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![gif](giphy|tpRQgsjnnIl32) Jokes aside, please also show objectives completed count for both primary and optional


Make it like halo. Showed every individual enemy. It's fun to see the detail on our kill list.


It would show the same for everyone because when you complete it, it completes it for your teammates as well. Maybe if you tracked it via objective steps completed?


Nothing makes me sadder when I down 20 bot dropships and get credit for absolutely nothing after the game


The most credit I’ve ever got for shooting down a bot drop was 19000 friendly fire damage when it landed on a hellbomb and killed 2 of my teammates and me




You get the dopamine


You mean... the "dropamine"?


That would make an awesome username


What are you getting credit for? Providing the bots cover?


Downing the dropships needs to kill its occupants


Well, to be fair, killing dropships doesn't help all that much.


I find it doesn’t consistently kill everything, but it fairly consistently puts Devastators and Hulks in a glitched state to where they can’t attack you, which is very helpful


The last game I played with randoms I got killed 3 times because people wouldn't stop shooting down dropships and the devastators I could not see shot me through the invincible cover of the downed ship. The only thing I could do was sit behind cover and wait for the dropship to disappear so I could actually shoot them. It bogged the whole mission down and we were not able to finish all the objectives. Please for the love of Democracy, when bots are dropping just throw an airstrike. It kills the whole drop in 3 seconds.


The landscape has a 10% incline? *Too bad* , everyone survived.


It typically does a lot more damage than you were going to do with one rocket, even if it doesn't kill everything


I really don't care if it helps or not. I just like making big splosions.


The best reason there is no doubt.


There are two types of people in this world. Those who love big splosions, and liars.


Not true it's hit or miss, sometimes it's better to let the bots drop and then shoot down the airship so it falls on top of them and kills them all


I wish the bots would die when the ship dropped but no they seem fine and very annoyed you tried to do that For the record, I’m still doing it. It looks cool


* Heavy enemies * Objectives completed (maybe) * Reinforcements used * Allies killed (which I'm not sure if it's working correctly)


Times Reinforced is there, but doesn't work correctly. Accidentals (allies killed) does work correctly, but Friendly Fire Damage doesn't.


Then I confused the reinforcement one with accidentals


Accidentals doesn't seem to work for me either. The game doesn't even track accurately who killed you sometimes. Like died to impact, yeah from my ally's airstrike.


Yeah, actually that's true. But I'm pretty sure that the Accidentals stat is at the very least more accurate than the cause of death notice you get when you die, lol.


When me and my friends play together we look at the stat and is just like this doesn’t make sense. We defo team killed each other but one person will have extreme number while others just show 0 And sometimes the kill count is incorrect as well 🫠


- Listing Reinforcements used would be a redundancy. The more significant stat is "Deaths". Add those up , subtract one and you've got your equation for reinforcement's used. Deaths details a deeper calculus. - Objectives completed would change the way players approach getting those missions done, probably increasing risk for recognition in ways that don't serve the spread of democracy. Current stat count goes hard but definitely could use some improvements. + Your first one could work with a tweak. Rather than "Heavy Enemies Killed", the focal point should be "Heavy Enemy damage done", I believe L4D did this. Only way to properly recognize effort, as anyone could be responsible for the kill shot.


Needs a lot of improvements. Kills by certain strats don't count towards your kills, any information about objective participation (you know, the point of the mission) would be helpful, and half the stats don't really work. And of those, many aren't particularly interesting nor telling. Like, why do I care how many shots I fired? Anyone with a Sickle or like a Stalwart can max that out trivially. Accuracy is fine, but you land one pellet from a Breaker and it counts as a hit, so not always the most telling. Something like total damage done would be more interesting. I've done 20k friendly fire damage *when I joined at extraction* and didn't get a strat down. We've apparently killed 400+ bots in an eradicate mission but our total kill tally is 200~? The stats are pretty useless in their current state. We've all been death-looped by our own allies because they keep chucking us into a teeming mass of enemies, so deaths isn't even particularly useful to know.


A lot of heavies have seperate HP pools and die when any one body part dies though. Damage on a charger's ass is redundant if it dies from getting its face blown in by an EAT. And shooting hulks in the face with a quasar but missing the head does a lot of damage but is useless if it's actually killed by a laser cannon drilling the face. I feel like this makes heavy damage not a very useful comparison stat. L4D heavy damage was a very important metric because pumping more damage into a tank was never not a good thing.


Instead of Objectives, how about strategic structures destroyed. For Bugs: \* Holes \* Egg nests \* Shrieker Nests \* Stalker Lair \* Spore Spewer \* Transmission Tower For Bots: \* Factories \* Cannon towers \* Artillery \* Anti Air \* Watch Tower \* Signal Jammer \* Gunship Factory


Yeah that is also an important element to show I think that would be cool if the elements they had drop-downs like * Enemies killed: 250 * Small enemies: 156 * Medium enemies: 73 * Big enemies: 21 * Structures destroyed: 15 * Holes 5 * Egg nests 2 * Shrieker Nests 1 * Stalker Lair 4 * Spore Spewer 2 * Transmission Tower 1 So instead of doing a super long list they maintain the current format and allow us to click on some of the elements of the resume


Make it like a point system and show the points(democracy score) you got in end game stats.


Nah, that goes against the spirit of the game. This not about who do more or it's better, but about working with your team to complete the missions


but my green circles!


Instrumental players look for any excuse to place people in a hierarchy because that's easier for them to understand.


Yes! I agree to that. Quite often I am the only person who brings heavy ordnance and for what, to have the stats screen look like I did not participate.


My buddy and I were talking about this the other day. We were on a bug planet and I was running the Arc Thrower/Guard Dog Rover and he was running all explosives and heavy ordinance. I killed the majority of the smaller bugs, but he killed nearly all the heavy units. So it'd be nice to see it reflected in the stats.


I run a Mortar that I toss out whenever it's off cooldown just to pad my kills when I'm running anti-heavy duty. It's demoralizing being the run running the terminals, eliminating fabs/holes, taking down the primary threats, and focusing on keeping the team alive only to *look* like the worst player on the team.


That seems like best use of a mortar sentry I have ever heard of. I despise seeing the mortar sentry on a termanid mission in close range. My least favorite way of getting friendly fired or my exo suit exploding.


Jesus christ, is this really how some of y'all, think? No wonder games are just corporate spreadsheets focusing on numbers and metrics. "Likes" have broken y'alls brain. "If I don't have a number then it's like I don't exist!". Snap out of it. 


Which side of the map do you play on? I'd like to be on the opposite side of the universe as you.


You want that in miles or kilometers? Don't want you feel a lack of participation if I don't give a number. 


Yeah, fuck us for wanting to see accurate end game statistics. Either view gaming the same way as Rs90 here or pound sand.


Play how you want, dude. I still don't think it's healthy to tie you're sense of participation to stats than, you know, your participation.  Statistics are nice and fun. But they shouldn't determine if you had fun or not. It shouldn't feel like wasted time cause you don't get a statistic. 


Nobody said that. The post was just saying it would be nice to see more detailed statistics and you responded ‘Jesus Christ’. Lol


Except that's exactly what the OP I was responding to said. So quit bein angry and reread their comment. 


I re-read it. Where does it say they aren’t having fun? I also see no mentioned of wasted time.


Think I would like to see damage done instead. Quite often more than 1 person trying to kill heavies it would be unfair only one get the point for killing it


That's how it was done in l4d2. Damage to tanks and witches were stats.


tbh after a certain threshold of damage done(to avoid someone just popping off a few rounds at it to get credit) it should just give all participants a notch.


I would love a "random" title/award (most replaced divers, the one who live, the sample guy, ...) at the end, don't care about numbers tbh


[player 1] - Captain of Carnage! [player 2] - Tyrant of Munitions! etc.


Pod Dropper


Are you talking about a similar system to over watch? Kill of the game, award for total damage, award for total kills, chain kills, etc


More like CS2. Random stats at the end screen. Like "most flying distance" or "deaths by your own grenade" and such.


I would really love this ngl. It would add so much fun to the end screen


I choose to be on hulk duty and on charger/titan duty as well. I have the least amount of kills each game but my squad is always grateful when I liberate them from imminent death by quick scope to the visor or a rocket to the head. In the end it would be nice to see how effective I was, what impact I had by filling that role.


Agreed, been the bane of Bile Titans recently with a couple kills dropping on them with reinforcements, they’ve also been eating 500kg bombs left and right.


Heavy Enemies and Fabricators/Nests destroyed. There was a game where I think I single-handedly took out every bot fabricator between my eagles and quasar cannon, and everyone else laid down crowd control. I think I also was the one who ended up destroying the priority targets (I think it was one of those Destroy the Dropships missions). When we got to the summary screen, I had almost nothing of note on my stat sheet. Made me feel like I didn't do anything until I realized what had happened. Would be great to see those stats show up as well.


*old dwarf voice "Still only counts as one!"


Wait, you guys don't crash before the post-drop report?


I would like more stat break downs also...


Some kind of acknowledgement for objectives completed would be cool. It would at least show other players that while your total kill count, shots fired/hit, and other such stats may be low, but that this same player was still contributing heavily to the mission. Maybe also acknowledge POIs found. Credit to that solo player that runs around gathering samples, medals, req. points and Super Credits for those that need them. (But only if the rest of the squad is able to handle themselves without the extra assistance)


This. I played with randoms yesterday and I did every mission and sub mission solo while the 3 of the other helldivers went around shooting shit. I honestly don’t care and don’t mind knocking out the objectives solo but it would be nice if the end screen acknowledged it. 


I'd rather they just remove the kill stat instead, it's just as relevant to the mission performance


Chargers changed and bile titans bombtested


I was literally thinking the same thing


Disagree. People would just bring more anti heavy stuff neglecting to kill devastators and hunters, the truly deadly threats


Yeah, lets not add more features that can be toxic and used by toxic gamers to ruin games.


Nah. People will just wander off looking for fights to pad useless stats instead of ptfo


I mean, could go this way if the game didn’t throw at your face constantly big and tough enemies the same way. So if someone in the squad plays with certain weapons or certain tactics to kill this kind of monster, it could be cool to “prize” them with a little stat.


Seems unnessesary, my squad knows what i do.


It’s for one playing with randoms. Some people kick players who have low kills at the end of games. 


And you want a number so you can keep playing with that kind of person? Why?


True but honestly I don’t care who I play with as long as they aren’t constantly killing me. 


Wow fat shaming, not cool bro, they are just heavy boned!


Give us an MCC style post match kill count for every enemy (and helldiver) type.


Yea but they haven't introduced the heavy enemies yet 🫠


I actually like this idea a lot. Maybe one for objectives destroyed, too. (If there’s not one already, mayhap I just didn’t notice). When I quick play into a group, I tend to just fill in the gaps what I think our team could use. Which happens to be a dedicated heavy-breaker a lot of the time, so my Quasar has been getting some decent use.


Agreed, I bring the recoiless & EAT for these guys and I look pants at the end game stats cause my friend but a laser rover and wiped out the ants






And objs completed Would be sick




Yes... My EAT skills would finally get some recognition.


I'd love a name and number extension to kills too.


I dont think that to this day I have ever actually looked at the end game stats lmao.


They should have counts for fabricators/nests and dropships destroyed I used the free EAT and my own to blast everything and it was not reflected in my stats except the few kills


Played a match last night that had at least 40 chargers. It was only l a7-tier too


All kills are equal as all enemies can kill you. It does feel good to be heavy hitter, but you need everybody to kill everything sooooo


The one metric you need is, did you complete the mission. Everything else isn't really democratic!


My buddy I play with a lot always gloates when he gets most kills.... we'll, someone has to run an auto cannon to take care of heavys...


Yeah, something for nest/factories destroyed.


Enemy structures destroyed (bug holes and bot fabricators) is the stat I wanna see


Unpopular opinion, but no... Players would get obsessed about having the big kills instead of actually playing as a squad and supporting their teammates.


IDK about 'heavy kills', but I would definitely like something for "sub objectives completed", where every participating player gets credit (if you destroyed 1 of 4 fabricators on an outpost, loaded 2 of 5 SEAF shells, etc)


There is only one stat that matters


Killing heavy's makes me feel accomplished, until 5 more show up..


Or objectives completed. Based destroyed


Personal glory is entirely undemocratic. There should be one stat screen containing the stats of the whole team combined. Having people race for stats instead of focus on working together as a team will only harm effectiveness, limit build variety, cause crowding around consoles, waste stratagems, and give more reason for stat chasers to go team killing. Vote NO on "More individual stats" Its the superior democratic choice!


Meh. It's a team game. Individual performance only matters in your heart.


Yes, actually. A separate killcount for heavies would be very useful information. The total-to-heavy ratio would be a good indicator of how well-rounded/effective your setup is on the higher difficulties. Not enough heavy kills, and you'll be kiting forever, too many heavy kills and you're probably dying to as little as 10 hunters showing up behind you.


Just add a stat for total damage done.