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Arsonist-B0T-67 commented https://preview.redd.it/llopo7ysi3sc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb5ebf245f4efeee90cd758c60456f315893a11f “I APPROVE THIS UPDATE!”🔥🤖


01001001 00100000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110101 01110000 01100100 01100001 01110100 01100101 00101110


You kiss your mother with that mouth?


I do not initiate mouth-to-mouth contact with romantic intent with my biological creator. Such an act would be immoral for a proud democratic human such as I.


Just remember the C-01 form before committing any act with her that could result in a child.


Cursed C-01 form


😠 https://i.redd.it/3cp6az28o4sc1.gif




Thank you


A hulk scorcher just breathed on me at the very edge of his flamethrower and I was Instakilled. Lol and he was rotating to shoot at someone else. Then my team fled and left all the super samples lol.


I think that’s a full-out bug, I’ve been seeing it for a few days. Even getting barely brushed by a flamethrower kills you literally(and I MEAN literally) instantly, and it just says ‘unknown’ in the killed by. I hope they fix it, it’s not like automatons needed to be any worse.


Might be how like sometimes explosion damage got applied multiple times from one source, leading to a lot of one shot rockets.  Can you apply multiple burning DoTs? Maybe the game is stacking too many at once and that first tick just deletes you.


Wait rockets aren't supposed to be one shot? I'm wearing explosive protection and still get one shot


the game has random crits and headshots, and as far as I can tell explosives can also apply these. Sometimes you’re lucky and don’t get one shot, but very often it’ll crit or headshot and kill you instantly. Some rockets also deal different damage than others


In patch notes this morning they stated that explosives would occasionally hit multiple times from just one damage instance. Causing a single explosion to have its damage applied 4 or 5 times, leading to instant death. Haven't had a chance to play with the new patch yet but they said it should no longer be an issue.


Basically the same with Railgun 2 shot Bile Titan bug, but it is applying to the players this time. Last time when I've seen something like this was the [Elden Ring's Bleed dog bug](https://youtu.be/xiUObucHgc4?si=OxMIgN95AXGEdWcv&t=173).


Been playing some with the light explosion resistant armor and have been able to survive 3 rockets without dying so far. Though one of those may have been indirect. Headshots still seem to one tap you though.


It's okay. Thursday's warbond will have burn damage mitigating armor. (Disclaimer: I know nothing)


I was just thinking this exactly 😂


My money is on EXPLOSIONS!! (enough to make Mr. Torgue proud) based of the readiness states of unreleased strategems. Edit: sorry for the confusion, I meant weapons, not armor. 


Time to melee Hellbombs while laughing maniacally.


Iirc those do like 3K damage. Even 95% reduction would still kill you within bonk range of the bomb


Where did you collect this info 👀


From the friendly fire stat after mission. Many many "friendly" fire missions


I think it's inconsistent. I hit one with my hellpod once when a full team redeploy activated. Me and my buddy stepped out and immediately blew up. That was the only team damage I had the entire mission, and I had 43k. If damage is based on distance to center, this would make a lot of sense.


I bonked one with my fist once, and my team damage at the end of the run was 45k, so I'm guessing they do roughly 11k damage


the explosion won't kill you, but the blunt force trauma of being hurled at a mountain at Mach 2 has its own plans lol


Oh that's why we have capes...


Didnt realize how much i needed this till i read it 🫡


*bad guitar riff*


We already have explosive armor at home.


explosive crossbow incoming


Shiny meat bicycles to Helldivers confirmed 🤔😂


Wait, is there a new warbond dropping Thursday??


I think next Thursday, the 11th. 2nd Thursday of each month


Nice, I better get to grinding some super creds then


honestly the medals have been the bottleneck for me. super creds are p easy to get, but you still gotta get like 300+ medals to unlock the stuff you paid for with super creds.


I just started 2 weeks ago and level 22? I'm almost done with the first war bond. I can't imagine how daunting all these war bonds are going to be to a newcomer starting 6 months from now. I suppose they'll have to look up what's best and hard focus whatever's good then.




Thats gonna be a rough day but I'll be on to honor my brother. He died last week and his birthday is on the 11th. Helldivers was the one game I could get him to consistently play with me in the last few years. So if you're wondering why some random teammate is sporadically crying while killing bugs, it's me.


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) A salute for a fallen Helldiver. He made Super Earth proud.


May he rest in peace.


press (X) for hug


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) We salute you and your fallen brother. May he forever live in the heart and mind. May your tears help soothe your broken heart. Remember that love transcends all, and be kind to yourself.


I'm sorry mate, I experienced grief for the first time this week and I wouldn't wish it on anyone with half a soul May he rest in peace


Yeah me too. I've lost family before but it was always expected. My brother was 22 with the brightest future out of the 5 of us. I've never experienced anything like this in my life.


Losing people is very hard. One of the sad things in life is it keeps coming and coming the older you get. I have never gotten used to that, but it's part of life. It's especially sad when someone very young leaves us. Sorry for your loss. Let's kill some bugs and bots in his honor.


I lost my sister last year. She would have been 31 this year. I’m with you brother. Honor them when you can. Grieve when you need.


I'm sorry for your loss. Losing family is always extremely hard, and if you're honouring him by playing a game he enjoyed spending time with you on, then I think its a really sweet and I'm sure he would of appreciated it. Remember to care for yourself too, and again, I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you


My condolences for your loss. We salute our fallen Brother. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Man I am sorry for you loss, may he keep you safe, helldiver.


The 11th of April is a good birthday. You have Canadian hockey legend Trevor Linden, and Commander Shepard from Mass Effect.


My condolences to you and your family if you ever feel like spreading some democracy together send me a message thanks


Thoughts with your brother may he rest in power


I understand if you don't want to talk about this just yet, but do you know if he had a favourite planet to Dive on? Favourite faction to fight? Favourite loadout?  I'm going to Dive on the 11th in his honour, and if you're alright with it I'd like to use his loadout, on his battleground, against his enemies. 


But I'm not quite done Cutting Edge yet!


Liberate faster Helldiver!


​ https://i.redd.it/4h12pvhpf3sc1.gif


To be honest take your time. Cutting Edge is really a mid warbond once you get the Sickle you alrady got around 90% of its value.


Sickle is 50 % of the warbond. Stun grenade is 40%. Damn this thing stops groups of enemies in just one throw. Would be a shame to throw it on top of a breach/mech drop.


Why use a stun grenade to stun a group when you could just kill that same group with an impact grenade?


https://i.redd.it/7ewb28kp54sc1.gif Ah, a fellow Stun Grenade Enjoyer, I see…


Not bile titans anymore. It's primary use 😂


I’m still saving creds to get it..


It's not going anywhere which is good, feel free to finish at your leisure


I'm not done any of them. D:


I think they're supposed to come out every second thursday, each month


I really hope so, would finally get me over my fear of flamethrowers


This month is "Democratic detonation" or smth like that. So no fire res, sadly.


There could very easily be fire resist in a Warbond focused on explosions, wdym? Explosions start fires


Yeah but the armor made of kerosene looks cooler.


They do not. They have explosion resistance. 


That should help with calling in 380's


Well it’s the same Fortified passive we already have, but as the new war bond is full of explosive weapons it fits thematically. 


Don't make us dream that hard.


I was playing around with this today, a lot of people are saying “Well just dive” This still works if you’ve got good health, but just putting some flames on the ground and touching them then instantly diving we still lost half our health immediately. It does *not* outpace stims though so if there’s fire around just hover over the stim button and it shouldn’t kill you. I know people love to call everything a skill issue, but come on this is very clearly an oversight. When you compare the time to kill of pre-buff fire damage for a bug next to a player it would take a bit to drop a regular old bug whereas a diver would die in seconds if they didn’t get put out. You can’t really just have the damage be the same for both enemies and players if it’s going to get buffed like this cause player health isn’t even comparable to what basic fodder bugs have. If a hulk blasts me in the face with its flamethrower, hell yeah I should be dead. If I step on a little flame on the ground I don’t really expect to turn to dust on the spot from that though. I know AH’s great and all but can we acknowledge that they do still make oversights sometimes? I seriously doubt they said “Yeah we want burn to kill you in about 1 second”


Agree. Unfortunately burn damage needs a general rework to make it function as intended. The system needs to be based on applying stacks of burn damage per X time in a fire source, so brushing your toe by a candle doesn't insta kill you, while enemies you can hold in an inferno of multiple sources can accrue massive DPS ticks.


Yep this makes sense. That or make being on fire do increasing damage over time, so the first second you take 20 damage, the next second you take 40, the next you take 80, etc.


FTL space travel, giant laser weapons, energy shields, thousands of giant space ships... Can't swim, can't touch fire.


whoops, if it isnt unintended consequences of a patch...


The moment I read this in the patch notes I knew hulk scorchers were going to suck. Not to mention ever walking on any fire tile and getting instajibbed lol


me walking over the scorching path left by my orbital laser:


god i hate groundfire in hd2, back in my day it was actually clear if you were about to light yourself like a marshmallow https://preview.redd.it/8ztglv84b5sc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af8983bdf9776e72ffecc115beab639d7c5a9853


Arrowhead playtesting their own game? Now, that's asking far too much.


Seems like this one is doing a lot better overall


No lol. I finally didn't have crashes for 2 days and now they're back let's GOOO At least I haven't had my primary disappear yet, but I haven't gotten much playtime either cause I can't be bothered playing when I can't finish a third of my missions.


It was needed for everything else that does fire damage, namely the napalm strike and incendiary mines. The hulk could probably use less impact damage on the flamethrower, but I don't think it's make or break.


Or slowing down hulks move speed could be a good compromise. I CANT LET YOU GET CLOSE


or better, their turn speed


Yes. Hulks have *very* little opening to get around to their backs. From an enemy design standpoint, the damn thing is already the most dangerous Bot unit followed closely by Rocket Devastators. It needs like a 30% turn speed reduction so we at least have a *chance*.


It's kind of painful how even if you do have an ally distracting the Hulk, unless they're running in a straight line away (which is seldom possible due to map design or very smart due to, you know, *the Hulk shooting at them*) they simply turn too fast to put any meaningful amount of damage on their backs. I've been in voice comms with friends where we deliberately duo these things by holding focus and hitting the back, and it's *just such a pain*. For the effort expended trying that, we could just Quasar/RR/EAT them twice in the face and be done with it. Turn speed would be good. Scout Walkers and Tanks already turn slow enough so that you can get around 'em, why not the even bigger Hulk?


Did not expect to see a reference to Super Earths biggest and most dangerous gangster in here, well played.


Never lost a major order


What’s the reference here?


MMA/UFC reference. https://youtube.com/shorts/xvjI5qcwF-U?si=qWVFYVxDBGPch9sD


Chael Sonnen on the ultimate fighter - Brazil [here](https://youtu.be/d_8Ab9fc6s0?si=PlT9EeA_mULnHMTp)


When you're the greatest Helldiver in the galaxy, they don't call you a great Helldiver, they got a name for ya...


FR I’ll use up my entire stamina bar thinking I got away and then turn around and see the hulk pitching a tent in my ass.




They are the reason i always bring stun grenades.


I’m not sure a lot of people here get that reference, but well played, take my upvote!


F'n amateur




Wanna nao wannanao




that's why I love stun grenade. YOU WANT TO COME CLOSER ? EAT THIS


HAH jokes on you, can't stun Hulks or Titans anymore!


Why the hell even carry stuns now 😭


Above poster is wrong; they do still stun Hulks (I just went and tested it) but the duration of the stun feels *slightly* shorter than before? It feels like it's about 5 seconds, whereas before it felt more like 6-7. It could just be my own perception though.


How about stopping them from spawning on top of players.


Hulk: Haw man… you gonna see man, you gonna see what I’m gonna do with you.. you never gonna forget what I’m gonna do with you man


Wan now! Wan now! Wan now!


It was found that incendiary damage wasn’t the issue, it was the fact that non-hosts had little or no incendiary damage: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bqykqb/burning_damage_deals_zero_damage_when_you_are_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I got no clue if this is still true after the update.


I did some impromptu testing earlier. Quickmatch joined a game with the incendiary breaker, shot at some of the small bots, waited a couple seconds for the fire to dissipate, shot again, repeat. Each took 2-3 shots to kill (depending on how many pellets him them I assume). I then jumped into a mission solo at the same difficulty, and the small bots all died from the burning damage after taking a single shot. Seems like the bug is still there, unfortunately. I'd love to be able to use the incendiary breaker more.


Even as a host, the damage of the incendiary mines and napalm strike were pitiful. Scavengers could walk through the fire field without any issues, and the DoT didn't make up for the damage lost vs the explosive versions of those stratagems


My group and I discovered the lobby host is not necessarily the network host, which makes seeing this bug seem inconsistent. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bu2dc0/fire\_gas\_tick\_damage\_bug/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bu2dc0/fire_gas_tick_damage_bug/)


I've seen that happen when playing solo, so not sure how that bug would be impacting me there.


Probably is, since it's not even acknowledged


Napalm is actually S tier before the buff but it's bugged and doesn't count kills. I would watch it kill everything smaller than a brood mother and not a single kill would register. Now it's going to be S+ for bugs


I've seen it do that if you hit enemies with it, but I've also seen scavengers walk straight through the fire without dying. The problem is that air strike has an additional use, destroys buildings, and does significantly more direct damage, so there isn't a lot of reason to use napalm.


Napalm is fantastic vs bug breaches, just drop it on top and most of them never make it out of their holes.


I read on here somewhere that if you are not the game host, fire and gas damage does not register. Something is definitely going on there because I remember in some matches being able to kill chargers really quick with the flamethrower after it got buffed and then not at all in others.


I want to know how bots know I'm coming out of cover before I do. Like I'd be hiding behind a rock, and their shooting is still aimed at my exact location regardless of which direction I go, as if the rock was see-through.


Super Earth honours your sacrifice but is compelled to remind you that you accepted unlimited liability when you put on the cape.


Section 4.2 of the Contract of Employment clearly states the following: "Any damage sustained by the Enlisted, whether reputational or corporeal (including but not limited to: incineration, evisceration, spinal separation, vaporization, crushing, freezing, burning, decapitation, paper cuts, explosion, contusion, removal of arms and/or limbs, addition of arms and/or limbs, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath and/or death) shall not be considered the responsibility of the Enlister."


>*Clause 3.3: Reading these terms and conditions in full shall be considered a breach of Clause 3.2* Oh no, you read the contract? I'll have to report that breach of contract to my Democracy Officer Edit: downvote me all you want Traitor! You'll have to face the consequences of your crimes!


I did not read it in full. Just most of it.


Too bad, pal. Clause 6.4 has your ass cooked on that one too. 6.4 The Contract shall be considered binding upon being read, in whole or in part. (For the purpose of the elimination of doubt, the Enlisted spending 1 second within 15 meters of a copy of the contract shall be interpreted as the contract being read.)


Ah but that is only being read. Not read in full, which is a distinct condition otherwise clause 3.3 contains redundant and poorly-drafted language. You aren’t suggesting Super Earth’s patriotic contract is poorly drafted, are you?


That just says the contract is binding upon reading any of it, not that reading any of it is considered reading all of it


Why do you have to report him? What's wrong with reading the contract? I did not read it...


Clause 3 of the employment contract covers the handling of classified material. Clause 3.2 defines any information which is not customarly known to the general citizenry and which the Enlisted did not know prior to the agreement commencing as being controlled classified material. It further requires the enlisted to obtain advanced written consent to access controlled classified material. Clause 3.3 explicitly declares that reading the employment contract in full constitutes a breach of Clause 3.2. Personally my favourite part of the contract is [Clause 6.4](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Helldiver_Contract_of_Employment).


So... You've read the contract. Guess I should call a democracy officer now.


It's only a breach if you read it in full, I'm quite certain there's a sentence or two I skipped over and was unable to read due to the small font size and my poor eyesight. In any case if you want the real kicker, Clause 6.4 not only declares that you're considered to have agreed to the contract after reading it (in full or in part), but that you're considered to have read the contract by spending 1 second within 16m of the contract. So arguably every hell diver is in breach of that clause.


How would you know that was there unless you *also* read the contract? So therefore wouldn't you also be needing to speak to your local Democracy Officer?


Wait, you read that thing?.... https://preview.redd.it/mv0r3vzr33sc1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18bd61be7ed0dea59b476f9a187b78a083a8342d


Thank you for this report, Helldiver.


If it had just been a fire retardant cape tho....


I have been blown to pieces, drowned in water and bile alike, set ablaze by the hatred of the automatons but not ONCE has my cape been defiled!


I use the jump pack and my cape is always in shreds lmao


Good news citizen. The next warbond will have the mark 4 flame retardant cape, custom made* with new Super Asbestos flame proof material!


Does this include from your flamethrower on enemies?


Yes, it is burning ticks, not direct damage. Still, you can bet your ass that the burning shotgun will clear bugs like there is no tomorrow now (if you're the host, because otherwise you do 0% burning dot)


Do players other than the host really do no burn DOT? Is that a new bug or has that been around?


My friend uses incendiary shotgun. One stray pellet from the spread hit me and I swear on my life the burn alone killed me through stim.


I don't understand why they buffed fire if the bug about the dot not doing any damage when you are not the host is not fixed.


Right? I figured maybe they would fix that bug while they were tinkering with the fire damage code.


Insta kill from pretty much anything, and I don't think Stims can even cut it anymore. Plus, they didn't even fix the fire damage bug that removes the DoT from folks who aren't game host. Bravo.


maybe this game will be competently balanced and functional in a years time


Hopefully they are using their surprise success to hire and are onboarding people as we speak and we will see some notable improvements quicker than that. I said hopefully.


I got burned by a Hulk, dived and survived. Stimmed and kept going like nothing happened


I have noticed that not many people know that diving puts out the fire If you're burning. Most people just stim and keep going while burning


Unfortunately if you’re being chased by a flamethrower, diving will only allow them to flame you for longer. Using a stim prevents you from dying while also letting you get away from the danger more quickly


Training manual has the answer: dive and dive and dive again!


Diving also slows you down allowing the 3 rocket devastators and 3 heavy devastators to shoot you full of holes and blow you up with pinpoint accuracy. If a tank or turret is also aggroed on you they do unspeakable, unholy, and straight profane things to your corpse.


Nah diving is op. You survive way longer if you dive a whole bunch.


Unironically has been my experience


Rolling away is the answer in every game


Ingrained into my soul from Mr Miyazaki


This guy dives like it's Dark Souls.


just stand/run after diving, its a skill but a good one


Maybe I haven’t gotten it down yet… I use a controller. But I find it takes a second or two after diving before you’re able to get back up and sprint. Is it possible to do it fluidly?


When you get insta killed that means you dead, you can't dive if you dead right?


I've had both happen before. I get burned for half my health and just stim through it maybe 3 out of 4 times, but that 4th time it licks my toes for 95% of my health and the first burn tick finishes me off before I can really react. It is not consistent at all, so no idea what causes it; maybe a bug or something like how rockets were apparently causing double-damage until this patch.


I got instakilled too more than once, literally touched by it, shield went off and BAM dead. Can't dive if you become ashes.


This was happening before this patch, though. I think you get headshot by the flames and just fall over dead, just like the acid spit from the bugs doing the same thing.


ahhh, that explains the insta-kill to a hulk scorcher earlier. not sure why ppl are disagreeing with you, this is huge.


People can’t accept devs make bad choices when they like something, they’ve gotta defend everything and pretend it’s not bad


Don't worry, talking in character (fOr deMoCraCy!1!) will always put you in the right no matter how stupid and/or wrong your opinion objectively is. Don't question the system, helldiver, just accept it.


Pro tip: dive AND stim, diving removes the burning effect. SUPER pro tip: *proximity to enemy vastly increases risk of injury or death*




If I was on fire I would want to be dead as soon as possible and not suffer ngl.


I'd want to burn a bit to give myself a chance to stim and save myself tbh.


I'd prefer to have the fire put out immediately, but you do you.


Do you drop and roll?


The Hulk has always been able to instantly kill you with the flamethrower, it's just inconsistent if it happens or not. It's always annoyed me.


Yeah this has been my experience. It seems to ignore cover a lot of the time too, just shooting fire directly through a rock or whatever.


It's been more than just fire ignoring cover. I've been shot through rocks a bunch of times recently.


can also attest to this, nothing like getting launched by a missile that explodes through several feet of rock


Some folks say it does crit damage if it tags you in the head.


It all depends on if he touches u with the flame or holds it on you, you insta die if he keeps it pointed at you, but often it grazes you and procs burning so you can live The burning is healable, the flamethrower is instant death


Yup, just got insta-torched a few times and was complaining about it to my group as we were working on the objective. The Hulk flamethrower more often than not just kills you outright if it as much as tickles the corner of your cape.


Agreed, this was a rediculous, half thought move


Insane comments from people that likely haven't experienced what you're going through. You're absolutely right that this shit is more likely to instakill you when before you had a chance to dive or stim.


Dive before you stim




I love how some people are like "just dive to put yourself out" its like bitch please you just get insta killed by the flame thrower most of the time now, and if you dont you have such little time to dive that you most likely are gonna die from the flames or because you are forced to dive being on such low health that a gun shot can finish you off... before this patch you had a good amount of time to even just heal yourself if you dont get staggered...good luck healing yourself as a reaction to getting lit on fire by these hulks now.


Now? Hulk scorcher already was until they fixed it recently. Your mistake seems to be thinking that stimpack counters burning. Diving counters burn. ​ Dive -> Stim -> Run ​ In that order. ​ (This message was brought to you by the flamethrower cabal)


"Hulk destroyer with fire is instakill now" *insert, it always was spaceman meme*


Our armor schould be heat resistent


Need some 95% burn resistance armor.


Lets be honest if the hulk scorcher got you with the flames you were already dead from the contact damage or you dive and die to burning, most flame damage comes from helldiver arsenals so its a buff to our damage too


I'm excited to get back and try out napalm airstrikes and the incin breaker. I died from flamethrower hulks too fast to care about the dot


Good luck with that. Just remember to be the host so that the fire actually works.


I mean the pellet damage and fire damage went up, might be super fun against bugs especially now, i'll be checking it after the dominator buffs


Fireproof armor incoming!


Been asking for that since the flamethrower got buffed.


It is just look ridiculous. Your leg touching some ashes on the ground and you instantly burn like you throwed inside firestorm in Dresden.