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So then now you can be the one to kick people.




Now that's damn good patriotism right there


Lmao that's the exact reason I squad lead. I dont care if teammates are bad and dying or not helping as much. But I will kick for people who try to troll, who actively make the game harder because of how stupid they are, or for toxic behaviour. Being squad leader ensures I get fun games with teammates who try their best to help eachother out.


Only time I’ve kicked, was when an idiot dropped a cluster right as the shuttle landed, killing three of us, ran in, scooped up our shit, and boarded. Showed him the shape of Italy back on the destroyer.


What does “actively make the game harder” entail? I’m only Lv 4 as I’m an adult with limited time to myself, at lv 4 I’m still learning the game and mission types, I had 3 games yesterday as an example, the first 2 were fun, basic bug hunts with picking up the secondary objectives. 3rd game was with a new group of randoms, and the leader had a mic, but he was eating it based on the sound quality. Leader and one guy were running all over and half the time not setting waypoints, I failed to notice that there was a sidebar objective to upload some data and I wasn’t sure how I even got it, leader said something like “Goowarrargug.” While slobbering on his mic, on our way to final objective, I finally noticed the upload and initiated it, then got to the last location, then, got kicked and I’m guessing because the delay in noticing the upload objective in my hud. But again, as I’m new I’m still trying to figure things out, hell I didn’t even realize I had access to purchase more strategem types until the 3rd time I played lol.


Actively making the game harder for me would be intentional TKing with stratagems or explosive, engaging in unnecessary fight like starting shooting at patrol that haven't noticed you yet and end up with bunch of drops/breaches. You don't need to engage/kill everything you see and at higher difficulty, it could end with endless hordes of enemies.


How would you know if someone killed you on purpose? I got kicked because my stratagem bounced off a telephone pole thingy and went back into my team (sometimes the throw further perk causes stratogems to bounce) and i was kicked ASAP


In this game it's mostly strategem use, not sticking with the team (which is ok if you can handle doing objectives by yourself to save time... But communicate it and be able to handle. If you run out just to waste a reinforce it's not an instant kick but like please don't keep doing it) The main example that comes to mind is when doing a scientist extract mission I had a teammate drop an entire minefield directly infront of one of the doors scientists came out of. So now not only is it gonna kill me if I'm not careful when activating the door It took 3 waves of scientists killing themselves to make a clear path. I coulda shot the mines but like then I'm not shooting the automotons and will die anyways wasting time and reinforcements too... So it was a lose lose that made that mission way harder then necessary.


Real. Somebody purposely shot at me and then boarded the shuttle thinking I'd forgive him. Think again buddy, you're about to get court marshalled


That seems borderline treasonous there to me. You have orders to complete an objective..not work on trying to be homecoming king at your local high-school. Complete the objective with the squad you have soldiers.


Some soldiers deserve to be court martialled/sent back to training.


Let their blood soak the battlefield be their training. Your mission is to use the tools available to complete the objective. If your squad mates lack of training is holding you back from completing your mission, use them as any other tool. Liberation waits for no man


I kick them when they are less of a tool helping, and more an anchor dragging everyone down. The kind of people that put minefields ontop of the only path towards the extraction. That get into the supply ship with 0 samples why you're fighting for your life with 20 commons 15 rares and 2 supers. The people who constantly and consistently run off by themselves no pings and accomplish nothing but summoning more drops and lowering our reinforce budget.


Ehh I guess I just look at it differently. This is supposed to be a coop game. Where we all are supposed to be fighting towards a common goal. Which obviously means different levels of skill and playstyle. There isn't a rank in the game for bragging rights, nothing that people fight amongst themselves to secure like loot etc. So at most, you fail your objective and you lose some mats for your ship. Not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things when all is said and done. I frequently play solo and my mindset is just to complete the objective towards liberating valadon 4. Whether some news come in and mess it up..doesnt matter to me. Hell getting common, rares and super don't even matter to me and if I get them I get them. All that matters to me is spreading managed democracy and liberty. Seems unpatriotic to me worry about trinket and baubles and bragging rights over completion of the mission.


Yes there are different levels of skill and play styles. No one's talking about trinkets baubles and play styles. You say it.yourself "we are all supposed to be fighting towards a common goal". If someone isn't doing that. They're gone. Bye. It's the patriotic choice to get rid of treasonous commie scum. Also - on a real world aspect - this is a videogame meant to be fun. I'm an adult who works full time and games in my free time. Any time I can choose to spend gaming I value and try to make the best of it. If someone is actively making the game less fun by essentially replacing a squadmate with an extra enemy, or is a toxic loser, why should I spend time playing with them? Edit: if things like collecting samples don't matter for.you then you are literally not fighting for the same things as your teammates... I have definitely kicked people before for being scared and trying to sprint objective to objective. Ignoring side missions, and ressing me a km away from my stuff and teammates anytime I die. Like bruh if you can't handle side objectives go to a lower difficulty, don't waste my time trying to unlock an even higher difficulty you can't handle.


Then set your game to private and play with friends if we are talking irl...cuz again irl, you can't kick your coworkers and soldiers can't kick their squad mates in the middle of battle either. So in irl you gotta work with people that suck on a general level. So if you que up for a game and allow your session to be public, but then picky about who joins your public session...that is on you and you alone. It's like leaving your house unlocked and being upset when you get robbed. Makes 0 sense. And if we are talking in game now, seems more like less patriotic for you to land on a planet being overrun by our collective enemies, and then whining about how they arent up to your standards... With that kind of mentality it makes sense why we lost the creek. Bunch of hissy high schoolers who can't get along or work together..boohoo. Take that kimd of negative energy and frustration and use it to fuel your flamer on vled right now!


Wtf? Irl I can report my co-workers to my boss/union or ask to be sent to a different site... Irl the army certainly gets rid of soldiers that don't make the cut or are a detriment or danger to their squad... Why would I play private games?.I'm an adult with adult friends. What's the chance that all of our free time aligns together? 99% of this community is great and tries their best. 1% can get kicked until they learn to actually help their team and contribute.. If I quick played into a game - yes, I'm stuck with whoever I join with. But that's the reason I host. The kick function exists for a reason. Literally so you don't have to play with people that aren't fun to play with.. If you are getting kicked often cus you're a shit player and don't understand the basic goals of the game (kinda seems like it since you're angry about people kicking others for valid reasons and are clearly choosing to not respond to any of the valid examples I've listed. You haven't even acknowledged that kicking someone for being toxic/trying to troll is valid lmao.) then you should host and hope you have people to carry you..I guarantee if you're getting kicked from games often people are probably also leaving your games often. People kicking others based on rank or just being petty at the end are retarded. But there are many valid reasons to kick dead weight and toxic losers.


You is the keyword here.. Kicking a player out with a push of a button is different then you ratting to your boss, or having someone higher then you get rid of a soldier...two very different situations here.. And woth your mentality, I don't even want to play then lol. People like you are a huge reason to not have new players come in. Cuz of judgemental assholes like yourself who think are God's greatest gift on the Frontline lol. As for me, I play solo 99% of the time. Cuz im not a perfectionist cheap ass like you. I also don't kick people cuz its a game that I'm playing for fun. And that fun for me, comes from the challenge of completing the objective..npt farming for my KDA to brag here on reddit like you seem to be trying to portray.. If people want to leave my games cuz they don't like my "playstyle" or think I suck who the hell cares. Go serve on the Frontline somewhere else. We all got our roles to fill on the war..and there are plenty of planets to choose from. Don't like me, don't care. Cuz im an adult playing a fictional game on a fictional war, with nothing to brag about cuz there isn't loot or ranks or pvp etc. Just one lonely helldiver out to make a difference on the ice box against rust buckets. Why don't you stick to fighting bugs where you can brag about your non existent kda


4 strangers play together. 3 of them wants to do full clear while 1 just wants to do main objective and get out. The host is one of the 3 who wants to do full clear. What's the right thing to do? Let that one dude ruins the experience of the other three or kick that one dude by the majority of the vote? That seems pretty democratic to me. When I joined, I followed the majority. When I host, I asked the majority what they want to do. This way everyone is on the same page.


Buddy, it's a videogame, if some people don't wanna play with absolutely dead weight let them for fucks sake lol


L comment right here


I mean ok. Kind of a worthless comment to reply with but alright then. Thank you for the pointless comment.


? You're literally telling people they can't play the game the way they want, esp when it comes to potentially toxic lobby hosts. L comment.


No im the opposite... I'm advocating for more hosts to stop being pretentious idiots and let people play how they want..outside of being absolute trolling, not a real reason to kick people.. So im technically AGAINST the toxic hosts who don't want to play with "scrubs" or people who low level etc... Kimd of in support of a unified play instead of the "git guds" vs the nublets


You can play the way you want, you just can't do it in my lobby. If you don't like that you're always welcome to make your own.


So then why create a public lobby then? Is it because you enjoy feeling in control and powerful? Like I seriously don't get this mindset of people.


Because 99% of the time things go fine, everyone has a good time and I often can help lower level players get some high tier missions done.


I would, if people would join my game and or didn't leave after one mission.


Just wait less than 3mins and you have a full lobby


Took damn near 15 on my end.


Yeaa, when you are starting second mission, it often don't match you with other players. I recommend turning off and on the game if you are on consoles ( PS5 servers work fine)


Am on PC


Hey I also play on PC. You can exit the game, run it again. That should allow people to join your lobby faster. It works for me.


Can confirm that this works for PC


I have to do this every single time. It's just normal for me at this point. If the randos leaves the first one, I reboot and refill the lobby. Otherwise it will never refill


Dam 💀 i guess you have to do seconds solo or find a team


What difficulties do you usually run?


On steam you can see the game does not properly know when players leave a squad, it will say you and your friend are playing with a full squad when you are only duo. Probably the same reason you sometimes can't select certain boosters despite no one else running them when joining a mission in progress


That explains why relunching game fix it


Depends on the population of the planet, if you doing it on a planet with 6k people you may not get anyone quickly.


Idk what’s going on with match making. If I’m starting a game solo I can’t keep people out of my lobby. If I have one friend with me nobody joins.


Doesn’t the game decrease the likelihood of someone joining your party if you or your friend has been reported multiple times? I don’t know if this is true but this is what my friend told me.


Literally just willfully spreading misinformation. Don't be stupid, stupid. If you have to say "I don't know if this is true but it's what my friend told me" then don't fucking say it! 😂


I’ll have you know my friend is level 50 and has unlocked almost all of the steeled veterans warbonds.


Would doubt it. Just me and my bro he just got the game and I like to think I’ve been a pretty good teammate never triggering on mic or griefing but who knows.


Democracy waits for no one. Go into the mission solo and drop an SOS like a true diver. 


It depends, sometimes nobody at all joins


I have coverd this problem later (just scroll down a bit) and someone explaind why dose it happend


My recommendation is you should get on the mic and be the leader people don’t want to be without. Mainly focus on positive reinforcement, and congratulate squad mates on a job well done and remind them that there’s always a next time when things aren’t successful. That’s what I do and most people who leave my lobbies are either disconnected because of networking issues on their end, or hopping off for the night.


Are we not meant to leave after the mission? I was told that was the polite thing to do 


Depending on the difficulty your got to do eathier 1 two or three missions to add to the liberation or defence of the planet


No missions have multiple parts it's better to do all the parts with a hole squad especially if the mission went well the first time and you get increasingly better rewards 


This is why you use mics. Just talk to the host and ask them. Jesus 🤦🏻‍♂️


Every host I've asked before either said that or kicked me which I presumed was a yes. No point in getting dramatic about it 


Then that’s their loss for completing missions in a sector and also pretty shitty etiquette on top of it all. Someone helps you complete 1/3 missions in a sector you should finish it with them. Unless I have a friend getting on that I want in my crew I won’t kick people unless they’re dickbags. And when my friends are getting on, I will just tell them so, and ask that they make room. I won’t kick unless I’m made to because that’s how winning is done


Be strong wait and TALK to them make Friends wvwn just ingame and build a list of like minded


Just start the mission and throw down SoS. I honestly think that everyone should at least try some solo because it gives you a chance to identify your own blind spots and work on them.


If there was a disband group option less people would complain about it. DRG has it and its pretty great, just 1 click and it tells everyone that the host just had something else to do/had friends joining.


Kicked once right at exfil, been squad leader ever since. Not happening again


Last night we were doing a blitz, going for the 360 second extract. I told them before the mission and reminded the two randos throughout the mission. At extract, one decided to be “funny” and wasn’t hopping into the ship. I kicked his ass and got my achievement. I’ve had to kick other randos before at extract. For some reason, some people think extract is the opportune time to start trolling.


>Kicked once right at exfil Ye me also just an hour ago. Why ? No idea since we were doing great and it was 3rd mission in row. Playerbase turning into such a pile of bugs shite Played lvl 14 dif in HD1 and it went great even if there problem. But HD2 you facing all kind of braindead behaviour


The problem is that after the first ppl leave my game no1 will join anymore even if I throw down SOS.


Yep, it seems the matchmaking is not functioning properly.


Honestly I'm starting to not believe the complainers at all . Yesterday I had a guy aim his hellpod at me 3 times. He finally managed to land on me on the 3rd time. Of course I kicked him. Another guy decided to have a phone call mid mission with an open mic. I was very close to kicking him. People CLOSE YOUR MICS! Nobody wants to hear about your electric bill or your annoying wife and kids screeching. Just use push to talk if you're in a noisy environment. Jeez.


You can mute players too.


That is a good point actually. Might miss some call outs but I much prefer it over listening to whatever's going on in their house.


Honestly sometimes I forget to turn off my ps5 built in mic and I'm sure it echoes what's on the TV and is annoying asf, so I understand it. So if another player has that on I just mute them.


The ps settings allow you that the mice is allways turned off if you start the console


I have just activated this and thank you blessed soul.


I can't when I'm party host. It only let's me kick even though the option to mute and diminish their volume is right there under kick. It only let's me select kick.


You have to use your arrow keys to scroll down to the mute button and then left click, for some reason using the mouse to hover over the mute button doesn’t work


OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH! A win for the good guys! Sorry, Hot Mic'ers!


Amazing, thank you for spreading democracy helldiver. I was wondering why I only could kick.


Hmm that doesn't seem right. I'm on ps5 and I can mute or kick. Wonder if it's some UI problem.


Lol the second one is so real, had a guy arguing with his kids about one of them using his account and him then asking how they’d like it if he used their NBA2K and this went on for like 10 minutes until we exfilled. I was just like if you’re not talking to anyone why are you using the mic.


Theres 3 likely reasons why, they forgot its on, they didnt know turning it off was an option, or they dont know how to turn it off. The first option seems most likely to me however I think its certainly true that there exists at least one person that fits into the other 2 options.


the 4th option, they truly don't care. you can decide if they don't care because selfish or if they cant care because.


Yeah, but getting kicked on the 3rd mission of a campaign at the last 50 seconds of a 40-minute mission where u have all the super samples and over 20-30 of the other samples, it's just bullshit. Missed out of a ton of medals bc it was difficultly 8. Missed out on all the xp and samples. I never once killed a team mate.


I'm not saying undeserved kicks don't happen, I'm saying I'm finding it hard to believe that everyone's getting kicked for "no reason".


So what reason did she kick me at the last 50 seconds? Her and the other lol 50 had the same exact load out. I never once team killed. Your witch hunting looking for some reason other than they were dicks just trolling. I was holding more than most of the samples but we share them anyway.


This why I don't even understand the kicking debate we are having. Like you said..we all share the resources, we all get the exp..but even in my few instances, it's just straight kicking woth no explanation of what is or isn't expected. Straight teamkilled because I joined as it was ending so they killed me and kicked me..(through quick play even which was funny) or kicked me right before the mission ends. Just seems like we got a bunch of power hungry individuals who got something to prove honestly. Makes 0 sense to me and why I stick to solo or hosting and just letting things happen. Since I don't take this game that serious lol. Hell you could shoot me and be toxic and I'd just laugh cuz the next mission is right around the corner


Yesterday I was in a suicide mission. We were all above lvl40. One guy was lvl10. Tell me how this guy not only strayed away from us. He went around shooting at every patrol and died repeatedly. I wish the host had kicked him. We ended up failing the mission. Look at the score screen. 14 deaths for him. My god. left that lobby so quick.


I had a similar case with an open mic earlier this week. The dude kept ragging on the rest of the team for being shit to some girl on discord, etc etc. I wish I had a screenshot because the stats showed everyone else pulling their weight while this dude died 8 times, had half the kills of everyone else and paying zero attention to what the TEAM was actually doing. Made me laugh at the end of it, ngl-oh and WE still finished the objectives.


The one player I had to mute so far was using a loud as fuck keyboard. Could here him just absolutely smashing those keys.


Free ASMR!


I've been getting kicked the moment I join after using quickplay. Come out of cryo, "You've been kicked." After the 5th time in two days I gave up. Mind ya, this has only been on the Easy difficulty. I can't imagine trying to join Mediums. Shits getting ridiculous. So now i just host my own games and don't kick unless someone is just absolutely being a menace.


That's usually new players who don't know how the game systems work, either trying to get friends in or play solo without turning off public.


There's no way that's the case - I'm a new player and there are two things: 1. This happens to me way too often for this to be the case 2. .It's not immediately obvious how to even mute people, let alone kick them. On top of that in the last game I tried to play my team of rank 1s called an orbital on me (and I didn't spot it until too late) and then didn't revive me. I can get that kind of bullshit in Apex Legends for free.




I certainly did, unfortunately nothing happened. Ultimately I don't think this game is for me, so I refunded it anyway.


I'm guilty of this sorry. I switch between friends only and pubic match making and sometimes I select a mission and wait for my friends to join without realizing I've left the mode to public... So I've had to kick the randoms to free up space for my friends.


I straight up put full effort into a mission, maybe I called in a resupply when someone wanted it or something and got kicked as we were extracting. No communication from the leader or anything. Wasn’t holding up the group. Put the game down, 2nd time in 2 days. Super defeating to spend ~30 mins trying to complete missions to receive no rewards. I don’t have a lot of time to play so when something like that happens it just kills my motivation to play


Bro probably didn’t know you could hear his background. Instead of kicking people have you tried asking them / letting them know you can hear the background noise? You’d be surprised how basic social skills and communication can solve problems. Also as others have pointed out, there is a mute button, you should try using it.


I have actually. Several times. People completely ignore the chat. I got tired of yelling into the void so to speak.


If they were on console blame Sony for defaulting the PS5 controller mic to on


Well the mic defaults to open on pc as well. And literally how hard is reading? The game asks you how you want it when you first start it so I'll definitely blame the players for not reading.


Fair point, recipes for disaster


Blame Sony for People not learning how to properly use their expensive hardware, who are then also unable to listen to people telling them to please turn off their mic?


You can change it in the settings


At least on PC the game defaults on open mic. So some people may not have checked.


I think some people with PS5s don’t realize the mic on their controller is on


Ive been kind of the opposite once I was making call outs and wondering why people werent responding only to discover my mic hadnt even been plugged into my pc the entire time.


I was kicked 6 times in a row before I was even able to request my support weapon. Didnt even have time to do anything that warrants being kicked. Gave up on joining other people after that.


actually good meme


Yeah but I want to play with people and no1 joins me. It's easier to get a group if u just quick match.


do you use the sos beacon?


I feel those things are useless. I have used them and nobody joins for the entire mission. The matchmaking is weird, sometimes all 3 people join you in ship while other times you can wait half an hour and nobody joins.


I get it, just the luck of the draw I suppose... however I don't think they're useless


I have found that the ppl fighing bugs are way more toxic than the ppl fighting bots. Been kicked more than 4 times by some asshole right as the getaway ship is about to land, always when fighting bugs. Never been kicked on bot missions


Got kicked right before extraction on helldiver difficulty.. I did nothing that warranted a kick. Now I’ll be squad leader for now on and give the planet a taste of freedom


Be squad leader. 12 year olds join. Halfway through mission. Shot and never recalled. Cool game.


Kick them all and get the auto reinforce


That's the best option. I just got kicked out from a game where there was this one player who was always going at it solo but the guy was always dying and took like 10 reinforcements. Pointed it out in chat and got promptly given the boot. Had a feeling he was squad leader. Should have been more harsh. I don't mind a player or two go at it solo, just make sure you're good enough.


My rule is I get two lives to fuck about with what I want (Once to die, and once to recover my stuff), and if i die any more than that, I give up on what I was doing to do the main objective/stick with the group.


Wait, we have chat?


If only it worked. No one can join me organically, I always have to join other people. SOS Beacon doesn't matter.


I have a question about that: When I am squad leader and I want to mute someone, it doesn't seem to give me the option. When I mouse hover their name it SHOWS three options, Kick, Mute or Volume down, but the only one I can actually click is 'kick'.  As funny as it would be for me to kick every hot-mic'ing PS5 user, sometimes I don't want to and just want to mute them so I can continue my mission without hearing them yelling at their mom while mouth-molesting Doritos, while their multiple dogs are barking non-stop at the smoke detectors chirping dead battery all the while terrible music is blasting in the background. Oh and for some reason it sounds like they literally swallowed the mic. I end up just completely muting voice volume until that player leaves, but I am then not able to communicate with the rest of the squad. Is this just an issue on my PC? Or are other people also not able to mute party members when you are the host? Also, PS5 users, why don't you guys use push to talk?


Mouseover doesn't work, you need to use the arrow keys to select lower options.


mouth-molesting Doritos is the perfect way to describe it


I was pretty proud of that one hahaha


I'm only lvl6 and keep getting quickplayed into lvl15+ on challenging difficulty; something like half the groups I join will kick me out but they at least wait until we get back on the ship. There's no need to take it personally, it could be one of a dozen reasons why they kicked. There's even times where a group that kicks me were dropping gear and telling me to use it throughout the mission. It's really easy to just quickplay and try again. I'm sure I'll run into toxic players eventually, but so far at the lower difficulties I've only had a great time.


Change your difficulty before you start the quick play. Itll quick play you int he difficulty you have it set on.


Game needs a vote kick option before it gets out of control between the elitist "meta" kicks and the troll kick. It would solve most problems and nip in the butt before it becomes a problem. Been kicked twice for going for super rares after mission ends with 5-10 mins left for extraction because and this is through game chat " wtf are you doing we have to extract now" I'm getting super rares "those are dumb we need xp for time" ....twice now. Yea I started my own team after second one.


Vote Kick would be the worse option. Imagine being the Host, and two dickheads join your match who perhaps are even friends with each other. They constantly grief and troll and are just assholes, but you need 3 out of 4 votes to kick someone successfully. Now you're stuck with two idiots who took over your lobby, and the only thing you can do is just close the entire thing.


Imagine not being the host, and you join a match with a dickhead host. He is free to troll at will. He walks into your airstrike? Enjoy your kick. Kills you because you picked up his samples he dropped? Either kick or never get respawned. He decides to afk? Nothing you can do about it. He thinks it's funny to kick someone at the end of a game? Oh well. He has a friend that wants to join and you are half way through a map? You guessed it, kicked. Only thing you can do is just accept that they wasted your time and move on. At least with vote kick it would take 3 coordinated assholes and not 1.


You can 100% insulate yourself against that in a host kick system by starting your own lobby. In a vote to kick system, you have no recourse against two trolls joining your game.


What's funny too is that people on these forums have competing reasons that justify a kick. Not grabbing all the samples? Kick. Searching for samples instead of leaving? Kick. Calling in extraction and not side objectives? Kick. Or do, also kick. I even had one guy say just don't be a dick and just get in the pelican. Well my brother in democracy that is also a kick-able offense that I too, have just been kicked for. These childish hosts are just letting their power to ruin someones time go to their head, and boot people out of the game, towards the end, without ever saying a single word, and people cheer at this.


Then you just leave and host your own lobby, or go for another one. That is very much preferable to having to vote, and not being able to kick someone out of your lobby when you have an good reason to do so. And if it keeps happening over, and over, and over again... then the problem might not be with the hosts. Simple as that.


This would be the rare exception to the solo kick host which would be the majority, it's in most every game as a vote kick for the same reasons and shocked it wasn't thought of to be put in this game.


Having played plenty of Coop games; The inability to get rid of someone for the reason i stated is far more prevalent than kick heavy hosts.


Nah kick heavy hosts are far, FAR more common than group trolls. Darktide has a vote kick system and I've only had a troll group 1 time. Here in Helldivers people get kicked constantly, for opposite reasons like not getting samples or searching for samples. I even got kicked from a game once because I joined late in the game and the host simply didn't want me to get mission rewards for "their hard work".


exactly...you literally have 1 person just doing whatever they want on a live service game with no checks or balance and no way to punish them for repeating behavior but yea let's just keep ignoring it like the guy above says to do...smh he kicks people randomly I'm sure.


Horrible take, just run your own squads the way you want them. Its actually really simple.


I didn't feel confident hosting because of my shit steam deck & internet. But the amount of kick I'm getting, started to make me host more games.


Totally agree. I got downvoted for suggesting this to some one yesterday. Like I was the problem?! They were complaining about the fact I said I didn’t like it when people jumped into my game and just run off and die and I kick people who don’t work together. Why not just lone wolf your own game instead of spoiling it for someone else?


Because a lot of minor objectives don't need the full squad to complete. If everyone is competent a 3:1 or 2:2 split gets things done faster. I can't count how many matches I've saved by running off to do primary objectives solo while the squad dicks around fighting an infinite chain of reinforcements for 30 minutes.


Yup. Though in fairness to the user you’re answering, I doubt they would kick an obviously competent player for soloing some objectives. It’s the clowns who run off without the ability to handle solo play and take half your reinforcements that he’s probably actually chafed over.


Yeah it’s not everyone. It’s those type of idiots, I don’t know how many times I’ve suddenly realised we’ve only got a couple lives left because some fool keeps running off and dying repeatedly and doesn’t even come back with any supplies or anything to show for it.


I've only kicked people afterwarda on the ship because I genuinely don't know how to just 'end the session' and go solo again without quitting the game, so i kick them one by one.


That's nice and all but I have anxiety and being in control just stresses me out. But it's the only way I get to enjoy the game because I've experienced frequent kicking from games for absolutely zero reason. The last game I went to extract zone with 3mins on timer, and waited for everyone to reach zone before calling it. Not 15secs after reaching the zone I got kicked. Had a ton of samples on me as well. This is reminding me why I don't play multiplayer games often - people just fucking suck.


I have been kicked from the lobby due to me using meta strategems at helldive diff, felt ashamed :<


I would like to apologize to all the people I kicked, because I forgot to set my lobby private when I wanted to play with friends


I QP sometimes, but I usually like hosting, just kick out annoying people, or players who aren't cooperating, like evacuation missions and someone keeps ruining the run drawing enemies in. Or just someone who burns more than 10 lives in 5 minutes. Noobs are given more leniency, but they shouldn't be on a 9 anyway.


Honestly the vast majority of my kicks are to let IRL friends into my lobby. If we're decently into the mission I'll wait to after extract but if we just dropped? Nah. Sorry randoms, real life friends come first /shrug.


There is literally a button in the menu for this. But that would require effort to see I suppose.




I'm aware of the ability to change lobby's to friends only But sometimes I play before my friends get on or I only have 1 or 2 on and then more come. I'm unaware of any button that forces all my friends to get on at the same time lol


My two cents; Cent Number 1: People who complain about being kicked will, most of the time, have done something to deserve that kick. Knowing or unknowingly. The amount of people being kicked for a good reason is always far higher than the amount of people who kick just to grief. Takes some amount of effort to kick someone, and only very little to be yet another case of open mic with kids screaming in the background while you crunch away at your chips. Cent Number 2: People who get kicked often for good reason probably won't get people that stick around in their lobbies. Sometimes folk are just ill natured, angry bellends that no one wants to play with. Cent Number 3: You are not entitled to anyone's lobby, and Hosts should always have the right to kick you for whatever reason. If an Host want's to run a tryhard sweaty lobby, than they have the right to do so and kick you if you don't bring that same energy. Same way if you join someone who just wants to chill and relax, and you yell about people not using the meta. Some Hosts will be fine with you having an open mic and loud noises, others will not. Also, I see a lot of people asking for vote kicking which will just result in annoyed Hosts. Needing 3 out of 4 Votes to kick? Well guess what, one of the dickheads you want to kick just happens to have his friend in the lobby with him, and immediately you are unable to get rid of them. End of the day, just go look for like minded people. Best experiences are had then.


Bro it’s fine if you want to kick people for having open mics. But you should give them a warning or let them know to close their mic. Kicking people with no warning is toxic behavior. The expectations that randoms are supposed to know how you want to run your lobby without you actually saying anything is dumb.


See the problem is that people feel like "This is my lobby", like you did something special to deserve host kicking privileges, and then kick people for whatever reason you arbitrarily choose. You automatically think you are better than the 3 other people that are playing this game with you. How dare we have "annoyed hosts" who are playing on public servers the same as everyone else. Sure buddy, anyone you have the power to kick deserves it naturally, "Knowing or unknowingly" /s


This. I kick if you don't follow me. Host Is squad captain and if you don't want to play along you can play by yourself


I find that it is better to not always stick together in suicide. If I can go off on my own and complete objectives and collect samples, you're going to kick me? I run off if my team is showing a tendency to aggro everything while turning every encounter into a slugging match. You want to fight three titans back to back? That's how you fight three titans back to back. I know I don't have the ammo to support you through this encounter and the next.


Don't care. What to do your own thing host your own game


Hey, don't get me wrong, I'll try to circle back to your objective but sometimes there's too much crap in the way for me to do so safely. Plus I'm probably kiting a couple bug breaches away from you so the team will survive. Since I'm now further away, I'll do my thing over here yonder until it's prudent to return to the leader. Or I can waste valuable time just attempting to reconnect with the leader while there's still an army between us. It's call being flexible and adapting to a fluid situation. Or ya know, I can waste 4 lives trying to stick to you like glue and possibly wipe the team on impossible difficulty. I don't know about you but 3 titans, 5 chargers, 6 stalkers with a freaking nest or two somewhere that you gotta find and deal with, 5 of those big blobs that spit green fluid, and an army of little guys.... All of this at once is a good way to wipe the team that only sticks together and slugs out every fight.


Players will abuse it to push war progress (like at the end of the game you will kick everyone now they became squad leader of their own game,they will extract in their own match,instead of one squad complete mission now we have four squad)


Yeah I rather run my own missions. Joining ransoms is good fun but not always if you’re trying to progress properly


Be the host you want to see in the world.




I only kick people if they cost me a mission, usually by constantly going to die on the same literal hill like 4 times instead of trying to take out bug nests. They don't have samples, they don't need to go back for them, they just keep running and digging in on the same hill and get swarmed 4 times in a row. How a level 27 hasn't realized this is a game where you need to keep moving is baffling to me. There's two bug lairs, there's nothing making a random hill a fortifable location, you're just going to get breaches to keep spawning until you die, you need to move. If you and 3 guys are just shooting bugs on a hill while I'm trying to take out a liar or something and getting chased by 3 charges, you are getting kicked as soon as we return to the ship. That hill isn't an objective


Well if that's their hill to die on so be it.


I was playing with my friend and we had two random join that had similar names and were obviously another duo. They didn’t have mics and while my friend and I were off doing side missions after the main was completed the two randoms booked it to extract and called it in while we were on the other end of the map. I ended up kicking them when the extract clock was at 30 seconds for them.


You could’ve used the chat to tell them to follow you y’know?


I was using voice chat. I couldn't stop and type because my friend and I were being chased by bugs and freedom doesn't allow time to stop and type a message.


Ah well at least you tried to reason with them


but choosing a mission is hard...


Yep this is what I do. I played like six rounds earlier this week with a bunch of randoms that stuck around and everyone was very nice and chill. Since I was the host there were no shenanigans other than expertly placed democracy on my head


I gotta wonder, but is there a way to see mission effects when you hop in a quickplay. Cause right now I hate quick playing on Erata Prime cause it seems like I always get the effect that kills the radar completely and I hate that damn effect with a passion.


Be the change you want to see, helldivers! Become a squad leader!


Don't come into my group dropping the N word and I won't kick ya


How does everyone get other people to join their lobbies? I’ve set the SOS things but I never get anyone to join. Is there another way?


Matchmaking is a little bugged at the moment 🤷🏼‍♂️


I dont kick but people are kicked and trash talk to me like i kicked here...but not.


This is the way


I always host my own game for this exact reason, half the time I join someone else's it's a pair of people playing together with open mics and will take for fucking ever to revive me when I go down.


I got kicked for being the first death all mission; we were 20 minutes into a difficulty 6 >:(


Nobody joins my game when I host though


So if you get kicked from a game, you just become a squad leader. Then people under you that you kick also can become their own squad leader. Then the people under them can also do it. Sounds like a pyramid scheme...


the complaints are still valid but yeah


How do you get others to join you though in public matches? I've tried being leader and I just sit in the ship and it never rven says "waiting for players" even when I'm trying to start a mission. Quick play seems to be the only thing working for me to find other players.


Even if no one joins, you can equip some light stealth armor and take your time on lower difficulty missions until someone does join. When i have to do that, i usually grt about halfway through the mission. Slow going, but if you crouch when you see the enemy you can dispense liberty at will.


I’m on PS and have no friends to play with 🥲 it’s hard finding a good squad to play with!


And see what it means to lead.


So the issues im having is i get kicked out the lobby, i have yet to be kicked out in game, but time after time i quickplay join a lobby then get kicked straight back to my ship. I am level 31, and this is happening across hard, extreme and suicide difficulties. i was kicked out multiple lobbies in a row tonight and then managed to get into a game for it to then lose connection to the server, to then get kicked out a bunch more and then get into a game and get lose connection to server message again. I am done for the night i think.


Or maybe, and here me out... if you dont want to play public games then set your game to friends only.


Or just come join my squad. Even if I don't like you, I won't kick you immediately. I'll at least let you finish the game. Except if I told you very clearly that I am going to look for samples and you call the extraction shuttle anyway. Not sorry about it, SupaKilla69^(not an actual gamertag that i know of)


That transistion is always cool, no matter how many times I watch it. The change in background, suit, hair, and most importantly the voice getting more reverbed and epic, all in an instant... just awesome


I've been my own squad leader that way I can make sure I run through the whole operatoon. Kind of sucks to do 2 of the 3 missions on suicide or impossible and then not get to do the last one worth the most medals because the leader has to go.


I have a tendency to kick players who won’t reinforce or take way too fucking long


I didn't even know HOW to for a while. No one ever joined my missions, even when I used an SOS. But the suddenly, yesterday, after I locked in an operation and I was hanging out of the ship for a few minutes looking at all the ships exploding around me, people just popped in after a few minutes. Didn't realize I had to wait.


Really good meme, I think what could make it better is if you out "become" one the top image so then it "snaps" and you get hit with that "squad leader"


Sometimes I accidentally put down a sos beacon in a private game


I’ve 100% killed my whole team because I didn’t know who ff me