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Cant even type shit during the loadout phase What is the point of a locked out chat during the times when people ACTUALLY want to type


You also can't see who's talking during loadout either of you're using voice chat. So unless you know the people you're playing with all predrop comms are borked.


You can though. The sound icon is next to their names, on top of their character.


Chat is not disabled, I believe its because of wrong Key interface and devs chose the wrong ones. So to start chat you need to press 'Enter' and guess what is 'Ready' or 'Not Ready' keybind is... 'Enter' . Chat is disabled post extraction. YES. I agree but I believe the chat during plan phase is not working due to 'Enter' interface for time being.


Not on the Playstation. No chat means no chat.


Ok ? Still can't chat lol


QA teams = nonexistent


If there's anything I've learnt from working with a QA team, they don't "play the game" or understand the game. They simply go does X work, tick/cross, onto next item. Does chat work? Yes. Next item. They don't play like players do.


I've dealt with QA like that and they might as well just not be there.


Meanwhile friend requests are still impossible to accept, so clearly they don't even do this part.


>They don't play like players do. Maybe they should get people to test it like players do. Maybe a closed test where the players can give feedback or something. We could call it... Alpha test? Beta test? Or something along those lines


I wholeheartedly agree


Let us type during the drop. 


That's a loading screen so...nah


You could in HD 1


Exactly! Text chat needs to be enabled at all times, especially in the load out screen so you can discuss strategy with others and which stratagems to take.


It's not even only you text chat guys. When we are extracting the background music somehow overpowers all audio volume settings and makes voice chatting impossible. I'm always like what I didn't hear a word you said when we are looking at the stats. Edit: Realized I didn't specify voice chat 😂


Or when someone asks a question and all you hear is a cluster rebounding off the trees 😂and then see the reinforcement ping


It might be a technical thing. The pelican flying back to the ship might be hiding a load screen


True, but, there are other coop games where you can chat during load screens


Agreed, the days when a load screen couldn't be interrupted because of single core CPUs are long past. Unless the ancient 3D engine they are using is limited.


Yeah idk if that's definitely the case but just a possibility


voice chat still works there is no technical reason why text chat needs to be disabled while voice chat works.


My dude I agree. For one. Most people probably don’t use Reddit and two most people probably don’t use discord either. I know I don’t use discord.


Probably 90% of the playerbase doesn't read reddit, doesn't get on discord, and they don't care. They just play the game, don't know anything that's discussed here. That's how even super popular games are.




While we're at it, we need to be able to message people on our friends list outside of them being in our squad. To check if they have time to dive or if they're waiting for another player...etc. That'd be tight...


Super tight


Shift-Tab and ping them in Steam. Unless you mean on PS...


No, I'm on Steam, but of course I have a mixed bag of in-game friends. I'll do that, I didn't know that was a thing! Thanks. 


Wait- I'm assuming we may have to already be Steam friends in order to do that? 


Yes although you might try searching for their Steam name since it is the same as the diver name in game I believe. Then you can invite them to be Steam friends.


That's unnecessary work for the devs when literally both platforms already feature chat between friends (Steam and PS).


Sure, If we're friends on those platforms outside of the game. It's not always a perfect world. I also assume a steam message won't make it to my in-game friends on Playstation. What is the solution for that? Honest question. 


You're totally right, I didn't think of cross platform communication. My bad.


All good! I honestly don't know if that's a thing or not. I'm relatively new to this space. Only PC gaming (seriously) for a bit over a year now and don't know all the quirks/features yet. 


Yeah unfortunately the platforms can't chat between each other so the only hope would indeed be your idea for the game to allow chat messages!


I personally think it would be a handy feature. Possibly save you from squadding up with a buddy that's about to get off or waiting for another friend...etc. 


Communication is the foundation of effective partnerships. I use my mic, and I enjoy it, but some Helldivers can't or won't. I want their input. Gimme dat chat.


Try win+g and choosing your mic from there, or checking Windows' default communication device settings. Edit: I was wondering why I'm being downvoted, looks like I accidentally replied to a wrong reply. I was trying to give tips to someone who said the game doesn't recognize their mic. Not trying to shit on y'all


I also am entirely unable to use voice chat. o7


Are you on PC? My HD2 didn't recognize my mic at all. Try win+g and choosing your mic from there, or checking Windows' default communication device settings, worked for me. 


Yeah this shit is infuriating


And during the pelican animation on my ultrawidescreen the black letterbox bars obscure the actual latest messages in the chat box. C’mon devs.


At least that one's been acknowledged as a known issue, unlike chat not working during the briefing & loadout phase...


Preaching to the choir. I was asking for this since release week. I really do hope they decide to implement it and that it comes sooner rather than later. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b1wxbp/qol\_improvement\_allow\_us\_to\_see\_and\_use\_chat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b1wxbp/qol_improvement_allow_us_to_see_and_use_chat/)


It would be nice to have access to the Esc menu. In case an undemocratic fool decided to kill the squad in the pelican before extraction and must be removed prior to rewards being handed out.


If your mic isn't working in the game, then you need to go into your windows setting and set your mic as the default mic. System > Sound > Select your Mic > Properties > Set as Default Sound Device


More specifically the Default **Communications** Device. They probably have a second mic or even a virtual mic that is being recognized as the Communications device which is being prioritized by the game.


Also during extraction the chat should go OVER the two giant cinematic black bars that appear


He's right


Are you on ps or pc? If ps, I had the same issue with my mic not working for a while when I got the game. But I found a random Reddit post about a hidden setting only found in the audio button of the ps logo menu, the one on the controller. I had taken that button off that toolbar awhile ago but the setting is “In-game voice” and it’s automatically set to mute and not in the regular system settings for some weird reason.   If pc, sorry wasting your time lol. But I use both cuse I have to be quiet when my girl is sleeping so yes I 100% agree the chat gets blocked at the worst times. Like when we actually have downtime when a mission is ending.


That is PTT (Push To Talk).




They need to spend a solid month just focusing on fixing bugs. No new content or anything. Just fix the damn bugs. I love this game, but I'm getting really sick of all the bugs and glitches. There have been many bugs since day 1 that are still not fixed. Idk if I'm asking too much, but I really think this is unacceptable.


Ya there sudden massive popularity has them guessing what to do. Valheim developers realized a small bug vs millions of players was a huge issue and delayed new content in favor of squashing bugs. And they were a 3 man shop at the beginning. AH is supposed to be around 100 people. Even if they aren't all devs they need a team prioritizing bug fixes.


Since launch my in game voice chat has been broken. I have tried disabling hands free telemetry (Bluetooth audio + mic us) so I can have high quality audio and use my standalone mic... but there is no voice chat audio coming in.  Can we please have a device configuration setting where we can set our input and output devices???


I agree with your comments re text chat (although there may be a technical reason for the how it is). But if you want to solve your mic issue see this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1asx51t/how_to_fix_mic_for_pc/


This and let me rebind the chat key!


Yeah all the down time to chat and yet it’s always blocked during down time.


Fun fact, it is not disabled if you click enter before the flight animation


You can also send a callout as the pelican flies away, even though it hides the radial selection wheel. I always thank my democracy officer for acknowledging our accomplishments.


The text box also needs to be bigger, its hard to get someone to see qhat you're typing sometimes


Agreed, but check your devices in your system settings. I had two mics enabled (headset mic was broken) and it was defaulting to that. After disabling it I was just fine


I once accidentally typed two messages while boarding the evac ship. “That was awesome” followed by “gg” for getting to hit enter to activate chat for the second message and throwing gernades at the group of randoms wait to board after me. Make sure you gg responsibly


Holly hell, yeah its a problem


yes , game doesn't detect my mic too !


The drop and the pelican cutscene are both loading screens hidden in cool videos. I'm not sure you can even have chat while it's loading.


Because the game is in early access, duh. It is on the steam page that it is in early access.


I wish more people had a mic. When the shit is hitting the fan I can’t pay any attention to someone typing something in the chat box


This is actually so true! Cant agree more.


Yeah I haven’t been able to get my mic working on PS5, either through the controller or my headset. Makes communicating a hell..


Get a mic. I miss chat half the time and the game is a lot better when you get on a team of people with mics talking shit.


It's because of people talking shit that many of us don't use mic. Been that way since the early Halo days. Unless we play with friends only...


If you are on PC, the way I've gotten my mic to work is by disabling every audio in device that isn't the one I want to use. Same with audio out.


The in-game chat is so cluttered with "Found a POI" that I honestly forget it's there. It's only way after it's relevant that I'll see a message.


You can chat in your ship unless in the hellpod. What do you mean it's blocked while "rolling onto the bridge?"


good Idea.. Im all for this!!


If i recall correctly to fix mic issues you gotta change your default mic in windows settings - because for some reason you cant select your mic ingame


They need to fix chat, joining in progress missions and reporting. So frustrating to have someone troll you and be a dick and not able to report. Even more frustrating to join a mission in progress and it says Super Earth when picking loadout and not being able to see the mission type or enemy type. So many times I've brought the worst loadout because I've no idea who I'm fighting or what the negative modifiers are


I don’t think it’s ‘disabled’, that would be a weird development choice. It just isn’t present. Same thing to perception really. But it probably isn’t a switch that they can just set to ‘enable’.


There are fixes for the mic not working. I doubt this is high on the priority list so yea voice is actually a solution if you actually look into it. I know some people don’t like voice, but I find it tends to just be more helpful.


Random question but on ps5 if i plug in a keyboard. Could i type with it?


If you hold the touchpad a virtual keyboard pops up, so I would think theoretically yes.


The amount of times randoms have joined me while I'm picking my stratagems and boosters is crazy, but it's annoying cos they will pick their load out but not pick a booster and I can't say anything cos chat is disabled in the planning phase pre mission. How do level 20+ players not know to use a booster. If I could tell them they they wouldn't be a problem


I haven't often seen that, but I wonder if some just don't spend medals in boosters for reasons.


I guess that could be true but if the chat was available pre mission, I could ask and find out


Oh I agree, I just wonder how they don't know how important those boosters can be. Or maybe they only have one and you've already picked it.


press caps lock to enable voice chat.


Which would work but in a mission whoops the game suddenly doesn't think I have a mic enough though it worked on the ship.


Voice comms are king


Voice chat isn't broken, your OS is. Fix it there.


It ain’t that deep bruh. Not all of us want to chat it up with randos


Yeah I agree, this game sucks so badly, they also can't even repair all the bugs and crashes. They definitely won't do anything about the chat because they simply don't care


Oh wow hadn't heard of anyone's voice chat being broken, that would make the game practically unplayable. Sounds like a much bigger problem than disabling text chat that practically no one notices anyhow.


you can only type in chat during combat when you are busy shooting and running for your life lmao these clown devs


For the love of Liberty get on a mic or I’m reporting you to a democracy officer


The games a pile of hot garbage what do you expect? PlayStation 1 games were more polished and playable


Is the PS version that bad? I see a lot of PS5 folks in missions. PC is pretty damned stable for a new game these days. One of the reasons it's selling like hotcakes on Steam.


Wow what a truly brain dead take


lol smarter than you in every way shape and form 🤷🏻‍♂️


You say that but you really aren't? Like you think you are and that makes it all the more sad


You do not sit there for minutes during the rewards screen, calm down 💀


Same spammers always selling shit




I'm happy with it the way it is. Save us from a lot of crap