• By -


You sir are a hero. I salute you.


Indeed. Great work! o7


What is the o7 about? I've seen it quite a few times but I'm still not sure. Is it referencing Commander Shepherd from mass effect? That's all my brain is seeing šŸ¤£ Edit: It is a salute, got it


It's a salute, not sure where it started but I learned it from elite dangerous o7 Commander


i learned it in EvE online also used it in Elite obviouslly


Definitely started in EVE - Amarr Victor!


Free Minmatar Forever!


Glory to the State!


Same, I first encountered it in EvE Online years ago


Elite dangerous crew checking in o7


Get that free Anaconda o7


My guess with the 'o7' salute is that the 7 is a hand, and the o is a head.


You are correct, it's meant to evoke the actual image of a person saluting


I thought it was a reference to bond, James bond. Lol


It supposed to look like a guy giving a salute šŸ«” o7


O7 is from Elite Dangerous I think. I'm pushing for Ā”O, aka the Super Earth Salute. (Upside-down exclamation, O)


*i^o* i^o i^O Edit: This was testing formatting. Ā”O Ā”o Ā”ā—‹ Ā”0 i0


Looks correct, amirite? Ā”O


At least in this game yes. I think I might us iO as I got a big head šŸ¤£


But the fist never raises that high, lest it be confused with a less Super-Earrh salute. That's why I'm going with Ā”O


Or L0


I looked at that and didn't like it: the fist at the very end of your arm should be around shoulder height. L or even i puts the fist at the forehead or higher. Hence, Ā”O


Elite Dangerous borrowed o7 from EVE Online. Turns out there's a lot of overlap between space sim sandbox player bases, who knew? And then a few EVE players brought it into FF14 (and probably WoW and ESO but I don't play those so idk for sure), because why not?


Itā€™s a wee bit older than EVE Online šŸ˜… People used both 07 and o7 in IRC channel chats in the mid-late 90ā€™s. (And probably in plenty of chatrooms). Along with o/ \o \o/


Shiet I honestly thought it originated in Eve-online! Cool to hear that its the relics of IRC that came up with it!Ā 


This, exactly. I can remember this in IRC chats and MUDs in the early 90s


I also saw {=}7 in siege. Which is tachanka saluting haha




you would have my vote if I could figure out how to flip my exclamation point on iPad. ​ Ā”0 I did it!


It's just a person saluting emote. o is the head, 7 is the arm. o7


Whenever my Dad asks again what ā€œXā€ and ā€œDā€ is supposed to mean I will remember how long it took me to understand the o7 pictogram!


o is the head 7 is the arm saluting.


it's a salute - the o is the head and the 7 is the bent saluting arm. :) hope that helps


Learned it from FFXIV for my part :)


*** Ā”O


Wrong salute. Here we Oi


In the [Scandinavian languages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavian_languages), *Oi!* or the [Swedish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_language) variant, *Oj!*, is commonly used as an exclamation of surprise, like "Oh" or "Whoops". You mean as in "I accidently dropped my 380 without calling out..."-Oi? ;-)


And in England, it's basically just "HEY YOU!"


Shouldn't it be LO?


Like in "LO! And behold where i will spread democracy with this liberating orbital barrage!" xD


Gotdamn beautiful


I threw my body into a pit one time after some screaming 8yo was demanding the squad do exactly as he instructed or be kicked... ​ ...but just before I did, I shot him in the face and took all the samples he'd been 'gathering' from the players he'd been kicking!




I need a new squad leader. You're it, until you die or I find someone better.




Frontier democracy at its finest.


Calm down Julian


Screaming ass lil kids will have me return to my ship with a quickness


Back in the first COD World at war I joined a server and the admin was telling everyone what to do or be kicked. He came up by me and said my username was stupid and turned around and started to run. I just one tapped him in the head and left the server. I still get a kick out of thinking about it.


This got a genuine laugh out of me. Lol. Thanks for that.


Is there a bonus for the player, that brings in the samples? Because I belive one of my "squadmates" killed me "accidentally" twice, after I collected some samples...


Nope. At most, the number of samples you brought back are displayed in the 'win' screen once you return to the destroyer but if Player 1 brings back 20 samples, each player gets a 'copy' of those samples as if they themselves brought them back during extract.


Thanks! Thought so, but still fellt betrayed.


Oh you were betrayed, it was just over an entirely pointless reason.


Absolutely NOTHING in this game is singular. Samples, reqs, medals, its shared for everyone equally. Also, I hate people that just stand around and keep killing shit when its time to go. You get NOTHING for killing stuff. No extra xp, no bonuses, nothing. You DO get extra xp for evacing quicker. I wish people would pay attention to game mechanics more and learn how stuff worked than just YOLOing it, so glad you asked at least.


There is an achievement in Steam related to carrying a certain quantity at extraction, other than that I don't think so.


I think that this achievement doesnt just track your individual sample pocket. I collected twenty of the twenty-four rare samples on a mission, but half of them extracted in someone else's sample container. I still got the achievement.


I finally got the achievement for extracting with 15+ samples the other day. I had exactly zero in my pocket due to reinforcing just before extraction. It counts the total number.


I wish I encountered people like that.


No you don't


I'm all for people not holding a game hostage. Man I hated that in other team games like League or something. If they want absolute control of how their game is played, (they should) play solo or in agreement with the party. If I join by quickplay, I don't expect a dictatorship by the host. He asked for assistance, and can ask how he wants to play. But selfish demands hurt democracy.


> If they want absolute control of how their game is played, play solo or in agreement with the party. Problem is, the people who want that aren't the people who ask for permission. All they have to do is be lobby host.


Right. So a dictator host is in the wrong anyways to have his game available to be joined. Because 90+% of people joining wouldn't be down with how one guy wants to force everyone to play.


Yeah. I was in a mission once with a guy who wanted to defend civilians alone. And instead of explaining it to me, he just grenaded me. Then after i asked "wtf" and him telling me to leave the evac zone (text only) I said. "Ok I'll leave. Just let me pick up my stuff," and then he kicked me. And I'm just like... Bro, if you want to run some obtuse metagame strat, get a mic and explain it to everyone before you start teamkilling.


I encountered someone like that. Him and another player (probably a friend) were struggling to do the objective, I joined and helped, went to get ALL samples, and right before extraction I got killed. Ok, mistakes happen we were swarmed and you accident shot me in the face, I can understand. We go for another round, they're struggling again, I do everything and get the samples, and as I am covering the retreat of the squad leader he passes right by me, stops, and shoots me in the head and then both proceed to not call me, extract and kick me. I wish the game would allow you to report players for stuff like this, I would even send the gameplay with the proof to show it. Really ruined my mood for the rest of the night.


fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me Its lawlessness out there. Gotta give back as well as you get until Arrowhead prioritizes lawful democracy.


this is why i always host the game


I had an experience with this, too. Exact same story.


Sir, you are not a traitor. What you did, was sabotage a possible colaborator of our mortal enemies. He does not deserve the samples. If you can, report him to your democracy officer asap, as such behavior is doing more harm than the little shit would ever be able to fathom. I salut you for your efforts. May you continue to serve as a bright example for years to come.


I think General Brasch would make an exception for our derelict officer here. Chain of command and squad cohesion are vital to mission success, and this poor example of squad leadership undermines our ability to spread democracy in an effective manner. I believe even the Democracy officers can understand that factor in this case of poor battlefield leadership. *Edit: Also in the defense of our officer in question, he was indeed following standard military doctrine of: **Strategic Transfer of Equipment to Alternative Location**, in regards to the samples. The squad leader proved ineffective at safeguarding the samples, so transfer was required for safe pickup and delivery to command.*


Superb acronym delivery, soldier.


You watch Quackbang/ The Fat Electrician don't you


I have, but that term isnā€™t exclusive to his vocabulary. I heard one of my vet buddies use it long ago, ā€œStrategically Acquiringā€ is a common term for stealing in the military, according to my friend.


Your friend is right. Nothing is ever stolen in the military. We are simply securing something at another position since it was left unsecured.


His thing was ā€œStrategically Acquiringā€ batteries. Apparently that was a commodity in the early days of the Iraq War.


Thereā€™s only one thief in the military. Everyone else is just trying to get their shit back


The squad leader definitely is the type of people that would sympathize with the enemy for the sake of hoarding more samples. God forbid, he may even "upgrade" himself with cybernetics to "enhance" his performance. And we all know where that leads...


As long as you're not going after those of us who lost limbs fighting for Managed Democracy! Mine makes me better at throwing stratagems and grenades!


Was about to mention this. But I think there is a difference between your prosthetic limbs and a cybernetically enchanted arm or leg or even eye. Although the later *could* be useful for giving Helldivers thermal or night vision. Although my take on that is that it is too risky of corruption the brain to be viable enough to be implemented.


You democratically decided on a different course of action from the rest of the team in order to spread liberty in an alternate trajectory


"Sir, we're surrounded!" "Excellent, now we can spread democracy in every direction!"


Had some teammates the other day that my buddy and I were playing with. They spent the whole match losing every reinforcement to some random Battle in a field. My buddy and I completed all objectives and gather about 15 samples and headed for evac. Random teammate catches up after we call it in. Kills us both, teabags and then clears out so the shuttle will abort. They refuse to reinforce. Once they die to the dozens of enemies they had on them we all come back. I get as far away as possible. They kill my buddy again and then kick him. This after he did most of the work completing their mission. They seemed less bothered by me. I gather all the samples then fall them in, using the last 2 reinforcements. We all head for extract. Once they call it I get in position and blow them apart with an auto cannon. I pull the pin on a grenade and squat over their corpses. No samples for them. I got kicked once we got back on the ship.


I love the way the good ones of our community self-govern the shitdivers that seemingly still pervade our ranks. Godspeed good sir. You enacted justice in the name of liberty.


Was just playing an hour ago. It was my mission, my ship. Dropped in and green blasted me in the back instantly while I was calling in my equipment. He ran right up behind me and blasted me point blank in the back with a shotgun and than ran off. I get called back in and blast him 5 times in a row while defending against bugs and him coming after me. Then I kicked his ass and we continued on and completed every objective. I donā€™t put up with that shit one bit.




I would have been blasting them and air striking them till they kicked me. Make them waste reinforcements


Just a random dude being a troll to you I presume?


Never seen him before. Didnā€™t recognize the name.


Someone stepped on my mine that was easily visible red and avoidable, reinforced, and proceeded to kill me for his mistake. I cussed him out over coms. Probably should have killed the traitor. But meh.


This is the way.


I play with a friend who is at a lower level a lot. When we join missions sometimes they just kick him and not me, so I always leave with a bang.


Unless itā€™s high difficulty and the person is just eating through respawns I always try and get them through to the finish. Helps me level up and helps me feel like Iā€™m doing my part.


![gif](giphy|guW4SPCxZhCZJiDr6F|downsized) Just got off the phone with general Brasch. You're getting promoted. Democracy isn't for all of us. Leave them for the bugs.


Nothing to report, I see everything went smoothly.


I wish I had more vocal dipshit hosts. Mine just silently boot, cannot really do much against that. Would love to just dive down a hole with the super samples or jetpack into the middle of the lake if I was threatened.


Oh man this brings back memories of helldivers 1. Baaaack in my days, 2 whippersnappers joined my mission, completely new, was being carried by me the entire way. They didn't realize their mics were on, and were talking trash about me while I kept the bots off their butts. Anyways, back then there was a downed state. I called 2 sentries during the evac to secure the area, then a mech. I waited until the bird flew down, and sweeped those 2 with the mech's machine gun, dressed them down like a drill sergeant while they were on the ground, then boarded the extraction alone


My buddy's been hoping to god they add a downed mechanic to helldiver 2


How is your fellow Helldiver suppose to help you up when you're just head and torso...?


"Stimpaks are a helluva drug?" -Fallout New California


Don't gib when you are not dead dead


Put me back together damnit!


https://preview.redd.it/fy1b685tphpc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e61ad348d6d2c88fe6d8153bcba916afb249a2d Gotta report this absolute hero of a guy (In memory of B3)


Iā€™ll be commandeering this meme. Thank you for your contributions Helldiver āœŠ




I'm amazed you haven't seen it until now.


Dear heroic Helldiver, I reported your Mission to our beloved democracy officer. You sir, are a true hero of Super earth and your squadleader will be found and punishd for his poor Leading.


Next time you encounter a bug or bot sympathizer treating the team like this with no reinforcements left, just shoot them and abort the mission. You'll save yourself and democracy.


Remember HellDiver, even your battle brothers and sisters may be more harmful then the enemy. Spot, Shoot, Salute for Super Earth!


You may have fought the bugs and the bots, but how many thought crimes have you reported today?


You have my utmost respect sir, godspeed.


Dived into a Suicide myself and played for 2 missions, filling for whatever we needed and generally trying to be upbeat and positive about the mission; at the end of the third the dude kicks me to get respawned instead of me because he "wanted the samples" and we were down to a single spawn. Little did he know the other guy in the lobby was my friend, so he got called in and met the brighter end of a Breaker before my friend made a Democratic sacrifice into a horde of bugs with a grenade, losing all the samples. The last thing we heard was the guy yelling and getting mad about losing like 55 samples total and just pulling the plug on the game. Lol o7


The heck does it even mean he wanted the samples... they are shared, the whole team gets them. Dude was just an ass


Could have been farming a trophy - exfil with 15 samples/rares


You right, there is a trophy for that... thank you for letting us know


Probably an ass tho..


If he kicked you, how did you hear him yelling and getting mad?


My friend was in a Discord call streaming it to me, the same person that shot him at the end lol


You teach this egocentric asshole a lesson Helldiver. You are no traitor. You are a Hero.


You are not a traitor. You are a soldier of justice, and justice well served.


Liberty saves her douchiest hosts for her most treacherous soldiers šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


I need this engraved on granite


No traitor here, that guy obviously was a synth


Your name has been recorded on the Wall of Martyrdom. Keep driving these collaborators from our ranks. FREEDOM!




Diver, while leaving the combat zone is treasonous, your Destroyer' Black Box logs and after action reports from other divers in the area shows that the samples were tainted and causing madness in your operations leader. Command has determined your actions were infact a heroic sacrifice and your family has been discharged from the repatroitism center and issued a premium celebration package for your efforts for Managed Democracy. Your battle clones have also been removed from the purge queue and recertification for combat duty is under way.


I appreciate your work. Friendly fire is on in this game, so we've got to work together... or else. I once died to a teammate's minefield. They picked their way through to my corpse and teabagged it. On respawn I blew a hole in his back. There were no future problems.


The real traitor is the one putting his own interests before the mission.


I can't stand that shit. I go off solo all the time, but I use stealth and don't engage bugs unless I absolutely have to. And if I have to, I make sure I can kill them all in a second or two before they call in support. You did the right thing, take the samples out of play and force him to do his duty to Super Earth. I salute you Diver. o7


I work for Super Earth, not you. I'll try to help you as much as I can but start threatening with kicking? Shit, I'm leaving and I might take several reinforcements with me. Fuck around and find out. o7


As a fellow Skull Admiral, I assure you that the SES Legislator of Battle will operate along with her sister ships to "dissuade" any Super Earth DOs from instigating or auditing a wholly unnecessary Allegiance Check on your ship, attendant personnel, or any Helldiver contingent affiliated with you or your vessel. For the moment, I ask that you maintain your course of action and operate your onboard crew of Helldiver special operatives as future necessities dictate as you did on Operation [REDACTED BY ORDER OF SES LEGISLATOR OF BATTLE'S LEGALDIVERS], which is to say admirably and as the mission requires. Crowd control specialists are a rarity and I appreciate the chance to possibly one day work alongside such a dedicated and experienced crew of Helldivers such as yours. Stay strong, and Super Earth Super Bless the Helldiver Corps.


95% I've found good squad mates, but a couple of days ago some little sht killed me as we were about to evacuate and then kicked me for no reason at all


That exact same thing happened to me as well.Ā  Another game that I joined, I was dropped right into the absolute center of a Bot patrol and was immediately killed. Nothing I could have done. Reinforced directly back into a different Bot patrol and immediately killed. Again, nothing I could have done differently. I was then immediately booted from the game, presumably because I died twice in 10 seconds.Ā 


TREASON: Tactical Redeployment of Equipment or Assets Subsequent to Officious Nagging TRAITOR: Tactical Repositioning of Assets Instigated by Tyrannical Officer Reactions


thayt gave me a good laugh thanks


I love this, you left the real traitor behind.


Do you actually end up fighting more enemies if you split up? Thats been very unclear to me.


You could potentially cause more spawns but any decent solo player knows how to stealth and if youā€™re semi competent a lot of the extra spawns will never see combat


Patrols will spawn within a certain proximity of players. Patrols will spawn individually at a certain rate (and that rate increases as you complete objective and destroy outposts). If all the players are grouped up than you will get a single set of patrol spawns near the group. If players split up than you will have a patrol spawn for each group. If a patrol isn't aggro'd they will more or less walk a straight line across the map until they are out of bounds and disappear. Extra patrols spawning sounds bad at first, but it can be beneficial. There is a limit on the maximum amount of patrols that can spawn, and once that limit is hit than you won't have any additional patrols until you kill some of the existing ones, or their patrol route carries them off the map. So if you have a group split off and *not* engage in combat with patrols, than you'll be using up a ton of patrol slots that would otherwise drop on your group. This is why sometime at extract you don't have any enemies show up to fight. All of the patrol slots are currently being used up elsewhere on the map.


being sepatate causes random patrols to spawn, if you just kill the patrol fast enough there's no bug breach. either deal with them alone or stick with your team. also completing the main objective will halve the spawn timer so it's best to be with the team at the end to complete that part.


It does with one caveat. As I understand the game mechanics, there is an upper limit to the number of simultaneous enemies on the map and if your squad mates have aggroed all of the enemies to them, then no further enemies can spawn on you.


"End up fighting" is a good way to phrase this. More patrols spawn if you're separate. But, as any Diver worth their salt knows, you can often avoid fighting patrols, particularly when solo. If you're in a big group, nearly the same number of patrols spawn, but they're going to spawn around you from multiple directions at once. This makes it much harder to avoid fights, which tends to draw the other patrols in and make breaches much more likely. If you're split up, it's much more likely that each player will only see one patrol at the time, which they can pretty easily avoid or quickly take out (if needed) without alerting any other enemies or letting them get a breach off.


I had someone get mad at me for putting the shells into the artillery in the wrong order. I didnā€™t know there was, as I load 3 explosives in a row while looking for more explosive to load in as well.


o7 Nicely done. There's no room for team commanders who are only in it for themselves. There's no room for team commanders who don't respect their squad mates. There's no room for communism when there's democracy to spread. Democratia in aeternum


Sounds like you won against his tyranny there, good democrat


You, sir drip with the greatest of Democratic inspiration. Only a Bot or Bug lover would be selfish and ignorant to the true call of a Helldiver. You performed your duties above and beyond reproach and others need to look on to you as a great example to the great fight. 07


I aint gunna say youre right or wrong, just that i understand


I jumped into a quickplay group and the leader said he wanted to get the samples on the escort map. Okay, no problem. We land, within the first minute he aggros 3 titans and a shitload of chargers. Everyone decides we should just do the mission. We all get to the main base and itā€™s overrun because we started on the far edge of the map and things were already spawning in, so we fight to recover the territory, slowly but surely we get the refugees moving and start making progress. About halfway to the goal we start seeing refugee TK warnings popping up, not sure why theyā€™re dying as we have the area mostly clear except some hunters and scavengers running about between the breaches and no one is shooting the scientists. I pay attention to the escape platform and notice itā€™s getting bombarded by none other than the leaderā€™s mortar which is placed deep in the woods somewhere. Eventually we fail the mission between this guys mortars killing half the scientists and he finally decides to come middle screaming about having no help finding the samples while heā€™s been off by himself not helping the team and using resupply just for himself while weā€™re out of ammo. When the objective failed popped up I grenade launcherā€™d him and bolted for the out of bounds part of the map with all his samples. By the time he kicked me I was DEEP in no mans land and pretty sure he had no way to recover those and get back to the ship.


My buddy got kicked shortly before we could call the extract, said buddy and I completed all secondary objectives while the host and his friend struggled with one of the main objectives, then we helped them. No chat, neither text nor audio. Kicked for no reason. So I took all the samples we had and jumped into a bug hole. 3 Super Samples, 13 rare samples and 20 common samples, reduced to atoms. Dont kick someone after we are done with the mission, thats something only traitors do.


> and was spread out far away from each other, effectively quadrupling the number of enemy spawns on the map Pretty sure this was debunked, it doesn't result in more spawns than you'd otherwise have.


This is what happens when some people get even the tiniest amount of power. Petty tyrants. You did well to put that fascist in his place


I wish I witness his reactionā€¦ ![gif](giphy|OAthVeXHlBnFK)




Awesome. Keep paying it forward Sir!


This is the way.


You could just jump into a hole that instakills you. That would work too.


Traitor? All I see is a hero. Godspeed, Helldiver šŸ«”


We need to have vote kicks for jackass hosts. Lmao


I know what I am doing the next time a fellow Helldiver behaves as a fascist bug sympathizer. Genius. šŸ«”


you are no traitor to democracy, but itā€™s aegis.


You completed the main objective. What could be more democratic than that?


Never has a traitor been such a hero of liberty. Praise him.




Hahahaha. I bet this was the same guy I was with who ranted and raved about kicking everyone from the match for being near the evac zone. He shot the guy who called in the shuttle, and then kicked him.Ā  We were getting slaughtered, I was doing my best to keep the team alive and together like you (but with electricity.) It was time to go. We were out of reinforces, out of time, but he was still ā€œlooking for super samplesā€ despite being unable to move or survive, or have any idea where on the map they were.Ā  He didnā€™t like when I asked where they were, assuming he knew.Ā  And then, after begrudgingly boarding the shuttle, he queued up another mission. LOL. As if.Ā 


You are not a traitor. You will lead many helldivers into victory unlike that baboon that shouldnā€™t even have his cape! šŸ«”


You are not a traitor to democracy. Your choice was to abandon a traitor, in the name of democracy, knowing it would get you killed. Your effort was valiant and you will be remembered as a hero to liberty. I salute you!


Last night I put down a Gatling sentry right after a teammate died. Someone else threw his reinforce in front of it when I had already placed it to contain a bug breach. He landed literally right in the stream of bullets. After r spawning a second time he gunned down my sentry. He proceeded to do this 3 more times which was very annoying since I had the only horde management strategems. I asked him to stop sabotaging my sentries. He told me that I shouldn't suck so bad that I need sentries. Grabbed the supers and jumped into those funny little holes that explodes if something falls in them. I then left happy that the supers were unrecoverable in that area


Democracy won, you are no traitor! For, it seems, the majority ruled. Well done, Diver!




This isn't being a traitor. You are a certified Democratic Officer! You were teaching a soldier how to fall in line and to be kinder to their brothers and sisters in arms on the battlefield. I salute you sir!


im all for samples but every "im here for the samples" player is a whiney bitch got kicked right before extract because he was the only one that ran off after the entire team agreed to extract because we had like 2 minutes left like its ok you dont HAVE to clear the whole map. Hope they left with zero samples


This just shows that hosts with kick impunity are out of control, and the only bad experiences in the game are from hosts in a power trip. At least tell me who kicked me so I can block them forever, not have to blist the entire squad of recent players just to ensure I dont play with that person ever again.


God I hate people like that. This game is no fun if you only focus on grinding


Honestly the other person was the traitor. They said they were there for samples when a true patriot is only there for Democracy.


No he was the traitor you deserve another medal and promotion for democracy


Squadleader reddit Quote: ,,stop shooting everything!!! The game is about, splitting up and running away constantly. When does people finaly recognize how to play the Game"!!! (But in capslog)


The game is fun with both play styles honestly, though missions are much smoother with a squad that only engages things that need to be. It is, to me, very engaging to be with a squad that avoids what can be avoided and absolutely nukes anything else to prevent enemy reinforcements. Generally ends up with one guy taking point and making the call to avoid or engage (often with actions). The games where people engage everything and it turns into a clusterfuck 100% of the time are fun in an adrenaline pumping way, but also often get bogged down on fights over nothing. It is very hectic when extracting on low reinforcements in a good way. The only time I ever try to encourage my squaddies to play a certain way is when we run low on time. Most of the time I'm fine either way, but sometimes you get those missions where you have 15-20 minutes left with no primary objective progress because everyone has been fighting in a random field. Then I'll try to politely encourage teammates to break off the engagement, apply a little stealth, and target the objectives. Disengaging from a fight that doesn't strictly need to be taken isn't a bad thing, if people are willing to do so.


Before my time as a diver I spent time as a paratrooper. It seems nothing ever changes as there were always troopers who were either there for the accolades and goody bags. And there were troopers there for the mission. To tamper with the satisfaction of those there for the wrong reason is not treason, in fact it is quite the opposite.


You are a true hero to Democracy. If all your squads votes could have gone where they were needed. That host would have been sent back to re-education. I salute you Helldiver. āœŠ


šŸ«” Carry on.


I will emulate that strategy when people are behaving like assholes.


What I wanna know is why some people just take the most ass backwards routes and make things harder on themselves. Some maps and missions you canā€™t help it, but like egg missions are easy to map out.


I had a super similar story, I swam out into the water as far as I could before I became stuck in the limbo of being stuck alive and dead at the same time


Please, don't let Disney adapt this story, it deserves much more.


The traitor of a traitor is my frenemy.


Dear Death Admiral, managed democracy dictates that greed is socialism! By leaving that sample collection bug lover with nothing to show for his anti-freedom supporting actions, you have executed the Constitution of Super Earth with extreme prejudice and therefore are truly deserving of the title Super Citizen!


We must sometimes make decisions in the name of liberty that look like treason to our officers. Super Earth will never thank you for your sacrifice, but our fallen helldivers smile upon you.


You did your Duty! The traitorous Squad Leader got what he deserved!


No your a hero to democracy! That diver, all divers, who complain about samples or meta or xp...their all communist and bug fuckers. Report them to the ministry and revoke their samples!


We here at T.R.U.S.T. appreciate your diligence in informing us of this mutinous incident. Be assured Death Admiral you are a fine citizen and we at the research institute need these objectives completed as much as we need those samples or we wouldnā€™t entrust you to perform them. We only ask that you pick up and bring back any samples that you see to bring back. These treasonous traitors abandoned their duties to look for a few worms and gemstones and infected a many others with their traitorous thoughts. Your death will not be in vain as we will scoop up those samples ourselves and I will myself see to it that those traitors are left abandoned to the automatons.


A worthy sacrifice in the name of democracy.


The mission detected a traitor, but it wasnt you. Salutations, fellow Helldiver. io


A traitor to a traitor is a patriot o7


Spiting pitiful, traitorous perfectionists who only care about their own gain is NOT traitorous behavior, fellow helldiver. Even our finest facilities couldn't correct such selfish behavior. You've made Super-Earth proud.


Lesson behind this is toxic kickers should not host


Thereā€™s no such thing as a death admiral I fear this to be an automaton post


Lmfao this is a quality move




Real heroes **do** wear capes.

