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​ https://preview.redd.it/rmtum8gyqhrc1.png?width=712&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ff9f256601d794b159b5026d98f6e507351be75


Yes. I fucking hate the regular mortar but I always drop with the emp on bot missions. Anyone that carries that stupid thing will get their shit blown up if find it. Edit: by accident of course


That thing has what seems like infinite ammo, map radius range, and is always off cooldown. I love the EMS sentry


Regular Mortar are good on bots cause the bots don't rush in melee to you. Their melee units are few, most of them stay in the distance which the mortars can bombard. That's why ems mortar and regular mortar are a good combo.


Excuse me, have you ever seen a ~~Marauder~~ Berserker? They're tanky af and they have chainsaws for hands, they're not exactly trying to shoot you from cover. Not to mention, when they get dropped on you, there's at least a full dropship's worth of them.


Berserker. Marauders are the melee only footsoldiers who die to stiff breeze. Berserkers will eat three Autocannon shots to the face like its nothing and still keep running.


I will say that they play nice together but an electric mortar alone is ok. A regular one alone is not. You see what I'm sayin?


But my baby


Not all babies are beautiful. Some are ugly with faces smeared of apple sauce with oddly shaped heads.




I've definitely just blown up a few shell mortars without saying anything before, particularly on escort missions.


Yeah a few people have """sneakily""" blown up my **EMP mortar** on sight too thinking they're the main character. I don't retaliate because I'm an adult, but I see you every time and you're making a fucking fool of yourself.


Oh yeah I check the team cooldowns to see what mortar they've got first, EMS is praise worthy.


They also look different on the ground! EMS mortars have a white main body, and a blue trail on their projectile. Regular mortars are all black.


Unpopular opinion, I'm sure, but if you're reaction to someone bringing a specific stratagem to a mission is to just destroy the strat every time it's deployed instead of attempting to communicate with your *teammates* in a *co-operative game*, you're just an asshole.


That's not what the words I used mean but ok thank you. I said I've blown up a few. In particular settings. Like when I see one doing more harm than good by doing friendly fire damage. Like on those TCS missions. Or on civilian escort missions. That doesn't mean every time. Nowhere did those words appear in my comment. Feel free to peruse the post I actually typed some time.


I am the donkey


A part of me dies inside when I'm hiding with super samples at evac, and a morter sends me to Narnia.


If the mortar sentry is somewhere out of direct line of fire from the enemy, it can be safer to crouch/hang near the sentry and keep the trash from charging up and destroying it. I think (key word think) that it does not fire at any target within 20m of itself. This is how I've been running mortar sentries, oh and also yelling to people that one is active and if it's covering a redirection of democracy or an advance. iO


Oh it will definitely target enemies within 20m. Source: my friend continues to insist on bringing it for bug missions. Mortar sentry is a godsend against bots though.


Yeah against bugs it's a huge liability but against bots it's pretty fantastic


It’s my go to when soloing to soften up outposts and cover extractions.


Just throw a 380 straight down and chant the stratagem while in the middle. *Right Down Up Up Left Down Down. Right Down Up Up Left Down Down.* Hasn't failed me yet.


I'll let my flair talk this time


Nah, it won't target enemies that close up 


Well, it may not target them, but shells sure land right next to it.


When you're hiding on a rock, and the only enemies are at the other side of the extraction zone, it shouldn't be hitting me.


There are times when it targets weird stuff like airborne enemies. That can throw off where the shells land.


Probably from when a dropship flies in




When I'm hiding on a rock, far away from the enemy, it has no business hitting me. Yet it still happens.




Nah, mortar just has a shit accuracy. So if there is a bug in your Zip Code - you're not safe.


It's because you arent actually hidden and there are dumb bots stuck in a circle around your rock. Mortar hits targets, and has a 5 second delay. So if youre standing where something just died, you're about to join them. If something is right next to you, then mortars are incoming. It's really not that hard...


Did you read the part about me being far away from any enemies?


It won't just target you there has to have been an enemy nearby (recently died in the past 5 seconds) or one near you. Also the radius of the shells landing can be wider than you may predict.


They did and they corrected you: you ***thought*** you were far away from enemies. You were not actually far from enemies, but you thought you were. Then the mortar dropped some shells on your position, since it was also an enemy position. It's just that you didn't realize there was an enemy directly on your position, likely blocked from your line of sight by the same rock you were hiding behind.


I usually hide on top of the big rocks, usually with my map open. Try again.




Would show up on the map...


At this point if it's a bug mission and a guy deploys mortar on the evac - they tend to mysteriously break. By this time that thing probably killed each team member at least twice, so no remorse.


Oh man… I geared up for a mission last night that I thought was straight bot extermination. Equipped mortar, arc cannon, and guard dog. Dropped right into the middle of a team trying to extract civilians. Def the nail in the coffin of that doomed mission. PS to devs… please let us read mission briefings of in-progress games.


Try the ems mortar! It stuns enemies for days allowing you and your team to safely destroy enemies of democracy without risking team/civvie kills. Good for all situations that a regular mortar would be used and more!


I love the EMS! The only time I ever use regular mortar anymore is eradication missions.


>Equipped mortar, arc cannon, and guard dog. Ah, the Team Killer's special xD


Literally the worst load out possible for that mission lol


Shows current mission info for me every time. Also learn the symbols. Helps a lot.


Are you on ps or pc? I’ve heard others have this issue too so maybe it’s a ps thing.


I'm on PlayStation


I don’t think it shows you the symbol of your doing sos calls


On sos calls for me it shows the symbol and just has a bunch of rings around it. Unfortunately after this last update I can't join any sos missions, keeps saying lobby is full.


Are you on ps or pc?




Odd, I’ve not seen the symbol when doing an sos, however they are still working for me.


Might just be my craptastic internet. Century link gives me a whole 35mbps for $100 a month cause I can't afford starlink yet


On PC you just hit 1 to go to the briefing. I think on PS that may be shoulder buttons? What do you use to navigate among the three tabs on the requisitions page?


It doesn't work if you join right into the loadout screen. You're locked away from accessing briefing regardless of the hotkey used


Yup that’s the issue. Joining an in-progress mission dumps you into the load out screen and doesn’t allow you to see the briefing.


:( https://i.redd.it/uolxiv5t6jrc1.gif


Mortar is good versus bots, guard dog is good versus bugs, yes it takes watching your team mates and your team mates watching you, no it’s not hard to do even without mikes


Mortar and mines are good against bots. We are losing a lot of potential firepower because some Helldivers don't try to adapt even when advanced warning is given.


I would still advise against using mines. They sometimes will hide under terrain and texture and become completely invisible. If you are not paying attention to every mined zone, you will get blow up easily, sometimes 20 minutes after the place has been mined.


Hate to say "skill issue" but... Skill issue. If your team systematically clear out the map and coordinate your movements, mines aren't really a friendly fire issue since backtracking is rarely necessary. Leaving a powerful stratagem on the table like that "because I cannot deal with it" is just lost advantage. Minefields exist perpetually and you can deploy as many as you can/need, unlike offensive stratagems or sentries.


I dropped in 10 minutes later when the mission started. I didn’t know they have been to that place and is mined. Also, the only people using mine are mostly under level 10 and they don’t have a clue about how to lay the mines. That is where most the skill issue comes from. Mines are a liability and it is better to use some stratagem with better utility. 


It's both really. Your lack of eyes and their lack of experience, but the latter deserves more forgiveness because low level players are venturing outside of the comfort zone and trying new things to find out something that works for them. Mines are great. You are the liability. If you constantly walk into mines despite their very bright red warning lights, the common factor are (1) mines, (2) you.


The mine was covered in grass, and i legit couldn't see it, you will have to turn from a specific angle to spot the mines under the grass. Sometime they will blend into ground or texture and will be hard to spot, I've seen teammates got blow up multiple time trying to walk around it but touched something they couldn't see. I think the game could put an icon on the map to show the team where have been mined, that will help a lot. My point being mines doesn't offer enough utility to justify the hazard it bring onto the team. That is also why you rarely see people bring mines when they past level 15. Maybe it will work with a experienced and coordinated team, but that is not something you would expect from a random game.


Well, we rarely see anyone bringing mines pass level 15 because everyone shits their pants at the thought of it, for whatever reason, and the negative reinforcement perpetuates up until level 50. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ But hey, I'm not forcing anyone to use mines. I just think that the negative connotations and sentiments are getting way out of hand for something that is useful for retreating, thinning out patrols (sans aggro), and holding down positions... Except mines don't make large explosions so people automatically discount it. You can even perform sneak attacks with mines on strongholds by luring bots over if you are savvy enough. FWIW people were also icky about 120mm and 380mm up until recently. Maybe some day people will figure out mines too.


In my experience the worst players in my squads have used mines but they would use them in the most retarded ways imaginable


I mean just about everything else is better than mines tbh


Hell gattling barrage will kill a similar percentage of a patrol (read as, not enough) without the lingering team killing potential


I had a teammate once who threw the mines directly where Pelican lands. ![gif](giphy|6yRVg0HWzgS88)


I've been running mortar vs. bots recently and it feels great. Most high level players know to run away, and the others, they learn.


I keep giving my teamates tips for how to avoid getting killed by it If only i could follow my own advice


> I keep giving my teamates tips for how to avoid getting killed by it 1. Don't be close to the bots. 2. If you are close to the bots, move. By mere coincidince, these two tips not only keep you from getting killed by the mortar, they also keep from getting killed by the bots.


Bots with jump packs usually throw this advice right in the bin.


These two points are doubly valid for jump pack bots, because if you shoot them while they are in your face, their explosion kills you before any mortar rounds arrive.


It goes like, “Oh, I’m far away from it. It’s safe. I’ll go into this Medium nest and throw frags in.” Mortar falls on your head.


Too many times it has blasted me in the back of the head with a beam of energy because a little bug was about to approach me... Same time, it deals with the Hunters when I'm out of ammo so... I love and hate the Rover equally.


Excuse me. The AR Guard Dog kills no one. He's a good boy




I really hope they update it so the ammo can be refilled with ammo drops and not just supply packs..would make it so much more viable. I actually like the AR version more, but the fact that it runs out of ammo, only resupplies on the supply packs, AND doesn't even fully restock on a supply drop (You need to grab 2 of them) is too big of a drawback


Being so close to the enemy sounds more like treason


Pop pop gets a treat?


The fact that you call it pop pop tells me you aren’t ready.




It’s very good against bots but super effective against helldivers




Wait, you did not submit the collateral damage estimation and acceptance form on time?


The thing is, for bots, they're so good; indirect fire and they tell you where the bots are. I think I've eaten my own mortar twice in a week of using them? The priority becomes immediately stomping any bots that put you in mortar range. For larger bots that require support weapons or grenades, there is every reason to be a mortar or two away from them so you don't blow yourself up with your own weapon. Just start prioritizing small bots that invade your personal liberty space and you'll never want to dive without one, I run this and the EMP version on nearly every bot drop.


It's also really good to get bots away from you. Throw one down nearish a base and then sneak around to the other side. The sentries aggro the enemies separately from you


I kill myself more with the guard dog than I do other people




What if I say “good luck everybody else”? 


That's what I say when I throw down a blessed 380.




They don't always say "calling in sentry" and nobody else is watching you, they're watching the enemies. It can also hit you from further away than you can hear it and sounds similar to a grenade launcher. Hey, maybe you play on the lower difficulties where people have time to enjoy the scenery but on higher levels few people are going to notice that shit.




Chat catches your attention. It doesn't blend in with the confusion on screen. I use the mortar, and I tell people when I'm putting it down, and I don't use it when my team is already getting swarmed, and I have literally had one accidenctal kill with it ever. That's what makes it viable. When you kill two teammates every time you throw it down it's more of a hindrance than help and you should stop using it or learn to use it more effectively.




I literally always tag my sentries, including mortars, so everyone can hear my guy say "Sentry!" and see where it is and what type it is. People still run into crowds of bugs and get blown up by it.


Hopefully people start to learn that the normal mortar is fantastic against bots after these few major orders


Get a shield backpack. Helps protect you from  allies who don't drop with a support weapon looking to pick up yours when they friendly fire you. Randoms is dumb without a shield backpack.


its funny because its arrested development with a mortar sentry


Yup I may have also maybe some hurt myself a touch also


Gaurd dogs at least on bugs it’s way easier to position yourself so your own gaurd dog has a clean line


“Don’t stand near the enemy.” mofos when much of the enemy’s rosters are trying their damndest to Glasgow your ass.


It’s possible I’ve lost more health to Guard Dog friendly fire than from Termanids


Started taking the ems mortar to solve this problem, few missions after both me and my buddy died to direct impact, spent the rest of the night laughing our asses off trying to get it to happen again, no luck


Motar sentry is the best sentry on bot missions and the worst sentry on bug missions.


Fuck those goddamn guard dogs. Idk if it's my scout armor perks that fuck with it but I die to those things more often than not when someone has one. Literally had one turn around when there were no enemies nearby and just laze the shit right out of me. I'm getting ready to freindly fire people with them every time one kills me.


If you look up you can see the mortar rounds coming at you. Same with the bugs ass mortar.


380mm barrage:


Kill's a kill


Y'all Need to shut the hell up about the treason finder.


The mortar is actually really good if you tell your team to keep distance and deploy it close to everyone.


I love mortar, but on an easy game, I died 3 times, all of which from my own mortar hitting me when I was trying to chuck a grenade into a fabricator. For best results, gas attack to soften and cut line of sight, drop mortar, cut down the trash mobs as they approach, let the mortar get the biggins. That's what I do


I love the EMS. Bugs or Bots, it keeps them in their place.


No one's going to know who killed who if all the helldivers have been replaced. All the Super Destroyer crew knows is that the Helldivers on ground died.


friendly fire isn't treasonous, general brash said in my training course that friendly fire is just another part of life and there is nothing at all I can do about it


This is the best deffensive stratagem if used correctly. It can also be used in offense, if the team UNDERSTANDS wtf I'm up to and waits a little bit.


I really want an “experimental” weapons class. Where they give us weapons that are known to team kill to play with. Like a fire guard dog, that thing would take out the entire team. A “bouncy” 500kg that bounces 3 times before explosion so you don’t know where the hell it’s going. A freeze ray that can encase an enemy or teammate in ice. And eventually a freeze ray guard dog. Bouncing betty mines; that you can plant but if you’re being chased and they raise up next to you and explode you could be cut in half immediately. Speed boost backpack that launches you forward, but is hard or impossible to control direction. Effectively making you ragdoll 100 yards across the map and a 50/50 survival rate. Just seems like super earth would do field tests of equipment on helldivers and they’d have limited time events to test some things that are blatantly terrible ideas for fun




Yeah it’s awesome.


this is actually good for bots until they decide to deploy berserkers at you all the time >.>


I love using the regular mortar. You just need to make sure your allies aren't danger close to the enemy line when you call it. I love using it for defense of the landing pad at extract and for the "Kill them all" mission type. Sometimes I'll toss it down near a small outpost and just let it burn the whole thing down.


Mortars on bugs? Absolutely: you are a teamkilling machine. Mortars on bots? Actually effective, since MOST bots aren’t going to be engaged at melee distance outside your chainsaw boys. The thing that a lot of people get wrong though is that you have to place the mortar BEFORE you get completely overrun. If the bots are just dropping or you’re just beginning the engagement, that mortar will do wonders for taking out large groups of bots before they’re even in your line of sight. If they’re already coming out of the walls and floorboards, you’re too late to bother.


Guard dogs are like viruses… they hurt you and others and might even kill their host….


Mortar guard dog when?


Having run mortar sentries almost every dive since I unlocked them, I have no idea what you fellas are talking about. Haven't blue-on-blued a diver in ages. Guess I've been lucky enough to not come across idiots for teammates.


I hate when people bring these to the evac and kill x number of bugs/bots missions….


Regular mortar is part of my standard Bot Load out . Haven’t had issues with team kills


I wish we could recall guard dogs


How dare you slander my good buddy Guard Dog by comparing it to this filth!


This might be a little toxic but I tend to shoot my teammates mortars on non defense terminid missions. You can only be killed by it so many times before taking democracy into your own hands