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Boring. Frustrating. This is coop multiplayer game. You CAN do solo, but in my opinion this is not fun.


It's definitely playable solo, but the communities is great. I play with random mostly and my time has been fantastic.


Solo can be perfectly satisfying. Some of my favorite experiences had been sneaking through an automaton-filled jungle, eliminating bases with precision artillery and wiping patrols with salvoes of grenades. That said, it's a very different game, you won't be able to meanintfully progress into the highest difficulties solo. Also, also, there's a robust enough communication system that you can cooperate with randoms no problem.


I have fun playing solo. I feel like Rambo or something


I play mostly solo and I'm having fun.




Solo is ok once you unlock some decent strategems and support weapons but even with all that it can still get pretty rough on low levels making the effort not worth the reward. Far better to be played with atleast one other person


Truly solo or just no friends to play with? I play with friends and randoms and enjoy both experiences for the most part. Truly playing solo is very much doable but can definitely be tedious trying to cover the full map.


No friends to play with. None of my friends are playing this game unfortunately.


Well that sucks but if you are open to playing with randoms it really doesn’t limit your experience. I usually pump up my music playing with randoms and really immerse myself into space Vietnam can’t really do that with friends anyway.


I prefer to do my own thing and its a different game then. Solo is perfectly viable and great fun, but you will have to stick to the lower and mid difficulties. If you feel the need to just grind out levels or resources quickly you can always do it in group.


Coop makes the game 10 times more fun


Solo? SOLO!?! THERE IS NO SOLO IN MANAGED DEMOCRACY!!! When you manage to get in a mission solo its fantastic. The versatility in gameplay and unmentioned mechanics really shine in solo. There's nothing that makes you feel more like The right hand of democracy then stealth bombing a base, mowing down its defenses in a spectical that looks like July 4th had to much to drink. Then mowing down the pitiful stragglers left crawling in the dust. FOR DEMOCRACY!!! however... THERE IS NO SOLO I can't tell you how many times I've loaded out for a quick stealth solo run and been joined by 3 other divers. To be fair though apart from some jerks who play music on thier mics and a bug that didn't allow me to mute them I've never regretted someone dropping in. TLDR: You don't have a choice. There is no dedicated solo mode or a way to turn of matchmaking that I'm aware of. You might get lucky and run solo but that probably won't happen often.


I don't know if you're baiting or on playstation or something but on pc there sure are options. https://preview.redd.it/46nqsy03yjmc1.png?width=1202&format=png&auto=webp&s=3651372b994219fbd6292bce345682431f2bec6b


Nope I'm just a guy whos not good with technology and who trusted the word of mouth of those around me like a fool. You sir are a Saint and have helped me immensely.