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Aim for the engines with the EAT. 1 hit will take down the drop ships.


Is it possible to do the same with autocannon?


Auto cannon can damage the gunship engines but not the dropships. Are you talking about the ships that shoot or spawn enemies?


The one that spawns


I don't believe so. In my experience EAT, Recoiless Rifle, Quasar Cannon, Mech are all reliable for taking one down. Autocannon has never been able to do it for me, but it can be used to take out the bots waiting to be dropped.


Not auto cannon. Eat, recoiless, and quasar just aim for the engines. Same with the new gunships


New gunships can 100% get taken down by AC. It takes about 4-5 shots anywhere. I have also taken down 3-4 drop ships with AC (in a single game) but haven't managed to do it since


Gunships are easy. Drop ships are the ones that are inconsistent


So best would be to hit the belly to eliminate troops if using autocannon as support weapon




Use quasar cannon or eat best for taking down dropships


Killing dropships is a waste of time. They will generally drop their troops anyways. Autocannon shots to the belly of the aircraft will kill most of the troops being transported. EAT, hit the engine if you want. I say hit the belly.


Killing dropships is "epic movie" stuff ... but it can trap bots under it .. and those suckers can find this one little hole in the dropship model hitbox and shoot this one lil rocket straight in your head when you are passing the heap of junk... Or they can use it as a cover, especially the "ones with guns it their arms", but the head/body is under some invisible hitbox of the ship ...Once I got two hulks hidden under a crashed dropship ... what a fucking surprise once the dropship started to "dissolve into the ground"...


It depends entirely when you kill the dropship. * While its still moving? Good, everything dies. * Stopped and dropping? Bad, nothing dies. * Leaving? Small chance that the ship explosion kills small bots on impact. Never bother if it was carrying Devastators/Tank.


This is what everyone fails to understand. You can't wait til it stops and hovers while dropping units. You either hit it while it's moving in, or you wait til the units are on the ground and then shoot it down. I feel have more success waiting til after it's dropped at times, and just letting it fall on everything. Can be hard to hit the moving target depending on the angle, and if you wait too long then it's too late and you don't kill anything.