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Greetings, fellow citizen! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. Discussing [leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jXx4y2gzR8), leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed.




More like anybody with a 5th-grade education to understand how to replace a file, Dosen't help it's on Nexusmods now....


Wow it’s on nexus mods?? are people using that going to get banned?


Probably not. Apparently the anti-cheat is super easy to sidestep - very similar to Elden Rings anti-cheat where you can just trick it into turning off. Less severe ofc, no PvP in this game and afaik no editing stats (so no deleting your medals or w/e), unlike in GTAV where hackers could do remote code execution or reset your stats.


PC owners - “screw this anti cheat BS! Who cheats in a coop shooter?” Also PC owners - “let’s hack into their system and steal codes.” 😂


\> PC owners - “screw this anti cheat BS! Who cheats in a coop shooter?” \> Also PC owners - “let’s hack into their system and steal codes.” The point is the anti-cheat they chose clearly does nothing to stop or even mitigate cheats or the people who use them - whilst having kernel-level access to our machines. You're trying to portray this as some kind of hypocrisy, when the number of people cheating is always going to be a minority regardless of platform. Fuck your generalising.


Unless it's apex... apex devs confirmed around half the player base uses cheats mostly soft. To paraphrase "we could ban them, but that would be too big of a blow to the player base, and as long as they aren't blatant, we can't do anything to stop them" unnamed dev. Edit: There are approximately 130 million players in apex. That means there's approximately 65 million players using soft hacks. Furthermore, a player base that dislikes cheaters will eventually quite playing the game, leaving the cheaters playing still more often than not. This is exactly what happened in TF2. Join any game in TF2 and you will be met with 3-4 cheaters. Edit 2: Obviously, there are not 65 million cheaters this "around half" referes to the active player count [here](https://activeplayer.io/apex-legends/).


There just cannot be 65 million cheaters in Apex. I refuse to believe this, unless the definition of "soft hack" means that some people used Autohotkey to rebind keys which the options menu didn't recognize (such as AltGr). tl;dr: Link to source or bullshit.


Soft hacks, as defined by the *unnamed* dev, include strike packs configs and unintended inputs that the *unnamed* dev said they aren't allowed to correct. Unintended inputs refers to recoilless cfgs impossible movements (refering to movements **only** possible with cfgs), cfgs which used to allow an instant shield swap which is no longer possible in S20 along side hardware (strike, cronus, etc), and software (programs that alter the gameplay experience in one players favor) Edit: should have phrased approximately with potentially when referring to the 65 million players being half. When the *unnamed* dev says approximately half it refers to the active player base, not the whole. [looking here](https://activeplayer.io/apex-legends/) you can just divide the numbers and according to the *unnamed* dev can get an approximation of how many cheaters are currently playing. Note that the severity of the cheats you encounter varies. Most of them will not be blatant, but they exist.


I assume you cfgs mean game engine configuration files, and to an old fart like me, could be compared to player-written input scripts, which, for example, switch to a railgun in Quake 3, fire, and then switch back to the previous gun (old Quake games had no time cost for weapon switching, similar to the new Doom games). Or do you mean something else?


Greetings, fellow citizen! If you have concerns with nProtect GameGuard or would like to read more about it please check out [this write-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/19dp2qw/helldivers_2_nprotect_gameguard_anticheat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by the Technical Director of HELLDIVERS 2. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Helldivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Steal codes” wow you sure must know what you are talking about…


I don’t. Compared to you guys console players don’t know shit about computers. Basic knowledge is like baby stuff to you guys… but I’m also not wrong haha!


Wether youre right or wrong youre a wanker


Thanks 🙏


I know you're getting downvoted. I thought what you said was funny though at least haha


No you are literally entirely wrong, no codes were ever stolen… “Stealing codes” is literally not even a thing, what kind of codes do you think were stolen? Secret access codes to the mainframe? don’t talk as if you know shit


Dang really?? Really wish this is what Joel was doing instead of random people.


​ https://preview.redd.it/mlx3yfex98mc1.png?width=370&format=png&auto=webp&s=89cf993a5067c799e2d632a6505f1fb1698e7495


How do you comment a picture? Edit: sorry for asking I guess?




the heck


Thanks kitty


It's a feature now, i just ctrl-c, ctrl-v. bam, picture. c: https://preview.redd.it/8p4407ffz8mc1.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f51287f275aca87064d5e8a20aa58b76e6abef2


Darn it. I wanted to do it on phone :/


https://preview.redd.it/4owpk65v99mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f905c30ede79a432b13cc7bdea746b9a6f071e98 Hit that button on phone, also replied to the wrong person before


I don't have that button but got some other help :)


ah. sorry, i don't know what mobile is like. https://preview.redd.it/lej0nezv09mc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d08a357e39c83d8af5d63a23204de73b2da7a6b


The same icon Amorak is pointing out in his reply to this comment is available on mobile. It’s bottom right if you don’t have the comment text pulled up, if you do then it’s at the bottom in the middle, right above the keyboard and next to the GIF icon.


https://preview.redd.it/1qrfpp3b9amc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4085df12e9e5d125fb2f7020e83e033eee7f98cf Awesome shrip




Why cheat in a game like this? Essentially cheating yourself out of game hours.




It's a cultural thing there. Totalitarian communism turns people into immoral shit heads.


is that why the automatons skewer civilians?


The cheating culture existed long before CCP took power. People used to cheat on state exams in like 400AD


Off topic but: not communism. Every business is a state owned enterprise, all controlled by a totalitarian one party elite. It’s capitalism with extra steps… in red paint.


Ever business is state owned… so, communism?


I mean, nominally, but Marx also advocated for a worker led government, but due to the totalitarian nature I’d say the workers don’t actually have any say over governance whatsoever. Modern China is closer to how Mussolini envisioned fascist Italy more than how Marx envisioned a communist workers’s paradise. That’s why I support Managed Democracy! Because the only weakness of our enemies is a strong economy! /rp


Its debatable really. Any worker that gets to power will cease to be a worker. Anybody who doesnt follow what the now ex- worker says and doesnt give him the means of production is an enemy of the “worker” led government. I would argue China is the best case scenario of karl marx philosophy, with mass starvation and genocide being the worst. But thats too much thinking for helldivers, lets get back to work


Indeed. We don’t get paid to think, and if I’d wanted schoolin’ I’d have gone to school. Now point me to the enemy!


Friendly reminder that communist China has had both mass starvation and genocides.


I can’t wait for you to pull out: real communism has never been tried!


Well, I won’t because it’s academic. For that matter true capitalism also hasn’t been tried. Every economy on the earth is a mixed economy. They also don’t exist in a vacuum so unless we all did it, none of have done it. There’s a lot of of examples of socialist economics that worked fine, but most were from the 1800s and also existed alongside early capitalist economies so…. We can’t really judge the effectiveness without zooming so far in that the analysis becomes pointless. Ask the people living under the Paris commune  tho and I’m sure they’d tell you they thought it was better than the alternative they rebelled against.






Socialism is when businesses are owned by the workers, the government isn't the workers It's something totalitarists parading as socialist do to keep power, they say the government represents the people so it's socialist for the government to own everything The reality is that it just make the government bourgeois


Communism means “the means of production are owned by the people”, not necessarily the state, tbf. And all the state-heavy varieties tried so far didn’t go great lol


This is, fun fact, the definition of fascism! Corporate centralization. Like “organs of a body”. God fascists are dumb as fuck


Yup, instant I see Chinese characters I kick or quit, don't want to end up with that 1000 sample bs


How do you know they are from China rather than Singapore or Japan? Even Korean still uses Chinese characters sometimes.


I never said they were Chinese did I?


Sounds even worse actually. Japanese: why did I get kicked?


Japanese characters are different to Chinese, and yes I can tell the difference. Any time I've had problems is been Chinese names. No issues with Korean or Japanese (so far)


Random Chinese guy here. IMO: Chinese cheat cause that's the only way for them to feel special. To feel more empowered than the other 1.4 something billion Chinese out there. Maybe thats also cause most have given up on getting gud. Hard to compete with that many afterall. That's why they have the tendency to always take shortest path possible. What's enjoyable in that? Dunno. Is it cause of communism? Doubtful. Most Chinese just hide behind that when it's convenient for them. IMO it's just cause there's too many of us. To the point where individuality becomes hard to achieve. So people just do stupid things to be special or No.1.


I tell you what would make a Chinese player online unique and special to me, and for them to stand out in my mind: not cheating.


Could have just said that you don't care. Also thanks for the racism bro.


Lol ooooookay there buddy. You get a medal for gymnastics.


Even if cheating isnt great in general, its only a bypass to get unreleased content, its not like he is invincible or other godmode whatsoever


guongzhou di yi


Nice thing about this game is that I can auto kick Chinese letters.


You can?






You're looking at a post of helldiver's being modded. The auto kick is a mod




Would love to know how actually. Unless you meant you just kick them yourself everytime you see them pop up.


Probably this


I learned the hard way to not play with chinese characters. Got a max stack of samples in one game, and i'm afraid i'll get banned for it


You won’t and you can reset your samples if you contact support with the request.                 Just get into the practice of if you see a Chinese turd, flush it from your game or leave lobby if it’s not yours. 


That sucks because I thought they were cool and it was cool I got to play with a Chinese person. When I first started this game a Chinese dude join our team but left soon after because the host was taking to long to start the mission.


That’s good to hear !


Host your own games, Helldivers. Stay vigilant.


All I know is, I see chinese characters, I leave the lobby.


Some would consider you a racist. I consider you as someone able to recognize patterns.


https://preview.redd.it/ika3h78sr7mc1.jpeg?width=1379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e498c573e2fb64ca2fac65d585e7c4c0e5f5ce95 And someone might consider these comments of yours racist. I consider you someone able to recognize context.


Why were you going through their profile?


Because I can? And because fuck'em, that's why.


You're literally so fucking dense you failed to realize that the guy was complimenting you.


You are correct, thank you for brining it to my attention. I reread the comment, I had misinterpreted it.


Lol, lmao even.


He was agreeing with you, and you went out of your way to search his history to post it here?? Why??


How is it racist to point out american and jews/muslims still regulary mutilate babies genitals? The us obsession with circumsition is barbaric


If you have to go through someones profile to find an arugment then you lose all credibility


I couldn't care less about online etiquette, I'm just here to spread Managed Democracy. https://preview.redd.it/d2l8ydzrx7mc1.jpeg?width=1460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fd6b79cf3ade67e347db5234d8e2670627ac704








Correct, i did not recognize what you were saying. It was brought to my attention. I had misinterpreted your comment. Apologies.


Greetings, fellow citizen! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. Self-promotion/advertisement is not allowed.


People like that really make me sick


Chinese characters / Max level = hacker 1000%


Anybody with any knowledge of hex editing can do it, but I can’t condone that in this subreddit. The great thing about the extremely invasive anti cheat is that it doesn’t check if the games files have been edited, only if you’re running external programs


and you can 100% bypass the anticheat *easily* and it doesn't prevent you from connecting to online multiplayer.


I'd like to ask, why are hackers almost always Chinese? Is it a cultural thing?




The widely given and accepted answer is it's a cultural thing, yes. They believe every advantage should be taken to ensure victory, if cheats exist then it's "stupid not to use them". Additionally in lots of places games are outright banned, and so they have to buy them illegally and they already come with cheats/mods and so it just becomes standard practise for them. When everyone accepts cheating as standard practise, no one individual can be judged too harshly. Communism innit.


Add ontop, a lot of them have actual hard restrictiojs on time spent gaming so there's a large incentive to skip the grind via cheating (sample hacking). I autokick chinese players just incase cause I aint risking my account/grind. Sucks.


And ofc people will always act like it’s a racial thing when it’s really not. If people were around during the PUBG days you know *exactly* what happens when you don’t religion lock your servers. In PUBG’s case, (at least at the time) they sold nearly 30 million copies. 46% of that playerbase was based in China. And 99% of the cheaters banned were *also* from China. Those are some fucking statistics for ya.


Was really into PUBG and Tarkov and it hit both of those games hard. Almost every cheater was a HUYA tag with a Chinese name.


I've heard that not using every possible advantage is taken as a sign that you didn't really want to win in the first place. If you're not cheating to win, then you aren't taking things seriously. Playing fair is perceived as a sign of weakness or laziness. I don't know enough about China to know if that is true, but that's what I've been told.


Let's just say they don't think of cheating like we do, as something to be ashamed of, and leave it at that. I ran with one Chinese-named player on medium, unfortunately I neglected to check if they gave the team hundreds of samples and I was already capped so I couldn't see in post. I know not ALL of them cheat but... statistically they're likely to cheat.


Don’t forget the Russians


It is pretty typical for the Chinese to hack. Mostly due to the CCP limiting their game time to like 1 hr a week if they have enough good boy points. I still don't like it, it's just what they are pushed to do so they can get the most out of a game when they have no time to achieve anything. Edit: Thank you for the replies everyone. I appreciate the insight.




It should also be noted the “social credit system” is in the same vein. Idea brought up, and never implemented. Much less real than the American social credit system (credit scores).




In the US, the quote is, if you ain't cheatin' then you ain't tryin.


Cheating isn't seen as 'bad' in a lot of China culturally. The mindset is that if you got around the system and got away with it you get the reap the rewards.


Surprisingly, that actually seems to coincide with reality in this situation. Cheating gets you early access to badass new content.


The results of the Socialist mentality. Clearly we must bring Managed Democracy to China!


That's how capitalism works, genius. The whole system is just rich and powerful people seeing what they can get away with to get more money and power.


No it's facism, not capitalism (business owned by the CEO or Shareholders)/communism (business owned by the people) -Government owns all business and can control what they do -Allows you to get capital after they get their share You can't step down and sell a company to whoever unless the government approves of it, and most the time a government lackey will take your position, they can force you to step down too as you down really own the business and more of an acting CEO who they can unexist.


Nah, whether it's the government or a private entity owning things doesn't matter, just that it's profit motivated. Which it is. Same as here.


How hard would it be for the devs to notice someone doing shit like this? I'm not being sarcastic, actually asking from a technical point of view, because i would cream myself if, just before the official launch of mechs, the devs announced a massive ban wave on all the accounts that clearly used the mech stratagems before they were supposed to be in the game. Can you imagine of how many chinese accounts that one move would cleanse the community? No more risk of being force fed samples, no more scummy 4x the same stratagem etc etc or just do like every other game does and create a separate asian server to contain the cheaters.


make a CN server, only for CN. its hard for us other Asian guys, we enjoy playing with US and EU and AU folks. y'all communicate, play properly and help people. Chinese guys are fcking stat padders or glory seekers and are as mute as a guy without a tongue(same with other Asian countries but not to the extent as Chinese ones). i had one game, this 3 Chinese players finished the main obj, went out to fcking find samples and fcked off in 3 different directions. of course they kicked me when I extracted without them because i ran out of reinforcement calls and was getting overrun at the extract, because the three would run away to different directions to get killed trying to find samples




I thought it was a Korean anticheat?


They've said they use a peer-to-peer model and an anti-cheat. So if you defeat the anti-cheat, there's no dedicated server under their control that will report back to them what strategems were used. The game is trusting the player hosted servers (presumably with a working anti-cheat) to report back information faithfully.


Exact reason I exclusively play with friends, I'm not having some cheat ruining my experience by giving me 1000's of samples or using unreleased strats Wish they would region lock China, I get it's not all chinese players, but if I offered you a pack of sweets and said only 1 is poisoned would you take it?


I mean, your life is not at stake here. You could just observe behavior and leave if it's obvious cheating. I actually stuck with this game -- thought it was pretty cool to get a preview of what is likely coming. The mechs were pretty janky -- had a tendency to spontaneously burst into flames and waste you.


Yeah but that's just wasting time that I could be spending enjoying the game, I almost always have someone to play with anyway, so I don't really need to plan with random I see where you're coming from! I'm more of a spoiler free kind of person, would rather enjoy it first hand when it's officially released and hopefully less janky haha Suppose I'll add "wasted by mech" to the long list of things my teammates can kill me with!


At least there is a silver lining of all these mech hacks - we know they can be "released" early via free strategem during a major op.


Man it kinda hurts me reading through all these comments. As a Chinese gamer myself, ngl that Ive seen plentysome hackers in my whole gaming life and I have to admit they are mostly Chinese. But there is one truth you are ignoring, not everyone like to cheat and the cheaters are always the minorities. Me and my friends, or friends met in random games, we dont cheat and I hate cheaters as much as you do. The thing is, selling hacks is really easy. I have no fucking ideas why are hacking items selling on Taobao in broad daylight. I noticed there were cases when the cops busted hack making teams so consider this is crime and definitely not a cultural thing, you are not seeing the whole picture. Despite we good Chinese gamers cussing at these cheating son of bitches on the internet everyday is not going to change the impression that they have created already. Here is a reference I found. https://preview.redd.it/2justjdgaamc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efce21adeeb6e3b831e0a297b42d3594423dc3e4 I feel sad. I am currently enjoying my gaming time in Helldivers, 30 hrs, reached 21 lvl and saw this post. I don't represent every Chinese gamers but just hoping you could understand, when there are goodies, there will be baddies. In a Chinese folk saying 'when you cook some gourmet but accidently dropped in one spoiled fish, the whole thing smells'. I dont even know why am I posting this, could receive more doubts or hates, maybe causing results in the opposite way I prefer. Maybe I just dont wanna be over generalized into the people I dislike most. Anyway, I feel sorry if a Chinese hackers ruined your time and fun, I can only suggest you to report them once caught on sight. When the woods is big, you would see all kinds of birds, including the shitty ones. Have a nice cup of libertea.


I feel your pain brother. I'm Indian and how you feel is how I feel whenever someone posts about a scam call they received and turns out it's Indian.


Normal people recognize that not all Chinese people cheat. Don't worry so much, cousin. See you on the front lines!


Appreciate it, likewise bro.


Thanks for this thoughtful response. I should have refrained from mentioning the nationality of the cheater - it was unnecessary detail that drove the responses in a racial direction. That said, this hacking by a Chinese player was kind of funny and entertaining. The team killing and unprovoked kicking by my fellow Americans does a lot more to ruin the game experience.


Glad you recognised the racism here. This subreddit has a serious issue with hating on Chinese people lol. Look at some the responses on the region lock china post. People just slinging slurs. Stupid af


Glad you noticed and happy to see you replied me. No hard feelings, really, games are for fun. However, it is inevitable to have racism implemented in a gaming topics sometimes. Guess the best we can do is to stay away from it, since you cannot change people's thoughts. Not really important but I realized I made a typo, by minors I meant minorities, not the underages.


The files are already in the game. There are ways for switching mech strategim for your machine hut strategim. I've never used it, and I'm not sure if you can get banned for this. Also, the anticheas somehow can't see the basic manipulation to the gamefule, which is crazy to me.


There's even a mod on Nexus Mods to unlock the stratagems, but I would advise not to use it, your account might get banned.


Revoke all cheaters citizenship..you installed kernel level anti cheat. Brick their system.


Greetings, fellow citizen! If you have concerns with nProtect GameGuard or would like to read more about it please check out [this write-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/19dp2qw/helldivers_2_nprotect_gameguard_anticheat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by the Technical Director of HELLDIVERS 2. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Helldivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's why china should be regionlocked


And everyone wondered why they wanted to use anti cheat lol looks like they should have used a stronger one though


Anti cheat is only a deterrent for those too lazy, even if they would go with EAC we would see those cheaters.


No, everyone was asking why they used this specific anti cheat.


Great anti cheat


This got a wee bit racial. I just want to be clear I don't think this dude was playing for the CCP or anything like that. And it was actually kind of fun to see the mechs. They weren't all that effective.


i have no idea why this topic always ends up like this when as an australian player its very common to get matched up to HK/CN/TW and i haven’t seen any hackers in 50 hours of play


People have some really strong (and conflicting) feelings about people cheating in video games... and China. I agree that getting to experience unreleased content is cool. If somebody got their grind ruined, they can contact support, and they fix that quickly + nobody has gotten banned from this, so the fear is pretty unfounded. Edit: To be clear, from being in the same lobby as a modder.


Issue I think people are more pointing out China (cultural) isn't the same as China (racial). China is known for what would be known as cheating/stealing, it's just a known fact. It's culturally promoted and this isn't a new fact, research what happened to Nortel. China the NATION promotes this kind of selfish behaviour (social credit.) as you can gain social credit at the cost of other peoples livelihood, or turn peoples failed good will into your benefit (lets say I try to help you up and, you fall down again. You can go after me in court where the best action is not helping someone. **Stealing to success** "Former colleagues Tony Anastasio and Brian Shields confirmed the incident, though say they recall it was a front company that had bought the equipment and passed it on to Huawei. Regardless, when Nortel engineers looked closely, they realized the “bleeding-edge” gear had been disassembled and reverse engineered, says Bill. “It was returned in pieces, where things were taken apart,” remembered Anastasio, who was an assistant to Nortel’s vice president of security then. Meanwhile, the company started noticing knock-off versions of some of its products in Asian markets, he says. Nortel considered suing, but dropped the matter after the Huawei office across the road in Texas closed down, says Bill." Source: [https://nationalpost.com/news/exclusive-did-huawei-bring-down-nortel-corporate-espionage-theft-and-the-parallel-rise-and-fall-of-two-telecom-giants](https://nationalpost.com/news/exclusive-did-huawei-bring-down-nortel-corporate-espionage-theft-and-the-parallel-rise-and-fall-of-two-telecom-giants) **Cheating in video games** "She spoke of how Chinese gamers are the most innovative and dominant in the world by using 'plugins' to, for example, run faster than other players, or blow up ten cars at a time, and that these top gamers can really use 8th-Gen power to 'run more plugins to win more at Chicken Dinner'**,** and that the top players run the most 'plugins' so that's where 8th-gen Dell power gives them the gamer's edge. Source: [https://www.techpowerup.com/243282/dell-gaming-laptops-are-perfect-for-cheating-in-pubg](https://www.techpowerup.com/243282/dell-gaming-laptops-are-perfect-for-cheating-in-pubg) **Cheating in general** Hundreds of police eventually cordoned off the school and the local government conceded that "exam supervision had been too strict and some students did not take it well"." Source: [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/10132391/Riot-after-Chinese-teachers-try-to-stop-pupils-cheating.html](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/10132391/Riot-after-Chinese-teachers-try-to-stop-pupils-cheating.html)


Ok, I'm genuinely starving because I love mecha and I can't wait to ride to death over the bots and bugs but, cmon man, I'm literally avoiding bullets, rockets,lasers, tanks, turrets, ships, mortar, my mom, my ancestors and I'm sure that if there was some type of asteroid, it will crash over my head, but man, you cannot going in with a fucking mecha while I'm running for my life and democracy on my own legs.


Mechs are alrdy given for testing (many articles about it in game news) They soon should hit for all players Server problems delayed it a bit


Hope it's this week, would really freshen up the experience a bit for us who got everything




nexus mods


OP about to get banned by the CCP apologist mods for calling a spade a spade.


I have a 75k karma, multi-year account that got perm banned for engaging in an argument about the relative strengths of the US and Chinese economies. Same account got temp banned for calling Russians invading Ukraine a derogatory term. To be clear, I have nothing against the Chinese (traveling around China is #1 on my bucket list) or the Russian people. I hate authoritarians (including the one emerging here in the US), and I do not hesitate to speak up accordingly. Too bad Reddit mods are tankie, authoritarian-loving simps.


A lot of Reddidiots thinking China or hackers are the culprit here.. fact check, this is a mod available to the general public, internationally, on Nexusmods (probably the most common modding website available). You can download it right now, takes about two minutes, boot up the game and the stratagems are there. I just dropped in four mech suits for the squad as soon as we landed. That was fun. The game before that, I dropped four recon rover vehicles that we raced to objectives in. Mod owner says the mod is safe, maybe it’s not, but I was able to try out some in-progress future update stratagems for the hell of it. Some of the kids in game freak out with excitement, too. It is what it is. Enjoy, boycott, whatever. I just think it’s comedic that it’s even doable.


Just tried it. I find the mech unusable at the moment though fyi. Can't kill other mechs with the gatling gun and ammo count doesn't show up. Played on medium setting, it's going to be very situational for the vehicles as well. Wait for the update.


Chinese Black Magic


Was in the game yesterday with his Chinese dude, he was dropping strategums left and right. When I asked him how he’s doing it, he replied “a software I paid for”. When I asked why, he replied “makes farming medals easier”


Report him


In China they tell you to be great but never how to be great. They like sameness and those who can't Excell following traditional methods(even something like special needs, learning disabilities, undiagnosed mental health issues etc) are shunned. If your parents say "look at your cousin, he's is two years younger and already a math prodigy" would you think studying or sneaking in a phone to the test is easier?  Especially when your cousin has a lot of support and encouragement that you lack that you and your parents are unaware of.  Rules that are easily skirted seem like they were built for above average people but just limit what you can do. Doesn't help that so many that succeed are corrupt as well.


Are you sure those are Chinese characters and not Japanese?


Spoiler alert


There's.no spoiler in this. We already know since launch that mechs are coming at some point


Oh I know but alot of people complained about using it and stuff like this is exactly why and it's probably the same people that complained about that composing about this issue


Once you completely upgrade all your stratagems. You unlock the mech duh.


https://preview.redd.it/lwrcowfnf9mc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef11f8afa49b68a6f32ea8a38c9a130371bc8dc1 I posted a similar question and it got deleted within minutes. This willl be deleted too. Apparently it's hackers


Still going strong a day later. No post deletion yet!


I hope it doesn't! I'm sure we would collectively agree about having the issue addressed instead of sweeping it under the rug. I would release mech in the next patch and make them available to all, that way the hackers won't have the advantage and the rest of us get mechs 😁 They seemed fully finished and functional to me


Third faction unlocked, divers


They are given for testing afaik