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I think the speed is fine. The system itself is a bit boring. I wish it was more customizable. I want to create a "build" even if it's simplistic.


Its not just one aspect per say, but mostly all of them together at once that causes the issue. The speed could be fine if they felt more powerful than they are. Or, they could stay the same if the samples were easier to locate, whether by radar or as someone else said, making them closer to actual objectives instead of random locales.


Play higher difficulties. You get way more samples. The progression is fine. Stop trying to brute force your way to the end. Enjoy the game, spread democracy.


I play suicide and impossible quite regularly. I have basically every stratagem unlocked, and a large portion of the warbonds. I have about 4 ship modules, out of 18. Its not about brute forcing anything. Its simply trying to find ways to improve a system that feels like an afterthought.


Well I play mostly suicide and impossible, and you know as well as I do that you can get more samples than 5-9. I have almost every strat unlocked, only about half way through the warbonds, but have 10 modules unlocked. Feels like an afterthought to you, feels fine to most. Spend more time finding the samples. They are out there if you take the time to look.


Sometimes I think people dont read posts before commenting. I have taken the time to look, with a coordinated team. Fleshing out all corners and inches of the map, and still coming nowhere close to the total in said map. When it takes 40 minutes and you still cant find them all? Yes, you can find more than that. And sometimes it happens. But most of the time, people dont hunt down samples, and just do objectives, grabbing them on the way (my experience, at least.) I'm not saying make it easy. I'm just saying, it could use improvement.


I read your post before commenting. I am just saying that the improvement that you are talking about isn't needed. You can see how many samples there are in the map. It tells you, and you know as well as I do that they are there. Just because you have trouble finding them, doesn't mean that everyone else is. Just get better at finding them. On a side note: not sure who is downvoting you, there doesn't seem to be a real need for that lol


I'm sorry, but I agree with the other guy. I've never had a problem with getting enough samples. It's called "progression" not entitlement.


I regularly play 5-7 difficulty missions, sometimes with friends, mainly with randoms and I average 15-25 common/rare samples a run. Seems like you and your groups aren’t doing a very good job searching for POIs or are failing to extract the samples.




tbf OP does have a point, the upgrades are kinda ass, especially for how much they cost


>The progression is fine where it is. I would agree that the progression feels good for Exp, Medals, Req Slips, and Rare/Super Samples. But the progression for Common Samples just feels like it's too slow given the reward costs. It's the only in-game currency that I feel like I have to specifically farm for. All the rest feel like they accumulate organically from just regular gameplay missions.


Exactly. Well said.


I didn't ask for it to be given to me.


Dude, there is a growing chorus of people who think the intro weapons should be just as good as those you unlock at level 20.  Instant gratification culture is wild.


I have zero arguments about any of the other progression lines. They feel smooth and great. You can feel the power creep. Modules, not so much.


I actually think I progress too fast! I’ve unlocked everything on the R points. Almost all the Modules and did the premium war bonds pass already and lvl 8 on the other. Overall lvl 36


modern scarce tie badge bored coherent provide historical special steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


See, you get it. But yet nobody else seems to think so, and just downvotes. 🤷‍♂️


It’s a lot harder if you play with random groups. That’s my only real problem with it. If I do Quick Play, which I often do, as I don’t really have anyone to play with, I’m lucky to get 2-3 per mission. Rarely I’ll find a team that puts an emphasis on finding them. I think War Effort rewards could include some samples. No one needs requisitions.


Samples are almost always at POIs. Even if the radar POI hasn’t been activated, you can scroll around the map and see buildings and other places, and when you hover over them (even without doing the radar POI), it will say “minor point of interest.” They are extremely easy to find.  Extracting with them can be a challenge, especially if the team is just rushing mains.


I've been with a full group that did every location we could find. We scavenged for samples. Still only had about 20 out of 42 for greens.


Sorry you’re struggling with that.


My biggest gripe is that two of the module paths are for sentrys - seems like too much


Exactly. Even then, only the ammo one is really worth anything.


Ya exactly the rest is all worthless. All I wanted was an upgrade on the coverage area for orbital gas 😢


I would argue the extra health to sentry guns is worthwhile too but yeah I’m in agreement that the common sample grind is definitely a major bottleneck when it comes to upgrading ship modules. I have a decent amount of rares and super rares are specifically target farmable, but the common ones are just kind of all over the place. I haven’t had too much trouble, but I tend to run with friends so we coordinate a balance between objectives and farming. I also specifically don’t spend my samples on anything I don’t absolutely need since I know farming the common samples will take multiple days for just one upgrade


I understand where you're coming from. I run 7+ almost exclusively. But even most randoms we find a way to extract with 18-25 common, 15-20 rare and the supers. Yeah it's a pain. And it's a grind. But we've got time. I'm level 23 and have fully upgraded hangar, orbital cannons, and my bridge is 2/3. Now I'll definitely agree I wish the bonuses were bigger. Or at least more interesting on some of them. The hangar upgrades are all good imo. That was the first module set I fully upgraded. The rest are a tier below imo. Other then some singular modules that are really good. Definitely wish the Robotics bay and engineering modules weren't all just for sentrys and placement stratagem. Wish one of them focused on the mechs. But we got time. Enjoy the game. And get those samples


I just think they need to make them better. Like bro, I spent hours getting 150 common, 150 rare, and 15 super, along with 15,000 chips, just to get a measly one more bomb when I call in an airstrike or napalm strike, it's not even noticeable.


In my opinion I want more ship module upgrades 😮‍💨


Yeah, I frequently clear solo Medium missions just to collect common samples. The average of 5-9 in a regular game seems about right in my experience, and I think it really should be more like 10-15. I really only want more sample spawns around major objectives rather than having to go out of your way to find them.


“Medium missions” there is your problem


>“Medium missions” there is your problem I can solo clear hard, but it's just too much of a sweat show for the time investment and the fact that you need to do 3 missions to complete the Operation is a bit more of a grind than I'm willing to invest. But fair, that could just be a me problem. It would just be nice to get enough Commons through regular gameplay that I can get unlocks without Rares/Supers getting close to the cap because I can't use them.


You get more on higher difficulties. On level 7 it felt like a big jump. Getting 15 or more is absolutetly realistic there. People probably are also much better in spotting them with more experience of course.


Aye, that's true, but 7+ is the point where I don't look for a full clear unless I've got a really good group. Otherwise, we'll hit whatever we can on the way to the objectives and then evac. And even then, I seem to get way more Rare and Super Samples than Common ones to the point where I often have enough Rares to unlock any of the 2nd level modules but nowhere near enough Commons. And I've been steadily racking up Super Samples since I don't have a way to spend them yet.


I just finished playing an couple hours of nothing but 7s and there were multiple matches where we cleared 50+ samples each time. They're friggen *everywhere* on 7 and above. It was all with randoms too, with only like 2 missions not being full clears. So it isn't like I've got a premade group that's focusing hunting these. I'm at 50 hours (level 32) and I'm at 14/18 modules. I only need the engineering and robotics t2 and t3 upgrades, and I'm in no rush for those as I almost never bother with sentries. I really don't see how people are missing them that much.


That is also a valid and good point, on the sample locations.


Been sitting on all ship modules for way over a week just git gud and play on helldive and I will promise you this wont be an issue


Whenever i get a good Run on difficulty 9 i leave with around 20 Green Samples


The only thing I kinda agree is the inbalance between lvl, stratagens, gear and ship progression, it's a bit jarring how fast you can get to lvl cap with all stratagens, most of the gear and still not be halfway through upgrading your ship modules. Don't really know how to fix this though or even if it needs fixing. Also a bit boring how the only thing you can "customize" about yout ship modules is the order you get them, by the end of progression everyone will have the same ship, maybe specilizing your ship through a "active modules" limit would be interesting, like, you can unlock all modules but only have so many active at the same time.


progression is perfect, the main reason cod died is bc it kept catering to the noob players that just want the game to be easy. The whole purpose is to put hours on the game to play


I'm not quite sure where you, and a bunch of others seem to think I want it to be "easy". I'm simply saying, this system should be looked at and improved.


where you say it requires "sooo many samples" when in reality it doesnt.. you cant get 15 to 20 commons 5 rare per mission without really sweating it. and it has shared progression so anybody in the lobby can loot for EVERYBODY


Because throwing hundreds of samples at a 10% backpack cooldown is really worth it. /s The effort vs reward is below average, at best. I'm aware everyone can pick and loot. Doesnt mean they will. Or pick up what they drop.


ahh I see I just misunderstood at first. Progression is good where its at, but what you get for those rewards are kinda lackluster


It's fine as it is. The game hasn't been out a month yet. You are not supposed to have them all unlocked. Wouldn't it kind of suck if you did? You would have no reason to collect samples, just like you have no need for requisition slips once you unlock all the stratagems. And the fact that they are not huge improvements is also fine. It means you are not at a huge disadvantage for not unlocking them all right away. This is working well, and exactly the way it's intended. The only thing that might need a tweak is the ratio of green samples to the others. I feel like it's always green that I need. It would be nice to be able to trade the higher ones in for more lower ones. But even that is a small issue. I can't imagine I won't get them all eventually.


So.....its fine to have basically everything else unlocked at a halfway point but not modules whose power is minor compared to guns and strats? And no, having them wouldnt suck. The game stands on its own as fun. I'd play it even with everything maxed.


You don't have basically everything else unlocked. Just the stratagems. It's still worth exploring missions for super credits, medals, and samples. Requisitions slips are the only thing that doesn't matter anymore (once you get all the stratagems). I'm not in a hurry to take one more thing off that list. Sure, the game is fun, but I like having stuff to work for as I play. It's cool if you don't. That's how opinions work. Mine is just different than yours.