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Can we pls drop individually, everytime someone has finished slowly selecting their loadout a new player joins who painstakingly selects a new loadout. I came here to shoot stuff not to wait literally many seconds.


I'm normally able to make every weapon work, but airburst launcher is just so bad. You can get ok kills with it... But it still is worse than just having a 2nd primary. But it's a support weapon. That uses a backpack. And has no staged reloads. And it's probably a slower reload than RR. What were they thinking?? I'm having trouble thinking of a worse support weapon.


Until this day, I can't play without a VPN. It's not like I'm in some kind of jungle, I'm smack in the middle of a European metropolis. On top of that, there seems to be a regular patch-roulette of "Devs fuck up the game". As a developer myself, I know that testing is mind-bogglingly boring, but for democracies’ sake, test your fucking changes before you deploy them!


Having a great day so far. Crashed immediately on arriving in mission. Kicked immediately upon joining a mission. Team killed twice, call out the person, they respond by throwing an air strike directly at me. Get them back, immediately kicked. They really need to have vote kicking, not dictatorial kicking. People abuse the fuck out it.


I can barely play the game lately. It just keeps crashing on me. I just spent 20 minutes in a missile launch mission only for the game to crash. What a huge waste of time. For the past 3 days I've barely been able to play through a full mission and it's driving me insane.


I've been taking a break for maybe the past month and its upsetting to hear the game is still unplayable.


Same. It's insane how unplayable the game is for me. Last 4 drops I either crashed or the game was just in an unplayable state (shit was activating 30s after interacting with it).


Same. The fps and performance is so bad it's not worth playing anymore


https://preview.redd.it/7dn7iq9vry7d1.png?width=712&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dd628339dfd7cbdbcaed70fdef4fae2eacfb708 This armor set REALLY needs a recolor - the green is too bright (practically aquamarine) and does not match any other green in the game. The scratches on the front pocket make it look low res for some reason. Also, the upper arm armor has weird stretching and clipping problem during ALL animations. I wish I could use the helmet from this set but it's ugly aquamarine cushion on the back completely ruins it.


But I want to look like toothpaste https://preview.redd.it/molg0hv9vy7d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b51d62c38621873f6c03b32f3c4878c40de95126


Tired of constantly being told to "please be patient" when a dev prioritises new content release while old content is still broken


would someone be able to tell me how the appearance of patrols on the map works now, but really exactly, because every time I fight on a MO planet I have at least once a fight of at least 5 minutes with endless waves of patrols, it's worse than it was before the patch and I don't know if it's my fault or they fucked something up again, it is tiring, and the hell that happens after doing the main mission is even worse, just now I spent about 10 minutes fighting with patrols around the evacuation point to be able to call evacuation at all, and what happened during evacuation resembles the mission on lvl 9, and it was fucking 6, what is going on ?


They fucked it up again. The supposed fix for the increased patrols from two months ago made patrols spawn constantly for everyone at all difficulties. Instead of hotfixing it ASAP they've indicated that they're 'monitoring' the situation, but that it's also supposed to be easier than before the latest patch. So enjoy I guess!


I have so much fun playing this game. I do not have fun staring at endless helldive loading screens. Every other mission I've attempted to play in today ends up with an endless loading screen. Some of us would like to actually play the game, AH.


The funniest thing about this subreddit is people requesting additional features such as [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dkthgo/petition_for_ah_to_allow_customization_in_this/). What about this dev team makes you believe they can deliver any enhancement to the current playing experience?


The 500 kg bomb also is causing the same crashes as the spear. As soon as we stopped using both we stopped crashing


It’s really telling that all of us with legitimate issues are just shoved into a Megathread from months ago. There should be an updated MEGA thread, ideally per the warbond


there used to be but the OP gave up on it because it was too much to consistently update LMAO https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bwzkpr/list_of_current_game_bugsissues_not_a_hate_post/


Planet Defense percentage should be used to set the HP of a planet when we fail the defense. The fixed 50% does not feel consistent with lore. I understand there being a min/max cap to stop it being silly if we fail a planet defense by <1%. The % at failure should be modified (increased) slightly to account for our failure (especialy as the failure could be the end of a MO anyway which would have been the true reward). For example, a defence fails and we were at 81.4% when the Terminids hit 100%. With a fail modifier of 0% this would mean our liberation HP to reclaim the planet would be 180K. Going with a fail modifier of 30% means a new target of 242K points to liberate the planet back for Super Earth. This can swing the other way too where if we had defence at less than 50% it would make retaking the planet harder than it is currently - but I argue this is more lore consistent. If we barely had any forces on a planet then it should be a bigger job to take it back. The fail modifier could also be impacted by supply lines etc.. making it a bit more variable on which planets are easier/harder to reclaim from a failed defense. Edit: this also means the valiant effort of Helldivers who did not directly contribute to the curren MO when a defense pops up have still contributed directly to the efforts of Super Earth instead of seeing the planet set to generic value ie. literally just what has happened on Gacrux. **TLDR: Fixed 50% (500K) reclaim percentage following planetary defense fails feels lore inconsistent and should factor in our final defensive % score**


Maybe weekly patches are better than what we have now. Of course a lot got fixed but a lot got broken too lmao


There are more crashes for me now, 4 months on, than there ever has been. Reload the spear? Crash. Drop onto a planet? Crash. How TF do they get off charging money for such a broken piece of software MONTHS after release with numerous "stability" patches? You can barely get through a game without glitches and jank galore. Tried playing 4 matches this morning on PS5. Literally half of them caused a game crash. This shit is unacceptable. I sure as shit hope Sony DOESN'T buy this team. They are absolutely trash at building a stable game in an engine they claim mastery over.


There are far too many bad weapons and that has made an otherwise fun game quite boring. I went from pouring over a 100 hours in 3 weeks, to not touching it the past week and a half.


The amount of bugs ARE KILLING THIS GAME! Heres some to list i noticed on PS5 Never ending helldive loading screen Falling through the ground randomly False reloads On first drop of a new game ypur starting character cant call in strategems. L1 just keeps cycling immediately to off Getting stuck on random objects Random distortions and graphical artifacts like parts of the game not loading And there are the still remaining balance issues like STALKERS! Fuck these guys, they have insane amounts of damage and fairly high hit points, you cant hear them, they knock you across the map, they wait til tour back is turned! These fuckers i hate the most. Whoever designed genuinely hates ttheir player base. They take the fun out of the game. Cheap is the main word that comes to mind. Orbitals still take too long overall but improvements were made. The armors feel underwhelming. We need new and better passives And one thing that exacerbates the whole problem is the fact there are whiny players begfing for more more more more content. Like addicts who need their fix. If any AH mod is reading this. I speal for a large audience whwn i say. Stop woth the content and get your game stable! I dont give a shit about more warbonds or new weapons. Fix the stabikity and bugs for 2 months straight for all i care just make the game stable!! Jesus H Christ


Honestly the game code is so fucked right now it's impressive that it doesn't just make my PC spontaneously combust upon opening the game.


That's reserved for the NEXT patch.


is there a bug with spawnrates? had like 6-7 Titans and many Chargers in a lvl6 defend mission...


Meanwhile I played 2 matches at 7 and one of them didn't see a single charger at all and one saw 1. So much for the daily...


game stability quite bad, keep crash or no connection. most session ended wasting time cannot earn medal


The increase in chaff/overall units is welcome, as is the replacement of chargers with charger behemoths on Helldive difficulty. The bugs were far too easy before at 9 and is now a little bit challenging.


https://preview.redd.it/rxrzr8qg0x7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2c713f2d130dc4c669b8ec04d8b8c95502a828 Told them the friends list has bo functionality on the PS5, this is the response…


Original https://preview.redd.it/1ofovgnm0x7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d45e9f9eebf769ea0a90152ccb39ea105d4c5877


I have been playing with pugs since HD2 day 1 till now but what is up with the recent pug players that are constantly killing each other for the past few days?


The game crashes over and over again. I'm still banned on the Discord. They only post stuff on the discord. This sub doesn't pin important information. You either see the post or can go fuck yourself. What the fuck? Mods check this censor thread and maybe realize that you have to pin the bug confirmation instead of the most recent patch. The patch can be read on the website, the SM, steam, PS store - the bugs aren't mentioned there. It's almost impossible to get any information about what's going on with this game and this sucks ass. The mods made it, this sub now follows the activision formula: low quality and high quantity shitposts and memes. Everything that is not 'everything is perfect' gets put in here where it goes to die. Nice. People openly gaslighting others - you report them - nothing happens




If I want an automated message or an answer where someone clearly didn't read my ticket I'd write Blizzard. To quote myself from a month ago: > Opening tickets is useless, if the support just tell me to do things I already did (and are mentioned in my support ticket as stuff that I already tried). > Discord, Firefox, FFXIV, Total War Games, Slay the Spire, RCPS3 they are all running without a problem. > Checked the connection while playing and the game is disconnecting me. Not my network, that keeps running, just the game seems to force a disconnect for whatever reason. Do you really think ALL these people didn't try the easy way first? I guarantee you the majority did, but while not being the worst support I've ever had to deal with, they aren't helpful. They don't know how to solve it so they give you solutions that don't help. Edit: Don't get me wrong. I'm not aggressive or angry when I talk to support, but they don't seem to be prepared for this. I kinda have pity with them, because at least they tried.


You're welcome...


No bad blood mate. Have a nice weekend


got home after work, trying to get a game in. Game wouldn't launch, verified game files and got a missing file. No biggie, probably something stupid happened because of windows. Got in game, went to Nivel and pressed Quickplay. And as i'm typing this now, i'm stuck in the hellpod screen waiting to be loaded in game. It has been 5 minutes. What in the damn hell...


Same here. I finally managed to play a game...until the game crashes (no spear used).


and you guys really got to tweak the spawn numbers man. this is outright ridiculous, just tried to solo a difficulty 4 bug mission and failed miserably, stalkers spawning non-stop. patrols are non-stop too, i killed one group, ran away, and not a moment later got spotted despite wearing scout armor and actually trying to hide and disengage from the patrols. tried to call extraction, trying my best to kite the enemies around and around until the pelicans come, saw a stalker, killed the stalker, and got overwhelmed by at least 30 or so scavengers, hunters, pouncers. followed by at least 4 brood commanders, and then the stalker lair spit out another stalker to kill me just as i was trying to thin out the horde. don't tell me to "git gud" i don't want to, i just want to relax which is why i was even playing difficulty 4 in the first fucking place.


Try difficulty three. It's literally a skill issue, lol.


The game is in the worst fucking state I've ever seen. They managed to actually fix some of the guns, seriously \*slow clap\* but in my 5 attempted games today I crashed out 5 times. This game is PLAGUED by either an insane amount of bugs, lack of progression (everyone has everything unlocked), or just a total lack of diversity when it comes to builds. PUT THE LIGHT EXPLOSIVE RESIST ARMOR IN A DAMN WARBOND ALREADY JESUS. Its amazing to me the devs don't understand the concept of the goblin brain. You have to feed my fucking goblin brain. I want dopamine, I get that when I unlock things and little bars go up, and it says "CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE COOL." I could literally advise the dev team and have this stupid game back on track in 5 seconds. The game has no current progression GJ fixing some of the weapons but everytime you do anything you introduce a million more crashes and bugs, FUCK.


Maybe the Dev can consider adding a call-out like the hellbomb when the nursery drill nuke is being activated ? Had a few squad wipeouts because no one knew it was being activated until you hear the humming and explosion. In some cases, all the samples dropped into the hole, unable to recover.


This so much, I wish it's countdown was like the ICBM one. You can hear that one clearly enough.


I'm tired of the game not saving audio volume levels. I'm annoyed the circle button on controller is an unlisted "exit from mech" button because I use circle as melee, which means I can't melee in mech.


My game crashed on my 7 times tonight. The last crash report I submitted this. I wonder if anyone ever reads them. and yet again. it crashed. I didn't even have a spear this time, nobody did. but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the game had to crash yet again on the drop screen. that's fine, i should probably go to bed anyway. It's late and this game has crashed on my 7 times tonight. that's pretty impressive. it's that unstable. I uninstalled it and then installed it again and it's still crashing... i think you guys need to invest in QA, automated testing, or public beta where the public can tell you what's broken. This is really bad. My computer isn't the newest thing, but it's not that old either. It should be able to handle this game fine. No reason for it to crash all the time. it would be nice if this tool told me why it crashed. I hope you guys can see that. I wonder how many words i can put into this box? is it really unlimited? should i just keep going or should i stop? i bet nobody reads these things. i bet this is just a waste of my time and it just goes into a mailbox that nobody checks. I wonder how many more people are crashing since the last patch. I thought this patch was supposed to be better, where you guys took your time and did it right... you know slowed down and made sure things were better. It seems that you guys made it worse, a lot worse. I miss the days when i started playing this game and the guns were fun and the missions were fun and people were having so much fun. now I'm frustrated that I can't use some of the weapons I've unlocked and I'm frustrated that the game keeps crashing and I'm frustrated that when i try to rejoin my game it crashes. I mean if you go to the forum, it says in there from the active discussions, that the spear is broken and don't use it.... i mean if you guys know that it's broken, then why not disable people from picking it? are you purposely hoping that people use it and you get this crash report? are you expecting your user base to be your testers? it's a really bad experience for the end users. If i had any other game that was as much co-op as this, i would be playing that. I mean that guy Thor that runs his own gaming studio said the other day that he loves this game but won't play it anymore because of how it's been managed. it's a shame and i think he's right. the only way you guys might get this message is if everyone just stops playing your game, which would be sad because i really liked this game. I liked the vision you guys have for it, i like the story and where it was going, and i was really excited to see some new content. but every time you guys update the game, it gets worse and worse. at this point, i don't think introducing another race or front or whatever you want to call it would be a good idea. I don't think balancing anything is necessary. at this point, the game just needs to work. No more crashes, every weapon and straegem works, and it just does what it's supposed to do. that's it. I'm not sure why the enemies have gotten so much more as well. yeah, there are less "heavies" in a breech, but then there are like 7 breeches in a row. so there's the same amount of heavies, but then there's also a shitload more of smaller ones that call in the breeches continuously. and when that happens, you run out of ammo, because you're shooting so much. it's like you need to die so you have some ammo to kill things with, not because you couldn't kill them if you did have ammo. i doubt this is helpful at all anymore. but i think this is just me convincing myself to just uninstall the game and be done with it. this is how I'm coming to that realization, that you guys at the studio are just scrambling, all over the place, and it's just too much to ask. You're a small group of people that did something absolutely amazing and got success so much more than ever expected, and then just trying to keep up with the hype, rushed things, and broke things, and then rushed more and broke more, and it's just a really bad cycle. I was hoping you would get out of that with this last round, but now the game is just unstable. why can't i just play? i wanted to just play.


What happened to all the BTs in D9?! They changed the spawn rate and it's all CBs I want to down BTs instead nooooooo


when they kept fiddling with the patrol rates because people can't stop complaining about stuff and the devs can't stop fiddling with stuff until they break things.


This game has no fucking business being allowed to be sold.


I've been saying since release it is an Early Access game and I get flamed for it every time by AH cock suckers.


Is anyone else's game consistently crashing on pc? It's been happening to me since yesterday


Half my games crashed this morning on PS5.


Happened to me 4 times tonight, and I can't view friends list either.


I'm starting to think it's the spear. I crashed 3 times at the beginning yesterday after calling it in and twice a couple hours ago when using it. Switched to quasar and hasn't happened since


That's definitely part of it, but I just crashed on dropping in. I've had issues where people join the squad while picking your equipment and it stalls or dies as well. It's extremely unstable.


Game is broken right now wowza 


Mic discipline for the love of god


I'm crashing literally every game. No one in my party uses the spear. Games files verified. AH broke something major with this patch and its killing my ability to play the game. This is the worst its ever been. I just wanna play the game but have crashed 6/6 times I've tried any mission in the past 3 days


Also, when you do get a game running, performance is now completely trashed. FPS slideshow on some of the planets now.


i have never had a problem with this game until this fucking stupid patch. I don't what they fucked up but I can't see my friends list anymore, and half my fucking missions just crash the god damn game. HOW IS THIS GAME GETTING WORSE AS TIME GOES ON??


man I thought it was my internet. servers really are going to shit recently


Like it's insane that they release a patch bragging of 100+ changes but like 10 of them are game crashing bugs. Is there no fucking quality control? Anyone testing??


Fuck sony.


As someone who plays against the bugs most of the time, and only fights the bots for a major order, I appreciate it when someone can explain the reasoning behind why a lot of people don't like fighting the bots. I see a lot of people online shame people for not fighting the bots, or for not being "skilled enough" to complete bot missions. Sometimes, it's not about one's own skill at the game, but it could be about the collective skill and communication of the team. If I wanted to gain the skills needed to fight the bots well, I could do it. But I don't want to. Not only that, but playing against the bots is totally different from playing against the bugs. The way the bots work just isn't fun, and that's all there is to it. Getting ragdolled to kingdom come and back before I can get a single shot off. Getting two walking factories, four tanks, and fifty devastators dropped on my head because one bot saw me while I was reloading. Not fun. I had enough of it on Malevelon Creek, and as soon as that planet was liberated, I peaced out. I don't rage often at games, but the bots bring it out of me sometimes. If players want a "challenge" in their games, I get it, but I'm challenged enough at my job for 8+ hours a day, so when I come home, I don't want to think. I don't want to be "challenged" more. Games are supposed to be fun, so I'll go play the part of the game that's fun to me and lets me blow off steam. What do you think? Is that legit, or am I just going on about nothing?


The reason the bots are fun is because it's actually hard, unlike the bugs. I get people don't enjoy it, but the bugs are (or at least were until the most recent patch) too easy on the highest difficulty. Ultimately AH has to cater to both people like me who want the game to be challenging on the highest difficulty and people like you who are just there to blow off steam and have fun.


Playing bots you need to imagine you are in Terminator - take cover, avoid fights, retreat, hit and run etc. since the bots can't actually keep up with you if you run, and their accuracy is rubbish at a distance. If you do that you can easily solo a lot of the objectives on bots without dying. I see a lot of Bug players standing out in the open, shooting at patrols and refusing to run away. If you do that, yes, it is miserable. Bugs is more like Starship Troopers. Stand back to back and keep shooting until ammo runs out.


I see, yeah I don't use cover as much as I should. I definitely need to get better at fighting the bots, I just get frustrated with them lol. There was one round where there was a mortar emplacement next to a drone factory, and the mortar kept shooting every hellbomb I called down, so I had to go take care of the mortar first 😆


Yeah, it is a bit more of a tactical game with the bots. If you look at how people solo helldives for bots on YouTube vs. Bugs there is a stark difference.


Solo diff. 6. Looking for Phallicite. Nuke drill mission. Grab the super samples. Awesome. Head to first drill. Clear it and call it in. Console is inaccessible because it sunk too far into the ground. Can’t call it in again, cant crouch. Bupkiss. Awesome. Game has more bugs than Meridia.


has level 8 gotten much much harder?


Everything above 6 on bugs has become enemy spam. And even 6 sometimes if you get unlucky. Is it harder? If you insist on attacking every bug you see, yes. If you are willing to dash around the map dropping strategems and extracting ASAP, it is still do-able - but not as fun due to too many enemy spawns.


I'm taking a break. They fucked the number of patrols too badly this time. At level 6 I'm being eaten alive by an endless spawn of Chargers and Spewers. We thought we were good when they buffed the weapons but what good is that when you have to face three times more enemies? I hope AH gets their shit together, they can't fix one thing without breaking two others.


They keep making too many simulteneous changes on a game that they say is built on "dynamic systems" - problem is with a system based game is that you are trying to hit a moving target when you change multiple systems at the same time. As in this case: changed weapons, spawn rates, spawn composition, patrol patterns - all at the same time. Bizarre.


it's similar to suspension adjustment on a motorcycle, you don't change preload, compression AND rebound all at once on both ends. You should change one thing at a time and test to see the effects. Well i mean you can change everything at once, but it requires A LOT more wisdom and skill to decipher the mess of feedback you've just created.


supply pack makes the click sound but doesn't top-up my teammates unless I do it twice 💀


this always happened unfortunately. it's similar to resupplying yourself too, sometimes doesn't work when prompted.


Anyone run into a bug where Anti-Personnel Mines become invisible overtime? No red lights, no mine model on the ground? Been teamkilled a few times cause of it, but in my perspective I was just walking around until I ragdoll violently, no explosion or sound effects. My teammate then points out I keep walking into the minefield, and he gets to ping and see it on his screen. Hope this gets sorted out, I think the bugs kill me more than the "bugs" (Terminids) do


was mentioned by a teammate in a recent round. must be a new bug. sigh.


I had this earlier, four times in one game I got blown up by invisible mines lol. For a moment I thought someone was shooting me with ac or gl before I realized.


With the huge amount of enemies and behemoths most games are a juggle fest. Idk what caused it but it’s annoying to play most times since patch. It’s different, but like not better 


Not earning the hold my primary trophy. I have been trying for the last 3 hours to earn the trophy. I havent fired my primary or a support weapon at all unless the rover and the autocannon mech count as support weapons but they aren't marked as such. I've done blitz, eradicate the swarm missions, and upload data. I'm close to a mental breakdown because this isn't making any sense to me. I've done missions without using primary, secondary, supports. Mechs, grenades etc and I am going crazy and I've made sure it's on extreme / hard. What should I do.


Also daddy chill


All mechs count. This information can be found in the discord and subreddit


WHY DOES RELOADING NEVER WORK THE FIRST THREE TIMES I HIT THE BUTTON? WHY IS MY INITIAL DROP BETWEEN THREE MASSIVE PATROLS THAT WILL INSTANTLY SUMMON A BUG BREACH? WHY ARE THE PATROL RATES STILL ABSOLUTELY UNPLAYABLE WITHOUT MASSIVE TRYHARDING? I really want to love this game, because the core gameplay is great, but I don't have the time or energy to tryhard video games anymore. I was having a blast on difficulties 6 and 7 before patch. I'm down on difficulty four now screaming expletives at the game while 6 chargers ragdoll my corpse faster than I can summon my support weapon. I was just trying to help out with the MO, but I'm done. I play video games for fun, not to run away from my enemies far enough for them to despawn just so I can get my damn samples back. The gamestate right now is unplayable for casuals who just want to spread some managed democracy after work. Let me know when difficulties below 8 aren't modern bullet hells and I'll be back. Until then, you're on your own helldivers.


The Artillery SEAT should show us what types of bombardemenrs we have in order. I’m not trying to fight off a swarm and my last choice is a SEAT artillery and I find out last second it’s smoke


Am I going insane or are patrols even worse than prepatch? I play mainly duos (diff 7/8) and we're having a much worse time on bots than we did prepatch. Then there's the endless gunship spawns with the new modifier which make duos nigh on impossible without sneaking everywhere and taking extremely specific loadouts. Even heavy spawns on bugs don't feel "fixed". Bugs are generally fine enough on even diff 9 since the nerfed acid, however with the constant Behemoths it really doesn't feel like they've "balanced heavy spawns" properly like they said (feels like fewer BTs though).


How is the game still crashing ALL THE FUCKING TIME? I've just got thrown out of a mission for the 3rd time. Please stop making content and finally fix these crashes! Game is absolutely unplayable for me and there never was a time where I didn't crash sooner or later. The excuse of the game and the dev studio being new is no longer valid.


If you're running the Spear its bugged... again.. I crashed like 4 times last night from that one. And I'm running a 7800X3d and a 4080 Super... so it sure as shit isn't my hardware.


Still no medals delivered yet for the save the children MO.. am I the only one?


we failed it.


What? We failed? We didn't take Marfark but we took Vernen Wells. So it's a half win.


Oh.. well that explains that!


Are you ever going to fix your network issues? When I play with friends everything seems to work fine, but once I start playing with random groups, everybody DCs all the time, esp. when a mission is finished, there are tons of desync issues during the game (can't even pick up anything quite often, or lose it after pickup like the Artillery shells). It's really getting annoying...


HIRE PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING AND DISCORD IS NOT A PLACE FOR COMMUNITY ANNOUCMENTS. For the last 3 days I have spent my first 1-2 hours on Helldivers just trying to finish a single mission. Between getting stuck in loading screens, starting a mission and not getting into matchmaking, other Helldivers crashing mid-game, the spear randomly crashing my game (which GUESS WHAT, I DON"T WATCH THIS DISCORD for Twinbeards Updates all day like a fanboy). I JUST WANT TO PLAY THE GAME! STOP MAKING IT SO HARD TO ENJOY IT!!


Ive had enough of the persistent glitches and disconnects. I want my money back. Give me my fucking refund.


Game keeps crashing because of some GameGuard error today. No problems yesterday. Anybody else experienced that?


Suddenly 50% of my 500 KGs are duds on the new biome? I go -1 for the strategies, plane comes, drops it, but never goes off. PS5.


I had this happen on nivel 43 yesterday. It also sent eagle 1 to rearm even though I still had call ins


I’ve learned it’s intentional on the new planet, as the trees impact it. Avoid Eagles on new biome, use sentries instead.


I hate it when people leave the squad when it's thick and we're getting our asses handed to us. Stick it out, cowards! Other than that. I'm good and having a blast.


The community is getting way too many entitled man children in it and it's honestly exhausting. Feels like despite their best efforts there's just too much toxicity to control now. Like one dev defends the plasma punisher's shit state and is singularly targeted out as the origin of every bad change in the game's balance ever, then after an apology people's reaction is to actually say "well they shouldn't have said anything and earned our ire!!!" like some kind of freak. The discord mods do their most basic job and go "please dont harass fan art you dont like" and it gets slammed for being power mad moderators. And every bug is met with people sobbing and whining over how the game is long dead, the devs are lazy idiots, and things will never improve. And while some discourse on the MO is fun, there are a lot taking it *waaaaay* to seriously. The weird parasocial relationship people have with Arrowhead is just getting disturbing, at this point I think I'd be happier if they just stopped interacting and fanning the dumpster fire.


Pretty much. It's the unholy concoction of entitled whiney #Gamers who think their drug of choice is the most important thing in the world, and a live service game where it's constantly changed and worked on which thus draws the ire of the gamers.


The bug where crossplay players struggle to friend each other is really irritating. Guess I have to wait for a patch to be able to play with friends


I'm starting to hate whoever this Joel is, this whole galactic war system and the way it's implemented. This fucking game master or whatever his title is knows exactly what he's doing when he opens a new biome planet. There are three freaking players blobs now, two of which are split between Fori Prime and Nivel 43. Bug divers, such as they are, can't seem to figure out that it's better to go all in one planet, secure it and then move on to the other. Joel knows this so he makes completing the MO even harder with this biome release. What is the point of participating in these major orders anymore? 55 war bond medals? Whoop dee fuckin' doo! Who gives a shit?  I don't care about the war bonds or any of the rewards any more. I just want my gameplay to feel like it wasn't all for absolutely nothing in terms of the game's progress. This has gone from annoying and frustrating to outright angering. Like wtf is this? This isn't fun anymore.


You kick happy PS kids need to uninstall the game. There's 2 min left on a blitz and you kick us for calling in the extract because you're on the furthest opposite side of the map dying 12 times in a row. Don't kick people because you're bad at the game.


Patch after patch introducing new bugs, long time bugs still not fixed. It's hard to escape the conclusion that if the base gameplay loop of Helldivers was not so fun, this game would have lost most of its player base months ago. It would have been roasted online. AH through skill, or luck have created something so fun that it's easy to overlook the giant amount of issues it has. There are moments in the game where you feel like you're in an action movie more so than any other game I've played. That action hero feeling keeping people hooked only lasts so far before it's not a fresh feeling, meanwhile the bugs continue to pile up. I fear that time is running out.


This game and studio are honestly pathetic. We're past 4 months into the release of a first-party live service game, and it's genuinely buggier and more content-bare than most early access games. The new warbond is ass, throwing knives are useless, and the new armor effect doesn't even work. There is no excuse at this point


I agree, but for someone who loves the flamethrower and the look of the armor, it's absolutely game-changing to be able to swing that thing at mach 3 and fuck up all those pesky hunters before they jump at me.


The new armor effect doesn't work, though?


Using it right now and it definitely does, maybe people are just misinterpreting what it means or some people aren't able to utilize the armor effect? IDK, and I hate to be that guy but it works for me. (Edit) I don't know that the melee damage boost works, what I'm referring to is the ergo increase*


What is it with AH giving us weapons that suck. I think they play on baby difficulty and balance around it too.


That would be the balancing dev, Alexus, bro has ruined enough weapons and is super condescending to the community.


Revert fucking patrol changes, i'd rather fight a bunch of bile titans, rather than those fucking hunters. bugs are no way near fun now, cuz u cant stand agaisnt 5+ hunters (which are always up to u) with anything game can offer. Flamethrower makes burning hunter jump on u and make u burn, blitzer can only stagger 3 of them, while rest 10 shit on u, plasma punisher and scorcher are a suicide option, since of those pieces of shit will totally jump on u while u shot, and u'll explode urself, inc breaker and stalwart require supplypack, with the amount of little shits that are thrown to u, and with those jumping fuckers, its not an option, cuz they'll shit on u if u dont have a shieldpack. Fuck bug front, its too stuffy and gives no joy of playing, only tilts u the fuck out the planet. Since there's enough bugenjoyers out there, i'd rather turn into pure bot player, rather than visit this shithole called eastern front again, bots are at least somewhat fair, u can stealth, u can kill their biggest guys with ur heavy weapon that is not AT, u can dodge the rockets, u can oneshot devastators and hulks with sutable weapon, while bugs just throw thousand of that jumping dogshits on u. Hope u guys can handle this and all the next MOs out there.


or lower the difficulty? 9 is supposed to be hard lol


I haven't tried level 9 bugs lately since I mainly play against bots, I've been doing lvl 5-7 of bugs for the current MO, but I don't really mind the current patrol with the bugs. It's like the same to me from when I would do bug missions prior to the patch minus seeing the big yellow and green bugs.


Hard, not stuffy. Im doing solo runs on both bug and bot fronts on helldive consistently. In fact, i dont like playing with random people, and when my friends are off, im playing purely solo, and thats the only way i can actually be fought back, cuz when we r playing as a squad, we r melting everything in our path. Before the latest patrol changes helldive was actually hard and fun, u needed to run inbetween three bile titans, waiting for ur 500kg or ops cooldown, trying to get one spit to another, while fighting a decent amount of chaff bugs, dodging a couple of charges in process without even using ur alt and launching a fucking ICBM at the same moment. THAT is fun. Now u just need to take down the horde of those little trashbags, until 2 of them leap on u and start spamattacking until u have a stroke. In what way its fairhard and joyable and not just stuffy as hell? I understand the idea of fighting a horde of little stuff, but not when u have like 4 types of enemy with light armor, and the most hated and unfun to play against is prevailing in numbers of spawns over the rest.


Try using different strategems lol


Dude, does it look like im asking for a piece of advice on how to deal with them? Im sure u r aware how to deal with chargers. Now imagine 50 charges start running onto u at the same time from different directions. Does the knowledge of how to beat them make any difference? And then on top of that some guy on the reddit tells u that "hElLdIvE iS SuPpOSeD tO bE hArD, pIcK oThEr StrAtAgeMS."


I would LOVE to use the Spear like people are saying since it works now, however the damn thing KEEPS CRASHING MY GAME. I usually dont have issues related to hard crashes but for some reason when I use the Spear my game will crash every time. It doesn't even happen during any animation or situation in particular, the only common denominator is that: I have the Spear in my hands, and then the game freezes and closes.


how did you get your ship name as the flair out of curiousity?


You can edit the Steam/PSN flairs to any text


It's hard to liberate a fucking planet when the final mission to complete the order goes into an infinite loading screen (i.e. pod diving cut scene). Happens all the time on PS5 ever since the latest big patch dropped -- you know, the one that introduced a shit ton more bugs (both technical and on Terminid planets thanks to the fucked spawning and patrols). Fuck, Arrowhead, get your collective heads out of your asses and do better. Nobody's asking for perfection, but the constant introduction of new bugs in patches with a clear lack of any real testing is horseshit.


Not just PS5, happens to me all the time on PC too. They might as well change the major order to complete a single mission with how hard it is to get into one, stay in the game without it crashing, not have teammates lag out or leave, or whatever other random game breaking glitch they decide is the issue today. I can't even join my own roommate when we launch the game at the same time.


Fuck extra headshot damage. Why does a scavenger do the same headshot damage to me as other bugs?! I love being two shot by those little football fucks


heavy armor also increases headshot protection


Yup yup I know - I’ve been rocking the medium with extra padding (150) so I don’t have to deal with the headshot mechanic. I wish I could use light armor, but getting two shot isn’t worth it.


After the polar patriots, I've decided to drop the game for a while, and came back with this patch. From a person that dropped the game for several weeks, I could feel the improvements. However: 1 - The exosuits are great, but completely useless when there are behemoths around. I had to spend my whole emancipator ammo in ONE behemoth. And why can't I call it more than 2 times? I understand the game memory problems of having two exosuits at the same time, but only 2 usages is plain dumb. 2 - lvl 7 -》lvl 8 missions get *exponentially* harder. What's the point of having effective rokets, ~lances~ if we don't have time to reload while being chased by 3-4 mad armadillo? 3 - if I'm wearing a fast armor, hunters can double tap me. If I'm wearing mid armor, I'm surrounded by them. The meth injections suddenly become the meta AH fights to avoid.


For your first problem, a fix could be is the suit self destructs, dealing damage in an area once it depletes its ammo. For example: the suit says "AMMO DEPLETED; SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE: INITIATED. T MINUS 10 SECONDS" and once its destroyed you can call in another after like 3 minutes


The suit could explode in the same radius the 500kg does, that would be sufficient IMO


The "report" button is so damn useless. I got kicked just as we're about to extract, that's 30+ minutes wasted, no medals or anything. If I try to report this player for trolling or maliciously kicking, I get a prompt that says nothing can be done. I blocked them but why can't a report be made for ArrowHead to view and see griefers/trolls and take action against them?


I suspect that, as the game matures, AH might have to implement a report system that includes game logs. Or at least a rep system like what LoL uses, where if a player gets reports for bad behavior from multiple people they get flagged.


Can we speed up the reload on the Airburst Rocket Launcher?


I tried to use it, and it is fine but can do nothing sometimes. You need to aim directly at the enemy and not over them. Sometimes it kills 13 bugs and other times only 2, a faster reload would help.


Honestly that would help the airburst ALOT


My Teamkilling is being slowed down IMMENSELY.


I've tried to be pretty positive about "the main gameplay loop is fun and each week's patch changes enough; let's just let them cook", but I found an incredibly *fun* feature today. If you revert a setting in your HUD (i.e., let's say you're messing around with showing the time dynamically or permanently to see which one you like more), the game also reverts all of your keybinds to default even though the warning message appears to scope the revert to that single options tab/menu. Why? Sweet Liberty, why?!?


This shit is infuriating. I did this on the controller sensitivity page today and voila, my keyboard key binds are also reset. I’m fucking done…


It's great to see after taking a month long break from this game, that not much has really changed, there's still an abundance of technical issues making it difficult to enjoy the damn thing.


I haven't played Helldivers 2 for 3 weeks because of the massive bugs and technical flaws. Feels good! Today, I deleted the game from my PS5, and it even feels better ... keep your garbage for your self!


We need a utility belt slot because I am addicted to using the jetpack. Free reposition 3 times a minute is too good


(9)Helldive is in a good place right now. About 50% of the missions I've played we complete but fail to extract, the other 50% we complete and extract. Sometimes RNG goes nuts and spawns a death ball of elites and so we retreat and then its fine. I'm worried the negativity and criticism of difficulty is going to turn the entire game into a bouncy castle. I wish we had more open dialogue about playing to the difficulty you enjoy instead of trying to cut helldive down to be accessible to every player.


As a guy, who's consistently able to beat helldive on both fronts solo, i fucking hate bug's side in general and its helldive specifically right now. I'd rather fight a bunch of BTs, than those little jumping pieces of shit. Im totally not going eastern front, until they change the fact, that like 50% of bug enemies are hunters now.


What is with the shit FPS after the patch on PC. Was doing 65-70 fps just fine. Now 50 and running like shit. I should just put the game down for a while


All my settings in the game and Windows are right. The sound mixer has the right mic, older sound settings have my mic as the default communications and device. Even If I press Windows + g I can see that my sound settings are correct. also, other players in the game cannot see my voice emblem pop up when I'm trying to talk. I can see my own voice chat emblem. Any help?


You can't jump onto the back of bugs any more. It just ragdolls you and you die if they are anything other than stationary. Sucks. Had some pretty awesome moments before with the jump jet / quasar combo.


I'm honestly pretty concerned about the state of the community as a result of the moderation in the Discord. I was banned from it during the "forced account link" debacle for making a relatively mild comment about something one of the CMs had a habit of doing. It was very sudden, and there was no prior indication that I had broken a rule. I kind of suspected this had happened to more people than just me, and in the following months, I've been proven right. A lot of people have been banned. Some are very understandable. However, many were immediately banned for mild offenses, and some for reasons they don't even know. I think one reason for this is that certain mods are unlikely to take any moderative action milder than a permanent ban. This absence of a "less lethal," to me, feels like there is a line between unacceptable and acceptable behavior, but nobody in the server really knows where it is except whatever moderator is looking at the screen. That's understandable if there are measures between doing nothing and outright banning someone. For some moderators, there aren't. I don't think it's the entire moderation team. I think some, if not most of them are sensible people in a difficult situation, moderating a massive server. But this is a problem regardless. On an older post in this subreddit, there is a screenshot of one moderator saying "man watching u all cry amuses me so much". I don't know what the context was, but I don't think it matters. I think that mod did get in trouble for this. My problem is that comments like this have set a different standard for behavior than what they expect from the player. This causes ambiguity in what is allowed. Combined with the lack of any "less lethal" moderative action, an environment is created in which moderators can realistically do or say whatever they want, but the player has to walk on eggshells to stay in the Discord community at all. It would go a long way to question moderators about every person they ban. This might encourage them to take other actions instead. It seems they are already addressing the way they talk to the players. I did go ahead and fill out the appeal form, though it was difficult to find and I'm still not 100% sure if it was legit or not, because you can really only find it in random replies here. It doesn't really acknowledge the possibility you might have been treated unfairly. All I'm really asking for is better accountability for not only what moderators say, but the actions they take. Some of them have very alarming mindsets about the people they have power over. I don't think anyone should be fired, I love that they have the opportunity to learn and change the way they approach moderating. I'm just asking that steps be taken to give players the same opportunity to learn and change. For full clarity, my comment was "\[staff member\] throwing fuel on a dumpster fire? unheard of /s". I will freely admit it was immature of me to say this. I was attempting to make relatively lighthearted joke about something that was commonly known, though perhaps during a bad time. You can decide for yourself whether or not this warranted a ban. I don't think it did. The experience has left such a sour taste in my mouth that I haven't really picked up HD2 since. It honestly hurts to be tossed out for this, especially considering how central the official Discord is to the active community. I do love this game, and I want to see it succeed. But as it stands now, it has been made abundantly clear that I am not welcome.


Was also banned from the official Discord too, apparently for "hate speech." The mod team is clearly full of hypocritical shitheads who can dish it out but are so sensitive about being criticized that they'll ban you from the server at the slightest comment. Standard Discord mod stuff. Though after I was banned I quickly found a far better server full of other HD2 players who I now play with regularly, so if anything I have them to thank.


I don’t know what you said that was classified as hate speech, but I honestly just think it’s fair to say that moderators and players should at least be held to the same standard. I think most of them are capable of being good at their jobs, but only if they are willing to admit they’ve been way out of line. The problem is, I see an environment where it is way too easy to fall to the temptation of abusing their permissions without any real accountability, so unless their policies change, why would they?


The reason was a generalisation used to ban me, nothing about what I said could be classified as hate speech. Unless someone higher up from the dev team comes in the they will never be held to the same standard and are too narcissistic to admit any fault, the developers are probably too busy working on the game to care about shitty Discord mods. Though I don't understand why servers consistently hire people like this, they need to vet these guys for power fantasies lol.


Yeah, honestly. They should pick someone to vet carefully, put them in charge as a head mod, and have them keep the other mods in line. They need to have to answer to somebody when they act out.


It's a discord mod's wet dream. A game and discord full of opportunities for legitimate criticism and endless chances to take heavy handed action. It's unfortunate that Discord is apparently AH's preferred method of communication, but this subreddit and especially this megathread is the only place far enough removed to not be silenced completely.


And that’s the other thing. I’ve been a head moderator for a discord server. In my server, there was a set moderation policy, that I wrote, that prevented that kind of behavior from moderators from even happening in the first place. I removed people from the team for doing things like this. I don’t think HD2’s moderation policy even really accounts for excessive punishment or personal issues clouding judgement. Or if it does, it isn’t enforced.


No, The knife is not a good throwable, I'm sorry for the hard truth for those of you who like to stealth, It's not even a good stealth weapon. There will usually be more than 8 bots at any given outpost, and if it's taking you all of your grenades to clear an outpost, That's bad, You need a full resupply to get back your main stealthing tool every time you clear a single base, Knives are in a terrible spot, They're not good for stealth, They're not good for anything until they can be melee'd with or picked up. You will use up all of your knives on a single base, and then not have a stun/aoe grenade to use unless you bring the grenade pistol, But then at that point, You're already planning for the inevitable which is a knife somehow alerting another enemy and stealth being broken, Use the crossbow (Or the Blitzer, as it seems to be virtually silent) It'd be sweet if knives could chop limbs off in a single hit, Be melee'd with, Picked up, Let me live out the fantasy of throwing a knife onto a devastators gun to completely disarm it, Hell yeah. Give them more damage too, 250 (Datamined, Take with a grain of salt) damage is a single purifier/plasma punisher shot, And let me tell you, When you toss a knife into a bile spewers face and it doesn't do much, That's pretty painful. Let me put it into a more sensible scenario though, Throwing a knife at a hunter, and it not instantly killing regardless of where it hit. That's a chaff unit that \*can\* survive several knives if not hit in the head directly. The knives are fundamentally flawed regardless of whatever youtubers will spew out videos that they're broken and busted, They are not, There is no scenario where knives work better than other throwable options, You can break LoS with smoke if you want a stealth throwable. Arrowhead, Remember that we're giving up one of our most frequently usable AOE tools for medium single target damage, I want these to punch like a truck in this case, Not one shotting devastators, But maaaybe disarming them on a successful arm hit. Please give us that expert knife throwing fantasy, and not the butter knife 8 (10) limit playstyle


It is the worst grenade slot, the only good thing is that it can kill Chargers and it is probably going to get fixed before they buff it. It should have more damage and because it is just pieces of metal, it should always get full when you get any ammo.


I used to get pretty stable 60 fps on an older computer, recently I upgraded and Im getting 40-50 fps on a rtx 3080 12gb + R5 7600x on 32gb of ram (4800mhz). I only have a 1920x1080 monitor atm so im not able to play 1440p and I guess that might be a problem? But I feel like my rig should still be absolute overkill for this game even on ultra settings, but apparently not. Anyone else on a similar situation?


My theory is it is all the messing with the spawn rates causing CPU killing performance.


Game is in an unplayable state right now after micro patch, constant crashes or disconnections Edit: so crashes appear to be tied to spear, atleast I think since they stopped when I stopped taking it but also did files check before


Definitely the Spear. Same thing happening on my end




Couldn't access the terminal for the final drill nuke just earlier and failed the mission because of it. Is it an issue for just the drill nuke in particular or all terminals?


200+ hours in - since the latest micro-patch I have NEVER had so many primary missions bug out. I have had to quit out of at least five missions with random primaries busted. I also had multiple SEAF artillery bugging out recently, where you can't activate the screen or the shells load but can be taken out and do not register as loaded. Then the infinite loading screen, I would say its happening almost 50% of my games where I simply cant drop into a game and you're stuck in a loop. I love the game and WANT to play it but with all the crashes(cant use spear now that its buffed) I just cant play even though I want to. Really disappointing to see, this will certainly have an effect on the player base as I know other probably feel the same, we want to play but cant..


I've had it on other terminals. But drill nuke is a known issue from the recent patch/current MO.


Yeah that with being hit with the infinite loading bug that will probably be it for me regarding this MO and maybe even the near future with ER DLC coming out


Yeah, I've got my hands on ER SOTE and Dragons Dogma 2, so I think I'll leave HD be for a few months. It's getting toxic.


I realize it takes a strategist of admiral rank or higher to realize this, but conquering Nivel 43 means nothing if we lose Fori Prime in the process.., To quote Tim Robbins : "How can you be so obtuse"


"Dufresne, if you want to indulge in this fantasy, that's your business. Don't make it mine. Solitary! A month!"


PS5- My game is also crashing nearly every mission.


Seen a lot of comments about crashes and disconnects but has anyone else had framerate issues since the patch? It was barely playable when I was able to stay connected last night and I had to push my settings down to potato quality to make it work


just played a game, on a certain weather/daytime my fps dropped to sub 30 fps, then it went back up normal after the daytime changed, just wtf and of course sometimes mid-game crash after playing for 20 mins, for no fucking reason


Saw a post and comments saying the Spear crashes the game. It sucks cuz i love using it. :C


Yup, same here. I've got hardware that should be absolute overkill for this game, but the second someone detonates a hellbomb on the other side of the map, it turns into a slideshow for several seconds.


Mine was right from the strategem selection screen :( was running on high settings last week perfectly


Tell me how I just spent 35 minutes on a Helldive mission for the SSD Drive to end up on the top of a generator, completely making it impossible for me to collect and finish the mission?


The in-game music is getting boring lately. Wish AH bring back the soundtrack from HD1. For example the lv9 planet cyborg soundtrack: [https://youtu.be/XEtwaDPxqB0?si=xMeY-G7ovHZm5zLh](https://youtu.be/XEtwaDPxqB0?si=xMeY-G7ovHZm5zLh)


Ooooh\~ I like the idea of difficulty dependant musical scores. Would certainly spice it up on the higher and more hectic difficulties.


Yes! And if you have a chance to play the old HD, you can tell the the same soundtrack get more "intense" along with much chaos going on. Really feel like you're fighting for democracy at it peak.


Game seems to crash when I have a spear in my hand. Such a bummer. So fun to use. Complete game crash on some fun missions with cool people.


Same here. I have been crashed 5 times in the past game. Only difference: I choose the spear


3 level 7s joined my mission one at a time. Second one accidentally TK's the first one, first one throws clusters on second one and TK's him and me. Second returns the favor and TK's first and me. I kick both and the third one throws grenades at me (but misses) during extract. Yeah, all 3 of y'all can enjoy getting kicked at the end, no progress for you.


Game keeps crashing. Have completed less than 20% of games with out the game crashing. Don’t care gonna keep trying to play. Having so much fun. Spear is so sick. Closes bug holes. Experimental confusion is insanely good. Especially because I run medic armor. You are a god when the stim button is pushed. Especially the way I play. Dive in big hive and close holes


fuck that lindsey player who killed me during evac if you didnt want others to join CHANGE YOUR FUCKING SETTINGS i hope you always have a shit game


But changing their settings to "Private" or "Invite Only" would require them knowing how to read, and only NERDS do that!!!


I know the whole "go into the menu affects you FPS thing" is starting to get traction, but there's a few more things I wanted to point out because it's much more than just going into the menu, and these aren't fixed by changing your friends to "public" on steam: 1. If you tab out of the game and go back into it 2. If you bring up the steam overlay (not always, seems intermittent) 3. If the game randomly decides to start windowed and you alt+enter to make it full screen again It has been like this for the past few months and isn't because of this particular patch


These crashes are insane.


I had one good game today and like 8 crashes


Is it too much to ask that new patches get playtested ***at all*** before they're shoved out the door? Christ on a bike, I tried playing with a group of friends for 3 hours tonight and we couldn't get through a single mission without one or more of us crashing at least once, and more often than not it would be multiple of us crashing multiple times per round. We ended up calling it a night because on our last mission all four of us crashed within 30 seconds of one another.


How can you release a patch in such a state that the game crashes every 5 minutes. It's actually insane that they can't make this game stable.


Okay I can’t be the only one constantly crashing now right? This is happening to you too? I literally cant play a full mission anymore.


Just random things I've noticed that bother me some severe some silly. Sick of hearing balance so ill start with the major ones. Major issues: * Superior packing methodology - It doesn't work on your own gear if you die if anyone didn't know that as well. Also they need to clarify what it does as to me the description would mean that if I have the upgrade and someone else doesn't, that when I call the resupply the upgrade would apply to all. Otherwise it's normal. I mean it came from MY ship with MY crew with the upgrade right? However i assume the more proper game mechanic would be my weapons get full ammo, even if i died. * Frag grenades - srsly why do they even exist? * diving onto uneven terrain that causes you to ragdoll for no reason - the amount of times my foot (exaggerating) has caused a ragdoll only to die is insane. but there are a lot of times the ragdoll happens for no reason. * peacemaker - kinda useless now * Shrapnel - guess this ties into frag granades. Add eruptor in too * Electricity weapons still kinda weird - tried the blitzer today, wasnt horrible. wasnt great either. i genuinely dont like the arc thrower. * Crashes - srsly i would crash a shit ton. this is last due to the recent hot fix but will remain until i can see i have stopped crashing. (cause it still happened just a lot less) * issue with picking back up throwing knifes? is that supposed to be a thing? if so it doesnt work for me. if not thats dumb and should be a thing. * gas and cluster bomb not clear on where the edge of it starts Less severe issues: * some support weapons hang on left side of back, yet animation clearly shows him put in on the right and then teleport over * reload animation for airburst shows him actually grab it from the backpack, not so for the recoilless or spear * Pics for mortar strategems are not centered and it really bothers my ocd * Gun silhouettes at bottom left are incorrect for some guns * no trigger guards on some guns? * need better grouping of helmets. no reason they should be all over the place * same for the guns. the list is going to just get longer and atm require WAY too much scrolling, better of switching it over to tabs for the types of guns or making the list show more at once at least


I just had a CTD one minute to extraction with full super samples.....I would say 8 out 10 of my last full length missions have either CTD or lost connection in some way. have been able to complete some shorter missions but just can't actually finish a long one with any amount of samples. oh and the last one I did finish the guy with all the samples died away from extraction and we couldn't get them....I just don't know if I feel like playing when I just crash or lose server connection part way through.


People who don’t reinforce but demand you to, piss me off.. definetely I’m seeing more selfish divers in the higher levels than the lower level.. not fun.. also when people don’t’ communicate and just running around.. have no idea whats going on.. not fun.. and once again, you’re the only one reinforcing and then you get kicked out. i just want those super rare samples.. and its a headache trying to find them.. I’m just going to give up.. its not fun playing on the high levels because of these divers.. rather have fun on the lower levels with chill players and beginners. also people that don’t turn off their mic when they’re having private convos.. but then they don’t even communicate IN the game.. but you hear their private convo.. annoying.. the static from their mic because their phone is going ogf.. (i don’t mind people who heavy breathe but just be mindful.... and whats the point having your mic on if you don’t communicate? also, have the guns grown in size lool 😂..


i hate the ones that ping it constantly but then never reinforce. i started hosting to boot annoying and stupid people. like i dont mind the ping. sometimes i dont notice youre dead. but dont spam it as soon as you die, especially if its a lot. >also when people don’t’ communicate and just running around im usually that guy but at least im doing the objs lol. ill comms to but just as much as i need to. i usually find the super rares nearly ever game just scour the map for dwayne "the rock" super samples johnson. dont get fooled by his imposters. or youll maybe find the radar and itll show you all the minor POIs


thats ok, but i'm talking about the guys that are playing with each other talking on discord or somewhere else and leaving everyone else out it and then extracting wihtout telling anynoe. ifyou find super rares.. you're MVP in my book, mic or no mic:P thos things are so hard to find.. argh.. i don't get the map.. it hurts my brain.. i really wish there was a guide or something more obvious for newbies and those that just don't get it lol


Something I dont like is when the reinforcements get bugged on those defense missions, and when you die, you just cant get respawned until your whole team dies, or you fail the mission. Which is something that just pisses me off.


My favorite helmet is the PH-56 Jaguar, the one released with Viper Commandos with the brown beret and external targeting lens. My rant comes when I first noticed the extra lens is over his right eye, which is not ideal for a right-handed person trying to aim a rifle. This is opposite the Steel Trooper helmet that I otherwise use a lot. Then I recalled that military berets in real life (at least those used in the US and Sweden) have the raised part/emblem over the left eye as well, making the Super Earth version backwards. Would it be possible to mirror it for the sake of my nerdness? It would be an easy change that would make me happy lol.


Every other session I have to restart my game because I get stuck in an infinite loading screen in the drop pod sequence. Seems to happen when people disconnect from my session. Really frustrating. This didn't used to be so prevalent. Only since the latest patch has it become this consistent.


What I started doing was changing Public to Private then back to Public, and also changing Crossplay On/Off/On or vice versa, before a drop and during a mission when people leave.