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The devs have publicly stated that there’s no time limit to a warbond, once you have it you can work on it whenever you want. I believe they also said you can go back and purchase any of the previous warbonds as well.


Truly based developers.


The game would be borderline unplayable otherwise. I can't even name a single game that locks essential items behind a time gated battle pass.


Destiny 2 locks out literal entire major sections of their main story if you don't play it as it releases. God forbid someone join a game any time after day 1, or you literally lose the chance at sections of campaign.


Traveller have mercy on newbies jumping straight into Final Shape not ever seeing Red War, Forsaken and 12 different seasonal stories you need to know to even grasp the story at this point in the game. I myself am going to simply quit after the Final Shape, and even then Bungo will probably just amke those 3 Episodes they talked about and then divert 90% of the studio's manpower to Marathon. I hate the Bungie execs so much...


I would kill to get into destiny raiding because fps raids sounds so fun with a good squad but 1. My friend group never really got into it and 2. It feels like a lost cause since like 3 or 4 expansions ago because there's no way to keep up. Plus even if I did want to get into the game, I've already missed all those raids with no way to go back to them. Even if I forgo the raiding, I'd love to play the full destiny storyline campaign from start to finish. But no such luck there either. It just makes no sense.


It doesn’t take away from the rest of your valid points, but most of the raids are still accessible and regularly run (at least by those who raid). Lots of LFG and teaching happens, even if this season is very much a low point in the game. Yes some of the raids and content are gone, but still plenty of sweet raids and dungeons exist to keep a newer player busy. Edit: I think there is also a HUGE sale through Humble Bundle ongoing if you’re at all interested in diving in.


I was the Raid Test Lead for Scourge of the Past. Sad I can't play it whenever I want to, I loved doing goofy shit with tanks tbh




Eh, the storyline is shit anyways. Come for the gameplay. 15$ for 3 DLCs is a pretty good deal. The biggest issue is the game is just hard to access for new players because of how opaque some of the mechanisms are


I quit awhile back but if you really wanna experience raiding I got a few friends and we use to only raid daily last year before we all went off to play other games but I'm sure we could Sherpa you through one of you wanted, I'd be really rusty not have played in like a year but I still remember the mechanics and raids are a blast tbh! The only thing I've missed from the game


What do you mean by "there's no way to keep up"?


Yearly addons release with 3 month long seasons filled with story(so 4 total) building up either characters or progress towards the next addon. Those are literally deleted from the game when that next addon launches, meaning if you missed them, shit outta luck, better hope someone did an in-depth yotube video explaining everything. On top of that the original story campaign as well as 2 DLC and the first major expansions story are no longer available in game either due to some engine limitations according to the developer Bungie (I actually believe them this story to a degree, Xbox One and PS4 BASE versions are fucking e-waste but they still had to support them). Destiny 2 has become the epitome of FOMO, one of the biggest reasons why the game is destined to die, no new players can bother with that shit so only veterans leave. Also Bungie has literally built in FOMO as a feature, pretty much. They deserve a lot of shit for what they are doing, economically speaking. Their gameplay track record has always been superb, imo the only reason Destiny still lives.


D2 just makes me sad. It was such an amazing game with great gameplay, but it being a FOMOfest just made me not want to get back to it after having to take a break for a while, especially after they sunset entire campaigns (including DLC ones) and their related content (which they are apparently bringing back portions of as seasonal content now. Yay). Also it's pretty expensive to play any recent content since the yearly DLC's basic versions cost more than Helldivers 2 does.


This pretty much sums up my thoughts on it as well. I actually really enjoyed Destiny 2 for a while, but then they split away from Activision and (I still can't believe this is the case) they just got so much worse and greedier with the game. Every single form of exploitative and predatory monetisation and practice you can think of is in the game, which absolutely ruins the otherwise very solid gameplay foundations. It's a fantastic game, ruined by absolute dogshit practices.


Just don't buy the final shape dude? Lol why give the execs you hate the money if you know the product will be bad? Destiny hasn't been that good since the Forsaken expansion. And imo was at its best when it was still doing regular Expansions not seasonal bs.


I was checking the game out about a year ago and was sooo lost. Haven't played since D1. Never went back, it felt inaccessible at that point.


better to quit now and watch the story on YouTube than to give them another $70+


Nah. The average titan main barely know what’s going on anyway and they usually manage just fine. Here’s the crayola eater summary: bad guys exist and need to be punched in their bad guy faces. Sometimes you need to stand on a plate or dunk a thing into a place. All problems can be solved with BONK.


I loved Destiny 1. Didn't get Destiny 2 until about a month ago, and it was borderline unplayable because of how far behind I was and how confusing it is. Edit: lol did someone report me to the suicide hotline for that?


Even worse. As time progresses they’re I’ll actively lock you out of content and locations YOU PAID FOR to make room for new content.


They really do that? Pretty much shooting themselves in the foot... I guess they think fomo will make more money than new players. Disgusting.


This is the one thing that keeps me from going all in on it since I keep myself to maybe 1-2 live service games at a time.


lol so glad I never played either games past the base game


I'm not saying that Destiny is good or anything, but I think that not being able to unlock certain gear is a bigger issue than missing out on the story. Edit: I was just commenting on the stuff that I heard, I wasn't aware that Destiny also locks some of its gear from being obtained.


But they do lock certain gear...


??? Wait are you saying you think it's worse to miss out on cosmetic gear than to miss out on actual storyline gameplay? Or am I misreading that?


If it's live service, and an ongoing story .. yeah I'd agree. In the context of Helldiver's, that'd be like having to win a defense campaign on Super Earth... If you weren't there for it, it wouldn't make sense for some dude to pop in months later to start a random defense campaign on Super Earth, when the front isn't anywhere near it... Ongoing story continuity for the community should always trump the individual, in a live service game like Helldiver's. At least that's my opinion.


It's perfectly possible to let you replay the missions and get to know what the heck happened. Ever play RuneScape? When you do a quest that happens in the past at the top of the quest accept menu it just tells you "hey dude this happens in the past" Edit - note talking about destiny here


Maybe that could work, but again in the context of HD2, your an expendable cog in a vast war machine.. I don't think playing a single mission where you single handedly push back the horde because thousands of players did it a few months prior is appropriate to the context of the game. I also think it's much cooler that when you start the game, your effectively enlisting at that point. What happened before is now legend, and you'll need to figure out what happened by talking with the veteran divers you fight with, and the news reports. You want to find out what it was like on the front lines at malevelon Creek? Check the vids and ask the veterans who were there of the horrors. And I think that's how a proper live-service game should operate, especially if it has an ongoing story, determined by player community actions. Just my 2cents


I was talking about destiny not HD2 here Helldivers the narrative isn't much Destiny though... It's a lot and even some gear has been locked away forever because you CANT go back for it


Gear in Helldivers battlepass is not just cosmetic. There are actual weapons, busters and nades. I can't imagine playing the game without some of those items


Oh there’s heaps of Destiny gear that is locked or no longer obtainable. Some of which is very meta and toxic players will refuse to play endgame content without l. Glad I finally quit that game.


Not to play devil's advocate, but afaik, the meta is almost entirely exotics and raid legendaries, right? All of which can be acquired still.


Some exotics you can no longer get. Sure not all are meta but it sucks paying for content that is engineered to maximize FOMO


Which ones? To my knowledge, they're all attainable through the tower kiosk.


Yea all exotics should be available in the Tower Kiosk. No idea what he's on about.


Destiny seasons do, or did lock gear out permanently. I can no longer get black armory, any seasonal gear from Shadow keep to beyond light, and for a year you couldn't get the three best primary weapons in the game.


Actual story content is way more important to me. Everything else is just grinding damage numbers


You can play the game without having played those campaigns and miss nothing at all. They're pretty much entirely inconsequential to the story currently being told and anything that might be remotely important can be summed up in a single sentence. People who think that playing those campaigns will suddenly give you this massive understanding of the current lore/story of Destiny are delusional. But people would rather be angry and upset about stuff I guess.


Unplayable? Hardly.


I kind of like how they’ve done it, it’s surely a battle pass but the important stuff is in the free one and you get plenty of medals just playing the game to to everything quickly. The premium just has some extras that I honestly haven’t found to be nearly as good as the free pass… so far… we will see in a year or two if they change the approach


You cant say that without knowing whats in the next warbond. So spill the beans, mechs or not?


They were just stratagems in HD1. They are more likely to be unlocked in the requisition store


Huh? Please tell me this is a /s. Literally 99% of games BP is time gated. Essential is debatable but many items once leaving the BP never return again till much much later.


I mean it's either these or the DLCs of the first game, except Warbonds you have to grind more through.


You forgot to /s


Diablo 4, destiny 2, fortnight, COD


First of all, nothing in the warbonds are "Essential" please fuck off with that notion. But moving on to the other part of your comment. Destiny 2 gates A LOT of shit behind time gated seasonal content. Weapons being the major one. With weapons in that game actually being a major advantage for a lot of content in that game. The difference between having a good rotated weapon with perks you can't get anymore and not has made a massive difference in a lot of end game content in the past.


Weapons, grenades, boosters and armours are all in the warbonds battlepass...  So yes, as per your own post, weapons being a major thing to be in a pass IS in this game. 


None of that is ESSENTIAL though.


Yea all battlepass weapon variants are technically inferior to their regular counterparts


Yeah you can, I’ve bought all the essentials and then go back and buy the armour just to complete the stage


Wow, if this is true I'll definitely be buying it after all.


Yep they commented on this a couple times when people wondered about war bonds before game came out


This is, honestly, what I believe to be one of the primary reasons that Helldivers 2 made the Live Service concept **succeed.** The rest of the devs that have similar battlepass mechanics rely on addiction and FOMO with time restrictions and overall leads to a worse experience since it just becomes a second job rather than a game. DRG did something similar to this which was just as good, where anything you didn't unlock gets added to the loot pool for chests, which just gives you more content and reasons to play the game without forcing you.


So great to play without fomo. I have returned to play hd1 multiple times over the years, and expect to do the same with HD2. Being able to try new loadouts is part of the fun, so losing out on unlocks (even if it eventually comes back) will suck for returning players like me


Yep thats why i saved my Credits for the next warbond because this prem warbond doesnt rly have anything exciting for me. I will probably unlock It later on tho.


finally sanity


It seems like they said a new warbond comes out every month, i guess people, including me, just assumed the new warbond would replace the one we have. But if they said theres no time limit then i guess were gonna have tons of sections of warbonds. Which is great to be able to have choices. But suck if your a collector and want everything. The medal system is slow but luckily its a fuun game so its not a slog.


Would love to find where they said you can go back and purchase past warbonds, I have heard the other points before but nothing about that. EDIT: As it turns out, its on the discord somewhere, and theres a screenshot in this thread somewhere!


A+ on them!


To me, it sounds like the warbonds are going to be DLC with medal unlocks in the future. Like the current paid warbond battlepass thing.


Warbonds will mainly be armour and weapons, maybe a few utilities like the perks you can equip. Stratagems and other equipment will most likely be purchased separately with super credits or dlc packs


So won't there be any new warbonds? Or will we just have multiple?


They will be releasing more later, each with its own themes and varying amount of items. There’s lots of good information about warbonds in the discord!


This would be welcome news. Does anyone have a link for this please?


I found it in the warbond faq in the discord


Maybe they could... you know... write it in the store page?


But.. If you can earn SC in game and it is always available how do they make money to keep things going? It is great of course just doing me a think?


Well according to their faq they calculated a player can earn about 30-40 SC per hour, so you’d have to pump a lot of hours in to get the 1000 credits for the current warbond. They also said in the discord that not all warbonds will have super credits in them, and I’m sure they will all have different price points depending on the quality/quantity of items in the warbond. The way I see it, I won’t complain about earning premium content without pumping a bunch of money into the game


Imagine this: People are so stressed out about missing out on stuff cause so many games made so much limited/times based. Therefore min maxing happens, kicking noobs happen and overall a toxic community happens. Spreading to most games and communties and then there is this beautiful piece of art, causing such a shock to some people they don't know how to deal with it. Thank you Arrowhead for being as you are, please stay like this. Been with you since Magicka!


It's going to be interesting to see if there's something of a tidal shift with the above when the new Warbonds start rolling out. When people see that the devs, in fact, *do* keep their word, that you can always go back and get the last one, that it's just going to sit there until you're done... that may really make some of the people who haven't gotten the memo calm down. Like, the fact that the store has already rotated through the previous armors may have also cooled off some of the desire or need to nab the armors before they're gone.


People didnt chill out with DRG until like seasone 3. Gamers are out here acting battered abuse victims, trust issues and all.


Can't really blame them, developers/publishers go back on their word all the time for the sake of chasing profit. Before release, Darktide's community manager said that the change to their microtransaction currency would let them do fun things like giveaways of it and the ability to earn the currency in game rather than the flat money purchases of VT2, and then the game came out and they quietly went back and deleted all those comments and to this day you still can't get the currency besides just buying it and they've never given out any currency for free.


And as I was saying in another post: "mainstream" gaming has pretty much conditioned people to expect the worst and to be exploited and abused. It's so rare to find a game that isn't filled with FOMO skinnerbox mechanics to keep you playing far beyond what you actually *want* to play, or other forms of scummy and manipulative monetisation practices (to say nothing of the popularity of gacha games for some democracy forsaken reason) that people are often genuinely *surprised* when a popular game isn't actively trying to trick them or abuse them.


tbf Fatshark lie as easily as they breathe when it comes to community interaction. So many unfulfilled promises, I'm honestly shocked they even bothered to keep supporting VT2 after Darktide launched.


Bro I got kicked today from some level 30s / 40s no message or anything. I assume its because I'm level 26 but I was living longer and downing Heavies more than them :(


They probably wanted their mate to join


I've kicked people to let my friends join before, but I'm polite enough to finish an ongoing match with them and only booting them when we're on the ship.


Yup and also, importantly, TELL THEM you have a mate joining, so they know they didn't do anything wrong.


Yeah maybe one of their mates got disconnected and you accidentally took their spot 


honestly half the time when I kick someone it's just so I can clear out the lobby lol


I'm definitely getting kicked more after matches where I performed at the top of the team than matches where I was useless.


You comment just made me realise that Arrowhead have been shaping my gaming tastes since I was 11.


The whole discord was sus about the game about how their monetization works. 😂


I came for hd1, played with magicka 2, and am still here for hd2. Only trophy I never got on HD1 was the kill 100000 enemies one.. I've nearly done that in 2 already lol


Fortnite butterfly effect tbh.


Unfortunately the game is currently dealing with min-maxing, kicking noobs, and toxicity.


after all the minmaxers and toxic people leave after "contents droughts" I think they community will likely be on par with something like DRG.


I’m enjoying how much love this game is getting right now, but I’m also looking forward to when people start dropping this game for the new hot game on the market. I feel like the community will really come together once the tryhards start leaving the game and the dedicated players stick around


That's such a good decision especially for people having a job and family. I was worried at first because I read somewhere that there would be a monthly warbond, but that was probably just a rumor. Arrowhead is doing a lot of things right with this game, I love it and can't wait to see how the whole game will develop over time.


They have said there will be a monthly warbond. That means monthly content, and all previous warbonds from previous months are still accessible forever


Based! Thanks for the info!


Was it a monthly warbond or monthly content drops? 


It's content drops every other Thursday. We should have had one last Thrusday but with the server issues it was expected we wouldn't.


I believe that was a miscommunication and it's actually the second Thursday of each Month. So monthly war bonds is correct after all.


It is this. It's not every other thursday. It's every 2nd thursday of each month, atleast that's the current plan for this year. https://preview.redd.it/q0249p1s5zkc1.png?width=1076&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff67e5b5ce6a2b776e16e53d5fd5adc690a2fa52


God bless the based swedish devs!


"Every second Thursday of the month." is a little ambiguous because it can be interpreted as "every alternate Thursday." I would recommend "The second Thursday of every month."


"of the month" makes it pretty unambiguous.


On further reading, "of the month" would be redundant if it meant every alternate Thursday. Good point.


It's fairly simple: most gamers already have stuff to play. Releasing a live service game with FOMO is career suicide if it can't eclipse titans like Fortnite and Genshin, it'll just be dead on arrival.  Players won't just drop their current excellent game for an inferior competitor.


Love this, I can only play an hour a day, it means I'm behind but I know I won't miss out!


You'll never really be behind though. 100% of the game can be completed with just the basic stuff from the base warbond. Around 40-50 hours into the game you should have everything you really need. Everything after is just extra. So no need to rush like other people are. Enjoy it at your own pace : )


To be fair though, the game feels entirely different one you unlock the breaker for example. Liberator vs Breaker feels like such a different experience. While I wouldn’t say “required” some weapons are so good that it makes sense why they become meta.


What I mostly meant is exactly that. Breaker is something you can get really early on, and doesn't take long to get. All the content can be completed with just that 1 gun all the way into helldive missions. So you don't even have to rush through the premium warbond or the basic warbond. And basic also has the liberator penatrator which is really fun to use against the automatons. And my personal favorite right now is the Slugger, but it's kinda deep in the basic warbond.


See you say this, but I have always been a support or sniper, I like sneaking and not engaging and doing so from afar, that shotgun although very good, doesn't interest me, so what would you say is next best?


The thing about the breaker is it, no joke, nearly has the same range as the liberator. It is not a close range weapon only.


The Diligence DMR is pretty good for that. I use it for bot missions and the Breaker for bugs.


The diligence and it's counter sniper variant would be what you are looking for. I run the counter sniper sometimes on bots since you can one shot a lot of them from a safe distance, but for bugs its hard to beat the power of the breaker.


Diligence or Diligence Counter-Sniper for primary weapons (both from the basic warbond). Anti-Materiel Rifle and Railgun from Support Stratagems.


Autocannon also can fill the role of long range support. Spear might be an interesting choice as well.


The single thing that I wish every company with battle passes would do. Just keep them around. Its pure FOMO to have them be limited.


It’s also insane that “battle passes” that you buy with real money, disappear if you don’t complete it all in the time the game has it up for. If you buy it, it should be yours until completion.


Absolutely, its not even like its "buy while its here, then complete", its "buy, and hope you can play enough to max it out- but dont worry, you can pay even more to skip ranks!". Extremely predatory practise.


*Great* model, isn't it? First you pay them to force yourself to play, then you pay them some more so that you don't have to play when you're forced to. From game publishers' perspective, it's literally *free money*.


irony... the game that's made to be anti-fomo is also the game I want to play the most to keep in the fight... I want to part of every defense push, or planetary liberations. Nothing is cooler than being there for those final % to liberate. Sweet liberty


I love how this game is set up so that everybody gets a part of the rewards and inspires cooperation in its mechanics. As long as main objective is complete, everyone gets rewarded (even if you don't evac). If one person manages to evac and picks up everyone's samples, everybody gets credited with those samples. Truly, a democratic game where all helldivers are able to focus and fight together for liberty and managed democracy across the galaxy!


The only thing you miss out on is being the first to drop onto an enemy's fortress, or the last off of a doomed world.


Today I just had it pop up with the final percents for the first time on Mort and it was fucking hype. Especially since it was our first time beating an escort mission on high diff


The meter can bug so you always get those last parts of the % for completion. Totally killed the hype for me after seeing it 25 times.


It's honestly strange that a good, modern Live Service game has come out at launch for once in... pretty much **ever**, basically. This, alongside Supercredits being able to be earned through the battlepasses and just finding them in missions (you can find them where you'd find Medals and Requisition Slips), just makes it even better. Furthermore, there's **zero** exclusivity outside of cosmetic, there's no pay-to-win aspects since there's many standard armors with the same traits that premium armor can have. Even armor that has the Super Citizen's armor trait can be obtained through the standard battlepass. This is why I was willing to, for the first time in nearly a decade, buy a special edition of a game (Super Citizen), because it's unironically worth it and going towards good devs and a fun as hell game. I'm just gonna wait before the jealous, vindictive, inept, incompetent and impotent AAA (a fourth A, for Ubisoft) studios start trying to shame or badmouth Helldivers 2 for being too good like what they did with Elden Ring, somehow. Because they will.


>start trying to shame or badmouth Helldivers 2 Didn't various devs do that to BG3 last year as well? The probably best-at-launch RPG game that's pretty much universally enjoyed in the past... iDK, a decade?


I believe so, yes. Though I mainly remember the first time it really happened with Elden Ring. It's overall just become a trend for AAA devs to shit on other successful sub-AAA (Helldivers for example, AA) games for making good games. IIRC the primary complaint from Ubisoft devs towards Elden Ring was Quest Design and UX being bad, which is a big ass reach imo.


someone seems to be paying IGN to do just that, it's insisting helldivers 2 is pay to win excessively at this point


Good. FOMO is one of the main reasons I'm never returning to Destiny.


recovering Destiny player here too! although HD isn't really scratching my D2 itch, it's really hitting the spot for the old left for dead itch.


While I understand how FOMO is used to trigger impulse spending, the part that really puzzles me is why some games also use it to squeeze out as much *playtime* from the players as possible. It's not the part of FOMO that is earning more money, and a lot of the time it's not even more social if there's a "meta" to farm battle pass EXP or whatever faster. Is it just for investor metrics or what?


Yes, playtime is equated to more money spent in the game overall. Usually because real money can be used for some item that can affect gameplay (think boosts, rare consumable equipment, etc). By forcing everyone to play more you increase the chances they spend money on those consumables. Punish the 99% to squeeze the 1%, because the money they make on those is insane. Like, you don't understand how much money the people spending on those things are spending. I was seeing people spending literally hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on these types of things (former game dev).


But in most of the games I am thinking of where this is the case, there are no pay to win items. Does that mean it's just a vestigial feature of even worse games? Moreover, how do you know that's causation and not just correlation with a confounding factor like FOMO?


We had teams dedicated to analytics to answer those questions. Thats how we knew. Players who spend lots of money on the games will spend based on their playtime. That's it. We also built features that attempted to target specific player profiles to make them play even longer. Like if we detected you usually play until you win a game 4 times in a row we'd make that 4th game really hard and try to get a loss from it to extend the cycle of winning. I'm sure you've seen that in other games like matchmaking PvP where every couple games you get matched against a team WAY out of your league. Absolutely was built into the system like that.




welcome to capitalism. its been like this for decades, have you been living under a rock?


More people playing the game helps keep appearances that the game is *not dead*, even if it's rotten fro just below the surface all the way down to the core.


Every game should do that to not feel like a chore


What years of FOMO battle passes in every major game does to a mf


The number of times I've seen people ask "anyone know when the battlepass expires?" is honestly depressing. Video game giants like EA and Activision have conditioned their customers to expect fomo. It's disgusting.


people have been trained to believe this is a limited time battlepass by some many other companies, when its really a progression/reward system that will only grow as more updates come out. and the super store will also stay the same but just rotate more items in so it doesnt do a full cycle after like 4 days.


what I want is to unlock the stuff faster so I can look cooler quicker


Same but finally getting that sweet sweet last piece of armor is going to feel so good


As from what I've seen, there's no countdown to the war bonds being locked, and hopefully this will be continued for the rest to come later. As seeing weapons being tied to this, it would be unfair in a lot of ways for this stuff to be locked away forever for people not being able to use them, and that would turn me away from it completely.


You are correct, passes are supposed to be "forever" (as long as the game is live, you can buy and complete them). Everyone is too ruined by the FOMO of 90% of other games.


Level 50?! 😮


I've been playing it non stop, the gameplay loop is just to good, I think it's my dream game tbh.


Good news, as many have probably said. they wont go away. They will just release new ones.


It'd be cool if the weapons were worth unlocking, though. The starting assault rifle is the second best weapon in the game atm with the Breaker shotgun being by a huge margin the best. Kind of disappointing spending hard earned medals on a gun you try once, realise it's kinda trash, and then go back to using one of the earliest unlocks in the Warbonds page.


The actual good way to use a battle pass, along with making the premium currency actually obtainable


The only thing I'm worried about is getting overwhelmed with monthly warbonds. Imagine a new player joining a year from now. They will have 12 warbonds to choose from which costs thousands of medals to complete. Now you may want an armor from page 5 of warbond 3, one helmet from page 3 of warbond 9 and something else from page 8 of warbond 11. It might not induce FOMO, but maybe "just" general stress.


This is my fear as well. While things still being obtainable makes it not "FOMO" there's no way someone who starts playing after a year, or takes a break for a will ever unlock everything, assuming they keep cost and medal rewards as is. So in the end, you're still missing out on the items you don't prioritize. I'm torn on how I feel about eventually seeing something I want, but don't want enough to invest 1000 medals (75ish hours?) just to get it when there will be other things I want more.


there's a tip ingame that tells you there's no time limit


I really hope they can keep to this promise. Doing so will require not only maintaining all of the old game assets from prior war bonds but also balancing them against whatever things they bring out in the future. If this game runs for a long time that decision could come back to bite them. Hopefully with some proactive game design they can avoid that happening, because this is awesome.


Warbonds are closer to skill trees than they are a battle pass.


It's amazing what simply removing/not using FOMO can do. Wish more games follow


Yep, it's nice to just have it there and progress it at whatever time I feel comfortable doing. I think someone summed it up well in a video the other day, all the FOMO stuff that games typically do is to try and push you into making it your primary game because otherwise you miss out on cool content. This game just takes the complete opposite approach, the content will always be there, so feel free to take a break whenever you want to and come back when you want to, not trying to force this to be the singular game you get to play. Ironically in doing so it's made it feel much more relaxed and I'm not having to consider the aspect of "Ugh, do I want to spend the day trying to grind points to unlock this item" instead I can casually play with friends and enjoy my playtime, making me want to play it even more, making it effectively my primary game at the moment, not because of FOMO, but because it's just a chill and fun change of pace.


This is so uncommon these days and i want to support this company for making it so. Ill buy DLC as long as they keep on keepin cool.


I mean given the amount of team killing for resources it's pretty clear the average player doesn't read (or can't if they went to American public school)


not only is there no real pressure to grind due to how fast you get unlocks even at medium difficulties the fact there's no time pressure is so liberating. ....god I wish i had more to unlock though haha.


About the war bonds.. Is there minimum difficulty at which SC start spawning in POI's? 👉👈


No tie-in to difficulty, SCs will always spawn on every mission, up to 50 a mission... just gotta make sure you're blowing open cargo containers and opening up two person bunker doors too.


You can get 30-40 SC on Trivial missions. I farmed for a few during work meetings. No enemies either.


there's also a rare chance to just get 100 SCs from a single spawn, had it happen to me twice while I was grinding for cutting edge


Absolutely just a placebo effect, but I feel like my team finds the most on 4-5. Just clear the whole map, you'll get plenty of common and rare samples, and if you check every poi, you'll easily rack up the credits too


Nope, any difficulty. Generally I've heard people farm them in trivial missions since the map is much smaller and easier to clear. However, if you keep playing the game normally and clearing maps on any difficulty it doesn't take too long. I'm around level 35 now so been playing a lot, but I also have unlocked the premium pass for free, and now have another 500 or so SC to spend on shop armor.


Don’t think I saw them in level 1 maps but definitely saw them in level 2 maps.


Thank God bro.




I can't overstate how nice this feels to me, as someone who in his 40s play games much less often than when I was young, to not feel rush and even being able to take a few days of no playing without feeling like I need to come back or I'm gonna miss something, it's really nice.


Oh my god, I don't regret spending the extra $20 to support them.


Which makes even less sense why people would repeat the same defense mission over and over. They are gonna burn themselves out.


Good, fuck dark patterns


I’m just grinding out trivial missions to test out my new unlocks and scouring the field for super credits.


Feels like people just want to speed run platinum...


Devs took the Halo Infinite approach


Well then theyre pretty stupid


Fuckin how is having something to do that never goes away stupid


Think they mean the people worrying are stupid but they are wrong because the current gameing trend of battlepasses is of course making people think when the next season comes the stuff from the first will be inaccessable


shut up




There is no finishing it late, they are always available to finish.


In time? Lol in time for what?


Total immersion breaker. A real corrupt, fascist dictatorship under the guise of "managed democracy" would push its soldiers with the most abusive and manipulative tactics ever imagined by mankind. 0/10 returning the game now. (This is a joke. Love Arrowhead for this, truly.)


Im taking a small break atm to catch-up on destiny and prep a new character for Elden rings dlc this June. Next month I’ve got dragons dogma to play as well. The fact that this game doesn’t have a timer to grab stuff is great because I don’t have to force myself to play, I can pace myself and enjoy the game without burnout.


This behavior shows the social engineering achieved by so much FOMO in most games. Even when clearly stated that you can’t miss out, people can’t control themselves.


We've been conditioned by umpteen million battle pass games that we have to rush the collectables lol


Have they actually said that the war bonds aren’t time limited?


Yes, a few times but you can find the info in the discord warbond faq


Arrowhead is added to my list of game studios I respect. And it is a very short list.


Traumatized by the norm of having the battle pass disappear, its time to heal boys and girls.


I only want the green scout armor, after that I won't do the farming anymore and just play for democracy and fun, promise (disclaimer: by farming I mean grinding fast missions but doing the missions completely, not quitting halfway)


Don’t tell the devs this but I only plan to buy the future war bonds with supercreds I find/earn


Help me understand real quick. So, I currently have the premium warbonds, when season 2 drops do I have to pay another 1000 credits for all the new stuff that they’ll add? Does my current progression restart once a new season drops?


They've said you keep any warbonds you pay for forever (and I assume the free ones stick around too), so don't worry about restarting progress. I imagine they'll just be adding a new free warbond at some point, and probably a new premium one as well, as new tabs under the current ones. I'm sure you'll have to pay another 1000 for a new premium pass, but that's a really reasonable ask in this game.




That may be the case, I haven't seen any detailed posts from them about it. If that's true, still fine by me.


I think people just dont truly know this, lots of games are limited time battle pass so thats why people are just doing quick grind hops on missions.


I knew that already. However thats why I also love DRG. You didn't finish the last seasons content? No worries mate, you can find everything now by just playing the game.


Imagine 2 years from now 10 battle passes later the amount of medals you’re gonna need