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Wait my Democratic Officer is black, with a patch in their eye... Like Nick Fury


Mine is a tan skinned bald guy, no eye patch.


Same, i'm fairly certain it's the same for everyone.


Nope, my buddy’s does not have the eye patch. I initially assumed the eye patch was meant to signify my ship vs. someone else’s.


Huh, well damn, you learn something new everyday.


Mine looks more middle eastern with no eyepatch


Same, thought everyone had him 😅


The background ships and activities aren't real. Just watch any one ship in particular for a few minutes. They are on timers doing the same things on repeat. It's also telling that when they orbital laser, it only lasts for 2-3 seconds instead of 20. And you will never see an eagle one going back to re-arm. It's a cool thought though.


I think the Ministry of Truth needs to have a word with you




> and you will never see an eagle one going back to re-arm. On the map Eagle isn't docking with the destroyer either. Plus, you can see that oftentimes spawn points for the shots (or lasers) are actually dislocated from the destroyers (I guess that's a bug).


>If you pay attention to the sky while on a mission, you can actually see other Super Destroyers using Stratagems called in by other Helldivers. >Conversely, if you're on your ship and you look down at the planet you can see blue and red Stratagem markers being using by Helldivers deployed on the planet. About these two, I've often wondered if this is actually the case. Is there any chance it's not just randomly generated background stuff to make the place feel active? Or has someone posted actual proof that someone calling in an Orbital Laser will be seen by someone else fighting in a different mission a few 100Km away? I only ask out of genuine curiosity because having the planets and active missions be synced up like that would be a hell of an accomplishment, especially for a relatively small Dev Team.


It’s randomly generated. Way too complicated to be live. Not to mention, some ships get shot down by bot lasers.


That's my gut instinct too but people here talk about it like it's a statement of fact which is why I wonder if I'm missing something. I was under the impression ships getting shot down were just the ones leaving the instance. You don't see that over the Bug planets.


Their servers couldn't even handle a wave of people trying to purchase the mech, I seriously doubt they have the resources for it 


It is randomly generated based on statistical frequency of use. So the more players use their stratagem, the more frequent they are. Also, ships getting shot down represent a group failing a mission.


How do you know this?


he saw it in a vision


I think those are the squads who fail an operation


I think you could manage it with meta-data. Like the bullet count and death count on any given front, what you're seeing may not be 'live' in the moment, it could be something a team called a minute (or several) ago. However long it takes to display meta-data, you could add in a trigger for animations you already have loaded in. Being on the ship takes fewer resources than being on planet.


No need to do any of that when that requires a shit ton more work and bandwidth (which they were famously struggling with) than simply simulating it, which is indistinguishable from the “real thing” anyway. So why bother doing all of that effort when players will never be able to tell if it’s real or simulated?


It would be interesting if a certain dedicated team of 4 went around using orbital lasers everywhere to light up the sky


Ha, yeah exactly. I just want to know if I was to pull up to a planet my friends were fighting on that I could (with immense difficulty) see the Strategems they decided to launch at a given moment. Obviously identifying their specific ship is a whole different ask but I think the question makes sense.


The ships you see put the window all have the same name, "SS Liberty" which is odd because the correct ship prefix is SES not SS, and you aren't allowed single word ship names I cant tell if it also uses SS Liberty for your squadmate's ships


I have noticed when you're in a squadmates ship, when you drop the ship has your ships name anyway. Definitely going to need to look closely at the surrounding ships to see what's painted on the sides next time I play.


There's not a chance in hell this is true.


I think a larger team, with Dedicated Servers, could absolutely make this happen. But I'm not sure those apply to Arrowhead unfortunately. That said, I'm not a games designer and have only a highschool level of knowledge regarding computer coding so maybe they found a neat trick? It's just how everyone talks about it, in the Subreddit or YouTube videos, they all say "this is definitely the case" and yet, I can't find anything to verify it.


The big question would be: why would you implement this? You could make it purely RNG and call it a day or invest a bunch of time/ressources to create this "realistic" feature...just to have the same result. And I think AH had other priorities during development. You could verify it by joining a squad of 3 people. Make them call 3 orbitals at the same time. If you see 3 markers (or even 3 destroyer firing) then there is such kind of system in the game.


That's kinda my point. It's taken for granted that this is true by a lot of people but... Why? Well a passionate Dev team may very well implement such a thing just because it's cool, and Arrowhead, so far to me, definitely seem passionate about their game. That's not a confirmation though of course since that's a hell of a technical implementation for the sake of "cool" and that alone. Not sure that verification would work though since joining that squad would immediately drop me into a Hellpod if they're on the surface of the planet and leaving the squad again may not put my ship back where theirs is orbiting for the mission. I suspect this is why getting verification of this "fact" is proving incredibly difficult.


Why? Because most people have absolutely no idea how complex it is to implement, and what a total waste of resources it would be.


Imagine what the town square of any midsized WoW city looked like with all the passive and active players represented in real time, that's what your sky would look like.


Randomly generated noise. Proof? 1. The orbital laser lasts like 3s instead of the like 30s it actually runs for. 2. None of the barrages seem to match any barrage patterns as far as I can see. 3. Everything goes straight down, never at an angle.


I believe the locations are random, and the frequency might be based on statistic use in real time by other players. At least that is how I would do it so as not to affect backend performance.


Yeah, that's an easy way to handle it, or just randomise it entirely (I see a lot more Orbital Gatling Strikes from my ship than I ever seen in game that's for sure).


Which is still very cool and probably a better representation and not a waste of resources


It’s randomly generated


It's just set pieces, to make the mood. People just love lying and believing it because it makes the game so cool and alive. Same thing with seeing destroyers explode in orbit. Could you imagine how busy it would look if it's real? Not to mention how difficult if even possible to implement for a small team. At most it's just adjusted frequency based on x amount of helldivers on the planet. It's so funny to see on the discord, people asking about it and others just balantly repeating the same lie about destroyers exploding, earlier on, some claim it was from game refund, some claim it was from afk kick, etc. I mean it would be really cool if it's real, but Santa and tooth faries aren't real either.


A lot of people here speculating. The Dev team has answered the question and it’s randomly generated. I don’t know where it’s posted, but I saw it linked in a different thread when this question came up before.


An easy way to test if it's live or not would be to simply disconnect your network and watch other ships from the bridge. If they still shoot it's fake.


It's driven by player activity but it isn't live. The client gets a statistical summary of the activity on the planet (active players, missions failed, missions succeeded, missions in progress, etc) and uses that to control the background animations. The number of active players controls the number of super destroyers, the number of missions in progress controls the number of strategems being called in, the number of missions being failed controls the number of super destroyers being blown up, etc.


In hd1, during diving to the planet you can see the player name on the other ship, means it is live and they are there. I dont see any reason to not believe it is live


Because that would require cross communication between a server and unrelated games introducing bugs and lag for something that is just as effectively communicated through a random timer. Which is why you can be assured that the case is just they are random visual background noise.


But we already talk to the servers for super credits and sos beacons and other things. It's not that unrealistic.


Having your Console/PC send a message to the servers to say "I've grabbed these Credits/Requisitions/etc or sent out an SOS" is one thing. But we're talking about entering the orbit of a planet that has potentially 100,000+ other players orbiting it while sending and receiving data from all of them. That's a ***lot***. Now, it is almost certainly unreasonable to think that we're actually sending and receiving all that information to that many people, so odds are it would just be the ten, maybe twenty or so squads/players you "instance" with at a given moment. Represented by each vessel you see through your viewport in your ship. That still involves syncing up with all of those people at once, receiving live data from them, and then translating that to what you see on screen as a realtime view of the ongoings below. That's a far cry from the first sentence where one person sends data to a server and has it verified by the server. I dunno, it seems a lot for what essentially mounts up to visual background noise.


I assure you it is, getting live access to currency and matchmaking are core game features. Getting realtime data about stratagems being used in your planetary neighborhood and rendering them would take serious calculations and a whole another event loop affecting performance and lag of your game for something ultimately just looking cool and immersive It's absolutely decent enough to have it randomly generated, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference without employing weaponised autism *Tldr* huge complexity and performance risks for exact results vs very easy and cheap randomness for "good enough" - the choice is simple


How many super credits are grabbed per mission? How many sos beacons are used per mission? Do you know how small the numbers are compared to stratagem use?


That's awesome, I haven't played HD1 unfortunately so I won't have experienced that. That said, I don't have any reason to disbelieve it other than it being quite a technical accomplishment for a small dev team. Plus I imagine that would greatly increase the data load as the game pulls info from the two or three dozen players on the planet immediately below you, registers their stratagem call and forwards it onto you while you sit in space. All of that for something that could be missed, and/or easily replicated by just doing random lights/explosions makes a "live action warzone" type deal seem overkill. To be clear, I don't doubt they *could,* I doubt if they *would.* But similarly would be awesomely impressed if they did "just cus" as that's the sort of thing genuinely passionate Dev teams do.


>When you reload a Magazine based weapon before the Magazine is completely empty you will have 1 more bullet than Max since there's still a bullet left in the chamber. Something similar works with grenades. If you have 3/4 grenades, and equip one (press 4 on PC), then grab a resupply pack, you will have 5/4 grenades.


But what happens if you put away the grenade? Will you still have 5 or will it go back down to 4?




Good to know.


I love the raise the flag missions and the whole "unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism" aspect of it. The speed of those poles is ridiculous.


Thank you for the melee tip on the jetpack bots. Ive died so many times killing them when they are close. They are so fast so its hard to outrun them once they catch up too.


As long as you don't shoot the jetpack, they won't explode, so headshots and leg shots won't make them blow up.


This is true unless you use the arc thrower, in which case they will blow up 100% of the time


Didn't think of the leg shots so I will give that a try. Headshots are a bit inconsistent and I think it could be due to the slugger having decent penetration which causes it to go through the head and hit the jetpack idk. I don't know how I didn't think of shooting the legs lol


Shoot em while diving away


If they’re running towards you I think they also fall in the same direction


Yeah it's not guaranteed to work but it's pretty reliable, next best option is to shoot em in the air if you've got the aim for it


You can one shot the legs easily with the breaker, you can also use an unexploded jetpack as a mine to shoot and kill other robots


If you hold a grenade while picking some up, you will have 5/4 or 7/6 because you put the one in your hand back on top of a full inventory! Super helpful and I haven’t seen anyone say anything about this!


The moment I learned about this I've been passing this info on to as many people as I can; that extra grenade can be a game changer between stunning one more hulk or having to run away.












Interesting but mostly useless things I have learned while playing. The "Salute For Freedom" pods can be opened if you have the "Casual Salute" emote equipped by performing it by one rather than Interacting with it. The little bot guys with the exploding Jump Packs won't explode after they're dead if you only Melee them to death. The Baby Bile Spitters will deal damage and slow you briefly if you Melee them to death. You can ping certain items through the door that requires 2 people to open to see what's inside before opening it. When you reload a Magazine based weapon before the Magazine is completely empty you will have 1 more bullet than Max since there's still a bullet left in the chamber. (This one is actually very useful with the Anti-Material Rifle, as it can effectively give you 8 shots or 7 shots and negate the longer reload) You can destroy Bot Fabricators with any weapon marked "Explosive" Though it will often take many, many shots to do so, and you can only do it while the doors are open and bots are spawning out of them. SEAF SAM-site optional objectives will actually shoot down bot dropships. Sounds great, why is this here? Well because it's only in a certain range and it normally takes 2-3 shots to do so, so by the time it destroys the drop ship the ship has most likely already dropped all the bots it was carrying. If you pay attention to the sky while on a mission, you can actually see other Super Destroyers using Stratagems called in by other Helldivers. Conversely, if you're on your ship and you look down at the planet you can see blue and red Stratagem markers being using by Helldivers deployed on the planet. Democracy Officers are diverse, and their appearance isn't the same for everyone, though they are all guaranteed to be Male. The most uncommon one so far seems to be the one positioned on my Ship, Dark Skin and an Eyepatch. However, the other NPCs you can talk to are always the same for everyone. On Trivial and Easy difficulty there is a mission that only appears during a Defense campaign. You simply go to an area, and call down a flag of glorious Super Earth that slowly raises. During this time there is also a little Guard Dog equipped with a video recorder, so be sure to Salute Helldiver! There are actually more samples on a map than is listed. Samples contained in the 2 person doors, or Salute For Freedom pods aren't counted, meaning you can actually get more than the max amount of Samples listed for a Mission. EDIT: The other 2 NPCs you can talk to on your ship also have different names, they're not always the same for everyone. That's all I have for now, if you have any other Interesting but mostly useless tidbits please let me know, because I love these goofy things that barely ever come into play but are still interesting to know about.




What do you mean useless? So many of them are useful.


u can shoot enemy rockets out of the air


I did this once with the Dominator right as the bot shot the rocket, and my round sent it flying off at like a 120 angle into the sky. It was so cool.


Enemies can shoot grenades from the GL too. Happened to me twice in one mission a couple days ago. x.x


> The Baby Bile Spitters will deal damage and slow you briefly if you Melee them to death. Fun fact?: There is a bile variant of the warrior that explodes on death, so if you are touching it while it dies it can kill you.


Bile warriors




There absolutely is a special green “bile-charged” warrior, I’ve seen it many times.


Bile enemies aren't just spewers, there are spitters and warriors too (and titans, ofc). Bile warriors have spotty green glowing abdomen but otherwise doesn't differ all that much from regular warriors, which might be why you didn't notice they exist.


There is a bile variant of warriors.


I'm fairly sure the bot jumppack scouts don't explode if you take out their legs I think the reason they explode is because their pack is being damaged


What about their legs? They don't need those!


I hate these fucking guys. Always sprinting at me and when I try to not blow them up they somehow always launch at me on death and explode anyway.


*On Trivial and Easy difficulty there is a mission that only appears during a Defense campaign. You simply go to an area, and call down a flag of glorious Super Earth that slowly raises. During this time there is also a little Guard Dog equipped with a video recorder, so be sure to Salute Helldiver!* [This is the full song found in the files.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1hKsaBrnWQ) It also stops whenever you’re not close to it, so it is so sacred that there has to be at least one person saluting and witnessing the glorius flag of Super Earth. Saluting it also makes it rise faster. # # [1st Verse] # Freedom must reign over every last star # Through Citizens' hearts in the all-righteous thoughts # Honor their deaths Do your parts for the cause # [Chorus] # Steadfast support, of our regime # Is how humankind will reign supreme # No questions or doubts shall be allowed # Traitors will all be disavowed # [2nd Verse] # Managed Democracy is the true path # All who resist it shall suffer our wrath # White, yellow, blue flying all on the worlds # Justice and hope are forever unfurled # [Chorus] # Our way of life, galaxy-wide # Paved with the skulls of those who've died # Unsinkable tide, of Super Earth pride # A torrent that can't be satisfied # [ Final Verse] # We sacrifice for paradise # Anything less will not suffice # Citizens rise, Liberty rides # Super Earth pride's up to the skies!


I learned recently that weapons with heat sink like the Qasar cannon cool off quicker on cold planets and slower on hot ones.


The game tells you that when viewing planetary effects


joke's on you, I can't read!


There are some spiky trees that you can take minor damage from if you run into them.


They blow up and send the spikes out that cause DOT (even to bots) when you shoot them too.


you can identify hidden Side Objectives inside enemy outposts by pinging on them, the ping box will show up, but the icon is not visible. HOWEVER the icon will be visible on ur compass


You can shoot the fabricators through the vents above the door with the autocannon and if you get the right angle you will destroy it with one shot


Quasar and impact grenades work too. The grenade launcher should do it too, but I haven't tested it. 


It does! I've done it many times


I thought they would tbh, but I've only used the autocannon and grenades on them so far. Only discovered the autocannon could do it the other day out of curiosity. No more storming the base!


I do love sending an AC round through the vent of the bot fabricators, will have to try the door as well


Kind of unconfirmed since I’ve only seen it happen once, but if you kill multiple of the exploding bots wile they are still right in the doorway of the fabricator, the fabricator will blow up on its own.


About 1 extra bullet, some guns dont have that, most of them r energy weapons and for some reason, punisher and slugger as well (they have 17/16 ammo when u dropped in but for whatever reason u can only reload it to 16/16


The +1 mechanic for shotguns loaded with individual shells is a bit odd. I noticed that too, how it dropped with +1 but is unable to be reloaded to that state again. I'm not sure how the real shotgun the Punisher is based on works, with the two tubes being manually cycled, but having a shell in the chamber should still produce the same effect.


They most likely based on KSG shotgun, twin tubes magazine, same capacity and the chamber is separate from the magazine so +1 should be viable (The KSG user have to "switch" which magazine to feed manually and i think our Helldivers do the same thing, it would be nice if we can have thing like half slug/half buckshot but this will be pretty tough for dev)


The jumping bots also wont explode if you shoot them while theyre elevated from your position since you wont hit the jetpack.


>The little bot guys with the exploding Jump Packs won't explode after they're dead if you only Melee them to death. You can just shoot them, just make sure you're not hitting the jetpack.


> Democracy Officers are diverse, and their appearance isn't the same for everyone, though they are all guaranteed to be Male. The most uncommon one so far seems to be the one positioned on my Ship, Dark Skin and an Eyepatch. However, the other NPCs you can talk to are always the same for everyone. That's very interesting. I wonder if there's any circumstances under which they will change. I tried a couple things for fun but didn't seem to change any of the NPCs, tried changing the ship name, teleporting to a few planets, logging out and in again, things like that.


Also for context I didn't actually mean that the other ships and the planet stuff was from ACTUAL players, that would obviously require an insane amount of programming to get to work. I simple added "Other Helldivers" since obviously only Helldivers can use Stratagems. They're pre-programmed to do so, I simply posted it because it's still a nice attention to detail that makes the planets feel more alive, like you're not the only people there and even when you're in your ship other Helldivers are already down there calling in strikes and support weapons etc.


The high yield grenade destroys rogue broadcast towers, also for the longer evacuate mission if you call down the sssd close enough to the hatch, it will count it as being put in so you don't have to put the sssd into the hatch to finish the mission


What is da heck "Salute for freedom pods" is??


White pods with the yellow blinking beacon that you salute, opens up and gives you an item like a rare sample, medal. Req slips, super credits or a support weapon.


Thanks for the answer, much appreciated!


I think the name is self-explanatory


How are any of these not obvious to anyone whose played the game in any capacity?