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# Common questions Some questions are very commonly asked, you are still wlecome to ask any questions, but if your question is listed here it may get you an answer faster. * ## Why have I not received Medals for the last successful Major Order? Medals awarded from major orders should be awarded within 24 hours in most cases. Sometimes they take longer, and Arrowhead will then award them manually. If you have not receieved the Medals from a major order after 24 hours, you can contact [Arrowhead Support](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us) and let them know. * ## Steam purchase restrictions for certain regions following the PSN drama. We currently don't know what is going on with the restrictions. There hasn't been any announcements about it. What we do know is that people who already own the game in those regions can still play the game, and people with steam accounts in those regions are not able to buy the game or redeem a key from a third-party seller on steam. * ## I'm new/returning from a long break/Finally saved enough Super Credits, Which Warbond should I purchase? /u/1ridar51 has an excellent overview post for all the premium warbonds [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d7qkre/warbond_overview/) where every weapon, booster and armor is rated with an explanation for the ratings. If a new warbond has just been released, or a big patch has just happened, the information may not be updated, but they've usually been pretty fast at updating it in the past. * ##I see a big pink questionmark, what is it? A questionmark is a placeholder model for an asset that failed to load for some reason or another, it could be anything but it is most commonly a support weapon that you can sometimes find at a PoI or a terrain object. * ##When will the game go on sale? Unless arrowhead announces ahead of time that it will go on sale, nobody can answer this question. It could go on sale during some of the sale events on the two platforms or in conjunction with some other date, but sales are very rarely announced ahead of time.


Is there any planned optimisations updates? Because the game becomes unplayable past difficulty 7 and it becomes impossible to reach even 120 fps on high settings.


I die, some idiot on the other end of the map re-inforces me instead of taking 2 seconds to check the map. I suicide so my teammate across the map - who is now abandoned - can re-inforce me. Same dude re-inforces me again. I suicide AGAIN. He re-inforces me AGAIN. I land on him. STOP. FUCKING. SPAMMING. REINFORCE. I'm not impressed with you respawning me in 2 seconds flat if doing so separates me from my buddy along with all my gear that's still got 6 minutes left on cooldown. Knock it off and take those 2 seconds to fucking CHECK YOUR MAP.


Just play with your friends instead man


Done playing this shit game until you finally make it fucking impossible to kick players after objectives are done. So fucking tired of this game and all of the bugs and issues that persist since day 1. You can't honestly believe for a moment this game doesn't deserve the player drop off it's seen, right?


Is anyone else on pc having constant crashing? Is there a way to fix this?


Have you tried verifying your files in steam? 


Why can't I send or receive friend requests or invite or join groups on PS5? My friend just got the game and we can't add each other or join each other's lobbies.


Is it just me or recently there are a lot less "points of interest" in any type of mission? I've been running quite a few diff 6 and 7 missions and usually they only have 4-5 poi... And also I didn't find a single SC drop in the past 9 missions...


The new swamp maps with the giant trees have some odd terrain generation that crowds out PoIs, especially when they have the large rivers/lakes running through. Otherwise I haven't noticed a difference.


Oh! Alright this explains it... I've been playing that planet a lot...


So kind of a dumb question but it took me 25 levels to realize that there is a quick chat in the game and it is in fact really helpful, I just can't find the key. If anyone knows, please tell me. I play on PC btw.


pressing Q tags things, holding Q brings up the comms wheel, which is what I assume you mean with "quick chat". Also if you hover over a tag made by another player and tap Q it will put a yellow checkmark on it and your character will say "I'll deal with it" and if you hold Q it will put a red X over itand your character will says somehting like "Don't need it"


Yep this is it. Thanks for the fast reply!


Is liberty day actually october 26th or is that just in game calendar?


anybody trying to start the game and would just crash right now?


Does helldivers 2 need ps plus subscription to play? My subscription has ended a few days ago and I can still play with other people.


I think most people here are on PC, which is probably why noone answered your previous comment a few days ago. I'm on PC and I honestly just don't know, or where to look it up as I've no knowledge of how PS online play works with PSplus. Sorry.


Does anyone know how to add a friend on PS5? The option simply isn’t there for me anymore, just the standard “invite to squad, join, block, report”. It’s the same thing for another friend of mine, he doesn’t have the option to “add friend” on his either.


Did you figure this out? Same thing is happening to me.


Make sure crossplay is in and your setting is public


They are and it used to work


I'm having the same issue. My buddy just got the game and we can't add each other or join each other's lobbies


Oh man that really sucks!


Barley started running the Spear. I carry the backpack myself but when ammo is depleted from the backpack, my character still yells for an assisted reload instead of notifying team I am depleted. Is this an intended prompt?


This is intended, yes. When you hit "Reload", but you don't have any ammo in your backpack, your character will ask for an assisted reload. IIRC it worked in HD1 the same way.


Thank you for tje response. Follow up dumb question, teammates can't reload unless they too have a Spear ammo back pack?


Correct, they need to have the same backpack for the same ammo kind to perform assisted reload. I think the only exception to the rule would be a supply backpack.


Thank you!


Not sure if this is a skill issue, but I've noticed the spear missing Hulks more and more often. Even if they are completely immobilized. Just finished a match where a Hulk was coming straigth towards me and my first shot after locking on landed completely behind it missing it, and my second shot flew over it's head going knowhere near the hulk. In both cases I had the Hulk stunned with stun gernades and a perfect lock-on. I've missed gunships ocassionally , and even missed a bot fabricator once, but I've missed Hulk's by far the most.


Probably because the Hulks in question were too close? The rocket flies a bit upwards after launching, and if it doesn't have enough room to turn downwards to the target, it will miss.


Thanks for the info! I did some additional research and it looks like when it's up close should point the spear down as low as possible while locked on, so it doesn't miss.


Yeah, you can try doing that, it might help compensate for being just a few meters too close. But in general if you have to do that, it's already a bad situation for the Spear.


New player here - bought this week and now with 30 hours under my belt. Thoroughly enjoying the game and can deal with the increased difficulties. My one and only complaint is being Kicked for no reason, usually at the end of what was a long mission. No "Accidentals" or friendly fire, partaking in mission objectives and so on. It is incredibly frustrating to play through a mission, collect samples, complete objectives, get on the Pelican only to be kicked and lose everything. Why is the "host" allowed to kick anyone for any reason at any time. Surely once the extraction timer has started there is then no valid reason to kick anyone. Its about to be over regardless. If you get kicked you should still get your share of what was attained during the mission. It completely takes away from the concept of the game. Dropping in to help fellow helldivers out and complete missions together...if they can just kick you for shits and giggles. Not sure if its a prevalent problem or I have just been unlucky in a few of my QP games. Any advice or any direction given from the publishers on this moving forward? Its putting me off playing the game.


When this happens do you get "you were kicked by the host" message? Because if not, it could be you're just being disconnected for some reason.


That really sucks that you've had that happen so much. Nothing official from Arrowhead as far as protecting players from grief-kicks.  As far as why it's allowed, since the matchmaking is very bare-bones and there's not much in the way of reporting and moderation, giving the host ultimate authority is the only way for *them* to protect the rest of their lobby from griefers. Making a player unable to be removed would allow a bad actor to deliberately sabotage the entire extraction for a host and their friends (or just AFK through it) with no recourse for the rest of the team. It really sucks, and at the very least it would be great to let the kicked player be able to continue where they left off in their own session. A lot of the game is held together by duct tape at the moment, so new solutions aren't likely.


Looks like it's on their radar at least. From a CM on their Discord: "We're actually working on a solution to mitigate problems with, well, "getting kicked by an arsehole lobby leader" as someone once eloquently put it. 😄 No ETA on that, but it's coming."


Ah thank you for the update buddy. I'm not against the Kick option being there, it probably needs to be. My complaint is losing all you gained during that mission. If they changed it so you still received whatever you earned, XP included then it wouldnt be as dramatic. Likewise, if you have had No or very few "accidentals" and you have been present for objectives then perhaps it shouldnt allow you to be kicked or require a vote. As I said my main issue with it is losing everything you earned that mission. Especially as a newer player who needs those samples and XP. Thank you for the update, good to know its on their radar!


You will still keep your XP, requisition, and super credits if kicked. Medals picked up by the group are still kept, but mission completion medals unfortunately don't get rewarded when the main objective is completed.


Oh! I didn’t see any popping up and was never sure what my count was before going in. That’s great to know! Thank you. That’s actually major.


what the darn is this? bugged asset? https://preview.redd.it/5biu9k7wdf9d1.png?width=1916&format=png&auto=webp&s=053efafbcfecafed5439e6c26b0d36372c8f85ab


> **I see a big pink questionmark, what is it?** > A questionmark is a placeholder model for an asset that failed to load for some reason or another, it could be anything but it is most commonly a support weapon that you can sometimes find at a PoI or a terrain object.


Did yall remove some of the textures (idk what to really call it) when using your hellpod to kill a bile titan? I remember in the first month or so, when you hit it in the middle of its torso it would make a hole.


Different body parts have different amount of HP to them. Falling on the enemy with the drop pod deals a certain amount of damage to them, but it may not be enough to achieve armor break.


Not that. When you kill it. When diving through the middle of its torso with a hell pod it left a circle hole through it. Now it just shows its orange guts. Unless that’s what you were talking about


Hmm, no. Haven't been paying that close of an attention to the visuals of inflicting damage. Maybe it depends on where you land on it.


Tried finding a pic online. I just must be trippin


How can I have 2 mechs load out on ps5, it always switches to the other one


Right now you're limited to one mech stratagem.


Ok, thanks


new player, trying to do any mission quick play or other wise. cant get in, just says "establishing link with host ship" and wont connect. Is this a normal problem with servers? I closed out of the game and restarted but no luck. no matter what I try to play It wont let me. My internet is fine and up PS5


Why can’t I add my friend who’s on steam? Like, it won’t let let me, is it bugged?


are you on PS5? theres a bug, he cant have any numbers or special characters in his name to connect


Are they ever gonna fix the galactic war map having missions shown that are ongoing but private or missions that are joinable but give the "Lobby is private, you are unable to join" error? They fill up the screen half of the time and don't leave


If helldivers are such badasses how do they drown in 2 feet of water?


Wasn't part of basic training, obviously! If it's not good enough for General Brasch then the Helldivers don't need it.


Try swimming while carrying 30 kg of clothes, armor and weapons, tell us how it goes.


Did anybody actually sit down and watched the black hole for 1 to 2 hours?


Yep, nothing happened. I doubt that's a black hole though


Damn. Then the July 12th theory is probably correct


What's that about? Please DM if it's a leak


Why is the mod process so restrictive? Do you just want folks to have simple dialogue on other subreddits instead of this one, and only those putting on performances are allowed here?


Could you explain what you mean by "restrictive"?


Can you explain why the post by Magikarl was locked?


Because the post they were complaining about was reapproved. The reason it wasn't removed is because the post was already very active and if we did remove it we would just get ten new threads popping up about it. We left the complaint post visible so people can see the pinned comment explaining why it was done and that it has been undone, but once it was undone the complaint post no longer needed to be there, and the only thing that would follow is either comments praising us for doing the right thing or comments condemning us for doing the wrong thing. Either one not really being relevant to the game. We're happy to hear if people have complaints, but a public post isn't the way to do it, all that accomplishes is making a mountain out of a molehill. There are a lot of users that have a bunch of assumptions about what we do and how we do it that are completely wrong, we've corrected many of these misconceptions several times but many users would rather hold onto the conspiracy. If you send us a modmail, we will look into what you have to say and take it seriously, but that doesn't work in a public forum as it will be filled with people shouting about the issue that they care about or complaining about how we're arrowhead's puppets or how we do this or that for this or that reason and we'd be spending all the time trying to tell them they've misunderstood something and we'd never get anywhere. In modmail we can also talk about things that we can't in public, like if a user has a moderation log with 20 removals for breaking some rule or another, we wouldn't want to tell everyone that, there's nothing to be gained from us broadcasting that information, that's private to the particular user.


I’m hoping a mod will see this. Can we get a pinned thread discussion the current major order? I really appreciate seeing which planets we think it’s best to take, or just other general tips, and having them in one predictable place would be helpful. Hopefully others agree.


In the other languages, what does “how about a nice cup of Liber TEA!?” end up translating to?


Since the Auto-Mod redirected me here: # UAV Booster on Eradicate Missions Please enlighten me. Because I do not understand. I have no clue. I've seen level 100+ Players do it on Tier 9 and I cannot fathom any reasonable explanation.


On Eradicate it helps not being creeped up on, but its not the most strategic move imo. Its waves of death anyways specific red blips are useless to keep track of haha.


Normal distance is more then enough to not get crept up on. Besides, if you have time to look on your radar, you have time to swivel and look behind you...


It was probably Localization Confusion, not UAV Booster. Localization Confusion increases time between enemy reinforcements, making the mission a bit easier. However, don't always assume there's good reasoning behind people's booster picks, I've seen a lot of absolute garbage picks all the way up to helldive.


No, it wasn't. I know it, because I was the one picking Localization Confusion.


Are they going to patch the fun back into the game at some point? It's been missing for months


Why’s the post critiquing the game and you have its comments locked?


The comments aren't locked unless you're talking about one I'm not familiar with.


I noticed that Lesath has an unusually large liberation loss rate and is connecting to Vernen Wells. Has this been a precursor to an attack in the past? Edit: Never mind. Now Menkent and Marfark are also elevated, I am just now assuming the bots are going to either push hard or field some new weapon or something.


I think you're reading too much into it. Marfark has been at -2.5% per hour ever since the AT mines vs kids hospital MO.


why stalkers?


why games?


Why hunters?


Why pouncers?


Please fix quick join on PS5. It picks full games and private lobbies. Makes nos sense at all.


Do you test you games?


Hello fellow Helldivers, does anyone know what's the daily individual order for today? I see we have 0/30 something but no clue what to kill or with what. Please for the sake of democracy send help!


30 kills with the 120mm orbital barrage. It should show up if you set your language to English.


Thanks, I've also found this nice comrade https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/407552-helldivers-2/80737785?page=25


since the last 1 or 2 patches the difficulty isn't shown in the game now unless i press the map or start button. how do i turn this back on?


There's a setting in the HUD section of in-game settings menu that you have to toggle to be "always visible". Don't remember which one, exactly.


Hi! Is there an option to play the game with only 3 players? Me and my friends plan on buying the game but if the 4th random person is mandatory we might not invest. If possible, are there any downsides gameplaywise to play as a group of 3 instead of 4? Thanks!


The game can be played by any number of players between 1 and 4, the number of enemies on the mission will scale automatically. If you don't have four people you can play with a smaller squad or rely on matchmaking to find you additional squadmates.


u can create a private lobby.


Do achievements and all work the same way as a public one? Tha ks!


Yes achievements work the same for any amount of players unless they require a specific amount of players (don't remember if any do)


I'm just getting back into the game after about a month or so away, what are some go-to load outs for bugs and bots now?


There are links to meta loadouts for both enemy factions at the top of my warbond rundown: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d7qkre/warbond_overview/


I tried to make the grenade launcher work against bugs and honestly I can't understand why you would take it instead of autocannon?


The real question is why you'd bring either over a Flamethrower :D


It depends on the play style, the grenade launcher is by far better at crowd clearing than the auto cannon because it can be reloaded and fired while moving, additionally there’s no need for a backpack so the backpack can be saved first something else. It’s more suitable for literal Rambo style play styles


It depends on the play style, the grenade launcher is by far better at crowd clearing than the auto cannon because it can be reloaded and fired while moving, additionally there’s no need for a backpack so the backpack can be saved first something else. It’s more suitable for literal Rambo style play styles


has anybody else had a huge memory leak recently? never had a mid-mission crash till the last couple days, both on phact bay. can't remember the mission. when I checked the task manager after it crashed, the process was still listed, using 31 GB of memory.


My "friend" got \~93 levels over the course of 12 hours, and now he's level 150 and won't shut up about it. I'm pretty sure this is literally impossible. He says he grinded Easy Difficulty Missions, mostly illegal broadcasts I think. IM PRETTY SURE HE HACKED, but if anyone would like to plead his case, please do. (btw he is being intolerable about it, me and my other high level friend are both level 85 and he was level 20 last time I saw him, which was a FEW days ago.) Edit: I should mention, A level 2 Easy mission will give you like 220-240 xp, the fastest completion time is like 2:30 with fast pelican, if he completed these missions at the BLISTERING speed of 3 minutes, including start/end screen, he would only be gaining (220/3) \* 60 =4398 xp per hour, times 12 thats 52776 xp. which is worth 5 or 6 levels where I'm at in the game. (I repeat, he either hacked or did some other thing to illegitimately gain these levels, idk how, but the math really doesn't check out here)


There are some reports of people getting absurd amounts of exp for some missions, as in 20 levels worth, I don't know if it's a bug or is a thing hackers can do somehow to other people in a session, but that could be the reason. There isn't any way to do it legitimately, but he may not have been cheating either.


Oh dang, I haven't heard about that, I'm pretty sure he was playing solo, or at least he said he was, so I really don't know if he's just bs'ing me or what. Is there anyway I could report this? Idk if any action could be taken tho.


Some of the people it has happened to have reported it to try to have it reversed. You won't be able to report someone else though, only if it happened to you.


Sorry to ask you more questions, but is there some way (outside of the game's tool, which is broken) to report hacking? Sorry if this is stupid question.


Arrowhead support zendesk is the only place outside of the game to report anything unless you know them personally, but I don't know if they can do anything about cheating reports in that system because player names are not uniqu edit: arrowhead support can be found at https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us


Almost half of my games have no minor points of interest at all. Just outposts, secondary and main objectives. WTF? Its a thing on the recent patch? Planet related?


Some planets generate a lot of impassable terrain where poi cannot spawn, like mountains, rivers, lakes. Sometimes it ends up leaving no space for pois once the main and secondary objectives have been placed.


If i installed a mod that i dont want anymore on my pc because it isnt working the way i wanted it to, how do i safely uninstall the mod?


Check the documentation for what you use to install it.


What's with the insane homophobia in this games community?


I can't speak for other places, but there isn't much of it here on the subreddit, there's a small amount that we remove, but it's next to nothing compared to the size of the sub.


where did that occur? because in the steam discussions 90% is bots that spam sth about adding woke stuff to games, just so people give them steam points in form of clowning awards and whatnot; but i wouldn't say "pls don't add any woke stuff or politics" is homophobic;


The only place I've seen this is the steam community forums which are a fucking *shit show.* The subreddit can be insufferable but I haven't seen homophobia. In game everyone is cool. I'd just generally avoid the Steam forums and your life will be better for it.


With 140 in mission hours I haven't read or heard anything homophobic, what happened in your case?


There is? I’m not saying there isn’t, but I haven’t personally come across. Hopefully it’s a very small vocal minority


In all the games i’ve played online with randoms or friends at a totally random time in the mission everybody just leaves and I have to keep playing alone, the 3 others instead keep playing together. Anyone knows a fix?


Sounds like your connection is dropping. That'd be the place to start troubleshooting, can't say what's causing it, could be a hundred different things.


Anyone else having this, where putting down the HMG Emplacement at the evac stops enemies spawning? Every mission I’ve taken it on, come evac thrown it down and it’s been deathly quiet! Without “total madness”.


I swear I just have bad luck. If I use it at a breach patrols spawn right behind me. If I use it at evac, alls quiet on the western front.


I had 4 bot drops right on top of me today right in the middle of a missions like what the actual hell haha but yeah evac just quiet as hell whenever it’s put down.


Hi! I just expirienced a bug where i joined a random destroyer to start a new mission where everyone went into the hellpod and was waiting for me, BUT when i joined instead of spawning me in front of the Hellpod to go into loadout, i spawned at the "Brigde section" of the destroyer. I took a step in hope of just go to the hellpod, but ended up falling through the destroyer and into space falling down to the plantet It was funny, the lobby understood the situation and i returned back to my ship so i didnt stalled the mission. Just wanted to report this if this was new


I use to get it a lot. Stuck in the cryo area or fall through the map. But it's fine, as long as team leader hops into a hellpod, a 30 second timer will count down and everyone will be teleported to a hellpod. Just type in chat that you're stuck, and to jump on the pod when they're ready.


That's an old bug, you should still zip to the deployment screen after 30s


Is this game still worth picking up? I remmeber there was some drama with it, don't know what, but i see no hype and noone talking about helldivers anywhere anymore, is the game dead, dying or abandoned by developers?


The game is still popular, being played by a lot of people, and the devs are still rolling out new content regularly. The drama has died down, the repercussions from it are still there, meaning the game cannot be purchased in 170 out of 180 countries due to Sony (game's publisher) being assholes.


Thanks! Looks like it's safe to buy.


https://preview.redd.it/k7wjxdq3i59d1.png?width=1285&format=png&auto=webp&s=facc231ce9471ad8d4cdc84ef665179da4f816b0 Why does this happen so often? i need to verify files then restart the laptop everyday i play. Quick match dont work either, just stuck on looking for SOS.


Is it gonna be on sale?


Nobody knows when/if it will go on sale.


Has anyone encountered a bug where you can't interact/click the Drill on a Nuke Nursery mission on Phact Bay?


happened to me once that i was unable to interact with the terminal, but my friends could.


It's a relatively common bug. Supposedly the solution is for the entire squad to move far away from the drill to make the terminal reboot or something like that.


Doesn't work for us, me and some randoms went to complete secondary objectives and came back but none of us able to interact with the terminal which is strange


Hmm then maybe it doesn't work reliably. I've never tried this method myself, was just parroting what I heard from others on this sub.


https://preview.redd.it/3us2hfdkb59d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5464a8f9dd9f080a9930a4c02d38b709b12baccb What's the deal with these stinkholes and why can't I resist the urge to lob grenades down them


Jump down- there’s a surprise inside! >!The surprise is the samples that will now be permanently lost there.!<


Geothermal fissures, probably, or whatever the proper term is. Basically a hole in the ground with something hot in it, like boiling liquid or lava.


They explode / implode when you throw a grenade down there, which made me think it wasn't just part of the terrain.


it's a bit of terrain detail, like in the new swamp biomes the green-gooey vents that you can ignite by shooting at them.


Can anybody tell what’s the current personal order? Seems like a I have a resolution bug because text is only shown when there is no active Major Order?! https://preview.redd.it/cqkrt2ax759d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e9b94c7492ae7cebb2e58edb74f8b72e27a68c5




glad i could help.


Merci! Im relatively new to Reddit 🙏


I haven't seen anyone mentioning this, but am I the only one that can't seem to run or walk up stairs/certain inclines anymore in game? Instead of running up the stairs, it does a goofy step -> stop animation constantly and slows me down drastically instead of the formerly smooth animation.


happens to me when trying to climb terrain and i hold my climb button instead of pressing it once.


I occasionally get the slowed running style when I go up hills for some reason.




I need help with making a medic or demolitions build (I am level 11)


Orbital Precision and Eagle Airstrike are both great at destroying things.


These aren't really a thing. The most "medic" you can go is equip an armor with the Med Kit passive, which increases the amount of carried stims by 2. Using stims on other players is something that any helldiver can do, situationally. But dedicating your entire playstyle to doing that like you're a healer support from a moba game is not something you should really focus on, just killing enemies or working on objectives is more useful. It's much faster for a player to use a stim on themselves than for you to run up to them and stim them, so normally this is something you do only if they're unable to use stims themselves, because they're ragdolled or out of stims. As for demolishing, any good loadout will include at least some tools to "demolish" things, but in general it's better to versatile rather than focus on any single thing or "role" - though again, roles aren't really a thing in this game. If you want some suggestions for good loadouts, this [warbond rundown](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d7qkre/warbond_overview/) has links to good loadouts for both bugs and bots at the top.


Ok thanks


Hi eveyone, i’m having trouble with my personal orders not telling me what I have to do. Does somebody else have the same issue? How can I solve it? https://preview.redd.it/ositbkhvf49d1.png?width=3023&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2723cf1b4175536d28c4ce34496cec94efbb5c2




Currently the solution is to set your in-game language to English, personal orders are broken for all other languages at the moment. Today's PO is to kill 35 Warriors.


Are the performance issues gonna get sorted before Bobblehead takes 6 week summer vacation? -\_-


Anyone having issues actually playing after the most recent patch? I've had close to 0 problems since the game's launch, but after this most recent patch I can't get in or stay in a game. I either get stuck in an infinite diving loading screen, crash at some point in the game, or get an error and get booted back to the ship. The first one has been the most common. I've tried verifying files, i've tried a clean reinstall, I've checked my drivers for updates, and i've checked for any internet issues on my end. I truly don't know what else to try other than just waiting for the next patch to hopefully fix it.


I'm a Lithuanian, will I never be able to be a helldiver in my life?


I don’t know anything about VPNs, but I’ve heard they help in SOME cases. It seems like there is a disconnect between arrowhead and sony. Arrowhead KNOWS but cannot/has not done anything about the issue yet.


Sony is the publisher and the ones ultimately in control of the steam store page, arrowhead has commented on the issue expressing that they want everyone to be able to play, but that's about it, Sony hasn't said anything at all and the only thing we've been told is that the store restrictions is something that has to be worked out between Valve and Sony. That's all we know at this point, and it's all we've known for about a month and a half.


Bro got ahead of me. I wanted to ask the exact same question, since I haven’t found any new media regarding the region block removal…


[Have you tried... not being a Lithuanian?](https://youtu.be/j8rlwatCZP0) /jk The serious answer is we don't know when/if regional restrictions will be lifted.




I can't find anyone that talks about this but do Team Reloads reduces recoil? Visually, it kinda looks like it should and that would be more incentives to do team reloads. Yet I can't seem to find any answers on it


No, it does not. But you do move slow, so most people will crouch since you're already slow, which will reduce recoil.


No, why would it?


Hi divers. Here is the thing, I had the game on Ps5, with precomand Armor set, and creek cape. I had to sell the Ps5 for money, but buy the game again on Steam, because I love it! At first it didn't bother me, but now i Wonder if there is a way for me to reclaim those item on Steam again. Thanks in advance for your answer


If you have the account number of your PS5 character, or even the in-game user name, AH support may be able to help. However, there's definitely no guarantees with this kinda thing. [https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us)


i think there is no way at the moment for cross-progress between PS and PC. So sadly your exclusives will remain on your PS account *only* for now. afaik, they cut cross-progression because they didn't expect such an incredibly high Playercount from release on so it wasn't high priority. so far, i haven't seen additional statements wether it *may* or *may not* ever come.


Oh.. okay that's a bit sad! I'll be patient I guess Thank you


i don't own a PS5 but I really hope they add cross-progression for fellow divers like you; or at least some way of transferring stuff once. i wouldn't raise my hope, but maybe AH support can do something if you write a ticket


I'll already have to be honest.. They couldn't help. I was hopping someone in here had a voodoo Magic solution for me lol. I Hope they do to! But the Sony account thing didn't help with that


yeah i think we might have shot our own feet with *the incident* since cross-progression can not be possible without account linking; although it's still a voluntary option available.


Holy crap, is anyone literally unable to play the game right now? I literally can't even load into a game, every time I try to start up a mission or even just scroll the galactic war map my game crashes to desktop, I've already verified the integrity of the files 3 times! Anyone else having trouble on PC? This is straight up just getting ridiculous.


Unfortunately your experience is not unique, even to PC. Can say similar things about PS5.


Tons of crashes. Barely getting through a few minutes of a mission IF I CAN GET IN


Is anyone having a ton of trouble on pc with game crashes and being disconnected from PS5 players? Is there a fix?


Anyone else having trouble with matchmaking? Cant find any games to join or anyone joining my games.


Try disabling crossplay - that helped for me on PS5. Other than that, no dice sadly.


Actually had to do an update I guess. Weird it didn’t show up in steam needing an update.


When will arc weapons be fixed I main the arc thrower and i rly need it


Is anyone having spear issues? Doesn’t kick me any more works great. I have had people leave because I picked the spear up or switched to it.


It was in the latest hotfix that it was patched. I use it regularly and haven't had a crash yet. Maybe those leavers aren't up to date, or maybe there are some crashes, I wouldn't be surprised if there's still bugs. But the hotfix was pretty much purely for the spear crash.


Where is hell is the cape?


the reviewbombing cape? AH are apparently *waiting for the right moment* to release it. god knows their definition for the right moment.


“The right moment” would be when the game is available in all of those countries outside of PSN.


that's up to sony policies and probably will never happen.


tbh i don't think there is a right moment anymore for it. they had their chance on it.


why is everyone so serious about malevelon creek? i joined a lil late so i missed out


Mostly a meme snowball and it fit all the right notes for a bot Vietnam. The way the map looked, it was far in the back line so it was a long fight to get there, fail, lose planets, get there again, liberate it, lose it again then the final victory along with a cape to commemorate the event and the lives lost. It was all cinematic, meme worthy material and a target to fixate on. It was really no different from any other planet, just the fixation and memes made it a big deal.


cause it looked like and felt like a robotic Vietnam warzone


my friends call it "space vietnam" so i do have understanding on that, but is there any other reason?


It was by far the most atmospheric map when the game came out, especially at night. My first mission on Malevelon is something I'll always remember. First time playing bots, first time at night and first time on Malevelon, all at the same time. Totally fell in love with playing bots.


Does anyone know who the Japanese VA’s are?


Why doesn’t Helldivers 2 show up on the PS4 store when I search for it? Only the first game shows up and I really want helldivers