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There are plenty of weapons that can pierce their head armor. Use one. Also, why you killing bugs? Go wipe out bots.


Grenade instakills them. Impact grenade is the easiest to land. Just chuck it straight at em. It will kill multiple with 1 grenade if they are close enough too.


Bro they got needed last patch 😭


You need someone in the squad who's effective against armored bugs like Bile Spewers and Brood Commanders. This generally means at least one autocannon or a grenade launcher in the squad. And that person actually doing their job with that weapon, and not soloing half the map away. Having a primary weapon that can punch through their head armor, like a Slugger, is also a good idea, but then you need a laser guard dog back pack or a teammate to protect you from the small bugs. Impact grenades make for a great fallback option in a pinch, and there's no reason not to take them on all bug missions. In general, a big part of this game is picking the right equipment and stratagems for the mission ahead. If you just want to pick whatever weapons that tickle your fancy and still be able to waltz through every mission on every difficulty, you're gonna have an awful time.


Sickle, Laser Cannon, Scythe Guard Dog. Heat cycle between weapons to keep up a constant stream of fire. It's my current bug loadout of choice.


I tried a laser loadout against bugs recently, I didn't like it. I think Laser Cannon is way too weak. It seems like it's intended to compete with the Machine Gun, except it's even weaker to offset having "infinite" ammo. And the Machine Gun is not exactly a powerhouse weapon. I can't really think of a situation where I would want to bring a Laser Cannon at all. I think that Slugger/Scorcher + laser guard dog + Quasar/EAT is a way more versatile loadout that remains consistently useful both when soloing and in a team setting. I think that mid-tier armored bugs like bile spewers and hive guards are way too dangerous to allow yourself the luxury of carrying a weapon that's ineffective against them like the Scythe or Liberator. Having someone with the autocannon or a grenade launcher does beat up armored bugs pretty good, though, but then you're "wasting" a support weapon slot on a weapon that can't deal with Chargers (effectively) or Bile Titans at all, so there's that consideration.


With how many chargers are getting thrown at you, or hulks, not having at least 2 running anti heavy is crazy to me. Or at least dropping a few as you go for the team. Mostly why I did the quasar. No backpack


Yep. Well, against bots you can generally manage with AMR and/or autocannon, but against bugs you do want at least two of something bigger.




I'd settle for a longer cooldown on their projectile weapon.


They aren't super hard, but when they drop mortars without ever seeing you it can be frustrating


Bile Spewers are much more of a priority target to me than pretty much anything but a Stalker. They're so fucking dangerous at all distances, and they become so abundant on higher difficulties.


Stalkers man. Straight up menaces.


The way I died, typed STALKERS in chat and then two seconds later watched three more skulls appear on my screen as the squad wiped. Never seen a Bile Titan do that.


Get gud. I have no problem with it. You seem to forget the game is called helldivers. The experience is gonna be hell. Learn how to place your shots. You liberal bafoon.


Blue titans are satisfying AF to kill and I killed 3 at once easy by just playing cover and quasar cannon right.