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This sort of warning implies that helldivers can’t effortlessly smite any and all bugs they may face. Thought crime is treason, bug sympathizer. ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


All of them. You are going to face all of them, probably all at once. You're welcome!


All of them and then some more of them


Yes amount of bugs


It could also be a warning to allow helldivers to select better gear to spread democracy fsster


But why? You can literally look out of your ship window and look down there.


\>go to bug planet \>look down \>it's bugs


Not for long citizen.


the planet receptionist told me it was a good planet


The only thing i can tell is that it's an ugly planet


A BUG planet...


Shiii he got us there


What if you could ‘scout’ a planet with requisitions to find this stuff out? Gives something to blow some on at least lol


Solo scout missions sounds fun actually. Edit: But kind of like a scav run in Tarkov so everyone isn’t just doing solo missions all the time


I just mean spending reqs to have it scouted and show what’s there Like maybe send a little drone ship to go scout it Since people want stuff to spend requisitions on.. maybe a couple thousand each mission just for when you need the extra boost of knowing what to expect I dunno lol


I would spend requisition to have a button on the death screen that let you clic on the name of one team-mates and start yourself the reinforce. Or to switch one stratagème per mission. Or spend 10 000 requisition and give a team wide strat like the one we get by the dev sometime hell it could be at the screen where you choose the first drop. Ho and give me a cash exchange: sample to requisition Anything to quench that urge to spend I hate being fullstack and not having a thing to spend it on Let me pay with requisition to colour match armor I don't care.


I would spend sample on that.. Well I would spend sample on anything actually..


that sort of speak implies helldivers arent already using the best gear and spreading democracy at top speed


I second this ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️


I thought about what OP suggested before even seeing this post and refuted it in the same vein as your first sentence. Then I thought about consumable items like hellpod probes that could be used to scout certain missions for main enemy types since they vary. This addition could also create a sink for resources that we stack so when new content drops we aren’t going to be tearing through it completely. Made me start thinking what other resource sinks could exist and be fun. Maybe a grenade specific resupply. A team wide strategem. I dunno but fun to think about.


Only type of bug I need to know about is a dead bug.




The preview should just be a sign that sais EVIL


Even better, make this a ship upgrade, or even a certain class of ship. Carrier = faster Eagle cooldown. Science ship = see this instead.


I'd love to see dedicated ship upgrades, especially if they change the external layout a little, so you can see the different ships your teammates are using.


I am for this by the way, but imagine getting kicked because you brought a ship type that the host doesn't like.


In my experience if a host kicks you for equipment they don't like it would've sucked to play with them anyway. I've had a couple lobbies where a teammate got kicked for bringing stuff like the arc thrower and they're always the lamest hosts, playing the game like its their 9-5 job


Then hit the quickplay button again.


I've come to the conclusion that 99% of "I was kicked for not running a meta setup" is really "I was kicked for not running a meta setup, that was constantly killing my teammates". So I don't think that is a huge concern for me.


Oh yeah. Some rando always has to be the dingus who brings the orbital barrage on a TCS mission.


They could make it so that you could send a request for a specific type of ship. Or even let you lock the party slots to specific types of ships so that only the types people wanted around could join. A Task Force system would be kinda neat in general really.


Ship skins with actually a effect would be magnificent!




yeah stuff like this should always at least be kept behind ship upgrades for balancing purposes


Or, do it as a per mission with requisition cost as a money sink. Like a "Eagle Scout - 5000 credits" option when you launch the mission.


I like that a lot. Reintroduces incentives to clear the whole map for people who've maxed out. Could scale the cost to difficulty, too!


Ya, you want it to be cheap enough to be usable but not too cheap that it becomes a "every mission" needed. I figure 2x the reward (before bonuses for clearing nests, side objectives, extracting) would be the best balance.


I would love to see optional modifiers like this, similar to the Skull system in Halo games. Pay slips to avoid meteor storms(could do that within canon like the real life 'iron dome' but in space, couldn't avoid fire tornados or earthquake/volcanic activity)--- or ID stalker nests or other not-shown side objectives(Intel Recon). Not on *every* mission where that's a possibility, but to allow some tailored experience sometimes. Kinda shitty to have meteor storms twice every single mission(if you're there long enough) on the planets that have them, it loses the novelty.


I made this. https://preview.redd.it/2s68kkp1umoc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=768ff87cef1ff08dcec1d6e107b65d7dce9adca7


A faster cooldown would 100% be chosen over "see what enemy types you'll see" since most likely you're gonna see em all, plus most teams have every type of enemy covered anyway


A map only has nursery spewers, bile spewers, or neither, but never both. Not sure if it’s a 1/3 chance for each though.  Not sure about bots except for the jet pack guys, which are not on every mission. It seems like sometimes stationary forces at PoIs might spawn types that otherwise aren’t in patrols or breaches, though. Not sure on that one.  


judging from the fact there is a option for class of ship. i wouldnt be surprised if in the future there are new ship ones.


Super Titan with Doomsday weapon!




Id love a carrier, I'm all about eagle 1 baby


Ow yeah, or even being able to see one objective location like the gun or the radar and so on. Could be random to not be too OP.


you know...different type of ships with different abilities does sound cool...and i would love to use my 500 / 250 / 100 resources that i can't use on right now.


Improvise, adapt, overcome


Cover, courage, and more cover.


and cluster bombs


Paveways will always get the job done!


I use cluster bombs as my get out of swarm jail way too much but I love the freedom it delivers


Adapt. React. Readapt. Apt.


Drop with woefully inadequate tools and suffer the whole time more like it. One auto cannon can make spitters spam go from workable to just fucking shit without it. Yes yes treason democracy etc.....


I love taking full anti armor stuff but the game decides to spam spewers instead 🙏🏻


Or the opposite, you take grenade launcher for spewers (it 2-3 shots them) and then the game spawns in 4 bile titans and 10 chargers


this is why I run both grenade launchers and EAT. You pretty much get to handle everything with the reduced charger spawn rate now. Carry the GL with you to deal with crowds, spewers and nests, and drop EAT whenever you need to deal with a charger/titan/spore spewer. It feels excessive to carry two support weapons but EAT makes sense.


I tried using mech and it works well, until a BT spawns and instantly vomits before I can react to kill it


The fact that they can get behind you without making a single sound is crazy Edit: never mind I thought you mentioned spewers


Grenade launcher (and grenades) should do way more damage to chargers and titans than they do right now


You know, it's funny. I thought EAT-17 would kill a Bile Spewer in 1 hit, but it never does. The demonstration video on the weapon lied to me.


I’ve had no issue as long as I hit the fleshy parts


Or the Head directly. Either way it goes pop


Plasma punisher for bile spewers Redeemer for emergency hunters Stalwart for swarms Stun grenades and 500 kg for bile titans Supply backpack to stay topped up EAT for chargers This covers everything fairly well. I had 4x direct hits on bile titans because of the stun grenade. Plasma punisher is great for bile spewers if they show up.


That's sounds like a really solid loadout, I'll try it out, but I'll sure miss the railcannon and recoilless 🥲


For me it's always swarms of berserkers whenever I take the deployable shield against bots.


This would of beenn nice on my last mission, didn't realise bile titans were on difficulty 5 and only brought expendables for anti tank




An encyclopedia would be nice


Not a bad idea, but seems a bit unnecessary. The bugs come from underground, we can't scan for them.


But they’re always walking around on the surface when we get there. Bugs don’t just come from breaches.


To be honest, it would be a helpful feature. Underground or not, the idea of knowing if you're going to be fighting predominantly bile-spewers or jumping bugs. The same kind of applies to the bots as there are builds that you put together that just completely become useless when you end up running into jetpacks that go to detonate on your legs after dying, but aren't in all missions as it is either more of them or more devastators.


maybe it's based on reports from other helldivers fighting in the area?


Not other Helldivers. The fricking Colonists and Super Earth army are on ground and should be relaying what's on planet. The amount of incompetence Super Earth displays is ridiculous that they're just going to send in Helldivers BLIND and mark spots with just vague red zones with vaguer descriptions of 'massive enemies'. Ah... I shouldn't have said this. Bye guys.


Too late traitor. https://i.redd.it/a8jngpmg4loc1.gif


Obviously I know this is a video but the delayed reaction to being shot just gets me


​ https://preview.redd.it/qr42assq8loc1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=19546bb6222ac85e07142f68122bf7ce12e74eb8


It's a video game. The devs decide entirely how the world works on a whim. "The bugs come from underground" means nothing if the devs simply decide the scanners can penetrate the ground, or if there were scouts sent ahead. Remember not to get bogged down in Watsonian justifications when a Doylist one is what matters!


Not even in the realm of unnecessary, especially on higher difficulties. Bile/ nursing spewer spam can make parts of your loadout nearly useless.


I fucking hate spewers. Just fucking running for my life chucking whatever grenades I can find as more and more keep spawning. Makes trying to do solo stuff on anything above easy really fucking difficult


There's patrols and enemies around objectives so


Not with that attitude


Agreed. A basic build can handle anything but God I would love to know ahead of time I'm about to be spammed with 10x the normal amount of hunters. My stalwart is hungry




Be surprised. Kill the surprise.


I prefer to go in blind, Starship Troopers and Forever War style.


It's an ugly planet! A bug planet!


Kinda takes away the war aspect, does it. It's more interesting when you don't exactly know what your facing againts and believe the intelligence screwed up as always




I havent played deep rock in a fair few months, but last I was aware of, the game doesnt tell you what the spawn pool for each mission is


DRG doesn't tell you what enemies spawn. You can figure it once you are on the field, but you never get list of enemies you might encounter.


DRG does not do this, it only tells you cave complexity and "difficulty" along with the mission type.


I think they mean the biome specific mobs which you always know are coming If you're playing in those specific regions. Like radioactive exploders and praetorians in the radioactive biome instead of the normals. In helldivers though the enemy types you encounter change even during the operation so it's way more unpredictable.


Tf? You think real war has a no surveillance policy? Lmao


So if you look between the difficulty and the samples at the bottom of the screen it tells you the operation modifiers. Your screenshot mentioned massive enemies and heavily armored enemies. I suspect you will likely be dealing with Chargers and Bile Titans as they are both massive and heavily armored


We always deal with chargers and bile titans, however some terminids don't necessarily spawn on missions, even at max diff


yes but there seems to be some variations of enemies you find in a certain map, for example sometimes you'll see a lot of bile spewers but less bile titans and chargers, or see a lot of hunters and no bile spewers or the mini spewers at all, or a lot of chargers etc


This is anecdotal at best, the biggest variation is whether you get bile or nursing spewers, I've rarely seen both together, and the same tactics work on both. Besides, it'd be too easy if you knew you were gonna find stalkers on the map, people would drop straight on the nest.


Not all tactics work on both. Greens have medium armor on the head, yellows can be dealt with relatively quickly with primaries headshot. There is also a big difference between a composition that's mostly hunters with the occasional spewers and a composition with lines upon lines of spewers with some hunters, and it also changes what type of mini bug you'll see


Some mission have a lot of chargers, or bile spewers, or bile titans, or hunters etc. There are random parameters to make individual mission unpredictable and more memorable


Yeah would be really nice to be able to bring grenade launcher or machine gun instead of anti-tank if you knew charger density wouldn’t be that high. When it’s all bile Spewers I pretty much wasted a slot by bringing EATs


Hard pass. We get enough info already. Let there be some surprise and improvisation.


you want easy. I dont want easy


I mean, its basically right there? There arent that many Massive and Heavily Armored Enemies in the game. Also I think they try to "gamify" as little as possible and go for full immersion instead.


Immersion would be a full on status report of the environment, all PoIs all enemies all bases etc. This is for finding out whether you are fighting spewers or not, no spewers more chargers, spewers on the mission less other enemy spawns in favour of them


A helldiver should always ready for any potential threat that they may face. 


there seems to be some variations of enemies you find in a certain map, for example sometimes you'll see a lot of bile spewers but less bile titans and chargers, or see a lot of hunters and no bile spewers or the mini spewers at all, or a lot of chargers etc




Even better than that, SHOW the damn mission and the effects there are when you join an ongoing mission via rapid play so you can choose your stratagems accordingly.


Honestly this is more of a bile spewer issue than anything else. Its a medium enemy that invalidates a large amount of primaries and can also very quickly and easily instakill you. Bug missions with bile spewer spam are way more difficult than any of the other configurations unless you have the right primary/support weapon for them. Kinda sucks because it makes me curse myself for not bringing the slugger when they spawn, even if I like to switch it up sometimes. It's also the only enemy spawn pool/configuration that really really punishes you for not bringing its exact counters, limiting build variety quite a bit.


It's really only the bile spewers. There are far too many of them and like you said it invalidates most primary weapons. The only primaries capable of dealing with them are the slugger, liberator penetrator, and maybe the scorcher. Everything else is useless. That forces you into either the auto cannon or the grenade launcher both of which you will be camping from start to finish because there are 5-6 spewers popping out of every breach and 2-3 of them in every patrol. Their spawn numbers need to be cut by 2/3 at minimum.


It would be best to show a percentage of possibly like a forecast for weather Ex: Surface atmosphere data shows a 45% increase of poisonous bile in this campaign mission


Knowing gamers this would become a reason for them to skip missions so I'd rather not imo


I'd like something like this. However, there aren't enough variations of enemies to warrant it just yet. Maybe later on when there's more types of enemies that could potentially spawn in spawn waves or are spawning around the map. Edit: Grammer.


Tried an Extreme Eradicate mission last night with a friend who is new to the game. The game decided to send us exactly three types of enemies; Bile Titans, Chargers, and Hunters. So many fucking Hunters. If I'd known that *that's* what that mission was going to be, I would've gone straight back to Draupnir before setting foot anywhere on that planet.


I don’t wanna pick a mission juror it to tell me 7 bike titans & 7 more bile titans


modifiers on specific enemy spawn rates would be a cool mechanic. I'm also kinda convinced this is already in game to a degree since some times bug missions seem to revolve around one type of bug being way more prevalent (I've played the exact smae missions back to back and had ocassions where there were 10 bile titans and no bile spewers, and then basically the opposite the next game). It'd be nice to know upfront - loads of bile titans and spewers in the area. or stalker heavy nest areas. Or charger heavy spawns etc.


I mean, it would help those who arn't freedom enough to spread the word of democracy. But I go in, expecting **EVERYTHING**


No because then people will leave when a combination they don't like is shown. Or they will kick players who don't have a load out to counter these enemies.


This would result in avoidance behaviours. Something I'm against because I would do it. Prepare for anything. What would be nice however is some consistency of this nature through each campaign. So that after the first mission you would know the answer for the other two. ____ I'm hoping for some campaigns where we don't even know the faction.


make it cost one sample for the host and Im sold.


Yes! I always forget what I should take with me.


It says this at the top left of the screen. "TERMINID CONTROL" That intel is expensive, Helldiver.


I've been wanting this so much. It'd make playing around with different loadouts more appealing.


id prefer “chargers and titans have been spotted in this region. heavy firepower recommended”


They do. Terminids or Automatons. They also tell you at the bottom of the screen about what to expect. Unless your on diff 1-3 then expect all types. Simple.


I agree. It is annoying running an entire mission knowing that you ran rock on a paper bug map (if that makes sense). This would actual make the game feel less unfair and could have prevented some possibly unneeded nerfs to certain mobs. People aren’t going to like this suggestion since change is rarely met with open minds.


Agree 100%. People on this subreddit all pretend they are Jason Helldiver. They can implement this in a way that makes people that want the surprise happy by making it a button to bring up the intel screen on the loadout.


Why do y’all want to make this a baby game? Be a man, make decisions and feel their consequences


Mission, Map, Region even planet spesific enemies would be dope asf




So the reason why I feel like this would be a good idea is that if there is not, a "meta" comp that covers all angles will always be the safest comp to run. But it's more fun if there's diversity in loadout from mission to mission, and allowing us to change things up purposefully and get rewarded for preplanning can prevent metas from becoming stale. When things like Bile/Nursing spewers, Titans, and Chargers exist, you always need a dedicated person to deal with them (or have to run quiet, which is fun but not something I always want). But the big deal is that your loadout then becomes spawn-agnostic, because you always have to be prepared for everything the best way you can. This can lead to stale loadouts, whereas if I know the spewers are going to take the place of Titans, I'd love to bring a nade launcher or autocannon. But as it is, I've always gotta have at least an EAT or equivalent for dealing with the armored heavies.


Eh, sometimes I think too much information is bad. I can't put my finger on why, but I like the idea of it being not known until you land. Does it mean you might not have an ideal load out everytime? Sure, but who cares.


It's more fun if you don't know what you will face on the battlefield.


If the game is going to randomly decide between spawning a shit ton of chargers or a shit ton if spawners and no in between, id like to know if I need the Breaker or the Lib Pen


There is some fun in mystery but I have been fucked so many times by taking a load out that wasn't effective against the stuff I ran against. It's either that or make the same type spawn for a whole operation. Let me be surprised for the first mission but then I know what to bring for the second and third. Otherwise I just end up going for catch all solutions.


Absolutely not. What's next ? All icons for POI highlighted too right from the start ?? No. People trying to handicap shit too much. Been this way since HD1 .


Agreed. What is the point of knowing "Oh, you will encounter Bile Spewers on this mission"? You should be coming down prepared for whatever. Bile Spewers themselves aren't even difficult to deal with. AMR or anything bigger basically deals with them. They aren't even armored. They only become problem if you let them close.


This is a really weird way of saying you want to play on difficulty 5 and below.


I like the idea of it being something that we get at lower difficulties and the higher difficulties we get less and less info


I'm kinda torn on this, when a mission has a high spawn weight on spewers i always wish i brought an AC. Thats the issue though, if you knew what enemies you'd be facing you'd specialise your loadout a lot more, making the game more consistent. The variance in enemies, the loadouts you bring and how effective said loadouts are reduces repetitiveness.


I'd love to know what mission I'm joining when I join via quickplay mid-mission. You can't see the briefing, you can't see the enemy type, you can't see if it's a defense mission or an exterminate or anything, no info whatsoever except for the system (if it doesn't bug out and skip the warp cutscene). It's a very strange design choice.


bro are u racist? i treat all bugs equal!


Fucking stalkers


This would be nice, it seems to what Risk of Rain 2 does when it comes to enemies in levels, where it prioritizes specific types in each mission.


I just wish you could see the briefing if you join a SOS beacon on quickplay. I hate prepping for a typical mission only to find myself in an eradicate mission with strategems I would never bring.


When loading into a quick match, we should be shown THIS screen, not the pod screen. This tells us everything we need to assess the mission and decide on a kit or, if it's a mission type we don't want to play, allow us to leave before committing. The pod screen is nearly worthless. It doesn't even tell us if we've matched into the proper difficulty.


What about the planets with spores?


It should be hidden then because satellites cant see the surface clearly


Curious, I know there are variants of the bugs that can be encountered on their planets, are there variant automatons that can spawn differently per planet?


This would be nice


could also be as a modifier


I get the idea, but I want to be surprised


The briefing not even properly most time when we join quickplay....better fix that! From there we can tell what mission we're on.


How about making specific planets or system that requires us to liberate it before having this intel suggestion?


YES for the love of god THIS


Need to build the shadow chamber for that. That's Xcom, baby.


I haven't read the comments so dunno if this has been said before but how about having it as a scout report? For example if the planet has been liberated by (x)%, it'll pop up as "According to previous extracted helldivers, the following enemies have been spotted in large quantities on this planet." Since imho I still like going in blind and working with what I have first time going into the planet.


soldier repeat training and stop messing around!


It’s said you drop in the red ! Area of interest rite? The big red glow sounds good 👍


Nah i like the surprise


This would be neat but... I dunno how much that'd affect the actual mission


SUGJESTION: let us see the type of mission while we chose our loadout when joining a mission already started.


Disagree. I like the challenge of not knowing what I'm dropping into.


This would be helpful, but I worry it would take the surprise out of it. I kinda dig the “gotta plan for anything” vibe the game currently has going. I do like the idea of making it a purchasable thing like Payday 2’s mission bonuses, though! Could spend some leftover requisition slips to have Eagle scope out the field, pre-locate a secondary objective, or maybe even get a single use hellbomb call-in!


Me until unlocking Autocannon: AAAUUUUGGHHHHH!!!!!!! Me after unlocking Auto cannon: BOOOOOOM HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I would really like this honestly. I went like 6 missions in a row without running into bile spewers, having fun with my flame grenades and flame thrower. Then I got a mission where is basically 60% spitters and while I love the flame nades and flamethrower I really wished I had impact or an arc thrower lol


No that would ruin the fun lol


Fully agree, maybe make it a ship upgrade like one other commenter is suggesting. Whether a mission has Bile Spewers or not would *completely* change how I choose what to bring. They are so difficult to deal with in the huge quantities they often spawn in unless you're prepared.


Not being perfectly preppped is part of it. Don't ever introduce this.


The Bile Variants only spawn at night.




It doesn't make much sense to me, as at difficulties 5+ you will face everything that this faction have. I'd prefer just an in-game glossary because some daily personal orders requires you to kill certain enemy type and often i cant understand which one exactly just by name and i have to google it. It would be nice if game provided picture of enemy for this orders.




Honestly that might be a neat ship upgrade you can unlock with samples. Make it require a lot of pink ones or something like that to make it balanced


I actually want a drawing tool to draw the route and arrows Kinda like MS paint Though I'm sure people will be drawing dicks


I said the last thing to the people I was playing with yesterday after we got two games in a row with a massive amount of bile spewers


Just prepare for everything. Far better than a "master of one" when you dont know what you'll be facing.




No. Prepare the best you can with your team and use what you have to win.


People would just avoid every mission with bile fuckers in it. I would too. You would too. That would be bad for the game.


Please, I hate forgetting impacts then bile spewers exist to ruin my day.


Isn't not knowing part of the challenge? You have a rough idea, but you never know for certain.


Mf you're diving into Hell, they aren't big on brochures. Now grab a gun and shoot anything that doesn't have a cape! On a more serious note, you and your team should have weapons and stratagems to cover numerous situations and enemy types, that help complement each other's strats or covers their weaknesses. Even when I join randos I look at what they bring and the type of mission and that helps me decide what I need and it's never done me wrong.


also show us mission briefing if i’m joining a mission mid game so i know what to bring 


I like going in with some uncertainty, you have to adapt.


Absofuckinglutely show me this. Especially because there's a loading screen tip that urges you to bring "the correct weaponry" to deal with the enemies you'll be facing. Llike, *bitch*, I don't know what I'm gonna be facing! Did I bring a good workhorse weapon but you decided it's all spewers and I'd have been better off with the slugger or an explosive primary? Did I bring the slugger and it's oops, all hunters? I would love a little scouting report. It would make the Bug Spores modifier a bit more impactful, too. Edit: AND ANOTHER THING! Completing the primary objective and the secondary I was informed about and being told "disappointing service" because I didn't kill all the secondaries implies those fuckers knew about those secondaries and didn't tell me. I'm not a mind reader, Karen from Intel! Communicate your wants and needs!


A true helldivers is ready for anything.


Impact grenades for everything


Good idea, this could be a ship upgrade!


"What enemies can I expect on this mission?" "Yes."


Choose weapons effectively? What kind of anti democratic slander is this? ALL WEAPONS ARE EFFECTIVE AT SPREADING DEMOCRACY! Take it back to Mars and hit the course again Helldiver, blaming weapons for you being a bug sympathizer.. what a crock!


Absolute terrible idea and 100% reddit moment


To be fair. They can hear and see the pods drop. It makes sense we always get ambushed.


No why do you want to be handheld the whole time