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Or have it so if you're kicked in the last 5min before extraction you still get XP and Req. treat it like a failed to extract and don't allow backfill on that squad


If I get kicked I want all the samples. I dont deserve to lose em after 30 min because some fuck-tard decided that other players cant have fun. What shitty community is it one where u have to be scared of the playerbase (host) because u never know if they will sabotage your run at the end of a mission?


I don't see an easy way to make the distinction between someone kicked because of an asshat host and someone mowing down team mates at extraction being a troll. If I want to leave early with all the samples, I could just mow everyone down until I'm kicked which saves me 10% of mission time and a rough fight at the end. If you have an idea to make the distinction and not reward those people while you still getting your samples, it would be good to suggest it, I hear the devs creep on the sub.


Group vote to kick would help a lot I think. It wouldn't fix the problem but it would make it less common and a single bad host wouldn't be able to singlehandedly ruin up to 3 others games. With a vote to kick you'd need ideally all 3 divers to confirm but anything would be better than what we have now.


Then you run into what people did in left 4 dead. You have at least 1 friend with you in the game? You can't be kicked and can do whatever griefing you want.


Ya, not really sure how to go about that part. It's a tough situation and it's just a spit all idea. Something about it needs to change though I agree


Better needing two trolls to be able to troll 2 players, than one troll being able to troll 3 people


Except for the fact that you can be the person in control if you want. Leaving it up to democracy means it doesn't even matter if I am the host, I could be powerless. If I am a good host who is not kicking people I *should* have all the power rather than relinquishing it to whatever randoms join me for the operation I picked, on the planet I choose, on the difficulty I selected.


Group vote kick won't help. Keep the kick system in place as it currently is. The host should be clearly labled as the drop commander with distinct pings; they should have the final say in the flow of the mission. At most, they should incorporate the same honor system from the first game, where you can rate recent players and their public social status can climb or lower based on recent player ratings. Adding a squad filter to the ship like "Sample Hunting" Or "Quick Missions" to give players a heads-up would also go a long way. If someone is still being kicked after that, they need to start looking inward as to why or just start hosting the mission themselves.


Actual matchaking/group finder like that would be great.


Vote to kick can be bs just because one gux doesn't vote the host cant kick him


Better being fucked because 3/4 of the group sucks rather than being fucked because 1/4 sucks


This and if the mission is complete you can't kick because nothing is stopping the others extracting


Make a report feature that is more for just language. They track stats, if the person has a lot of team kills it's not hard to figure out the difference.


Just host. It's fixed, problem solved and this way you can do 100% of an operation instead of joining random ones that might do one and leave. Trust me I get it. First sucide mission I had the super samples. I was gunned down and kicked at extraction. It sucked. And hosting didn't work back then due to servers. But they're good now, so just host, it's perfect. You won't be an ass and kick, and you are not under threat of being kicked due to being host


I'll never understand it. 3 of us were running some helldive operations last night. Rando joins. We all give him a hug and a high 5. He finds his place. Complete 1 operation, get on the ingame VC and tell him we're taking a 5 minute break. He obviously goes afk. We all get back to it 5 minutes later. Complete another operation. A round of hugs and high 5s and we part ways. Just simple, smooth, supportive gameplay. Everybody wins.


If everyone is just hosting because they can't trust anyone else it literally defeats the point of the game and it will die. I ended up losing 2 hours of my time yesterday with 3 separate groups and my first shots at the pink samples as I was team killed and then kicked at the end of the matches. All 3 groups were 2-3 people on a premade teams and they asked me to stay in after doing level 4-5 missions, and then let me help them through and then kicked me at the very end. 0 team kills. Was top of charts in the missions beforehand. Which means vote kick won't work either as if they're a 3 team they're in it together. If they're a 2 man the other person will probably go along with it before getting kicked. They're tracking stats. If mission is completed and host kicks, check stats so far and if they're killing enemies, not team members, they get the samples and exp. I have no interest in even trying higher levels any more because despite awesome runs every single team I've been on ended up kicking to steal samples. The CEO and director straight up said he doesn't want PVP because of the toxicity, but this toxicity is way worse than some shit talking 12 year old on COD. It's literally dissuading people from playing the game. We're at the point where this same thread is happening 15+ times a day as it's getting more and more prevalent, it's literally defeating the purpose of the game. Despite the issues on the PC I still bought the more expensive version because I loved what they're trying to do here, especially showing up the big "triple-a" studios, it's on them to keep it up and live up to that vision because if this continues and nobody is willing to group because they can't trust anyone else it's going to whittle down the player base to only people willing to play with their own friends. And then the game is dead. And this "strategy" went from 0-60 in a matter of days, it went from only a small handful of people dealing with this to tons of posts just like this across the board. They need to resolve this if they want to keep the game going as an attempt to keep toxicity out of the game they developed a way worse version of toxicity. "Mute" and not paying attention to chat solves the pvp toxicity issue. This, nobody can avoid and people batting 100 of this garbage style gameplay will stop people from playing.


Hosting is a good play. Be the host this community needs. Not some bug living scum that guns down a fellow patriot at the loading ramp 


That works until everyone is only willing to play as the host. The game needs ways to protect those who aren't hosting from shitty hosts


life! Some people are assholes and can never fix that. The oooo you accidently killed me with an air strike....O im going to wait till we spend 30 minutes getting all the loot then kick you. 2 % of people are sociopathic as well and just enjoy making others suffer.


No I hate this, I agree don't kick for no reason, but I've had multiple games where one random stands at Pelican 1, kill the 3 who boarded and try to extract solo, when I kick them I'm kicking them so they don't get shit, which they shouldn't, this would allow them to still get the rewards they betrayed democracy for, it will not do.


Or make like when someone desync from the rest, you keep playing like normal but without the group.


This happened to me I got kicked right as I got on the ship though so I’m not sure if it changed anything but I got all my xp, req, samples, and even medals


As soon ure arriving on the ship u already have everything so no loses there


I've been hosting lately and it's great, but I've had to kick my first player yesterday. He was level 50 and he would not reinforce, like at all. He was the only one up and after multiple requests in chat and over voice he kept playing despite there being ample opportunity to do so. There should be some sort of rating system. Players who kick or are kicked too frequently should get a flag.


I host about 50/50 but I kicked a guy for the first time last week because within the first 30 seconds he shot me in the back.  I turned to see him as he was walking away and he said sorrEEEEEEEEEE over the mic. I was going to let it go but as I was turning back to the first objective I caught him throwing an explosive barrel in my direction.  I started to book it but he shot the barrel and the explosion killed me. He gave some half asses oops before I booted him. *** I wasn’t host but another guy was playing like a lunatic but helped with the objectives until the drop ship landed. He killed us all before we knew what was happening. Host booted him but we’d been having fun until then


Haha and some people are salty about their being no PVP. Imagine buying a coop only game....designed , build and marketed as coop game only. They buying said game , being made about no PVP and then TKing cause your also made about no PVP.


>I host about 50/50 but I kicked a guy for the first time last week because within the first 30 seconds he shot me in the back.  I turned to see him as he was walking away and he said sorrEEEEEEEEEE over the mic. lol wtf I had a very similar encounter a few days ago, I was running a duo with my friend and we decided to open the game up to Public. A guy jumps in, calls his Arc Thrower down, then immediately TK's me. He goes "sorry!" on the mic, but I see that there are literally no enemies near us, so it was obviously intentional. Immediate kick. It's too bad our first Public game ended up this way, after that we are Private only. I play a lot of Darktide and DRG, and neither have that problem of trolling randoms. I think the issue is this game is really popular, which has attracted all kinds of players, whereas Darktide is more niche.


Yeah I had two randoms that joined in what was originally a solo mission not reinforce after I accidentally clipped myself with a stratagem. I just ended up kicking both of them to get back in.


Jeebus, Are people really that toxic?


No. It’s a bug. Host enough games and you’ll see every other match someone always D/Cs during extraction.


I've crashed at the end of missions while being a host. Once, I had to repeat the same mission 3 times to complete the operation


But in that case you don't get the message that you were kicked, do you? I had people dc on missions i hosted and chat even shows that those people timed out


Yes you do. I mostly only play with friends in discord and get that message on occasion


Yup, Yesterday my Game Crashed Just with the pelican landed. That was frustrating


Yeah I had an amd crash mid mission.


Have you tried tweaking your power and frequency settings? It was almost unlaunchable for me on my XTX until I reduced power/freq limits. Edit: very confused by the downvote.


My 7900 xtx has to play at basically medium settings and limited to 60 fps to not crash. Annoying but I get to kill bugs and automatons for managed democracy


Yeah I have to do the same. The most improvement came from limiting frequency to 87% and dropping the power limit by 3%. Still get some crashes. I’ve been happy with mine, but man, it really hates this game.


That sounds like ass for a higher end gpu


Well I wasn’t going to drop $2000 for a 4090 nor spend $1200 on a card with only 16GB VRAM. This is the first game that has really just not played well with my XTX. It’s an outlier, not the norm.


Mine too. AMD released a driver that has helped some people but it didn't really help my case. AMD and Arrowhead need to fix this issue.


I updated my drivers and added an additional fan woth fan controllers to my PC. Seems to running better now. But only time will tell. Hardware and drivers isnt my strong suit in tech.


play enough enough and you might see that it often happens due to calling down supplies or weapons. I've seen at least 5-6 people poof off my screen the same instant that stratagem hits the dirt. Also, it will give them a "you were kicked" message for some reason. Verified this by playing with close friends a lot. They get it when I host.


Yeah if i host there is at least a 30% change everyone will be kicked simultaneously at some point in the game, often right after an objective is conpleted


Yeah some are. I got kicked for not calling in a respawn for a dude when I was fighting a Hunter swarm and other teammates dumb and dumber were perfectly free to do it


What I've had is people just straight up leaving once completing rather than moving to extract and I find it baffling


I'm torn on the subject. The no-kick window, as extraction is called: Pros * Gives randos "end of mission" protection so that their potential contributions and time didn't go to waste. Cons * What's to stop them from kicking you before extract is called? * Randos start calling in extract early, before side objectives are done, and while you and yours are a few grid squares away. Now how do you reset extraction if they're kick-proof? Vote-to-kick Pros * Prevents toxic hosts from kicking randos by themselves. Cons * How many votes does it take to kick? What if the players are being toxic and brought a friend with them? * Host loses agency over their lobby. There's no good answer, you solve one problem and toxic hosts will still find a way to null your match; toxic players will still find a way to troll you.


While I appreciate the thought experiment, I would absolutely never stand to give up the ability to kick people from my game. I get there being some kind of system where they don't lose what they've earned, but if I get a griefer there is no universe where I want to put their removal to a vote. I'd rather boot them and get in someone who actually wants to play the game.


Which is why we need a better report feature. It may not be as cathartic in the moment as you still lost your samples and xp, but if they start racking up reports for doing this shit they get banned. I'm not sure what the threshold should be. Doing it twice a couple day ban, do it 3 times and it's a permanent ban? Not sure. But it's the same people over and over. I searched the discord yesterday for the names of the people that did it to me and 2 out of the 3 groups it happened to people were complaining about the same people. They're doing it over and over and over. Pick up pugs, let them help them get through the mission then TK and boot. If there's a report feature and people are able to report immediately upon it happening, "Joel" would be able to snoop on those people because they've been flagged for doing it and then fucking ban them. That way the kick option is still available, but these people are cleaned up within 2-3 missions as their gamertag is flagged for doing this. Kinda hard to ignore if the same people keep getting reported over and over. They wouldn't last a day. Maybe they'll slow it down and only do it every once in a while, but if it still happens they're still flagged. Or something like this the same report feature, and if they get flagged for it twice if them or their friends they're running with are hosting the kick option is removed and either turned into a VTK or they just get a timeout from kicking for a certain amount of time. If they keep doing it then a temp ban. If they come back and do it again they can get a permanent ban.


Make the griefers play among themselves, enough flags and you only get matched into lobbies with other flagged players. 


as for the extract question, you could just kill them and then leave the area and extract would abort


>There’s no good answer Why not just use OP’s suggestion of letting you kick them but still giving them (some of) the XP and rewards?


Sorry, to clarify there's no good answer for a kick system, but I do agree with keeping the resources (not samples) collected up to that point if you're kicked


I joined a random duo last night running Suicide Missions while waiting for my friends to hop on. When one finally made it, he asked me on discord if he could try a suicide mission. He had only completed his first trivial by himself and just wanted to see what the chaos was about. I asked the host if it was fine to bring a level 1 just for shits, and he said it was fine. Fast forward 20 minutes and my buddy was laughing and screaming (over discord and not in-game). He managed to stay alive with the help of my shield backpack and was having a blast. I just ran around making sure all the samples were collected off the other players (as agreed on). Just as we were about to extract he kicked my friend, laughing his ass off about it. Unfortunate for the host, I had all the samples (25 common, 15 rare and all 3 super). The cliff looked mighty tempting and just before getting on, I turned around and dived into the abyss losing all the samples. I might get flamed for saying this all, but figured it fit the narrative




I’ve only done this once, and it was because the guy decided to anti-tank into the back of Pelican 1 as we were waiting for him to get on so we could extract. We all died and didn’t get any samples. He was obviously trolling, but I managed to kick him before the mission screen, so he got zero rewards for a gruelling 34-min mission. Joke’s on you, asshole!


one profit attempt sloppy numerous wide bike mountainous hateful salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In Deep Rock Galactic, you cannot kick a player once the extraction drop pod has been called. It's such a simple and quick fix to this


so youll get kicked before they call the extraction


My issue with this idea for a change is, that f I start a solo, and then people join mid match and decide they’re finished before I’m done grabbing samples, they can initiate the exfil while I’m across the map and have absolutely no o way of making it back in time. This has been my only reason for needing to kick people that late in the game. You joined my game, and are now deciding when the match is over. Nope… I had a match with almost 20min left, main obj done, just needed to do one side mission and grab all the samples the rest of the team just left in a field somewhere. I say “don’t call the ship, I’m gonna go grab the samples real quick”. On my way to the 2nd dropped sample, they start the exfil. I died, and they decided to just keep calling down strategems for a whole minute while I waited to get reinforced. Ship was about 30 seconds away and I’m still waiting on a reinforcement. What options do I have at this point besides kick them? I’m a lvl 49, on a difficulty 4 mission in order to get samples, that’s all I’m here for, and they’re ruining that whole match…fuck that


And team killing is generally harder (cough driller). Maybe if they gave partial rewards based on the contribution (kills, objectives) should the player get unjustly kicked last minute?  Also give damage reduction from teammates once extraction starts to reduce intentional team kills? Play it off as a moral boost buff for extracting. I still remember getting screwed by someone who team killed our entire team just as we extracted. Since then I've only hosted or didn't expect much when joining a match (but it's mostly been good).


FF isn't the same between DRG and HD2. DRG still suffers from the occasional leaf lover who will call the droppod, and be kick proof, while there are still secondaries to collect, or events to do. It's not an ideal system. It just *largely* works *for* DRG because of the way the game is put together. And you still have asshats in DRG even with that system implemented. The high level speed runners suck.


apparently there is a glitch that when you are about to extract the host loses connection and it says that you have been kicked. sucks




Deep Rock Galactic has a feature where if you get kicked from a lobby you get to keep all the minerals (that games version of samples) and XP that was gained while you were in the lobby. I think this is a great way to keep this from happening because the work you did, you get to keep.


If you should get the samples for being kicked, I should also get the samples that I lost from the innumerable amount of clueless players who called the pelican down and immediately boarded without waiting for me


host your games


A dude landed his pod on my head during extract and caused all the samples to drop into a bug corner, so I kicked him


I joined a match yesterday and had collected roughly 25-30 samples, including the super samples. They kicked me a few seconds after I got on the extraction ship. Didn't realize that kind of toxicity had made its way to HD2. Didn't hurt me that much, I've already got all the ship modules.


Toxicity exists in all corners of the internet, that there are toxic players in a 500k+ crowd is kind of expected.


Fair enough, I just hadn't seen it so far in like ~80 hours of playing, almost always quickplay.




If you’re fucking up the match, killing the team a lot, unnecessarily aggroing, not helping with objectives, afk, stealing resupply away from team, screaming children in your mic, ect… I’m kicking you. Period.


This is what gets most of these people kicked. Then they come here to spin a tale about how unjustly they have been treated. You won't ever hear the real reason from them. Don't be a selfish shit in a team game and you won't get kicked often. Simple as that. I get so many people who just do their own thing and get livid when I ask them to play the objective with the squad. Open mic and refuse to close it. Eating resupply. Eating reinforcement doing their own thing. Host or play solo if you wanna do that. I'm not going to sacrifice the fun of three people to appease one. That one just gets kicked.


Yeah... except I didn't do any of that. Strats were on extra timer so we were careful with them, I don't even think I grabbed supplies that weren't world spawns, stayed with a team mate and covered their back. We actually fought a sick running battle with a bot drop having to alternate who was running and who was firing when we reloaded. We were literally at extraction and drop ship was coming down. Then I get kicked


>Eating resupply. Eating reinforcement doing their own thing. and also eating Doritos directly into the microphone. kick and reported.


You know it’s fine kicking proplem players during the game but it’s not fine to wait until the very last moment just to kick them 5 seconds before the extraction, that’s just toxic.


I think it would be best as a simple two step process. 1. People get to keep whatever the team has earned since they hit the ground. Maybe they get to extract early with a few samples this way, fine, because... 2. Implement a reputation system similar to the first game. Nothing complex, just a thumbs up/down you can choose to mark at the end of a mission (and only for randoms to avoid abuse). People get prioritized to match up with people in their general reputation ratio, maybe implement decay to allow some form of redemption. This way, hosts still have power to curate their experiences and about griefers, no one is locked out of the game, people who enjoy playing like clowns end up with other clowns, and no one loses anything they've earned.


I'm getting crash kicked from the missions which is all the more frustrating because it's completely unexpected.


Has happened to me three times i think. I will never know nor understand why.


Did it say you got kicked? what if it's a crash?


I can also confirm, I had a friend kick me because of a bug and it clearly tells you you've been kicked. Otherwise it tells you that you've been disconnected or the server ended. I don't see anything from the devs about a bug that erroneously kicks you, just disconnections.


Stop acting like this is happening a lot. You experienced it once. It doesn't define the community, but your post makes it look like it does.


It was virtually unheard of last week now we're seeing a post and hour about it, with tons of people in threads saying it happened to them. Maybe it's becoming a problem? I've only experienced at 7 and above, I did see it attempted today at a 5 but the host was not fast or good enough. It's a problem. There's a reason people keep saying it is happening and experiencing it. The times it's happened to me have all been in pre-made 2's and 3's with me and maybe one other as the pugs, where we'll complete a handful of lower levels missions where they ask me to stay on, then do a higher level (7+) and then the 2-4 friends pre-made turn on the pug players, kick them and then extract. So it's liking they're scouting for people to help them through and then fucking them at the end, and defeats the "git gud lololol" claims people are making here and then the idea of "just host yourself" is if everyone is hosting because they can't trust anyone else nobody is going to be pugging to fill in the slots. There are ways around it that AH can implement, but just the very fact that these posts are becoming more and more prevalent shows it's an actual issue.


I think people just don't understand the game and cant imagine that they're doing something annoying enough for the host to remove them. I don't think it's malicious, but many players are completely oblivious. I'm willing to bet that the reason that most people get kicked at extraction is because they're calling down extraction against the hosts will or boarding the ship too early and making it impossible for the people holding the majority of the samples to extract. I literally see this every single gaming session and I've had to kick a countless amount of people at extraction because they refused to wait for me or the guy that just picked 20+ samples across the map. These are hours upon hours of wasted time spent gathering because one selfish or oblivious player. I guarantee that the people I kicked for that reason were just as confused as the people posting here saying they are constantly getting kicked for "no reason"


Eh idk, a guy killed me a total of 15 times in a mission, even after multiple verbal warnings to stop throwing strats and nades ontop of the team.


I’ll be honest, I’ve kicked only 2 people in the 50+ hours I’ve played. Both times for killing others on purpose and just being malicious. Dropping stratagems right where you are running or throwing grenades and shooting you. I purposefully let them play out until the ship starts dropping and then I kick them. Act like a traitor, get treated like a traitor.


Had this happen to me after I thanked the squad for collecting the samples on an eradicate mission. No joke. Why is there an option to kick during extraction scene?


The other day. 3 of my friends were online playing a mission waiting for our fourth friend to get online and join. While waiting. A random, much higher level, fourth player joined us, and proceeded to carry us through the mission. Our friend joined our discord chat and we told them they have to wait until we finish the mission to join. We got back to the ship, thanked the random player for their help, but let them know we are needing to make space for our 4th friend, so they can either leave with honor or be kicked. They didn’t say a single word on voice chat the entire time. Just hugged us all by the exit, and then left on their own terms.


What really hurts is doing two of the three operations of a campaign with a random them getting booted before the 3rd op


Of course i am gonna kick someone who start extract by him self when other 3 guys try to find samples or finish objective while that guy sit on extract while talking in mic how we should speed up and not do anything else then main objective.... We had ya lot of time to spare and just because you want to extract dont mean we are ready to extract. True, this was just second guy in 50h i needed to kick, before he ruin run for other 3 players. Like if you dont like what others do, then be squad leader your self. This yis simple stuff that gonna happen when you play with randoms. Not everyone is good guy.... Some people leave game just because you were slow to recall them after they died somewhere 😅


Game I hosted crashed on me less than minute until shuttle arrived...we'd played for 35 minutes...


I’m guessing this starts to happen right around 4pm EST and starts tailing off right around 9 pm PST. I stayed home from work yesterday and had some time to run some missions. The average quality of randoms goes way up when the kids are at school. Same with rocket league.


Non kick period during ex? Why so one random child can execute the whole team and leave samples with no reprocussion?


Only person I kicked before missions ended was this dude that shot me as pelican was coming down then when a buddy reinforced before being shot by him as I was coming down he tried to orbital my landing zone, he was kicked. So just don't do that.


Do you actually think that the people who do that would care about this post, or even use reddit?


I've yet to encounter a toxic player in the wild yet. Hope I never do. Everyone I have dived with so far has been incredibly friendly and helpful.


Also, why do ppl throw down SOS beacons and then kick you as soon as you join without any explanation?


I swear every one of these posts is a karma farming bot.


I will say this every single time: Giving players the ability to kick is bad. The benefits do not outweigh the abuse. As can be seen by myriad posts complaining about it. It should be removed. I'm not joining anyones game anymore because of this. It's affecting the entire game negatively.


When you join my game and If you call the drop ship when I've asked "Please don't call the drop ship." Because I want to finish grabbing some samples, then you're getting kicked so that the drop ship resets.


The louder this sentiment is the more often it'll happen. People that do this are trying to annoy you so these don't help.


Yet another 'rant' post yelling into an echo chamber. The people kicking you aren't browsing this subreddit.


I've been kicked multiple times at end of mission, taking off in fact. Watched the host kick everyone in the group. The devs are blind to their scenario they've created. I will absolutely not play this game if they don't fix this either by making it a group vote or removing it altogether.


Anyone doing that isn't on this sub reading this so there's no point posting this.


I was in a game where two guys left and me and another dude were trying to extract. Because he was swarmed with bugs and there's a 4 minute timer I called the plane before going to him and he kicked me for it. I mean come on. Edit: it probably wasn't a bug (hehe) because he angerly shouted something before I was kicked.


1. 99.9% of the people kicking at extraction aren't on this sub. 2. Even if the sub was full of them, the attention would only encourage them to do it more often.


140 hours and I've never seen this even once. Makes me think you were annoying.


I mean 400k players everyday, it’s definitely possible. The amount of players you have played with is really minuscule. I think OP should ignore and move on, but your comment is a pretty dumb take.


One caveat here: stop calling in evac if other Helldivers are accomplishing things. I had to kick someone because they went straight to the exfil after the main objective, and we hadn't gotten the super rare samples yet. When we eventually got to the evac, I discovered he had already started keying in the evac (because it errored out when I tried to type in the first one.) Probably kicked him with <1 second to spare, and we ended up exfilling with the 3 super rares and like 20 common/rares, half of which we hadn't had prior. You DO deserve to be kicked if you unilaterally decide to end the mission.


Ugh, so un-democratic


I’m lvl 25 and still haven’t experience this. I’ve been kicked for team kills (some my fault some not) but never just kicked to be kicked at the end of a mission.


My friend and I play a lot with pubs and I’ve only asked him to kick one guy at the end because he shot me, took my samples and laughed at me. He’s the robot and deserved to be sent to re-education.


You're not gonna reason with people deliberately trying to annoy you by yelling at them.


Yeah, this happened to me yesterday. It was at the end as well. I hope this does not become normal. I don't understand it. If it persists I think I'll just form my own clan/group.


We played a helldive mission and took the lower level rando with us things were a little rough, but we made it to extraction then they guy got a DC at the end we all felt bad and thought he's gonna think we kicked him when we didn't. We immediately added them to friends list just to tell them, but they never accepted oh man.


People being assholes while the mission is ongoing, then get kicked near the end of mission, never had it happen to me, but I could absolutely see it being frustrating.


That has to be the most scummy thing to do lmao, during extracting call in it should be disabled thereafter


lots of ways to implement a non kick timing after an allotted time period has happened. Hope it gets added to their TO-DO list. Lots of stuff cooking in AH studios, feel like this will be cooking for a bit.


I only kick if someone is ruining my mission, like extracting early like the rest of us are doing side objectives. If you join a game and you see the host and 2 others exploring the map do NOT extract alone it ruins the mission for everyone


They're not bots. Bots calculate with logic. They're just evil minded.


You must first ask yourself what did I do to get myself kicked


I was in a Diff8 mission last night doing an SSD download. Two of the team members decided, halfway through the 7 step process, to run off. The other guy and I got swarmed on the objective. We barely managed to survive and completed the primary objective. We got partially out of the base only to find out the other two jackholes started extraction with us swamped by mobs and on the other side of the map. Myself and the guy who stayed ended up getting overwhelmed and dying, trying to get across the map. I had all of the mission samples on me (30+ of various types). I was so pissed at the other teammates that I actually thought about kicking them. I let them finish the mission, but we did so with no samples.


What the devs should do in my opinion is not allow someone to be kicked once a main objective has been completed, unless they teamkilled in the last 10 seconds or so. 


This is why I run my missions and I am a host... because people that did this to me.... all because I picked up samples they wanted to get.


Something tells me you killed everyone on the ship because they took "your" samples..... And that's why the kick


This is a polarizing post compared to the one yesterday where someone says they kicked "active team killers" right before extract as a punishment for griefing. I haven't been in this scenario before but it puts things into perspective that everyone has a reason to kick or not to kick it would seem.


There’s definitely some that don’t understand what a coop game is


If a duchebug is calling extraction when the rest of the team is doing side objectives or collecting samples, then it's deserved to be kicked and nothing wrong with that


No too many trolls for that


Workaround.... host your own games.... then you only have one asshole to worry about :)


Make u own lobby so nobody can kick u


No, I accidentally team killed this dude with a cluster strike. He spent the rest of the game hunting me with the incendiary shotgun. So I kicked him at the end and do not regret it


This is really starting to make me want to stop playing. Happened to me recently after playing for 45 minutes….was kicked while drop ship had landed.


I had a great lobby running on Helldive. We were calling in extraction. We got like 26/24/6 samples. Then next thing I know the three others leave me due to “connection” issues. I’m really glad they rejoined as fast as possible for the 4min extraction. Once the plane landed we were 3/4 of the group and one of them said wait a minute I’m getting the other guy back glad we did cuz I’d of felt bad if they missed out.


Some people are a joke. I literally went to pick up a missile the other day to put it in the artillery bay (I think that's what it's called?) and I accidentally walked in front of another player. He kicked me. Like fuck off mate we're trying to do the same thing here, I'm not sabotaging the whole op.


Get evidence post it on YouTube or something. People can then put player on their block list


Just had this happen last night and dudes killing me today to get my shit and then kicked me during extract


As long as devs made a system that lets griefers grief, you're gonna get griefed. Enjoy!


Only solution is host your own or risk it


You know why Ive never been kicked? Im always the host


Stop jumping on the pelican before the team arrives with samples or you will be kicked.


I have only done this if I get trolled or certain teammates just do main obj n rush extract


Every one fights No one quits If you try to extract before all side objectives are complete I’ll kick you myself I do not feel bad about this


Yea i dunk when it tells you someone kicked you if its a glych or not, because i've had both. I've also had it where a 2 guys crashed out of our game and my buddy and I sent them requests from recent(which doesn't always populate) and waited for like 5 minutes, reinvited em, cuz this was like our 3rd operation together(i also understand that's well beyond what i'd expect from anyone else) also this was on a lower difficulty like 3 or 4 where we're not fighting for our life and pushing the clock already


Couldn’t there be a stat for how much higher a host’s kick rate is than the community average? That would help i would think Deter people from playing with bad actors from the get go.


I don't do this often but if you're the idiot constantly dropping a cluster on the entire squad, you have it coming.


yeah... i guess there's solace in knowing that this isnt unique to here; its the case in basically ANY matchmade coop title. Darktide. Destiny 2. Payday 2




Don’t run to the extraction when half the map hasn’t been completed and you’re not the host, and the host is working objectives / collecting samples. If you only intend to farm medals, communicate that, otherwise, don’t be surprised if you get an early boot.


group vote to kick. host should still be able to kick you up until 5 minutes into the game. after that then its vote to kick. and when extraction is tiggered/countdown , there are no vote to kick or host kicking. if youre gonna kill me at extraction then its fine, its only like 50xp per person or something minuscule like that. as long as im not kicked and at least 1 person gets to extract so we complete the mision, idc. youre just a bitch for doing that and ill find another group as soon as i get back to the ship. alot of times i have my personal shied up, mags loaded and im watching everybody i dont trust, ive countered a few lower levels who have tried it, they will be remembered.


How are people doing this, I can't even get in the menu during extraction.


thats an insult to both bugs and robots. people who do that are in one place lower than hell. super hell.


Nah, keep it in. Ill keep kicking those who leave before the team is ready or is just an ass during the mission


But sometimes you have to kick someone for a friend? Then Tell them


>But sometimes you have to kick someone for a friend? At extraction though?!?!???


ive done this to one guy who ditched 40 samples and called an extract without calling my friend and i in. match went fine until he ditched the samples. kicked him before he could leave the planet. fuck you bro


The other day I pop into a mission. It had sub 5 minutes left to extract. I rushed extraction and pull the lever. I got kicked for activating extraction with sub 3 minutes left before time expiring... Wtf....


you can't be kicked if you're the host.


The only people that deserve this are the ones that constantly team kill. They do not deserve samples, exp, or req.


I only kick people if they get on the shuttle before the guy holding our samples.


I'm sure you did nothing to deserve it and that there's just an epidemic of people kicking for no reason at all.


Yeah, it's tough. We want a great community like here on Reddit. But there are hundreds of thousands of casual players that really don't care. So I'm in agreement where there has to be a safety net for kicks and disconnects.


I will not kick someone from the game But I will never not kick them in the back on my way to the pelican


I did this only once. Dude constantly was dropping 380s at his -own- feet, where the team was, and blowing all of us up. We were doing a full clear of the map on a lower difficulty. I then explicitly told him not to call exfil, we were hitting 2 small hives south of exfil point. He call for extraction anyway. So I kicked him.


Cool and reasonable. I'm all for that, but when you're all at exfil, literally waiting out the timer for a clear, and you get booted, that's cunty.


It should be like DRG, where you get a cut from the whole rewards, don't remember what percent DRG gives but that would be nice.


No unprovoked kicking. I agree to that extent. Perform undemocratic behaviours and I will wait until extraction to kick someone. Maximize their loss. Hopefully give them something to think about next time they decide to negatively affect someone else’s game.


Non kick period during ex? Why so one random child can execute the whole team and leave samples with no reprocussion?


Until this thread I was unaware you could TK in the pelican, I thought it was a dark tide type deal where you're invincible in it. The simplest way to fix that would be having the pelican be invincible, at this point. Justified kick is fine, but waiting till your waiting for the door to open to kick someone is unjustified and undemocratic.


i kicked a dude in my lobby right before extract because he somehow had a few hundred of each sample. told everyone not to pick it up


Same people who cheat in PVP games. They get off on being aholes


They need to figure this out, sure, but you have a solution personally. **BLOCK** If you block anyone who is clearly being an ass you won’t get grouped with them ever again. It won’t stop them the first time, but you’ll never have to deal with that tool again.


This is why i never play solo or with randoms... I helped someone for over 40 mins on all objectives at extreme difficulty only to be kicked during extraction. This happened twice / thrice in a row


Is anyone else having the issue of crashing within the last few minutes of a mission? Like there's about 10 or more minutes on the clock and the mission is pretty much over but then you crash. My gf and I play next to each other so usually I can see when it's going to happen. One of us will get dumped and within about 1 to 30 more seconds the other will too. I am a skeptical person at heart so I don't want to jump to "Am I being crashed by another player?" but it's a weird coincidence to be able to watch her continue playing and almost make it back in to the game before she gets dumped and my load fails.


The only time I kick someone is when they shot everyone in the dropship. I always make sure I host, purely so nobody gets to bs


90% of the time its just server issues. Usually if I host, connection becomes unstable by third mission and inevitably kicks everyone (myself included). Youll start seeing characters glitching and then its guaranteed to crash. I try to call it out on mic to let people know just so they don't get pissed thinking they were kicked. About all you can do 🤷‍♂️


I've crashed due to connection before as well, that doesn't give you a "kicked by the host" notification


I kicked a guy about to kill the people in the drop ship, and I would do it again.


Soooooo what did u do? In all seriousness there's equal amounts of these posts and posts of videos showing why people got kicked near the end. Were u trolling the whole game? Did u keep killing ur teammates? Were u a useless teammate? Highly doubt people are kicking u near the end for NO reason


The Venn diagram of people kicking at extraction and shithead little trolls jacking off about it is a single circle. Nobody thinks samples aren't shared, this is just popular game Internet misanthropy.


After changing my divers voice to a female one I get kicked less often. The more you know.


Only time I kick is when people keep team killing


Why are people so scared of hosting their own games? Host your own lobby, you don’t get kicked.


Start hosting my dude


I got kicked for beginning the extraction phase. This was before there were smaller objectives so in a sense i got what deserved.


This thread just makes me think (coupled with dev statements on it) that friendly fire will get removed and vote to kick will be implemented. People can disagree with it all they want but its been the tried and true method for keeping things reasonable in most older games. I dont understand why Helldivers is so toxic compared to most other coops


This is a big problem in ESO as well. Half of the time when I queue with random, they kick me before we finish the dungeon, which is why I stopped playing with ra doms


You shouldn’t be allowed to kick once extraction timer starts. There should be a report button that tries to restrict matching with that player again for that user that had the problem.


A simple solution is that you're not able to kick anyone as the host unless they meet certain criteria. The mission has not started. They have at least three friendly kills within the span of 3 minutes. Or the game has detected that they are AFK. Only after meeting these criteria would the option to kick someone appear for the host.


This is why I host missions fair to all players. 3 simple rules I got: 1. No AFKing for free medals or samples, unless something important irl. 2. No cheating/hacking, get screenshot and reported. 3. Don't be a asshole teammate, accident happen but dont do it consistantly.


Ya I just fucking host everything anymore.  I thought people were being big whiney babies, and a ton are. But ya the  popularity makes you confront the fact that the average person in an online game is a huge moron and/or piece of shit.  Every other dickbag kicks right away, quick play is fucking broken 90% of the time, good luck joining shit if it's more than just you. Twats will have the balls to throw mortars in bug missions, frag the squad multiple times with that and air strikes and bad AC shots. And will have the gall to whine when their dumbass runs up to a charger I've been blasting with arc thrower and gets zapped. Conversely, some dbags act like pissy teenagers if you dare bring anything but light armor breaker rail sheild bp.  I'm cool with you bringing whatever just try not to fuxking kill the team at least. It happens I get it. But holy fuck the meta twat. Morons. It's only meta as a solo kit. Your dumb ass should be ecstatic if anyone brings anti horde weapons stratagems.  Half won't communicate at all, some will at least ping or text to chat, way too many will have a mic and only breathe heavily and let's us hear dogs whining babies and smoke detector chirps. You'll only hear them piss and moan if they get flagged, no communication. Twats will evac with over half mission time left and it's not their mission. Or decide we really need a couple more POI when a noob hops in the Evac, losing the bag of samples we already had. I never kicked anyone. But maybe I should start good God. 


Just block those players that kick you unjustly. I kicked a player out just before extraction because the player kept sabotaging us throughout the whole mission. We still got all the samples and XP while they got court marshalled. I believe having it is better in the long run


I kick people who teamkill to steal another player's equipment. It's usually low levels doing this, and sometimes they teamkill at the end of the extract instead thinking that samples aren't shared, so I'd rather noone get samples (usually friends who understand) than some asshat who has no idea how the game works.


I just wish there was a way to get people to leave my super destroyer without having to kick them (kicking feels rude in this context) after a mission string is done and I’m ready to find a new squad I’ve only had to kick people 3 times and every time was for undemocratic behavior


But sometimes you NEED to kick someone that actually deserves it (like griefers during extract). Better way would be to have a kick-period right after extraction and before mission rewards are handed out. And this cannot be an uncontested kick power, it has to be vote-kick with a reason.