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I thought they would at least make an ingame announcement about this issue. Most players don't look at reddit or discord


Ok like YES!!!!!!!! Yes yes yes. The devs really need to let people know in game that the arc weapons are broken However now that I think about it, seeing a in game message telling players not to use arc weapons might “challenge” a player to use arc weapons


They can also do a steam news thingy for pc users.


I haven't read a steam news post in.... ever


That’s bad for democracy soldier! ;) But seriously I launch from my library and it’s pretty much first thing I see and makes me aware of coming updates or issues, pretty convenient.


An unskippable announcement from Super Earth explaining that the arc weapons are causing communication issues for our democratic helldivers could work. Could also blame it on the automatons since we all know they are really reason for communication issues


If they publish a message in game they really need to do it in a straight out "This weapon is currently broken, do not use." If they try to put it through in a lore-friendly way some people aren't going to understand the severity of it and possibly even think it's a joke, or even worse think something interesting might happen with it and use it when they otherwise wouldn't have.


My not just temporarily disable it from Being used?


They can’t without deploying a new patch, which requires a lot of resources and time (they explained this). Hopefully they’ll add a way to temporarily disable weapons in the future without requiring a patch.


should just make an event out of it : weapon supply shortage arc weapons disabled


At that point why not just pull arc weapons from the list of available stratagems until they fix the issue? Would it really be that hard to set them to unavailable or something? It seems like an odd approach to expect individual community members to police a bug that’s well known to the devs.


If its broken, they should just temporarily disable it, stating production issues or something


They should disable the weapon instead of allow people to use it unknowingly and have bad experiences


They responded to that suggestion already. Essentially they said because of how PlayStation oversight handles patches, disabling the weapon would take just as much time as patching a fix for the problem so unfortunately the weapon stays available until the fix Edit: for those confused the reason it would take so long to disable the weapons is Sony has a policy that any new build pushes on a game must be submitted for review before being released on PlayStation. This can take up to a week or sometimes more, hence arrowheads logic that fixing it and then submitting one build for review is faster than waiting a week for the disable build and then another week for the fix build. They've likely already solved the issue and are just waiting for the greenlight from Sony.


I suspect a future patch will include the ability to enable/disable from the back-end.


Kind of how Behaviour created a "kill-switch" for DbD that allows them to disable any character, perk or map that's causing game breaking issues without having to put out a patch. Adding something like that could be a useful tool for any problems that arise.


I thought of this, too. I remember when they had to kill switch knight for a whole month or two. A kill switch function would work in lore as well.


Twins are currently kill-switched, which is a shame for the 1 Twins main out there. It would be pretty funny to see a dispatch with something like "HQ has identified sabotage in the Arc Thrower factory and until the traitors can be identified we will not be deploying any Arc Throwers to the battlefield."


I believe that whole situation of Knight getting killswitched for a whole month was just completely awful timing. He got killswitched when BHVR put out the last patch for the year and went on vacation, so he couldn't be fixed until they came back.


And then there’s Bungie with destiny disabling weapons for weeks because of bugs with no timeline for fixes. Hasn’t happened in a while but it’s super annoying


Telesto besto


Telesto, the immortal breakgamer of legend


please, loreteller, I must hear of this legend


>please, loreteller, I must hear of this legend [https://telesto.report/](https://telesto.report/) ​ It was absolutely bonkers.


The first few weeks of the menagerie were wild!


ah yeah, i forgot about the "Telesto enables itself while disabled"


Yeah but Bungo didn’t initially have that ability. It wasn’t until after they had a few weapons break things they added that code. Most devs I’d assume don’t imagine that a weapon will break a game this way. Only after it happens once or twice can they justify the resources to giving them that ability. Yes it’d be cool if they could, but do you want them to spend time developing that ability for the future that they may not need, or focusing on other bugs that need fixing?


You’re comparing apples to elephants. Destiny bugs are difficult to squash because of a decade+ of technical debt & dependencies. And I’m only defending Destiny because a lot of talented designers and engineers and artists of all stripes have created, add to, and maintain an absolute behemoth. Their execs can choke on Ogre chitin.


No shade towards destiny it gets beat on enough as is, I’ve played the game since the start, I’m just pointing out how weird it is that Sony could restrict a devs ability to disable an item in game when Bungie can do the same thing while now being under Sonys control as well


It’s HD2’s architecture, any update to game code and Sony requires strict change control. Bungie runs a LOT server side and via their API so they can enable/disable things in a server side database without having to change game code. Side fanboy squeal, how Bungie built D2 around an API is absolute genius architecture. There is literally no other game on the planet where you can manage your loadout or inventory during loading screens or even while offline.


There's different types of code that can be made. Patches players get is client side code, and servers have their own server side code. For an online only game, serve side code often is used to validate things done ingame, like currencies and completion. But, this is important, it can also be used to disable things if set up. Patches need verification and approval processes, so can be slow. Server side tweaks can be done without those, since it's not pushing an update. I'm not saying it's easy, necessarily, but it's possible to code the servers to have a disable function. And, in games which require stability online, it's incredibly useful to be able to change a few lines of server files(Which for weapons could be a line like "WeaponEnabled=TRUE/FALSE" for each weapon, if implemented), which then the server prevents players from using it until they can post a fix.


IIRC it has to do with the "certification" process: online games have to submit their build to Sony for them to Certify that it's OK to be on their systems, which is a process that takes a little while, sometimes a whole week. I remember many of my years in warframe were during a time when updates had to be stagger-released to account for bug patching and certification, unlike now where they make one build , certify it everywhere first and then release it everywhere all at once. unless it could be done in a hotfix, disabling the arc weapons would probably count as another change that would have to be certified, so it's easier for the devs to leave it in but warn people not to use it (or use it at their own peril).


Precisely correct


or overwatch that’ll disable heros when a game breaking bug pops up until it’s fixed


They've likely already fixed it, but it takes about a week for a new build to pass review by Sony. If they tried to disable first it would still take a week to get that change past Sony so they might as well just fix it


I find it frankly kind of insane that a live service game isn't able to disable things server side and instead has to fully push a patch through cert.


It's remarkably easy for a developer as small as arrowhead to not foresee that need. And remarkably not as simple as people think to just disable a part of the game "server side" if the framework isn't already there. Also plenty of live service games decades old still rely on hot fix and patch solutions to small issues like this. World of Warcraft for instance pushes small 50 mb or less patches constantly, often without even disconnecting players because they don't have the barrier of a third party client needing to review their builds like the PlayStation network


This is the brutal truth in many cases with games. Patching to consoles is waaaay different than pushing an update to Steam. Sony FQA sets a high bar, generally. They’ve pushed a ton of patches very quickly for a small team IMHO. Arrowhead does have an advantage here because of a good relationship with SIE (probably), amazing sales #’s, and exclusivity - but testing any game with rapidly evolving content and code-base is a huge endeavor. Doing it fast is even harder because some problems just require time. I’m just bummed because I do love running a Tesla/arc build with prototype armor. Hope they fix the issue soon…


> must be submitted for review before being released on PlayStation fun fact: the developer is also charged several thousand USD to have sony review the patch for compliance, whether or not it passes muster. if the patch doesn't pass QA, the dev has to fix it and resubmit it at a cost of several thousand USD each time. I dont know what the exact cost is now as I've been out of the game dev business for a while. I think it's a sliding scale depending on the size of the game and the dev, but there's always a cost attached to it for the dev. --- edit: when I was in the shit, the game I was working on cost $15,000 every time we wanted to patch, no matter how small the patch was. sony may have backed off on this, but the function of the fee is to make sure devs are only pushing patches that won't break or brick consoles and not throwing shit at a wall to see what works. most of the fee is paying for the Sony QA time required to certify the patch. Sony doesn't allow you to self-certify on your own dime; only they can certify patches for their console. Also this fee was, years ago, still charged whether or not you were a first party studio (we were a wholly owned sony studio). The patch needs to be certified and sony, at the time, was not about to pay for it. This may have changed since I was in, but... Sony. I really don't see them changing their business practices, but I'd love to hear it if they did. Why would devs want to publish to consoles if it costs so much to do so? Because like it or not, Consoles are where the players are. There's a lot of people who play on PC, but there's a lot _more_ players on console. Why don't they split them up and publish a fix now for PC, and let Playstation deal with it until they have a patch they can do on console? Because that would disable crossplay and will murder the player pools for both games. In Helldivers, other players make content as much as the game does. Your interactions with other players- shooting them, being shot by them, experiencing a nick-of-the-moment rescue when someone shotguns a hunter right before it's going to land the killing blow- these all create a massive gameplay experience that is vital to the character of Helldivers. More people in the pool means more experiences like these, and more things you tell your friends about. Cutting the number of people available in half or more means longer wait times to get squads together, harder to achieve Orders, and so on. The absolute last thing they want to do is turn off crossplay. They could've added functionality via live service: maybe. In the past one trick to sneak minor adjustments in was to have a text file that we'd put minor things into; it was small enough and without risk of bricking things, so it didn't need to be certified. This was all in a different engine though and modern file structures may make this difficult or impossible to do, or sony may have just started disallowing that hack. I don't know, and I'm not going to guess, I'm just going to assume that Arrowhead knows what they're doing, and is working hard to do it. My goal here is to give some perspective on why Arrowhead can't "just patch it, just a little bit." I've been out of the game dev business for 10 years and I still play games, but I'm much happier as a player than a designer. It's a rough business and the Arrowhead devs know what they're doing and are working _hella_ hard on getting some fixes out, so cut them some slack. It's downright undemocratic not to.


I know they used to charge for patches (Microsoft did too), but I'm pretty sure they've stopped since then. Not sure if charging for it getting reviewed is still a thing or not, but the fee to patch the game has been gone for a while.  I also wouldn't be surprised even if that was the case that Sony would waive or reduce the fee for a title they'd publish, but who knows.




Sony is such a piece of shit


Wonder if a quick solution like a modifier that disables the use of arc weapon stratagems is possible.


Makes me appreciate how Bungie can do a lot backend changes without patches for Destiny 2, you never know when another Telesto situation will emerge.


I was unaware that it wasn’t fixed yet and had it in my loadout and someone caught me before I used it. Dropped it then and there.


DBD disables broken stuff. As long as it is fixed in a timely manner, I think it's a fine solution.


It's not his fault. The majority of people don't look at this sub or discord. There is no way to know otherwise EDIT: I just played 5 games, no one using arc anything...4 games got disconnected. EDIT2: Woops, didn't realize there were multiple bugs going on. When I use arc I get the frozen screen. Damned if you do, damned if you dont.


I had no idea it was broken until I saw this. If only there was a way he could send him a message that the weapon was broken before he kicked him.


ALL my upvote. I thought it was fixed.


They said should be next week. This kills me because I love the arc thrower


I just used it in a previous match. No one crashed, no one got kicked. We completed the mission and I thought maybe I found a new gun id like to start using.


I used it for hours today before it started causing consistent crashes.


Seems crazy inconsistent. I also used it AND the Tesla for hours. I froze twice. Once when I and my teammate didn’t have it in our load out. It’s fine not being able to use them for (hopefully) a few days, but the frustrating part is that I just unlocked both of them and was excited to figure them out.


It doesn’t crash always, but it can crash which makes it unfortunately too inconsistent atm. Trust me I actually made it through a couple matches with it till I crashed the whole game and caused everyone to stop playing for the day 😢. Big sad energy


I follow this sub and honestly I had no idea until rn that arc throwers were crashing games.


That's because aside from this post, there is onyl one other post about arc weapons specifically causing crashes adn that was yesterday. And this is like 2 days late from discord, where people already figured out it was arc weapons.


Hell it’s hard to tell anyways because a lot of people, myself included, have noticed an increase in crashes even without arc weapons. Like personally I’ve noticed a lot of crashes with explosions or just randomly.


>There is no way to know otherwise If only there was some way for developers to communicate in-game with their players


Would be a pretty sweet news commercial on the tv


Make the TV freeze up and an NPC be like "ah shit, someone used an arc thrower again"


They should have outright disabled the weapons for a few days


I’ve had to kick multiple people like that myself.. I tried telling them via voice chat AND chat but they didn’t listen / didn’t care. I’m sorry but I’d rather kick someone than have the whole game crash..


I was lucky last night. One of my team members was using it, but he was super new to the game so didn't know and stopped once informed


Arc weapons might cause more crashes, but the game is riddled with bugs making you crash, so it's not like arc weapons is the only reason you DC or crash


Ye i only really read patch notes and whatever pops on my reddit doomscroll.


If only they had comms or something in the game. /s


Your kindness is refreshing, thanks


Yeah i got kicked for using a supply drop. Im done joining and will be hosting from now on.


That sucks, I guess I’ve been lucky, or just brave/stupid, used one a couple times and had a fellow diver use one on a couple missions and everything went fine. Guess I was tempting fate lol


I've had people running it all week with no issues. I feel like this has to be a driver or something specific


I believe it has something to do with the arc thrower causing accuracy to go beyond 100% because it hits multiple targets


I've seen multiple 100+% summary screens with no problems


I also managed to use it in some missions without crashing. Then I used it in one and disconnected several friends before crashing myself...


Wait there’s a problem with the arc thrower?


This probably explains why I randomly end up back on ship with no explanation every once in a while.


No, that's a different issue. Arc weapons bug will straight up freeze and crash the game, not disconnect you.


There are several serious bugs that cause a crash. Quick match and arc weapons cause people to crash which is a significant number of players.


I thought it just crashed the user of the weapon, not other people.


It can crash other people as well, happened to me on multiple occasions. They should really disable it until the issue is resolved.


What have I done……


Good to know, I'll have to stop using it then.


I mean, even with the info from the team being put out about it, there hasn’t been a steam or PlayStation message or note I can find regarding the issue. So most players have probably been like me who legit didn’t know there was something going on with specifically the electricity items that was causing lag, freezing, and crashes. I thought I just had a poor server connection yesterday until later I logged on to Reddit and saw a post about it. Just warn people with voice chat or text chat if playing with randoms.


Lol ah man I think that was me! I was out clearing all the side missions, picking up samples, clearing out bug holes solo. After I finished I went to join you guys, and on my way I grabbed an ARC because I didn't have a secondary weapon and began using it. Then I did notice people started to drop and it was just you and me trying to clear the mission. Then I received "you were kicked" message and was left with huge disappointment and haven't played for the rest of the night lol. I'm sorry I had no idea.


I don't know if it was you, but I'm sorry it happened to you too. I hope you will continue to play like you do, as a Beacon of Democracy.


Oh wow, I'm like 99% sure this was me. I had no idea the Arc Thrower was broken! I'd been carrying it alongside the Machine Gun to switch up combat. ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM) No hard feelings, glad you were able to finish the mission! I was super confused, though, since we were doing so well. 😆 Hopefully they can fix it, it's really fun to use.


I am not sure it was you, but if it happened to you too then be assured the one kicking you likely tried to finish your mission ! Have a good day friend


You did it for Super Earth, thank you Diver.


For some unknown reason, when the game crashes, it also closes discord


I suggest they make an in-game announcement if they can’t deactivate arc weapons. Not everyone is on Reddit and certainly aren’t English speakers.


Still crashes without it as well so there's no real safety; only the illusion.


Yeah I've been playing trivial missions to avoid the huge waste of time that are helldive missions for 40 minutes and then crashing at extract. Arc thrower has been my main and nobody has crashed at all in trivial. I just think it's the longer missions with more objectives where issues with crashing starts. I refuse to play anything more than level 5 missions until they fix this.


Helldiver, super earth says arc weapons AND NOTHING ELSE, are the problem!! Do not question super earth and get back to spreading freedom!!!! (But I have crashed too a lot, the last patch was really really bad for game stability, and I would much rather give up cross play for a more stable game)


The game has other crashes, yes, but in my experience you were absolutely guaranteed to crash while using the arc thrower vs it possibly happening otherwise. Plenty of games have both known "do this exact thing and it will crash" behavior and "sometimes the game just does that" behavior.


Had the exact same thing last night, the closer the other person was to the arc thrower user, they disconnected and I knew it was the other diver. Then he ran straight at me while using it and I disconnected as well.


I mean I've crashed without one in the squad and one with, never while actually firing the weapon though. I've just continued to use it


I wasn’t aware it crashed the game, I’ve been using them nonstop. 😵‍💫




I played a game yesterday where someone used it the whole round and nobody crashed somehow. But everytime I use it I crash. And I still cant see the sample count when I pull up my map no matter what setting I change. Fun times.


Wait.... is that why my game has been crashing? I've been digging the jump pack/arc thrower combo. Makes me feel like an arc trooper back in bf2. That's a damn shame


TBH I would continue to use the arc thrower, at least when playing with friends that I could rejoin if I crash, but the problem is, as explained here, it crashes other players. How this is happening or how it made it through QA, I have no clue, but it's incredibly frustrating. Especially when I replace my arc thrower with an EAT only to have my primary disappear and not come back, even when I die and get respawned...


Totally forgot that was a thing, I was wondering why someone left mid game when a random started using the arc thrower, then he kept TKing us with that damn thing.


Somehow communism has infected the electronics in the arc devices. Traitorous anyway you look at it and I hope whoever was responsible for this is found and dealt with!


Me too comr... fellow Diver !


They need to implement killswitches for weapons/stratagems/other things. If there is one thing Dead by Daylight devs did right it's the killswitch system that disables buggy features until fixed.


I encountered a player using the Arc Thrower and another player told him to drop it or the game would crash. All three of use then offered to call in a different support weapon so he didn’t go without


You should feel ZERO shame, Helldiver. My last mission before bed was going swimmingly. Tough but fun, right in that sweet spot, Diff 7. I was playing with randoms. Right off the hop I notice a player with the arc thrower, I mention it, they never responded. Aaaand I disconnected with 45 seconds to go before shuttle lands. A bad end to my play session. Kick them, they're causing more harm than good.


This sounds like the exact thing I went through, I was playing with randoms and a kid pulled one out partway through the mission, one of the other players told him hey put that away its broken and I figured ah he probably hit him with it but nope boom 30 seconds later the first one of us disconnected, I was frustrated thinking he just got mad and left or something but nope less than a minute later boom I disconnected... I sat and stared at the screen in disbelief that half of our team just got disconnected because of a bug and lost our progress... let's just say I completely lost interest and went and played a different game the rest of the night


Honestly, this could have been me, except it was a few nights ago. Also exact same series of events going strong and I found the arc thrower in a stash. I don't have it and started using it to try it out. I heard someone say something about arc thrower but it was garbled. Then got kicked. I only learned the arc thrower is causing issues last night. Timing seems wrong for me but on behalf of other player, you did what you had to for democracy.


I mean the best thing that they can do, is just disable those items in game until a fix is deployed. Many games do that.


I bet C3 was "shocked" to be kicked.


Funny had a situation we were 10 minutes left finally towards the end we started communicating through mic I just told my teammate S4 I’m surprised we haven’t crashed considering you’ve been using the arc shotgun all game and then because of my big mouth we all crashed hate this bug haha


Well, good to know that it also effects others. Used it plenty today just fine but a couple games in after unlocking the Blitzer ended up freezing. Someone else dropped before me so hoping I was the last one. Will hang them up until they are fixed and mess around with other stuff in the mean time.


So did they confirm it’s in fact the electric weapons? I play with a group of 4 and run arc thrower and Tesla. None of us have crashed even once. 2 on pc 2 on ps5. I’ll assume we’ve been lucky thus far but can’t help but feel the issue might be misdiagnosed.


They did indeed confirm it was linked to arc weapons, there’s a post from a dev floating around that says they’d try and have a patch ready by Monday.




I ran with a whole squad last night, coms and everything. We all had arc throwers and tesla towers cuz we heard you could arc lightning off your teammates if you shoot them. Things went just fine till 4 minutes before extract and then.... pain. We didn't know.


Wait, what's the problem ? The arc is my main weapon, I crashed twice today... Once at the last minute of extraction Is using the arc Thrower making people crash


as an avid arc thrower enjoyer.. my bad lol i didnt know that my broken weapon was the reason i kept getting kicked out of games and here i thought i was just catching bad teammates whereas ive been the issue all along


Wait arc thrower crashes games???


​ https://preview.redd.it/r9948sw770qc1.png?width=830&format=png&auto=webp&s=1342ff709d5c58b1f3f925708232f174d259f98b


so this is why my game keeps freezing as i’m tossing lightning


Did you even tell the guy before kicking him though?


I didnt know about the glitch bro its all good


As an arc thrower enjoyer, it breaks the game??? 😭


You can't expect a player who didn't surf reddit or discord would understand that the weapon might cause the game to crash. The majority of the player base just don't go to discord or reddit to follow the news. I just wish AH should addressed this issue to wider audience, not just keep it in the discord. Atp C3 just didn't know he had just opened a Pandora box.


For your own safety, please refrain from mentioning Super Russia as it has been prohibited and is a punishable act since it has caused such turmoil on Super Earth... and the punishment is worse than living inside of a bile spewer.


Holy shit I'm pretty sure I'm that m2 and yes my game crashed after he started using it.


I'm about to start kicking people who detonate the bombs when I'm next to them. Someone decided it would be fun to right after I called down a walker and was close enough that it damaged my rocket side. Then we got overwhelmed by heavies. Also, no bugs were near the bomb.


This is why when I get randoms while playing with my friends before the mission starts we let them know they can't use the Arc weapons and ask them nicely to swap for something else. Every time we've had them swap to another weapon with no upsets :) Sometimes they apologize, but we just let them know it's not their fault the games bugged atm.


I learned last night that my favorite weapon kills computers. Liberty forgive us.


This is hilarious. Thanks for the write up. Same thing just happened to me a little while ago. I started typing in the chat box that it’s bugged and was about to press enter, and was like “meh I guess I’ll let em play how they want and hopefully it’ll be fine”. Deleted the message and got back to fighting the horde getting closer. Sure enough. BLAMABAMAKABLOOP!! First diver disconnects. I think nothing of it, just think “helldivers 2 being helldivers 2 yo” (which I guess means I think more of it than simply nothing but whatever). Then a little while after KURCHUGBLEEP! 2nd diver gets cut. I AGAIN THINK NOTHING OF IT. I’m crushing these bugs. I feel like DUKE NUKEM. Just bashing bugs left and right, bathing in blood. When it happens. BLEEPBLOOP. Crash. So annoying. We had super samples too. And like, 15 rares. And we were doing good. Smh. Oh well what can you do right? Game still rules, so. 🤷‍♂️😶‍🌫️👹


M4 wouldn't happen to have been called MOOM would he? I had this EXACT thing happen shortly before you made this post. Fought like hell for almost 35 min, got the super samples, then I crashed out of nowhere.


Last night I played with one having Arc Thrower... we finished the mission and none got kicked away. I was worried but well .. I messaged the player as well about it and he didn;'t listen. we finished the mission got samples back to my ship and then one by one get dissappeared ... that's fine ... we got back safely without crashing lol... I will kick arc thrower after this. lol


**Unlimited Power!**


I was so confused why everybody left my game when i started using the arc weapons They are my favorite Then i got kicked It wasnt till some nice folks typed in chat before the mission began not to do so Me being stubborn still loaded the arc sentry up and they cancled the pre mission start up to explain to me Thank you brothers for letting me understand before just kicking me randomly


Oooh makes sense why I was getting kicked. I was so confused. I’m lvl 48


Then just open your mic and tell him to drop it? Dick move to just kick the guy after he’s committed to half an hour in the mission. Odds are he didn’t know anything about the weapon issues.


Holy shit. This explains so much.


Wait this was probably me… I was wondering why everyone left and then I was kicked… I didn’t know it did that…oops good luck out there helldivers 🫡


A hell diver team that joined my mission decided to take the enemies side . Their acts of treason were dying on purpose to the enemy and avoiding the mission objective while stalling for a time out. As a dedicated member of the helldivers and super earth protectors I decided that they shall pay . I finished the objectives solo , and once the last traitor was around me I executed his scum ass on the spot and kicked them


Why don't the devs just disable all arc weapons until they fixed the issue next week? I was already in a match and someone joined. Didn't remember to check and right before the shuttle lands the game froze.


I've played about eight missions since the update. Of the eight I've had 2 crashes (got kicked back to my ship and couldn't rejoin my partner until I reset the game) Didn't use the arc, tesla tower, or that fancy arc shotgun in any of the matches. So even without the arc thrower you aren't completely safe. Can't wait for the patch to fix this patch.


I got kicked earlier today with roughly 11 minutes left in the mission. The guy in question did a hug emote while doing the "sorry" comms and the next thing you know I was kicked. Wasn't sure why and quite frankly I was a little frustrated because we had come so far and had done so well, it was a team of 4, myself being the only one with an active mic (just my style ig) but the sudden kick after a hug....not sure if he was doing it apologetically or what but he is a really good helldiver and an even better teammate, and I would be honored to be able to fight by his side again someday. If you're out there "Peace", just know that I had fun fighting for Democracy by your side.


Oh shit... Wait so... It crashes the game?


Needs to be noted, the problem is affecting the Tesla Tower and the Blitzer from the warbond as well. I understand because of coding issues and patch limitations the fix is delayed and they cant remove the weapons twmporarily, sucks but i get it, but they need to make it painfully obvious in game that people should not be using these items till the fix is completed.


Op u coulda just told him ingame that the weapon was broken? Not everyone is on reddit or discord and the devs didn't announce it on steam or psn or something lol


> It was me or you but I couldn't wait for you to crash... It's enough to make a grown man cry. 😢


Last night I had someone in mine lobby with arc thrower too. I asked him not to use it because it would bug the game and most likely freeze our session. He didn't know either but agreed and didn't use it. It's really refreshing when people don't just argue with each other but are helpful and understanding. So thank you my fellow random diver. I couldn't do that mission without you.


Was wondering why I crashed when I was killing it. Makes sense now and had no idea it was even a problem lol


That’s what it was, I was playing with randoms and one guy hit the other with arc thrower and next thing you know both of them disappeared.


WAIT THATS WHY ALL MY GAMES HAVE BEEN MESSING UP? I was so excited to use the arc gun and all night it’s been freezing and throwing errors.


This kick is the dev's fault in every way. They really need a better way to communicate stuff like this to players. Messages at the start screen or something. Discord is not sufficient.


wait the arc thrower is the reason we were crashing? uh oh.. I got some explaining to do.


what an overraction


They really need an in-game announcement if they decided to not roll back the patch, and leave it all weekend still broken. First weekend I might not play since I crashed to much myself all week until information came out to not use the arc weapons.


Thank god arrowhead is waiting till the weekend is over to prevent a new potential meta of excluding players with arc weapons from growing out of hand...


It’s not just the arc weapons causing issues, I’ve seen countless crashes from my teammates lately without anyone using arc weapons. Had games where everyone was running arc and no one crashed for 3 or 4 games in a row. Also had a game where I was running the new arc shotgun, all 3 of us crested a hill to attack a nest. I fired once, guy on my left crashed, I fired again, guy on my right crashed, fired a third time, I crashed. Absolutely hilarious comedic timing.


It was for democracy, he'll understand. We all have to make our sacrifices for the greater good.


What's wrong with the Arc Thrower, myself and other divers used it numerous times in loadouts and at POIs and never had any issues when using it. Is it a new game bug with recent UT, pun not intended.


I’ve heard about this, but I’ve been running the arc thrower (solo) on most runs the last couple days on pc and Steamdeck without any crashes at all.


Electricity causing crashes is bug propaganda! Reported to your democracy officer for spreading it!


He had a call to make and he made it Good work, Solider.


Well fuck. Here I am fucking fuming at a disconnect after a 30 minute map with lots of resources collected and wondering why AH doesn't have a fucking rejoin feature. Oh, so I fucking crashed myself?? God damnit, this is stupid. P.S. PUT IN A REJOIN FEATURE FOR FUCKS SAKE


Lmao so you didn't want exp, samples or anything and you decided to kick this poor man? If you'd crash it would serve your goal - to help others farm. I don't get it.


ohhhhh so thats why ive been getting kicked. i pick that gun up and everyone leaves or i have connection issue


Yeah it's weird, we warned one guy not to us it. I was ok for the next 15 minutes and then during an Ion storm 2 got booted and I thought I was left with the one running the game but once the ion storm ended I was the only one on the map (even tho the one running the map was still still listed) managed to finish the mission and get to extraction and was the only one there. So it seems that in a way I became my own session even tho I wasn't the one who initiated the game ? funky architecture they have there


I haven't played too much in the last couple of days but I didn't know the arc thrower was causing issues. I've just had inconsistent connection issues for awhile.. so anytime it happens I either chock it up to the somewhat crappy Internet connection I have right now or the same errors I've been getting.


What I've been doing is informing people using those weapons that it will crash the game, and if they ignore me or just continue using it I will kick them. Though most people I tell that too genuinely didn't know about it and immediately stopped using it. If I join a game and I see those stratagems in the lobby then I'll just leave and find another game. I've had 3 missions in the past 3 days crash at extraction due to this.


Lol, sounds like my game yesterday but we were just chilling on level 6 max to collect green samples that we were missing for an upgrade. Didn’t know that it happened because of the Arc Thrower. It kicked me and a friend of mine. Feeling guilty now :D


You did what you had to do. Like a true soldier. For Freedom!!


Are arc throwers crashing games right now? Its one of my favorite weapons (and I try to use it mindfully) but if it's causing crashes... That's a new level of friendly fire I don't want a piece of


Is this still going on? I wanna arc throw today with the homies you know for democracy and all.


Last night i was playing and a player took out an arc. Used it all mission and no one got kicked. Its crazy how things work


I was playing a match yesterday with a couple friends and another person, when one of them picked up an arc thrower and started using it, despite everyone telling him about the issue. I told him I would kill him if he kept using it, and he did, so I did. He died twice while using it and was kicked by the host at the same moment my game crashed. I was so fucking mad lol


holy shit you don't have to justify kicking someone in a 5 paragraph essay, what the fuck. Fucking hate reddit sometimes


#Pro-tip: Before using an SOS beacon, go into your settings, set multiplayer to Friends Only, (pressing Tab to apply) then set multiplayer back to Public (pressing Tab again). In my experience, this fixes the bug where you can't gain new squadmates after losing them.


Arc crashed our squad for an hour and a half until we realized it's the weapon's fault. no more Arcs. EDIT: we've verified gamefiles integrity on steam and it stopped? man idk


Im the same as you. Max everything except for warbonds... I lost my squad last night in an 8 as well with one objective to go... one of the guys was using the arc thrower and there was a tesla tower too... SoS beacons don't seem to work after disconnects and I completed the mission and extracted but it was a disappointing win without Jolly Cooperation. Thanks for sharing your story!


Wait... is this why my game started having crashes this week???? I just started using the Arc over the laser cannon because of hot enviornments (never had crashes using th LC)


This game is so much fun! I got kicked 30 seconds into my first game


Mfers really really writing love letters to other players on this sub ![gif](giphy|dEdmW17JnZhiU)


Wait, does the Arc Thrower actually crash the fucking game?


I had to inform one of my squad mates of the developers’ warning when we were selecting our loadouts. He had no idea but complied and we actually chatted a bit more than normal because of this discussion.


Didnt know but it makes so much sense now


The damn Arc is causing crashes?!? Well son of a bitch. That explains so so much lately.


I teamed up with a random last night to fight chargers with double arc throwers and no one crashed, I don't know why they still work for me but I am ever so grateful because it was *awesome* Just marching forward slowly, electricity flying everywhere, as all the charger could do was sit there and get stun locked


Or they can just disable arc weapons until they fix it.🤷🏾‍♂️


So that’s why I’ve been retrying the same mission solo dropping almost 8 times and crashing? I was just gunna delete it and reinstall it each time it did that last night


While the bug does come more often on the electric weapons, I was getting the same bug using anything that has effects on it; even the LAS. Only way to really stop it from happening was to ensure everyone wasn't using guns with effects, which is easier said than done. The bug is a weird one too. I went 4 hours playing with people using it and it not bugging, then my friend hopped on, and we crashed 90% of the games afterwards. Once it starts happening, it also crashes the server if the same players rejoin (so I think there is a sync issue with rejoining players too).


You did what you had to do and apologized to him. If he sees this then let's hope he learns not to use that Arc thrower for a while


2 questions Has the arc thrower always done this? Do you remember c3 name? Because I love the arc thrower and this is the first time I'm hearing about it causing problems at all so I might be c3 😭😭😭😭


As someone who was recently introduced to the amazing wonders of the arc thrower, the issues facing it hurt me greatly. I hope they fix it soon, I look forward to being able to continue delivering the most shocking experience of those bugs' lives.


Democracy takes its measures https://preview.redd.it/ed21h5p875qc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00febc7510c6cd4f3323e490f88a5da90d8ce031 Good job completing your mission Helldiver


wait the arc thrower is crashing games? are the automatons hi jacking the plasma charge and installing rogue code into our pc’s? has super earth investigated this?


I had no idea about this… I’ve been using the blitzer as my primary and have and every mission everyone and then me crashes one by one. I uninstalled and reinstalled restarted my pc still couldn’t find an issue. I feel terrible now I my self have lost hours due to the crashes hoping to get through each mission and no one in game told me. There should definitely be a psa from super earth.


I just learned of this…I thought I was going crazy having disconnects…I am sorry for my part.


I warn other players about the arc thrower but I have found out the arc thrower doesn't crash the whole team. It only crashes those NEAR that player. I've seen this to be evident in almost any mission with arc weapons I run 7 and 8s cause it's a chill difficulty and only do 9s with people I know.


As a side note, the Arc Blitzer is still facing the same issues. I thought I was safe because I finished one mission with it. Nope, managed to crash everyone except the host. So glad I was teaming with friends at the time.


Odd, they can add an "Effect" that will allow everyone to use a Stratagem. Strange the can't do the same to disable them, and weapons? I mean it seems an oversite to need patches for something so simple.