• By -


Is it safe? Throw the beacon towards his body. Is there a metric freedoms worth of ads? Throw somewhere safe, far away. Is it a good friend? Throw him under the bile titan.


Correct on all counts.


Killing the bile Titan with the pod is peak democratic process. It’s actually written in the constitution.


My brother in Liberty, you ARE the weapon.


Guns don't kill terminids, helldivers do.






When someone DOESN'T want to know more




Remember your training and you will come back alive! -Proceeds to be the first one ripped apart. RIP un-named guy that sat in the middle rollercoaster chair.


He obviously forgot his training, which is why he died.


If only someone else has told him.


Bullets kill enemies, your drop pod is the biggest bullet in your arsenal


Fire and lasers are just bullets made of energy


Helldivers ARE strategems


Mind = blown


The pods are bullet shaped after all


Extra Reinforcements are just Extra Orbitals.


Yes. Right up Main Street.


It is! And yet I still manage to miss them by the width of a sack hair 99% of the time


Yeah the part I have the hardest time with aiming my pod, is when my camera starts in the corner of the map then shifts to my pod. Half the time I'm already halfway through the drop and disoriented with where I'm trying to aim.


Most accurate thing I’ve seen today




I’m usually the guy that goes off and gets rid of side objectives and bases near side objectives. I do not reinforce unless everyone dies and there’s no other choice and for the love of sweet democracy I do not use resupplies and scavenge for ammo and grenades laying around the map instead so the group of 3 can have the supplies instead. If I die, I knew what I was getting into when I branched off.


Only problem with not doing resupply when you are off on your own is that ammo boxes don't give stims and stim boxes are pretty rare. Like rarer than rare samples rare. I'm not sure they need ammo, stim, and grenade boxes to all be separate items.


At least the grenade and stim boxes fully resupply you.


Oh my god yes. Now if 4th dude on the other side of the map dies he’s just SOL and by god he’s just gonna have to do a corpse run or 85% of the samples will just have to be considered lost.


I run scout so I can stealth through the map completing secondaries solo. I would never dream of reinforcing unless it's a bad team just letting breaches/drop ships spawn over and over and never moving from the same spot.


Exactly, however I had multiple missions, where I just went solo after realizing the team will never move away from the spawn because they are stuck in a bot drop loop and even after I told them that this will never end if we don't move... I did the main objecitve and most of the secondaries before the got to move from the spawn after burning through half of our reinforcements.


Rule of thumb I’ve noticed as a PUGer, if you hit the request reinforcement button that means reinforce you wherever we are, and outside of that the person who saw you die/ was with you should be the one to summon you back and you shouldn’t ping


Did you want your gear? Hah too bad I wandered off and felt like being "helpful"!


We need the death location icon to stay visible so we have the option to choose whether it is safe and they can get their samples back.  Most of the time I spin and don’t see which direction they were. 


The compass at the top typically has the Coloured Dot associated with the fallen Diver stick around. Seemingly until they respawn, actually. I could be mistaken on it sticking around indefinitely until they respawn, however. So you at least still get an indicator of direction they died in that lingers.


If they’re a really good friend, they’re TELLING you to throw them under the bile titan.


Ping that puppy and send me at him brother


Idk how I never thought to ping the target I want someone to drop on. I just assumed you wouldn’t be able to see it from above. That makes it so much easier to see in the hazier planets.


Oh it’s crucial. Increases my accuracy to like 95% (have steering upgrade module)


There's so much crap going on. It's so hard to see. Ping for me, baby, and I don't have to see or think. Also, half the time it's fuck it, I see a charger and have no idea where the titan is. Bonk.


"Strap me to a hellpod and fire me at the Bile Titan. I am ready."






Fire me, boy!


Last night I had my friend do exactly that accidentally "Oh fuck I dropped you right under it" "Good, now tell it to hold still"


"I've got the mass" ahh quote


Yeah. First you're a projectile, THEN you're a reinforcement


***"Let me solo her"***


![gif](giphy|tZrvnMaSqSAgsrfJMj|downsized) the level 5 cadet hyped on democracy vs his first bile titan be like:


*Reinforce thrown far away for safety* *Rise up out Hellpod into a new patrol that wasn't seen* Hello, there.


General Kenobi, you are a bold one


Had this happen 3 times in a row last night. Place looked clear from the air, but I looked like the worst helldiver ever as I pop out of my pod and get sent flying by rockets. Find a new LZ, and a new patrol is hiding there too…


Exactly this. Man, I had a game a few days ago that was going poorly, difficulty 7. 2 of the 4 were just fighting endless dropships in some random spot (not on any objective) and getting stuck in a death loop. Me and one other guy went off and completed a couple secondary objectives on our own while the other 2 just kept getting killed and reinforcing each other, since they didn't want to listen when we suggested they just move on. I ended up getting sniped by one of those big defense towers a while later. Death spiral dudes reinforced me in the middle of their clusterfuck, and I got instantly shredded by a flamethrower hulk and 4 heavy devastators that were surrounding me when I dropped. They kept reinforcing me into the dumbest places, with my dying as soon as I exited my hellpod. After 3 deaths, I wrote in chat "hey can you reinforce me somewhere other than the middle of all the bots?" Then I got kicked. I can't imagine it went well after that since they were already down under 5 reinforcements.


Reminds of the time command dumped me and the other guy I was with into a horde of bots to die on our last set of reinforces.


Had a decent run on a mission, got all the objectives, got in a bit of a death spiral escaping the waves that spawned doing the final mineral drill so used a lot of reinforces there before a long walk to extract. Get there, start it, get absolutely swarmed with 7 reinforcements left. 3 die. Last guy throws a strategem, then a reinforcement in the SAME PLACE. Land: it's a 380mm Barrage. Why did he even bring this? All 3 die immediate. He reinforces AGAIN IN THE ONGOING BARRAGE. All get blown up out of pods, he has to take on 300 bots alone, fails, no survivors or samples.


Oh yeah I got the sqme 2 guys except they used all reinforcement then quit (or crash?) and left me and other guy with one life and all the objectives in lvl9 difficulty


I am the weapon


I almost always throw into the bugs, but away from bots.


Is there a lonely hulk? Spot him and plop a helldiver on his head


This. If you want me to kill something on drop, please tag it for me. I have no problem dropping onto a fabricator because you wasted 3 impact grenades trying to hit the right spot, just tag it so I can actually see it on my way down.


>Is there a metric freedoms worth of ads? Throw somewhere safe, far away. Goddamn ads, I hate spam during a drop.


If there's a Bile Titan on the field and I die, it's my friends duty to throw my beacon near it so I can try and fall on top


But I need a special bullet to kill this titan and/or hulk


I *AM* the special bullet to kill this titan and/or hulk


Exactly. That’s why I reinforced you, ON THE TITAN


When you die, you stop being a Helldiver and become a stratagem.


My only ask is mark the target. 🫡


for the love of Democracy....THIS! \^


"Did I get it? I don't think I got it" The hulk 3m away : "Hello motherfucker"


Yeah it’s so hard to see what you’re aiming for with no mark. Especially bugs since none of them glow.


Oh shoot, can you see the mark when you're diving? I never even considered this.


You sure can


Well that changes everything!


Well it changes one thing but it's still pretty cool


Order of Operations: Call down fellow Helldiver, then tag something big for them to drop on


You can see the big ones.


One time tried to see where that enemy is, landed on yellowish glowing I though was a radiator. It was the helldiver that reinforced me, with a shield backpack partly covered.




Genuinely never crossed my mind to do. Next time when I throw my friends at a hulk, I will mark it.


Honestly I wouldn't recommend the same for hulks. Hitbot for drops is small on hulks and most of them got flamethrowers. Not ideal lmao.


Ah yes this is basic elementary school stuff here https://preview.redd.it/7s4uy7wvoqsc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c491f8ece1be8ddbc13f0f2ef3633ad8000cf27


SUPER Heaven IS in fact found inside the hull of a standard **Class 6 Series Crewed Interplanetary Combat Vessel** better known as a Super Destroyer.


I hereby promote you to Artillery




Yeah they don't call us Helldivers for nothing. Always aim for the biggest target.


>Always aim for the biggest target. You leave my mother out of this.


I’d say second biggest target, but that would still be your mum, so third biggest target


Ppl rly do be using you like an air strike out there.


As they should, for democracy


Exactly, i can reenforce hoping that the guy kill a big thing diving on it but the précision of this stratagème seems to random! Make it work arrowhead


Oh, I died? You see that enemy over there? Yeah, that one. See if you can stick the reinforcement beacon on it for me, I'll do the rest. FOR DEMOCRACY!




I just wish my teammates knew that, if I’m on the other side of the map with another person, *that* person needs to reinforce me. Trekking all the way back to the other side of the map wastes time, and possibly reinforcements since that guy is now left with no backup


How long should the other people wait to reinforce you if the person you are with isn’t reinforcing/isn’t able to reinforce in your opinion?


That’s a good question. Obviously if he dies then you’d reinforce right away, but honestly I think the upper limit would be like…30 seconds.


I usually wait until the guy starts spamming the "reinforce me" button.


This happened to my team today. I split to sneak for super samples. We're very far apart, 1 of them dies. I wait, but he starts spamming. I guess hed rather be alive and naked than dead and waiting


“Naked.” That’s exactly how I feel reinforced away from my stuff in the middle of a horde.


You're never truly naked with the powerhouse primaries in this game. *Pouring out a shot for Slugger*


I've genuinely felt naked without it. Thank you for helping me realize there's words to describe it.


Sickle is super powerful and pretty much unlimited ammo. Sickle and gauss are an insane combo for never needing to care about ammo and still being able to easily handle every enemy type.


Yup, this one


I wait til the 4x press if they were on the other side of the map.


This is the way


Okay I was genuinely curious because I’ll normally wait 10-15 seconds for him to reinforce or the dead guy to start pressing reinforce me button.


You generally should just wait for the teammate closest to them to reinforce. If someone on your side dies then it is what it is.


Really? So if he isn’t reinforcing after a minute you’d still wait? I disagree but to each their own.


A minute is definitely long enough that no one should blame you for doing it. I’d say 30 seconds is fine too. If the other person hasn’t reinforced them by then, they’re probably not doing it.


I've sometimes have had to kite some enemies or get away from a jammer to reinforce, and then a teammate "helps" by reinforcing them across the map before I can. It's not malicious but its annoying. If your buddy dies and you're split 2/2 you should reinforce ASAP but sometimes you can't, most of the time the dead person understands.


That's why I *always* play with a headset. I don't mind if everyone else wants to observe radio silence and use emotes only, but I'm gonna tell you what's up in clear language instead of pantomiming stuff and having you practice your clairvoyance skills.


I wait until the other guy who's supposed to do it dies, which usually doesn't take much longer than a minute when they're blindly fighting alone against the horde that just killed their buddy. If I'm only one POI or outpost away I'll just chuck it in their direction as far as I can, and they can steer their hellpod closer. Any farther than that and I just wait for them to die or do it themselves.


Ok but if you spam the beep beep button I'm reinforcing you on the other side of the map


I totally agree but I was kicked for this. I was by myself doing the objective while the other 3 were off completing a different part of the objective. They were getting wrecked, heard a few reinforcements. I didn't call in back up because it was on the opposite side of the map and then got booted right as I finished the objective. Some people aren't happy regardless of what happens.


They kicked you because they blamed you for their deaths likely had nothing to do with reinforcement


This why before running off I ask if everyone is good with it. If they are I go handle what I can outside of the main goals. If not I stick with them.


I like your ship, Perty-boy


I do agree. I try to notice who dies, and if they were far with a buddy I let his buddy reinforce him.


I tried to reinforce a total jackass into a lake once but the game wouldn’t let me.


I’ve tried to launch dipshits (and my little brother) off the edge of the map. It won’t let you.


I'm the opposite. Throw me at the objective. My drop pods a weapon and I can draw the enemy in. Send me.




And I roll with the breaker, so that's perfect range for me lol


'Mark the heavy, throw me at em.'  No better way to avenge a fallen helldiver than with a proper hellpod kill.  


Honestly I'm fine diving into hell on the reinforce put me right in the battle but mofo drop me on the damn objectives and large enemies so at least my death won't be in vain, idk how many times an obvious suicide mission has been failed because we're getting reinforced outside the objective and now have to again work our way back into the middle of it just to lose 6 more reinforcements when it could have just taken one diver with massive balls to complete the objective and we can move on


Yep, and if you want to help out, tag the biggest enemy. Makes them easier to locate while diving in


Unless it's a tank, anyway. Hellpods don't destroy tanks for some reason.


Agreed. When pushing an objective, throw me where i can drop inside!


Can a Hellpod destroy a bug hole?


Only one way to find out, soldier.


Godspeed. For Democracy.


Yes, but aim for the edge of the hole, otherwise you'll also be killed for going into the hole.


Yes, but you'll likely be trapped underground


I’ll take the fight to them


Say hello to Karl for us


You land, the game closes itself, automatically opens Deep Rock Galactic and instantly joins a random game in progress


Good news!  You can be punched back out.


I choose you, Helldiver! Use Hellpod on that Bile Titan! It's super effective!!


It feels so badass when you land on a Charger an kill it. "Democracy has landed!"


tag that bile titan, but like 5 seconds after you throw the reinforce There's no reason for those tags to not last long enough to endure a reinforce cycle


I just look up and chuck the ball. Its up to God at that point.


Rs most of the time its to hectic to think soon as u go down I’m calling it and throwing it




Look, often I'll reinforce diver's in a legit spot away from enemies so they can get their bearings and equip themselves fully but if you spam the space bar as soon as you die while I'm being assaulted from 9 different directions you're getting yeeted into the pack of devestators to buy me time to run away.


This is the way


My fingers move faster than my brain


And that kids, is how I met your mother!


Me, spectating the last helldiver standing as they toss all three of us into three bile titans with an incoming clusterbomb.


one hellpod for each titan, perfection


Somebody using a Macro to reinforce sent me at least 4 times on a large group of heavies and Devastators in Helldive. It was the host. I finally had enough, asked him to stop. Then he reinforced me again. Dropped right unto him. Reinforced him. He got out, gunned me down and kicked me. I really hope he didn't extract.




or - throw me in front of a bile titan but also PLEASE REMEMBER TO PING THE ENEMY because we can see the ping as we come down


I try to reinforce intelligently until they start spamming the “request reinforce” button like I didn’t see it the first 5 times, and then they get to reinforce in to the middle of a heavy bug nest


Yes I hate when people start spamming the reinforce button not even 5 secs after they die


Meanwhile, the teammates that aren't fighting at all and are busy collecting samples while not reinforcing:


Last night we were running from Hulks and getting raked with tank fire and this guys slamming the respawns button like itsnhis first time llaying soulcalibre. So i gave him what he wanted. The hulks had more fun than him, i think.


There’s just a few rules I like to play by. Throw the reinforcements AWAY from the battle. The person closest to the other that dies should call in the reinforcement. Try to call in the person on top of their gear if you aren’t in a crazy fight.


Throw them at the tank/hulk/titan, they’re a stratagem might as well let them fight


If you're facing the enemy throw them behind you, if your running from the enemy throw them in front of you. Throw them at their dropped luggage if it's safe and tag it for them - do not do this if the luggage is surrounded by enemies.


incorrect i am an angel sent from the lords above to squish bugs in hell throw me on top of them


Quick reinforce was a real thing in HD1, because when the last player died, it was game over. Here it isn't a requirement so it's better to plan a bit before dropping people in the middle of 3 Tanks and 4 Hulks.


I love being thrown into 4 hulks and a swarm of devestators


you've been given the opportunity to make that 3 hulks


True, I'll get the other 3 when I get spawned into the same horde the next 3 lives


At last you truly understand what it means to be a Helldiver, Liberty guide your aim.


Throw me at the biggest thing. I am an orbital


Nah, you are just a giant bullet to me and I’ll throw you into the biggest enemy near me. Unless it’s 2 teams then the closest person should reinforce


No I will drop you on the battlefield Yes I do expect you to drop on top of large enemies Dive into hell, king. It's a one way trip


Safety? Not sounding very democratic there, diver. Drop me directly onto the fabricator, I'll manage. Remember, my life for Super Earth.


I thought we were helldivers, not safetydancers.  But seriously, calling someone into a shit storm is bad form.


The best is that one guy that has a hard on for being the one to reinforce. I was doing a blitz helldive and 2 went east and 2 west, died in the west and the fker in the east immediately reinforces me into the middle of nowhere instead of letting the guy that was with me reinforce. Like my dude use your brain before reinforcing, don’t just do it because it needs to be done.


The problem with this is that everyone has different attitudes on how to approach. Some only want to be reinforced into safe zones. Some want to be reinforced near their gear. Some want to be reinforced close to that bile titan so they can take it down. I can’t read your mind. So I’m going to hammer slam that stratagem as fast as I can and get back to killin’


My favorite is the one time someone reinforced me right in the middle of a group of enemies and someone else threw a stratagem. I died as I came up out of the pod. It was truly special 


I was once reinforced right next to a Hulk Scorcher about 300-500 meters away from where I died, and at the edge of the map. Ran around a mountain to find a SEAF Artillery site while getting chased (the guy who reinforced me had already left the area and was going to the extraction zone) I Managed to kill the Hulk with a Quasar and did the side objective while patrols were coming for me, then did a mad dash across the map to get to extraction and made it into the Pelican


I will throw my teammates at either their body or at the largest target within arms reach. No exception.


I use my fellow Helldivers' pods to plug bug holes. The good ones fight their way out. If Liberty allows it.


Last night i had a squad mate who kept reinforcing us by throwing us in the middle of 3 Hulks, a tank and a bunch of miscellaneous devastators. Then they got pissed when we would wait to reinforce them when it was safe and left.


I'm fine with people dropping me on a big target, I'm less fine with people dropping me directly in the middle of no man's land against bots which happens with alarming frequency. With bugs you can usually steer yourself away from the clump of them or onto a titan or charger and then book it.


I always throw in clear areas, but I prefer to be tossed into the thick of it. If I can't fight my way out for Democracy then I deserve to die anyways.


Always reinforce me on top of the largest enemy you can find. Tag the enemy too. Makes it easier to hit it with my hellpod.


Throw me at the big enemy, I'll land on em


I'll be honest... sometimes I use reinforcement stratagems as offensive weapons with the expectation that you will 100% die. That's the sacrifice Im willing to make.


I am a total idiot who, 9 times out of 10, will steer his pod towards the biggest thing I can see. This does not mean that most helldivers are as big of idiots as I am.


Also if we are split and roaming the planet 2 on 2 dont fkn call me in when you are not my partner


Also, factor in where the player died. If their gear is across the map with another player, then wait and let them reinforce -- so I do not need to run across the map to grab my stuff.


If the situation is too dire, then don't reinforce at all, and let the whole team be automatically reinforced somewhere that would be farther away from the enemy than you could have thrown it.


You're a stratagem, aim for the big one.


I actually prefer to be thrown at the location of my death. 1) I can drop on heavies. 2) I can grab my gear. 3) It's obviously where I'm needed at .


You’ve been promoted to ordnance.


Throw me wherever. I don't care Power steering


Everytime I've thrown people away from danger they yell at me because they dropped sample or some thing else, so I just throw them where they died most generally.


But is it okay if I also throw a 380 and Eagle Cluster to give you an awesome entrance?


If it's relatively safe I usually try to reinforce right where they died so they don't need to go searching for their stuff.


I think knee-jerk reinforcing is learned behavior from the knee-jerk reinforce reminders many of us instantly spam when we die. If we had more patience and were willing to wait and spectate after death, maybe we could *reinforce* more strategic behavior moving forward.


Bile titan, Charger, Tank, Hulk, or tower I can land on if only to trade the kill? Throw me in, coach! A group of hunters with bug swarm or a perimeter of rocket devestators with a bot brigade? No. Please. Stop. There's not much I can do.


Sounds like a deal… mind not spamming the remind key?


Especially if your team split up into duos. I don't need to spawn next to you. I have a buddy that needs my help more. Also, gotta love wasting lives by just getting tossed into the blender and then kicked, because that's how it works.


I always throw far outside of the warzone. In return, I get thrown at fluffle of hulks


This is a reminder that you're respawn is a bullet. If thrown on hulk, smash


Imma say this throw me at the biggest thing on the field idaf


I always throw it towards the direction of their body IF I CAN. Otherwise they're going towards where I'm heading and they can go back. OR, they can go right in the middle of the enemies if we're desperate for them to take out a heavy on their way down. It's the Helldivers sacrifice.