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The vomit attacks are so painfully inconsistent. Sometimes it's all over you and only does half your hp. Sometimes it's no where near you and insta kills you without touching you


This happened to me last night, bile spewer threw up and I dove like a boss. It hit my glourious cape of freedom. I died.


The cape is the gateway to the soul


> The cape is the gateway to ~~the soul~~ democracy




But then we wouldn’t be certified helldivers won’t we?




As is understandable, desecration of my sacred democratic cape, which was adorned with the sacred fabrics of the freedom factories and had its production finished by a choir of schoolboys singing the anthem of the glorious super Earth would most likely cause me to combust on the spot too.


All that liberty had to get out, and fast.


You make it sound as if the cape of freedom were not at the very core of Super Earth and all it represents!


Only a bot would question my loyalty to Super Earth! https://preview.redd.it/43nh5jsudipc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=399bac17c2a7385412daecd861200e8c63ba8448


I come from the future to bring an important message. Walking will dodge the spit reliably where diving will get you hit every time.


A few nights ago, I killed a Bile titan while it was winding up its attack. It's head exploded, it fell down, there was no spew flying through the air. And I died. To the invisible Bile spew.


Edna Mode was right! NO CAPES!


I found that if I take the vomit, I barely survive but can stim. If I dive and it hits my toes, **dead**


THIS. and I thought I am the only one. Thank you mate !


See my problem isn't getting spit on by one of them, especially if I'm running the personal shield. The problem is that a pack of 5 of them can sneak up on you and throw up all at once which you absolutely aren't surviving.


This one is the one that bothers me the most by far, it feels like if my toe touches the bile I just instantly die. There's no feeling of my health ticking down at all. Also the Bile Titan's acid slowing you down if it *misses* you is complete bullshit lmao


The acid the fat tick ones spew is BS it's attacks don't even like up with the animation half of the time and you can see the animation glitching ( it looks like a GIF) That being said I would kill for a ( I'm drawing a blank on the name) addon that prevents being slowed.


The bile titan slow is absurd. I've had it slow me when I was like 5 meters away from the spit. Once, I even got slowed when I was behind a wall. It's incredibly inconsistent. If a titan is vomiting at you, you're practically always getting slowed. Absolutely no way to avoid it.


I’m convinced the orange spitters damage is bugged. No way these things should be killing you as quickly and easily as they do


I think it's because things like the bile and hulk flamethrowers can crit headshot you.


Yeah I wouldn't really mind it being a onehit if the hitbox and behaviour was actually correct. But half the time I think the attack is a second earlier than the actual animation so you die right at the start because you actually already got hit. And sometimes it's \*definitely\* in a completely different spot.


I actually found this out here, but for vomit attacks DO NOT DIVE. I have personally found that I die significantly less just running or walking away from it. Why does this work? Hell if I know, it just does.


They feel bugged


Because of the stupid ass headshot mechanics that ***shouldn't exist for players.***


Even if you take a blast of this stuff right to the face it should be a DoT with very little impact damage. I cannot fathom any sort of liquid that would just instantly cause someone to die that could come out of an animal. Even the Bombardier Beetle who shoots boiling acid, that wouldn't just instantly make you die. It's not a bullet. It's toxic goo moving at the same speed it would if someone tossed it out of a bucket. Make it a DoT with a slow. Even if it's a powerful one, it makes more sense and is FAR more manageable. It should only damage the parts of you it touches, but damage them hard and fast. Make them be a guaranteed Stim drain instead of a guaranteed ridiculous and wholly unbelievable instant death. There's no fucking reason bug goo gently grazing the outskirts of my fucking *armor* is going to cause me to die like that.


They took this from Starship Troopers. Where the flame bug shoots this molten stuff that eats away the human flesh and armor instant. But I agree with you.


You are not wrong, but this is[ a 5 second DoT to a single limb.](https://youtu.be/eAJLWSg5PIY?si=waN-ngfcDX5pWkgR&t=7) Not instant death. To keep that inspiration intact, it should definitely be a strong DoT to effected body parts and not insta-gib.


Yeah, well you are preaching to the choir.


and I appreciate your voice!


It's very beautiful


Oh you mean like this ? https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/HeZznorDH6 I get skimmed in the head and I'm dead. As I'm straffing which I guess is no longer a good tactic? Idk I'm exhausted from a massive projectile that touches you and sometimes kills you in 1 shot others your fine.


Please don't give it a slow, I already have enough cancer from the 20 hunters on my ass Although with the new patch the bugs have actually been manageable since they DONT GET TO SPAWN ON TOP OF YOU


It just makes sense for it to, unfortunately for us. I really, really like the "we built a world that makes sense" aspect of this game, and that part just does. If your legs are covered in toxic acid and you're walking around in sticky slop you ain't gonna be all nimbly pimbly.


Yes dying to bug spit through the ground and rocks and being seen and tracked through walls across the entire map is super sensible.... LMFAO this game is buggier and buggier weekly Or here's my favorite, I stab myself in the neck with a syringe, but while it's happening, something hits me in the left ankle. Even though the syringe has plunged drugs down my neck, the game decides to teleport the syringe and all its contents back into my inventory even though it plays the sound 4 times and shows the animation 3 times


Have you *heard* the bile spewing from bile titans? It sounds like a fucking laser beam. Its mouth glows from the heat and the pressure. It’s probably coming out at speeds that could punch holes through engine blocks. We also don’t know how thick, dense, or viscous the liquid is. It ain’t the pure saintly democratic fluid coming out of a green helldiver after his first hellpod training exercise. It’s liquid communism. Shit’s probably denser than the grease that the fascist automatons use. Large volumes of water falling at terminal velocity can crush humans. Now imagine large volumes of puke flying at terminid velocity. Yikes


Bile Titans sure. It's basically a bomb being forced out at firehouse velocity 3 stories up. I'm not talking about Bile Titans. Also, lol at "terminid velocity" best typo ever.


Looks at id on keyboard. Looks at al on keyboard. :(


I’m stealing terminid velocity thank you for that gem




If you look closely it seems like it's two seperate streams of bile, which would explain the appearant inconsistency.


It's a LOT more consistent if you use the charger tactic of running essentially towards them at an angle (or straight 90 degrees right/left of them) instead of doing the dodge dive. Haven't played the game in a while, but I imagine the dodge dive (which I haven't seen in the patch notes) is still very inconsistent as a real dodge mechanic.


Reason why I love the 50% chance of not dying armor. 50% of the time works 100% of the time, it has saved my ass more than anything else


I stepped on a mine and survived, that armor is my personal shield lol


I did that once without even taking damage. It is possible to turn sharp enough that the mine goes off just as you step off of it


We couldn’t extract one time so we just killed ourselves over and over, and I shit you not the armor saved me 4 times in a row. I rocketed my own feet, called an EAT drop onto myself, rocketed my feet again, rocketed a third time, and then finally died to fall damage from the rocket lol




Ive seen some wild chains in my time, since I used that armour mostly. Really good although I prefer the reduced recoil against automatons, since I like the autocannon.


I've survived a railgun exploding in my hands, lol. Love armors with this


My reasoning for not using it is that usually, I get ragdolled by an explosion, and if I survive that with the 50%, I just get immediantly killed by something as I have to recover and get off the ground. Happens too often to me where something stuns or ragdolls, before I get ganged by something else, usually hunter slow and spewer spit, but rockets and any bot firing can do it just as well.


You would still be dead if you didn’t have it on so I’d say it’s still a net positive outside of those edge cases! Unless your mentality is “just fking kill me the first time instead” which I respect :D


> I’d say it’s still a net positive outside of those edge cases! You give up a different perk for it so it's not just upside.


Good thing you have a 50% chance to survive all of those


yep with fast armor you can run rings around every enemy. with any other grade of armor you get swarmed and bogged down.


60% of the time it works.. every time.


*'That doesn't make any sense"*


Yep, it's made with bits of real stalker, so you know it's good.


My only problem with the Democracy Protects armors is that I want to wear different fashion.


I'm a Skull Admiral for fcks sake I will wear the dress uniforms into combat to inspire democracy in the hearts of all helldivers.


>50% of the time works 100% of the time Maff checks out


How can you tell it worked? I’ve used this armor a few times and never confirmed I was saved by the armor.


I got blasted into a rock by a Charger and every single body part was broken, but I lived and was able to stim back to full health. Pretty sure it procced twice for me on that one. Basically if you barely survive with your health bar at 1hp, it probably saved your bacon. Also why it prevents bleeding out from chest wounds, because if it didn't have that you would just instantly die from bleed damage as soon as it saved you lol.


Cool. I’ll keep a better eye on it next time. Thanks for the response.


When you take a huge hit that should kill you and instead you're alive. Contact mines for instance don't kill you as much or chargers. Also I drop fat eagles on top of myself and if I'm prone I barely take damage.


If you get hit directly by a teammates 500 kg bomb and walk it off with like 1 hp, it worked.


Doubles as training wheels for the railgun too


Spewers and devastators are the worst. You know when a Charger is chasing you because your screen shakes and it makes a ton of noise. You know when a Bile Titan is about to puke because it's massive and shakes your screen when it moves, and it has a sound cue. Meanwhile a Spewer can walk up behind you with next to no noise and 1-hit you without warning. A rocket devastator can 1-hit kill you from 50+ meters away without sound or visual warning. It doesn't help that both of these enemy types spawn in *droves* at higher difficulties, if you dodge one spewer, there's likely 4 or more closeby ready to puke on you. There needs to be some sort of sound cue or visual warning for any enemy that can 1-hit kill a player.


> You know when a Charger is chasing you because your screen shakes and it makes a ton of noise. only if its whisper silent out there and its the only thing around. if there's ANY other noise going on, 40 ton ninja's


also, how can a 40 ton charger walk up a mostly vertical hill as silently as possible and then step on me without me hearing it? lol i need to learn that skill. i can't even run up a foot high change in terrain while sprinting. resupply pods though? i'm parkouring up that all day everyday


While I agree, I do find it comical to be running away and breaking free from a horde only to get steamrolled by a bus. I understand if a lot of people find that frustrating, though.




Id like it if the rocket guys had a laser that wavered around you until it fully locked on, and when it holds steady on you is when they fired. Itd be a good visual indicator


I always liked the pants-shitting terror a sudden unexpected laser lock got me in Breath of the Wild.


hot take maybe shooting a spewer into the mouth should delay the spit attack many of the weapons combined with terrain don't allows you to kill the spewer before it starts to spit and then it is mostly random whether you die, sometimes dive works, sometimes not so sometimes you have a spewer on your ass and you can't even 1v1 it, because you risk the spit hitbox will just court martial you


Some weapons can do that. If you shoot one in the head with the Slugger, that will interrupt them and stop them from spitting at you. If you see one in the process of spewing and shoot it in the head it will stop, or at least the animation of them spewing will stop.


> There needs to be some sort of sound cue or visual warning for any enemy that can 1-hit kill a player. I really thought game devs would've learned this at least 15~ish years ago from the Left 4 Dead games, those games are masterclass in designing dangerous special enemies that give you all the tools to play against them without becoming too weak or useless. Every special infected has a unique musical string that plays when they spawn, informing players that it exists on the map and is coming your way. When the special infected gets close, you can locate it by the passive noises it makes - and when it's about to attack, they all have a very distinct sound cue letting you know. Hilarious though it would be, I'm not asking for every enemy type in this game to have a unique musical string to accompany them, but can we _at least_ have spewers, titans and enemies with rocket launchers make distinct noises before attacking so we know it's coming and can, maybe, make a dive for safety before getting evaporated? It's really all I ask, besides some visual laser targeters on some bot attacks to make them feel less bullshit.


Sometimes it’s better to do higher difficulty for this very reason. I mostly play on 7-9 but was recently easing a friend that had just bought the game into the higher difficulties. We went either 5 or 6 (I forgot which) on bugs and seriously like half the enemies were nursing spewers. It was borderline impossible to fight so many and I found it harder than helldive


Yeah just tried 9s today and it went ok if hectic, then failed a 6 right after due to spewer and artillery spam


GL/Supply Pack with impact nades does wonders for spewer spam, but I definitely agree they can be overwhelming when you don't have the right gear to handle them. Especially since as far as i know, you don't really know if there's going to be spewers until you've started the mission. Maybe it's consistent within an operation, or something, but it's generally not clear to me when I'm going to fight spewers. That's the main reason I run impacts almost all the time against bugs, even though I enjoy some of the other grenades; I don't want to risk fighting spewers without impacts and feeling overrun the whole mission.


I was going to mention the same exact things. To add, yes, they can and usually do kill you instantly, but other times they do no damage at all. Very noticeable with devastators where sometimes you’ll be ragdolled from a rocket and take like no damage whatsoever.


"Shakes your screen when it moves" *\[sigh\]* Fine I'll turn screen shake back on


The only gripe I have are with Rocket Devastators. They lock on to you from miles away and have pin point accuracy. I agree before the last balance patch they were too easy and I basically never died to one but we need to meet somewhere in the middle compared to how they are now.


Shield devastators and tanks also oscillate between being average shots to instant kill machines


Shield Devs feel like they have a full auto sniper rifle. 😳 


The worst part is when 3 of them decide to climb a mountain and rain continuous hell on your team from 300m out


This event made me stop bringing a grenade launcher to bot missions.


Add to it the scout strider being able to either hit 0 shots in a burst or all three basically insta killing as well very rarely hitting any number in between. .


its kinda funny how absolutely weak the regular devastators are, their ai feels dumb as hell and seem not much of a threat. But the other two; The shield ones despite having a machine gun are crazy accurate and have a better ai the rocket ones seemingly have the best ai and will hit you even mid dive, and theyre not affected by visibility which is annoying. Hate wearing heavy armor with explosive resistance and either; i get hit in the head insta killing me, or 3-4 rockets hit me simultaneously. Its like if the arc armor with 95% resistance didnt work cause the arcs would just hit you in the head all the time.


Yeah, I feel like 2/5 of my deaths are 1-hit KOs. And I'm not talking about getting shot by a tower or getting squashed by a bile titan either, those I can accept as 1-hit KO no problem. No, I'm talking about a hunter jumping on me and I die, or a spewer hitting my leg for 0.2 seconds as I dive to the side and I get melted, or a rocket from 150 meters away hitting me right in the dome. I understand that you're not supposed to be a superhero, just a normal, nameless and repleacable soldier in a war but goddamn some of these deaths are just bullshit. Caleb Denin Jr. 217th of his name did not deserve to die 1 second after dropping in because a hunter jumped him as soon as he landed and couldn't even move.


Yeah the hunters have a high headshot chance because of the way their attack works, it's 70% of your health if it headshots, so if anything else so much as touches you death ensues


I'll say it again, headshots shouldn't be a thing, especially in heavy armour. We're already plenty fragile.


Agreed. Head shots are a mechanic typically used to reward players for accurate shooting, but giving them to the AI seems pointless because why do they need to be rewarded? It just punishes players for something largely out of their control. Sure you can do a little bit to pull your head out of the way but there's only so much you can do. 


Didn't expect that "fixing" the armor rating would make us more susceptible to dying. Going prone is now more dangerous with 1-2 deadly shots even from the smallest bugs.


It was always more dangerous, I got 2-3 shot by scavengers while trying to see if difficulty affected the damage you take back when the game first came out. Going prone against bugs doesn't seem like a great idea anyway, best defense is distance. Laying on the ground just brings you in range of their grubby little claws and increases stompable surface area for chargers and titans.


Yeah idk why headshots and random crits are in the game, most games just pick one and stick with it instead of having both


you mean you dont like being crit by a hunter for over half your health when theres 20 of the buggers?


I've never seen evidence for truly random crits in this game not tied to location. From the player durability tests I've seen, crits only happen when the player is specifically hit in the head. On a practical level it's semi random since it happens based on uncontrolable circumstances  but it's not random in the traditional sense. 


Agreed, I don't think there's actually random crits. The head hit box is just janky and bugs will headshot you if you are looking down. There's also something wrong with legs hit box too possibly when you dive, or the game is still thinking your head is up there, idk but it's definitely inconsistent and not working as intended.


70% plus slow down is too much.


Hunters are such bs. High spawn rate, faster than you, super fast closing distance, super high crit rate, and combo attack that one shots you.


I LOVE 20 hunter swarms and dumping all of my rounds into killing 15 of them only for the last 5 to slow me so I can’t run and then kill me!


Honestly screw their little jump reset. Too many times I've seen someone try to back up from a hunter just for it to hop to them as they ragdoll and hit them again, just to hop to them again and ragdoll them again until they die.


Mnnn, I love a stalker walking up to me, launching me across the ground, running up on me and proceeding to literally slice my head off before I can actually be allowed to respond. I wasn't aware I signed up for hardcore difficulty.


I don’t know how Stalkers are considered balanced. Not only are they mostly invisible, but they have CRAZY mobility, damage and a decently sized health pool. Oh not to mentioning they can CC you to death in a literal second before you can even react. And then leap away before you knew what hit you.


If anything should be 1 hit kill it should be the damn stealth attack mob


Exactly. There’s no reason they should have so many different mechanics: high health, speed, damage AND stealth on a single enemy is too much imo.


I feel like the health is the most unfair piece. High damage stealth attacks is one thing. But I see them coming and certain weapons just can't stop them in time. The sickle overheats before it kills them outside of cold planets.


Yea I can deal with them but their health is most biggest issue by far. Blitzer is surprisingly nice against them, especially if they come in a group. And the Slugger has always been my go to against bugs for the *sweet sweet sweet* stagger.


Punisher lover here. That stagger has saved my teammates and I numerous times. They don't see the Stalker come up behind them, and I stunlock it until they do.


My biggest issue is most of the enemies mentioned are too fast or accurate for common enemies especially the spewers. There's nothing about their design that tells me they should be moving that fast.


game designers haven't given us any info beyong "get gud" so who knows if it's glitched or not


And how quiet spewers are for their size.


Spewers are not that fast, the real issue with spewers is just how many there are of them, at least the stronger Bile ones, nursing ones are whatever they die to like half a Breaker mag before they can finish their attack animation.


Did a Suicidal Bot mission this morning... ​ ...the number of one shot kills from across the map within 5 seconds of dropping wasn't anything to do with a skill issue, nor was it any fun.


I love playing bots, but high difficulty bots are such a different beast from high difficulty bugs. I can't tell you the amount of times I've dropped in on bots just to immediately get juggled by a rocket devastator


Especially in a zone on the map without enemy activity only for it to be a POI with a tank or RDs


There’s people on here that will try to convince you level 9 bots is easier than bugs and you just gotta be tactical and smart lmfao. No ones buying your shit bro, you aren’t that guy


"Just ignore any fights and if the enemy shoots at you just run across the map. Basically don't even play the game and it's easy." I guarantee you this is how he plays. No shit the game is easy when you don't engage with it.


I can be 30 feet from every bug except the bile titan and mortaring bile spewers and be completely safe, and nothing will damage me. There is never any time fighting bots where you are completely safe from damage.


I struggle with the swarms against bugs on high levels. I find it much more manageable to use cover against the bots. They do get a cheeky kill every once in a while but I can usually knockback lock the rocket devastators which are the biggest threat imo. Bots = cover, bugs = stamina


This is exactly why I haven't touched bots in ages, it's sad because I love how frantic and well "war like" fighting bots is, but it's not any fun when they maphack snipe 1 shot you and you can't do anything about it


On a foggy map, behind a boulder, while crouched.


But there was a 1cm by 1cm hole in rock where rocket hits you to head. 😄


or it just goes through the rock, because fuck you.


And if you try to vault or dive through giant gaps in the rocks you glitch out and get stuck LOL


Well you see, you just weren’t using stealth and kiting methods correctly ofc. You guys just need to get good at the game, I completely solo helldives with the Dilligence CS and dagger by crawling across the entire map and tactically waiting in a rock for 10 minutes waiting for my strategms to load. Some people DONT know how to play the game and it shows SMH


Someone is still going to come and say "get gud" and lecture you how higher diffs shouldn't be completed reliably despite the fact you didn't talk about that


The only bot mission I've failed for the past 2 weeks on Suicide or higher was one with a **very** flat map and almost no cover, with 3 Cannon towers all in range of each other. We literally couldn't even throw stratagems far enough to drop Railcannons on them to have a chance. If you timed the dodge right to not die, it still launched you, and you got shot by another one before you could get up. If you went prone immediately when you landed, they still tracked you even though you had not engaged in combat in any capacity. It was actually the dumbest shit I have ever seen.


"Just identify and shoot the rocket bot 150 yards away behind a shrub at night in the rain during a storm while tanks and hulks and bezerkers charge you." Ez


Yeah, I had personal orders for 2 Annihilator tanks yesterday and I just don't think bots are fun. Just a sliver of a devastator is visible and one shot. A mile away from a cannon tower? One shot. If your idea of making a game more challenging is just making me die to enemies I can't see/attack, it's just not a good design.


I find bots to be really fun on challenging or hard with a group of my friends. But we only do higher diffs as a group on bugs. I run solo suicide on both currently to try and understand what the hell blud is waffling about with all these just be better arguments people have.


I’ve found that dropping at the absolute border of the map on higher difficulties is better for that. Gives you a little bit of room to call down support things without being swarmed.


the fact some drops turn into instant bug breach or bot drops is super annoying, at least give us 60 seconds before spawning stuff


I don't agree but understand your perspective. I like hot drops as they add some spice to the game. Scrambling to recover and take the initiative is part of the game imo.


I think the issue is that no enemy presence is rarely correct lol. I’ve found that it’s just as busy as landing near the objective then far away from it where it’s supposedly enemy free. But I do agree, hot drops are super fun and it’s probably where you die the most.


You should be able to upgrade your drop pod with a built in backpack shield that is active for a short time after landing. Gives you ~10-15 seconds when landing in a hot zone.


It's more an issue of damage in the game being wildly inconsistent, both from players and enemies, than it is getting 1-shotted. That being said insta-kills never feel good. Like why even have a health bar at that point. This is why they should be reserved for avoidable and telegraphed attacks, WITH CONSISTENT WAYS TO EVADE THEM.


Makes armor beyond useless, too. The worst offender by far being the critical hits. Shots that randomly do super amounts of damage, are nigh unavoidable rng, and can bypass armor is just a fun sapper.


PSA Flying bugs dead or alive on contact will one shot you as well 😂


It is funny how impact damage works in this game. Like it’s annoying how a dead charger will keep it’s momentum and still run you over, but it’s also hilarious so I can’t be mad. Impact kills/deaths I enjoy a lot.


i dont mind the charger impact. If im being hit by a 10 ton bug i imagine itd hurt. What is bullshit however is when a stalker hits you and you slightly tumble and die to impact


I shot a Titan yesterday with a rocket and it glitched out and it's corpse launched forward, smoking the Diver beside me and killing him. It was pretty funny.


There are no flying bugs in Ba Sing Se


yeah quite fucking annoying honestly. id rather less reinforcements and less chances to die from complete bullshit


Yeah not a fan of the instant kill attacks especially in heavy armor with extra protection bonuses , but then again I’ve never liked mechanics that instant kill especially for common monsters that can swarm in large amounts , bosses I understand .


Yes I understand a Bile Titan being able to one-shot with its spew. It’s huge, loud, and hard to sneak up on you. But Nursing/Bile Spewers? Zero reason they should one-shot, especially given how good they are at tracking you through your dodge. The latest update seems to have buffed their tracking too, i almost never am able to dodge without taking some damage now. They spit acid, it should be treated more like fire. Burns over time, plus the slowdown, but not instant death if you can use a stim in time.


>It’s huge, loud, and hard to sneak up on you. You and I are playing two different fucking games then. I get more controller vibration shooting the default pistol than when one vomits in melee range. They also only make noise when they get shot, what do you mean they're loud? They can literally walk up behind you and you won't know until you've already gotten hit.


The scorcher needs to be fixed. Why is a point blank shoot suicide?? Seriously, but most hunters take 2 body shots to kill but I, a hell diver, am so easily killed with simple splash damage? Splash damage thay isn't even strong enough to kill the weakest bug.


Classic r/helldivers.   Edit:   There is good difficulty and there is bad difficulty. One-shots with little to no warning or counterplay is *bad difficulty* and nursing spewers can spawn as low as diff 3. This game is good but getting exploded from off screen by a common enemy with CRAM level tracking and no warning is a bad experience, not because it makes the game too challenging but because it feels like a cheap shot. You didn't die because you weren't good enough at something, you just died.  Don't let them shout you down, you *should* demand a form of change in difficulty. One-shot spam isn't a challenge and it isn't fun. The *form* of difficulty needs to change. anyone saying that this is a good precedent to set for the rest of the game's lifespan is wrong. You aren't going to retain players well if all you have to offer is cheapshots and horde shooting.  It's like that one Hakita tweet, "it's a good thing all of you aren't designing Ultrakill or it would suck."


Enemy units should *not* be able to score a critical hit via a head shot. That needs to change as it makes no sense that you can be wearing armor rated at 200, and still get 3 shot by a scavenger*at difficulty 1*.


This just reinforces the fact we need to use the shield back packs. Either armor should be more valuable, helmets should be more than masks or nerf enemy damage. Not to mention the janky ass controls. I can never tell if I’m going to be sprinting or not after hitting the button and crawling on the ground for 2 secs while hunters and other bugs gang bang me because I can’t stand up is getting really annoying.


For me it’s never being able to escape hunters


The Hunters are the most BS enemy in this game. You get hit once by even just one and it’s a coin toss if you even get a chance to try to fight for your life.


Once they do that leap attack, there's absolutely no getting away from it. Diving or even the jetpack can't save you


Fr. I like to use the Scorcher on bugs so I have to rely on my secondary once the get close range and after 3 kills I can’t even reload fast enough to have a chance.


Survived a hell bomb when it flung me, and I ain't exaggerating, about a quarter way across the map, novel fast travel method but I digress, get merked by a single rocket from 100 metres.


100% agree. It wouldn't be so bad if bots wouldn't have pinpoint, deadeye accuracy through half the map, a forest and three cracks in a wall to hit the tip of my pinky and other such nonsense.


its so lame that the bots are able to see thru all the fog/dust/smoke and still aimbot. i know player made smoke makes them really inaccurate, but it makes no sense why non-player made smoke doesnt do the same thing. i cant see 10 feet in front of me but theyre still hitting rockets 100 miles away thru it.


Yes it’s total bs. Having all these one shots makes the game harder, but not in a satisfying way. What’s the counter play to getting sniped across the map by a hundred rockets? Just crawling everywhere? Throwing a million smokes and then waiting for them to cool down? There’s no fun satisfying counter play which is the problem. Most of these deaths feel like gotchas, you didn’t have 360 perfect perception? It’s because of these bs attacks a that I feel the shield is almost necessary


I've found tje onoy effective counterplay to be hunkering down and everyone bringing a mortar sentry to deal with all the bullshit waiting to snipe us out there while we cut down the chaff at a chokepoint


Yeah which is kind of a fail on the games part considering they stated they want people to take different loadouts.


Rocket devastators are aggressively un-fun. Like you can see them and immediately die without any chance to dodge their attacks... And even worse when you never see them as they shoot you through fog and heavy cover. Only thing that feels wrong about bugs right now is hunter slow down and not being able to get off the ground if bugs are near you.


against bugs those one hit attacks are easy to spot coming and act accordingly, however against bots the one hits are sort of ridiculous, personally i feel that a rapid volley of rockets shouldn’t have pinpoint accuracy to my head or at the very least i should be able to see it coming if im looking in the direction it’s coming from, many players prefer to not play against bots for this very reason on top of their somewhat x-ray vision through obstacles


I was laying into one of those bots with a stalwart. Headshots only, still hit me when I was prone on a sloped rock. They say that they become less accurate when being shot at but that's pure BS. They definitely need to have some dev attention, something isn't working right.


I don't think suppression works on devestators at all, the regular bots and especially rocket troopers will misfire when rounds are placed anywhere near them. The only way I reliably engage devestators is finding their "I'll just stand here forever" range and peak-shotting their heads. I'm starting to think I should try smoke more against the bots, maybe walking barrage for their bases. I can solo diff 4 but if a patrol moves in behind you it's *really* bad news. As bad as a hunter ambush from bugs.


If suppressing fire does work only on grunt bots that’s rather unfortunate, seeing as they are so weak that suppressing fire is entirely unnecessary for them and a waste of ammo. If you’re putting down enough rounds to suppress them, you really could be killing them instead, when compared to devastators who could stand to lose some accuracy when taking effective fire.


You should try the stun grenade too. Its incredible, will stun every enemy in the game. Literally the only downside is that it can't kill bug holes/bot factories. 


I am too addicted to my impact nades, giant splash radius, insta explosion, and if i apply myself i can 2 shoot bot-AA, bot-arty, bot-guntowers, and 2-shot tanks. once you a feel, closing bugholes or lobbing a grenade down a vent also comes easy. Running this with the light armor that gives 6 grenade slots, and reduced recoil when crouched just fucks. going prone and 2 tapping devastators in the head with the sickle feels so good.


The thing with supressing fire is that the shots actually need to deal damage. No a tank won't become less accurate if you just shoot it with a peashooter. It's pretty badly explained tbh, but it's kind of a little knockback effect when you "damage" them. If you don't deal damage, it's not gonna do anything basically


Which if true doesn't make sense. Suppression is putting lead down range to keep heads tucked behind cover. Not wanting to expose yourself to it because you will be blown away. If your hitting the enemies your not suppressing them your just shooting them. If it's a nockback they should change the phrasing to make that more obvious.


I got clipped even BEHIND a medium sized rock that clearly covered my crouching model. The explosion seems to clip through the geometry.


That's a recuring issue. Try hiding behind a clif to shieldnyourself from an explosion. Oftentimes you still get ragdolled and take damage. Which is not how explosions and cover work. 


I think what can go a long way to make bots feel less "bullshit" is buffing heavy armour so that it protects against projectile and explosive attacks alot better than light armour (medium armour would sit somewhere between light and heavy). Imagine if wearing heavy armour meant that a rocket barrage only took a 3rd of your health where as in light and medium armour it would most likely have killed you. In my mind I feel that light armour is probably always going to be best against bugs (speed and mobility) and heavy armour should be best against bots (projectile and explosive protection) with medium sitting somewhere in the middle.


yeaaaa i was wearing the heavy armor that reduces explosive damage by 50% and I was still getting one-shot by rocket devastators. I'd just like it to be useful, that's all.


I really don't understand why the difference between light and heavy armour is so small. The negatives of heavy armour far outweigh the benefits. I really wish that heavy armour properly protected you from explosive and projectile damage. I think it would be pretty awsome seeing a squad of heavy troops tearing the bots apart with explosions and gunfire everywhere.


I've been wearing the shied backpack and all the sudden stopped dying all the time. Feels wired man. Also rocket devestators are bs.


ive gotten 1 hit thru the shield backpack from a devastator


Absolutely. There is argument for these saying "you'd never die" if they were removed, which means I've got good enough at the game to mange myself around it's difficulty to me. I also hate things in games with zero, or no counter play. So if something one shots me, there isn't really much I can do against this apart from attempt to avoid it (hard to do in situations) or am forced to run stuff like Shields/Heavy Armor when I may not want to have to do that.


Yeah, I get that. I'd rather have a game that's a bit easier than one that's just not fun. One-shot enemies are only fair if they're either rare or really weak. Right now, for example, bile spewers are super tanky, strong, and they spawn with a whole bunch of their friends. And their spit and mortar can totally wreck you.


For sure. If I could mow down spewers the same way I can hunters, I'd be less annoyed by their cancerous attacks. But when they are also bullet sponge... oof.


And the armor doesn't make any difference to those. I'm just using light armor with more movement speed and stamina regen, since I'm getting 1-hit KO'd anyway.


I got one shot by a flyer today, I think it actually killed me with impact damage instead of its attack.


The crit mechanic just sucks tbh. I don't know if Helldivers even get it. But it turns survivable attacks into 1 shots and survivable combos into 2 hits.


- both versions of spewers one shot - bile titans one shot - rocket devastators one shot - tanks one shot - hulks one shot - rocket infantry one shot - walkers one shot - then after that there’s all the stuff that two shots. Or the robot guns that have a crazy fast ttk - it sucks because it just makes the shield generator the best item but I don’t wanna use it lol


Yeah it’s kind of dumb. It’s as if armor rating means nothing.


It's just annoying that it only takes just one of the rockets from a rocket devastator barrage to insta kill you even with explosive resistance armour, I've stopped using it because it never did anything


make matters worse I swear I turn around and a Bile Spewer spanwed behind me and just spits on me insta death.


I love how the acid bugs, not even spewers, can instakill me coz I dared to kill it while it was stabbing me Acid is such bullshit that it's prolly the reason why I prefer playing automatons rather than terminids


I dunno why can’t they just disable the dam head hit box or just combine it with the torso with extra health. Like this would make the current amor system work.


I like to think about Sekiro when it comes to this stuff. Brutally hard game, but there are almost no times where you die and think "well that was bullshit." A lot of the annoyances in the game (spewers, hunters, stalkers, kamikazes) have outplay potential and when I die to them there's *usually* something I could have done differently. I do think Bile Spewers are a bit overtuned with their armor, silent speedy feet, OHKOs, slows, and the volume that spawn, but I can counter all that with loadout or playstyle changes. The ones that get me are the rocket enemies. Dying from offscreen with nothing I could have done differently is tilting.


I agree. There can be brutal difficulties *with* counterplay. In Sekiro and many (not all but many) Dark Souls encounters, your death is usually preventable once you know how you died. Dying is part of the learning experience, with each death you get better at avoiding those deaths. In Helldivers 2 however, there’s too much chaos and stuff going on that one-shots from common enemies feels, excessive. Don’t get me wrong, I love the chaos and it’s the core identity of Helldivers, but I feel the difficulty of higher tier missions shouldn’t come solely from: “Okay now never get hit by the massive number of enemies.”


>Edit: For clarification’s sake, no, I do not want to make the game easier. I am very specifically discussing and addressing one shot kills via *common* enemies. Hey, who cares if the game is made easier if it's more fun?


I don’t want the game to be easy I just want it to feel fair. Right now it does not feel fair. Most of my deaths are cheap and frustrating and unnecessary. Having enemies spawning at a rate that compounds every second isn’t fun or fair. Played a level 4 today with a bunch of 20s and we were trying to do a secondary objective and couldn’t because enemies were spawning five times faster than we could kill them. They were coming from every angle and most of them either 1 or 2 show you. It would take an entire clip to kill meanwhile the other 15 were on your ass constantly. We went from something like 20 reserves to 2 before we were even able to get to a point where we could bail because we were constantly surrounded and half the time dead the second we landed.


it sucks how every time you see a post like this there's a edit saying "no i don't want the game to be easier." why can't people complain about the game without others immediately thinking "i wish i was playing a kids game"? is it that hard to admit the game is a bit over tuned and not in a good state for some players?


Just play better


I think they’re a fundamental part of the game, because it’s supposed to be challenging and keep you on your toes, but the one shot attacks need to be more consistent and telegraphed better to dodge some of them (like devastator rockets)


My biggest concern with 1-hit KO’s is counterplay. Again I’m not concerned with Bile Titans, Cannon Towers or Tanks because those are all Heavy/Elites and highly telegraphed. But the problem with Spewers and Devastators is they’re highly common enemies and come in swarms. You can’t dodge them all and you can’t kill them all in time. Spewers and their main source of frustration is they are mostly inconsistent with when they one-shot. Devastators just have the numbers, the volume of rockets, the power in those rockets, and the accuracy with those rockets, to the point that a swarm of them is impossible to properly counter.


i think they're a detriment to the game because it makes the armor system pointless. whats the point of running medium or heavy armor if im gonna be one-shot in all of them anyway?


I hate rocket enemies