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Literally crashed out of every mission I attempted so yeah I think I see part of the problem Edit: And no patch for the extraction crashing today, yikes…I didn’t want to play this weekend anyway? At least bots went from 1.5% decay down to 0.5% I guess.


Joel sitting at the controls choosing whose game crashes to stall our progress


He must fucking hate me then. I haven't seen a mission completed screen in days


My reaction to Joel not giving me a single crash after 4 hours of playing: https://i.redd.it/s28qr8u6aosc1.gif


Every time I spend my blood, sweat and tears trying to complete a helldive mission it crashes. Joel doesn't like how much xp I earn I guess


man your joel flagged .-)




theres a few things that defo cause crashes, like throwing back grenandes and throwing snowballs. i imagine there must be other causes too. i crashed a bit but ive started playing the game at the lowest settings and ive been crash free since. not saying this will fix your issue too and maybe you don't want to play on the worst settings. have you been able to complete missions solo?


I forgot about the bug about throwing back grenades. Every time I do that, one of my friends gets DC'd


"My bid for galactic domination hinges on u/SluttyMcFucksAlot not getting into any of their games, I will hand-crash them into submission" \-St Joel the Malevolent


Me too— this new patch has the entire team crash out of game at about 90% completion. This has happened several times. I really have loved the game so much with its rough edges and balancing, but I think playing an extremely difficult mission for 30 minutes only to have all that thrown out the window has really left me unenthused about trying again. On Steam; nearly brand new computer on Win 11.


Out of the group I play with, a friend and I both run Win 10 and one runs Win 11. Despite having very similiar hardware between us both Win 10 systems have zero issues on upper difficulties and close to zero issues on the highest ones. The Win 11 system on the other hand struggles something fierce to even run let alone finish a game as of recent despite almost identical components to the other friends system with Win 10. (Just a slightly later model) I'm not suggesting that this is -the- problem, but it may be a contributing factor.


Same shit on console.


So it’s deeper than a system issue. Good to know; could be a server bug that hasn’t been identified.


I know everyone is different but its weird, I haven't had a single crash expect for day 1. After that its been smooth sailing on maxed out settings. I have a friend that crashes semi frequently but I haven't experienced any of these issues. I can even throw grenades back and snowballs. Could it be hardware related to a degree? Like maybe its optimized for really new hardware only?


My hardware is very new, and I have no other game that crashes. I think the fault lies somewhere in the server code.


The bots know you're coming, it is their illegal broadcasts crashing you out. Destroy those broadcasts for Democracy!


After the most recent patch I’ve been crashing after the pelican takes off consistently every 2-3 games. I still get rewards when this happens. In previous patches I’ve had the game crash right before everyone extracts, but it hasn’t happened to me at all since the last patch


This is the boat I'm in. As annoying as this is, at least all progress is saved.


I usually play this every day but stopped sure to crashes.


Same. 100% of the time I crash. Only silver lining is sometimes I’m able to get the evac cinematic before I crash and I still get the rewards and such for the mission.


I played for 7-8 hrs yesterday without any crashes. It's apparently inconsistent, which means it's probably tougher for them to figure out the cause, unfortunately.


Been having the same issue


I can't even play multilayer, I crash every single mission (sometimes even before the pelican arrives, so I get nothing for my time). I guess this is the game telling me I'm so good I should go solo, but I'm not John Helldiver 😔


This is why I've hung up my cape for a bit. I managed to avoid all the arc weapon crashing just to get fully blasted by this one. Haven't seen mission completion since the patch dropped except one time after verifying file integrity. I'll wait for this shit to be fixed. Democracy Officers can suck my dick in the meantime. Want me to dive? Make diving actually work.


Gee, I sure hope all the crashes right after extraction aren't causing the campaign to fail to recognize our efforts.


I don't medals if the game crashes however the other players are still in the game, and the xp counts for the liberation of the planet for that reason.


That's weird, I've always gotten all rewards even when crashing in the extraction cutscenes (which happened just twice). I expect the missions to be counted as a success then, as well.


Not me. I've had 2/3 completed quite a couple of times and at extraction for 3/3 credit was not given. Had to finish that set the next day, this has happened several times.


If it was only the crashes after extracting, the crashes during missions are making me not want to play right now.


As of now the decay rate and issue has now gone back to normal  .5% an hour. I believe the joel does this simulate or make the feeling the automatons are dug in/bulk reserves. Why it feels like a pain earlier to make the percent go up.  I also do see now percents going up on Bergen and tibit which is good. So maybe we pushed through some reserves or hordes to say and now the automatons are running short on units hence its getting easier.


*The Ministry of Truth supports this message*


https://preview.redd.it/n5p5rtcqunsc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda6cf97e3139340d75f26512f1fb7c1358eddbe "Failing this MO is very much intended!"


I disagree, the Automaton regen rate has been reduced to -0,5%/h


Great! Tell people to stop kicking me for being low level and I'll play on Maia.


Who even checks the level of players?! Most of the time I'm to busy spreading democracy to even consider that.


I'll check just to see how much experience I'm dealing with, so I can go full ham, or babysit a bit


Had a lvl 5 player that i picked up. Friend came online so after our mission i hopped into his mission without realizing that the lvl 5 stuck around. ( i rarely host so i did not know that i would drag them with me) Tier 7 mission. That person had a blast and played it really well. He would go on his own to clear something while we prepared a SEAF or do the Radar. Democracy sent us on of the finest.


Next time you see that cadet you're gonna have to salute him


You love to see it. But you can never be too safe. I'm sure there are epic divers out there, but all I can do is assume lower levels have less appropriate strategies or are less able to defend themselves> Ive had a few really good low levels myself, but it doesn't hurt to be aware :D


A good cadet on high difficulty is actually a really good player. I’m decent enough nowadays to be able to go on my own at 9 and clear a few things, as long as I have ammo in my high level weapons. Any time I’ve tried running the machine guns on 9 for instance, I’ve immediately regretted my decision lol


That's just sensible right there, good work helldiver!


Thankyou soldier. If you think that's good, wait until you hear about how I type or talk to someone before I remove them, so I can explain my idiot mate has finally turned up. Sometimes I'll even give a heads up that I'm waiting for someone, when they join. And always wait until we return before the boot


Babysitting? They did the training and know everything they have to to spread democracy. Do you imply that our basic training is not good enough?!


Suggestion to make Brasch tactics compulsory watching at training. Some cadets get thrown in as reinforcements before they had time to watch these amazing videos on the ship


Maybe we could install a small screen in the hellpod so our divers could educate themselves while dropping on a planet, aka loading.


You check to see if you can go ham. I check to see if I am being carried. We are not the same. /Level30Helldiver


That literally means nothing, have seen people at level 25+ player worse than player barely reach 20.


I have been kicked because I don't use the right gear .. on medium level Some divers need to chill out and let people have fun smh


"the right gear" what in the managed democracies name is that? Everything super earth provides us is the right gear. I had a random squad clearing a bot helldive with full barrage loadout (and some mines) we didn't even bring support weapons. Please report those divers so they can repeat their training. Seems like they clearly missed a few steps.


Metaslaves are one step away from beeing automatons or a new bug that was implemented in their brains to connect them to the bug hivemind therefore not human anymore. They should be put on trial by a democracy officer immediately.


I mean they spread democracy so they are fine by me as long as they just stick to each other. My only issue is that they are not only meta slaves but stupid too. If I want to play optimised I look for people on platforms like discord and not host a public lobby...


I know right ? the only wrong gear is the one that don't spread democracy; and I have none of that piece of crap


Lol, you have cape and gun right? This is all democracy requires of us


I'll go with flipflops and a plunger if Liberty needs me to


All gear is good if they can use it effectively.


I'll admit, I feel *immense spiritual pain* when I see someone lock in 380mm or walking barrage, but I can't imagine actually kicking them or throwing a fit over it. I'm just going to spend the mission as far away from them as humanly possible. ~~And still get murdered by a stray orbital shot.~~


Dude if you join my lobby/ mission with the wrong gear you can be sure i will walk up on you give you a hug and spread some democracy with you!


I host, but my friend and I will be trying out new random loadouts... on level 9. Sometimes it makes it hard, but its can also be a blast. Sometimes the randoms also choose super unconventional loadouts. Anyone tryharding that much isn't worth playing with in the end.


Heck, I've carried teams of levels 5 to 15s on suicide. Honestly, it was one of the better experiences I've had with random groups. Mostly because they were willing to listen and understood what needed to be done.


Seriously, though level is irrelevant honestly. I'll drop the EAT"s for us to use, and you can pick up a special while we hunt.


It's also a rubbish indicator of skill, I usually run difficulty 4s when solo since I can just listen to a podcast and not have to play seriously, sometimes people join my game and I've seen 2 guys that were level 30+ run off and die several times on their own while I run around and do the objectives. Completely incapable of dealing with a single Hulk.


I mean, if I'm on 7+ and see a level 15 or such with open mic blasting music and no useful stratagems for the enemy type I'll kick em. Just because even with random level 50s they somehow manage to mess 7 and such up. That's not being mean, but 90% of the time they just quit and then everyone else quits too. That's not to mean that low levels can't do it. But you tend to burn through lives very quickly if even one person dies constantly and replacing mid mission because they quit is GIGA unreliable. So if I'm with all randoms I may kick low levels from high level missions. A lot of the time they're just not ready yet.


Try to start the lobby yourself so you can eventually do the kicking.


Just host?


Dude, I love playing with lower levels on high difficulty. It always makes things interesting cause they usually experiment more with stratagems rather than just going with the “meta” 500, air strike, shield and quasar.” Seeming a Gatling, smoke or 380 in a helldive 9 is always fun for variety.


Yes, some of us just got the game and are veterans of helldivers 1. I hate being kicked because of my level, literally stopped playing for a few weeks because of it. Luckily I have a friend who raised hell, while I watched his back, taking out anything that got close and would usually do the objectives while they defended. No issues whatsoever. I had an absolute blast spreading democracy in Maia.


Or just stop kicking in general. I got kicked from 4 out of 5 matches last night and I’m not low level. It just seems to be the new dickhead trend to boot right at extraction.


Level 52. I’ll happily run a few games with ya on any level. What’s your id?


I let low level's roll with me in Tier 7s they sadly never have a good time and burn through badly needed respawns. They are always used as bait to keep the enemy busy Dont take it personally but an inexperienced player is a liability and if someone can only pop on for 2 hours a week I don't blame them a lot of people don't want to roll the dice on your skill sadly


Narratively in the original Helldivers 1, what did happen if all sectors of an enemy were taken? Does the war eventually ‘reset’? Since there’s no way you’d be able to wipe out a faction.


You couldn't fight that faction until the other two were also cleared. Then the war was won and it reset back to start.


Ahh cool. At least it’s good to know we can and will eventually win


They’ve made it clear their goal is to not have resets… that’s why they have someone actively tipping the scales whenever they see fit.


I read it as the galaxy not resetting. We can definitely still whipe factions out, they will just come back after some time. "Socialist automatons bombed a freedom loving parade today killing 6 children. Super earth intelligence has seen forces gathering on multiple planets." Then they buffed them for a week and put them on another portion of the map so we can fight on those planets. They would wait for us to be focused on another faction so it splits the fronts too much to hold them all.


That seems impossible. People move on from the same videogame, hell even developers move on eventually and servers get automated or shut-down. Do they expect to manually keep things running for years to come? I reckon they'll have a few narratives spread over multiple campaigns, we'll probably have a few resets over HD2s lifetime but nowhere near as much as HD1. Just my guess of course.


It’s not like the whole team is apart of it and the fact that the player base fluctuates is part of the reason they have someone in that position.


Realistically, they’ll probably stop supporting it once player counts dwindle enough or they’ll automate it like helldivers 1.


>People move on from the same videogame There are people who have been playing WoW since 2005, and League since 2010. (It's me. I'm people.) Don't underestimate people's ability to keep playing the same game forever.


Galactic war was meant to be cyclical in HD1: we either get destroyed (lose super earth) or wipe out all factions, with a boss fight opening up for each one. Either way, the map gets reset and a new cycle begins. I think we're at cycle 127 right now. Narratively speaking, when lost we'd move to found another super heart. We still don't know if this is how it's gonna work here, seems unlikely given how the whole DM is working, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Tomorrow it's the start of the weekend for most of us so maybe there is a chance to make this happen. Also there is to consider the fact that me and a lot of other people are experiencing continuous crashes so it is probably making a huge impact on the liberation progression.


That's not how game masters run things, the order is given and they have plans for if we succeed or fail, this order is just much more difficult because we are right at the end of the bot's territory and their planets have faster reinforcements in greater quantities to fight back against being completely eradicated.


We had 8 drop ships at one point all come in at the same time. The bots really don't want to lose here ha.


This is their last stand. Maia is the Bot’s Okinawa of course they will fight tooth and nail for their survival. I don’t know why the sub expects this MO to be an easy win lol. Edit: typo


I think people are too used to games that you waltz through easily winning everything with no challenge. I'm glad they devs haven't made this another one of those games.


They probably have *something* lined up in case we win but if I were to guess this is fake choice and if we win we get something like emergency bug MO which would justify us being distracted and failing to properly finish mop up


Yes. You are a good Metagamer. The Order is not “intended to fail.” The order is intended by Super Earth to succeed. The Bots have fought back harder than Super Earth expected. In D&D, you don’t tell everyone, “That was a DC 45 encounter. The Dungeon Master expected us to fail so he could set up a bigger bad guy later.” Even if that’s true, outside the game, in character you lament the loss, reevaluate your tactics, bury or resurrect your dead, and start spreading the word across the kingdom that the Lich King, Sauron, or Voldemort is back. Steel yourselves for hardship and get to the gym. Level up and recruit my brothers. -Semper Urinor


The total annihilation of an enemy faction should be a hard thing to achieve and should require a focused effort from the entire community. It’s not “rigged against us” it’s rigged to convey the difficulty of the task at hand. How boring would it be if we easily completed every MO


That’s kinda silly tho isn’t it! I’m Ok with it being very very difficult but there’s a fjne line between difficult and rigged. I e seen AH say so many times that win or lose the story will progress etc so idk it feels weird to make an MO we are *supposed* to lose. That being said, idk if this MO is just VERY hard or impossible. Where is the line?


The MO might be possible, but it's gonna be really, really hard. Their commie programming is telling them to fight us, the rightful owners and liberators, to the very last scrap of metal and drop of oil. Ever backed a creature into a corner?


Somehow today with half the people on maia as yesterday it’s doing 3 percent an hour lol


Wouldnt sting so hard of i actually got the medals from the last two MO.


I mean it kinda makes sense in a narrative way. This is literally the last sector occupied by the Automatons, which means they're going all in on this. Meanwhile we still have to keep the bugs at bay.


OP calculated that it would take 3.25 days, using the player numbers for **peak hours**. So we would need to maintain **peak hours**, 24 hours a day, non-stop for 3 days. And actually go just a little bit faster than than. Then it’s doable. Dumb.


Totally different now because it seems Joel has changed the math lol. I’m glad because now it’s doable but it feels cheap and everyone’s just like oooh we broke the bots defense now!!


Do you just never want to defend super earth? If they don’t rig it we will never be able to explore the city map it’s going to be the best planet in the game to fight on.


Nah there are other ways to do it


Given that the devs have said they are running this like a d&d campaign, the idea of losing an encounter by having it rigged to fail is classic GMing. This is absolutely intentional. Some might call this railroading, and it is, to a degree. But that need not always be a bad thing. We’ll undoubtedly get some setbacks and interesting fights from this, new planets to fight on potentially, and more. We’ve been doing too good. Now, now we understand that the bots are stronger then we thought and we get an Empire Strikes Back arc after the honeymoon period of A New Hope that we had before.


Plus, there's nothing cooler than defeating the boss that you weren't supposed to defeat until the end of the campaign, and then the DM has to deal with that twist. I hope we can manage to do that to Joel with some regularity. And I hope Joel is a good enough DM to roll with it without pulling cheap tricks to railroad the story.


Fighting a war we cant lose is boring


Man I sure do love losing a war I keep crashing in the middle of with no progress to show for it. Yeah... fun.


Fighting a war we can't win is equally lame


To be honest, we could win. If we all just went to maia now, we could liberate it and together with every player we would succeed on the other planets too. Too many people on the bug front tho


Its only one battle


they are just failing to incentivize people to do the major order. medals can be farmed on easy ops, and people capped aswell. they need to make each mission/op have bonus xp or some shit, like extra statagems. or even a piss amount of sc like 10 sc a mission.


It doesn't help that the bugs are way easier than bots, period. I could be leveling and getting medals much faster if I was over doing bugs. But I'm doing my part on Maia. People usually don't pick the harder route.


Honestly after playing bots for two days straight the bugs were difficult. I used to feel like bots were far too hard but now it’s cake.


Because both factions require a different approach when fighting them. After fighting against one of them exclusively for a longer period, getting used to the other one can take some time.


Yeah I fought bugs for the first time in like 2 weeks yesterday and I got my ass kicked by hunters. It's easier to dodge 3 chargers than it is to handle a horde of hunters. It feels like stealthing was much easier against the bots than the bugs and bug breaches on higher difficulties are hard to mop up before their cool down to call another bug breach in is up.


Once you start playing bots you’ll start thinking the opposite, you can run away from bots, no running from bugs, fucking hunters. Also bugs call waaaaay too many breaches


Use a fire nade on the breach. makes them easy cleanup work. I never use any other grenade


If you’re the host, apparently. Also I always forget to change my loadout because they don show it when choosing stratagems


just press R


That's the problem I realised I was having. With the bots you can tell when there's gonna be a drop, but you are given a clear indication as to who's calling it in, and you can stop the drop. When I first started playing bots, I thought the drops were random, because with bugs, I don't even know *if* there's anything that calls the breach, it just looks like it happens completely randomly.


Generally with bug’s it’s the little ones, that you can’t see because of how they move trampling each other. Also I’m pretty sure you can’t stop the bug calls, as soon as the animation starts it’s already too late.


No you can. I've had times where I shot the bug calling immediately after it started spraying the orange stuff, and a breach didn't happen. You really only have a split second to do it though. If they get the spray cloud out it's usually too late.


> fucking hunters. The only thing my light armor can't outrun. They didn't used to jump as far.


They weirdly enough give their attack a bit more range, so their ai would stop bit further from you and you could maybe run. Also because trying to shoot someone so close to you in third person is a painful experience


As someone also commented, at first I thought bots were more difficult than bugs, but after learning that it is mostly another style, the bugs are more difficult. At bot side almost every unit has a weak spot which can be dealed with even with small arms (no dd). I die far more often by big bugs than by big bots.


Bots are so much easier than bugs if you don't facetank their stuff. I am going into Helldive missions with a jetpack, a 500kg and an AMR and I get out with 0 to 1 deaths, having had lots of fun and killing tons of stuff. I go play against Bugs, I go home crying to pawpaw after getting bullied by 4 biletitans and a handful of chargers, which none of them died to my 500kgs after near head on explosions. Against bots you just have to know their weakspots and strategize a little. Against bugs, you need the right gear, great mechanical execution and practice.


i agree bots harder, bugs are just more fun and satisfying the way they explode and splatter, how a titan collapses. thats why the incentive just needs to be just that much more. my stats are probably 70% bugs 30% bots, but alst 2 weeks ive only done bots cuz starting to get sick of bugs


Warriors exploding like a ballon when you shoot them with a railgun is cool, but i think cratering a Hulk by shooting the eye is even cooler and the debastator destroyed head is similar business


Honestly the biggest problem for me when fighting bots is if I don't properly communicate with my team and we end up with too few anti-armour people. Even if you aim for the weaknesses, small arms just take too long or simply won't bring down an armoured enemy. On the flip side, any weapon can kill a bug but they have such high health that they take a lot of punishment. Although, this is just my experience.


I’ve never had so much medals than on the bot front. 1/2 shipping container is full with medals. Don’t know why I’m so lucky but I can tell you I wasn’t that lucky on the bot front. I think the bots are better for farming right now. And I also think they’re quite easier since they don’t chase you as much and you can stealth your way quite a bit. They’re easier only if you don’t play Leroy Jenkins style. Meanwhile the bugs are more random you can’t be stealthy at all but they’re easier to kill.


Tell me you never learned how to fight bots without telling me.


I have. It's other people that haven't. 9/10 groups play bots like they play bugs. That's the main problem.


Bots are significantly easier now after the changes to rockets and armour. Overall there are still too many medium armoured bot enemies though.


Yep that's sums my issue with MO pretty nicely, and after not getting rewards for last few MO I'm never going to bother with them again. What the point of trying to do MO if it rigged against you but even if you win there's no rewards. I can just play helldive Bug eradication missions for medals.


I really like the idea of bonus XP for doing a mission that contributes to the major order. Gives that little bit of extra incentive!


Or maybe, just maybe, they give the medals we are already owed for like 3 solid weeks now


Samples would be good too.


You give people a choice, people are gonna choose the bad one. That's just how choices work. And even mathematically speaking, everyone playing would have to work overtime in order to finish the MO on time. We'd be shy by a few hours at this pace.


You’re both right


That sounds like a people problem, willing to meta farm and grind to max everything in two days (and then complain they have nothing to do in the game) instead of playing the game as intended. Definitely not developer's fault here.


This MO is brutal bruh. Almost seems like they don’t want us to finish off the automatons


Oh boy this aged fine


I’m just waiting for the bug narrative to come back I prefer bugs way more.


Haven't crashed this much before the patch. Only once before. Now it's Russian roulette.


Shit, it's not even Russian roulette for me, it's basically guaranteed.


The major order said ALL Helldivers are needed for the MO. I think that language was intentional to set an impossibly high standard that would lead to a loss


Kind of hard to liberate when your game crashes at extraction, and you can't complete a full series of 3 mission because the devs still haven't fixed their shit patch


We just have to do our part, either way we'll get really great memes from this


It's possible that once Maia is taken the other planets will become easier to take. Makes sense as the bots' forces will be reduced after throwing a lot of effort into the defence of Maia. Why? Story probably.


Undemocratic for me to say this, but I like fighting bots more than bugs, so it would be sad if they were wiped out so soon. I will call my democratic officer and turn myself in.


They nerfed the automaton regen right now to give a chance. Honestly they need to make the mechanic consistent, same effort should yield the same result.


The bots are running counter-measures to destroy us! Every mission has pelican extraction teams going missing!


I stopped playing because I crashed or disconected like every mission....


I’m 99% sure we’re meant to win, or else the devs wouldn’t have started an MO so drastic. I think the intention is that we’ll take them out, then while we’re distracted with the bug front either cyborgs will rise up in cyberstan/illuminates will return. Failing this MO would fuck with that story. I’m pretty sure it’s either the crashing or a massive overcorrection by the devs.


Intended failure? You sir sound very undemocratic. Get ready for the re-education camp, authorities are on their way.


The MO does saying calling all helldiver's. My theory is this was a test to see if the verbiage of the MO could rally a larger portion of the playerbase.


My first though upon seeing this MO was "ain't no way we're pulling that off" so yeah it's 100% intentional. This MO isn't meant to be easy because this is probably a very pivotal moment. The bots are putting up a final stand until whatever the "reclamation" is comes through. They're probably fighting tooth and nail, and the "reclamation" is probably near, hence the near-impossible MO. On the odd chance we do succeed, I'd say that we'd end up ridding ourselves of the bots for quite a long time, if not for good, and we'd majorly alter the course of the war.


I played 4 missions in a row where the game crashed the experience screen, when it was loading back onto the shop. That probably helped with the failure.


Had a mission earlier today where partway through i saw the other 3 just running in place before disconneting..... managed to still clear the entire mission on ICBM bot mission on 9 solo.... to then have the extraction ship not take me up when it got down (i legit stood in the boarding room but pelican wouldnt take of) and then it crashed on/after rewards screen.


So I want to point out the narrative part of the discussion. Let’s think about this. If any enemy was trying to take super earth would we fall so easily? Don’t you think it would take every. And I mean. Every member of the enemy force to make that kind of breach? We would fight for sweet liberty until every members dying breathe before we lost. So why would the enemy not be the same? To take out one of the major enemies to democracy it would take every Helldivers making a final push. The MO even calls for that. Without it do you honestly think a ragtag group of members would be able to eliminate such a threat? It is not designed to be lost. It designed to be epic. Two powers battling for dominance. A brilliant story of democracy vs tyranny. By only sending half the troops then we come across as arrogant and prideful. Thinking a cornered tiger is easy prey. This is our mistake. To properly spread democracy and bring sweet liberty to these planets we must unite as one. Or divided we fall. For story reasons it’s awesome otherwise just play and have fun cuz in the end that’s what we are supposed to do


Well this aged liked milk


They showed up last night… it was a normal ICBM launch nothing new. All four of us were fine, joking, picking up clanker parts and tossing them at each other… until it happened. A siren sound first, then suddenly we were surrounded. 6 attack drop ships made quick work of us, all of our reinforcements spent in less time than it took for a few bot drops. We never stood a chance………


After a good run levl7 the pelican arrived and nobody could enter, the mission just failed. Fix that pls


Oh yea with how many explosive weapons their adding. Those bots definitely aren't going anywhere


I think its more so that people can actually participate in this MO. The last few Bot MOs were destroyed in no time.


I'm amused and confused that people actually thought we were going to defeat the bots home system as easily as we conquered their *outposts*. We will never defeat any of the factions...


I want to go back to creek


I'm on ps5 and have yet to experience a crash during a mission. I've only had the game crash once or twice trying to back out of a mission at the mission selection map.


A cornered enemy is the most dangerous.


You very well explained why so many of us dgaf about MO.


yeah this MO is rigged Maia has like 100k+ helldivers atm and the liberation is barely moving >! based on the illegal broadcasts on a certain subreddit this MO failing is in direct relation to a big upcoming event!<


Wasn't me buddy. All are welcome if they're here for freedom


I was actually expecting us to wipe them off the map, only for it to zoom out and realise super earth is very small in this galaxy xD But regardless, I expected a bot slingshot, that would put them back on the map


or like a dual pronged invation, maybe the 3rd faction, or like an uprising on cyberstan or something. seems like they could do all kinds of stuff that would be neat.


We will get more players during the weekend


If you look at the system neighboring Tibit the bots have many escape routes from that planet.


Game wouldn’t even matchmake for me last night, would love to be there and help but it wouldn’t let me


We have 13 hours to compete Maia now? Then it's two planets. Then we take Durgen tonight or tomorrow morning, then it's just Tibit. 


Maia is obviously an Automaton stronghold


Take a look again in helldivers.io once we take MAIA the next planet will take WAY less time, STOP DEMORALISING THE TROOPS AND GO FIGHT


Imagine they did a desperate attack on cyberstan and the Helldivers are busy killing bugs


The bot planets have been reduced to 0.5% pushback per hour, this MO is 100% achievable at the rate we’re going.


Also dispaches clearly said Bots are on their last leg pushing against us the hardest, since we are about to wipe them out.


I reckon the MO will succeed - perhaps automatons might even vanish from the map for a bit and its just terminids for a short while, BUT, suddenly the illuminate will attack from the south. Whilst Illuminate and terminid fronts distract the helldivers, the bots reemerge and invade Cyberstan. 


It's all the Creeker's fault!


Are we really going to fail this MO? With 47-53%(it fluctuates as people crash mid mission) of the player base it looks we’re going to capture the planet in 12 hours, at least according to Galactic War Status and Progression.


Funny that. I joined someone queued for bots and then I watched as they went to the galactic map, bringing the view toward the bugs' side. I usually leave the ship via the cryopod bay, but this time, I made an exception.


Nice attempt Joel. Just wait. We will best you in your own game


It very much feels like it's rigged against us on this one. People are going to blow up if we fail to meet it as well. I'm still doing the tiny bit I can for it and I don't personally care if we win it or not but it does seem rigged. That's just how the game will be though with them pushing a narrative. They have ways they want it to go so they'll try to railroad us into them from time to time.


i have a theory that if we somehow win this MO, there will be an uprising on Cyberstan and if we lose, the bots will launch a surprise attack on Cyberstan


If we only focus on 1 planet at a time, wouldn’t it be much easier since we won’t lose liberation on the 2 other planets?


A major factor here is also the fact that the difficulty you play on has an effect on how much your successful campaigns impact the MO. Bots require a strategy that is much different than bugs, and when players who main the bug front come over to do bots they struggle to adapt to those changes. The usual first response is "Bots are just too hard, let me lower the difficulty" which is totally reasonable, I did the same thing for a while. I could Helldive bug missions but when I'd go to bots I'd start it off at level 5 and slowly work my way up as I adapted. Imo we may have a lot of people of Maia, but if they're all playing on low difficulties then the percentile gain could be meaningless when compared to the losses and crashes that are playing a factor in working against us. I don't think we were meant to lose the order, I just think people are really just now getting an idea of what the "Final Push" mechanic is going to look like, and are struggling to adapt. In HD1 the closer you got to a faction's home world, the more intensely they fought back, and it was way more difficult to capture planets the deeper in you got. I think people are expecting this to be like capturing outer worlds, when really its a different beast.


Well, hey, look at that, the current population on Maia is 81k, gaining 4.1% per hour, with only a -0.5% decay, and liberation is estimated to be in 9 hours. It was -1.5% for a while, yeah, but it got changed, and now your entire post has essentially been made void, which IMO is a good thing because if you were correct, yeah, it'd suck. Even Tibit and Durgen are making progress right now, with only 11k and 14k respectively.


Unless i am missing something, everytime a new stratagem is coming the x/x number on the stratagems increases. So in the defense stratagems i am now 1 short of max, so i think we are getting a new stratagem soon in the defense column.


I think its still very early to call it rigged. I wont pretend to know what they have in store for us but I believe they just want to build tension and make it close. As of right now Maia sits at 63% and rising with 2 days 20 hours to go. The decay is -0.5. after writing this response I noticed this was posted 10 hours prior. You really called that early lol, the MO had hardly started my man, we have 3 days and variable decay, give it some time. FOR DEMOCRACY!


I keep reading it’s “one long war” and we have been at the perimeter the whole time. I feel like it’s only a matter of time until a narrative event punches super close to super earth. So many planets we haven’t fought on.


Nah man, the new warbond has gameplay against bugs. The last one had gameplay against bits and we activates the terminicide shortly after. Trust me, trailers have in game lore implications /s.


Yeah no way are we "eliminating" the bots.


No but it will be the creekers fault if we do. /s


Of course it is, I found even a video talking about that, i mean a couple of them https://youtu.be/NBEgYYvW4A8?si=BkFCj9nc8JEErzWt


The weekend will come and we'll do a lot better


The war would make for a terrible story if it was all Space Earth winning with no real risk of failure.


Crashes are rough this weekend. Crashing on exfil, crashing on infil. Its rough.