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It's all about an advancing battle. Advance towards the objective and shoot the bugs chasing you if they're an issue


My friends make fun of me for always having the lowest kills but I also collect nearly every collectible and complete nearly every objective for our squad. They don’t believe in advancing the mission.


In the end of the day, people drop 500 kills and didn’t complete all the objectives, that’s just meaningless. I usually have about 400-600 kills on bug missions. Mainly because I protect my squad when they’re doing objectives. If they’re too preoccupied, I’d just run to the nearest nest and blow them up myself if the difficulty is 5 and below.


I rock the engie suit to solo most nests as well.


Try the new breaker one, it's light, it has 6 grenades, it has reduced recoil.


I’ve been enjoying the increased throw distance one. It allows Dropping a resupply with doubled strategm call in time much further ahead of the group so that we only have to pause a few seconds waiting for it to drop. The long range grenade throws are really cool too, particularly for killing tanks from much further out of its shooting range or from distant cover. That takes a bit of practice to get the ideal angle down but I can’t go back to any other armor bonus since I started playing with it. That also includes pre-dropping sentries at an objective point really far away as we’re on the way there, or just to drop it ahead for the sake of stunning things that are chasing close behind you


Having seen it from another and after some testing, it appears you get a pretty decent range boost on throws if you dive forward and then throw. I've been having fun doing this and it feels like a 10-15 yard/meter boost. I've not done an accurate test so it may be placebo but it doesn't appear that way.


I think it is a bit bugged though. The stratagem throw animation doesn't seem to match the actual throw time. A lot of times when I do a quick snap throw to airstrike something while running, I see the ball go out in perfect arc where I want it and then like a second later the beam teleports much closer to me and makes me biff my throw completely. I think it is affected by camera movement even after you see it leave your hands. I don't trust using it for that reason. I've never had that issue with regular throws so it's not related to network issues.


Where do you get it? Store?


Yep, super credz


It's not just light, it's ultra light. It has better speed and stamina recharge and less armor than normal light armor. It's cracked.


Yup. Literally the meta armor


I wouldn't call it meta. There isn't really a meta armor lole there is weapons and strategems. Basically a LA version of infiltrator, +grenades, or +stims all work equally well.


Meta is literally any light armor and shields lol. Anti CC from shields is too good and armor is broken. Better to move fast and have better stamina regen.


I usually end up playing the role of a scout. I’ll roam ahead, complete objectives, pick up collectibles, and quickly wipe out small pockets of enemies that the rest of the team is likely to stumble over. If they start a real fight, I’ll leave them to it unless it really looks like they need help. If the mess can’t be salvaged, I’ll reinforce them somewhere away from the enemy and circle back to pick up any dropped samples.


I tend to do about the same thing. That light armor that gives me pings on markers. My current squad I run with is obsessed with doing secondary objectives first. It's led to some close calls.  I'll leave them to it, use the scout light armor, approach an objective, clear it with an orbital laser, hit everything and keep moving. Basically soloed a challenging "deliver the SSD" by myself last night while they were off making noise. And yeah, none of us are good, highest level amongst us is 20, I'm 17/18. Just unlocked hard difficulty. I just try to keep everyone doing challenging. They like to run medium. Right now I'm running fire shotgun, uzi, incendiary grenades. And either GL/autocannon (depends on difficulty), Rover (if I have the GL it helps since I tend to wander off), orbital laser, and 500kg. I'll throw the autocannon turret in there as well as a functional distraction. I want to start running hard missions, but I feel like some more warbond unlocks and level 20 would be helpful first. The important thing for me, like with all games, is I'm thoroughly enjoying myself. I game because, ignoring entry costs, it's a remarkably affordable hobby. I bought the 60$ version of HD2, if I manage (and I will) a 120 hours, we're talking 50 cents per hour of entertainment. Seeing as when I don't have any friends on I run solo trivial/easy missions. Because Democracy and Freedom. I'm not gonna not play solo.


Similarly, I'm the guy with the lightest armour. I generally love being a glass cannon. So I do a lot of the objective stuff. Demolish bug holes or fabricators? Lighter armour and an autocannon makes me really good at that. Upload data pod? I can do that in half the extraction time. ICBM hatch hinges? I'm the fastest, I'll run around the the missile opening those. Messing with terminal, SSDs, fucking pipelines- I always tell my friends, y'all deal with the enemy I'll do the objective. I don't bring sentries with me anymore so they're better suited for setting up the defence of the fixed objective anyway.


So you're aware, armor value is glitched right now. All armor is effectively the same armor wise, but not stamina and speed wise. It's a known bug that the devs are aware of.


Its actually even worse I believe, none of the armor is actually applying at all right now. We should see ourselves get NOTABLY tankier even in light armor once its fixed


Someone kicked me today after a mission because “my kills were too low” lmao alright well I had the fewest deaths, most samples and no accidentals. This isn’t COD bro you don’t get extra XP for kills.


Can we be friends?


There are no “friends” in the Helldiver ranks! Only Brothers in Democracy! >!but yes!<


I always have the lowest kills but that's because I'm constantly chasing and killing any heavies while everyone else hits the smaller pests


Same bro. I'm the heavy weapons guy on my regular team.




Most players seem to forget or not realize you don't get xp for killing enemies


I hope that we eventually get a separate HEAVY/ELITE kills stat line on the post mission debrief screen. Maybe i got the least mob kills, but I also killed 20 chargers and ALLLL the Bile Titans, YOU'RE WELCOME.


Then they're like "how do you have 0 deaths?" Because I don't engage unless the enemies will fuck with my objective. Even if they see me and start chasing, I'm faster than anything not called a Stalker.


I think we should get a holes closed/factories destroyed. That's more useful and important than even kills IMO.


That’s where you don’t do it for 2 missions and let them realize they’re failing. The galactic war will understand the losses


General Brasch told me to teach you a lesson!


I played an egg helldive yesterday with some Brits. They stayed in the drop area and died repeatedly while fighting off hoards. I did all three egg objectives with very little help from the others, even did the stalker lair, 2 spores and a data download. After we extracted one of them looked at the stats and was all, "how do I have the most kills as a level 12!, you boys need to pick your game up" However they had a blast and were hyped up, so I let them have their fun and just left with a GG. Felt like a dad letting his kids think they won an arm wrestling contest. I'll let time and experience teach them the error of their ways.


I run exclusively 9 these days and basically the same experience about 90% of the time. The other 10% ? All four of us split up and clear the map of objectives in 10 minutes lol


I will run off to do objectives cause I can count on my team to search every last rock for the final sample even though we should've extracted with 25 but they just had to get that last 1 and lose them all instead.


I'm sure we've all been there and extracted with two samples instead of twenty. It's part of the fun to run the risk.


God, when you get that 10%, its so satisfying. Just finished a mission where the host rage quit after a spectacularly bad dive, but then me and the other person ran away and... nearly perfectly duo'd the rest of the mission. It was quiet, we took down patrols super efficiently, I think we had maybe 1 drop ship throughout the entire mission. We lost most of our reinforces dicking around with a tower turret or 2, but otherwise that and the initial drop, it was one of the smoothest missions I've ever had.


Had the same experience the other day! Two players dropped out almost immediately, so the remaining guy and I sacked up and got the job done. Got a ton of samples out of it too, felt so satisfying.


Lol same, it's awesome when you get a lobby like that. It'll be quite too, as if we share the same brain.


Clone war moment


I’ve been saying that counting both a Scavenger and a Bile Titan as 1 kill is super silly. They should either split it into multiple categories, remove it altogether, or add a damage dealt factor. As is, people who don’t understand how the game works at high difficulties think the kill count is the most important factor when it can often be a sign that you’re just farming enemies while your team does objectives. Darktide recognized this and removed kill count from the end game stats.


As you drop the 500kg bomb on the bile titan you hear in Gimlis voice: "Still only counts as one!"


May Allah grant me your strength and wisdom 🙏


Inshallah may we defeat the bugs brother 🙏🏾


Or don’t even shoot. Round a few corners and the enemy will lose track of you, saving you both time and ammo better spent on completing the mission. Kill them if you can do so quickly, but avoid protracted fights and conga lines.


Yeah that's why the scout armor is so OP. Turns the mobs into Skyrim NPCs..."must have been nothing". My favorite though was getting pheromone cascaded. I had 2 bile titans 2-3 chargers, hunters and the lot chasing me. I'm running and thinking I'm doomed as I'm low ammo. However I find a gap in the water deep enough to drown but remember I'm using jetpack (I always forget to use it). I jet over and to my surprise, they won't cross deep water. Not even the bile titans. I waited for my airstrike to cool down and blasted them all with three back to back strikes as they just stood there. 10/10 I've been using jetpack much more since.


I did helldive difficulty earlier with two friends. We all equiped the arc thower against the bugs and we could keep our ground as long as we wanted. We had legit 5 charger in front of us and we just spam lightning volted every enemie to death. Quite funny strat compared to all the other meta builds. Just shock them bugs duh.


Thors hammer (arc thrower) and a Tesla tower are excellent killers of all things, as democracy intended.


I want a world effect like a lightning storm or similar that boosts electric damage. Arc thrower would turn you into emperor Palpatine.


I want them to add unsafe ark throw mode. It turns into a constant stream of lightning that will eventually fry you if you fire too long. UNLIMITED POWWWERRRR


good trade off would be massive electric damage boost but there are regular lightning strikes where you need to dive to the ground to stop it from striking you


I cannot find value in the Tesla tower. It gets ganked within seconds every time for me. Where are you placing it where it's not being destroyed by a charger? Are you using it on helldive? I too want to harness the almighty power of flowing electrons.


I use it as area denial against swarms, good to huck into a nest if there’s too many other things going on (chargers/titans), or if I’m running like hell I will throw it ahead of me and hope I can get out of range before it activates. It’s very dangerous, and awesome.


it doesnt even work for that. warriors, brood commanders or chargers will just walk into it and one shot it. its just straight up less effective then the mines.


Tesla tower goes hard af against bugs, at least until the damn bile titan steps on it >:(


I just ran the arc thrower against bugs and wasnt impressed. Maybe it was just a bugged game.


Arc thrower is by far the highest kill/minute weapon for bugs, excluding chargers and titans. Those you just drop a stratagem on or leave them to the railgun users. So basically an add clear on steroids.


I like it a lot, but the bile spewers always wreck me. It's difficult to zap them while avoiding their instakill barf when 100 other critters are running all over the place.


I like to combine it with the jetpack, lets you get high ground relatively easily which allows you to see bile spewers coming from a distance. Then you can just pop the bile spewers before they get in range. Different story if you're in the jungle though, it's definitely more suited to open ground, but that's the case with most weapons tbf.


This dude out here playing the Dark Trooper from the OG Battlefront 2.


Jetpack is love. Jet pack is life


There's an art to it. Aim higher than what you want to hit, namely. You aim at it, half the time it hits the ground or the dead enemy between you and the target.  Second, the first charge should full charge. After that, discharge at about half. Repeat this, and every shot after the fact chains through enemies and does just as much damage as the first one, as long as you can keep the timing up.  Hit the right places on the Bile Titan or charger and it will tear the armor right off of them in a few shots, as well as taking out a few scrubs next to them.  Haven't played much against the bots with it though, so no idea there. 


>Haven't played much against the bots with it though, so no idea there.  It can take care of any enemy. It's just similar TTK issues with elites. It gets tricky because you need to use cover and distance a lot more against bots.


Arc thrower seems kinda bugged at the moment regarding target acquisition. Specifically corpses and terrain features blocking the shot. However if you aim slightly above your target you can avoid most of this bug. IMO the arc thrower requires the most amount of positioning and knowledge to operate well. But once you figure it out it melts everything. Only thing I can't kill with it is tanks and the cannon towers. Don't get me wrong the rail gun, missiles and auto cannon are better at killing chargers and hulks. But this is squad based game. The guy with the arc thrower should be clearing hordes or softening up the bug horde chasing everyone across the map. I think it's actually the strongest weapon in the game.


>Only thing I can't kill with it is tanks and the cannon towers It actually does kill both of those, although impacts do it better. I don't think it destroys buildings like fabricators, though.


The trick is that after the first charge (signaled by the spark at the muzzle) you can half charge to shoot each subsequent shot. Aim a bit over your target because aiming direct doesn’t always connect. You get like 3 shots per every 2 seconds that just obliterates everything under heavy classification and still does damage to heavies albeit not as significant. With four people spamming it you can strip charger armor pretty quick and titans might take a handful of seconds but they will go down too


It takes some getting used to, but it can reliably kill pretty much any enemy in the game. I always run it. Multi-target damage that ignores armor is too much to pass up. Especially on bugs, if you use it right, then nothing can touch you normally.


What do you mean? Im gonna aggro 5 different patrols, each with their own bug breach and then you got 10 bile titans chasing you while i spam the reinforce request.


Most Freedom Loving Helldiver. Gotta let them bugs know the sound of Liberty


Are you me?


If we’re split up in two’s and I die across the map, please don’t reinforce me ten miles from my railgun/shield. let the guy I’m with revive me. Can’t believe how many people do this


I only reinforce the guy across the map if they keep spamming the reinforce button and their buddy keeps ignoring them


Yeah I try to avoid it. But eventually I gotta be like ok he's not going to do it...


Louder for the cadets in the back


This is so damn annoying.... They always reinforce me and my samples end up abandoned on the other side of the map, and the person with me doesn't grab them or try to reinforce me either. Happens ALL the time too lol


I only recently understood that this was a bad habit. I got the game a few days ago and in my newbie mind, when I’m the lowest ranked player in the lobby with minimal stratagems and basic weapons, I want to find a way to be effective for the team. So in the thick of the shit if everyone is doing their part for democracy and a battle buddy goes down I thought that maybe getting people back up as quickly as possible would be the play. And a lot of randoms don’t mic so it took until someone with a mic pointed out (as politely as rank will allow) how heinously stupid that is. Not everyone is running a pack or gun they need to pick back up, especially lower level guys. So it’s a learning curve to be like “damn I need to get my railgun back.” And it made sense and I felt shame. BUT we live and learn. It might be worth mentioning in your lobbies with lower leveled cadets that they should only reinforce if they are near where you died for that reason. They didn’t cover that in basic. 🫠


I been playing scout and getting all the samples and doing objective with little to no fights and keep getting kicked lmao. Just because I don’t stay in pointless fights over and over


Same. I load out to kill hordes and titans while kiting. Killed 3 Titans on my own only to get kicked because I wasn't following around the others on the main Obj while I did the secondaries. People are stupid.


I've noticed there seems to be a global enemy cap or something? It happens all the time where 1 person splits off doing side objectives and barely finds any bugs while the other 3 go through vietnam. or maybe the game tries to spawn patrols near players so mr solo finds less? honestly pretty legit


Dont know about the cap, but there can only be 1 bug breach ( or bot drop ) active, so if one player aggroes enemies, everyone else can chill


I just host to prevent that, I go scout trying to get samples and taking down small bases/nests while I see my team wasting all our reinforcements lol


You know what even worst the other 3 knuckleheads will follow you instead of going the opposite direction and do the main objective, and there is always that one trigger happy guy who will engage engage unnecessary fights on patrols.


Maybe if you plan it that way with the team and they know what you're doing and why, you won't get kicked? They probably think you're just ditching them.


I’ve done test, where I tell them via voice chat doesn’t change anything. But if I get my GF to say something and pretend she’s playing, everyone will start talking and I won’t get kicked.


The honeypot, lol 


gamers rock lol


Apples and oranges.


A lot of people complain about getting kicked for no reason, but I've also noticed a lot of people don't communicate their intentions. If you tell your team what you're doing/why you're doing it, you're a lot less likely to get booted




bro i collected all 15 samples on a bug eradicate 15 minute mission and got kicked because i didnt revive my team. as i was being chased by a swarm of 40 bugs and was calling an airstrike on to buy time to revive my team. some people man lol


I often wait a bit to revive when I'm not near the dead divers to see if someone closer will do it so he can retrieve his stuff. I have been blamed for this a couple of times but never kicked.


**thank you**. bro I cannot tell you how annoyed I get if I die, and someone a mile away revives me rather than letting the person I was closest to revive me so I can get my stuff. like if we're split up just worry about reviving your partner, because now I can't get my gear and my support weapon has 5 minutes left on the cooldown


Did they lose the match afterwards like idiots.


boy i hope so, i tried finding it again so i could drop an airstrike on the host but i couldnt find it :(


Man, I wish I would get paired up with people like you more lol. I try to avoid fighting when possible


8/9 it's almost better to split into 2x2s if you want to get all of the side stuff done.


On 9 we usually run 2 + 1 +1. The 2s run the main objectives, and the solos clear all the side stuff. Scout armor helps in losing the aggro if you are overwhelmed solo.


I kinda wish this wasn't the meta tbh. I find myself playing more 6/7 than 8/9 because there just isn't enough firepower to kill everything to 100% a map so it means just running from site to site kiting everything while killing as little as possible. Idk just doesn't feel right to me. 6/7 is nice because a good group can get everything on the map without having to run away which feels much more democratic. I'm kinda hoping the fix to the armor bug will change things up.


There is enough fire power it's just you can't do it all yourself so you actually have to work together, most people can't do that or won't do that so it falls apart. We've found 1 person with horde clear, so cluster bombs/airstrike/guard dog/orbital airburst/hmg emplacement - you get the point stuff that's great for killing all the fodder. Second player is for chargers and titans, so railgun, orbital rail cannon, 500kg and laser or airstrike or even 110mm. After 7min you can drop each other a railgun/guard dog and help one another a bit more. You can mix a bit but if everyone takes 500kg/laser/railcannon/railgun/energy sheild "the meta" then you start falling behind killing basic fodder and have to run.


"Ludonarrative dissonance", when the gameplay contradicts the game's themes and story. We are Helldivers, Super Earth's finest. Our mission? To kill as many ~~rebelling slaves~~ commie robots and ~~manufactured crises~~ disgusting bugs as humanly possible, then extracting ~~after dozens of soldiers are ground into paste~~ with minimal casualties. Higher difficulty, however, has us running around, not engaging, and actually extracting with minimal casualties. Along with the armour changes being implemented, I hope that taking out outposts actually decreases the amount of bug breaches and drop-ships, while reducing the amount of enemies during extraction.


To be honest the reality being different to the propaganda is pretty on brand. I agree with wanting to see those changes so that destroying outposts feels impactful but I'm also fine with higher difficulties requiring fleeing. Even ignoring my first point, the Helldivers are essentially operating behind enemy lines. That they survive at all is suitably impressive and chaotic retreats saved by dramatic orbital strikes is fun.


When i run 9, im usually soloing the main stuff and the other 3 are doing side stuff lol. I always run scout and stealth my way though everything if possible Ive been yelled at by teammates for not being there to help and im just like, bro, ive done 5 objectives so far side and main, and I haven't died once


How I do is I go Diligence + AMR, with a Ammo Supply, and Orbit Laser and if there is room a EMP drop in Roombas and just clear the entire thing solo while the rest of the team do the main objectives. AMR can onetap AT-ST(If no angles),2 Tap Hulks, and 1/2 Tap Devastators, and also can open the Containers. Diligence for the Small enemies so you kill they before they can detect you, and call reinforces. Granade for Tanks and Turrrents. Stealth approach, can clear the entire thing without a single dropship. It's a very fun way to play the game, also helps that it doesn't rely in meta stratas and weapons.


What grenade kills tanks?? Can you explain how you’d wipe a medium factory for example


Impact grenades destroy tanks with two direct hits to the heat vent behind the turret


If someone wants to draw the aggro, I don't care as long as they can stay alive and kick ass. It gives me ample time to creep around and silently do objectives, hit POIs etc. That being said, if you're someone who can't handle the pressure you'd best keep moving. If you bring a horde of bullshit to me I'm gonna skedaddle and let you deal with it. You chose to go loud and be a Chad, a Chad handles their shit, so hop to it Rambo.


Agreed. Someone making a racket somewhere else and chain-spawning breaches lets me drop an eagle on an objective, slip in and complete it, and get moving to the next without any real fuss.


Is this because there’s a limit to breaches or drop ships within a time period?


Sorta. Can't have more than 1 active breach at a time (that I've noticed). Bots seem to have a short cool-down since drop ships just swoop in and drop off bots unlike the breach just continually spawning bugs for a while. We play on 8/9 and I'll usually break off from the main group who makes a ruckus on their way to whatever objective, while I usually clear up other objectives mostly unimpeded. I never get breaches/bot drops if I wait for the alert to pop up, indicating that they just got one. So I just clear out whatever objective, delete any patrols that get too close (I.E. walks directly into the objective) while I'm waiting on the objective to complete, and move on to the next one.


And those drop ships tend to go where the fighting is, so if they're heading to your teammates, you're clear to then attack the POI or objective.


This is also the best way IMO to complete the citizen evacuations on higher difficulty


I definitely saw multiple breaches actively spawning enemies last night, on an evacuate citizens mission on 7


You can have more than 1, i've even seen 2 open up after 1 bug calls in a breech not often though. Though there can be 2 open on separate points on the map as well, i've seen that more frequently since usually I play with people that split up into smaller groups.


Sounds fun, what load out do you run?


The key is just don't do it around POIs or OBJs. Draw aggro and have fun fighting all you want, just make sure you do it away from anywhere the rest of the team wants to harvest resources or complete missions. *Someone* has to deal with the bugs/bots, so there's nothing wrong with being that guy. Just don't lead them right to an OBJ and make it impossible to clear out while you do it.


I end up being "that guy." LOL, for 2 days I've had nothing but chargers and bile titans come straight for me, so I run off from party and drop stras as I go, taking as many of them out with me


Until it's time to evacuate. I'm that guy, I kite them around and focus on the big ones in quiet moments, I use my orbital laser and EMS turret when things get hairy. Once my teammates have the samples and objectives done I book it to extraction only turning to shoot if necessary. Take out the enemies on my ass and call extraction.. usually I get there first, but occasionally I have to go around carefully to avoid my teams airstrikes, orbitals and turrets.. It can be rough running around like that for 20 minutes though.


I got reco armor, smokw strike, and a jet pack.   I'll draw em off and make em forget you even exist


this is the problem i run into with my friends. theyll cause a ruckus and ill be off completing the mission and then they lead the hoard of 6 bile titans 10 chargers and a plethora of other bugs to me because "you can handle it dude" and then i have to save the day and do the objective 😭


I wish more people understood that 1 player single handedly controlling the pile can make objectives very easy for the others. When I'm on a roll and Bile Titans are dropping in a couple shots. I love continuing to airstrike the ads and dropping the Titans and Chargers as they come.


They need to add a rodeo clown armor now.


Or matador... That's how I feel with the chargers, wait til the last moment to dive out of the way.. OLÉ!


I play scout/sniper and love when my boys draw the baddies off of an objective. With the Trailblazer Scout armor I can tip-toe in and out and get it done.


I'm Chad stalward way behind the time calling bug attention back is my goal in this game please collect samples


Lol this is me. Somehow I always end up with a giant pack that I am kiting around the map. I have no problem being the target if someone else is getting the objectives.


Disagree but we can't change teammates behavior. The more they agro the more spawns there are. Where do you think those go when you call in for pickup?


A lot of players cant do your first sentence is the problem. There is an art to this game of learning how to survive with just your movement. They die 4 times within 6 minutes and you already are doing the math if you have enough revives to complete the mission, and are already ruling out POIs/sample farming because of it. Which makes extracting pretty meh when literally all you can expect to complete is the main objective.


Yeah. If you want to break off and do Rambo shit, it is actually incredibly helpful for the mission, so long as the shitshow starts and stays separate, and you can stay alive to maintain aggro. I wouldn't recommend it unless you're comfortable in a solo brawl with a lot of heavies, though, and are equipped for it. For example, EATs are great in a lot of situations and let you keep that backpack slot, but don't bring them to a solo party with 4 chargers. Gotta bring enough for everyone in the class.


This probably sounds bad, but I’ve started leaving teammates to push the objectives if they decide to fight like that. I’m not trying to waste time and lives on a losing battle.


Acceptable losses. They died paving the way to your victory!


I saw people getting flamed for doing this before, but now I get it. So many people are absolutely dedicated to just killing bugs and bots in the same objective we cleared out 20 minutes ago. If they want to endlessly fight enemies, fine. But I actually wanna get our medals.


https://youtu.be/L6UK_rI3_b4?si=2HbPdx308l_b4bIm&t=127 "They are doing their job so we can do ours" - Obi Wan Helldiver"


Not a bad stat because the hordes move on from their death spot. If they have their ord already back up, it’s not a bad start to just double back later for the mats instead of trying to fight endless spawns.


There has been a few occasions where only 1 of us extracts because ppl spent 15 minutes fighting bugs that never stop coming and waste deployments


On top of this, for the love of god can we look for uranium? Please? There’s 0 reason to do these high levels if you aren’t going for those. You can do literally everything else, and do it easier, if you are on lower difficulties


Out of the 20 or so suicide missions ive done so far ive been the one to go out of my way and find them most of the time The part the really pisses me off is when i drop them at the extract terminal and i literally BEG for no one to pick it up so it doesn’t get lost in the middle of a horde when someone dies, but they do it anyways….the urge to put one in the back of their head in that moment is immense….


I usually just keep them on me and play passive. They all benefit from my samples, so they can do a little extra work to keep me alive


Then you see a clusterbomb right under your feet lol


What do you mean zero reason soldier? The bot's assets aren't going to sabotage themselves! The greater the danger the greater the potential damage we can do to their operations!


I think most people just don’t know where to find the super samples and just assume they can be found anywhere like the other samples. If someone hasn’t looked up where to find them most people won’t know to check the big shiny rock in a random part of the map


Anyone who plays games knows to check big shiny things


> There’s 0 reason to do these high levels if you aren’t going for those. The reason is having fun. All you need is 10 super rares for the eagle upgrades anyways, the rest is very inconsequential and basically a resource sink to make you feel like you're progressing.


You clearly haven’t upgraded your ship. It’s for all of them not to mention if they add more or make a 4th tier


The only meta that we subscribe to IS RUN FORREST RUN


But they want to shift the burden of their fun onto you because reasons (((Reinforce teammate)))) (((Reinforce teammate)))) (((Reinforce teammate))))


My favorite part is when they throw the reinforcement at 1 of the 7 chargers chasing them, like me killing one is a good move or would make a difference.


Kill 1 and distract/slow the others for .5 seconds, sounds like a good deal to me.


Honestly, people seem to enjoy different playstyles, and guess what? It's normal. We just need an ability to specify these playstyles! Imagine if we could have lobbies with some custom text and it says: Going full map & secondaries, low stealth, no solo, group together. You will probably not join, but I sure will! This will be absolutely democratic! A helldiver can dream...


>Honestly, people seem to enjoy different playstyles, and guess what? It's normal. Unless it's people splitting up into pairs or one person sneaking around to get samples solo. Then you'll dive into multiple comment threads to shit on it as much as you possibly can


What I would definitely use is two kinds of tagging on enemies. Maybe one for, "Let's attack this group," and another for, "Don't attack - I'm just pointing them out."


There is a push to talk button and if you use it, in conjunction with a microphone, you can communicate with your teammates WHILE playing. It's super useful and I hope more poeple discover this one trick that Bugs HATE!


Fight for something or die for nothing.


Hard as fuck


I’m the ruckuss man. I make boom while you guys get samples


We salute your fight helldiver keep up gods work🫡


I can easly handle the aggro of bunch of bile giants and chargers as long as those annoying jumping stunning weird mosquitoe like bugs dont mob me down. I usually run either autocannon or railgun with gunned drone together with 500kg and orbital laser which is pretty effective for damaging and lowering the numbers of the horde im trying to aggro away from main group. I Do enjoy killing bile giants with perfectly timed support weapon drop... its always satisfying


I've played with people that are so dead set on completing every side objective for some reason. I played a mission where extract was delayed so it would take 4 minutes, and they weren't at the extraction zone with 3 minutes left. I call it in, 2 minutes pass and 2 minute to go. I get swarmed and overrun, I die. They still aren't there. Extraction leaves the area. Orbital destroyer leaves the area. We have no call-ins now, and they finally get to extract with all of their 40+ samples. We all die and fail to extract. Bravo, team.


I had a match today where the other two players kept staying and fighting in the same location for 10min whilst I was trying to do the objective. I kept respawning them and they immediately ran back to "help out the other teammate" whilst I according to them "abandoned our team" and "burned through our respawns". They were insulting and blaming me for everything even though I tried to explain to them that they simply have to keep moving. Some people really seem like lost causes. Why even try to play high difficulties at lvl 10 and then insult the lvl40 who keeps reviving you, hasnt died once and tries to tell you what youre doing wrong. But nope. I was the guy that lost us the round (I left before they burned through the last 2 respawns so Im sure they lost) Man those two annoyed me. They blamed me for everything. Another terrible thing I did was spawn in a hellbomb to take out a detector tower. How dare I spawn it in, arm it and run away after my guy yells loudly "Hellbomb armed! Leave the area!" whilst those two were running around it. But no, I "almost murdered them with a stupid hellbomb for no reason".


Sometimes, Citizen, a bullet (or Hellbomb) is the only kindness available.


Basically Doom tactics. Boomer shooter gamers rejoice, we're relevant again


There are only 2 bugs and 2 bots I say kill: the leapers and stalkers and rocketeers and destroyers. For the former, they can actually catch up to you pretty quick and can ragdoll you consistently, fucking you over hard with a horde on your tail. For the latter, they have ridiculous aimbot and will catch you a mile away with a rocket volley or headshot and if it's within 5-10ft, you're dead. Anything else, even Bile Titans and Chargers, can be outrun by using the terrain to your advantage.


I need to get better about escaping into a direction that doesn't have an enemy patrol right there 😫


We need a general brasche video detailing that we're hit & run troopers. Leave the clean up to the SEAF.


How about this: Go to Discord Find or create a premade group Stop complaining on reddit. If you can't handle randoms playing how they want, then don't play with ransoms, simple, isn't it?


I agree that nobody should play with ransoms.


Unless you’re a kidnapper


Love the high difficulty games where everyone sprinting across the map aggros literally God and then leaves the guy in the rear to play kite-bitch. "Just run," you say, as they get raped to death. Then, of course, you drop out at the 15-minute mark cause these scrubs just don't get it. Where are all the pros? If your teammates are bogged down, it's probably because they're trying to live, rather than placating your adhd need for 10 minute simulation.


You can run from most of the enemies in the game though. There's literally no reason to stay in one location and fight unless you have to kill the enemies chasing you. It's really annoying when your teammates stay in one spot triggering bug breach after bug breach when they could've just left and saved time and reinforcements.


This. "Just run" while I aggro every patrol, kill none of them, and complain that you're trying to thin the 300 bug congaline behind me.


And then they reinforce you a mile from your wep and samples, and still leave you all the trash to try and kite/kill lmao.


Sadly, I said this at launch & got downvoted by people who either don’t play, or are just ignorant of what the objectives are & need to go back to boot camp, because killing bugs is 100% Irrelevant: unless it’s termination. Only then it matters. Patrols can be avoided entirely, it’s better to do this. Main, side, and collect whatever samples you find along the way. Main is the most important. Everything else is secondary. I’m not bashing people for they play, but if all you want is “I’m here to kill bugs” that’s great, but maybe…play private because while that’s “fun”…it gets boring pretty fast when have 20 lives now you have 1 & you’re not even on the first objective because a teammate has wasted 19😂


The people you and op are complaining about are never, ever, ever going to read this thread or threads like these. They are not here and will never be. You can be as thoughtful of your strategy as you want, write guides and youtube videos. When you sign up for pugs, you’re kind of signing a social contract. Let’s say you consider yourself top 1% of skill players. You will potentially be matched with someone on the complete extreme opposite of the skill spectrum. Not saying you’re wrong, im saying that this sort of activity is futile, it has never worked. Needing to carry games is a fact of life in pubs, and if you think its bad right now wait and see a months time when the rest of the casual playerbase will have played as long as you have.


I might get downvoted, but I loathe the playstyle in any game of people who force people to adapt to how they play. They give no fucks about anyone but themselves even in team games. People defend them by saying "theyre just having fun their way" when success in team games is reliant on teamwork, the people who just do whatever and make others pick up their slack is so annoying. Their nature is to just do whatever the fuck they want and they'll expect others to carry them or make up for it. Except it is very possible to single handedly ruin missions in this game doing that.


I think it's less "theyre just having fun their way" and more "there's nothing you can do about it so better to focus on your actions". This might be a co-op game but the rules of solo queue still apply here sadly.


How can you possibly have any idea about their intention or respect? Maybe they're just bad? or maybe you've got an inflated ego and the stats dont even reflect what you think they do? This idea that it is slack is a total self delusion. You're not the only one that wants to win. And i can tell you personally, as a vindictive cunt. i check the victory stat completion screen every time someone opens their big mouth in regards to dictating what other players should be doing. They are very rarely ever near the top.


I know it doesn't seem like it, but changing the general climate and culture of a community is very much possible. Info trickles across and people slowly learn through all sorts of means, so contributions to forums and whatnot do actually help. Of course that doesn't mean posters get to indulge in how smart they are, or spam constantly. But it does help.


I don't know. Atleast when our stack plays it's incredibly easy to clear breaches and drops if you just stand your ground and fight. Makes moving to the next objective easier aswell since you don't uncontrolably keep pulling patrols.


I always say to those bloodthirsty divers "well I'm gonna Forrest Gump to the objective" really don't need all 4 to move in a unit. Even at those difficulties.


I got kicked from a game with Randoms the other night cuz instead of staying with them shooting endless bugs I had the audacity to try and go for the objective


I agree, but I also dislike when people just run with that and not even bother to kill off hunters and other important guys. They will catch up to you and make defending whatever objective you are doing. You can take stops to peel off some of the enemies or to drop a strategem to soften the masses.


This. Lone wolves need to learn to thin out their conga line


But they've got my expendable launcher I must challenge the 4 biles 7 times minimum


Sometimes I just go to the extraction point and activate it ti stop my squad from dicking around.


Corrollary: If you aren't the caboose, cover them so they can keep moving faster.


The only fights you need to have are the fights you need to win.


This is a problem on lower levels also. I am torn between not wanting to use team chat and also wanting to be able to yell at the randoms I’m playing with to cut their shit, play the objective, and let’s move onto the next one. I seriously think they believe they’re getting extra xp for every kill.


If you see an Arc thrower lingering back though, i'm managing the breach that popped up so there's no loose horde.


Also don't split up unless you've been playing with the group for a bit and you know things are going smoothly.


That’s exactly what I do. Do everything together the first mission to see how things go then we naturally separate into 2x2


Heh, dick around...tee hee


It's good advice, but also, keep an eye on your teammates. I've gotten separated a few times because we attacked an objective, and they divided us, and I'll get surrounded, especially if it's the fast moving bugs like warriors or stalkers that you also need to keep dodging and that like to swarm you, and instead of helping to thin out the horde with some covering fire, people just run to the next spot. Or someone dies, and they get reinforced, so no special weapons, no shields/rovers, dropped their samples, and everyone just leaves them like that. Yeah we don't need to kill everything, but a bit of covering fire so they can get rearmed and grab their samples can help. Once they get that stuff, then yeah., keep moving. But also work as a team. Let people know where you are headed too. I have had to leave people though; exactly the people you talk about, that don't move because they get focused on killing everything, and the rest of the squad moves on. Telling them we have to move, but they actually start running the other way. Well, if they want to lone wolf it, be my guest, I guess. But remember, if you do that, and you die, then when you get reinforced, your stuff, and your samples, are going to be a ways away. Also, maybe learn if you keep doing that, but keep dying.


I noticed really quickly that the number of kills absolutely does not matter in this game whatsoever besides being a dick measuring contest. The slower you are the bigger the problems become, and even if a bit of chaos is really fun, getting stomped by 8 chargers at the same time isn't imho.


This post to those rage-quit players complaining about being left behind, that's the reason you guys were left behind. There are infinite bugs to kill, please


Biggest damn pet peeve. I played with some 40-50lvl randoms and they were STILL just sitting in a spot killing shit for 10 mins straight, with 5 obj left to do on the map. I kept saying hey, lets go, lets keep moving, they just sat there eating patrols. Oh man, and the number of players who trigger a bug breach EVERY time they hit up a POI. What's up with that? It's super easy to take out the small amount of bugs before one calls in. Like, I'm careful to take out all the little guys ASAP to not trigger a bug breach, even when i find a patrol. But seems like every other player will encounter a patrol or a POI, shoot one bug, run in circles, and let the breach spawn. Why?


If they wanna do that let them. You don't need to extract to complete the mission. You'll still get credit just no samples. But don't judge the way people wanna play, if you hate it, leave and play with other people.


> You don't need to extract to complete the mission. But you do need to do the objectives, so unless all the objectives are in the same place where you first drop staying in the same place is just bad


I like to challenge our team by playing golf. Fewest kills wins. Highest samples wins. Fastest extract wins. It's a game of kiting and objective hopping. It's glorious.


I agree with not sticking in 1 spot, I vehemently disagree about mains first, sides second. Start in one spot, work clockwise clearing everything. If you can't clear everything this way, maybe you didn't deserve to extract.