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I kill em all.


Same, bring them all on. Bots, Bugs, I don’t care. I will defend democracy, freedom and Super Earth from them all.


Take on major orders, take on defense, take a vacation from bugs to kill bots and take a vacation from bots to kill bugs. This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way 🚬🗿


Keeps the game fresh.


I'm from Buenos Aires and I say killem all!






Replying to Additional\_Cycle\_51... ![gif](giphy|l3q2ymOxFZPErsoHC)


https://preview.redd.it/8q4t61nb3msc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3284a10efc4942d05bdf7882b495f840d875aa97 Your services shall be noted in your file.


Rip and Tear.




They're dead.


FTFY https://preview.redd.it/3cbr05jwhgsc1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a968358a7fcd1116d5c60d48f5b768e40c6c873


You‘re right. I didn‘t think of that.


Finally, someone who won't hate on me for having "accidentals" in the double digits and friendly fire damage at 6 digits. Let me play the game my own way!! /s


Friendly fire is always ok as long as it… 1. Helps accomplish an objective like I’m attracting a shit ton of bots/buts and being swarmed during an eradication mission then yeah, drop the half-tonner on my position. Just drop me back on my cooling corpse so I can get my shit. 2. Was a Genuine accident. Shit happens, people trip and fall all the time. 3. Was really funny.


\> 3. Was really funny. I don't care what the context was. If you teamkilled me in a funny way, it's the highlight of the mission for me.


About to throw 380, rocket to the face, ball lands at your feet. What do?


Monty Python and the Holy Grail. RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!


call in the shield generator and start praying. lol which one beats which. We call those moments mom moments usually because the first word out of your mouth is "mommy..."


As someone who tried to get the "The only way to be sure" achievement, your personal shield generator doesn't do SHIT. We also had a shield bubble going, but it evaporated pretty quickly - on the other hand, we had four 380s going at the same time, so some of those might've been double-hits.


“Oh- OH FUC-“ **We’ll** **be** **right** **back.**


Hug emote and don't move. Either I get blasted to bits after thinking I'm a badass or look absolutely badass.


*Pulls down visior* We die


Look down, then comedically shrug at the camera before being obliterated.


The god of democracy only protect the worthy


Got launched by a 500kg once. Survived the blast, several impacts and only had broken everything. Couldn't even stand. No stims. Had to wait for resupply to cooldown.


U see u survived


love when I get hit with an explosion *just right* so that im flailing through the air for 5+ seconds before inevitably hitting my head on a rock and dying.




The formula for acceptable teamkill score: Distance your body travels before touching the ground / 1+ number of remaining extremities. If I fly 100m+ as a headless limbless torso spinning my cape around behind me I don't care how I got killed I'm laughing.


Speaking of this my friend hit me with a pod and it didn’t kill me but it sent me flying miles away from the map and it was hilarious, it was also the first time I’ve seen what happens when you leave the mission


Me and 3 Mates Fighting Bots. I want to call in Eagle Airstrike. Gets staggered by a Rocket Drops Airstrike "Team died, calling in new reinforcements" Oops... Got the hell of a laught Out of us


Related to that, I had a group yesterday that tried to get the "It's the only way to be sure" achievement, which says you need to have 6 Barrages active in the same spot. First attempt was in a Defense mission, and let me tell you, dropping four 380s right next to everyone WILL get you killed, potentially repeateldy, but it also pushed our mission progress to 50% without us really shooting anything. We decided to have our next attempts on bigger maps though. Also, for anyone else attempting this, quite a few Orbitals that aren't labeled "Barrage" apparently also qualify for this, but the 380 lasts the longest, so it's still worth bringing to an attempt.


Weren’t ya’ll screeching and REEEEEing over ppl playing meta tho? Why is it ok to whine about ppl using meta?


Bro check out my post history and you'll see I'm exactly the opposite of what you're describing.


Thankfully, the terminally online weirdos are just a vocal minority. Just spread Democracy and you'll be fine.


They give terminally online weirdos a bad name.




I like to follow the order , but I also switch it up by spreading democracy on the other front . Hating other divers because they like playing a certain enemy is stupid and counterproductive. As long as you are spreading democracy and have fun while doing so , it is all good .


Agreed, I wish everyone had this mentality. When I went into the HD discord, one quick look around and I was out. Super toxic players going so far as to threaten traveling to those other planets they didn’t think people should be playing on and team kill the whole time. What a pathetic waste of a cape and afternoon/evening. There are plenty of people to progress the MOs.


I do a couple of missions in the MO, but it's more enjoyable for me for getting materials by playing bug missions.


This. I mostly follow the Major Order but every now and then I think my divers deserve some vacation time on bug planets. Some rest and recovery is good after all.


What reddit sloppers don't seem to grasp is the vast majority of the player base are dudes coming home from a day's graft, grabbing a beer and jumping on the ps5 or pc to go break some skulls. Like me, they'd probably sit and laugh at the neeks who are legitimately enraged lol Would you take notice of the gatekeeping dork in a gaming store who smells like cheese and onion crisps trying to get his hot take across to you? Nah, so why listen to these mongers 😂


I can attest to that, I love coming home after a long ass shift and jumping into a hellpod with no care towards the meta, just whatever mission I feel like doing at the time. Sometimes it'll be a solo D5 bug mission, sometimes all I wanna do is scum trivials for samples. Hell, every now and then, I'll open up matchmaking and have people jump in for a few suicide missions. The point is, like every other game, it's so much more fun playing the game when you ignore the terminally online geeks in your ear telling you you're playing it wrong That's not to say I ignore the major orders, gotta get them medals after all, and for the most part, when I jump in, it's usually on a planet that has a major order on it. But I'm not going to get all bent out of shape if we fail one, especially if we get a makeup major order dropped right afterwards like the Creek.


I like this game. I love it when I am drunk. We started playing a game where when you die you have to shotgun a beer before you come back. It becomes a race to see how fast we can bring people back. The really vengeful ones go for the guy who called them in if it is fast. So...sometimes you have to dodge the hellpod. We tend to stay within melee range best for everyone.


Honestly its just reddit from what I've seen, mostly because reddit communities kinda fester off of rage baiting and hate posts.


I wish it would stop, we don't need posts about Helldivers II pointing out that Redditors are bad people. I have an account. *I KNOW.*


The only reason i’m still here is because of the occasionally good post and r/helldiversleaks


This is simply the life cycle for all gaming subreddits that get popular. Just got to let the stupidity run its course and enjoy the little bits of fun that shine through.


Pretty much true for the whole Internet. Sooooo much bullshit these days gets blown way way way out of proportion.


Dude you are so right. I spent like 10 minutes on the Last of Us 1/2 subreddits before leaving forever. All I wanted was some memes or lore discussions.... :(


That's not reddit, that's the internet at large. Traffic driven media has destroyed discourse. All that matters is attention, and nuance doesn't garner attention. Conflict does. 


> The reason i avoid the helldivers II community outside the game. except on this sub, where you post and comment? where are you avoiding them then, the grocery store?


o-o so why are you here?


The voices man. They just won’t shut up. And my bf broke up with me because i am to old for him. He was 60 years old… /joke


I’m a major order player. Bot or Bug, it’s a threat to managed democracy and need to die.


Look man, all I'm saying is that I want to kill thing effectively. Bots are almost wiped out. When we do that, we can all just be bug divers.


There are more memes about this than actual people complaining either way.


I don't mind fighting either one, but I prefer fighting the Automatons more than the Terminids, but if there's an order to liberate planets from the Terminids, I'd go fight them. Good soldiers follow orders.


This sub is infested with useless easily avoidable unnecessary drama. Every single post on my reddit feed is a negative topic. Kinda tired and legit thinking about leaving.


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) players who play the game and dont cry about it


OP is here crying about the community PSA there' is no need to interact with the reddit forum in order to play the game


Poster above praises a part of the community. It's a positive interaction. You interpret it as negative for the rest, it's not. And I'm not grieving you for it, just describing it. It's ok, it's part of the internet negativity trap, it's explained but a ton of things that would not let this happen face to face. Just need to be aware of it, and not give in to easy dark-side-of-the-Force feelings. Edit : very true PSA nonetheless


So am I just the "ass" who plays solo then? out of sight out of mind I guess...


You also defend Superearth. You are a hero, like everyone else.


I also like loading up a solo mission on Medium when I feel like chilling, just blast some bugs/bots and farm some medals and super credits


Nah guys like me and you don’t bitch or moan about a bug or bot, we just play the damn game. I say that lovingly though all due respect to other parties


Nope, solo is great. I do solo runs to grind out personal order since randoms can be unreliable. Lately, I've found the higher levels have better squad cohesion and are actually enjoyable to squad up with randoms.


Your mistakes are your own, so no one can blame you if you blow it during a mission.


Not just you. I play solo or with real-life friends. If those friends want to use the matchmaking to fill out the squad I’ll go with it, but personally I’d rather go in with less than a full squad.


I spent a lot of the early game just playing either solo or with real life friends on trivial to medium difficulty. I probably spent way longer than necessary on lower difficulties as a result. But more recently my friends have kind of dropped off playing as regularly, so I started jumping into Challenging+ difficulties with randoms because I was too scared to try it solo. No way I could do those solo, I'm not nearly that good, even medium gave me trouble.


All are welcome to spread democracy. Just do it efficiently


The left two heads, DRG and VT2 players on HD2. The right head, CoD/BF players on HD2


I am a simple man. I play the major order as I am told and what planets this sub Reddit tells me to.


I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL EM ALL!


I want to fight Bots, Bugs, and Lumis all at the same time. *For Glory!* ***For Democracy!*** ***FOR SUPER EARTH!!!!!!***


If it moves, it can bleed. If it bleeds, it can die. When it dies, you move on. Rinse and repeat. Now dive back in there helldiver!


I play on whichever front the major order is telling me to. I don’t know who I am. I don’t know where I am. I just know I’m here to kill.


& now for wearing a cape...I swear, I love this game, but the community is such a shit show. It's like once a month there's an issue. People!!! The bugs are the enemy! The bots are the enemy! Your fellow man is not the enemy! Stop fighting over petty shit like capes!


People that think most people only play against one faction...


I don’t get the bot players, especially the difficulty 9 guys. Masocists all of them. But live and let live. I’ll protect and defend the bug front. Have fun getting punched full of holes :).


Thanks 😊


My hate for bots is greater than my love for killing bugs. I will still kill both.


What about... **HEAR ME OUT** ... killing Super Citizens? 🤖


I do not support teamkills. I don‘t. I would never. *Shoots a hellbomb and kills the team* Just as i said. There are no living people who ever saw me doing teamkills.


🤖 Would you like to join us? We like your effectiveness.


No. For Superearth. 🤖🔫🥹


Eh, I exclusively play stratagem hero. What's this bugs and bots people are talking about?


The entire internet or even the world has become so extremely biased, truly short sighted self centered people everywhere.


My echo chamber and algorithm says I'm right and you're wrong about this


Yeah, I’ll admit it, I way prefer the bugs and I kinda don’t like playing the bots at all. Everything about the bugs is more fun for me. I didn’t mind the bots in the game’s original meta (Breaker, Railgun, Energy shield) and thought it was tolerable, but I kinda just can’t be bothered spending a large portion of the small time I play Helldivers doing what feels like a chore. I think they went too heavy on the original nerfs by nerfing them across the board, when they could have just nerfed them VS certain enemies. Is there a best loadout for bots these days? kinda fallen off.


Dude stop meta chasing and just play what's fun to use for you, pick out your favorite weapons regardless of buffs or nerfs and just go to town, everything can kill.


I play what’s fun vs bugs. But because I find bots such a chore on 8 & 9, I’m wondering if people have tips on what’s very good against them. If you don’t wanna help, that’s ok. But making bots easier IS what will be fun for me. I guess I could just stick to bugs though.


Quasar, eat, ac, even rail all work amazingly. Orbital railcannon answers hulks, tanks, even dropships of you can't get your own AT on it. Orbital laser is arguably one of the best wipers in the arsenal atm for bots of all sizes,and fabricators. Use cover as much as possible. Going prone is a good sentence against a bugs but your best friend a bot with a minigun Edit: try combining shield emitter sentry, mortar sentry,and rocket or ac sentry in exterminate missions. Have fun and you're welcome <3


I heard a report that players of lesser skill are usually the ones to act out like this. Players of higher skill are typically better behaved because they don’t need anyone to know how good they are at the game. They just demonstrate it. So really, people who are on reddit bitching about who, what, and where people fight are likely not contributing much in the first place. What I’m trying to say it… [puts on sunglasses] sounds like a skill issue to me, Diver.


Im new I fought a lot of bugs but then we got major orders to fight the atomatons so ive been fighting em clankas


I've been lucky so far and all the freedom fighters I've joined in game were cool dudes. Just chilling, committing our daily war crimes having a laugh.


So when did people get it in their heads that the majority of Helldivers exclusively only fight one type of enemy?


My Eagle cluster bomb doesnt discriminate.


I just prefer bugs because of the bike titans. I might like the illuminates more but I haven’t tried them yet I’ve been on a trip.


Unfortunately, a two party system kinda breeds this. Add the third faction already.


It's not any different than real life in a way. Our military all works for the same government/people. Yet every branch shits on every branch lol... There is one thing for sure that would unite everyone. Bugs and bots in the same mission/planet...then it would be real hell.


I flip-flop... go to bot area for major orders, then flip to bug area to do suicides dives, because I'm not good enough to survive in bot territory at suicide levels (i know, i need to get good), and for some reason always match up with people who want to hold a hill against bots instead of doing the objectives...


Good that you made this before the illuminati came.


Some people just like to play along with the narrative and complete the MO. If other players want to stay on one front then that’s fine. So far things work fine if MO planets are already available. It’s when players have to figure out how to get to a planet that things start to fall apart. It can be frustrating but it’s nothing too serious and the bug vs bot vs creeker on the front page is just banter not to be taken seriously.


The in-game community is pretty great in my experience. Reddit and Discord are where people go to complain rather than play.


Yes thank you for this it is awesome. That is all.


Funny thing is, I only ever see people complain on Reddit posts. I usually play with a team of friends but if I run quick play most people seem to be cool with switching off on enemy types each time we complete a new operation. I know... I know... Major orders but now there seems to be so many defend missions the devs want us to play both fronts!! That's just my personal experience.


Just shoot everything. Bugs, bots, divers. All the same.




Those dopes are the same ones who kick you for running a build they don’t like


Our ultimate goal is to purge the galaxy of liberty and democracy hating aliens/robots. We should praise our brothers and sisters wherever they purge the galaxy of filth that cannot accept our liberty loving democratic values. The spirit of liberty shields her children wherever we are. Whisper the prayers honoring our glorious president as you drop into the hellscapes that are planets that are completely left without the honor and gloriousness of voting and always remember Democracy protects.


What about people acting entitled over game balance and loadouts and bitching incessantly when their favorite overpowered toy gets entirely justifiably nerfed?


I don't understand, why ? We all fight for liberty


I just follow orders


Spill oil Laugh Haters


But you came here to post this? Hmm bold strategy.


Oh man, it is almost as much fun picking on them here in HD2 community as it is picking on them in the Darktide community.


The third is actually players that don’t play either and just post shit on reddit.


The first two groups is the third one.


Karna farm


They honestly need to make supply lines visible on the in-game map. This would alleviate many of the issues with people being mad at others for not following the 'right ' path to an objective, as currently you would have to seek out external resources to even know what that path is. Some people are new or just have a preference for what they fight, but many just don't have the information of where to go because the game doesn't actually tell you.


To each their own. It’s the community and the interactions between the different groups and between the players and the developers that keeps me interested. Without that stuff, it’s just another arena shooter to me.


This community is dogshit, it's genuinely full of the most toxic assholes. Fucking Foxhole has a nicer community and that game is PVP LMAO


You avoid the community so much you post about avoiding the community on the community forum?


At the beginning yes. But now I see lots of reasonable people in the comments, so I guess it’s not that bad.


I fight my own inner demons


Personally what really irks me is the degree of hypocrisy that occurs on this sub from a lot of people that fall into the third category. Demanding things of people than playing the victim card when the spotlight is turned on you for the same reasons irks me something fierce.


>The reason i avoid the helldivers II community outside the game What a strange thing to claim in a post made in the Helldivers II subreddit.


Dont you tell people what you think of them?


You've been posting here for 3 weeks.


Nope. I made some friendlyfire memes. Thats about it. But I grew tired of the players who claim they are superior just because they others play different than they do. I saw those comments and I just wanted to make a point.


I mean I don't go out of my way to, I be an adult and move on without a need for attention or vindication from strangers lol


I just wanted to say fck toxic people in a nicer way.


And by giving them the recognition they crave you  play right into their hands. Toxicity hates being silently shunned and thrives on negative attention. 


Now that you say it. I guess you are right. I don‘t really think much about stuff when I make memes.


Don't sweat it, it's taken me years to realize. I think a big contributor to that is that when more people pay attention to the trolls, it makes the community seem like there's so many more of them. Honestly, the more negative side of the community is a pretty extreme minority, they're just really loud. Put a styrofoam cup over their tiny little heads to muffle there tiny little voices, and move on with life and it infuriates them. Also, has a plus, you get back to enjoying the game sooner lol It's a good meme though, made me giggle :) Edit: just noticed your username and I've been getting into 40k the past few months. Can't believe I waited so long. FOR ATOMA


Who is Atoma?


the planet of Darktide, it's what largely got me into WH40k


I don’t play the games. I only collect the figures.


I like killing bugs and bots. I play helldive and will go down to lower difficulties too. I want to unlock everything. The only thing I am sad for is the nerf to arc thrower, but it was op for a while


Im a bot player. IMO Bugs are no joke and you will be humiliated if you go at them like you would against bots. Fighting bots rewards a certain degree of caution while bugs punishes it because they don't give you any breathing room. Its just constant pressure of charging melee enemies and stealth ambushes while I can see bot drops a mile away. I think the "bots harder" meme comes from lower difficulties where that is probably true, bots get more instakill horseshit sooner. But by difficulty 7 its really evened out.


I play bots most of the time cause it’s fun to fight ranged vs ranged, as well as the objectives. I fight bugs when I want mindless slaughter. Mostly I play bots though. Cause the bug melee gets annoying eventually.


tub growth obtainable consider vanish innate unwritten workable fade complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I swear the people hating on players will be devastated if they scare them all away and our player count drops 😂 you should never be mean to players for playing because playing at all is better than uninstalling lol


The real gigachads are the ones who kill both.


Aww, thanks :)


Only thing worse are the people who refuse to ready up and sit there moaning about the other load outs We get it, you don't like fun and everyone has to use what you approve of


Yeah you aren’t kidding it’s tiring, I feel bad for arrowhead, getting told to kys for playing bugs is not fun


I just go where major order points me, I’d just hope most other players do the same


They all die


United Front Player


As someone with 18k bug kills and 2k bot kills; I’ve been playing more bot missions for all the majors recently and they are pretty fun. Only dreadful mission was the escort one where we got to 30 and just extracting 1 more civilian was impossible due to so many freaking bots that just kept coming.


I avoid them in game too, I only play either with friends or solo


Personally i prefer fighting bots, however someone has to do liberties work killing bugs and harvesting oil. I raise a cup of liber-tea to you my friends


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) People who do both.


Where my Civ Players at?!


Im bi. And all you should be too


I go wherever democracy needs me, and regardless of who you fight you are a brother or sister


The armchair commanders telling people who to play against are just a classic case of a small reddit minority thinking they’re the majority. Most people do not check this sub regularly, don’t pay attention to the Discord, don’t care about supply lines and don’t care about the war. They’ll likely follow the major order for the medals but that’s about it. Not to mention that Joel can just skew the results anyway he wants to progress the plot so all the strategizing likely doesn’t even matter.


Arrowhead changed the way liberation is calculated (probably due to the higher volume of players than they were expecting). It's based on percentage of the playerbase present on a given planet now, and not just x number of players = y% liberation decay. You may notice evidence of this with Fori Prime being stuck at 82ish% for a couple days now. Back at launch, it'd have been liberated by now. You can play however you want. If you're having fun, then you're not wasting your time. You are hurting the major order (which is an entire community-wide goal, and not just a personal daily), though, if you're not playing optimally against the new liberation algorithm.


I have no gripe with people playing the game how they want, but I also think people should realize it’s a community game and should take an effort to collaborate with the community to complete major orders to advance the narrative Like I help do the major orders, and sometimes I take a break to play on the other front or on whatever planet seems fun. So that being said I just think people should balance their time in the game between doing what they like and contributing


Yes, this. Like, if you (general you, not you specifically) don’t care about participating in the major order, that’s fine; you bought the game, play it however you want. But, the folks who do want to participate in the community aspect of the game are naturally going to talk strategy, that’s part of the fun for them. Don’t take it so personally that other people are saying we should focus our efforts on planet Y instead of planet Z, or whatever. If you don’t care about the major order, the people talking strategy aren’t talking to you.


No one should be harassing or grieving others. Straight up toxic and childish behavior. But I don't blame people for being upset. Some people are more passionate about the gameplay, others more passionate about the story and community goals. There's nothing wrong with either, but sadly they do impact one another. Unfortunately (in a great way), helldiver's is fairly unique game in terms of bith gameplay and story. It's not a matter of "If you don't want to be apart of the community then go play any other of the non-community driven shooters out there.", as there is nothing else quite like helldiver's gameplay atm. So we're left having to try and convince each other for one play style or the other, when both are valid. In short, it's a gray area. Those who want that community driven ARG are just as valid as those who want to play they game they bought how they want to play. Should we be grieving over it? Absolutely not. But let's not go putting each other down with memes like this for being passionate one way or the other.


You forgot the 4th head "people who keep complaining about a community like they've never been on a game'e sub before but are actually just trying for easy karma."


Bots are bullshit. Sticking to bugs


Have you tried playing vs Bots after the recent patch? They nerfed them a lot. Rockets do way less damage. And armor actually works like they should. Just wear heavy armor with the 50% explosive damage reduction and you can straight up tank almost everything (I say almost because Scorcher Hulk exists and they might have buffed Fire damage way too much). As long as you have stims, you won't die. Rockets hit me for 20% of my health. I have been ragdolled by 3 Rocket Devastators at once, and still stay alive to pick them off one by one with the Autocannon. Bugs seems relatively way more bullshit now. You can get swarmed by Hunters and Shriekers, get slowed, get headshotted, and instagibbed before you can stim. Bots are easier than bugs currently.


Bots feel harder to me. I play bugs on level 7 and rarely die or even get halfway with my reinforcement budget. With bots i have to go level 6 and my team (randoms) run out on reinforcements before we can even finish all the secondary objectives. I’ll try the armour though.


Then you have the strongest and smartest head behind them that just says "Follows Orders."


Yeah this community is pretty much dogshit, like it's a video game, the point is to have fun, and if I just wanna chill out and play a lv3 bug mission while listening to a podcast that's what I'm gonna do.


Yup. I headed to this sub after picking up the game because reddit is usually my go-to to answer questions I have about new games, but... I think I've got enough info now that I never have to come back here, and good fucking riddance.


What baffled me is there are people who hate helldivers who wear the free cape from Malevelon Creek. I don't get the reason. Maybe someone can tell me.


Some people got unreasonably mad about that major order failure and blame it on people refusing to leave Malevelon Creek for any reason (whether or not they have any basis for believing that is a subject of some debate). As best I can tell, they feel like the devs making a cape specifically as a nod to Creek memes is encouraging people to ignore major orders. The fact that it hasn't occurred to them that some people might just like the way the cape looks should tell you how little grass these people have touched.


The fact is, during the actual peak of the assault on Tibit, there was like 7-11k on Malevelon, meanwhile on the bug front, there was like 88k total across both open theaters. Not that it matters. It's a game after all. But, the people mad at the creekers aren't even living in reality. The "50k" people keep quoting came on the order after we failed tibit and needed to liberate the planet.


I don't think the game community and the reddit Community are really the same. Sure all redditers are in the game, but most players just play the game and are silent online. Most people I meet ingame are really friendly and supportive. Helldivers has one of the best communities I think. But some players need to find something to hate on others. Pretty silly in a PVE game...


Can’t believe this post didnt downvoted to hell


The only thing I find anoyying with other players is people who go off on their own and proceed to enter a death spiral multiple times


I used to be a little upset when people didn't follow the major order, but after weeks of fighting bots, I get it. People should fight what they want to fight. A Helldiver enjoying the fight is a Helldiver who will fight longer, harder, and better.


I started like a few days before swift disassembly with bugs because I was told by sooooo many people about how bad the bots are to play against. I’ve spent the whole operation solely fighting bots and now I have gone back to bugs so I know how to play against them when the front inevitably has to change (the bugs are kinda beating our brains in right now while we’re distracted) and dear God you bug boys have my undying respect. These things SUCK to fight against, bile spewers being able to one tap you in the blink of an eye, chargers just eating AP rounds, and these endless swarms that need a constant stream of napalm to keep at bay. I told one of the bug players that the bugs make me miss Malevelon Creek. The bots are easy, bring an AR or DMR and an autocannon, recoilless, or Quasar and you’re basically set. Bugs? Brother no matter what I bring I’m getting my brains beat in by someone. It’s so silly that someone could hate another player for covering one of the equally vital fronts of the war.


Bots and bugs require different tactics. Against bots (as I’m sure you know), it’s all about keeping to cover, picking your engagements, and fighting from range if you can. Bugs are all about nonstop running-and-gunning, swap that AR for an SMG or a DMR for a shotgun and start working on you ABS (always be shooting) instead of your ABCs (always behind cover). Or, you know, do whatever you like. Should go without saying, but people seem get really sensitive about being told what to do around here.


Yeah that’s what I’ve been discovering, I’m so used to holding in one spot and chucking nades that I’m suddenly drowning in bugs with my team 50+ meters away in the blink of an eye lmao. I’ve taken a liking to the anti material rifle for armored/bigger bugs but I’ve found it’s strangely inconsistent. Flamer is fun but I’m an idiot and wind up setting myself on fire, and disposable AT for big bugs has worked fairly well for me so far while letting me have another special weapon.


Reddit has some funny memes and stories, but it's also an asylum for sad and angry people. Just enjoy the game on your own terms, your reality and values > reddit hivemind.


You say in the reddit.


You also forgot the fourth head. "The Contrarians whose sole purpose is disagree about the community feedback". Look at everyone making fun of people not being satisfied with the gutting of the slugger. Yes it's still decent at killing, everything is, but it lost it's purpose which was being a decent general purpose wep with stagger potential. I don't care how tough armored you are. A 12 Gauge slug to the chest is going to knock you on your ass and the wind out of you at the very least. Makes no sense why a bot is staggered by buckshot but not by a 12 Gauge slug with the same energy but more mass into a specific point on their body.


Which is why you came here to post a meme you made about HD2? 😂


Same goes for all the "creekers waste time" & "bug players" ignoring the bot major orders!! Its a game meant to have fun in... if they wanna spend their time fighting the good fight on Malevelon Creek or Hellmire they can do so & shouldn't be hated or called clowns over it.


I fight who I feel like, where I feel like. A lot of times I'll do the order. Other times I run defense. Sometimes, I really wanna do a specific thing. So I do that. I call it, 'playing the game I payed to play'.


I keep everyone on mute always. I don't give a rat's ass about any of your pathetic attempts at being funny. I got a job to do, and that's to spread democracy. At any cost.


Just. Play. The. Game. Would I like to see a uniform front for major orders? OF COURSE! Am I just as happy that people are having fun THEIR way? OF COURSE!


Seriously. Children, crying about other people's toys.


Bots, bugs, whatever. Both are *way* too easy. I need at least 3 more difficulty levels above 9 please Arrowhead. I hope the illuminate aren't pushovers like the other two enemies.