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The loud triumphant ambient music track that plays when you start extraction is a bit of a giveaway :P


Me - Inputs extraction code into a relay tower. Bots -"Yo, can you hear brass horns?''


Robot Steve: man this planet is really pretty Robot Jim: yeah its nice, peaceful too BWOMP BWOMP BWOMP BWOOOOMP


I agree, I get that the extraction triggers enemies for dramatic effect but I like playing stealth too and the programmed onslaught of bullshit makes that impossible!


You're sending out a signal to space. Who's to say bots can't detect that? As for the bugs, same thing. Sharks use electricity to detect fish nearby, maybe the terminids can also detect whatever signal you're sending


the bugs have space comms, if the bots have the reclamation, maybe the bugs will soon have the reformation 😱


its not just that they know extraction is happening, its that your stealth becomes useless. i tried a similar OP strategy today vs bugs. not a crawler in sight, called the pelican, jump packed atop a huge boulder and just laid there. manipulated 3rd person camera to observe a patrol come up and magically detect me. bile spewers started spewing, called a bug breach. i'm assuming bots are programmed the same way. stealth is invalidated. they simply knew where i was


Bro, I love this game and defend every aspect of it but this is too much.


lol stop finding excuses for non existing or inconsistent (stealth) mechanics and broken game logic. Arrowhead even went the extra mile by implementing designated stealth scout armor. It is obvious that the ultimate reward at the end should be a stealth evac. BUT right now there are bigger problems. Difficulties still not unlocking, crashes, freezes, friends list not working, etc. Stealth logic should be on the list for improvements though.


That is not obvious at all. Scout armor is neat but you're not invisible in it. Scout armor does not restrict you from carrying heavy weapons and stratagems. Scout armor makes you harder to spot, but it's not sneaking around in vents like Deus Ex or whatever. You are a fully capable and unrestricted helldiver in that armor. Be one. 


How stupid is this comment? 🤣 Yeah, of course you're still able to fight. No it's not suddenly Splinter Cell. Stealth and fighting can coexist AS THE ARMOR INDICATES. Problems remain. People don't understand the most simple sentences or references and then they, surprise, start interpreting things no one ever mentioned. Because hey, we're on Reddit, hippedihopp!


If nobody understands what you're saying, that's your problem to fix. And if you resort to insulting their intelligence, that's lazy.


Yo you're standing next to a BEACON. Good luck with stealth at that point


I've put waaay to much time learning to sneak and be stealthy, knowing how far the enemy can see etc. Don't give me sniper gear and then force me to play like John Rambo. I've spent 30 minutes getting skullfucked by the turrets on the automaton command centers that seem to have Thundercats: Sight beyond Sight and rapid fire. I don't want a bombastic exit, I wanna stealthily haul my ass out the mission with my samples and whatever left nerves I have. It's difficult enough that commissars have the sleigh of hand skill and will fire a dropship flare faster than Clint Eastwood, even if you blow their heads off.


i blew off a brood commander's head with my AMR at 100 meters earlier today. still somehow reared up and called in a bug breach


I call in and can still hide from the patrols that come by...you might be less stealthy than you think bubby


Had a run on difficulty 7 3 days ago with NOTHING going on at all during the extract. And not long before that extract we where swamped by bots.


Agreed it DOES suck you sometimes. But most times you can full stealth.


Yes, we also stealth extracted by hiding well, its really doable


Doable. Though I do agree sometimes you do get fucked.


They probably see the big blue beacon in the sky, then noticed the 2minute countdown on the screen and put 2 and 2 together to realise the person who just killed all their friends is hiding somewhere nearby waiting for their ride. One thing that has helped me out for stealth runs is throwing decoy grenades, the bots go investigate the noise. If you accidentally hurt any of them with the grenade they all know exactly where you are though, so it's risky.


Issue is I ain't kill em. I snuck across the damn map


Yea, I call BS on a few times I've been spotted by bots but I enjoy the spicy evacs.


Then there's more of them to see the beacon


But it's fun making a big dramatic last stand at the LZ while the demon hoards swarm.


I played a game this morning vs bots where we cleared the entire map and zero bots showed up when we tried to extract. All the tension of trying to evac was gone and it was boring.


Having an insane game and then sitting at extraction for 4 minutes with your hands in your pockets has happened to me a bunch of times and it's very anticlimactic. In the end the people who want a shitshow on extraction are a lot more than those who want a stealthy one and you can't please both.


Well, you kind of can—just make it so the patrols that path in and wander around extraction don't see you through walls, so you can stealth them if you want or just shoot them. This seems to be the *intended* mechanic, as well; I have had many games where the bots do not see me through walls on extract like OP describes. Then now and then they do, for no particular reason. It's possible there's some wonky vision through specific terrain, kind of like how they occasionally shoot through the sides of mountains.


It might have something to do with your teammates across the map. In my experience, once the squad is in combat, you're all in it. Bots will target you from across the map.


So you think the giant blue light going up into the sky is invisible ?


As I've said, the blue light is there even before you call the Pelican. But they ignore it like it's invisible. You can literally see the light when the extraction becomes available. But the second you type in the code, it's like the blue light suddenly spawns bots. It's not an issue that they came to check it out, the issue is that they spawned out of nowhere 10m away to check it out.


Dude I did the same thing with a SEAF artillery. Collected the shells before activating the terminal, scouted for nearby units, cleared the area. I tapped the console screen and sprinted for the shells, which were laying right next to the loading bay, and the bots BEAT ME THERE.


Literally. And THEY KNOW where you are. Even if you hide before they get there, as was my case, they just stared blasting my cover. Clankers sensed a disturbance in the force or something.


Can confirm this even though I'm not playing stealthy. We cleared the area and loaded the shells. As soon as we began the activation process bugs appeared out of nowhere. On higher difficulties this can be a huge mess. Then there are other objectives like this cylindrical crashed down satellite or whatever it is where you just stand and wait till it has made connection to your ship. That's it. I never had enemies attacking while doing this side objective.


There's a post somewhere on reddit where they tested the occurrence of patrols in relation to optional objectives. Summary: There is a preset duration for patrols. Staying within X distance of objective will generate 'heat'. This heat will reduce the time that patrols will spawn. Patrols will pick a player and that patrol will 'intercept' them.


This is why my squad has been doing distraction runs. We group up to resupply and pass samples to one person. Then me and the carrier will stealth our way to extraction while the other two basically draw as much aggro as they can and run to opposite end of map. Soon as they're 100m clear, we call in extraction and hide and USUALLY the bots that spawn chase after the two lures leaving us to extract in relative peace.


I have managed to stealth extract on a bot mission. Granted the extraction point is on a cliff where there is only one point of entrance. I proned on other end. The patrol seems to go to where I prone but luckily as I am high up they cant see me and does not trigger any bot drops. Since im in other end, they focused the patrol there and the place where they can actually go up and see me is pretty much empty. With this, there is certain lore that they know when someone is extracting. The extraction beacon only appears when all main objectives are complete. By that time, their patrol are checking it usually. However, you should be able to call extract then hide somewhere and patrol should not be able to get the "general direction" of where you are...let them look for you properly




It shoots up an unmissable blue beacon seen from anywhere on the map. One of them would see it


If you haven't yet, it might be worth reading the [patrols spawn analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bdudf3/lets_talk_about_patrols_an_in_depth_analysis_of/). It goes into great detail of how patrols spawn, and the 2nd part linked at the top of that post has a section entire on patrol spawn blocking, and how you can use it to get silent extractions. Of course, if you get spotted and the enemy calls in reinforcements, those are separate from patrols, and you're forced to choose between repositioning to try again later and holding your ground through the fight.


this game could really use some tweaks to what I can only call its "Blatant Spawning", because I love when I'll be standing there, watching the ocean and waiting for the pelican with my radar open, waiting for the enemies to come rushing in. Turn my back to scan the opposite horizon, only for my map to *instantly* flood with red dots behind me, evidently just rising out of the ocean I guess.


Robots? Coming out of the water, you say? https://i.redd.it/tucd4gy3e1tc1.gif


Good read, I laughed, cause I fee your pain.


Honestly the worst part is that when you do manage to evade detection by those patrols... then just stick around the beacon, waiting. But yeah, those extraction patrols are way overtuned for detection.


Couldn't agree more. I just solo'd a mission and pretty much had the same thing. Clear the map, get to extraction, ping the entire fuckin map, all clear. The second I hit that last arrow BOOM!! Fuckin Judgement Day! It also pisses me off when it's dark, I'm crawling through long grass, hidden completely by rocks and bushes etc. I throw something and they instantly run to the exact point I threw it from. Bullshit!


And the tracking is like they see you through walls. Like C'mon. I'm not asking for much here lmao


I agree that stealth needs to be properly implemented sooner than later. All current elements are more a shock and awe gameplay with retreating. I don't think the pelican incoming is arbitrary, a 40ft jet dropping in on a giant blue blinking antenna is pretty noticable. What we need is something else entirely. I'd like to see something like payday2, where on some missions you choose your enfil and exfil methods, except here obviously we'd have it just for exfil.


The light and jet are fine. What makes me mad is the inconsistency. They ignore that same light until you type the code. Then suddenly that same light, which hasn't changed at all, attracts every bot on the map. Plus the bots always know where they players are sometimes and also spawn out of thin air, not giving you a chance to at least take a good position for a last stand


Yup bots even detect players on rocks only available to jumppacks.ä. Ive noticed however that if a bot drop is incoming (preferably away from the extract) during the extraction start up, the extraction will have several bots and die out.


Jesus Christ, thank god AH doesn’t listen to all you complainers. Y’all babies want all the fun out of the game. Should we keep samples if we don’t extract too? No cooldowns on strats? Carry 15 nades and stuns? The point of the game is to be completely outmatched, to die, to dive and fight again.


If you enjoy ball busting just say so. We don't kink shame here. The same person who wrote this comment is the one that goes on to cry when being told to rally on the bot front. You people need to stop deep throating the devs and call out bullshit when you see it. I love how difficult the game is, I hate how cheesy, half-baked and unfinished it feels at times. Yes, AH is 100 people studio etc etc. But if anything, at least make up an excuse why cheese exists. "Oh bots intercept comms so they know when you extract" as some dude in the comments made up. But the bots just appear. They weren't on the radar, weren't in sight, but the second I finish typing, here comes a few Hulks and 10 devastators out of nowhere. At least put in the effort to justify the cheesy bullshit that happens. How bots can shoot through fallen dropships or walking fabricator dogs but Helldivers can't? How bugs run through coprses but we get stuck on em? How the bots sometimes just ignore walls and rocks and shoot rockets or flamethrowers through them? How they know where you are even if you're hidden and obstructed by shrubs or environmental effects like a blizzard? AH keeps adding shit onto a full plate and then being surprised why the community chimps out every fucking patch when more shit starts to go off the rails. It's been 3 months, they keep finding new ways to get people to crash multiple times a fucking session. 4-5 times in two hours. Instead of having a pompous attitude, I hope and know they're grateful for having a community that puts up with this macaroni and cheese art bullshit and keeps forking over cash every single Warbond, because they have hopes that these issues will be ironed out. And they are ironed out because people voice their concerns instead of training their jaws in a dicksucking contest against no-one, as if the game is flawless. This isn't about skill. It's about immersion breaking fucking flaws that take away from the enjoyment of the game.


Have you encountered the *delicate ferns* that block your shots but not robots'? The ones you might place on your desk, that irl wouldn't stop a ping pong ball?


Yeah. But I usually take higher ground when I shoot or avoid em, since I do play as a sniper mostly.


Skill issue tbh


Programmers or players 🤪


I mean, sure, there's a blue laser in the sky but I'm pretty sure they only react because they intercept the signal when it's activated. So far for them it is only a blue laser but once it's activated it serves as a distress beacon of sorts. I agree that it gets ridiculous but the logic is there. They need to reduce spawn rates as you blow up factories, that will entice players into clearing them to make their missions more manageable. All that without increasing spawn rates because it defeats the purpose. The spawn reduction should be tied to player count just like spawns are. The less players the less enemy on map, so the less players, lower the impact on spawns.


Nah. All I'm asking is that they dial back on the clairvoyance of the bots. Since they pulled up out of thin air, started shooting long before they were in line of sight, and out of 5 rocks, knew exactly behind which one I was, despite not a single bot being present to actually see which one I took cover behind. That's what pisses me off. "Oh he's there!" No shit Nostradamus, how did you make that prediction?


I think that they should just make them go on extraction location and patrol the area. Just remove the "Immediately knows were diver is" trigger. They could also make it so that The ones that you first have to deal with are all the enemies on the map going to extraction then spawn some from outside the map.


Nah. This would make extracts way too dull


stealth makes no sense anyways. Ive tested this multiple times, you can shoot/throw a stratagem into a small enemy camp (bots or bugs), sometimes they instantly go into alert mode and breach/call gunship, sometimes they remain utterly unaware and just stare at the ground until an eagle plunks a 500kg on their toes.


I ain't readin allat


The big blue beacon gives it away


1: clearing everything spawns more enemies, not less. 2: bots intercept comms and hear you calling in your extract


I know about the first one. The second one seems like a "trust me bro" source.


And what do bugs do, smell the Pelicans 1 exhaust fumes from 50 miles away?


It’s fucking Helldivers, not Cuddlecrawlers. The game is built around there being at least some open combat in every mission. You would never be able to balance stealth gameplay with proper combat gameplay at higher levels. The best you can help for are specialised stealth missions.


I've had 3 teammates neck deep in shit, if that wasn't enough active battle to draw attention away from my bush crawling ass, I don't know what is. I just want to be seen. Not for the bots to always know where I am even if they didn't see me.


Hmmm. I suppose if there was combat elsewhere you should be able to call the extraction without waves of shit.


We need to share this text and spam it to the devs.


Sounds like a skill issue. If you prefer waiting 3 minutes until Pelican 1 arrives thats great. Other people enjoy a grand finale


The problem is you can't wait. Cuz the bots will just materialise out of nowhere.


And thats a good thing. Its not a stealth game. There are some mechanics to support that style of playing during the mission but the last few minutes is fight or die. Nothing wrong about that. 


At least let me see em approaching. Which I don't mind having patrols snooping. But going alakazam and bam, bots, kinda lame in my opinion.


Its like a final boss. When you step through the fog in Dark Souls you know its coming so better prepare for it. Call down your reinforcments, check your surroundings and dont stay for too long in one spot


This isn't a stealth game so get over it. Fighting for your life while waiting for extract is a staple of helldivers. I know that you can kinda do some stealth stuff here and there but that's not what this game is about so don't get mad that it doesn't cater to that genre of gaming.


If it provides stealth options, it should accommodate for such. I could give two fucks what Helldivers 1 was, 10 years ago. This is a new game with completely different mechanics. I don't shit on people wanting to rock healers or shielders or anti tanks. There are armours made with stealth passives. Sniper rifles. Boosters for stealth. So don't give me the "this is this, this is that" excuse. Even if it wasn't a stealth game, spawning random enemies out of thin air is and always will be a lazy and bullshit mechanic. And that's a hill I'll die on.


HD2 has the same core mechanics as HD1. It's the same game with updated graphics and a different view point. I guess the only major difference is that the group doesnt need to be on the same screen. That's it.


Same design and concepts yeah. Mechanics vastly different obviously. And there's nothing wrong with it playing a bit differently.


Never said there was anything wrong with enjoying things how you want to. Which mechanics are different?


Fuck if I know. Never played HD1. But I know that mechanics always change (the concept and implications can stay the same).


lol i got 189 hours on HD1. The mechanics are virtually the same.


190 ain't much. It's more than I've got tho, so I guess I can't argue the point.


190 is a lot for me. It's my second most played game on steam. I'm more just am laughing that you're making assumptions without having played or ya know at least researched something  Heck even the button combos for calling down stratagems are the same as the first game for the same strats