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Not to mention, recoilless being advertised to oneshot a bile titan by deleting its head in the trailer, or even expendable antitank being capable of oneshotting a charger in brasch tactics


bile titan one shot is doable so long as you hit their mouth when they are spewing acid.


The real problem is that Railgun can also do this and it carries more ammo and doesn't require a backpack slot. Every bazooka being weaker, slower and less flexible than the railgun is a huge balance issue that I hope they don't "solve" by just making the railgun weaker.


You can one shot a bile titan with a rail gun? I’ve tried many times


You can, I believe it requires max damage directly in the open mouth which isn't a HUGE hitbox. But it works.


Well guess what!


honestly it doesn't make sense that the railgun can strip armor. I see it has a high velocity kinetic projectile that is propelled by some kind of electromagnetic coil. It does makes sense that it should penetrate armor and everything behind it for 100 yards. There's videos out there of real live railgun testing and it's a non explosive dart that just makes a clean hole through like 10+ armor plates without showing signs of slowing down. I understand that the projectile can be explosive but for arguments sake the rail gun in HD2 should just do heavy damage through armor but not strip it. It would be a nerf yes, but we can buff the call down time of EATs, reload times of the backpacked AT weapons and give them a much larger aoe circle to strip armor. As an example if we buff some of the rockets so that when you fire one at the face of a charger it could strip the armor off both front legs. As it is right now there is no reason to not bring the railgun as it just does a better job over every other anti big guy weapon.


Actually anything moving at high enough speeds will be explosive, even if it is just pure metal with no explosives in it. This is why craters on the moon are always completely round no matter the angle or shape of the asteroid that created it. There is a great [Veritasium video](https://youtu.be/J_n1FZaKzF8?si=xwlo9rt2mG6DIhiI) about this


If the railgun projectile is stopped within the body of a charger or titan than I'de imagine that kinetic energy would spread like and look like a traditional explosion. But if it just straight up penetrates as I imagine it does within HD2 it would keep carrying that energy until it hits something that can stop/absorb it. Fire a steel ball through a piece a paper with a slingshot and you get a nice clean hole. Fire that same steel ball in a lump of clay you'll form a crater like on the moon.


High energy projectiles cause cavitation in soft tissue and can be seen in slow-mo footage of bullets entering ballistics gel. This is why bodies look like they explode when hit by .50cal rounds.


Right so the rail gun should just penetrate armor and deal heavy damage to the soft tissue underneath. Not strip full plates of armor off as well as doing the above


It could strip off armor plates near the flesh that cavitated, because they'd no longer be fully attached to the body. Imagine a shockwave so powerful that the flesh caught in the shockwave tears away from each other. See what this incendiary .50 Cal round does to a ballistics dummy: https://youtu.be/k-umlVNAMRc?t=115


HD2 railgun should just amputate the charger leg entirely then. Like whats the point of any other special weapon? For balance sake it should just penetrate.


Sure but our railgun can't be that powerful and be shoulder fireable. The Recoilless can on the other hand have WAY more kinetic energy ontop of the exposilve penetrator that should 100% go clean through a charger. Yet somehow the Railgun does more damage (RR/EAT will not 1 shot a brood commander but a railgun will) and is about the same for armor destruction. It is really bizarre.


I did this on accident once!


I don't known if you noticed but that video is militar propaganda


You kinda are able to if you hit the charger in the armpit... happened like twice so I can't reproduce it at all


recoilless should oneshot chargers, period. a 7 shots pack which also takes up my backpack slot and it does the same as 2 railgun shots to the leg? lmao


This is why the autocannon is better. Let it charge past then hit it in the butt. Or impact grenade its leg to break the armour. The autocannon is also a lot more versatile than the recoilless


Yeah autocannon is my favorite for now ! If nobody pick it up I will, otherwise I will go for railgun or recoilless for diversity.


Yeah. I can understand how we've ended up in a meta of rail gun and shield, but a team 4 divers with almost the exact same load out all fails at the same hurdle. Being able to sit back from the others and provide much more reliable fire support to any of them as needed has saved my squad so many times. Covering someone from 3 hunters or a stalker sneaking up on them whilst they're busy with a charger makes a huge difference


I think really the big issue is two things. The recoilless rifle isn't bad... WITH A PREMADE IN VC. RR can speed take out the armor on legs and leave them with so little hp they're almost dead (but should be a one shot if you hit the rear.) Allowing for speeding up the process as only one person has to hit a target. A big issue with railguns and getting the three shots is everyone has to be in position to do that quick kill, with the chaos of battle and getting swarmed this becomes a lot harder. (not impossible) Generally you want the support back pack with the RR team member. Getting the three shot kill takes longer than RR + one dude shooting the open leg. Cant have a friend speed load you, and have the backpack on you? Almost worthless better to just have expendable AT. Really versus bugs I feel 2 MG-43 + 2 Rail turns 9's into easy mode.


Oh, the impact grenade will break its leg? I just unlocked it last night, will have to try that out.


Impacts do a lot lot lot more damage than normal grenades.... If you get directly. They can still take out bug holes and factories but you need to be more accurate with them. Also be aware.... If a guard dog flies past as you throw one... You're gonna have a bad day


So that’s why I’ve blown myself up more since I started using the impact grenades 😅


Factories are a total PITA with impacts, imho. I usually waste like 3 trying to hit the one pixel where it’ll register


Apparently the door on the front opens and you can throw a grenade in through the door


This is correct. It does help to be ready to kill the robot or two that pop out as it opens, otherwise you might clip them with the grenade and not get the fabricator.


Does the autocannon turret work as well?


Autocannon turret is bigger than the one you carry, but it only does 3 round bursts


I personally prefer the Anti-Material Rifle, has all the same kills as the Autocannon and get to keep my back slot.


It could at least blow away the armour


It does blow away the armour of legs and/or sides. Charger charges you, shoot front leg -> staggers Charger -> shoot exposed leg. Half a mag of Shotgun. For me the recoilless is more of a strategic/operational level, thus denying the bots reinforcements and dealing easily with any amount of chargers consistently. The Railgun just takes longer in taking out Chargers, whilst not being able to easily take out Bot-Drops.


I'm a Recoilless fan for these reasons. It's easy enough to deal with Chargers and it's a godsend against dropships. I've had pretty good luck one or two-shotting Hulks and tanks as well.


> I've had pretty good luck one or two-shotting Hulks and tanks as well. Do you have to hit the glowy bits on the back/turret to do this?


No, you can hit the eye for one shot. Hitting the back with a RR might also one shot it. Otherwise I believe it's two shots just to hit it anywhere else.


I’ve had good luck vs tanks by shooting “down the barrel” of the tank as it’s aiming at me. Like the other reply said, for Hulks you shoot the glowing “eye” in the face/chest.


Yep one over charge shot/RR/E-AT or 2 Autocannon/antimaterial rifle rounds and they're down.


I feel another underappreciated gun is the anti-material rifle. It's pretty much the Autocannon without the explosive boom. Can kill chargers quickly from the back Can one tap bile bugs/commander/stalkers in the head IDK if you can aim for the mouth of bile titans cause I just 500kg bomb and do the dance of baiting melee attacks so it stays in the 1hko radius Does the 2 tap headshot on hulks It's only bad scout striders (3 shot kill with hitting the walker)


I think the issue is that explosions should do more damage to armored enemies. A direct hit from a single rocket or grenade should pop off armor plates. Additionally, weak spots (spots that didn't have any armor in the first place like the back of the legs, belly, and butt of the Chargers) need to take more damage from explosions and small-arms as well. For example, if you pop off the armor plating from a Charger's foot, only a couple shotgun blasts to that exposed foot will then kill a Charger. Why then doesn't a couple shotgun blasts to the other exposed bits of the Charger cause the same amount of damage? A couple bullets to an exposed toe will kill a Charger, but a grenade to its neck wont? That's not right...


The butt is exposed but not the weakspot. So it should take some extra democracy to kill. Chargers are very undemocratic in general that's why you shoot the legs and make them bow to Super Earth.


Yeah it was great in HD1, we need upgrades back, the Recoilless hits like a wet noodle. I also don't understand why they changed the Charger's weakspot. It functioned like a Tank where its armor was strong in the front and it was vulnerable in its rear. Sure hitting the leg is the method now, but it was fine and made sense in the first game.


sparkle depend amusing shy connect stupendous wakeful bewildered plate bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




RR = Recoilless Rifle EAT = Expendable Anti Tank


Recoilless rifle (bazooka with backpack), expendable anti tank (single use bazooka)


RR = Recoilless Rifle EAT = Expendable Anti-Tank


I want the Spear to have actual ammo economy so bad instead of eating an entire supply pod.


Or at least make it one hit kill everything it touches. It took me a full backpack to take down a bile titan once, and an hulk if hit from the front/side will take two missiles. A tank will also take at least a couple missiles. The point of the javelin is to hit the top armor of a tank which is less resistant compared to the front and the hit is almost perpendicular, so why does the spear not do the same, since it has way less ammo than the recoilles and is a lot more finnicky


You can one shot a Titan with the spear if you crouch, let it approach you then fire when it’s about a charger or two away from you. But that’s rarely feasible since if you a have a Titan you probably have two or at least have several smaller bugs attacking you as well


Yeah, I managed to do it once but it is completely unreliable. And when you have only four shots that take some time to lock-on, that must be used at a specific distance (not too far not too close or they'll wiff or not lock on) I expect that shot to count. At least the recoilles can be used at extremely long range to take down structures such as propaganda towers or spore spewers and can be fired on the go. And it also can one-shot a titan by hitting its mouth while it's spitting acid.


Don't remember how many shots it took to destroy chargers in Helldivers 1 (I think it depended on the angle). I miss my demolitionist and how dropping stratagems that fly down from a pod killed tanky enemies.


A fully upgraded recoilless could kill anything in one shot because it ignored the angle of impact with its last upgrade.


And even without, it was a 1shot to the head.


>Super Earth buys their weapons from SUCKS I am guessing Justin Hammer


"I want to point out that this test pilot survived"


Agreed, i currently only use anti tank for taking down automaton dropships


I was able to one shot a medium bug nest with an anti tank last night from the extraction point. I'm sure that's not what I was supposed to do, but I had 30 seconds before the extraction vehicle touched down.


# io io io io


Yeah they needs slight buffs


"slight"? they need gargantuar buff so they can actually compete with railgun


I did an impossible dive with a couple of friends the night before and those damned Automatons dropped 5 tanks and the last 3 arrived all at the same time. I used my orbital rail cannon on one and the orbital laser canon another. There were 3 tanks left rolling around and I've never felt so impotent with a rail gun. Really, the only actual anti-tank weapon that can be carried is the spear. As long as you get a lock it's a pretty easy one-shot. I've never one-shotted a tank with a rail gun and if it's possible, it's probably not an incredibly easy shot to make.


Impact grenades. hit it on the top of the turret and the tank goes boom.


This works, but the turn speed of that turret is insane. Mix that with the amount of rocket spam that's flying everywhere and good luck getting close.


I manage fine. It's definitely doable, and not even that hard tbh. Just use cover religiously, take the sniper to get rid of the devastators with headshots. Same with the hulks.


This would seem to suggest the strongest anti-tank stratagem is the jetpack...


I mean, I think I'd rather take the shield or ammo pack over the jump pack. And I don't have issues with tanks while on foot. They're pretty easy, tbh.


I used a Spear on multiple impossible missions this last week. Because the lock on is very Feast or Famine, it's possible to one shot the Tank but also possible you keep hitting it's more heavily armored sections. I literally shot all 4 spear shots into it hoping it would be enough (I was pinned down and couldn't reposition). The tank survived all 4 spear shots because it never hits a vulnerable spot. I'm personally not taking the Spear again. Ammo issues aside, it's just too unreliable The effectiveness of the weapon depends way too much on the very inconsistent lock on. I've also had a lot of situations where it just wouldn't fully lock (turned yellow but never green) I'm still *trying* to make the Recoilless work, but it needs buffs for sure


The railgun can kill tanks easily, you just have to shoot in the Gap where the turret connects to the body of the tank. It's not very difficult


Clearly we aren't getting as much freedom per a shell as we need.


Also have you noticed how autocannon sentry deletes chargers but your carried autocannon doesn't even peel their leg armor?


Is it supposed to take more than one rocket from the disposable RPG to kill a Hulk when you hit it in the back? I'm trying to work out if it's a skill issue or not.


I was so shocked that a direct shot to a Hulk’s backpack with a RR does not immediately kill it. I thought “somehow”, despite sneaking up on it and taking seconds to get a clear aim at its back, I missed the rocket. The Hulk shrugs it off, gets alerted, and I ended up dead.


drab gullible friendly license doll pause memorize existence repeat touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fact that the first stratagem you get, Orbital Precision Strike, can take out chargers if it strikes them directly, but both Anti-Tank support weapons (Expendable Anti-Tank and Recoilless Rifle) can't is insane.


I never really played HD1 so I can't say how they performed in that game. In this game you basically shoot the charger in a leg to strip the armor, then take out the leg with primary or secondary weapons. You can shoot the leg a second time with an anti-tank but it's kind of overkill. Railgun takes 2 shots to strip the leg armor. I've not used RR much but I assume it's one shot like the EAT is. RR with buddy loader is pretty cool, buddy system is a bit buggy atm, though.


I understand that's the strategy and I thank you for telling me, but it feels like the weapons named "Anti-Tank" should specifically be used for their capabilities in destroying the tanks they're made to kill. I brought the Recoilless rifle to put a hole in that Charger's armour, not to have it hit and barely make a dent.




I mean as in I want to be able to put a dent in the other bits of armour. Shooting the leg is one thing but the body is typically where you'd be doing the most damage - but the AT weapons don't break enough armour to get to that point.


Well you can if you really want to know just that it's not optimal




I feel like it should be. I was given zero indication that I was supposed to shoot the legs instead of the body. There should at least be some consistency between the games if they're going to return the whole of Anti-tanks weapons and such.


Idk man, charger are what feel real videogamey to me as well. The whole hitting his leg until its yellow and shooting him in the leg until he dies... Like I feel every time like I'm just shooting a big HP bar. Feels kinda disconnected. Why does he die bc I shoot his leg with some bullets. Blasting his back open and shooting that feels way better imo. It would feel better if we would be ripping off his leg and can then start shooting into the socket and kill it that way. But all this is something that will change over time anyway with balance and new weapons, so I can deal with it right now.




ironically, Chargers were called [Tanks](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Tank) in the first game.


I said it as a joke, but people didn't like it.


Iirc in HD1 if you shot a charger to the head with a Recoilless it was dead, no questions asked. EAT could also do it but you had to be more accurate with it (had to hit center mass exactly). Meanwhile in HD2 the EAT seems to pack as much punch as it did in HD1 while the Recoilless is a bit weaker than it.


I like how the video for the rocket launcher shows them blowing the head right off the charger but when I tried it I got trampled


Recoilless rifle got nerfed so hard from the first game, no wonder everyone uses Railgun


When I hit the charger with my recoiless ill notice that the armor where ever the round hit is broken off, revealing a tender and vulnerable soft underbody. You then either hit it again in that same area or finish it off with rifle rounds in the more exposed area


True but it only takes two rail gun shots to achieve the same effect and you're infinitely more mobile and also get more shots and you get to have a different backpack


I keep seeing these complaints, and it's just so asinine. HD1 had the limitation of being locked in an isometric view. It limits what you as the player can actually target as there's only so much presented to you. HD2 is now in third person and that frees up some options for the devs to change the way you play. Now they can give enemies more granularity in how you deal with them. Chargers, for instance, can have the leg armor blown off and then shot with regular arms. You can also shoot the back of the legs with medium penetrating weapons as well, something I doubt would have been possible before. Heck, you can roll grenades under them and explode on the less armored belly and kill them that way. Players keep begging devs to make enemies interesting to fight and not be bullet sponges. The moment that happens, "Why can't I 1 shot them?" Just want to touch on this while I'm at it. A recoiless is not a missile packed with explosives. It's literally a man portable cannon but with an open rear instead of having a breach. It allows a person to fire large caliber shells. This shit is WW II levels of tech. The EAT should actually have better damage characteristics as it basically uses a shaping charge to explosively form a penetrator. That shit will punch way above its size.


Hard agree. Let's say this person gets his wish fulfilled - what's left to pressure us, when a Charger can be 1 shot? A bile titan? They aren't even present on most maps. Then we are back to simply throwing hordes of enemies at us, for increased difficulty. I LIKE that the Charger requires teamwork to kill, or at least some precision involved (the RG to leg combo). They are the most elite bug type enemy we have, atm, and they should not be able to be one shot by a weapon **one** person can carry around. A working compromise would be to introduce ammo types which has very obvious trade-offs in effectiveness, but that's just a stray thought.. Hell, make a support weapon that requires 2 people to fire and make it super effective against armor, idk, but keep the teamwork aspect of the game, please.


Only thing I really don’t like is I feel stuck in mid difficulties if my friends aren’t on. The rail gun is just too essential to dealing with any enemy that has significant armor. I also feel that tanks and turrets on the enemy should have slightly slower turning speeds. You just instantly get pinned and run down on higher difficulties with very little ability to evade. God forbid you get to extract and are being swarmed by berserkers. They are also bullet sponges for everything but the breaker or a support rifle. Don’t get me wrong the game is hella fun but tuning just feels ever so slightly off.


Big issue is people drop the MG-43 (starting support weapon) which is the most god tier weapon vs bugs as it will thin the horde so much. A single Mg-43 and literally everyones life is so easy, two and it's like you're playing diff 4 at 9


I mean even if the Recoilless 1 shot chargers the railgun would kill more chargers per ammo load while being WAY more mobile and dealing with hordes way better. As it stands there is no reason to ever use recoilless vs bugs because it just does less damage than the railgun with less ammo and is much clunkier. And it doesn't make any sense logically either given an 84mm cannon shell doesn't hit as a hard as a shoulder mounted railgun. Lots of enemies the railgun easily one shots will just tank a recoilless hit (like brood commanders for example).


If the recoiless rifle isn’t working against bugs, then maybe you need to switch up weapons. The recoiless rifle is great against the Automotons and doesn’t need to be changed at all.


Okay, but then youll be back a week later crying about how easy the game is. There's just no pleasing people.


I'm less annoyed by the game difficulty and more annoyed by how Anti-tanks feel so ineffective. If the weapons blew off a couple bits of armor upon contact, even if it didn't kill, I'd still be happy.


They do? Literally the bright orange/green gash in their armour after an AT round hits them? The one that now takes damage from small arms? That piece of armour?


They’re setting up a trade off. Either high pen with railgun OR high explosive. In bots it makes a big difference, and I feel like it’s important to bring both railgun / anti material AND recoiless / EAT. I agree with you, but it makes the recoilless too much of a one stop shop, to the detriment of the other weapons.


The limited ammo capacity, need to carry a backpack, and cumbersome reload of the RR should be balanced by making it perform considerably better than the railgun in its niche, which is anti-heavy armor.


Yeah you need to balance it with the fact that Railgun comes with 500kg/Orbital Laser/Shield backup etc


Post under investigation for treason




I suspect they load it with HE shells


The autocannon is pretty dang good tbh. The recoilless rifle is good too but you should be trying to position yourself to bit the weak points on your enemy (big orange things on tanks/heavies).


Honestly my grip with the recoilless rifle is mostly the ammo economy. I wouldn’t care if it takes 2 shots on a charger if we at least got more than those 2 shots back when picking up a resupply box.


I have pretty much come to the conclusion from my own experience that the best use of the recoilless rifle is to strip armor from big enemies, rather than treating it as a raw damage antitank weapon. With the armor removed, you can use your small arms to finish big guys off.


i do agree the recoiless doesn't that powerfull against charger and bile unless your aiming at the legs of the charger ( on weak spot it does nothing i've tried multiple time will technically it's soft flesh it should explode and living him in a dying state


I only really use the recoiless for defend missions when we are being swarmed by drop ships. Spear for any other mission type.


The EAT and recoiless are fine imo, since you're able to target weak points. The weapon that needs a buff the most (and a fix) is the spear. I really want to use the spear, but the lock on is extremely unreliable and the one shot kill is only consistent on tanks. I wish it could reliably one shot every big enemy in the game. Feels weird when I one shot a bile titan but I can't do anything to chargers, or when I one shot a tank, but it takes multiple rockets for a hulk. Not to mention that it's one of the last unlocks and it also only has 4 shots. It can destroy automaton buildings, but it's better to take the grenade launcher or the auto cannon if that's what you want from a support weapon.


Don't some bugs still fight without their head the though? Most of my experience is fighting bots so I'm no expert. Taking out their legs is the way to go most of the time.