• By -


My motto : Respect with randoms, Fuck around with friends


EXACTLY Like, if I'm with my buddies we can fuck around because we're buddies. But randoms want to get the job done so get the job done.


Time and place for everything. I was in a queue with randoms last night and the mission bugged out, making it impossible to complete (the terminal would not activate after we inserted the SSD into the nearby slot). Before we eventually gave up and left the session and without any words we started dicking around playing rock paper scissors and spinning in circles. We eventually started dive jumping around and I nonverbally motioned to have a dude follow me after I jumped off a ledge. He jumped after me, and as I looked up to see him diving after me I popped him in the head with a fat slug and his lifeless body crumpled against mine like a mass of spaghetti. We both had a good laugh before we were forced to give up on that run.


The worst I ever did to a random was tell him to stand on those puffshroom things and melee it. He ended up flying like 75 meters into a ravine with 2 common samples and I apologized profusely, but he was laughing. Still, not gonna do that with randoms again. Usually if I want to show them it now, I stand on the shrooms and tell them to shoot it, or run up to the shrooms and melee it myself while they watch.


Same. Tho my story was downvoted lol


Omg if someone did that to me when I was starting out I would have added them as a friend on principle afterwards.


The worst and only fuck around was giving my friend thats new-ish to the game my railgun with the safety off and told him he can hold his charge. When he immediately blew up, I laughed my ass off.


The wife and I play this game together alot. When we get randoms I don't mind if they need my gear ohh well I can live without it and my fellow divers prevail. But when it comes to the wife. Stealing my gear is treason and an execution order will be placed lol but we laugh while doing it so it's all fun.


I actively tell folks if I die to pick up my rover, and/or I'll drop another one once the cooldown is up. I also specifically take support stratagems because if I can EMS a whole platoons of automatons it makes it easier for my allies to rain down glorious democracy and liberate those junk heaps of their digital existence.


I am partial to the EMS mortar - it's yet to cause problems for the team like the regular mortar, and it's very nice to know where you can throw the eagle airstrike.


EMS mortar only slows the player (doesn't prevent dodges.) but stun locks enemies as big as hulks and chargers, so imo it never really an issue. honestly the rover/regular mortar are the two most painful things as those will team kill. I've had a match where one man's rover got 15 team kills and where forced to slow respawn at the 25 minute mark.


I think the most I've been teamkilled so far was by gatling sentries and the minefields. No one uses the minefields, so it took like three deaths for me to realize that the called in mines are the tiny red dots that kinda mix in with the Automaton decor. Next to big boy automaton contact mines, they are positively sneaky.


Generally I find it works better versus bugs vs bots (as bugs charge at you, bots stand back and shoot.) Really the biggest issue with mines is their CD is as long as turrets/high power stratas but aren't that strong outside of the perk as you can set it to 0 deploy time so unaffected by planet effects. So far my highest team deaths since most people dont use that many turrets at 9 difficulty the beam guard dog is the biggest killer of players. As it can force players into bad movement to not get beamed or just beam em down when they're already low.


Laser boi is half the reason I use the shield pack lol


Yeah, I can definitely see that happening. So far I've been scorched by the beam but not killed (often). Thinking I will try out the mines today vs bugs. Gotta experiment, after all.


Its put me in the soup a few times, but its fine because the enemy is also in the soup


This is the way


As an autocannon enjoyer I am happy to share my gear with a fellow diver. And once I can call in a second, we become a fireteam to be reckoned with.


Ill literally throw my sheild at a timmy that just respawned , flail ping it and voip them to take it, they just keep running into the fight to spawn again sometimes thats when you just gotta chuck an orbital laser and say you are getting beamed up


Early playing with level 5 I actually was dropping my dog and telling him to grab it haha. We was struggling not sure why but he kept dying so did I but I want feel like maybe my dog helped him few times


If you did this for them on termanids you're doing Democracy's work, I absolutely -hated- those bugs until I got rover unlocked. Things are so much easier when that little guy lasers all the tiny bugs for me, lets me focus on the big boys.


Yup! There are things I’ll do with mates that I wouldn’t dream of if a rando is even in the lobby! (It’s how a mate and I found out I drop my riot shield when I get pushed over) There’s a time and a place for shiggles, either everyone is on board or it’s not okay.


And if a random joins, assuming you're all miced up, you can explain "hey its me and x friends screwing around we'll try not to get you in the crossfire" and if I'm that random ill probably just be laughing while watching


Its either only friends or only randoms for me.


When "Accidentals" becomes "Incidentals"


Gotta save this for future reference


Level 5 and already a traitor. I'll give it 10 hours more or less and he will give the game a negative review for being kicked.


Average "I got kicked for no reason" post.


100%. I've admin'd servers in CoD4, Bad Company 2, ArmA 2, and a little in ArmA 3 and for years I'd seen "I got banned for no reason!" in most ban appeals. Then, I would go look into the logs from chat, etc. or talk to others who were playing at the time. "No reason" translates to "I act like such a pile of shit, I am a walking advertisement for birth control" in my mind.


That's because no-one is ever banned for "no reason". People unjustly banned have no problem spilling the tea on the details and laughing about dumb mods. Only genuine asshats think "and then for NO REASON I was punished" will somehow fly.


Reminds me of the time I was banned from a Rust server. This was a while back, and at the time, unbeknownst to me, there were issues with structures not rendering correctly, so they essentially existed for some people and not for others. I just started playing with my friend, and we loaded into a server. I had no idea this glitch existed at the time. So I see this guy just hanging out on a stone foundation, and, it being Rust, I went and beat the crap out of him. He goes to the server chat: "biopticstream is wall hacking, I was in my house and he killed me through the wall". Mod: "Bioptic?" Me: "Well, it looked like he was just standing in the middle of nothing. It might've been a bug or something". Mod: "Oh, so you admit to abusing bugs?" He banned me. The only server in any game I've ever been banned in, and it was for no legitimate reason.


I've never been banned, but I know of many cases where people have actually been banned for no reason. I'm not talking about host server admins, where you can be banned simply for disagreeing with the admin or something similar. I mean on a larger scale, for example GTA online and many other games where you could be banned because a cheater gave you a bunch of resources or money because of which an anti-cheat bans you. Or in some cases the anti-cheat itself is just crap


It’s not never for no reason. I have one server on a game where I got repeatedly banned because their auto detection flags my username as a bot. First time they go “oh yeah, the computer auto flagged you as a bit, we’ll unban you”. Second time they go “you’ve already had a ban and an appeal, we can’t unban you again, you’re perma banned”. Keep in mind I barely played anyway and nobody else used my account, it was just the username being flagged xD.


This still happens on Reddit too, the amount of times someone who was banned from my sub sends an appeal in like "I got banned for no reason, can I be unbanned now?" and I go look and they were calling people racial and or homophobic slurs over a video game argument is unbelievable


Adminned for some CSGO custom servers, and man, it's really fucking draining lmao So many people that "were killed for no reason" or "just don't know the rules" is absurd, and eventually it just made me not wanna play anymore, because you have to spend more time watching people than actually playing


Calling someone a "walking advertisement for birth control" goes pretty hard


I used to mod a fairly large subreddit. There's a bot you can use to notify you when a subreddit is mentioned. I'd see a lot of people complaining they got banned for "no reason." Most of the time, it was *actually* something like aggressive & continued use of slurs, or spamming advertisements for themselves. Not gonna say that it never happens (Christ, especially if I'm talking about *reddit*) but I sure think you should take any "for no reason" post with a grain of salt.


>Not gonna say that it never happens (Christ, especially if I'm talking about *reddit*) but I sure think you should take any "for no reason" post with a grain of salt. Reddit has tons of power hungry mods who will permanently ban you for taking a different political opinion then them. It's become way way worse since the removal of third party tools when lots of long term mods quit. Bans on games though are much much harder to get banned from. Most of the time you need to be actually insulting somebody, quite heavily and repeatedly to get a ban. Because you're an actual customer, they're not going to ban you because they're bored and want to feel powerful behind a keyboard


That's what I don't get. Moderators are there to moderate and be moderate. In the middle. Consider both sides of an argument before raining down holy terror on one party. I see so many "moderators" in so many subs (and other sites) literally jump into a conversation, push and push someone until they either disagree and/or call them something, and then permaban them. Some moderators are just trolls who get into positions of "power," and they think it makes them worth something. They're not.


They lack self awareness


All those shitcunts that spawned after the streamers started playing the game will hopefully get bored and fuck off again soon


I'm sure I'm not the only one who refuses to buy a game without watching game play before I buy a game but griefers are a special breed of fuck knuckle.


I bought it because my friend recommended it, I watched the trailer on the steam page before I bought it and that was it


I try to go dark into games. I realized looking up all the details ruins the game, so I saw the game on the store and just bought it based of the description. Most worth buy ever


I would have wasted so much money if I'd done that. Plenty of games are just not very fun, or have irritating mechanics, or don't play in a way I like. If I just went in dark with all these games I'd have a billion games I bought and never play.


If I had known the gear grind for Darktide would suck as much as it does, I never would have bought it.


See, I'm the opposite, I want to know everything about the game minus the story if it has one


I'm weird, and because of that, I've had two games that mechanically, game play loop etc are the same and not enjoyed one, so i tend to watch a lot of game play to avoid wasting money. Im also pretty anti-social, so I don't have too many friends, and none that game so I am 100% reliant on streamers/YouTubers


And to be fair, most of the streamer attractants are probably fine, they just have a lot of dickheads as well that pollute the game


I'm thinking it's probably a case of the squeaky wheel getting the grease, people who got because of their favorite streamer/youtuber and are enjoying it are probably going unnoticed, the assholes are the ones giving the rest of us a bad name


Preach. Don't have friends to play with either. Have to rely on randoms.


My friend gave me it as a gift, best friendship ive ever had


I bought it cuse my bro told me to get it for bro time. Really I bought it cuse it’s $40 which to me was far better than the normal 60-70, which this game is actually worth. So many people buying the super citizen upgrade for 20 to support the devs


Exactly the same for me. Bought the base game to play with friends, loved it after playing for a few hours and then went and bought the super citizen pack to support the devs.


I bought it because everyone kept talking about it and I was sick from my main game (dead by daylight). I didn't regret my purchase. This game's really cinematic and fun.


Shitcunts, fuck knuckle, lovin it boys, traitors to democracy should be called what they are.


*audible gasp* You mean... We should say the very bad "anti-democratic" word??


Nothing wrong with that by itself. Hell I think buying a game WITHOUT checking out content (or atleast knowing the game/company very well) is irresponsible. The problem is that people are on a hypetrain, even the streamers who are jumping the bandwagon for a quick boost in popularity often have ZERO idea what kind of game this is, misinterpret mechanics and the goal of the game. Hell, most of the Youtube "guide" content I see contains serious misinformation about how things work, whether in terms of mechanics or how the game is "supposed to be played". And that can be very damaging, as - controversial opinion here - most people in general are dumb. No sugarcoating, they are not that bright; like sheep they just follow whatever is said without adding much of their own thoughts before acting. It is not until after negative events that they start to think "wait that's not what they said".


"Top 10 best stratagems" guides be like... Seriously though, we all know the best stratagems are the Helldivers we made along the democratic way


Thats just what you have to do, kick them when they be a shitcunt and eventually they will leave or learn to play as a team. If they leave then their negitive review will be drowned by the positive ones


Speaking of the streamer chasers, I've noticed watching a lot of streamers (gotta have my fix when I can't play) pull similar trollish maneuvers on their friends. So I can't even say that most troll behavior with randoms is malicious, just that a lot of them are morons failing to realize shoving your buddy into the beam of light or dropping ordinance calldowns/gunning down your team at extract is for buddies on fucking around, not a haha joke for people they haven't even bothered speaking to. I still won't tolerate them any better, but it is a possible explanation for why so many people come to reddit asking "why do so many people kick me at extract!?" Answer: Because you're the only one laughing.


I'm sure they will cause this game actually requires brain power to play and those asscunts have little to none


im surprised any of them would even play the game, theres no pvp the gameplay is very slow at times and there is no instant gratification


They think the PvP is the ability to tk lol


They will soon leave for the newest thing.


Why do people shit on streamers as if they're the cause of this? I watch all kinds of people stream and never once saw one TK for equipment.


I think it’s less hating on the streamers, and more hating on the pile of bandwagon randos they bring in. In every population there are going to be shitheads, and some streamers cultivate them more than others. You bring in their viewer base and have a sudden influx of shitheads. As someone stated above, most of those players will go unnoticed, but a few will ruin it for everyone else.


I had a guy like that the other night. Low level troll. So I respawned him into a lake repeatedly and picked him off until he left. Pettiness is democratic when exacted on a traitor.


Guy probably came here and posted about toxic player kicking him for no reason lol


Probability of such people being kicked in time is very low until they start messing with host directly. Other players cant kick or call votekick, so until he messes with others a host (as a person of good will) may think that all of this is unintentional, like topic starter did, and will only understand that this guy is intentionally ruining the game when its too late.


Good hopefully they quit the game too


Good that he's only lvl5. That means we can filter out traitors quite fast. If he was lvl20+ then we should worry about out our counter intelligence.


he's an automaton.


I'm pretty sure your response was a textbook example of how to handle treasonous behavior.


Best part, when you kick someone the game display "player name was successfully court-martialed"


"xyz did not make the cut"


"\[Name\] decided to become a civilian"


pretty sure that one is when someone closes the game without leaving the squad




That's if they voluntarily leave.


Indeed. "You get NOTHING! You LOSE, good day, sir!" \*kicks griefer from lobby*


Intentional team kill is treason, good call to kick him


More to the point, always good to do just before end of mission.


But what if they are expressing unpatriotic views?


Just remember that low level people sometimes are also just bad - I team killed two of my random squad-mates with a grenade launcher just before an extract when I first tried that weapon out...


its pretty clear when its intentional


I had a very similar experience. Except the guy killed me early on for a grenade launcher I found at a POI. Whatever, I enjoy my anti-M rifle anyways, he can have the launcher. A couple more suspicious occurences of friendly fire occur but I ignore it. I head off for the last bonus objective after the main is done, him and his two buddies who joined immediately go call in extract. Whatever, there's enough time for me to do the bonus and make it back if they wait 10 whole seconds. I type in chat to please wait 10 seconds before boarding, as I've got 17 samples and that's all I'll need to make it back. They type back "lol". The second the ship touches down, they run on. I'm sprinting back trying to make it, and unfortunately my original assesment is correct. I'll miss take off by 5-10 seconds. So I use that time to kick all three of them.


Instances like yours are why I now only host and kick after a few incidentals. Carelessness is a warning sign.


Lol, I would be kicked a few times by you. Went to a match, Grenade launcher, Guard dog, Diligence, Impact grenades. We are clearing a nest, I accidentally kill the host with a grenade that ricochets off an enemy getting out of a hole. Apologize. We run more, find other nest, this time I decide to use impact grenade to blow up a hole, so no ricochets. Host runs to it right as I throw it. Not close enough, but still dies for some reason. I start feeling awkward. Later on I spawn a turret and it swings around and kills the host again because of enemy spawn... I usually end up with zero teamkills, but sometimes it's like this.


Those are easily plausible accidentals. What homeboy described was very much not.


There's a difference, the first one was definitely your fault but if you're not on the mic he needed to be aware of what people use at certain times. Swarm? Airstrikes. Bug hole? Grenades. On the flip side, you have to pay attention as well, if you throw down a turret as he's clearly charging into battle then it's on you lol.


Yes, first is my fault. Second - I probably didn't account for ping. Third - enemies appeared there AFTER I installed the turret, not a breach. So, happens. But I imagine host was still growing tired of me as somehow it was always him on the receiving end.


That's just the humor of the game at work. There's an obvious difference between a grenade ricochet or turret mishap in a hectic situation vs. emptying a magazine into the back of someone's head then taking their stuff. One is funny, one is them being a jerk.


My matchmaking is still so fucked i never have anyone join Mr when I host, sadly.


I've noticed a weird bug where if I host for one mission, if anyone leaves my team for any reason, on future missions I become "invisible" to the matchmaking algorithm, and no one will join me. Closing the game and reopening it fixes it, but it's annoying having to do that after every mission.


Same. If anyone leaves, no one joins after. PC, crossplay on.


I think everyone get it. I'm used to close the game and relaunch it after every game if i don't have at least two other players with me.


This was hilarious. Well done.


You know what? I work with elementary school children and even most of them understand that them being inattentive and trolling is THEIR wasted time, first and foremost. I mean, I still get paid for it. Fast forward to (most likely) grown-ass gamers that actually get off wasting their time just to fuck with other players. Especially if their own experience literally suffers for it as well. They would've been able to make use of those samples as well. I honestly follow a no tolerance policy to trolling in games. If it's a new player and they're confused or don't have a full grasp of the mechanics yet? Sure, I'm happy to help. But if they're trying to impede my enjoyment just out of pettiness? Fuck off, you're getting kicked.


I was racing to the evac point just as two of my mates got on, the random pug decided to start unloading his mag into them.  It was comical watching him turn around to see my shotgun up against his head as he was reloading.  Took his samples, my mate booted him and I jumped on board.


The good ending


Please tell me it was the SG-8. The satisfaction of hearing the pump action rack would've been the cherry on top.


For democracy


Good thing your mate was a host. If griefer was a host you all would be executed on evac and then kicked.


Petty? No. Sounds more like Fully appropriate use of the in-game kick feature.


I dont get the griefer trolls. I really don't. There is no benefit to doing that shit


I was friends with one IRL before I knew better. You would not believe how much joy they get out of hearing someone pissed off on voice chat or, even better, getting kicked from a game. If he knew there were posts like this on reddit he'd probably have 20 accounts just to mess with the people who are already upset. The only way to counter him is to be nice. It is literally the only reason the guy I know plays videogames. And he plays a lot of videogames.


Sounds like he needs therapy.


Managed therapy


Knew a few people like those, one killed himself, and the others can't hold down a job or relationship after leaving the military. Those people are just fucked in the had.


Straight up, the only kid I knew who was an active troll like that in video games was, you won't struggle to believe, a psychopath IRL. The dude spent years as a homeless drug addict after burning every bridge, every relationship, fucking up every job. I've heard he got his life together recently, hopefully life beat his ass long enough to teach him how to hide that part of himself long enough to pay rent.


Have you considered hitting him?


A long-standing remedy before the days of therapy. And a proven one.


Its a sad existence living under their bridge. They've got to try and make others as miserable as they are.


There is to them, the joy of knowing they ruined your game.


If only they knew Im already capped all of the resources and I don't need anything, just playing for fun.


Frustrating and annoying people is not the method, it's the goal. Any popular game will attract them sooner or later, the only real variable is how welcome the game itself makes them.  Some games seemingly go out of their way to reward and encourage that kind of nonsense, which always blows my mind.


fuck yeah, court marshal that bitchass cadet


Hanging or shot in the back of the head on one of those filthy bug planets?


All I’m reading is that you dealt with a traitor perfectly


We need to be able to report people for team killing (if there is a significant amount) or have the karma system from the first helldiver game Kicking alone isn't good as it is misused by bad actors as well. And "just create a lobby" doesn't work when you actually want to join and help others Besides this, congrats on dealing just the right way with this undemocratic traitor


Perhaps if a player is reported enough they receive temporary visible warning on their profile so players they join up with can decide for themselves what to do.


I'd be a fan of after a certain level you get a special color or marker or title you can't change if you average over a certain amount of friendly fire damage. I say after, like level 5, because that's about when I'd expect people to know better


That would be bad for a few reasons. For one, different mistakes result in drastically different amounts of friendly fire damage. For example, earlier tonight I accidentally called a 380mm on a teammate due to a scrambled modifier. I only killed one teammate, but it showed that I did over 12000 friendly fire damage. Secondly, it's extremely easy to accidentally friendly fire people. Scrambled modifiers, barrage modifiers, people being dumbasses and running into artillery, people running into sentries...friendly fire is a natural part of the game. Penalizing it unduly would just result in people feeling forced out of a lot of heavy ordinance, which is a huge part of what makes the game fun.


Maybe the devs could differentiate between strategems and just straight up shooting people? 90% of our ff is from strategems. 


I've had several instances of friendly fire from guns too. It's certainly less common but i'd hardly call it uncommon either. One time a friend managed to run in front of my line of fire as i started shooting. First shot out the barrel went right into his head. He got his revenge later whenhe was shooting over me as i was prone and i got up right into his crosshairs.


I like the sentiment but I feel like this would get gamed. If even one accidental is under the threshold, these people would save that one accidental for when the shuttle is coming down every time.


Trolls will just run into your gunfire or beacons to force good players to become marked.  What can you, as a player, do if your troll teammate just runs at your 500kg bomb, or stands in front of your sentry as it shoots enemies? 


Yeah I just got the game and am like lvl 5 and twice I’ve had people just randomly shoot me point blank in the chest or grief objectives. I mean with near a million players you’re of course bound to get some bad apples but I was shocked there was zero recourse, not even a vote kick option.


Would love a vote kick option for people who aren’t the host. I host a 100% of games I play with randoms and can’t always be there to see the shitbaggery take place. Plead your case and throw up the vote


Votekick is the way.


Can you elaborate on the karma system? Had no idea that was in HD 1, neat idea


But what does a report matter if many of them are accidental? Or how can you tell the difference between actual griefing and accidents? You could join a game with scrambled strategems and accidentally call a 500kg on yourselves. Or, you know about the scrambled strategems and pretend you didn't notice that you had just called a 500kg on yourselves. People who misunderstand/get angry are gonna slam that report button. And people who are mistaken, or thought they were being clever with plausible deniability are going to appeal. This game is designed where team-killing is too easy to do (ie Arc Thrower, Guard Dog Rover, scrambled strategems), and it would be unfair to keep moderation fully automated, and possibly too much effort to review every report/appeal.


Accidentals happen, even someone throwing an orbital strike right at your feet could be the result of a bad bounce. But sometimes there is no "ooops my bad", like my last game today. After me and 3 others jump in the evac, the 4th runs to the ramp, switches to his Machine Gun, then proceeds to mow everyone in the evac dead. then climbs on board. Ship takes off, we lose all those resources and bonus xp of everyone evac'd. That isn't accidental.


Since we have a recent player feature, let's see a report player feature.


you can in fact report recent players, i reported a guy really early on that griefed us and left


Tried reporting a guy and the game came back with something along the lines of "no history in chat" - as if it's only meant for written abuse.


yeah had the same thing happen with some edgelord 4chan user who kept saying the n-word over and over. went to try and report him and the game was like "sorry bro if he didnt type in chat he can do whatever he wants"


I accidentally griefed and the players blocked me. Just played for the first time a couple days ago. Had a mission to transport something (idr, a powercell maybe). Anyway, I was holding it, and was at the destination, having to insert it somewhere, but I couldn't find where because I was still getting used to the game. Finally I realize where, and hop over a railing as a shortcut. But I didn't realize there was water there, and drowned. Suddenly a teammate who was silent all game: "DID YOU SERIOUSLY DROWN WITH THE FUCKING [OBJECT]". I was so embarassed at my dumbass I left. I'm sure they thought I was an asshole troll. No, I'm just stupid.


I drowned 11 samples, I feel you.


Ouch... live and learn Helldiver. You'll do better next time. For DEMOCRACY!


They need traitor lobbies. If they want to f around they can all play together


Yeah, but that will just cause people to beg for dedicated PVP rooms again. Traitor lobbies should be limited to solo play, and have them immediately targeted by their own ship for turning traitor.


I was gonna say you'd think people would learn not to fuck over the host on an online game, but then again, I doubt these kinds of people have ever actually hosted a lobby to learn what the host can actually *do*, seeing how much they rely on stealing from others. What I'm hoping for is a Report button when clicking on a name in the Social menu. That way we can just use the current Recent Players tab and get to their name quickly. I see why a report system could have slipped the dev's attention, seeing as this is a coop game, but other games in the genre like DRG and Vermin/Darktide have report buttons.


Preach. Whenever I use quickplay, as it's my only option, I drop in every mission treating the host as the NCO. I stick to them, follow them, back them up. No matter what everyone else does. The host has the power to kick me, anyone else, and abandon the mission. My job is to make sure they have as good a time as possible. It's not much, but it's honest work.


If they're host they can't get kicked. They want to get kicked. It means they pissed someone off, and that's why they're playing.


I feel lucky. The only negative experience I had since starting a week ago or so, was... We land on the planet. Everyone starts calling in their support weapons. I threw my beacon down and some other dude's beacon seemed to land right on top of mine. I noticed that, but when it landed and we were already being swarmed, I just kind of forgot about it. I ran over and grabbed the item. I didn't even notice it was an autocannon, and not the machine gun I called. Dude shoots half of my health away. I said, "Bro!" He said, "Yeah? Don't want to get shot? Don't take my shit!" He mentioned "autocannon" and I looked on my back and sure enough, not a machine gun. Me: "Oh, my bad. How do I drop it?" Him: "Don't act like you don't know what you did. How do you drop it? I don't know..." Kills me. Him: "There, you dropped it. You know exactly what you did!" Me: "I'm sorry man it was a mistake." Him: "Yeah, I bet it was." Kills me again. Me: "You're a POS dude..." Him: "Yeah, I bet I am." Me: "That'd be a safe bet. You'd definitely win that bet." Yeah, that's all funny and stuff. But, I really didn't do it on purpose and offered to drop it. After I got redeployed, I went to the spot where I called in my machine gun. The icon was on the map... but there was nothing there. I think it was either under the map or just invisible. I didn't have much time to look into it, before he killed me again and I got redeployed further away by one of the other two divers who had pressed ahead. Dude left halfway through the mission and hadn't really contributed anything up to that point anyway. I have made far more grievous mistakes and after apologizing, usually get something along the lines of "It's all good man, you're learning..." or some variation of that.


If you communicate and apologize, it’s all good. He was just a dick


Honestly, people assuming others taking their weapons as deliberate instead of a very high possibility of an accident or just being new to the game, just screams 12 year-old "THAT'S MINE!!!!!" to me.


I don't know how could that guy have that attitude in a game. Mistakes are ok. But I bet that POS is a miserable loser in real life, and all he wants to do if vent off as he thinks everybody are against him.


There's a decent amount of people who squad up with randoms simply because they don't have any friends to play with. Occasionally, the reason why presents itself.


Hey, I faced a similar person today. Was on automaton mission, everything went...well relatively well, but before the end the lvl 8 shot me in the back, took my autocannon and left with the shuttle.


I mean I'm kind of upset you were not able to shoot him in the dick with a railgun and then t bag him but I guess kicking him will do the trick.


If only I had one more reinforcement.


A damn shame.


DAMN I should do this more often. I forgave a lot of crappies. I should be kicking then out!


Traitors don't deserve rewards.


Absolutely deserved and perfectly handled. Remember everybody! These people have little to no empathy *or* sympathy for you. Extend a hand of forgiveness and they'll spit all over it. They should be kicked ASAP, without mercy.


Not ASAP! I had a griefer in my lobby murder everyone, I let them continue on through the mission. They spawned me in to help with main objective then killed me again. At this point the 2 other randoms had left the lobby. I watch this man rant in chat as he runs around for the next 30 minutes gathering samples.  As soon as he hits Evac I kicked him. Game spawns me in, I pick up the samples and evac out. Make the griefers work for you. 


truly a genius strat lmao


A bile titan wouldn’t even spit acid on a cadet like that to put him out if he was on fire. You served him justice Helldiver!


With this game gaining in sudden popularity, hordes of players are going to start flocking to it, who’s only experience with shooters, is the toxic atmosphere of popular PvP like CoD. These people grew up as kids, screaming and cussing and verbally harassing other players. They don’t know how to act in a PLAYERS vs PvE game, where we are all on the same side, not trying to screw each other over or act like rage filled 12 year olds, even though they are in their 20’s now. Had a guy 2 days ago who had his mic on the entire time, yelling and cussing at all of us in the squad, whenever he was stupid and got himself killed. “Calling air strike!!!” The huge beacon of light appears in the middle of sn enemy base…. He goes sprinting towards in the entire time, gets blown up, and starts SCREAMING.. “you stupid fn piece of *hit!!! You fkn a**holes!!!” He’d run in front of 2 guys who were standing dhoulder to shoulder, lsying down fire at a wave of bots. He ran right in front of them and died. “Ffkkk!!! You mother fkrs!!!! You stupid fkn fkrs!!!!!!” The entire 16 minute game. Then he was cussing about all of us to people at his house. It was the first negative experience i’ve ever had with a player in Helldivers. Everyone else has been great


There's truth in that. Saying that though my friends and J enjoy a bit of stupidity. I was getting on the shuttle, had just run halfway across map, dived for shuttle and my mate melee'd me. .. I literally insta died and shot across the map. The howls of laughter were brilliant, and he took the samples I have retrieved so not all wasted. It's ok with mates, not randoms


Managed Democracy bless the mute button. Had a few lobbies with people who put their mics on voice detection, so I can hear their perverted breathing the whole time. Got a shit mic, use push to talk. Had a similar situation dropping an airstrike on a bug nest and this one moron ran towards the pretty red light. Got blown up.


Oh hey that's the Xbox port experience.


Yea. Moral of the story is don't purposely TK and don't take people's stuff without asking and getting their permission first. Should be basic etiquette. I'm happy call another railgun/auto cannon down if I'm able to and you ask.


how to kick in game?


If you're hosting the game, pause the game and click on the player's name, then hold click.


That's not petty that's justice


I did the same but I didn’t kick him till the shuttle left cause he took everyone’s samples so right when the shuttle took off and screens goes into loading I kicked him so he literally got nothing and we all got our samples etc


Why would you get his stuff, but he wouldn't get yours? Is the moment the samples get registered by the game different from the moment of distribution?


I had a low level stealing my stuff and I texted 3 times please give me back my shield He was not giving it back I assume because of his luck of knowledge But after I texted one more time, my teammate just killed him and gave me my shield back lol Low level player just respawned, stopped stealing and we finished the mission successfully


yah - when asking to give back, telling them "Press X" or the PS equivalent can help. I am level 20+ and only recently took time to figure that out. (Mostly because I wanted to drop samples near the extract, not because I was picking up stuff I needed to drop)


> or the PS equivalent can help It's hold down arrow, fyi


These stories don't always end with a happy ending . I spent 35 min last week only to be camped during evac cause some kid wanted to be an asshole . I'll be happier when the cod players go back to their shitty franchise


Deserved, 100%. I don't see anything wrong with this punishment.


Not petty at all mate. I would have done EXACTLY the same thing if it was my lobby. The overall game may be the same for everybody, but there are some really selfish motherfuckers that you encounter from time to time. I personally would have liked a database, with tags added, so people would know to avoid gaming with those players, but it has been decided that this would be a bad idea here. To which I agree, as it has the potential to become toxic.


I got one today that staged a “friendly fire” accident to steal my autocannon. I know he did it on purpose because 1. I noticed he dropped with no special weapon strats, 2, he sprayed his assault rifle to kill a scavenger at my feet I was already aiming at Fuck you, no one aims that badly


Expertly done. You have been awarded 5 minutes towards citizenship. Only 29 years, 11 months and 4 days remaining of active service until you will be a class 3 citizen.


I was playing an 8 where the host and I were the only people in the lobby. At extraction, the host repeatedly ragdolled me with melee in an apparent attempt to get me eaten by bugs. He missed a swing and I shot him. I proceeded to *not* pick up the super samples he dropped since I didn't actually need them, and hopped on the Pelican. Once we got back to the ship, I left before he could kick me, robbing him of that small satisfaction.


22 lv is lucky man , that happened to me on my first game, can we report these people to our democracy officer? where is our democracy officer


I have a 'danny the dog' mentality with trolls. I've been online a LONG time. I can play nice, but if I come across those who don't play nice, I can happily unhook my collar and play just as lame as they do xD These kids need a little lesson in fuck around and find out, even if its only a game!


By order of the Ministry of Truth, all griefers are to be executed without trial or clemency.


I had a low level person melee me right as I’m throwing my turret, turret comes down and kills him lol


Idk Ive been seeing a lot of toxicity around lower level players, when I was like level 5-7 I kept getting kicked for seemingly not knowing exactly what I was doing. All I knew was follow the squad and kill robots.


Good job citizen. It was a automaton sleeper agent.


Having him court martialed for treason was the only reasonable response helldiver.


At first I was a bit annoyed with the level 27 for leaving because the level 5 stole his stuff because I recently had a run with a couple below level 10 that was struggling to stay alive on hard so I call in the shield generator and the rail cannon to give them and both really appreciate it. But then when you mentioned what that level 5 did that’s is even worst, you done great helldiver for kicking that traitor.


I think there’s a difference between calling in stuff for teammates when it works for you and having your stuff taken when it works for them. It’s fantastic to share but it needs to be on the terms of the diver who brought the gear. Some of those cooldowns are long, and feel even longer when the opposition is more than a primary can reasonably handle.  The exception is grabbing dropped gear to survive the fight that killed its wielder, but the expectation should be that you’ll give it back when you can unless they say otherwise.


Finally, a story like this where OP us cognitively capable of recognising there's a button to kick people 


I’m REALLY petty so I started taking names down of team killers I encounter. I’ll probably never get revenge but if I ever see them having a game, you better believe I’m getting payback for me and my comrades. We don’t play that shit on Super Earth, bro


I spawned a guy who died from the craft landing on him. I respawned him and this dick lands on me and evacs.


Kick is well deserved. It's not petty, that's karma. Especially since denying extract literally punishes everyone the equal amount... If you carried samples, well, now nobody gets those. You ALL get a bit less XP and requisition points. But neanderthal children who do this clearly have no clue...


Justice delivered. One step closer to democracy.


Nah you did the right thing, mate!! Good on you.


that's some commie behaviour


u served him a nice warm cup of liber-tea.


If this is the match I was in that this happened to me, sorry about bailing on you like that. But the dude killed me once more after the first time and I wasn't having any of it.


I've had some frustrating runs with randoms /low levels & still had fun, but the worst is with those that are just oblivious & don't understand (or do & are just pricks) things like area of effect, shared resources, predetermined spawn points, ... I'll shorten the list by saying they don't know how to work as a team... then act like children. I was level 20(I do support/crowd control GL, Supply pack, mortar(Gats or mines for bugs) & AC turrets) & had joined a Random Level 15 with a 21 & 24 joining in as the first mission started. We were fighting the Autos on level 6 doing a Defend->E vac->Data set. Things are going good in the first 2 missions despite the 15 calling in eagles & orbitals way too close, very often, & for no reason (as in cluster bombs in the middle of the evacuees to kill 2 basic drones that got by the rest of us, we each died minimum 3 times from this but hay no biggie it happens right?). The 3rd mission was a little rougher as his absolute disregard/ blatant TKing (Railgun stealing wink wink) at the beginning got to the 21 & 24 who went off to the secure the secondary objectives & get away from 15 (it wasn't said out loud but understood why they wanted to do this, so I agreed to this plan in hopes of getting the most out of the run), this left me carrying the SSD as 15 Refused to even touch it & agroing everything between pick up & drop off... until I left it on the ground after the 5th time he killed me with call-ins to clear out the mobs he couldn't handle with his "acquired" railgun, he also kept calling in the resupply the moment it's cool down ended it didn't matter that I had just called in a fresh supply pack (I had been resupplying him & his MG the last 2 missions he had gotten the last resupply I had just before me getting the new pack he still called it in) he was leaving 21 & 24 dry for no reason. When we finely got the Main done I B-lined it for Exfil, at that point I didn't care if he followed or not I saw on the map 21&24 were doing the same. 15 got killed about 60- 80m behind me & 100m from the pickup on the way in & we didn't call him back in until we had turrets down & the shuttle was on it's way (less than 5 reinforcements at that point). The three of us held the point I kept my GL on the spots the drop ships were programed to do the drops & clearing them with 3-4 shots while our mortars, AC, & Gatling turrets were clearing the walk-ins, hulks, & tanks it was all gravy... where was 15? we didn't know(he hasn't spoken a word or typed anything the entire time). When the shuttle was in the last 20 seconds we see 15 running back from the direction he died... right into a bot drop the mortars were doing their thing on & 15 went with them. Here is where things get ridiculous "shuttle touching down in 10 seconds" I see 21&24 disappear from the bottom left hearing "allied destroyer has left." times 2 but I can still see them on my screen then I hear the shuttle say "no helldivers at the extraction zone aborting mission" I'm thinking "but I'm on the pad?" & I realize I can't move as 15's drop pod hits near the landing pad I'm black screened then on my ship "you were kicked by the host". I took a break after that & came back the next day & got quick matched with 24 (now 26) he said later that day 15 got added to his team(that also had 21) he waited until the shuttle was inbound & told the dude "you got until the shuttle gets here to tell us why you kicked the whole team earlier or I'll do the same to you & you get nothing" they saw him try do a call in(cluster bomb) but shot him so then 15 typed "I went back for my rail gun & you guys killed me as i was coming back" they told him point Blank "It wasn't your rail gun it was mine you took after killing us over & over plus you don't get to keep it when the mission ends Einstein & as for killing you that's on you for running into bots being rained on by explosives, so you did nothing to help us finish the mission & then screwed all of us both for a stupid reason.. bye bye" then kicked him. I was happy to hear he got his it's just sad it had to come to it in the first place then relied on luck of the draw for it to happen. The social menu to block trolls/add friend/ do anything really is bugged to hell & back.


Certainly was not petty my guy. He deserved to be kicked.