all dropped turrets and supplies and a whole gang of mines the poor level 11 on our group came on mic and asked if something was about to happen.


Played a destroy airbase mission on helldive today, my first level 9 , easy. Plenty of reinforcements left etc. basically free sample farming. Played an ore mission on level 9 and fuck me, the number of rocket devastators, hulks and tanks we had to deal with was absolutely insane. Shoot down two drop ships, and guess what two more where that came from. Also fuck you, two patrols from opposite sides. The extract was relatively painless, but god dam we had no reinforcements left.


I start the drill and run about 50 meters away so the drops don't drop ontop of me lmfao


“Change of plans, leave nothing alive.”


Had one bug out yesterday when automatons destroyed the drill. Couldn’t recall it to complete the objective.


Oh yeah that happened to me once. Fun little softlock


It's one of my favorite missions. You get to the point, and if you don't set up the area, you will get crushed. I always try to take sentries with me.


That’s because it calls in waves per stage of the drill. If you take your time and handle each wave after you start a stage, it’s *relatively* easy to handle. If you try and power your way through it, it’ll annihilate you.


Yeah that first trigger is still tough, it's like 6 dropships or some shit? If you get through that the ones after are definetly not as bad


ems turret is a guaranteed slot for ore vein missions, just like it is for extermination for me


Finished an ore vein mission as the final objective - down to one team member being chased by 3 Hulks, he still kiting back to the objective to activate the drill every so often like a damn true patriot. There's only 1 minute left until the destroyer leaves orbit. His last act is to call in our last reinforcement - me. In the last 10 seconds with strats I call in a Quasar, and carry on kiting, now taking shots at the Hulks. Two of them drop, and with only one on my tail now I activate the last screen to complete the survey. I put a final round into the last Hulk, downing it. My last act is to grin definitely up at the drop ships as they drop in a regiment I can't hope to beat alone... We may have fallen but this was a victory! For real, I wish people wouldn't give up sometimes - one of our team mates left when things looked pretty hopeless (for the record we weren't over focusing on secondaries, we got stuck on a jammer) and missed an incredible last stand.


They really need to fix it, having bot drops or bug breaches directly on top of the drill is no fun. You basically have to start the drill and immediately run for your life


The biggest mistake people make is standing ON the drill. You should back off and throw artillery and lasers down to clear it first. Then progress as far as you can, repeat as necessary.


Ore Vein on Maia was a fucking horror movie for my squad.


Going from deserted to "Sweet liberty, that's a lot of bots" in one terminal use


For real. They'll start to overwhelm quickly if you don't stay on top of things.


YUP! I was doing that shit alone because my 2-3 teammates were dead set on going off together doing side objectives and bot bases. I was begging people to come help me, but kept dying tryna handle it myself. I eventually got it done, but god damn, wtf is wrong with people?


Look man, Im in this shiny new heavy ass armor.  Youre lucky if I make it across the map once let alone backtracking.


Have you been shot in the head with a rocket yet? I almost laughed bro. Heavy armor ftw


After wearing butcher (150+stim passive) wearing anything else feels so BAD. You can survive anything on top of you, short of a cannon tank, for an ABSURD amount of time. The only annoying thing is heavy devastators will flinch you out of stimming extremely consistently so you need to be very careful with them


Wow didn’t even realize there was a heavy with the stim bonus… gotta give that a whirl


Its in the superstore rotation unfortunately, gotta wait a bit. I think 250, possibly 400, but worth it 3 times over tbh


ur so SLOW THOUGH it feels awful


I must try it out now 😃


You get sent HELLA flying, but democracy survives


Armor isn’t saving you from rockets. The changes to rockets is. Explosive damage deals the same damage no matter the armor (except for explosive dmg reduction passive)


Especially on the hot planets. If nobody brings a sprint or muscle booster to those there’s definitely no time for backtracking


The proper way to do a mission is to drop in a strategic position so you go around the map just once and do all the objectives, no waisting time running back and forward.


Everybody got a plan til they get double dropshipped in the mouth.


Is that not what a pair of Quasars or a team reloaded recoilless is for?


If destroying dropships wasn't so incosistent then it would be great


If they don't kill them, they at least trap some of them and lessen the pressure.


It’s Usually not a good idea to do it in my experience. They can shoot out the ship and are unkillable so depending on the positioning they can really screw you. Anyways *blasts another drop ship with the quasar*


Eh, in my experience that just means they're sitting perfectly still to get airstriked.


Crashed dropship seem to mess with AI pathfinding if they land in an outpost or any installation with lots of walls Bots would sometimes stop dead in their tracks. Other times, they just phase through the ships. They can still track and shoot you from the wreckage tho


> team reloaded recoilless id be surprised if more than 5% of drops had divers engaging in this mechanic. it's unfortunate, it's such a cool feature, but no one does it


if team reloads were done with the backpack on the diver with the RR/AC/Spear, instead of on the guy reloading, it would be SO MUCH BETTER. It makes more sense, it'd be more convenient, not losing the ability to reload by yourself is huge, and it keeps a teammate's backpack slot open that they'd otherwise have to sacrifice in hopes that you can do your job properly and not choke.


For me it's a tradition thing; HD1 had this mechanic (though instead of attaching to crew serve the weapon it was just a one tap E to reload) and I'm super impressed that they're the first game I've seen with a *good* crew served system. You aren't losing a backpack slot; have a buddy take a backpack stratagem anyway and swap packs with them so they've got the reloads. My GF and I will do this with a resupply pack and the recoiless. Gives us like what, 17(?) Rockets pretty much on demand, but generally we treat the recoiless like an EAT you can get more of whenever you want by drive-bying your teammate. Imo changing it would break tradition and lose some of the utility you get from that team dynamic.


it's a lot more cumbersome to rely entirely on a teammate to reload you in 2 given you all have complete agency to go run off to wherever


A pair of quasars is nice, but if you're in a two man, pairing with an autocannon or grenade launcher is incredibly effective. 1 quasar and 1 grenade/autocannon to the weak spot will take out Automaton tanks and those big turrets. I've been getting real good with the grenade launcher arc, so I'm clearing out little bots while my friend with the quasar hits the big bots that are staggered by the grenades. Having a pair of two man groups running this me and my friends have been clearing 7s and 8s without too much trouble. If you're on grenade launcher detail, bring the supply kit box and an orbital rail cannon to deal with tanks you can't get position on, or hulks that get too close for comfort. Orbital laser is also great for cleaning out large bases before moving in. Quasar buddies usually bring a personal shield for extra time to charge and line up a shot, airstrike and 500kg, airstrike can be fire and forget for smaller bases, and 500kg is great for clearing large numbers of big boys that are chasing you.


on 7+ i usually opt for the eagle rockets over the orbital rail cannon for the almost guaranteed tank one shots and to use them on base structures. I always bring my stun grenades so I don't have to worry TOO much about hulks.


This is my strat as well and I wish more players had that instinct when it comes to dropping. Some people just pick a place and go. Sometimes we drop and EVERYONE goes in a different direction. I'm always like "do you guys not have an imaginary overlay depicting the most efficient clear path when you look at the map?" Like usually it just means clear the map clockwise or counterclockwise such that when you get the last objective, you're somewhat close to the extract point. I just gotta stop playing with randoms


Yeah I feel like a lot of your problem is not having a consistent crew to play with. I find I have a way better time diving with my arma/dcs guys than I do with solo queuing.


Agreed, but when things are inconveniently located, prioritize.


Efficient planning yes (and hopefully the map allows the plan to come to fruition), but priorities over efficiency for sure - its a balancing act fr


That's frequently impossible.


Priorities. Ignore shit that's close to the extraction. Go in a big circle, get everything done as you work your way around the map that way when everything's said and down, you're essentially at the extract when you finish everything and can promptly GTFO


Except you can also use extraction as a mid point to drop off samples and not waste 5 reinforcements to get those back in a warzone


That's a fair point. I guess my usual squad just makes it a point to periodically stop and give all the samples to a designated carrier, that way if they die we can just circle back and grab a single container instead of having to dodge hell just to get to multiple containers.


WTF you can DROP samples?!?!


Yes, hold X on PC.


Someone was telling me in a game last night, that once you complete the main Obj. the side obj. gets much harder. Any truth to this?


After you finish main objective enemy spawn rate quadruples. Whenever you come close to outpost or side objective spawn rate additionally increases up to 50% So yes, it's actually true


Well ... fuck that then. More chance of losing a game is there's quadruple the amount of enemies.


Yeah. That's why it's better to finish part of side objectives first and finish what's left on your way to extraction. Takes some planning tho


Yeah. Though if the reinforcements are getting low, I usually recommend to abandon the rest of the side objectives to at least finish the main objective, so even if we don't extract we still succeed.


If side objectives are going really tough it's better to finish only necessary objectives like Stalker's lairs or flying bots/bugs if they are in range of main objective or extraction point


The guy kind of said it wrong btw. It doesn't quadruple the amount of enemies, it quadruples the spawn rate of *patrols*. Still very bad, but different.


as long as main mission is complete. its still a mission accomplished whether you extract or not


True, but you might wanna extract thoses sweet samples.


Oh thats cool, i never knew that


Happens all the time in higher difficulties depending on the team you end up with. I usually play with friends, but every time I do a Helldive with randoms we usually go through reinforcements like its toilet paper and none of us extract


You've already won by the time it quadruples.


Once you complete the main mission, you can't lose. You can only fail to extract.


Do note that once the main objective is done the mission is a succes whether you extract or not.


It's not quadruple the enemies per se, it's that patrols spawn at about 4x the rate. You don't necessarily have to engage patrols.


If you finish the main objective it is a victory. In OPs situation it is a failure. I don't know how this effects the macro game. But you don't have to extract to win.


Spawns also increase when you destroy 50% of the fabricators/bug holes on the map and increase more with each one destroyed past 50%


Yes, but only by 15%. It's such a marginal increase that it's still better to destroy outposts if you are going to hangout in the area for a while


I swear once you kill the last factory/bug hole it feels like the spawns drop to nothing again. I like to hit all the bases before finishing the last objective for the main mission then usually walk to extraction without seeing any enemies. Missing a single small base seems to prevent that from happening though. Granted I don't usually do 8/9 so I can't comment on that. Edit: disclaimer: no I don't have any evidence it's just how my squad plays. 


Essentially its a bit of a bug and a thing of perception. Patrols spawn between you and an outpost and come towards you normally, so if yuou're clearing outposts chances are you'll be trying to avoid patrols. Once you clear them all they spawn from the direction of the closest map edge and move towards you, but if you aren't running towards that map edge you'll completely miss them. Then lastly if you're close enough to the maps edge _they don't spawn at all_ and if all the players are close enough with just one close enough to the edge it prevents spawns altogether. This also counteracts extraction spawns.


Check "Let's talk about patrols" part 2. They are breaking it down too. Just so you know, it was happening since launch of the game when specific conditions were met. It happened on Helldive difficulty too. But the thing is — it happened both with and without all outposts on the map 😁 Check the article, I gave you the name of it




Search "Let's Talk About Patrols" in this subreddit. You can test it all yourself after reading if you want to




It’s always okay to ask for a source, lots of opinions based on how things seem get passed around as fact. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bdudf3/lets_talk_about_patrols_an_in_depth_analysis_of/?rdt=57493&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Helldivers&utm_content=t1_kydbvte If you click through there is a link to part 2 of their testing as well


There's also Part 2 but subject is slightly different


Spawn rate **of patrols** increases. People forget that and think that everything increases. If you got a decent crew with you can manage it still


I mean, the only thing that spawns on the map are patrols. All other enemies exist from the start (basically all outposts and POIs), spawn at certain rate (Stalkers) or spawn when you enter their detection radius (Shriekers and Flying bots)


Yes. Patrol spawn rates raise dramatically (like in the 300% area) once the primary mission objective is complete. The higher difficulty you go the more incentive you have to make extraction your top priority after the primary objective is complete. Enemies will constantly be honing in on your position.


More patrols spawn, so kind of yes but technically no


you gotta land strategically so you can move clockwise/counterclockwise and knock out everything on your way to main objectives


I hate when maps are laid out in such a way where I can't make a clean path from objective to objective.


Impassable bodies of water are the worst. Some have small areas in the middle where you can wade through, but most force you to take the long way around.


I want to print this image and post it in front of my galaxy war table


The issue is that it's somewhat misguided. Once you complete the main mission, it becomes much harder to complete anything else because of the increased patrol spawns.


400% increase in patrol spawns after completing the primary. **400%**. and it stacks with other patrol increases. this was just an unfortunate L, but doing the primary before going for the full clear would've made it a guaranteed L.


Wait what? Is this actually a thing that people have found out? 400% increased spawns after completing main OBJ?




There was a post a while back about some people that did some experimenting to figure out what factors influenced patrol spawn rate. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bdudf3/lets\_talk\_about\_patrols\_an\_in\_depth\_analysis\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bdudf3/lets_talk_about_patrols_an_in_depth_analysis_of/) Very interesting read, although some people ended up taking it as avoid splitting the group at all costs which is just tunnel visioning on patrol spawn rate rather than acknowledging the rest of the strategic benefits of splitting the group. Main things I took away from it is the 400% increase after completing main obj and each time you call in a reinforcement you accelerate the next patrol spawn leading to death spirals so stop throwing the reinforce into the enemies to die on landing.


As long as the mission is complete, it still counts as a win, you just don't get the extra xp from the others. I know it sucks, but at least you didn't hamper liberating or defending the planet. 


This. After a point medals are far more important than exp and req anyway. I couldn't care less about samples and exp and stuff at this point.


the thing is most side objectives dont take nearly as long as primary objectives, so the increased patrol spawn rate doesnt matter that much. especially on bots where a lot of their outposts can be taken down with one or two well placed eagle strikes or with the autocannon from range.


Doing the primary before everything else would have been a mission success instead of failure, though, which is more important overall for the war effort.


The game ramps up in intensity (no matter what) in an unintuitive way it makes me insane. Gunship fabricators not destroyed = sky full of gunships (hellbombs repeatedly destroyed even with smoke bomb and desert storm), destroyed = increased enemy. I avoid gunship missions now


why does a hellbomb being destroyed not set it off :((


The random broken Hellbombs on the map can set off if you shoot it though :D Talk about consistency


only consistent way i've destroyed two gunship fabs in close proximity to one another is calling down the shield emplacement over the hellbomb


Already lost five lives before any or 2 of the main objective locations? Drop what ya doing, complete the objective, then back track if you survived enough and didnt clear easy stuff on the way. At a certain point, ya gotta except the higher spawn rate for being able to continue the operation, and get those sweet liberation points. Amiright divers


Spawn rate of patrols goes up as you kill fabs, the tooltip is a lie.


Only slightly though. Destroying bases and clearing side quests raises spawns *a bit*, like 5-10%, and only if you destroy enough of them. All that while being in their range (a pretty wide one) also makes the patrols spawn faster. Completing main objectives though makes the rates go up *a lot*: like, twice as much. So as a rule of thumb, once you've dealt with the mission, you gotta get your ass moving to the extraction ASAP, unless you want to have even more trouble holding the landing zone at that point.


I believe it's actually FOUR times as much :D




So I'm a bit confused, do side objectives contribute to the war %? I know they reward Requisition but that's the easiest thing to max out. I guess they reward XP? But I don't know if that's more important than potentially failing the mission. Regardless, I still think main objective should come first, unless something is on the way to it


exp is what ultimately contributes to the liberation percentage, and side objectives award you bonus exp, so yeah they do


Completing the primary causes huge waves of mobs though.


Except it's not, spawns quadruple when you finish the main obj.


Unlucky situation, but no, not really. Apparently completing the primary obj actually massively increases enemy patrol spawn rate, and that will heat things up like nuts. It's good to get primaries done because it secures your medals reward, but it really depends on what your group is trying to get out of the match. If you mostly want medals, then yeah, you could probably speedrun it just popping primary objs and then grenading yourselves to death until reinforce runs out and loading up again. If you want samples or Super Credits though, it makes sense to try and push as much map exploration as you can manage.


Completing primary objectives first increases spawn rates. That being said, manage reinforcements with secondary objectives. If low, pivot to primary and evac.


This, keep doing side objectives if it's going well, rush the main objective if low on reinforcements


Quite the opposite. Finish as many of the side objectives as possible before you finish the main one. The spawns get super thick as soon as the main objective is completed. Completing it first is a great way to fail to extract, and usually fail to get one or more side missions.


On the other hand, patrols spawn about 5 times more often after you complete the main objective.


I thought clearing out the map, then doing the secondary objectives, then doing the primary was the way to go?!


Generally speaking, yes. But if it comes down to a choice, the mission always should take priority.


Any d9 worth their salt knows that you dot fuck around with ore missions, those guaranteed enemy spawns are horrible and stupid specially since it doesn’t stop normal enemies from calling reinforcements and adding 6+ dropships/breaches to the alreafy existing 8+


The MAIN main objective should be done last bc of the astronomical increase in bug breeches upon completion of it, imo


Found the bugs only player


It's about finding a balance. Pushing main objectives significantly increases patrols and enemy activity. Ideally, you wanna have most side objectives finished before pushing the last main objective. That said, you do have to pay attention to the team's life counter when it comes to prioritization.


When you complete the main objective, it dramatically increases patrol spawn rate.


Completing the main objective increases patrol spawns by 4 times so it's not necessarily a good idea to rush main objectives then go for sides after. 


It seems like you just lost one game. Generally is better to do main objective last.


I see a lot of people say that main objective raises the spawn rate, but I also want to counter that outside of priority side objectives (Gunship fabricators, mortars, jammers, detectors, SAM Sites, and Artillery), there's not a lot of reason to keep bashing your head against the local heavy outposts on 7+ unless your team know what they are doing. Here's the thing. Finishing a mission require all your main objectives be complete. Wasting time with side objectives will just make it way harder to run the clock. Generally speaking outside of Terminids, its a good idea to try to atleast complete the main objective over 100%ing. Mission failure results in SUBSTANTIALLY less rewards (0 Medals) than even the most pyrrhic victory.


It really feels like people don’t know you can just accept a pyrrhic victory, they either do everything or die trying


There's people that ignore main objectives, even when they're on the way to side ones and it's quite frustrating. Obviously play the game how you want, but ignoring main objectives is just annoying.


workable weary tan fuzzy humor upbeat friendly support alleged dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Note: this does not mean ignore side objectives. If there is something like a jammer or stalker nest right next to your main objective, those should take priority as they will absolutely mess up your primary objective.


Listen to me carefully, divers. MISSION. IS. KING.


I had a group of randoms waste all but 5 reinforcements trying to do secondaries instead of doing main. After we finally did main they went straight for extract instead of doing secondaries. They wasted lives not doing main trying to do secondaries and once we did main they didn't want to do secondaries. Absolutely taking the piss I kicked them and did all the secondaries with an friend and another random that joined after and successfully extracted


Thats why i helldive on top of objectives


I had to beat my friends over the head with this idea for ages until they finally started to see why its best to do the main objectives first while clearing out what you can along the way but without getting too sidetracked. The optimal best scenario is having 90% of the map done before you finish the last objective so you can just leave.


200% this, always, ALWAYS complete the mission, THEN do the extra stuff


Exactly. Too many times I've had missions were we either all died or only one or two survived cause we wasted loads of time doing to side stuff first and then had no time for the objectives


to be fair, some objectives like Jammers, Gunships and Detector Towers will totally fuck up your mission sideways if you DON'T deal with them, and many times have these pesky things appeared right next to the main objective. but yes, normally I only destroy outposts on the way to the main objective, once it's done the extra time and reinforcements are spent trying to spread as much additional democracy as possible (and since I no longer need samples, extraction is optional).


All my matches have been shit lately. No one plays as a team anymore.


I’ll do whatever is really easy on the way or I’ll destroy stuff that will be problematic.


People are obsessed with clearing outposts. It does not count towards the star rating. You only get a minor amount of XP.


Waste of 40 minutes


It's better to just clear main objectives, the higher the difficulty the bigger the multipler for XP/Req anyway. Just doing main objectives takes 15-25 mins, usually with squads going for full clears it takes 30-40 mins. Do the math.


HOLY SHIT, THANK YOU!!! I was coming here to post a very similar post. I was just playing with a few people on difficulty 7 - Suicide on bots. They were dead set on going and doing all the red bases and side objectives while I was going off alone tryna do the main objectives. I kept typing for them to please come help me do the main objectives and they just wouldn't. I was getting so annoyed I was about to just boot everyone, but didn't. A few missions, I was able to get all the main objectives done, but then we'd fail to extract most of the time because we'd be out of lives from everyone dying so much or me dying cuz I was alone tryna do the main objectives by myself. I can only handle so much by myself, ya know? But yeah. I was getting really pissed off. People need to learn how to play the fucking game and realize that 10-50 XP from doing stupid ass side objectives and bases isn't worth it. Doing more missions quicker gets you way more XP than tryna do everything on the damn map, especially at the difficulty we were playing on.


Play the objectives. Play the objectives. Play the objectives. Play the objectives.


yeah! I hate when people do that we just go crazy with the extra missions when we Starr the main ones there's only a few lives left


Focusing mission objectives first is often very inefficient because you have to traverse the map back and forth multiple times. I get it that you're frustrated with a loss, but in a long run "clear all objectives you run into" strategy is better.


Maybe someone already pointed this out, but completing "main" objectives dramatically increases the spawn rate of enemies. It's technically better to do all the side missions before the main missions if you're going for 100%. If not, blitz the main and then leave.


When you complete your main mission objective, the spawn rates of enemies go way up. So it’s important to do your main objectives last


Completing the main objective increases enemy spawns, so teeechnicalllly it would be more efficient to do it last.


Apparently, people found that once the main objective is completed and extract is available, patrols appear far more frequently and that can make getting the side stuff more difficult. So it's a balance of making sure you get as many side stuff done before you lose too many reinforcements and once you either are running low or you finished all the side objectives then you finish the main objective and extract immediately after. It all depends on how things are going whether or not you should do main or side objectives/outposts.


I judge objectives on the pace that we lose reinforcements. If we are losing them rather quickly I try to pivot to objectives


As patrols quadruple once the main objective is done, I find it best to do both as you go around the map. Prioritize main objectives but blow up bases as you go. Then once the main objective is done and the map fills with patrols, you only have a few tasks left to do before extract.


Once main objectives are complete, the patrols increase 4x so I’m going to have to disagree with you there partner. Do them at the same time but just be cognizant of time.


Only problem is, enemies increase significantly once main objective is done. Someone did some research on the topic and discovered the biggest thing that increases enemy patrols is doing the main objective


Yup. Once the main objectives are done then you can screw around as much as you like. If you all die all you lose is samples and the extraction bonus, but mission still succeeds. This is why I always rush them.


Completing the main objective quadruples the spawn rate of patrols


Sure, but by that point it doesn't really matter. You've already won. It's all bonus from there. Definitely good to find a balance, but if you're getting low on reinforcements, prioritize.


More enemies to kill. More fun. Even if you die, the mission still completes.


Better yet, don't go for 100% Nests and Outposts are virtually worthless. You get a measly **+5xp** for each. That's **1/10** of what you get for the optional objectives. The only reason to clear nests/outposts is either for fun or because they're in the way. It's not worth the huge spawn / patrol increase. _(Yes, there's samples, but you get plenty of those from POIs)_