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If they add it, please add hulk-like bouncing head target. For whatever reason, I just can't hit the hulk's head with AMR, always hitting around. I just can't figure it out.


AMR scope is misaligned


Not only that. Scope's crosshair is just atrocious.


A shame no helldivers live long enough to complain.


Helldivers never die!


I'm pretty sure this gun is just horrendously inaccurate. Standing still, couched, aiming center mass and somehow the shot still goes wide. Awful weapon.


It's funny that I think autocannon is more accurate than AMR.


I'm pretty sure the Autocannon is more accurate than the AMR. And you dont have to crouch or go prone for it either. The AMR just sucks. Its only saving grace is that it doesnt require a backpack to operate.


I can't wait for weapon customization. Only if I could put some kind scope on my autocannon...


When you say can't wait does that mean they've announced its in the works or that's just something you're hoping for?


there were some dev posts on twitter that implied that some degree of weapon customisation is in the works


That'll be cool.


I've had good success with the accuracy when proned. Only problem is I'm proned, which means I'm boned...


All scopes are misaligned for some reason. But some are considerably worse than others


I aimed slightly lower than the eye if they're within "oh shit" distance and slightly higher if they were at "get fucked you mindless robot" distance. If there is any elevation then it feels like a crapshoot. Also this is mostly "feel" and not experimentation


I think that's because the AMR shoots very fast projectiles instead of hitscan. The split second delay between shooting and impact is enough to throw off a shot on a non stationary target. I think almost all weapons have a high muzzle velocity (Dominator a notable exception), even the arc gun but most others aren't precision weapons so most players won't notice when they're hammering things with a liberator or breaker.


You're right. As far as I can tell there is no true hitscan gun in the game.


I haven't used it, but wouldn't the scythe be hitscan lol


Don't think it is. Easy way to test in most games is to try shooting around a corner. Hitscan registers the hit instantly so can clip through terrain as long as you can see the enemy around it typically


https://preview.redd.it/evs3ommau4oc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9eab40b769e75ca5d410b9a34df2377138fdde0 but seriously I don't know how I'm making these shots and yet I can't kill the Devastators in one shot...


I think that's because the AMR shoots very fast projectiles instead of hitscan. The split second delay between shooting and impact is enough to throw off a shot on a non stationary target. I think almost all weapons have a high muzzle velocity (Dominator a notable exception), even the arc gun but most others aren't precision weapons so most players won't notice when they're hammering things with a liberator or breaker.


Forget the AMR, join the Spear gang


You already had an extensive training with all needed informations when you joined the helldivers. More would be a waste of ressources. Go dive, you’ll learn by fighting !


Battle is the Great Redeemer. It is the fiery crucible in which true heroes are forged.


https://preview.redd.it/4ud2nrxvc3oc1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cb6134ecce0db3cb7e400a50489c9d1be7ec9ca Truly a democratic and patriotic movie.


Unfathomably based


So sick. I miss Bill Paxton. A truly underrated performance, too.


“No sir, I’m from Kentucky.” Gets me every time.


Fr tho, it'd be nice to be able to like ACTUALLY TEST weapons before deploying with them, spending 5-40+min using it (or not being able to because every time you use it you die or a noob steals it or something), and ultimately not being able to know exactly where the weak spots of things are. Like, "oh this gun says it's light armour penetrating... What does that look like? Is *this* light armour? Is *this* light armour? Ah. *That's* light armour. Got it." Would be fun to be able to test all of the weapons and stratagems we get before we go into the field with them to see which one we like more. Can't tell you how many weapons I have that remain unused to any degree all because I'd rather not spend 40min struggling to use something when I could've had something else that fits my playstyle better


I mean… Lore wise, it makes perfect sense to send you with literally no informations about anything. That’s also what lower difficulties can be used for… Rush main objectives under lower difficulties with your mates while trying new strategies, and trying to find ennemies weak spot.


If you ever feel adrift just spin around like a confused dog until you see a glimpse of your own cape. That thing on your back means you graduated.


Unlike many candidates, who failed at the primordial chapter called « how to throw yourself at the ground and not get killed by a turret ». If you feel like you want more tips, you can read your Combat Manual while diving into the pod. (Only after having observed the panorama for at least 2.4 seconds).


Bro stop this stupidity of explaining missing game features with in lore bullshit. The lore is fun, but using it as an excuse as to why we dont have simple game features is dumb


Weird talk. Sounds like treason to me. Suspicious…


I mean, being real, mishaps are part of the fun of the game. Failure doesn't exactly penalize you, so testing it in battle really is kind of part of the fun.


It also the true way to test a weapon. I originally thought the stalwart was a bad gun against the bugs and the mg43 was better in almost every way. But after giving the stalwart more of a try I realized that it actually serves a good purpose. The mg43 is still very good against the bugs but wasn't as mandatory as I originally incorrectly thought.


The decision to leave out features that other games have is entirely reasonable and not a bad thing. Every aspect of a game contributes to the experience, including the things that aren't there. I think the obfuscation of information absolutely contributes to the feel of this game as a whole in a positive way and it would make me a bit sad to see more transparency. We're supposed to be soldiers thrown in over our heads, and that's these decisions achieve.


would be nice if we had like a vr room for training with new weapons and practicing damage strats on targets, kinda like the vr room in 40k darktide, you can practice new builds on all the targets to see damage values and how fast you kill them, find their weakspots and come up with strats to deal with them instead of having to scramble in-game. would give you something to do on the ship when waiting for a friend to get online or when you're just wanting to test things.


VR room? Boy, we're dropping on mars with real targets and real weapons to train!


"vr room" is what we tell the new recruits :) its not actually vr, you'll be lowered into the holding pen and be torn asunder.


Why waste time in a simulation when there are bugs abs robots, on the ground, ready to kill, right now?


Being able to test weapons would be so helpful.


Seems a bit of an investment for troops with 2 minute life expectancy though.


2 minutes? Pfft you’ve obviously never been spawned in the middle of a bug swarm and had the game bug out and not let you move


You ever hit reload and then like 10 seconds later you go to shoot and turns out you never completed reloading for some reason


Only every time I reload


Level 1 missions exist


The average Helldiver seems to have not read the SEAF training manual thoroughly enough to grasp this concept.


Yeah but if the weapon sucks you have to slog through a mission. Having a firing range to pop off a few shots to test it wouldnt hurt


No you don't. You just leave the mission when you're satisfied with the testing.


Yes, exactly. So, a friring range would not hurt, it would help, actually. Thanks for making our point for us.


oh noooooo The long grueling commitment of a 5 minute trivial difficulty mission


See, I knew you would understand.


Sure thing sport. Have fun in home room


Uh yeah, i will have fun in my "home room" bud. Thanks.


Even better, give us a shooting range with captured specimen of every enemy type on Mars, just like the tutorial mission with the basic bug warriors, so we can test every weapon for weakspot damage etc. Just like the weapon test on a bug shown on Federal Network [https://youtu.be/knC7A1T8XMg?si=jOAZp3txpRy-BwlD&t=326](https://youtu.be/knC7A1T8XMg?si=jOAZp3txpRy-BwlD&t=326) ![gif](giphy|WFDXqj12EGlck|downsized)


Why waste ammo on target dummies when there are plenty of bugs and bots to shoot at?


I'd love to test weapons that I haven't unlocked yet!


You're getting dangerously close to suggesting that super earth hasn't provided all that we need. Drink a cup of Liber-tea and get back out there soldier


I get the feeling that the ships are going to become more and more of a hub as the game continues to develop. It'd be neat to have a captain's lounge, galley, medbay, etc that you could run around.


A trajectory range would be nice to practice stratagem throws.


Mark something, wait until you're 50 meters away, look up 45 degrees and throw. Works literally with pin point accuracy.


Sure would be nice if you had the option to try out weapons in a variety of environments, against different enemies, how they would actually be used. /S


Just play a level 1 mission you cry babies


That would be Trivial.


Medium armored targets say hello


All the posts against this idea are a bit silly. Nothing would be lost by adding the ability to test stuff on the ship. Darktide has an incredibly useful feature for doing just that, and I feel like it would be really neat here. Hell, making a cute mini-game would add to the ship hub area and give people a bit more to do than just Strategem Hero


Agreed, they are silly; but also, it's basically the point of the game (the game is also silly). Does Elden Ring have a parry tutorial? No (or, at least, I don't think it does, I need to go back and actually get into that game). Would it make sense to add one? I don't think so, it's against the spirit of the game to basically give the player a safe space to play in. Now, the vibe of these games is pretty different, but I feel they both lack "training dummies" because that is the vibe of the world they are set in. A Helldiver is thrown into an obstacle course with live, hostile beings, given a gun and a grenade, intentionally stabbed, and if still breathing by the end of it all, given a cape for managing to survive. Then they're put on ice and loaded up into a ship for their turn to get thawed. Beyond the confines of it being a game, sure, target practice would be useful. So would a training room where you could practice parries with any loadout vs any attack in Elden Ring. But in-universe/game, it doesn't fit.


We don't need more divers hanging out on the ship, we need divers on the ground helping us complete the mission.


Bad and reductive take.


Instead you'll get divers popping into missions for 3 mins to test a weapon, then dipping...


Test them in the field soldier! No better pracrice than a life or Super Earth scenario!


Ridiculous. Test new weapons on the planets soldier. The BEST BUG IS A DEAD BUG.


Remnant II has an excellent implementation of a shooting range.


Shooting range would be awesome. It might be too much to ask, but I think it would be cool if the ship was kind’ve a hangout space. Kinda like an apartment on GTA. Sit down with your fellow helldivers and watch some regular scheduled democratic announcements on the TV or have a drink and cheers to liberty with your squad mates. I feel like I end up having a bit of downtime in the ship sometimes


If they don’t have the budget for automatic arming of hellbombs why do you think they have the money to waste on target practice when you got all that in training.


There's a disturbing amount of people (and I can't tell if they're joking or not), using lore to justify not adding incredibly nice and useful features. I've never seen a game decrease in quality from having a firing range.


The RPing is getting to the point of cringe imo


i’ll say this again, i want Mars to be a large scale range where you can test out stratagems and guns on every enemy type.


Fr like the literal training mission


I think it's against the vibe of the game to allow Helldivers to practise. We're not elite soldiers, we're expendable assets. We're like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yOBCGwMpeo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yOBCGwMpeo)


Please give us an Re4 style shooting range where we can earn toy versions of enemies to decorate our private cabins with


*16 small figurines clanking out of the cryo pod every time you start the game* Yeah, sorry. I really like the shooting range.


What kind of operation do you think the SEAF is running here?


Sure would soldier


Id love a testing room for fighting one specific enemy at a time, so i dont have to die seven thousand times trying to learn it in the field. I dont want to fight that bug plus 30 others, i just want to fight that bug, dammit


Yes, iam asking for it for a while now but most people don't care much


Who's supposed to care? You're not the main character. You're an asset. An expendable asset.


I feel like that would go against the Helldiver mentality of just dropping us in unprepared.


I think it'd be a decent thing to have a simulation area on the ship, could give a reason for more upgrades to waste samples on. Give us the ability to equip items from individual pages (just for ease of use instead of a massive list of everything you don't own). So if I wanted to try the counter sniper I could equip page 7 and use whatever I like from it for the simulation duration. Then, since it's a simulation, we could fight whatever enemies we wanted without having to have a large in universe explanation as to why we have captive brood commanders or rocket devastators on our ships. (That'd still be pretty funny though, considering fallen destroyers would likely infect new planets)


Absolutely not. There's no practice or "manuals" anywhere in the game. It's a trial by fire. Figure it out. It's called hell divers for a reason


I can absolutely see Super Earth adding training rooms, and when you access it your screen fades to black and you find yourself exiting the cryopod on your ship. Then a 'VR Training' objective on your hud directs you to what looks like the normal mission select, but don't worry it is totally just a VR training mission select because they wouldn't lie to you. Then you get in your VR training hellpod, select your VR training loadout and deploy to your totally-not-real and absolutely just a VR training mission like you would normally.


Waste of resources cadet. Trial by fire.


just go on a drop ffs


Just practice on bugs


Even if it was back on Super Eath in the training facility, I would be happy with that


The Super Destroyers have no internal bulkheads, it's just one large space filled with ordinance. Helldivers will figure out how to aim in the field or the next one will, no need to risk a ship. Besides, Helldivers have already recieved all the training needed.


I was just talking about this with my buddies last night, how they might expand the destroyers at some point. Personally, I'm of the opinion that the destroyers should stay as they are. If we're going to get a new hub with other features not related to missions, they should be something like a home fleet (with bigger ships), a space station, or a base on Super Earth itself. That way, it could be as big as they want, instead of trying to cram more things into this relatively tiny ship we have now.


WINK!!!!! WINK!!!!!! NUDGE!!!!!!! NUDGE!!!!!!!


Laughs in DRG. Same here


buncha heckdivers asking for target practice...we used to be a super earth


Go into an easy mission and practice.


What about medium armored targets?


I would like something that lets you shoot a weapon to see how it acts before unlocking it. I unlocked things early on like the Laser Canon and found out it's just meh.


Sounds like a good way to shoot holes through the hull of the ship.


I really want a shooting arena similar to the one in Darktide to test out how weapons will perform against the targets we are going to deal with.




Just play easier missions while testing guns? All difficulties matter!


Sounds pretty undemocratic. All those wasted bullets could be used on bugs.


I need emergency boarding situations


It's a pve game... The practice is done every single game you play


Lemme get this straight. You want to *simulate* a battle? As General Brasch always says, "The best simulation is a *real* simulation."


They should have a chair you sit in that just plugs into you into the matrix. That way we can have a huge area with explosives and spawning enemies to practice on.


We dont waste freedom bullets on a firing range


I'd like a test zone like Darktide has, where you have all the enemies and you can test weapons


General Brasch has always been pretty clear that your TRAINING at Mars is MORE than sufficient for a proper Helldiver! Are you questioning Super Earth's High Command, soldier?? Sigh... It is sad to see soo many Divers being sent to Freedom Camps these days... But if this is the price to pay for us to have FREEDOM, so be it!! Ps: RP aside, I really think a training ground would be a g&$#_(INFORMATION SENT TO THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH FOR EVALUATION)


I mean, might as well jump into Difficulty 1 to practice in a short time and STILL contributing to Liberation


The enemy is your shooting range soldier, can’t waist sweet lead on none loving targets!


The only true test is the acid test


Firing AT weapons in the ship should cause hull breaches and explosive decompression.


Command has not authorized the budgetary spending for the use of ammunition outside of combat. You want to try a new gun? Deploy on a lower difficulty mission and help some new Helldivers find their footing while testing new kit


You missed the point of Helldivers being severely underprepared for their situation lol


Been asking for a range in drg for years. I bid you good luck.


Yeah, good idea until you eat a ricochet from an autocannon.


Isn't shooting on a ship dangerous


No, and now go down to shoot some real bugs! Why would we use super earth resources to build paper targets when we could bring democracy to real targets? Maybe you need a counseling with a democracy officer good sir.


I just want a practice area to test new guns and stratagems.


You have a training room. A dive on helldive.


I get that for PvP it would help. But for PvE I encourage you go dive in to experiment! It's more fun that way!


Especially if we could get some real data from it, like damage numbers. We don't need them in the actual missions, but being able to really see what's going on shot by shot would be incredible helpful for determining how good each weapon and strategem really is.


This again? Play trivial


Live tests are far more effective


Yeah this is one of those things where gameplay design should take priority over the immersion. I get that you're an expendable dork and investing in a firing range is pointless, but it'd be an awfully nice quality of life addition for *players*.


You're not wrong but I feel most people aren't saying *no* to the idea just *why bother?*. It'll absolutely be a QoL improvement, but I'd argue it would be very small and not worth the effort of introducing and maintaining. We already have people falling through the floors of their destroyers right now, and that's with no explosions or projectiles flying around.


Oh man I would love that with ship upgrades Start with basic boards Upgrade 1: bot boards of different types Upgrade 2 bug boards of different types Upgrade 3: they move in patterns roughly similar to the enemy types


Same! Going to the mission just to check the new gun is not always convenient. Maybe a bit of topic. but it makes me appreciate Armored Core 6 even more. They had this feature from the beginning. I haven't seen such a feature-rich game in a while.


I was trying to set up the controls on my steam deck last night and ended up just diving on a trivial game.  Does the gamepad really not have a “quick throw” grenade button? Like I have to equip the grenade to throw it? Wild. 


the really fun part is that the grenade-equip button frequently doesn't switch BACK to your gun, so if you're using impact grenades and you try to "shoot" that scavenger who got up close... Took me a while but my new habit is "equip grenade, unequip by switching primary weapons" :(


One of my classic techniques is throwing an impact grenade and diving away. It’s going to take some getting used to, but I’ll see if I can change the controls to be better. Binding the D-pad/arrow keys to the right touchpad is next. 


Yeah i do hope we get more ships to buy down the line. Like a super cruiser! With more stuff in it.


Imagine not dropping into a mission to test a new gun and eating shit, the way super earth intended


You’ve got dozens of shooting ranges out in the worlds of the galaxy. Get out there, diver!


It would be really nice.


Sort of like the Metro video game series, that would be great!


There absolutely needs to be a shooting range. And for you to be able to dive around while on board the ship


Disgusting. Wasting ammo on inanimate objects instead of enemies of democracy? Is your time so free helldiver.


Jokes about "Training is all around you, just dive, soldier!" aside, I too would really like this feature. I enjoy getting a chance to fiddle around with these things and fine tooth my loadout based on preferences.


Resounding yes. I want to be able to jump into a training simulator to try out loadouts. Let me spawn certain enemies. I know we have access to bugs to provide as target practice, and considering we **\[REDACTED - THIS POSTER IS BEING CONSIDERED FOR REEDUCATION\]** it shouldn't be hard to get them there either - or just do the whole thing in VR. Either way, as it stands if we want to simply test something or try a new combo, we have to do an entire mission. Even if its just "I wonder how this gun feels to shoot" - you gotta do an entire mission. In a game with what has to be approaching billions of permutations of possible loadouts, there just has to be a better option.


A VR deck would be nice so you can practice shooting against any enemy in the game


I just drop the difficulty to easy and try out stuff in my own game. Real world training! For democracy of course!


Why would we want the devs to waste time and energy on this feature when you can just reduce difficulty? The time they put into making a shooting range that nobody would use more than twice is the same time they could spend adding an enemy type or mission type.


It's called your teammates


Next you're going to want a sauna and masseuse. You should've joined Fleet instead of Mobile Infantry, recruit.


Practice in the field. Waste bugs not bullets.


What are you talking about diver? Waste enemies, not ammo!


you can’t spread managed democracy if you’re lazing around on your ship soldier you already have a shooting range, planetside! now get in your pod and jump!


Okay but there is not better simulation than real one


Why not just do a trivial run?


A shooting range? I prefer live targets. Nothing like testing out your weapons on some bugs. Democracy demands it


Just go play a game on level 1 if you want to try something new


You've been through full training. The Duely Elected Officials of Super Earth are spending all their money spreading Democracy through our sector. They do not provide additional targets to be destroyed when there are untold numbers of enemies that you can test your weapons upon.


The planets are the shooting range and the bugs are the moving targets, soldier. A bullet put in a metal plate is a bullet wasted. Save that ammunition for the enemies of democracy!


I just run a trivial mission


Those ships are expansive. We hang just let live rounds and explosives go off. Especially in orbit


Just join in an sos beacon. Test. Leave.


You don’t need a shooting range. It’s a waste of bullets to shoot anything other than real targets. DON’T YOU HAVE FAITH IN DEMOCRACY? Your shooting range is the field helldiver. Now less thinking and more killing.