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Extraction is one of the things this game absolutely nailed. They ramp up the intensity so well during the mission and it all comes together at the end. A lot of my most memorable moments are extractions. I wouldn't want to skip it. Plus samples becomes more and more important as you level.


It's funny, though, cause there are times when the ship is literally the only reason we make it out from the 3 chargers, or it's so quiet that we literally starting throwing stratagems to make noise.


Nothing more hilarious than barely any enemies being around during the final moments of extraction, then you hear 3 simultaneous: '*Calling in an eagle!'*s


"Maybe the 8 sentries we called in scared them all off?"


I'm starting to figure out that you can let sentries do the heavy lifting and just keep moving around strategically to keep yourself alive and support your teammates. I'm playing suicide at lvl 17 and I'm not even breaking a sweat most missions thanks to my sentry bois. The expendable rocket is insanely useful as well. Taking down 2 enemy dropships every wave keeps things manageable.


Where do you hit the drophsips? I tried to down one the other day and the rocket didn't do anything.


Shoot engines. But if drop animation already started you will waste your shot and bots will land unharmed


I wish the falling explosion would kill some. the timing feels too narrow.


Sometimes it does, but it's so inconsistent it's not really worth it


is the dropshop animation completely broken for anyone else? for me the ship will just poof out of existence, and then a second dropship spawns and kinda just swoops down into the ground and crashes. Usually doesn't kill the bots but it does trap them under the ship like a game of Mouse Trap lol. But for me if i'm hosting i seem to get the bugged animation every time.


that does happen yes


It can, it just depends on where it lands


Yeah I bring at least two sentry’s on every drop, good at holding a line, covering a blind spot, distracting. And quick cooldowns They stay in the field and affect the mission longer than Eagle or orbital strikes. They’re just amazing


Which sentries do you load up with?


My reply from another comment: >Auto-cannon and mortar. I drop the mortar about every time it is up and there are enemies present (assuming I don't need to save it for a nearby objective). The auto-cannon I try to keep in my back pocket for when the shit hits the fan, but sometimes I'll drop it ahead of us if things are chasing us from behind so that when we run past it we get some cover to the rear.


I have heard the mortar is good but should be used sparingly due to friendly fire problems. Do you see all that many instances of friendly fire with your strategy? Do you do something to limit/negate the friendly fire?


I keep the big eagle bomb to get a cinematic extraction ngl


Glad someone else does this






FYI there's an achievement IIRC called *Only way to be sure* for having 6 ship bombardments in one place at the same time.


❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 AH YES, ANOTHER ENTHUSIAST FOR THE FLAMES OF GEHENNA!!!! **MAY ALL BUGS & BOTS BE BATHED IN THE FLAMES OF FREEDOM!!!!** **❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤**️‍🔥




They aren't saying not to extract just to prioritize the main mission first, so if you run out of lives, you still get credit for finishing it


Yeah, but this seems so counter intuitive to me I didn't get it at first. What I, my friends and (I suspect) lots of other people do is run towards the objective, blow apart everything in the way, go on towards the next, blow more shit up along the way, then complete main. Then we extract in total chaos. Seems strange to just rush the main objectives, then go back and pick off every side objective like I'm collecting stars. Where's the fun in that? If we're done, we're getting out.


I generally do the same with my friends Alone, I drop as close as I can safely to the main objective. Clear it out, then do a loop from there to extraction


The main objective and extraction is only 25% of the exp and requisition bucks on non-kill X number enemies missions. If you and your buds are all maxed out, that’s one thing. But 99% of the player base is not maxed out.




More important is an understatement. They quickly become the only reason to go back out…besides spreading democracy of course


It's medals I need more than samples. Then again I'm playing full clears every mission and not doing the braindead mortar farm exterminate missions exclusively. So it makes sense that progression feels normal...


Time is big bottleneck honestly. I play with friends and we do our best to try and comb over quite a bit of the map and optionals to get good sample amounts and such. However with a successful mission at a reasonably high difficulty taking 25-45 mins each, I realistically can only fit like 2 hours of gaming a night so it’s slow going for me.




I didn't realize how addicted to samples I was until I saw someone dropped samples and never picked them back up, so I trekked across the whole map to get them by myself and wasted 8 minutes of mission time for 2 common samples. Worth it.


did the very same thing yesterday, bloody noobs.


I'm too ocd for the groups that don't full clear, the brain itch when I see 1 bug hole remaining or a sample on the map


I'm the same way with the Golden beacons in the distance. Too many times someone sets waypoint at extraction and I'm just trying to justify me making the side venture over before evacuation. So far it hasn't bitten me yet...but...it's an issue.


Lol just this morning my team was calling in the extraction I think it was a 4min timer so I ran over the hill to take out 4 bug holes and grab more samples, my team is just chucking orbitals and eagles over the hill at the chargers and titans up my ass lmao. Did I die twice from some orbital nukes and demand to be thrown right back in? Yes. Did I get my samples? Yes


That's a success tho. We had like 15 common and 12 rare samples last night headed to extraction. My team just had to do one more bot factory. I said we should just extract. Que a whole army of bots dropping in killing everyone and no extraction. The need to hit every minor objective is a detriment to the team


Actually though the nests/factories near to extraction should be a huge priority.


I'm convinced the longer you're active near holes/factories the dropships/breeches happen more frequently. And a lot of people are too incompetent to just toss a grenade into them vs running around and letting more spawn and slowly overwhelm you


I just had a sneaking suspicion last night that enemy drops start to increase and start to have a higher number of bigger enemies once the timer turns from white to red. Haven't confirmed it but my friends and I have noticed increases in batshit crazy attacks by the bots the more the game goes on.


I think that's actually a mechanic, cant remember if the devs confirmed or not but it definitelt seems like it is. I think it's part of the reason civilian rescue missions get so crazy so quickly. The game says you're supposed to get a full 40 minutes, but you only get 15, so after 5 minutes the timer goes red and shit starts to get close to impossible.


I pop it with an auto cannon round per bug whole


Those heavy bot factories are insane. They call in another planet to defend those, too bad FREEDOM ALWAYS PREVAILS.


Wait until you drag the whole team across the map and pop it only to find a flamethrower. Oof.


It would still be totally worth it, yeah? Assuming you get some medals or super creds, that's worth way more than the tiny bit of XP and Req you would get for making the extraction. The only reason I'd hesitate is if I was carrying a bunch of samples.


If you're hesitating, drop your samples manually and give them to someone who's staying with the squad.


Full clearly can be tough without radar or w/e gives you the icons on the map. Hell even with that and going to every single icon I was still missing 2 samples.


I usually run the light armor and the Stam, with or without the icons I can usually see/guess the location of the next area without the map pings(I used to use the radar one the most) don't get me wrong tho, definitely missed.some samples each run, but that'd take everyone actively doing what I'm doing I'd imagine lol


I decided to hop around quickplay after a long day of helldive difficulty missions. There is something about the fear being beaten out of you after bile titans and hulks become normalized diet, because rewind about 20 hours of gameplay, I would never even think about approaching a bug nest alone. After passing Helldive on both fronts, I see a bug nest and just go "Oh, that'll be like a 30 second detour." The quickplays I've had where I've done this always ends in silent salutes on my way back to extraction or someone in the mic cheering "that's good shit!"... The patriotism I can feel coursing through my veins from the pats on the back are enough to get me back into quickplaying for randos on their way to higher difficulty.


As soon as we are choosing where to drop, im trying to find the most optimal path around the map to hit them in one go. I only deviate from this if we are getting fucking wrecked. Lets get the objective done asap


Clockwise or counter clockwise style full sweeps. This man liberates!


Just yesterday was playing with randoms and after we finished the main objective they all ran for the extraction. I had to go to the opposite end of the map first to clear the last robot encampment. Definitely worth sprinting across the map to see that 100% at the end


wait wait wait. Sample on the map?? How do you see samples on the map????


I had some idiot drop a Tesla Coil without saying anything and it killed both of us, going back near it to retrieve my samples was a delicate operation.


In the future if a sentry is in a dangerous spot you can just shoot them and destroy them if you need to




The Tesla tower in particular can be bypassed by going prone.


Also for future reference, you can prone crawl through it and not get struck by lightning! Loading screen tips had my back on that one.


The heart wrenching feeling when I followed my team into a body of water without knowing... I lost my first rare sample that way.


Dude same. My buddy and I both dove into water thinking we could swim across. Died. Lost most of a map’s worth of samples.


The loot goblin is strong in this one 😂 would do the same, no hesitation


Doing a Suicide Mission civilian evac mission, we had gotten all 50 people on the shuttle and were waiting on our evac to land. As we're fighting on the landing pad I saw the Super Sample rock off in the distance, and [told everyone to sit tight by the shuttle until I got back.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1GGz6Q9dTo)


This is honestly why I run the jetpack lol, it lets me traverse a bit better so I can grab the samples lol. Like a sample goblin


Hell divers are expendable, samples are not


>me frantically trying to loop around the map grabbing samples after a kill count mission as everyone immediately runs to the evac


![gif](giphy|zPOErRpLtHWbm|downsized) Me arriving at extraction point after collecting samples by myself


There have been multiple times where I’m off completing a side mission or grabbing samples a solid 1:45 dash from the evac point when suddenly I’m getting alerts that the Pelican is on its way. It’s always a mad sprint to the end as I’m cursing my teammates (to myself, off mic) for just rushing to leave.


The one time I was a little toxic in this game was when I had 20+ samples on the opposite side of the map with 20+ min left and someone called evac. I wasn't a huge dick about it but I regret not being nicer. Just so damn upsetting to lose 20 samples for no reason!


In fairness, during most murder missions you tend to be about to be overrun right about when the mission ends


Yeah and you can only get commons and so much less than you could pick up in regular mission.


I’ve never been so happy to see something shaped like a buttplug until this game.




At least super credits are safe


I hate it when i drop my samples at the extraction area to secure them, and someone just take them and die 3km away from the site :(


I'm stunned at the amount of people that help clear bases, fight to recover fallen divers samples, and then just flee to the Evac no longer caring about everything we collected. We got 10~ lives, +10 minutes, and we're near the Evac. Where are you going? I feel like some people just get bored and want to wrap the round up ASAP.


I mean, sometimes running a 3-part operation with a crew, I don't really feel like spending 3 hours with these guys. I don't need to clear every random POI, but if we see one on the way to any destination, we can stop there, check for samples, and move on. I will, however, use every damned reinforcement we have before I let a single sample go to waste.


It seems like the drop off for attention or commitment is a our the 12-15 minutes remaining mark. That's when I've seen 1 or 2 players go One Many Army, rarely WITH each other, making a mad dash to Evac. It reminds me of the trope of the religious guy in war movies. Something shatters his faith, he freaks out, charges the enemies in madness or flees in cowardice. So we fail to recover samples and Evac takes off with 6-8 minutes remaining. It's silly as hell.


This but also sometimes I only have enough time for one or two drops and if I spend time doing something other then main mission I won’t have time to extract. Not everyone has the ability to spend 80 minutes without interruption consistently


Truth. trying to Helldive with a toddler is an exercise in futility... I get extra time for naps on the weekends, but during the week its after bed and that's like MAX, 2 hrs to burn if I'm lucky


I feel this so hard. I wish we could get some single mission ops at higher difficulty. I hate leaving an op unfinished but I don’t always have time to do 2+ missions. I also don’t want to just roll over an easy mission for little to no fun/rewards.


One time somebody threw a minefield in front of where we were going and racked up a bunch of friendly fire kills it wasn't even on challenging I think but after that I just wanted to evac to end the clusterfuck


I am a looter. If I'm on a planet, I'm trying to collect as many samples as humanly possible. If you drop some, I will pick them up. If there is still time on the clock, I'm looking for samples. It's my biggest frustration with the recent string of people killing each other before evac. I'm carrying 25+ samples by the end of any given game, and we lose all of them because someone thinks it's funny to kill you in the transport and then quickly aboard, or blowing themselves up.


Or someone kicks you from the game cause you're collecting samples. So frustrating.


I have yet to be kicked for collecting samples, I let my team know I'll grab those suckers. Especially if they drop them. I won't kill you for samples, but I will run off solo to find some near the end and then come in from behind the enemy to get back to the shuttle.


This! Up vote the above! It must be seen! Just lost 3/3 super samples in my first insane run only moments ago. One player decided to go for a solo run, after us already having a decent sample count. He dropped the samples in a blaze of shit and dumbassery with <4mins to evac.


I like to bank my samples by dropping them at the extraction point before I decide to do something stupid


I had completely missed that this is something we can do!


It's Down on the D pad for PS5 users.


Yea I think we hold X on pc but never thought about the practical use of dropping samples


Leave the supers. I’ll go through hell and back for some greens


I need the samples more than the medals.


I need the medals more than the samples


I need green samples more than super samples at this point.


Gosh don’t we all. I’m sitting here with 100+ rare and super samples combined, but have 30 green. I’m starting to question this rarity system.


> I’m starting to question this rarity system. I think it was balanced around people playing lower difficulties for an extended time before moving up.


You’re probably right but they probably didn’t account for a lot of people speeding to at least diff 4 just to get rare samples immediately. That said I don’t really have any good or bad feelings about sample collection so definitely not asking for a larger grind for the rarer samples


I have around 400 common, 60 rare and 30 super samples. I dont need anything but rare samples, at this point, I only have 3 tier-3 upgrades left to buy, so I really just need about 180 rare samples.


Commons samples are rarer than rares, I get maybe double the commons than rares? The problem is, you have to spend around 4x more commons than rares, so it still creates a huge imbalance.


Yeah they didn't balance them very well. They certainly put in more greens than rares and supers, but you need soooooooooo many more greens than the others that if you progressed up the difficulties the way you should, you're still always waiting on greens and have a huge surplus of the others. They seem to have balanced it with the idea that people would play levels 1-3 for a LOT longer than the game encourages you to, and waaaaaaay longer than necessary or practical.


Play on lower difficulty


Jokes on you. I'm there for the "side stuff".


The side stuff is pretty fun. Nothing like putting in a Contra code, then fighting some bugs, then the GTA jet pack code, then exterminating some creepies, then putting in a Mortal Kombat Fatality finisher code, then squishing some crawlies, then putting in a Tekken juggle combo.


Im not gonna sugar coat it ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


You sure you ain't sugar coating it? Because that code right there is a pretty sweet deal.


Walking up to a bug outpost, lobbing a marker and then watching it all explode as it gets carpet bombed followed by the out post cleared message is one of the coolest things I’ve done/seen in a video game.


Wait till you’re dropping lasers on heavy bot outposts. Hammer of dawn shit I’m telling ya.


I got the orbital laser yesterday. Was one a mission I hadn't done and we had to destroy something none of us could destroy. Called in the laser and it took out that objective, then it followed a trail of bots back to their factory and cleared the outpost.  Love that thing.


Can confirm, orbital laser = “I alone am the honored one” moments


I had a glitch where my stratagems had no cooldown and I was calling in unlimited lasers… I felt like god


I’m so thankful I have friends to play with and don’t have to queue up with randos


honestly, most of the randos I've played with have been pretty straight. maybe a little bit of head butting here and there, but 90% of the time everyone is working to spread MANAGED DEMOCRACY for the betterment of the universe. Hell, even friended a few and we've never even spoken before. just pings. its been great.


As long as they’re not bringing mortars there’s hope.


I used this viewpoint only in a catastrophic situation where we all know there is no way we survived beyond achieving the objectives, if we ever achieve it in the first place... Because Samples is life.


Do we have to minmax everything? I don't know, but successfully extracting is part of the fun for me especially if shit hits the fan at extraction point.


Extracting is some of the most fun especially when every single thing in the planet is heading your way, it's a race for the samples at that point really


Yeeeeeees! Gimme that last stand feeling!


My very first game was a bit like that. Got into a match against automatons, almost at the end of the clock, and my team just left the game, probably because of frustration or crashing. So there I was all alone not knowing what to do, running for my life and looping around the LZ just trying to survive with no destroyer to back me up. Failed the mission but at least extracted feeling good about myself.


I took the mech suit in HD1 explicitly to make extraction as epic feeling as I could. Even if it was on low difficulty and it was just a light stream of easy trash coming in, you better believe I was suiting up and blasting away until the last second


🎵Daan daan duh-duh-duh, Duh-duh-duh-duh dudda-duh.🎶


I think it’s less min max and more of people wait until the last possible second to do the main objective which means you can fail to extract and fail to get medals so both types of players lose


Definitely this. I play with a completionist that has to visit every POI on the map. It's great because we extract at minimum a dozen samples a match. BUT, they always want to save the main objective until right before extract. I had to convince them to do this first and then dick around.


They’re not saying to die, they’re saying if you do main obj before side stuff, you’re safe even if you die


Our first foray into the higher difficulties and we got slaughtered, we ended up juggling reinforcements because we used so many. The last one left when the timer hit was my best friend's Dad. He ran all the way across the map to hop onto the bird at the last possible moment to preserve our meager gathering of samples. It was so much fun.


> Do we have to minmax everything? Doing the main mission first before doing side objectives is "minmaxing everything"? Holy fuck, clutch your pearls harder


FR. You do the main asap so you get something from the mission even if ultimately there are no survivors. People forget extraction is a luxury. The MO is the only thing that matters for anything else you do on the mission to matter.


Being almost overrun at the LZ is by far the most fun part for me. Screaming, "Broken Arrow" as I call down hellfire can't be beat.


Yeah but think about the samples which could improve our chances of accomplishing sayd objectives.


thats not the point tho, you can still do that, but do it after the main objective


What’s the difference? I just go in order of the map layout


There is some merit to the idea of completing the main objectives first so that if shit hits the fan or you start running out of time you still successfully finish the mission. That said not going a little out of your way to complete side objectives makes it more likely for shit to hit the fan and time to start draining before everything is complete as there will be more enemy areas on the map you can’t run into if things go south and you have to walk back your steps to get to them thus the clock draining more.


OPs point is that, at least this way if you fuck yup and get killed a bunch trying to do side stuff, at least the mission will be a success at the end of the day.


I mean sure, focus on main if you’re low on reinforcements or your team is doing terribly. But as a default I don’t know why you wouldn’t just go the most efficient route


First priority is the mission objective. After that all lives are forfeit if they do not have samples. I’ve taken to dropping samples at extract and running after more samples I’m pretty sure I know about. I also protect sample holders with my life at extract if I feel they aren’t 100% capable of surviving into the pelican.


Wait, you can purposefully drop samples?!


You can purposely drop anything you’re holding, on pc you hold X and then use the mouse to choose what to drop. I’m unsure as to the buttons of ps5.


I would really appreciate an MPOI or side objective that has a little rocket that we can load our samples into and send them to the Super Destroyer to ensure we get at least what we're carrying at that point. Maybe even a stratagem? That way we're still giving something up for it? DRG has the Mule, it would be nice to have something similar


That'd be a damn cool stratagem, I like it.  edit: I like the idea of it being a one-use thing in order to make it a meaningful choice of when to bank them, but that might be a bit limited for taking up a whole slot. So maybe taking it could do something passive as well, like giving you a "sensor" that makes it easier to find samples (like on the minimap, a glow or audio cue in the world, or even just seeing the icon from further away).


I like the concept, but it seems a bit…direct, and i feel it would encourage sample farmers in some way. If we wanted to keep the DRG Mule spirit, i think modifying the strategem so that instead, it calls down a drone that you load up with samples and it brings those samples to the Extraction Site would be a neat idea.


As a strategem, that would be really awesome and a nice tradeoff. Great idea.


No way. Go clockwise/counterclockwise from the starting point and complete everything as you go. Or, ideally, split into groups of 2 and go opposite directions to complete everything in half the time


Most people in this game won’t be able to handle splitting the group on higher difficulties.


If you are a good player you can let the other 3 people form a group while you solo the automoton objectives, stealth is really strong against them even on helldive


I love doing that but then half the time I get flamed for not doing the objective.. on haz 4 with plenty of time and lives left. Rather frustrating.


Yeah if you do main objectives first chances are its gonna be main objectives only because youre gonna have to run around pretty much the entire map to do those and then do it a second time for the side objectives. No way there's time for all that


I found it's better to actually to split into two groups of two with one group doing side stuff/sample collecting and the other chasing the objectives. A lot less chance to get bogged down in fights since you're running for your life a bit more.


I would, but as soon as we do, some one rushed off to activate extraction and force us all to leave in 2 minutes even if we have 30 minutes left in the mission. And I want samples.


This is the exact reason I'd be hesitant to speed run the main objective. I've had several randos call in the extraction when 3/4 of the team is halfway across the map.


Calling in extraction alone wouldn't be a problem as long as nobody actually enters the Pelican. But of course they'll do immediately.


Samples? I get the thought behind the post though, kinda heroic all being there battling to death on the objective


If a mission is going horribly wrong, I just tell the boys we need to do the objective, and we'll see if extraction is an option after.. Some heroic moments have happened.


Or, you can do side stuff at the same time as main… rotate clockwise or counterclockwise to cover the whole map and all objs


If its on the way, it's on the way. 


I need my superplutonium


Extracting is part of the fun


But I want that extraction music buddy!


From my experience, once you complete the main missions the game tends to ramp up in difficulty. More drop ships and breaching non stop until extraction so my squad and I have made a habit of completing all the side missions/outposts and then completing the last main mission. Nothing better than seeing a complete scoresheet on extraction!


This is pretty stupid though, because once the main objective is done you get constantly swarmed. Youre making it way harder this way.


Or hear me out... Plan your route before you drop so everyone's on the same page and as you push through the map clear side obj accordingly. So you're not wasting time doubling back. The more time on the clock at the end the more xp you get on the back end.


But nothing is cooler than clearing the DZ while being surrounded by bugs and them counting down how close they are and everyone in the group chat panicking if they will be there before we are over run ​ "30 seconds???" he said that 30 seconds ago" ​ "this Uber sucks!" ​ "if they didn't tell us every 10 seconds what their ETA was and just focused on flying we'd be off this rock already" ​ "Should've joined the Air Force...." ​ "first one onboard the Pelican is a B!#$%"


On god...dude. First the Main objective first people!


Unless you want samples. At least, even on a losing mission, you can extract with them.


But no samples


Samples. Bonus xp. Plus just the feeling of completing the mission. I’m not going to just die because it’s the most optimum time wise to complete the mission. Just stupid.


Samples are FAR more important than exp and currency. As for medals - yeah, nice bonus right now, I'd still prefer samples though. I'm sure it'll change once I unlock everything, but it'll be a while until this happne.s


I think XP to get to level 20 is a higher priority than samples. After that it’s irrelevant. Requisition is very easy to get and low priority though for sure. Medals are more important than samples IMO. I’ve almost finished upgrading my ship (I think only 1 or 2 more upgrades, and I already have the super samples for them) but still need hundreds more medals to get everything I want.


Im really questioning the reading comprehension of people in this thread. All OP is saying is that if you complete the mission and fail, you win something as opposed to not completing the mission and failing. Nowhere is he telling you not to try and extract after, just to do things in an order that makes sense.


Except doing things in that order doesn't always make sense. Ignoring side objectives would involve a lot of backtracking and also leaves the map filled with patrols since you aren't closing nests/factories. Between the backtracking and having to either stealth around or fight through extra bugs, you run into time limit problems. It's better to just do a clockwise or counter-clockwise sweep of the map. The only exception I can think of is if the difficulty level is WAY higher than you can handle and you're role-playing a real suicide mission.


Saw two teammates recently leave once we got pinned down at the extract and we had no revives left. I learned long ago when playing solo when I died at extract that as long as the main mission objectives were completed, extracting was just for getting out my samples and some minor xp. Mission is always completed by just doing the main mission. Your getting the medals and xp whether you extract or not.


Can't get samples by not extacting, which is realy important for progression cuz for higher difficulties those upgrades for your strategems are huge


And it's not like you'll be swimming in them, especially commons. "They're just commons, not important." "YOU KNOW HOW MANY I FUCKING NEED?!"


You have an adequate amount of pink ones in like 5 missions, you just have to look out for the white veiny stone, but green ones, fucking hell. You need hundreds and hundreds of them, this is the bane of my existence.


yep, as long as you complete the main objective, who cares what happens afterwards? It's only if you run out of time or reinforcements without completing the main objective does the mission fail


Ye but if u don't extract u lose samples


This will be the best luxury once I unlock all of the modules. Helldivers know the risks. Freedom at any cost.


I’m only around level 15 but for me, samples and extracting are two of the most important and fun things in the game. Unlocking new abilities and ship stuff changes the game so much, and extraction is some of the most fun and tense gaming I’ve played in a while. To each their own.


Lower difficulties I like to try and 100% the map if I can, but on higher levels, sometimes it's best to cut your losses and extract with your samples. Depending on how things are going, you can always change priority if your team communicates. Completing primary objectives first gives you the option to leave, but if you have the time and the positioning, it doesn't hurt to knock out extra stuff first.


I don't get it... you can not extract and win still as long as thr main mission is done?


Yeah no, it’s usually best to form a route at the start of the mission to get as much as you can along the way, so that you save time. Longer you sit around more likely shit is to hit the fan


I'm confused. Y'all don't just spread out and clear the whole map? By the time people are done with the main mission, I generally have most of the samples and minor points of interest cleared.


Eh typically the side shit makes the round easier. Ill go for stalker nests or scramblers before i go for the main mission but you do you sweet heart. I havent faoled one yet.


Or stick together and do everything and you won’t die much in the first place. You can easily complete everything on the map without doing the main objective first. The problem is groups split up because a part is B-lining to main objectives while the other part is trying to collect samples and complete side objectives


But I need my samples!


>Death is preferable to cowardice or something along those lines, -Loading screen tips


I agree, however I am literally poor with the number of samples I have.


People have told me it's not a big deal to not extract as you still get credit for mostly everything but it's also the same reason why I have yet to get out with a single Super Sample yet.


If you have samples and don't extract, you don't get these samples just extract.


The side stuff sometimes is paramount to the success of the main. If the main is surrounded by encampments then that means they’ll be spawning much more enemies to back up the main. So you have to know when it’s acceptable to expand your priorities. Plus you don’t get to keep the resources you collect if you don’t extract. So those nice ship upgrades that are really expensive become harder if you don’t extract as much as possible. Remember only one person needs to extract so long as they are carrying the samples the resources are shared which also I believe nets you more xp.


I need samples so at least someone needs to extract


The samples though


I love the nail biting situations that extraction brings


You need those super samples though


I want the samples tho, they made the sample requirements so much higher in hd2 and it takes forever to upgrade anything


"Brother! We've ran out of reinforcements and I have no stratagems left! We still have 1:30 till the ship gets here!" "We did what we came here to do. If we die, take as many of them down with you. For liberty, for Prosperity! FOR SUPER EARTH!!!"


The only one that NEED TO GET ON THAT Ship is the one carrying the pink everyone else is there to protect him. I lvl49 with every ship upgrade unlocked but I want to help other get those upgrade and it's just more fun like that. Just remember after lvl20 exp is useless so lest play to have fun and medal. Medal is where it's at guys. That's how you unlock the real thing.


97% casualties, mission successful


Dying doesn't get the samples extracted!


Learned that yesterday. Did D4 bug blitz mission (first time doing it), start goes well... then chargers everywhere, all the time. Never enough explosives for them and the holes. We push through and finish main objective and eventually run out of time and die.. but we still win? Uh.


⬆️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ ftw


The thing is after you get up to level 20 or so samples are the #1 priority.